“Taras Bulba” - Cossack songs and texts for memorization. Integrated lesson in literature and rhetoric on the topic: “Taras Bulba’s speech about partnership. Bulba’s monologue about partnership

The theme of heroism, courage and the great power of Russian patriotism is heard in the address of the Cossack ataman to his comrades before the decisive and terrible battle.

Taras Bulba's speech about camaraderie is a call that penetrates deep into the soul of every listener.


I would like to tell you, gentleman, what our partnership is.

You heard from your fathers and grandfathers how honored everyone was with our land: it made itself known to the Greeks, and it took chervonets from Constantinople, and there were magnificent cities, and temples, and princes, princes of the Russian family, their own princes, and not Catholic mistrust .

The Busurmans took everything, everything was lost.

Only we are left, orphans, yes, like a widow after a strong husband, orphans, just like us, our land!

This is the time at which we, comrades, gave our hand to brotherhood! This is what our partnership stands on!

There is no bond holier than fellowship!

A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood.

There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land.

It has happened to you, more than once, to disappear for a long time in a foreign land; you see - there are people there too! also a man of God, and you will talk to him as if you were one of your own; and when it comes to telling a heartfelt word, you see: no, smart people, but not those; the same people, but not the same!

No, brothers, to love like a Russian soul - to love not just with your mind or anything else, but with everything that God has given, whatever is in you, but... ...

No, no one can love like that!

I know that a vile thing has now begun on our land; They only think that they should have stacks of grain, stacks of grain, and horse herds of them, so that their sealed honey would be safe in the cellars.

They adopt God knows what Busurman customs; they abhor their tongue; he doesn’t want to talk to his own; he sells his own, as a soulless creature is sold at the trade market.

But the last scoundrel, whatever he is, even though he is covered in soot and worship, he also, brothers, has a grain of Russian feeling.

And someday it will wake up, and he, the unfortunate one, will hit the floor with his hands, grab himself by the head, loudly cursing his vile life, ready to atone for the shameful deed with torment.

Let them all know what partnership means in the Russian land!

If it comes to that, to die, then none of them will have to die like that!..

No one, no one!..

They don’t have enough mouse nature for that!

Taras Bulba's speech about partnership - video

Analysis of Taras Bulba's speech

Taras Bulba's appeal to friends

The speech of the wise and experienced Cossack calls on men to the real feeling for which the Cossacks are famous - camaraderie. The concept of male friendship is the basis of the entire speech.

What is Bulba trying to convey to the Cossacks:

“...what is our partnership...”;

“...what honor our land had...” among our ancestors;

“...we, comrades, have given our hand to brotherhood!”;

“...this is what our partnership stands on!”

You can understand Cossack friendship only by understanding the essence of Zaporozhye comradeship.

Feelings of high words

Taras compares the holy bonds of fellowship with the feelings of family: mother, father and children. Parents love their child, he appreciates those who gave life. Another person is not capable of loving with an open Russian soul. He loves with mind, soul, body, with everything that God has given man. Rus', a desperate land, rests on the truth of relationships. Its symbol for the Cossacks is the Zaporozhye Sich.

Cossacks know how to not only fight, believe, love, but also die. Other nations do not have such strength and nature. Taras compares them to mice, quiet, secretive and small, frightened, hiding in holes. There were no faithful comrades like in Rus', there are no and there never will be.

The purpose of Taras' appeal

Bulba calls for courage and courage. Ataman performs in front of friends to raise morale. He wants his comrades to die with dignity. Bulba understands that death is near, but she must not lose heart. The Russian soul is so strong that one must die gracefully. Death reveals all the greatness of Russian nature. The wise Cossack achieves his goal. His words penetrate deeply into everyone.

(Experience in rhetorical and literary analysis) 7th grade Lesson Objectives : consider the speech of Taras Bulba from a rhetorical position, show its compositional meaning and role in revealing the character of Taras Bulba; introduce the elements of rhetorical analysis of speech, continue to develop the ability to collect and systematize material to characterize a literary hero; to cultivate a feeling of love for the Motherland.

Equipment: illustrations for the story, plan for rhetorical analysis of speech.

During the classes:

    Teacher's opening speech. We read Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”. Many-sided pictures of the life of the Zaporozhye freemen appeared before us, a dazzling variety of original characters of “proud and strong as lions warriors” who bravely defended their lands. Such is Taras Bulba.

Here he is riding with his young sons across the steppe to glorious Zaporozhye. How beautiful is the steppe along which they travel! Taras loves this steppe and his entire homeland deeply and tenderly. He knows nothing higher than this love for the fatherland, nothing is higher for him than the Cossacks, military friendship. And when the Cossacks made him their chieftain and the Sich was preparing to give battle to the enemy, Taras Bulba could not resist and gave a speech to the Cossacks - he wanted to express everything that was in his heart.

It is this speech, Taras Bulba’s speech about comradeship, that is the focus of our attention in the lesson. We will consider it from a rhetorical position (from the point of view of the category of invention), we will try to understand what role it plays in revealing the character of Taras Bulba, how Taras Bulba confirms its justice with his beliefs, his life and even death.

    Conversation with students.

Characterizing Gogol’s work, Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky wrote: “Tell me, does every story of Mr. Gogol make an impression on you first of all? Doesn’t it make you say: “How simple, ordinary, natural and true all this is and, at the same time, how original and new!”

    “Original and new”... Which rhetorical category can we use these words to characterize?(Invention.)

    What does it mean to “invent speech?” (It means creating. Invention is creativity, and all creativity is to a certain extent a mystery. Rhetoric helps to find only approaches to this mystery. There is a rhetorical prohibition against creating uncreative speech.)

    What do you think this means? (There should be something new in every statement; you need to look for your own vision of the subject of speech. The absence of something new, from a rhetorical point of view, leads to failure.)

    What sources of invention do you know?(“General places” or “topics”.)

    Which “topic” are you already familiar with? ("Definition".)

    What definitions do you know?(Logical and rhetorical.)

    How does a logical definition differ from a rhetorical one?

    On the board you see the definition of the wordpartnership. What is it like?(Logical.) Partnership – mutual relations between members of a team and the responsibilities of each in relation to others.

    How does Taras Bulba define this concept in his speech?(Partnership - “kinship by soul, not by blood”)

    What is this definition?(Rhetorical.)

    Experience in rhetorical analysis of speech.

So, let's turn to the speech of Taras Bulba, let's try to reveal the secret of the plan, this is the first step towards a rhetorical analysis of the speech.There are questions before you that you must answer.

    Analysis of the situation.

    What caused the need to perform?

    What spiritual values ​​are important to the speaker?

    Speaker's position.

    Characteristics of the addressee of speech.

    The key concept and its essential features, reflecting the speaker’s position.

    Statement tasks.

    Thesis (the main idea of ​​the statement).

    Assessing the interaction of speech on listeners.

Suggested Answers

    The speech was made before the battle, after the army was divided into two parts.

    The need to speak is caused by the awareness of his duty to the people who entrusted him with the decision of an important matter, by the desire to express what was in his heart.

    Love for the Motherland, for faith, for the customs of the people, language, culture, for comrades in arms, readiness to give his life for the Motherland.

    Acts like a patriot.

    Cossacks, their like-minded people. He has a good idea of ​​the people to whom he has to speak.

    Russian comradeship: faith, kinship of the soul, holy ties, boundless love for the Motherland, rejection of evil, readiness to give one’s life for a comrade and for the Motherland.

    Show that the strength of the Cossacks lies in their unity; convince of the rightness of their cause, arouse the desire to defend the Motherland.

    “There is no bond more sacred than fellowship.”

    “I was deeply impressed by such a speech, it reached far, to the very heart.”

Children work individually, then in pairs. Options are discussed and checked against the sample.

Why did speech have such an impact?(Taras spoke about what is clear to the Cossacks. All Cossacks, old and young, are united by a common feeling of love for the Motherland and a common desire to defend it.)

4. Experience in literary analysis of speech.

I wrote down the most important phrases that we noted while doing rhetorical analysis on the board. Pay attention to them again: they will be useful to us for further work.

“But there were no such comrades as in the Russian land. There is no bond holier than fellowship! But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. If it comes to that, to die, then none of them will have to die like that!”

    Why does Taras give a speech before the fight?(He knows how a well-spoken word at the right time unites and encourages people; he wanted to express everything that was in his heart at this tense and difficult moment.)

    Pay attention to the phrases written on the board. We read the first phrase: “...But there were no comrades like those in the Russian land.”

    What is special about Russian partnership? (Having united, the Cossacks defended their land with common efforts. Unity, community, brotherhood, and camaraderie in the minds of the Cossacks were associated with the idea of ​​successfully resisting the enemies of their free life on their land.)

    Find an episode that confirms our conclusion. (They all burst out at once into the seven-piped squeaks...” )

He who violates the covenants of his comrades is an enemy of the Cossacks, because he undermines their strength. Here is an illustration.

    What episode is shown here?(Murder of Andriy).

    What feelings does Taras experience when he sees Andriy at the head of an enemy detachment?(Excitement, anger, shock.)

We read the following words: “There is no bond holier than comradeship!”, “But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood.”

    How do these words explain Taras’s action?(Having spent his whole life in military campaigns, he not only lost the habit of peaceful life - his consciousness has undergone a change; the ties of comradeship are more valuable to him than the ties of kinship. The most terrible crime for Taras is treason to the Fatherland, to the common cause, therefore a traitor deserves death, even if he is a son .)

    Retell the episode “The Execution of Ostap.”(Knowing that the Poles have two thousand ducats on his head, Taras goes to Warsaw in a cart under the stones to support Ostap, to see him again, to say at least one word to him. And he will say this word, for his sake he risked Ostap’s life, changed into someone else's dress, gave all his ducats - so that the son would know that his father was nearby, and would not leave him at his last hour of death.)

    Let's read the following words written on the board: “If it comes to that, to die, then none of them will have to die like that!”

Reading the episode “The Death of Taras.”

    Who can Taras be compared with in his last battle?(With the epic hero.) Name the epic means of storytelling and images.

    Summing up the lesson.

Conclusion from the literary analysis of the speech: in the image of Taras Bulba, love for one’s native country, a dream of freedom, fearlessness, enormous moral strength, a desire for achievement, and a willingness to sacrifice oneself to a high idea are combined. We can find all these character traits in Taras’s speech about partnership. This speech is evidence of his wisdom and patriotic feelings. Pride and courage, vast life experience and passionate conviction in the rightness of his cause.

Conclusion from the rhetorical analysis of the speech: to learn the secrets of the “invention”, you don’t need to meet anyone. You don't need to move at all, you just need time. A book and a desire to think about it. This is not as easy as it might seem at first glance: you can never say that the goal has been achieved, for every solved mystery a new one arises, because a work of art is inexhaustible.

6. Homework.

Write a short speech “Address to Friends”, in which you express your attitude towards the feeling of friendship and brotherhood.

".... And when everything was done as needed, he made a speech to the Cossacks, not in order to encourage and refresh them - he knew that they were already strong in spirit - but, simply, he himself wanted to express everything that was on my heart.

- I would like to tell you, gentleman, what our partnership is. You heard from your fathers and grandfathers how honored everyone was with our land: it made itself known to the Greeks, and it took chervonets from Constantinople, and there were magnificent cities, and temples, and princes, princes of the Russian family, their own princes, and not Catholic mistrust . The Busurmans took everything, everything was lost. Only we are left orphans, yes, like a widow after a strong husband, orphaned just like us, our land! This is the time at which we, comrades, gave our hand to brotherhood! This is what our partnership stands on! There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood.

There were comrades in other lands, but there were no such comrades as in the Russian land. You have happened more than once to disappear for long periods of time in a foreign land; you see, there are people there too! also a man of God, and you will talk to him as if you were one of your own; and when it comes to telling a heartfelt word, you see: no, smart people, but not those; the same people, but not the same! No, brothers, to love like the Russian soul - to love not just with your mind or anything else, but with everything that God has given, whatever is in you, but... - said Taras, and waved his hand and shook his gray hair He blinked his head and his mustache and said: “No, no one can love like that!” I know that a vile thing has now begun on our land; They only think that they should have stacks of grain, stacks of grain, and horse herds of them, so that their sealed honey would be safe in the cellars. They adopt, God knows, what Busurman customs; they abhor their tongue; he doesn’t want to talk to his own; He sells his own, just as a soulless creature is sold at the trade market. The mercy of a foreign king, and not even a king, but the meager mercy of a Polish magnate, who hits them in the face with his yellow boot, is dearer to them than any brotherhood. But the last scoundrel, whatever he is, even though he is covered in soot and worship, he also, brothers, has a grain of Russian feeling. And someday it will wake up, and he, the unfortunate one, will hit the floor with his hands, grab himself by the head, loudly cursing his vile life, ready to atone for the shameful deed with torment. Let them all know what partnership means in the Russian land! If it comes to that, to die, then none of them will have to die like that!.. No one, no one!.. Their mouse nature is not enough for that!

So spoke the ataman, and when he finished speaking, he was still shaking his head, silvered in Cossack deeds. Everyone who stood was deeply affected by such a speech, reaching far, to the very heart. The oldest in the ranks became motionless, lowering their gray heads to the ground; a tear quietly rolled down in the old eyes; They slowly wiped it with their sleeve. And then everyone, as if by agreement, waved their hands at the same time and shook their experienced heads. To know, apparently, old Taras reminded them a lot of the familiar and best that happens in the heart of a person who is wise with grief, work, daring and all the adversities of life, or although he did not know them, but sensed a lot with his young pearly soul for the eternal joy of his old parents who gave birth to him."

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol "TARAS BULBA"

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