Genius test 2. Test: how creative are you or a test of genius

Do you consider yourself a smart person with a developed intellect and extraordinary creative abilities? The genius test will help determine who you really are, how smart and developed you are, as well as your potential. Testing can be done online at any convenient time and place. You only need a gadget for this: a smartphone, tablet, laptop or personal computer and an Internet connection. By answering the proposed questions, you can better understand yourself, determine the level of abilities. Perhaps you are a real genius and do not know it!

Take the Genius Test in your spare time, while waiting in line to see a medical specialist, during your lunch break, and so on. This is a great opportunity to pass the time and find out the level of your abilities. Perhaps it is you who should make some kind of revolutionary discovery that will change the fate of mankind for the better. Be that as it may, you should not take this test to heart if the results you are not satisfied with. But with this simple test, you can start serious work on yourself, getting the motivation for self-development in order to awaken the true genius in yourself.

Genius can manifest itself in any area of ​​life. Some of us write great poems, others cook wonderfully, others run business projects and make huge profits. But this test of genius concerns the creative sphere. It's designed that way.

There is an opinion that the creative vein as such does not exist, and that the genius of art consists only in a combination of the desire to be creative, skill and the ability to create new ideas. And the so-called “predisposition to creativity” is nothing more than a myth, invented by Bohemians in order to emphasize their own difference from the “gray mass”. But we in the editorial office of the site tend to believe that a genius still exists, it is only important to consider and reveal it in time. We hope our test will help you with this.

Genius Test: Only Creative People Can Pass It

Creative people have a hard time due to their receptivity to everything that happens around them. And if there are people in your environment whom you consider incredibly talented, send them this test - we are sure it will be interesting!

". And many people who have passed it are sometimes surprised by their result and ask themselves questions: “Where did I go wrong? What is the correct answer and why? In this we will now step by step and figure it out.

1. A professor in 1920 goes to bed at 8 o'clock in the evening, and the alarm clock starts at 9 o'clock in the morning. How long will the professor sleep?

Correct answer: 1 hour.

Unfortunately, not all people remember or know that once everyone had analogue alarm clocks that had to be constantly “wound”, not only the watch itself, but also the alarm clock. The time was set with a separate hand, besides, such watches do not know morning or evening, respectively, if the professor sets the alarm clock at 9, and goes to bed at 8 o’clock, then he will sleep for only 1 hour. (It was impossible to sleep with such an alarm for more than 12 hours).

2. Can a man marry his widow's sister?

Correct answer: No.

If a woman is a widow, then her husband is dead, and, accordingly, this man cannot possibly marry anyone, including his widow's sister. (at least in our country, marriages with the dead are impossible).

Correct answer: Yes.

Australia has the same calendar as Russia and many other countries, and November 7 is also present in their calendar.

4. Three painters had a brother Ivan, but Ivan had no brothers. Is it possible?

Correct answer: Yes.

Yes, this is possible if these painters were Ivan's sisters.

5. You are the pilot of an airplane flying from Havana to Moscow with two transfers in Algiers. How old is the pilot?

Correct Answer: As old as you.

It's simple - the answer lies in the question itself. Since "You are a pilot ...", then the pilot is as old as you.

6. Usually the month ends on the 30th or 31st. Which month has the 28th?

Correct Answer: All.

The question is not “What month ends on the 28th?” but “What month has the 28th?”. Only care is needed here. This number is in every month.

7. You enter an unfamiliar room that is darkened. It has two lamps - gas and petrol. What will you light first?

Correct Answer: Match.

Of the proposed answers, if you don’t light a match, then you won’t be able to light the lamps either. This does not take into account the fact that you can have a lighter, a torch or a flamethrower with you.

8. One train goes from Moscow to St. Petersburg, and the other - from St. Petersburg to Moscow. They left at the same time, but the speed of the first is three times the speed of the second. Which train will be farthest from Moscow at the time of the meeting?

Correct Answer: The same.

It doesn't matter how fast they go. If they met, they would be at the same point, at the same distance from Moscow.

9. Father and son were in a car accident. The father died in the hospital. A surgeon comes into the ward to his son and says, pointing at him: "This is my son." Can these words be true?

Correct answer: Yes.

They may well. The surgeon may be the mother of this son.

10. Archaeologists have found a coin dated 35 BC. Is it possible?

Correct answer: No.

How could a coin minter know when that very “our era” would come? It will not be written on it “35g. BC.". Yes, and with such accuracy to determine the year of minting a coin in order to date it, it is beyond the power of modern science.

11. The stick must be cut into 12 pieces. How many cuts will be required?

Correct answer: 11.

Note that the last cut will give us two parts of the stick, respectively, there are 11 cuts to be made. (Those who do not believe can try cutting a strip of paper into 12 parts and count the number of cuts)

12. On the hands - 10 fingers. How many fingers are on 10 hands?

Correct answer: 50

Each person (with the exception of special cases) has 2 hands with 5 fingers, i.e. only 10 fingers on the hands (as indicated in the problem). And since there are 5 fingers on one hand, 50 fingers are obtained on 10 hands.

13. How many animals did Noah take on his ark?

Correct answer: Each creature - a pair.

Here you just need to know the story about Noah from the Bible.

14. The doctor prescribed the patient 3 injections every half an hour. How long will it take to do all the injections?

Correct Answer: One hour.

There is no need for any math, forget about it for a while! If you give the first injection now, then the second injection will be given in half an hour, and the third injection in an hour.

15. How many digits 9 are in the series of numbers from "1" to "100"?

Correct answer: 20.

Here you just need to count the number of nines in the numbers: 9, 19, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 79, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99. Although it probably should be some other mathematical technique for faster and more rational calculation (who knows, share in our group

I constantly pass on the Internet tests for genius or attentiveness. Recently, I became interested in how they are created and how the results are then generated. I figured it out in detail, so I’ll tell you, using the example of one test, why such checks are needed and who are geniuses.

Recently, various tests for genius have become increasingly popular, which can be easily found on the Internet. This query is even in the top of many search engines. From this we can conclude that many people are interested in how great their intellectual abilities are.

It is no secret that it is in psychology that various tests are most actively used. They help to determine a person's inclinations, his character and even intellectual abilities. Tests have also been widely used in medicine. Patients in psychiatric clinics must undergo special testing, which helps doctors determine which disease they will have to deal with.

Please note that quite often people are not even aware that they are developing some kind of mental disorder. Since many of them are able to be in a latent form for a long time, which greatly complicates their diagnosis.

Surely, many remember that psychological testing begins to be carried out back in school years. No wonder there is a psychologist in every school. Its main task is to identify children with psychological trauma and various complexes. But most often, communication with a psychologist for children turns into an interesting game. After all, only in his office you can pass an interesting test.

And although some people are completely reluctant to believe in the usefulness of tests, scientifically proven that they do play an important role in diagnosing mental disorders. In addition, with their help, it is possible to determine the intellectual abilities, character of a person, his preferences, find out the level of aggression and much more.

How to distinguish a genius from an ordinary person

Let's talk in more detail about a specific category of tests, which is designed to help determine who is a genius, and who thinks rather narrowly and one-sidedly. After all, it is these tests that curious people most often pass. But first, let's figure out what kind of person can be called a genius. There are many talented and gifted people on earth. However, none of them has the right to be called a genius.

To understand what constitutes genius, psychologists have done a lot of research. A significant contribution to the definition of genius was made by scientists from England. It was they who conducted the most important research, which made it possible to identify the main signs of genius:

  • extraordinary and non-standard thinking;
  • the ability to look at a problem from a different angle;
  • creativity.

To identify these signs, it is enough to conduct a simple test. It is noteworthy that the answers to the same questions of an ordinary person, a "wise guy" and a genius will give different ones. Of course, the answer of a brilliant person will be radically different. Because he will be able to look at the problem from a different point of view and find a completely unusual solution for it.

IQ level and genius: is there a connection?

While studying in high school, children are required to participate in testing, which determines the level of IQ. This is a common practice that has been successfully implemented in many countries. Unknowingly, many parents claim that children with high IQs are real geniuses. However, this is a misconception that scientists have long been able to refute.

Indeed, there is a chance that a person with a high level of intelligence will be a genius. That's just it, rather, the exception to the rule than the rule. Oddly enough, but many geniuses have problems during training. It's all about their out-of-the-box thinking.

Solving a problem, such a person may find a completely new solution that has never been used before, and the teacher will give him a low mark. Because it will simply break the whole algorithm for solving problems that was developed many years ago. A smart guy would never make such a mistake.

It is noteworthy that not all geniuses successfully pass the standard IQ test. Once this pattern was identified, scientists attempted to create a test that would help identify a genius. It should be noted that the creation of such a test took a lot of time.

The reason for such a long delay was that the very phenomenon of genius is not well understood. Therefore, it is more difficult to create an algorithm that would allow it to be determined. But in the end, scientists coped with this difficult task.

Test for a genius: which figure is superfluous?

More than 90% of people who took the test could not give the correct answer. Let's take a look at the different answers:

  1. Most of the test subjects answered that figure number 4 is superfluous. Indeed, if you look closely at the image, it becomes obvious that it is very different from the others. It would seem that this answer should be correct. However, it is not. Psychologists believe that only people who have completely standard thinking can choose this option. In such people, it is the right hemisphere of the brain that dominates. And so they react first to color.
  2. About 15% of those tested answered that figure number three is superfluous. Indeed, this figure is different in shape. All others are in the form of a square, and this figure is a circle. But this option is not correct either. Although, it is worth noting that people who choose this option think more deeply. They have excellent analytical skills that allow them to draw analogies and evaluate the whole situation as a whole.
  3. Option number 2 is rarely chosen. Of all those tested, only 4% of people chose this option. It's just that it's not correct. Moreover, psychologists believe that this indicates one small detail that the person himself may not even be aware of. According to some psychologists, people who chose number 2 as an extra figure are, for the most part, racists. Of course, this is not a confirmed fact. Therefore, it cannot be said with certainty that absolutely all the people who answered this way really have racist views.
  4. Only pieces #1 and #5 remained. And you don't have to choose between them. After all, both options are correct. Scientists are sure that only real geniuses could give such an answer. But at the same time, they do not undertake to explain why the above options are correct. Perhaps such secrecy can be explained by the reluctance to disclose the secrets of the test itself, so that those who could falsify its results do not appear. Be that as it may, but scientists unanimously declare that such a choice could be made only by those people who are not guided by logical norms.

Interesting fact! Testing was carried out not only by adults, but also by children. The purpose of the test was to identify the difference between the thinking of a child and an adult. The results amazed many scientists and made them think. After all, children under the age of 6 years, for the most part, gave the correct answer to this question. Therefore, some scientists have suggested that the modern education system not only does not help, but also “kills” geniuses. But so far, not everyone agrees with this opinion.


  1. The genius test does not show how smart a person is. And therefore it should not be confused with the usual IQ test.
  2. The purpose of the test is to identify people with unusual thinking that is not limited by logical norms.
  3. There are cases when people who were later recognized as real geniuses could not pass the standard IQ test. Because their way of thinking was radically different. That is why, in recent years, scientists have insisted on revising the relevance of the test.

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