Conscript soldiers will no longer serve on warships and submarines. How many years have they served in the navy now? Conscript service in the navy

In Soviet times, the Marine Fleet was used to scare conscripts at military registration and enlistment offices, since the service life in it reached 36 months, which was a year longer than that of recruits in other branches of the military. Conscripts are still afraid of joining the navy, because they do not know whether they have changed the duration of conscription service. So, let’s figure out how many years conscripts and contract soldiers serve in the Marine Fleet.

How did the service life in the navy change?

Due to the difficulties and necessity of navigation in Soviet times, the service life in the navy was different and was three years. This frightened the conscripts, but at the same time gave the country the opportunity to train specialists capable of working on a variety of sea vessels.

Most conscripts, except those who wanted to engage in shipping in the future, tried to avoid conscription into the Marine Fleet, since it would be necessary to spend 12 months more in the service. Although the conditions in the navy were much better than in the barracks of other branches of the military. Due to the difficulties of serving, soldiers there were offered enhanced nutrition and a gentle daily routine.

In 1996, the question of how many people serve in the navy ceased to be relevant. Despite the fact that the sailors retained their own ranks and peculiarities of watchkeeping, in terms of terms of service on Navy ships, they were equated to regular service. Now conscripts were sent to these troops for 24 months. This provision has been regulated by law. Since then, changes in service life began to affect the entire army, including the Navy.

How long do conscripts serve now and how to get into the fleet

The army is currently undergoing a global reform that began in 2007. According to it, the army becomes a contract army, and conscripts complete the young fighter course in one year. This change also affected the fleet. Since 2008, recruits are sent to serve in the Navy for only 12 months.

An applicant for service in the navy has several requirements that must be met:

  • have a second group of neuropsychic stability;
  • have a fitness category of A3 and higher;
  • height should not exceed 180 centimeters.

In some cases, the Navy, on the contrary, selects tall conscripts. They serve in the Coast Guard and the honor guard at headquarters. However, only Slavs are hired for such positions.

Conscripts are most likely to end up in the Baltic Fleet, since its strength is higher than that of the Black Sea Fleet. The Navy will soon call up an extremely small number of recruits, as it is planned that the units of these troops will completely switch to a contract basis. We will find out whether this actually turns out to be the case in a few years, when the reform in the army ends.

How long can contract service last?

The following people enter the Navy on a contract basis:

  • with secondary vocational education related to shipping;
  • with a related specialty that has an analogue in military accounting professions;
  • with a high degree of neuropsychic stability;
  • with a health group above A-3.

Welders, radio technicians and engineers are highly valued in the Navy. Therefore, if you have a diploma in a suitable profession, you will have a higher chance of signing a contract to serve in the Navy. In addition, be prepared to move to the unit's location.

Military service and a further military career are becoming increasingly prestigious and attractive for young people thinking about their future. But it is considered a special honor to join the ranks of the navy, which protects the security of our state on the waters. For ordinary conscripts, this opportunity is becoming increasingly difficult to access, since the majority of employees in the Marine Fleet today are contract soldiers.

What is the Russian Navy

The Navy (VMF) is one of the three branches of the armed forces in the Russian Federation.

The main task of the Navy is to protect the security of the country and its citizens through combat operations in sea and ocean territories.

The Russian Navy is the successor to the USSR Navy, created on the basis of the Russian Imperial Fleet.

The birth of the Russian fleet is considered to be 1696, and its history goes back more than three centuries.During all this time, opponents from different states lowered their flags in front of Russian ships 75 times.

Today, naval forces can ensure the delivery of nuclear strikes against enemy ground targets, the destruction of its fleet, ocean and sea communications.

In addition, the Russian Navy monitors the safety of Russian maritime transport and assists ground forces in military operations, as well as performing other tasks.

Conscripts and contract servicemen can join the Northern, Baltic, Black Sea, Pacific Fleet or Baltic Flotilla.

How to get to Morflot?

Service in the Navy is considered prestigious. Many conscripts and contract soldiers strive to join the navy. But not everyone can achieve their desire.

Conscription service

You can get into the Navy by conscription only within the framework of the general distribution carried out by the military registration and enlistment office. Conscripts are selected primarily based on physical parameters. Preference is also given to candidates:

  • graduated from the naval school;
  • having a working civilian specialty that can be useful to a sailor while serving on a ship (for example, a mechanic, a radio technician, a welder).

IMPORTANT!A conscript must declare his desire to enlist in the Navy during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

If the desire to serve in the navy is very strong, the young man can contact the personnel department of the selected military unit of the naval unit and find out whether it is planned to recruit sailors for this conscription.

If the answer is positive, the conscript may receive an invitation to serve in this unit, which will need to be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Contract service

The bulk of Russian sailors are recruited from contract soldiers. All requirements for physical and psychological health indicators for contract soldiers remain the same as for conscripts.

To get into service in a specific military unit, a future contract soldier should also contact the personnel department of this Marine Fleet unit in advance and receive an invitation.

  1. appear at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of registration and write a statement of desire to serve in the troops of the Russian Federation on a contract basis;
  2. undergo a medical examination, which must confirm suitability for military service;
  3. undergo psychological professional selection of candidates and receive an appropriate recommendation;
  4. provide all the documents required by the military registration and enlistment office and sign the contract.

IMPORTANT! Citizens of the Russian Federation are accepted for contract service:

  • those who have completed military service;
  • in stock;
  • have served in the armed forces for at least one year;
  • other persons in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

The age of a candidate applying for contract service for the first time must be at least 18 years old and no more than 40 years old.

How long do they serve in the Navy?

Until 1996, sailors who joined the navy served for three years.

Then the service life was reduced to two years. After the start of the military reform in 2007, conscription service time in the navy (as in other branches of the armed forces) became equal to one year.

With citizens entering the service for the first time on a commercial basis, a contract is concluded for a period of two to three years, with officers and midshipmen - for 60 months. When re-entering the service, you can choose any term (but not less than one year).

What parameters must be met to serve in the Morflot?

The Navy has always had strict requirements for candidates to join the Navy. A conscript or contract soldier must have good health and good psychological preparation. Today the requirements are as follows:

  1. height – no more than 180 cm;
  2. suitability category – A1, A2 and A3;
  3. the second group of psychological stability, confirmed by appropriate testing.

If the conscript meets all the above parameters, but his height exceeds 180 centimeters, he will not be able to get directly onto a ship or submarine, but there remains a chance to be enlisted in the Coast Guard or in the honor guard company at headquarters. Tall applicants of Slavic appearance are selected there.

Features of service in the Navy

For many young men, serving in the navy is associated with romance. However, in the future, this idea changes, since in the Navy, military personnel face not only a beautiful uniform and the endless expanses of the sea, but also more mundane daily duties.

Emergency service

A conscript cannot choose which naval unit he will be sent to.. The only exceptions can be those young men who have submitted invitations from a specific military unit to the military registration and enlistment office.

Living conditions on a ship or submarine are much harsher than on land, which employees sometimes don't see for weeks. An individual seafarer is usually assigned his own responsibilities. And when everyone is busy with their own business, the sailors have practically no reason to sort things out among themselves.

Thanks to this system of distribution of responsibilities, such phenomena as hazing and regulations practically do not occur on military ships and submarines.

While the ship is on shore, sailors live in coastal barracks and perform simple ship maintenance work. Since each ship's departure to sea requires certain costs from the state, rest periods can be quite long-term.

Contract service

The possibility of choosing vacancies for contract service in the Navy varies somewhat depending on the location of the Russian Navy units.

  • In the Northern Fleet you can go serve on a submarine or surface ships. Recruitment for coastal troops is also always open.
  • Among the vacanciesBaltic Fleet The positions of the floating crew of surface ships predominate; it also includes the 336th Separate Guards Marine Brigade in the city of Baltiysk.
  • Black Sea Fleet provides vacancies for sailing personnel (surface ships and submarines) and coastal troops.
  • Pacific Fleet includes brigades of anti-submarine ships, landing ships, submarines, marines, and anti-aircraft missile forces.
  • Caspian flotilla offers vacancies for surface ship and marine crew.

The contractor himself can choose which fleet he wants to serve in. It should be noted that in the Northern and Pacific Fleets, sailors are paid higher salaries, since special coefficients are applied when calculating them. In addition, sailors serving in harsh climatic conditions receive numerous benefits.

If a contract soldier wants to serve in more pleasant conditions, he should choose the Black Sea or Caspian Fleet, based in places with a warm and mild climate.

Finally, in the Baltic Fleet, military personnel will have the most developed infrastructure and good social conditions.

IMPORTANT! The highest salaries in the Navy are paid to sailors on submarines. The lowest salaries are provided for coastal units. The average salary in the navy is 20-40 thousand.

Preparation for service in the navy

The leadership of naval units today faces a rather difficult task - to prepare a good fighter in an extremely short time.

If conscript soldiers serve for only one year, then only three months are allotted for their training Therefore, this time has to be used as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Sailors spend most of their time during these three months in classrooms and at computers, and only after that they go to sea.

Service in the Navy is not available to every conscript or contract soldier who wishes to do so. In order to join the ranks of the Russian Navy, you must have good health, physical and psychological preparation. In addition, the Navy is increasingly giving preference to contract servicemen.

Over the course of decades, a system developed such that conscripts for military service in the Navy had to serve 12 months longer than in the ground forces. This long period was frightening for many young people. The period was gradually reduced and since 2008 it has been calculated according to new rules. Many people are interested in how many are serving today, called up for military service and under contract?

This fact was explained by the complexity of maintaining the service, technical equipment and participation in navigation. Each recruit is also subject to high demands on stress resistance and balance of character. Over the past decade, the Army has been conducting a gradual transition to a contract type of service. The current political situation in the world places high demands on the technical equipment of the Army and the professionalism of its personnel.

Requirements for a naval conscript:

  • stable psyche;
  • height no more than 180 cm;
  • category A3 and more.

Height restrictions are determined by the height of the submarine's interior. But some conscripts can also serve on shore at headquarters, so height does not matter.

How many serve in the naval fleet under conscription and contract?

According to Russian legislation, namely Art. 38 No. 53-FZ, the service life in the navy is strictly regulated:

  • for conscripts of military service – 12 months;
  • for junior officers and recruits – 2 or 3 years, depending on the conditions specified in the contract;
  • for junior foreign citizens – 5 years;
  • for senior officers at officer rank – 5 years.

After the expiration of the specified period, a repeated contract will be concluded, starting from 1 year to the maximum possible, depending on how a particular person has proven himself. After reaching retirement age, a repeated contract can be issued for a period of 1 to 10 years.


In the Russian Army, including the Navy, specialists with an education in welding specialization, etc. have always been valued. The presence of additional skills always increases the chance of getting into. By contacting the unit commander, you can clarify whether he needs a specialist in this area. If the decision is positive, the contract can be drawn up at the military registration and enlistment office upon submission of a letter of recommendation.

Boys who dream of serving as a conscript on a warship or submarine, it seems, will soon be disappointed. The entire crew of the Russian Navy, as the military department told Rossiyskaya Gazeta, in the near future will consist exclusively of contract soldiers.

This task has been set before the admirals, since modern destroyers, cruisers and submarines equipped with the latest technology are increasingly arriving in the fleet. And it will be problematic for a conscript who has joined the army for only one year to cope with complex electronic systems. Therefore, those who dream of serving at sea will have to enter into a contract with the Ministry of Defense and delve into the profession especially carefully.

On Tuesday, some media reported that the entire crew of the Northern Fleet already consists of contract servicemen. The military department told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that this is still not a fait accompli, but an intended goal, towards the implementation of which the military is actively moving. In addition, this “course for contract servicemen” concerns not only the Northern Fleet, but also the entire naval personnel of the Navy.

Conscripts will, of course, find a place in the future in the fleet, but they will have to serve on the ground - in service and support units. There are simply not enough qualifications for conscripts to serve at sea.

The Ministry of Defense also confirmed the information that the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and the heavy nuclear cruiser Pyotr Velikiy, which have just returned from a campaign in the Mediterranean Sea, where they helped our military fight terrorists in Syria, are already staffed exclusively by contract soldiers. The commander of the Northern Fleet, Vice Admiral Nikolai Evmenov, said last year that work is underway to fill the positions of privates and junior command personnel with contract servicemen. In 2016, according to him, more than 2,300 people were appointed. “The submarine forces and a significant part of the surface ships that perform long-distance missions, as well as units of permanent combat readiness and special purposes, are fully staffed with contract military personnel,” the commander explained. In addition, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean Kotelny and Alexandra Land, where the deployment of Northern Fleet bases continues, only contract military personnel also serve.

The cruisers Admiral Kuznetsov and Pyotr Velikiy, which sailed to the shores of Syria, are already staffed with contract soldiers

It is worth recalling that in the USSR Navy, the service life in the naval personnel was 3 years, which is a year more than in other troops. In the Russian Navy, this period was first reduced to 2 years, and later made equal to other conscripts - sailors began to serve only 12 months. In this regard, another problem began to arise. Sailors often go on long voyages, which can last more than six months. And commanders did not always know what to do with soldiers whose service life ended in the middle of a sea voyage.

By the way, transferring to a contract is a general army trend. At the end of last year, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the number of contract soldiers had more than doubled in 4 years and exceeded the number of conscripts. Currently, over 370 thousand contract soldiers are serving in the positions of privates and sergeants, warrant officers and midshipmen. By 2020, this figure should exceed half a million.

How many years is the term of service in the army of the Russian Federation and the Navy?

The question of how many years young people need to spend serving in the army has always interested them and their relatives. This article will try to deal with all the deadlines that exist today.

How many years have they served in the Russian Army now: the period of conscript service for conscript soldiers

  • Just a few years ago, the service life of conscripts in the army was 2 years. Then this period of time was reduced to 18 months. Since 2008, soldiers have served in the army of the Russian Federation for only one year, or twelve months. As the Russian government promises, this figure will remain unchanged in 2017-2018.
  • The conscription age is 18-27 years.
  • As for contract service in the army, those who want to earn good money and experience today have the opportunity to sign a contract for 2 or 3 years. However, such guys need to know that contract soldiers can be sent to hot spots at any time.
  • Officers enter into a contract for 5 years.
  • The age limit for contract service in the army is 65 years.

How many years are they currently serving in the Russian Marine Fleet: the period of conscript service for conscript soldiers

Service life in the Russian Navy
  • The navy sounded like a death sentence for recruits in Soviet times. The fact is that until 1996, the maximum period of service in such troops was 3 years or 36 months. Since 1996, people began to be drafted into the Marine Fleet of the Russian Federation for 24 months. And in 2008, army reform reduced the service life in the Russian Navy to 12 months.
  • As for contract soldiers, you can sign a contract for service in the Marine Fleet for 24 or 36 months. A re-contract can already be concluded for a period of one year up to the age limit. At the same time, after retirement a person also has the right to be a contract worker. In this case, the agreement between the Russian Marine Fleet and the sailor is concluded for a period of one to 10 years.

Service life in the army of the Russian Federation: Video

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