Tests for certification of teachers of speech pathologists in healthcare. Speech therapy tests "for self-test"

1.Special education of persons with special educational needs as a sociocultural, pedagogical phenomenon is...

D) an object of general pedagogy.

2.What subject areas of special pedagogy are the following branches of medical knowledge most related to: otolaryngology, ophthalmology (exclude unnecessary ones)

A) pedagogy of the deaf;

B) typhlopedagogy;

B) oligophrenopedagogy;

D) speech therapy.

3.Complete the sentence by choosing the most accurate option. "In special pedagogy they use..."

A) only special methods of education and training;

B) both general pedagogical and specific methods of teaching and education;

C) only visual methods;

D) only verbal teaching methods.

4. In special pedagogy, along with others, the following principle of organizing the correctional educational process is distinguished:

A) chronogenicity;

B) dynamic study combined with qualitative analysis of the results;

B) corrective-compensatory orientation;

There is no correct answer.

5. The personality of a child who has special educational needs, who is the target of study, upbringing, training and correctional pedagogical assistance in special pedagogy is

A) subject of special pedagogy;

B) object of special pedagogy;

B) subject of special pedagogy;

D) an object of general pedagogy.

6.For what purpose are specific educational subjects included in the content of special education:

A) to form an idea of ​​the required level of education;

B) to overcome the consequences of primary developmental disorders;

C) to organize an individual approach to children;

D) special items are not included.

7. The process and result of providing a person with disabilities with rights and real opportunities to participate in all types and forms of life on an equal basis and together with other members of society in conditions that compensate for developmental deviations is...

A) differentiation;

B) integration;

B) segregation;

D) adaptation.

8. Theoretical and practical issues of studying, teaching, raising children with developmental disabilities are

A) subject of special pedagogy;

B) object of special pedagogy;

B) subject of special pedagogy;

D) an object of general pedagogy.

9.The objectives of special pedagogy are:

A) study of sociological problems related to integration;

B) study of pedagogical patterns of personality development in conditions of limited opportunities;

C) development of methods for psychological diagnosis of developmental disorders;

D) all answers are correct.

10.Developmental disabilities characteristic of all categories of persons with special educational needs include:

A) slow and limited perception;

B) insufficient cognitive activity compared to ordinary children;

C) gaps in knowledge and ideas about the world around us;

D) all answers are correct.
Answer: G

11.Integrated learning means:

A) joint education of children with and without disabilities in a single educational space;

B) training in the system of differentiated education institutions;

C) separate training in accordance with the diagnosis;

D) all answers are correct.

12.Which group of children with developmental disabilities is currently not identified in
separate category:

A) with visual impairment;

B) with mental retardation;

B) with psycho-emotional disorders;

D) children with Down syndrome.

13.To overcome developmental deficiencies characteristic of all categories of persons with special needs
educational needs:

A) changes are made to the content of general education subjects, propaedeutic sections are introduced;

B) children are sent to home education;

C) the duration of study at an educational institution is reduced;

D) there is no correct answer.

14.Indicate the type ordinal number of schools (boarding schools) for children with disabilities
musculoskeletal system

15. The basis for organizing home-based education for disabled children is the conclusion:

A) teacher;

B) medical institution;

B) speech therapist;

D) psychologist.

16. Specify the most complete definition of mental retardation:

A) this is a violation of the cognitive abilities of preschool children;

B) it is a persistent physical impairment;

C) this is a persistent disruption of the activity of the main analyzers;

D) this is a persistent impairment of cognitive activity as a result of organic brain damage.

17. The concept of “mentally retarded child” includes the following conditions:

A) oligophrenia, dementia;

B) mental retardation;

B) pedagogical neglect;

D all answers are correct.

18. Compare the concepts of “mentally retarded children” and “oligophrenic children”

A) one is part of the other;

B) denote different categories;

C) are used in different areas;

C) are identical.

19.According to the international classification of WHO (World Health Organization), mental retardation includes several degrees of decline in intelligence. Please indicate the correct number:

20. In accordance with the most common clinical and pedagogical classification of oligophrenia, proposed by M.S. Pevzner, along with oligophrenia of an uncomplicated form, oligophrenia with dysfunction of analyzers is distinguished:

And oligophrenia with a predominance of excitation or inhibition processes;

B oligophrenia with psychopathic behavior;

In oligophrenia with severe frontal insufficiency;

D all answers are correct.

21. Experimental studies of mentally retarded children made it possible to identify the following features of higher nervous activity: weakness of the closure function of the cerebral cortex, insufficient differentiation of conditioned reflex connections,.. (indicate the missing ones)

A) disruption of the interaction of the first and second signaling systems;

B) predominance of protective inhibition;

B) inertia of nervous processes;

D all answers are correct.

22. When performing a task, mentally retarded children are usually guided by:

A) the task as a whole;

B) distant future;

B) related motives;

C) all answers are correct.

23.Mentally retarded preschoolers remember material better in the following sequence: (indicate the correct row)

A) real objects - words denoting objects - pictures depicting objects;

B) words denoting objects - pictures depicting objects - real objects;

C) pictures depicting objects - real objects - words denoting objects;

C) real objects - pictures depicting objects - words denoting objects.

24. Experimental studies of self-esteem in mentally retarded children generally emphasize it:

A) adequacy;

B) inadequacy towards underestimation;

C) inadequacy towards overestimation;

G has not been studied.

25. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the “nuclear” signs of mental retardation should be

A lag in motor development;

B underdevelopment of higher mental functions;

Lack of curiosity, poor receptivity to everything new;

There is no correct answer.

26. The principles of organizing classes with mentally retarded preschoolers are:
repeated repetition of program material.. (specify what is missing)

A frequent change of activities;

B ensuring the transfer of what has been learned to new conditions;

To provide a playful form of classes;

D all answers are correct.

27. Poor motor development of mentally retarded preschool children is manifested:

A) in productive activities;

B) in work activity;

C) in all types of activities;

C) not noted.

28. Among mentally retarded children of preschool age, according to the level of speech development, we can distinguish

A) not speaking at all;

B) with a small vocabulary;

B) with a set of “speech stamps”;

D) all answers are correct.

29.The development prospects of children with mental retardation will be determined by:

A) the depth of the existing underdevelopment;

B) the structure of the violation;

C) timeliness of the started correctional work;

D) all answers are correct.

30. The education received by mentally retarded children in
special correctional school:

31.The main task of institutions for children diagnosed with moderate mental retardation is:

A) mastering knowledge corresponding to the primary school curriculum of a comprehensive school;

B) mastering knowledge corresponding to the primary school curriculum of the auxiliary school;

C) instilling self-service skills, nurturing adequate behavior, developing

basic work skills, basic educational skills;

C) mastering knowledge corresponding to the program of all classes of the auxiliary school.

32. Subjective methods of hearing examination include (choose the wrong answer):

A) analysis of auditory evoked potentials;

B) threshold pure-tone audiometry;

C) examination using whispered and spoken speech;

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Speech therapy tests for teachers

If you are a teacher, a teacher of junior or even senior classes, you should know some things from the speech therapy field. Every teacher-speech therapist must correctly stage the student’s speech so that he can competently and clearly express his thoughts. For several years, the future teacher has been studying how to teach a child the correct pronunciation of words, how to show a love of knowledge, and so on. Our international pedagogical portal “Sunshine” provides the opportunity for any teacher, student of a pedagogical university, and teacher to take tests for their own assessment of their knowledge. Having learned that you are lacking, you can improve your knowledge, so you can develop yourself, teach competently, and help your students. A speech therapist is an important person in the life of almost every child. In the elementary grades, every teacher should know the basics of speech therapy, so as to correctly set the child’s speech, give him the right bag of words with which he will later work and develop even more. Tests for teachers - speech therapists will definitely be able to help future teachers and experienced teachers, perhaps remember something, perhaps gain experience, or improve their knowledge. We invite everyone to take part in a free speech therapy Olympiad.

Online Olympiad in Speech Therapy for 2018

Teachers with speech therapy training can take a free test, upon completion of which you can receive your diploma. To participate in the competition, you need to select a test, answer 20 questions, find out the result, after which you can go to your personal account, create a diploma and download it. Online tests are designed in such a way that you can take them several times, for which you can receive several diplomas. You can put the diplomas you receive into your portfolio and use them in the future as materials for teacher certification, or simply use them as personal awards. Participation in the tests is free, but obtaining a diploma is paid. You pay an registration fee, which can cost up to 100 rubles for an electronic diploma. Payment is made through the online system upon completion of the test. That is, after the test results, you will be able to create your own diploma, if the result suits you, of course. Speaking about payment methods, it can be noted that you can pay the registration fee using: electronic money, a bank card, through a terminal, and so on.

Create a diploma on the pedagogical portal “Sunshine”

Nowadays, creating diplomas is much easier; you don’t have to wait a day or two, a week or a month to receive your certificate, or a certificate of completion of the Olympiad in Speech Therapy. You can receive a diploma after paying the registration fee. After payment, you can go to your personal account, create your personal diploma, after which you can download it to your computer and print it. That is, everything is very simple and fast, and most importantly inexpensive, and you create for yourself your own personal diploma, according to your taste.

We invite all educators, teachers and students of pedagogical universities to take part in online Olympiads in speech therapy. Olympiads in speech therapy allow all teachers and educators who work with children and educate them to test their theoretical knowledge and skills. Practical tasks given in the tests allow us to identify the level of knowledge of the teacher, and the competence of the teacher in working to form a high-quality vocabulary in a child who suffers from general speech underdevelopment. Anyone can take the speech therapy Olympiad, since the tests on our portal are completely free. To get your knowledge assessed, take the test now.

1. What is meant by exogenous-organic causes of speech disorders?

  1. incorrect speech of others;
  2. bilingualism in the family;
  3. traumatic brain injury.

2. Which of the listed cranial nerves does not innervate the organs of the peripheral speech apparatus?

  1. trigeminal;
  2. olfactory;
  3. wandering.

3. What speech disorder is caused by organic damage to the peripheral part of the speech motor analyzer?

  1. alalia,
  2. mechanical dyslalia,
  3. aphasia,

4. Which speech disorder does not belong to the disorders of means of communication identified within the framework of the psychological and pedagogical classification?

1) ONR,

2) stuttering,
3) FFN,

5. In which structural and functional block of the brain is the kinesthetic analysis of articulatory movements carried out: 1) Block I;

2) II block;

3) III block.

6. Select the main biological factor in the occurrence of alalia:

1) organic damage to the speech zones of the left hemisphere;

2) left hemisphere organic damage to the central nervous system;

3 ) bilateral organic damage to the central nervous system.

7. What principle of examining children with alalia aims to study all aspects of speech, as well as non-verbal mental functions:

1) integrated approach;

2) systematic approach;

3) ontogenetic.

8. Which of the following areas is the most important in the initial stages of working with non-speaking children with motor difficulties according to the language approach:

a) enrichment and activation of subject vocabulary;

b) formation and development of articulatory motor skills;

c) development of auditory perception;

d) enrichment and activation of the predicative vocabulary.

9. Continue the definition of “ONR is...”:

2) systemic underdevelopment of all components of the language system;

3) violation of pronunciation due to insufficient innervation of the articulatory apparatus.

10. What form of stuttering is caused by psychogenic causes (psychotrauma):

1) neurosis-like;

2) organic;

3) neurotic.

11.What may underlie the violation of the organization of the tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech:

1) organic damage to the extrapyramidal system;

2) organic damage to the medulla oblongata

3) organic damage to the cerebellum.

12. Which structural-functional block will you predict is unformed when you identify errors in substitutions of paired consonants in written work:

1) block of regulation of tone and wakefulness;

2) block for receiving information processing and storage;

3) programming, regulation and control unit.

13. What sounds do people who stutter most often experience cramps during speaking:

1) stop consonants;

2) vowels;

3) fricative consonants.

1) head;

2) chest;

3) average.

15. Choose the correct sequence of tasks to develop spatial orientation:

A. Determining the position of objects in relation to the right-left hand;

B. Determination of spatial relationships between three objects;

C. Orientation in one’s own body;

D. Determination of spatial relationships between 2 objects.

1) SADB;

2) ASBD;

3) DBAS.

16. Indicate what is an important prerequisite for successful literacy learning:

1) idea of ​​sound;

2) the idea of ​​a grapheme;

3) idea of ​​the phoneme.

17. Determine the sequence of types of work to develop phonemic analysis:

A. Determine the number of sounds in a word;

B. Determine whether a given sound is in a word;

B. Come up with a word with 4 sounds;

D. Determine the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end).

1) GBAV;

2) BGAV;

3) BAGV.

18. What term refers to persistent, repeated errors associated with difficulties in mastering and applying spelling rules:

a) calligraphic;

b) spelling;

c) dysorthographic.

19. What is the unit of the phonological code of a language:

1) word;

2) phoneme;

3) morpheme.

20. What is the unit of the lexical code of a language:

1) word;

2) phoneme;

3) offer.

21. What is the unit of the morphological code of a language:

1) word;

2) morpheme;

3) offer.

22. What is a unit of language syntactic code?

1) word;

2) morpheme;

3) offer.

23. What is evidenced by the child’s transition from physiological tongue-tiedness to dyslalia?by type of distortion in the pronunciation of speech sounds:

1) about the lag in the formation of phonemic hearing;

2) about progress in the formation of phonemic hearing;

3) about the primary inferiority of the organs of articulation.

24. What is the primary defect in optical dysgraphia, dyslexia:

1) phonemic hearing impairment:

3) violation of the generalized optical image of the letter

25. What is the cause of motor and oculomotor dysgraphia and dyslexia:

1) phonemic hearing impairment;

2) phonetic hearing impairment;

3) violation of hand, finger praxis or oculomotor functions.

26. Which speech disorder primarily affects the fluency and rhythm of speech:

1) alalia;

2) stuttering;

3) dyslalia.

27. What disorder is associated with paralysis or paresis of the speech muscles:

1) dyslalia;

2) dysarthria;

3) stuttering.

28. The correct spelling of which sentence requires the assimilation and implementation of the phonetic principle of Russian orthography:

1) This is my house.

2) Here is my parachute.

3) Here is my dog.

29. Identify specific errors characteristic of phonemic dyslexia:

1) replacing graphically similar letters;

2 violation of the sound-syllable structure of the word;

3) changing the form and tense of verbs.

30. At what stage of reading skill formation, identified by T.G. Egorov, there is a semantic guess at the level of the entire text:

1) level of syllable-analytical reading;

2) the stage of development of synthetic reading techniques;

3) stage of synthetic reading.

31. With the help of what control is the feedback mechanism implemented in the speech functional system?

1) tactile,

2) visual,
3) kinesthetic,

32. What violations of sound pronunciation are an indicator of alalia in the differential diagnosis of it with dysarthria:

1) distortion;

2) omissions;

3) replacements.

33. Continue the statement: “FFNR is...”

1) violation of the pronunciation aspect of speech;

2) unformed lexical and grammatical categories;

3) violation of the syllabic structure of the word.

34. What speech rate is typical for stuttering:

1) intermittent;

2) accelerated;

3) slow

35. Please indicate which of the following symptoms of stuttering does not relate to psychopathological symptoms:

1) convulsions;

2) obsessive states;

3 ) asthenic syndrome.

36. What type of prevention is aimed at preventing chronic stuttering:

1) primary;

2) secondary;

3) tertiary.

37. What sound attack is used when working on voice delivery with people who stutter:

1) hard,

2) aspirated,

3) soft.

38. Which variant of incorrect writing of a sentence indicates that the child’s phonemic concepts are unformed:

1) There was a vase of roses on the table.

2) There was a vasa with dew on the table.

3) On etol etoyala vaea e roeami.

39. What principle of Russian spelling requires the spelling of words in accordance with the rules:

1) phonetic;

2) morphological;

3) traditional.

40. Which of the following tasks cannot be used to assess understanding of the meaning of reading:

1) detailed retelling,

2) answers to questions about what you read;

3) brief retelling,

4) drawing up a plan for the text read.

Test No. 1

1) Cross out the wrong letter

sh t w d z h

we..ka pli..ka but..ka zaga..ka ska..ka fuck..ka

w j t s f

2) Cross out the wrong letter

t w d d g

kro.. chi.. sa.. area.. dream..

d sh t t k

(cheerful) chizh.., top..na, ch..joy, teapot, s..smirk (in the sun), s..vel.

b..cut, wind..r, v..robey, city..d, w..water, m..tyre.

Test No. 2

1) Cross out the wrong letter

z z p f w w

c c b c f w

2) Cross out the wrong letter

d z t b g d

le.. moro.. next.. snowdrift.. other.. tor.

t s d p k t

3) Write in order in the empty cells the letters missing in the words

(long) knife.., (mouse) rustling..t, h..lok, dach.., pinch..finger, thicket..

4) Write in order in the empty cells the letters missing in the words

Zyk, z..yats, k..empty, k..row, m..dved, s..tank.

Questionnaire for primary school teachers

1. What do you understand by the concept of spelling literacy? What does it include?

2. What reasons can you identify for low spelling literacy?

3. How relevant is the problem of developing spelling self-control in elementary school, in your opinion?

4. How do you assess the level of spelling self-control of your students?

5. What methods and techniques of working on the formation of spelling self-control do you use in your work?

6. What methods for developing spelling self-control do you know?

a) working on mistakes; b) cards with spelling tasks; c) spelling tasks; d) testing with elements of self-control.

7. Which of them, in your opinion, give the most effective results?

8. Which of them do you most often use in your work? (Name no more than 2 options).

9. For what reasons do you rarely use methods of self-control that you have not named?

Tests for primary schoolchildren with FFND

Test No. 1

1) Cross out the wrong letter

sh t w d z

we..ka pli..ka but..ka zaga..ka ska..ka

j j t s

2) If in the word b the sign indicates the softness of the consonant, put a “+” sign in the cell under the word; if b is a separating sign, then the sign “−”

spruce trees blizzard leaves autumn

3) Write in order in the empty cells the letters missing in the words

(cheerful) chizh.., top..na, ch..joy, teapot, s..smirk (in the sun), sch..vel

l...juice - s...mla - in...yes - tr...va - gr...by –

artist(T,t) yubik
(T, t) paint skirt

village (K,k)uznetsy
clever (K,k)smiths

(from) freezing nose
(from) frost;

7) Write in order in the empty cells the letters missing in the words

b..cut, v..robey, z..water, m..tire, clothes

Dictation text for primary schoolchildren with FFND

in autumn

We often go to the nearby forest. The Russian forest is beautiful in autumn. Bright colors are pleasing to the eye. Dry leaves are falling. The ground was covered with a colorful carpet. Withered grass rustles underfoot. Bird songs fell silent in the forest. The water in forest streams is clean. It's good to breathe fresh air.

Ant and dove

The ant went down to the stream and wanted to drink. The wave washed over him and almost drowned him. The dove carried a branch. She saw an ant drowning and threw it a branch into the stream. The ant sat on a branch and escaped. Then the hunter laid a net on the dove and wanted to slam it. An ant crawled along the path towards the hunter and bit him on the leg. The hunter groaned and dropped his net. The dove fluttered and flew away.

Algorithm for identifying a dangerous place

1. I identify a dangerous place

The next steps are selected from options A, B or C

Option A

Option B

option B

2. If I find a mistake, then I determine whether it is possible to check the spelling according to the basic law of Russian writing (by a strong position);

2. If I can’t find a misspelled word, I check each word in the dictionary.

2. If I can’t find the mistake myself, then I turn to my deskmate, a consultant, or a teacher and through leading questions I find the mistake, then I move on to option A or B.

3. If the spelling cannot be determined by a strong position, then I find the morpheme within which the spelling is located.

3. If an error is detected, I turn to option A.

4. I remember the rule governing a specific spelling and determine the type of spelling error.

5. I establish the possible cause of the error.

6. I establish a method for correcting the error.

7. I remember the correct spelling, recording it in a table recording the result of editing.

Cacographic exercises

1. At the word level.

The grandfather pinched the splinter, the grandson pinched the kitten.

The mother caressed the linen. Mashutka was rinsing the cat.

The old man turned gray on the rubble. From old age, the grandfather sat and hunched over.

Mother tried on fighters. The shoes you buy need to be reconciled.

Children, write it off to the movies! Children, hurry up with this offer.

Petya sings the medicine with water. Valya breaks into song.

A flag is flying on the balcony of the house. Folk crafts are flourishing.

Kolya licked it from the tree. The dog was peeling off a wound on its paw.

Prick the iron red hot. Heat wood for the stove.

The bird made a nest. The girl dragged the baby down the stairs.

The puppy lived through the meat. The family lived in the village.

2. At the level of phrases.

Dropped the sun

Golden ray

Dandelion has grown

First, young.

Tsar Saltan marveled at the miracle.

"As long as I'm alive,

I will visit the wonderful island

And I’ll stay with the prince.”

Selected response questions

Task 1. Check the spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots in these words. Write down the correct answer along with the test words. Explain (verbally) why you think the other answers are incorrect



saw off the boiled oil can



to nag




cook butter


Task No. 2. Write down words with unverifiable unstressed vowels at the root. Underline unstressed vowels. Make up and write sentences with these words



barometer prove illustration drops little finger hurry notebook

barometer illustration pinky notebook



pinky hurry barometer

barometer prove illustration pinky notebook

Tasks to test the mastery of spelling e - and in words with alternating vowels in the roots

To check the mastery of writing e - and in words with alternating vowels in the roots, the following phrases are given:

1. Collect brushwood

2. Take... home

3. Damn… a solid victory

4. Plant food

5. Choose a quote

6. splits the skin

7. Put your foot down

8. Lean on your shoulder

9. Get ready for school

Lock the door

Make a bed

Shut up with delight

Damn... melting ice

Find fault with the little things

Fuck...fell asleep in the distance

Zabl...stele river

Look what's written

Turn up your nose

Melt the paint

Get lost in the sun

Lay out the carpet

Wipe your feet

Lay out the sheets

Apply pressure to the wound

Light...glow light

Damn...stood in the exam

Fell into a stand

If the student correctly identified the choice of vowels in all words, then when checking, combining all the correct answers, a code will be obtained. In this case, the number is 5:

Exercises in spelling words with unstressed vowels


1) Exercise-game “Score a goal.”

Words with an unstressed vowel are written on the board in two columns for two teams. Each team has a set of balls (a circle with a vowel written in it). At the signal, team members score goals. The team that scores the most goals wins.

2) Exercise-game “Magic apples”.

A poster with words is hung on the board. On the other two posters, apples with apples are drawn (among the apples, 5 of them are those with letters, attached to the picture with buttons or inserted into slots).

The teacher tells the children: “This is not an ordinary apple tree, but a magical one. Not only ordinary apples grew on it, but also apples with the letters a, o, i, e, z. Only the one who chooses the right word for it on the poster can pick an apple with a letter.”

Riddles and proverbs are used where we need them


Voiced and voiceless consonants.

Proverbs and sayings

1. In the winter cold, everyone is young.

2. Toys for the cat and tears for the mouse.

3. Like the fisherman, like the fish.

4. Some get pies and crumpets, some get bruises and bumps.

5. Pulled out the nose - the tail got stuck, pulled out the tail - the nose got stuck.

6. Take care of your nose in severe frost.


1. A cart rides without wheels and leaves no ruts. (Boat.)

2. The lanky man walked and got stuck in the ground. (Rain.)

3. Striped core, red core,

The tail is like a pig's, in the form of a curl. (Watermelon.)

4. Not snow, not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost.),

5. It lies between the beds, green and smooth. (Cucumber.)

6. One friend crawled into the other’s ear. (Needle and thread.)

Riddles with an unstressed vowel.

1.They drink me, they pour me water. You need me. Who am I? (Water)

2.Sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by. (Owl).

3.Greens in summer, turns yellow in autumn. (Grass).

4. She got down to business, squealed and sang. She ate, ate oak, oak, broke a tooth, a tooth. (Saw).

5. A Russian beauty is standing in a clearing,

In a green blouse, in a white sundress. (Birch.)

Tests for primary schoolchildren with FFND

Test No. 1

1) Cross out the wrong letter

z z p f w w

no..close..to the river..ka morko..ka top..ka var..ka

c c b c f w

2) If in the word b the sign indicates the softness of the consonant, put a “+” sign in the cell under the word; if b is a separating sign, then the sign is “−” bird orange stone flakes nightingale

3) Write in order in the empty cells the letters missing in the words

already... sh... what a... sh... on the grove... h... monster

4) Write the missing letters in the words in order in the empty cells, choose a test word

Sn...zhok - b...rega- z...ma - p...left - z...blunder

5) If a word is written with a capital letter, put a “+” sign

kayak "(In, in) the wind"
(In, in) the wind from the sea

cake "(S, s)kazka"
funny (S, s) fairy tale

6) Next to the preposition, put a “+” sign

(from) freezing nose
(from) frost;

7) Write the missing letters in the words in order in the empty cells.

F...milia, s...pogi, sp...sibo, p...lto, s...baka

Tatyana Kudinova
Speech therapy tests with answers


A form of monitoring the degree to which students have mastered the knowledge, skills and abilities developed while studying the course “Organization and content of work speech therapist in the conditions of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" the written version was selected test. The advantages of this form lie in its standardized nature. The test consists of 20 test items. For successful completion test Students must have knowledge of the main topics of the course. When deciding test assignments, you must read all options carefully answers.

1. Speech therapy is.

a) the science of the psychophysical characteristics of the development of children with mental and

(or) physical disabilities, patterns of their learning and


b) the science of speech disorders, methods of their prevention, detection and

elimination by means of special training and education. Speech therapy

studies the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, course, structure of disorders

speech activity, system of correctional influence.

c) a branch of defectology that studies problems of education and training

mentally retarded people and issues of their social rehabilitation.

2. Speech disorders are characterized by the following features: (delete incorrect answer)

and they appropriate to the speaker's age

b) Associated with deviations in the functioning of psychophysiological

speech mechanisms

c) Often have a negative impact on further mental

child development

d) They are stable and do not disappear on their own

3. Under the structure of the speech defect is understood:

a) a set of characteristics (manifestations) speech disorders

b) totality (compound) speech and non-speech symptoms of this

speech disorders and the nature of their connection

c) the nature of deviations in the functioning of processes and operations,

causing the emergence and development of speech disorders


4. The pedagogical process aimed at correcting and

compensation for speech impairments, education and

the development of a child with a speech disorder is.

a) correction of speech disorders

b) speech therapy intervention

c) compensation

5. Restorative training is.

a) a two-way controlled process, including active

cognitive activity of children to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities

and pedagogical guidance of this activity

b) the process in which correction and compensation are carried out

Personal characteristics of persons with speech impairments

c) a process that is aimed at restoring impaired speech and

non-speech functions

6. What is the leading form of activity in preschool age?

a) objectively active

c) emotionally positive communication with adults

7. Bradylalia is.

a) pathologically slow speech rate

b) pathologically accelerated speech rate

c) violation of the dark-rhythmic organization of speech, caused by

convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus

8. Violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact

innervation of the speech apparatus is...

a) rhinolalia

b) alalia

c) dyslalia

9. How many forms of speech disorders are identified in speech therapy(clinical

pedagogical classification?

10. Violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system

native language in children with various speech disorders

due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes - this.

a) general speech underdevelopment

b) phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech

c) aphasia

11. Who was one of the first in Europe to introduce the term into scientific circulation


a) V. Oltushevsky

b) R. Schulthess

c) I. Frank

12. Subject speech therapy as a science is:

a) speech disorders and the process of training and education of persons with the disorder

speech activity

b) a person (an individual suffering from a speech disorder

c) pathological mechanism that determines the occurrence and development

speech disorders.

13. What is the name of the phenomenon when a sound is pronounced like

unusual in its own way for the phonetic system of the native language

acoustic effect (unstandardized reproduction of sounds in

the force of incorrectly formed individual articulatory

a) distortion

b) mixing

c) interchange

14. R. E. Levina classified replacements and mixtures of sounds as.

(which) defects in which the language system is disrupted

a) phonological

b) phonemic

c) anthropophonic

15. The defect in the pronunciation of sounds [р] and 1р] is called.

a) pararotacism

b) rotacism

c) sigmatism

16. What is the outdated name for dyslalia?

a) nasality

b) hearing-mute

c) tongue-tied

17. Who first formulated the principles of speech analysis


a) R. E. Levina

c) M. E. Khvattsev

18. What is not one of the causes of functional dyslalia?

a) pedagogical neglect

b) underdevelopment of phonemic hearing

c) shortened frenulum of the tongue

19. A form of dysarthria in which voluntary motor skills are impaired

articulatory apparatus (as manifested in the sphere

sound pronunciation resembles motor alalia)

a) bulbar

b) cortical

c) cerebellar

20. Disadvantages of pronunciation of voiced consonants,

expressed in the replacement of voiced consonants with paired unvoiced sounds

are called

a) voicing defects

b) softening defects

c) defects in the pronunciation of palatal sounds

21. What is not included in the main tasks of the preparatory stage for

formation of correct sound pronunciation

a) development of auditory attention, auditory memory and phonemic


b) elimination of insufficient development of speech motor skills, conduction

preparatory speech exercises for the development of organ mobility

peripheral speech apparatus

c) eliminating incorrect sound pronunciation

answers 1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-b, 6-b, 7-a. 8-c,9-c, 10-b, 11-c,12-a, 13-a, 14-b, 15-b, 16-c,17-a, 18-c, 19-b,20- a, 21-v

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