Division table lesson. Division

Although mathematics seems difficult to most people, it is far from true. Many mathematical operations are quite easy to understand, especially if you know the rules and formulas. So, knowing the multiplication table, you can quickly multiply in your head. The main thing is to constantly train and not forget the rules of multiplication. The same can be said about division.

Let's look at the division of integers, fractions and negatives. Let's remember the basic rules, techniques and methods.

Division operation

Let's start, perhaps, with the very definition and name of the numbers that participate in this operation. This will greatly facilitate further presentation and perception of information.

Division is one of the four basic mathematical operations. Its study begins in elementary school. It is then that the children are shown the first example of dividing a number by a number and the rules are explained.

The operation involves two numbers: the dividend and the divisor. The first is the number that is being divided, the second is the number that is being divided by. The result of division is the quotient.

There are several notations for writing this operation: “:”, “/” and a horizontal bar - writing in the form of a fraction, when the dividend is at the top, and the divisor is below, below the line.


When studying a particular mathematical operation, the teacher is obliged to introduce students to the basic rules that they should know. True, they are not always remembered as well as we would like. That's why we decided to refresh your memory a little on the four fundamental rules.

Basic rules for dividing numbers that you should always remember:

1. You cannot divide by zero. This rule should be remembered first.

2. You can divide zero by any number, but the result will always be zero.

3. If a number is divided by one, we get the same number.

4. If a number is divided by itself, we get one.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple and easy to remember. Although some may forget such a simple rule as impossibility or confuse the division of zero by a number with it.

per number

One of the most useful rules is a sign that determines the possibility of dividing a natural number by another without a remainder. Thus, the signs of divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 are distinguished. Let us consider them in more detail. They make it much easier to perform operations on numbers. We also give an example for each rule of dividing a number by a number.

These rules-signs are quite widely used by mathematicians.

Test for divisibility by 2

The easiest sign to remember. A number that ends in an even digit (2, 4, 6, 8) or 0 is always divisible by two. Quite easy to remember and use. So, the number 236 ends in an even digit, which means it is divisible by two.

Let's check: 236:2 = 118. Indeed, 236 is divisible by 2 without a remainder.

This rule is best known not only to adults, but also to children.

Test for divisibility by 3

How to correctly divide numbers by 3? Remember the following rule.

A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is a multiple of three. For example, let's take the number 381. The sum of all digits will be 12. This is three, which means it is divisible by 3 without a remainder.

Let's also check this example. 381: 3 = 127, then everything is correct.

Divisibility test for numbers by 5

Everything is simple here too. You can divide by 5 without a remainder only those numbers that end in 5 or 0. For example, let’s take numbers such as 705 or 800. The first ends with 5, the second with zero, therefore they are both divisible by 5. This is one one of the simplest rules that allows you to quickly divide by a single-digit number 5.

Let's check this sign using the following examples: 405:5 = 81; 600:5 = 120. As you can see, the sign works.

Divisibility by 6

If you want to find out whether a number is divisible by 6, then you first need to find out whether it is divisible by 2, and then by 3. If so, then the number can be divided by 6 without a remainder. For example, the number 216 is divisible by 2 , since it ends with an even digit, and with 3, since the sum of the digits is 9.

Let's check: 216:6 = 36. The example shows that this sign is valid.

Divisibility by 9

Let's also talk about how to divide numbers by 9. The sum of digits whose divisible by 9 is divided by this number. Similar to the rule of dividing by 3. For example, the number 918. Let's add all the digits and get 18 - a number that is a multiple of 9. So, it divisible by 9 without a remainder.

Let's solve this example to check: 918:9 = 102.

Divisibility by 10

One last sign to know. Only those numbers that end in 0 are divisible by 10. This pattern is quite simple and easy to remember. So, 500:10 = 50.

That's all the main signs. By remembering them, you can make your life easier. Of course, there are other numbers for which there are signs of divisibility, but we have highlighted only the main ones.

Division table

In mathematics, there is not only a multiplication table, but also a division table. Once you learn it, you can easily perform operations. Essentially, a division table is a reverse multiplication table. Compiling it yourself is not difficult. To do this, you should rewrite each line from the multiplication table in this way:

1. Put the product of the number in first place.

2. Put a division sign and write down the second factor from the table.

3. After the equal sign, write down the first factor.

For example, take the following line from the multiplication table: 2*3= 6. Now we rewrite it according to the algorithm and get: 6 ÷ 3 = 2.

Quite often, children are asked to create a table on their own, thus developing their memory and attention.

If you don’t have time to write it, you can use the one presented in the article.

Types of division

Let's talk a little about the types of division.

Let's start with the fact that we can distinguish between division of integers and fractions. Moreover, in the first case we can talk about operations with integers and decimals, and in the second - only about fractional numbers. In this case, a fraction can be either the dividend or the divisor, or both at the same time. This is due to the fact that operations on fractions are different from operations on integers.

Based on the numbers that participate in the operation, two types of division can be distinguished: into single-digit numbers and into multi-digit ones. The simplest is division by a single digit number. Here you will not need to carry out cumbersome calculations. In addition, a division table can be a good help. Dividing by other - two-, three-digit numbers - is harder.

Let's look at examples for these types of division:

14:7 = 2 (division by a single digit number).

240:12 = 20 (division by a two-digit number).

45387: 123 = 369 (division by a three-digit number).

The last one can be distinguished by division, which involves positive and negative numbers. When working with the latter, you should know the rules by which a result is assigned a positive or negative value.

When dividing numbers with different signs (the dividend is a positive number, the divisor is negative, or vice versa), we get a negative number. When dividing numbers with the same sign (both the dividend and the divisor are positive or vice versa), we get a positive number.

For clarity, consider the following examples:

Division of fractions

So, we have looked at the basic rules, given an example of dividing a number by a number, now let’s talk about how to correctly perform the same operations with fractions.

Although dividing fractions may seem like a lot of work at first, working with them is actually not that difficult. Dividing a fraction is done in much the same way as multiplying, but with one difference.

In order to divide a fraction, you must first multiply the numerator of the dividend by the denominator of the divisor and record the resulting result as the numerator of the quotient. Then multiply the denominator of the dividend by the numerator of the divisor and write the result as the denominator of the quotient.

It can be done simpler. Rewrite the divisor fraction by swapping the numerator with the denominator, and then multiply the resulting numbers.

For example, let's divide two fractions: 4/5:3/9. First, let's turn the divisor over and get 9/3. Now let's multiply the fractions: 4/5 * 9/3 = 36/15.

As you can see, everything is quite easy and no more difficult than dividing by a single-digit number. The examples are not easy to solve if you do not forget this rule.


Division is one of the mathematical operations that every child learns in elementary school. There are certain rules that you should know, techniques that make this operation easier. Division can be with or without a remainder; there can be division of negative and fractional numbers.

It is quite easy to remember the features of this mathematical operation. We have discussed the most important points, looked at more than one example of dividing a number by a number, and even talked about how to work with fractions.

If you want to improve your knowledge of mathematics, we advise you to remember these simple rules. In addition, we can advise you to develop memory and mental arithmetic skills by doing mathematical dictations or simply trying to verbally calculate the quotient of two random numbers. Believe me, these skills will never be superfluous.

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· =

See the full cheat sheet below.

Multiplication directly on the site (online)

Multiplication table (numbers from 1 to 20)
× 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 187 198 209 220
12 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240
13 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 260
14 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 266 280
15 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300
16 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 304 320
17 17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255 272 289 306 323 340
18 18 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 198 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 342 360
19 19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 209 228 247 266 285 304 323 342 361 380
20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400

How to multiply numbers in a column (mathematics video)

To practice and learn quickly, you can also try multiplying numbers by column.


1. The meaning of the action of division.

2. Table division.

3. Techniques for memorizing division tables.

1. The meaning of the action of division

The action of division is considered in elementary school as the inverse action of multiplication.

From a set-theoretic point of view, the meaning of division corresponds to the operation of partitioning a set into equal subsets. Thus, the process of finding the results of the action of division is associated with objective actions of two types:

a) dividing the set into equal parts (for example, 8 circles are divided equally into 4 boxes - 8 circles are laid out one at a time into 4 boxes, and then count how many circles are in each box);

b) dividing the set into parts with a certain amount in each part (for example, 8 circles are laid out in boxes of 4 pieces - put 8 circles of 4 pieces in boxes, and then count how many boxes there are; division according to this principle in the method is called “ division by content").

Using similar object actions and drawings, children find the results of division.

An expression like 12:6 is called a quotient.

The number 12 in this notation is called the dividend, and the number 6 is the divisor.

A notation of the form 12: 6 = 2 is called equality. The number 2 is called the value of the expression. Since the number 2 in this case is obtained as a result of division, it is also often called the quotient.

For example:

Find the quotient of 10 and 5. (The quotient of 10 and 5 is 2.)

Since the names of the components of the division action are introduced by agreement (children are told these names and need to remember them), the teacher actively uses tasks that require recognizing the components of actions and using their names in speech.

For example:

1. Among these expressions, find those in which the divisor is 3:

2:2 6:3 6:2 10:5 3:1 3-2 15:3 3-4

2. Compose a quotient in which the dividend is equal to 15. Find its value.

3. Choose examples in which the quotient is 6. Underline them in red. Choose examples in which the quotient is 2. Underline them in blue.

4. What is the number 4 called in the expression 20: 4? What is the number 20 called? Find the quotient. Make up an example in which the quotient is equal to the same number, but the dividend and divisor are different.

5. Dividend 8, divisor 2. Find the quotient.

In grade 3, children are introduced to the rule for the relationship of division components, which is the basis for learning to find unknown division components when solving equations:

If you multiply the divisor by the quotient, you get the dividend.

If you divide the dividend by the quotient, you get a divisor.

For example:

Solve equation 16: x = 2. (The divisor is unknown in the equation. To find the unknown divisor, you need to divide the dividend by the quotient. x = 16: 2, x - 8.)

However, these rules in the 3rd grade mathematics textbook are not a generalization of the child’s ideas about ways to check the operation of division. The rule for checking division results is discussed in the textbook after familiarization with extra-table multiplication and division (familiarity with multiplication and division of two-digit numbers by single-digit numbers not included in the multiplication and division table), before the last most difficult case of the form 87: 29. This is explained by the fact that obtaining division results in this case is a complex process of selecting a quotient with its constant verification by multiplication, therefore children consider the rule for checking the action of division even earlier than the rule for checking the action of multiplication.

Rule for checking the action of division:

1) The quotient is multiplied by the divisor.

2) Compare the result obtained with the dividend. If these numbers are equal, the division is correct.

For example: 78: 3 = 26. Check: 1) 26 3 = 78; 2) 78 = 78.

2. Table division

In elementary school, the action of division is considered as the inverse action of multiplication. In this regard, children are first introduced to cases of division without a remainder within 100 - the so-called table division. Children are introduced to the operation of division after they have already memorized the multiplication tables for numbers 2 and 3. Based on knowledge of these tables, already in the fourth lesson after familiarization with division, the first table of division by 2 is compiled. To obtain its values, an object drawing is used.

The quotient values ​​in this table are obtained by counting the elements of the picture in the picture.

The following division table - division by 3 is the last table studied in second grade. This table is compiled based on the relationship between the components of multiplication using the rule for finding an unknown factor. Due to the fact that this rule is explicitly proposed to children in full form only in the 3rd grade, at the stage of compiling a division by 3 table, it is still more advisable to rely on a subject model of the action (a model on a flannelograph or a drawing).

Calculate and remember the results of actions. To check, use the picture:

3x3 = ... 9:3 = ...

4x3 = ... 12:3 = ... 12:4 = ...

5x3 = ... 15:3 = ... 15:5 = ...

6x3 = ... 18:3 = .... 18:6 = ...

7x3 = ... 21:3 = .... 21:7 = ...

8x3 = ... 24:3 = ... 24:8 = ...

9 3 = ... 27: 3 = ... 27: 9 = ...

Using such a figure makes it possible to create a third case of division, interconnected with the first two (third column). It does not belong to the table of division by 3, but is a member of the interconnected triple, which is easier to remember, focusing on the first two cases. This method of memorizing a division table (reference to an interconnected triple) is a convenient mnemonic device. You can see how children use it, really memorizing only one method of multiplication.

All other division tables are studied in 3rd grade. Since multiplication of the number 4 and multiplication by 4 are also studied in the 3rd grade, the practice of separately studying multiplication and division tables is stopped in this year of study. Starting with the multiplication table for the number 4, the division tables interconnected with it are studied in one lesson, immediately compiling four interconnected columns of multiplication and division cases.

Calculate and remember:

4 5 = 20 5x4 20:4

4 6 = 24 6x4 24: 4

4-7 = 28 7x4 28:4

4-8 = 32 8x4 32:4

4 9 = 36 9x4 36: 4

20:5 24:6 28:7 32:8 36:9

Using the results of the first column, children receive the second column by rearranging the factors, and the results of the third and fourth columns - based on the rule for the relationship of multiplication components:

If the product is divided by one of the factors, you get another factor.

All other division tables are obtained in a similar way.

3. Techniques for memorizing division tables

Techniques for memorizing tabular division cases are associated with methods of obtaining a division table from the corresponding tabular multiplication cases.

1. A technique related to the meaning of the action of division

With small values ​​of the dividend and divisor, the child can either perform objective actions to directly obtain the result of division, or perform these actions mentally, or use a finger model.

For example: 10 flower pots were placed equally on two windows. How many pots are there on each window?

This lesson is devoted to the topic: “Division by 2.” In this lesson we will consolidate knowledge about the multiplication table by 2. We will practice dividing numbers by 2, the multiplication table that we compiled in the last lesson will help us with this.

In this lesson we will practice dividing numbers by 2, the multiplication table that we compiled in the last lesson will help us with this.

To find the result of division, you need to remember well the corresponding equality from the multiplication table, since the operations of division and multiplication are related.

Let's complete the following task:

Exercise 1

Divide by 2 each of the following even numbers (that is, reduce them by 2 times): 10, 16, 14, 8, 12.

All numbers in the task can be found in the two-times table. They are products from the multiplication table by 2.

So, we need to divide each of the numbers by 2, that is, divide in half.

1. 10:2=5 (2·5=10);

2. 16:2=8 (2·8=16);

3. 14:2=7 (2·7=14);

4. 8:2=4 (2·4=8);

5. 12:2=6 (2·6=12).

Let's complete the following task and check whether we have learned the 2 multiplication table well.

Even numbers

In mathematics, all numbers can be divided into even and odd.

Even is a number that is divisible by two without a remainder. For example, in the first ten there are six even numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

For each division expression, select the corresponding equality from the multiplication table:

18:2, 10:2, 4:2, 16:2, 8:2.

1. Expression 18:2 corresponds to the equality 2·9=18;

2. 10:2 2·5=10;

4. 16:2 2·8=16;

Fill in the missing numbers in the division by 2 table (Fig. 1):

Rice. 1. Illustration of task 3

1. We know that 2·2=4, which means 4:2=2;

2. 2·3=6, which means 6:2=3;

3. 2·4=8, which means 8:2=4;

4. 2·5=10, which means 10:2=5;

5. 2·6=12, which means 12:2=6;

6. 2·7=14, which means 14:2=7.

Master Umelkin invented an unusual machine; it can reduce numbers by exactly 2 times (Fig. 2). What result will you get if you halve the numbers: 10, 14, 4, 16, 8, 18?

Rice. 2. Illustration of task 4

Solution (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Solution to task 4

So, in this lesson we learned how to perform tasks in which we need to divide numbers by two, that is, in half.


  1. Alexandrova E.I. Mathematics. 2nd grade. - M.: Bustard, 2004.
  2. Bashmakov M.I., Nefedova M.G. Mathematics. 2nd grade. - M.: Astrel, 2006.
  3. Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.I. Mathematics. 2nd grade. - M.: Education, 2012.
  1. Uchit.rastu.ru ().
  2. Samouchka.com.ua ().
  3. Obuchonok.ru ().


1. Find the result of the expressions:

2. Mom bought 10 sweets, she divided them equally between her daughters, Katya and Sveta. How many candies did each girl get?

The division table is easy to learn. Parents need to be patient and tactful towards their child.

  • Mathematics is a difficult subject for many students. The topic of division is taught in third grade. One or two lessons are allotted to it. During this time the child must have time to master the material
  • Some people miss classes due to illness, while others simply find it difficult to remember the division table in one day. Therefore, it is necessary to study with such children at home - this will help them catch up and catch up with their peers

Important: Try to engage with your child in a playful way. He will be interested, which means that the classes will be fun and effortless.

Tip: To make it easy for a child to learn the division table, he must know thoroughly. Therefore, check your multiplication skills and if there are gaps, repeat the material covered.

Division table

So, how to quickly learn the division table:

  • There is no need to force your child to “cram” actions. He must understand the algorithm
  • Use coins or counting sticks to explain. With the help of these items, the child will be able not only to master division, but also to develop fine skills, which has a good effect on
  • Start learning the division table from 9. When you get to 5, the difficult half of the table will be memorized - the rest will be easy to remember
  • Praise your baby and encourage him with his favorite sweets, because he is trying
  • Conduct classes daily. This will help develop visual memory
  • At first it will be difficult for the child to remember the actions, but over time he will give the correct answer
  • Train your baby even while walking. For example, let him count how many sweets were bought for each family member

Important: Special programs help you study division and multiplication tables. You can hang a poster on the wall with large printed numbers for these actions.

This simulator is a good example. The child will be able to turn to him for help whenever necessary.

There are various programs that help you gain mental counting and division skills.

Video: Golden Arithmetic - the coolest program for training mental arithmetic!!!

Video: division 2nd grade presentation

Advice: Do not conduct additional activities with your child at home if he is not feeling well or is simply capricious. Wait a couple of days and then continue studying.

0:2=0 (0 divided by 2 equals 0)

2:2=1 (2 divided by 2 equals 1)

4:2=2 (4 divided by 2 equals 2)

6:2=3 (6 divided by 2 equals 3)

8:2=4 (8 divided by 2 equals 4)

10:2=5 (10 divided by 2 equals 5)

12:2=6 (12 divided by 2 equals 6)

14:2=7 (14 divided by 2 equals 7)

16:2=8 (16 divided by 2 equals 8)

18:2=9 (18 divided by 2 equals 9)

20:2=10 (20 divided by 2 equals 10)

Important: Explain to your child that when zero is divided by any number, the result will be zero. You can't divide by zero!

Division is a little more complicated than multiplication, but not a single mathematical problem can do without this action. Therefore, the child must learn the topic “Division” so that later it will be easy for him to solve any examples and problems in mathematics.

0:3=0 (0 divided by 3 equals 0)

3:3=1 (3 divided by 3 equals 1)

6:3=2 (6 divided by 3 equals 2)

9:3=3 (9 divided by 3 equals 3)

12:3=4 (12 divided by 3 equals 4)

15:3=5 (15 divided by 3 equals 5)

18:3=6 (18 divided by 3 equals 6)

21:3=7 (21 divided by 3 equals 7)

24:3=8 (24 divided by 3 equals 8)

27:3=9 (27 divided by 3 equals 9)

30:3=10 (30 divided by 3 equals 10)

Dividing by four is an easy activity for a schoolchild who knows well the table of division by 2 and 3. The child can even calculate the result in his head if he is not in the mood to memorize the operations.

0:4=0 (0 divided by 4 equals 0)

4:4=1 (4 divided by 4 equals 1)

8:4=2 (8 divided by 4 equals 2)

12:4=3 (12 divided by 4 equals 3)

16:4=4 (16 divided by 4 equals 4)

20:4=5 (20 divided by 4 equals 5)

24:4=6 (24 divided by 4 equals 6)

28:4=7 (28 divided by 4 equals 7)

32:4=8 (32 divided by 4 equals 8)

36:4=9 (36 divided by 4 equals 9)

40:4=10 (40 divided by 4 equals 10)

Dividing by 5 is simple and easy. It's easy to remember, just like the 5 times table.

0:5=0 (0 divided by 5 equals 0)

5:5=1 (5 divided by 5 equals 1)

10:5=2 (10 divided by 5 equals 2)

15:5=3 (15 divided by 5 equals 3)

20:5=4 (20 divided by 5 equals 4)

25:5=5 (25 divided by 5 equals 5)

30:5=6 (30 divided by 5 equals 6)

35:5=7 (35 divided by 5 equals 7)

40:5=8 (40 divided by 5 equals 8)

45:5=9 (45 divided by 5 equals 9)

50:5=10 (50 divided by 5 equals 10)

If division by 6 is still difficult for a child, then let him try. The more he practices long division, the faster the baby will understand the division algorithm.

0:6=0 (0 divided by 6 equals 0)

6:6=1 (6 divided by 6 equals 1)

12:6=2 (12 divided by 6 equals 2)

18:6=3 (18 divided by 6 equals 3)

24:6=4 (24 divided by 6 equals 4)

30:6=5 (30 divided by 6 equals 5)

36:6=6 (36 divided by 6 equals 6)

42:6=7 (42 divided by 6 equals 7)

48:6=8 (48 divided by 6 equals 8)

54:6=9 (54 divided by 6 equals 9)

60:6=10 (60 divided by 6 equals 10)

Division table by 7

The most difficult process begins - learning division by 7.

Tip: Explain to your child that he only has to learn division by 7, 8 and 9, and division by 10 is a simple operation to remember.

Division table by 7:

0:7=0 (0 divided by 7 equals 0)

7:7=1 (7 divided by 7 equals 1)

14:7=2 (14 divided by 7 equals 2)

21:7=3 (21 divided by 7 equals 3)

28:7=4 (28 divided by 7 equals 4)

35:7=5 (35 divided by 7 equals 5)

42:7=6 (42 divided by 7 equals 6)

49:7=7 (49 divided by 7 equals 7)

56:7=8 (56 divided by 7 equals 8)

63:7=9 (63 divided by 7 equals 9)

70:7=10 (70 divided by 7 equals 10)

Important: Set aside a couple of days to memorize division by 8. This will help your child understand the algorithm and learn the material.

0:8=0 (0 divided by 8 equals 0)

8:8=1 (8 divided by 8 equals 1)

16:8=2 (16 divided by 8 equals 2)

24:8=3 (24 divided by 8 equals 3)

32:8=4 (32 divided by 8 equals 4)

40:8=5 (40 divided by 8 equals 5)

48:8=6 (48 divided by 8 equals 6)

56:8=7 (56 divided by 8 equals 7)

64:8=8 (64 divided by 8 equals 8)

72:8=9 (72 divided by 8 equals 9)

80:8=10 (80 divided by 8 equals 10)

One of the most difficult operations in the division table is dividing by 9. Many children understand these examples quickly, but others take time.

Important: Be patient and you will succeed.

0:9=0 (0 divided by 9 equals 0)

9:9=1 (9 divided by 9 equals 1)

18:9=2 (18 divided by 9 equals 2)

27:9=3 (27 divided by 9 equals 3)

36:9=4 (36 divided by 9 equals 4)

45:9=5 (45 divided by 9 equals 5)

54:9=6 (54 divided by 9 equals 6)

63:9=7 (63 divided by 9 equals 7)

72:9=8 (72 divided by 9 equals 8)

81:9=9 (81 divided by 9 equals 9)

90:9=10 (90 divided by 9 equals 10)

Game - division table

Game - division table

Currently, in specialized school stores you can buy not only ordinary paper posters with division and multiplication tables, but also coloring books for better memorization, and electronic “Talking Table” posters.

Division table games or simply video explanations also help the child well.

Video: Mental arithmetic. Division. Lesson #13

Video: Educational cartoon Mathematics Learning by heart the multiplication and division tables by 2

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