Tasks about the letter “D.” Sounds, letters D, d Russian letter d

Now you will learn about letters and sounds D.

D ohm

D kids

D friendship

D obro

Not a single person can do without these words. And the letter that today’s lesson is dedicated to was also called “good” in ancient times. Of course it's a letter D.

Make a sound [d] and watch what happens to your mouth. The mouth opened slightly, the tip of the tongue reached the teeth and blocked the way for the sound. This resulted in a bit of noise, not just a voice. So the sound [d] - consonant .

When a sound is consonant, you can recognize its voicedness and deafness. In order to do this, you need to put your hands on your neck or close your ears, pronounce the sound and listen. Sound [d] voiced. Say two sounds as a couple [d], [t]. Did you feel the difference?

Think about which numbers are pronounced with a soft sound [d′], and which ones - with solid [d].



Read the pairs of words and determine whether the second word begins with a hard or soft sound.

Enmity - d make a sound (hard sound) [d])

Idleness - d elo (soft sound) [d′])

Night - d een (soft sound [d′])

No - d a (hard sound [d])

Croco d il - there is a soft sound in the middle of the word [d′].

D Yumovochka - soft sound [d′] at the beginning of a word.

Gu d vin - a hard sound in the middle of a word [d].

Ball d a - in the middle of a word there is a hard sound [d].

At the sounds [d] And [d′] there is a peculiarity - they do not occur at the end of words, because at the end of words they are pronounced as sounds [T] And [T']. These sounds are very friendly with each other and often occur in pairs. They talk about it scientifically: sounds are stunned, that is, they are not pronounced loudly, but are pronounced dully. And here is the letter D written in any part of a word, including at the end of words.

Letter D denotes both hard and soft sounds in writing.

Visible outside the windows of the house

And children on the paths.

And here is the letter D herself

On samovar legs.

Another letter D looks a little like a chair, like a tractor, like a letter L.

Read the words in pairs:

d om - d th

R from - R od

Are the words in the pairs the same? Different. Can you come up with a proposal with them?

At the beginning of a word there is a sound [d] read loudly, but at the end - dull, like sound [T]. This is how important it is to write the correct letter. Sounds can confuse us.

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Writing the letter "d"

Writing the letter "d"

Capital "D"

Oddly enough, but as in Fig. 2.45, the letter is written by people associated with art; if art is not their sphere of activity, it means that they are simply artistic by nature and gravitate toward everything beautiful and elegant.

Rice. 2.45. Typographic letter "D"

Some write capital “d” as lowercase, directing the vertical line either down (Fig. 2.46) or up (Fig. 2.47). Most likely, the main quality of such people is simplicity. Do not confuse it with primitiveness - in this case, simplicity is interpreted as the absence of pretension and complexes. Such people will not behave or try to do something they don’t know how to do. You will be surprised at how open-minded such people are, and if they manage to take a leadership role in corporate or interpersonal relationships, you will be amazed at how contagious their simplicity is. True, this concept is applicable only to people who have a positive attitude towards everything around them, otherwise you can stumble upon rudeness and conflict.

Rice. 2.46. Written as lowercase, vertical line pointing down

Rice. 2.47. Written as lowercase, vertical line facing up

Let's look at the classic spellings of the letter "D".

Sloping, arched, carefully marked “D” (Fig. 2.48). This type of writing is typical for people with high self-esteem, which sometimes turns into conceit. Sometimes it can indicate a person who is accustomed to relying on the opinions of others, who is not independent in his judgments. His attempt to seem original sometimes resembles banal rudeness.

Rice. 2.48. Carefully drawn letter "D"

Thin, narrow, but voluminous, with a long stroke turned to the left (Fig. 2.49). Here is a man suffering from megalomania and arrogance. Because of his stupidity and pride, he often ends up a loser, but if such people still reach professional heights, his subordinates have a hard time, because such a boss will always try to blame them for his shortcomings.

Rice. 2.49. Thin "D" with a curled stroke

Confused, closed, illegible, but graceful, sometimes even beautiful, the letter “D” (Fig. 2.50). This is what smooth and friendly... workaholics write. This seems funny, since at first glance the appearance of the letter evokes chaos and excitement. Looks can be deceiving, right?

Rice. 2.50. Illegible "D"

Lowercase "d"

The letter “d” with a vertical line directed upward and slightly rounded at the end (Fig. 2.51). Perhaps such people do not succeed in everything in life and they do not always evoke positive emotions when they first meet. This usually happens due to a strong desire to make a good impression, which they do not always succeed in. If other letters do not indicate the presence of overtly negative traits, treat such a person with understanding and close your eyes to his awkwardness - you are unlikely to regret it later.

Rice. 2.51. Lowercase "d" with a vertical line pointing up

You should be careful here. The letter is written as in Fig. 2.52, is characteristic of suspicious, petty, cunning, deceitful and selfish people.

The top line bends from right to left, forms a loop and connects with other letters - this is an idea generator. Positive or negative - other letters will indicate to you.

Rice. 2.52. The letter "d" with a vertical line pointing upward, with a tail crossed out to the right

The letter “d” with a loop pointing down (classic spelling) (Fig. 2.53). This is the most common spelling of the letter, so in this case you should pay attention to the length and size of the bottom loop. The smaller the loop, the more dependent the person is. This meaning takes on a particularly negative connotation for a man, who is sometimes incapable of making simple decisions, not to mention vital ones. A woman with this spelling of the letter “d” will be an ideal wife for a man who is used to deciding everything for himself and for others, and does not tolerate objections.

Rice. 2.53. Classic lowercase "d"

An excessively long loop indicates pathological independence (or the desire for it). Here you should definitely take into account the meaning of writing other letters. If this is a strong and decisive person, with extraordinary abilities and the ability to get out of any situation, most likely he can afford to be as independent as he wants.

The letter “d” with a downward loop, in a manner of writing reminiscent of the Latin g (Fig. 2.54). Such people have a quiet but restless character. Before doing anything, they carefully consider their future action, but if they don’t like something, they can explode. They are characterized by curiosity, and many have great abilities. Unfortunately, such people also suffer from poor health.

Rice. 2.54. The letter "d" is similar to the Latin g

Just like in Fig. 2.55, the letter “d” is written by narrow-minded people with primitive ideas about life. If the letter is written the same, but at the end the line is slightly curved from right to left, then we can talk about a selfish nature.

Rice. 2.55. The letter "d" with a vertical line pointing down but not forming a loop

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Today's lesson begins with very necessary and important words:

D ohm

D kids

D friendship

D obro

Not a single person can do without these words. And the letter that today’s lesson is dedicated to was also called “good” in ancient times. Of course it's a letter D(Fig. 1). The topic of this lesson: “Letter D and the sounds it represents."

Rice. 1. Letter D ()

The dragon has three heads. And each head has prepared its own task for you. The first head loves to count. Read the numbers:

2, 9, 10, 12, 19, 20, 200, 900

Think about which numbers are pronounced with a soft sound [d′], and which ones - with solid [d].

The second dragon head likes to name words with opposite meanings. Read the pairs of words and determine whether the second word begins with a hard or soft sound.

Enmity - d make a sound (hard sound) [d])

Idleness - d elo (soft sound) [d′])

Night - d een (soft sound [d′])

No - d a (hard sound [d])

The dragon flew far away

He has been overseas.

He saw a magical forest,

Enchanted princesses.

He saw the heroes

Sorcerers, kings...

He knows a lot of fairy tales -

My flying dragon.

Vladimir Stepanov

Do you know fairy tales? Guess the fairy tale, its author and hero.

Someone opened his mouth

Someone swallowed something.

Everything around got dark,

Oh, what a fright there is everywhere!

This is a crocodile from the fairy tale “The Stolen Sun” by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Croco d il - there is a soft sound in the middle of the word [d′](Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Crocodile with the stolen sun ()

A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was no bigger than a marigold.

Who has read such a book?

Knows a little girl?

This is Thumbelina from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale “Thumbelina” (Fig. 4).

D Yumovochka - soft sound [d′] at the beginning of a word.

Rice. 4. Thumbelina ()

My question is not at all difficult,

It is about the city of Emerald.

Who was the glorious ruler there?

Who was the main wizard there?

This is Goodwin from the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City” by Alexander Volkov.

Gu d vin - a hard sound in the middle of a word [d](Fig. 5).

What kind of worker does the priest have?

And the cook, and the groom, and the carpenter,

Sitting with a child as a nanny,

Threatens the devils with a rope,

Competing with an imp?

Whose image do you see now?

This is Balda from the fairy tale by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, which is called “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”

Ball d a - in the middle of a word there is a hard sound [d](Fig. 6).

At the sounds [d] And [d′] there is a peculiarity - they do not occur at the end of words, because at the end of words they are pronounced as sounds [T] And [T']. These sounds are very friendly with each other and often occur in pairs. They talk about it scientifically: sounds are stunned, that is, they are not pronounced loudly, but are pronounced dully. And here is the letter D written in any part of a word, including at the end of words.

Look at the block letters Dd(Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Block letters Dd

Letter D denotes both hard and soft sounds in writing.

Visible outside the windows of the house

And children on the paths.

And here is the letter D herself

On samovar legs(Fig. 8) .

Rice. 8. Letter D ()

What does the letter look like? D?

This house is a letter D.

There is a window in the house,

There's smoke coming from the chimney,

And there's a cat in the window(Fig. 9) .

Another letter D looks a little like a chair, like a tractor, like a letter L.

To better remember the letter D, mold it from plasticine or fold it from some objects. Draw an interesting letter D. This will help you recognize it and not confuse it with other letters.

But the writer Viktor Khmelnitsky saw the letter D and composed a fairy tale.

The road cannot exist without a house. She becomes bored, she gets lost somewhere in the steppe and disappears from sight. And if there is no road or path from the house, it means that no one lives in the house: the chimney does not smoke, cold and hunger roam the house, wind and rain come in - and the house falls apart. So it turns out that the road leads to the house, and the house calls for the road. That’s why the letter D stands at the beginning of these words, like a brick on legs. The brick reminds of a house, and the legs remind of a road...

Read the words in pairs:

d om - d th

R from - R od

Are the words in the pairs the same? Different. Can you come up with a proposal with them?

Now read the words in transcription:

[d ohm] - [ d ym]

[ro T] - [po T]

At the beginning of a word there is a sound [d] read loudly, but at the end - dull, like sound [T]. This is how important it is to write the correct letter. Sounds can confuse us

Consider a written letter Dd(big and small). Compare them with block letters (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Printed and written letters Dd ()

Let's learn to write a capital letter D(Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Letter D ()

It is written without interruption. We begin to write the letter just above the middle of the additional ruler. We write a straight line from top to bottom, without reaching the bottom line of the working line, we make a curve to the left by touching it. We round to the right, without raising the line high above the bottom ruler, and cross the straight line of the letter slightly above the bottom line of the working line. We draw a semi-oval line to the right, touching the bottom line of the working line. We lift it up, round it to the left, writing a curve above the first element of the letter.

When writing a capital letter D The following errors are possible: the letter is very wide; the result is a large loop that lies on the bottom line of the working line; The curvature line after writing the loop did not touch the working line, but ran straight up, which is why the letter turned out to be crooked.

Try writing the letter in your notebook yourself. Remember the correct slanted position of the notebook, how to hold the pen correctly, and how to keep your back straight while writing.

Now let's write a small letter d. Lowercase letter d consists of two elements - an oval and a straight line with a curve at the bottom. She looks like a small letter at. lowercase letter d can be written in two ways.

Let's look at the first way to write a small letter d(Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Writing a lowercase letter d ()

We begin to write the letter just below the top line of the working line. From right to left we draw a semi-oval line, touching the bottom line of the working line. We raise the line up, close the oval at the point where the letter is written and raise the straight line up, deviating to the right, to the top line of the working line. We return and continue to draw a straight line down. We cross the bottom line of the working line and lower the straight line to the middle of the additional line. We draw a curve to the left, turn it and draw a smooth line upward, deviating to the right. We cross the straight line at the bottom line of the working line, continue driving a little further and stop.

Second way to write a lowercase letter d convenient for continuous connection with other letters when we write a letter d in the middle of a word.

We start writing just above the bottom line of the working line. From left to right, draw a semi-oval line by touching the bottom ruler. We lift it up, round it to the left, touching the top line of the working line, lower it down, and close the oval. Repeat at the bottom of the oval. We continue the repeat line to the top line, deviating to the right. We touch the top line of the working line and lower the straight line down. Having reached the middle of the additional line, we write a curve to the left, turn it and draw a smooth line upward, deviating to the right. We cross the straight line at the bottom line of the working line, continue driving a little further and stop.

Try writing this letter in the air. Write it with the back of the pen on your palm.

When writing a lowercase letter d The following errors are possible: short or very long second element of the letter; very wide rounding loop of the second element.

Try writing the letter in your notebook yourself.

Connect capital letter D It should be like this: having written the letter, we do not stop, but continue to draw a line of the cap around the first element. This line crosses the letter itself and leads to the bottom line of the working line for the lower connection; it stops before reaching the bottom line of the working line. Next, write down the required letter, such as m, l, I and others. For the top connection, this line is drawn to the top line of the working line. From it the following letters will be written: R, n and others.

Small letter d we will connect with other letters like a letter at. For the lower connection, the connecting line is not written separately, but the next letter is added to the end of the letter d. For the top connection, we draw a loop (the second element) to the top line of the working line, from where we begin to write the next letter.

Try to write the syllables yourself, connecting a capital and a small letter Dd with all the vowels you already know.

Today in class you learned about the letter D, which in writing denotes soft and hard voiced sounds [d′] And [d]. But do you remember that at the end of words these sounds are deafened and turned into sounds [T] And [T'].

Letter D appeared in our alphabet with the word good. Of course, we cannot do without goodness these days. And in fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. Remember three more very important words: d lose your mind, d eat, d break off. Let these words live with you.


  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook, 2013
  1. Nsportal.ru ().
  2. Sites.google.com().
  3. Ped-kopilka.ru ().


  • Practice writing letters D. Write your own block and capital letters Dd(big and small).
  • Find words in which the letter D denotes a hard sound [d].

Pair d, d rowa, d tree, d oroga, d engi, chu d O.

  • Guess the riddle:

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

His days are the shortest of all days,

Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows

It snowed until spring.

Only our month will pass,

We are celebrating the New Year.

D letter of the Russian alphabet is the fifth letter of the Russian alphabet, in Church Slavonic it means “good”, corresponds to the Hebrew Daled (ך) and the Greek delta (Δ), which is derived from Egypt. Greek Δ, sometimes written

She gave me a Roman D, which only has rounded corners. In the alphabets of almost all European languages, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, etc., D. occupies fourth place, in Arabic - eighth, in Persian and Turkish - tenth, in Ethiopian - nineteenth. D. - consonant plosive voiced front-lingual sound - has different shades of pronunciation; in Russian, French, Italian, German it is pronounced on the upper teeth, in English and sometimes German on the alveoli (dental and alveolar d). In the dialects of central and southern Germany, instead of a voiced d there is a voiceless d, close to our t, but even weaker. Often d is of secondary origin; This is the “plug-in” d between n and p in different languages ​​(Greek gen. άνδρός, πRussian folk. ndrav instead of άνρός, disposition). Its appearance here is explained purely physiologically and has nothing to do with the requirement of euphony (the usual explanation).

Numerical value

there were four of this letter in Church Slavonic, with the sign - four thousand; among the Greeks, Δ meant both four (as among the Phoenicians) and ten, for the Greek. δέκα (δten) begins with this letter; among the Romans the sign D = 500. Among the jurists, D stood for pandects (Digesta); in letters D or d stood for dabam. In accounting it is used instead of Debet. As an international telegraph sign, D. means "urgently, urgently." The letter D. in front of the name also means don (Spanish title), doctor theologiae (to designate a doctor of other sciences they put Dr.). On recipes it means: detur.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what “D is the letter of the Russian alphabet” in other dictionaries:

    - Yo, the seventh letter of the Russian alphabet, introduced in 1797 by N. M. Karamzin. In modern writing it is not mandatory, but is used in special texts (dictionaries, textbooks, etc.) and in some cases to prevent incorrect reading... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The fifth letter of the Russian alphabet, in Church Slavonic dobro, corresponds to the Hebrew daled (ך) and the Greek delta (Δ), which is derived from Egypt. The Greek Δ, sometimes written and, gave rise to the Roman D, in which only the corners are rounded. In alphabet almost...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    The tenth letter of the Russian alphabet, leading its beginning through the mediation of church glories. I i, from the Greek yuta Ι ι, the prototype of which was the Phoenician iod Z. The sign I i most often denotes the same narrow palatal or palatal vowel, which ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    The ninth letter of the Russian and Church Slavonic alphabet; originates from Cyrillic, which had the digital value 8, which is why it is called octal. Cyrillic, in turn, comes from the Greek eta or ita (Η, η), ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Fita Cyrillic A B C D Ґ D ... Wikipedia

    The names of the letters of the Russian alphabet are the names that are used to name the letters of the Russian alphabet. Over time, the names of letters have undergone changes, names have been replaced, simplified and changed in pronunciation. As parts of speech, modern names of letters ... Wikipedia

    Standing letter Uau Arabic alphabet ﺥ ﺡ ﺝ ﺙ ﺕ ... Wikipedia

    Arabic alphabet ﺍ Alif ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Lam. Arabic alphabet ﺍ ... Wikipedia


  • , Miroshnichenko Olga F.. This book contains all the information and hypotheses hidden from us about the origin of the ancient language of the Slavs.…
  • Secrets of the Russian alphabet. The whole truth about the language of our ancestors, Olga Miroshnichenko. This book contains all the information and hypotheses hidden from us about the origin of the ancient language of the Slavs.…

We continue to study letters for children - today we will get acquainted with a new letter - the letter D.

I suggest that you and your child complete simple and interesting tasks about this letter of the Russian alphabet and thereby continue our study of letters for children. So, what do we have to do:

  • Circle the objects that begin with the letter "D". Color the large and small letters “D” blue.
  • Write a small letter “d” in a circle under each picture and circle the first letter “d”. Discuss who is shown in the pictures? What letter do all these words start with?
  • Color the picture, find out who is depicted in it, insert the letter “d” in the word “Thumbelina”.

You can download these letter assignments here:

  • We learn to write capital letters “D”, large and small.
  • We are looking for five letters “D” among other letters of the Russian alphabet. (Letter game for attentiveness).
  • Trace neatly dotted lines to help the dolphins collect all the letters “D”, thereby developing fine motor skills and remembering what the letter “D” looks like.


Educational cartoon on the topic

Little ABC from Aunt Owl about the letter “D”

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