The script for the play "Dunno and His Friends". The play “Dunno the Traveler” in the frame Dunno and his friends theater performance

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Literary and theatrical circle "Rainbow" Project defense


"Dunno and His Friends"

The roles are performed :

Dunno - Byvalin G.

Button - Kositsyna A.

Pilyulkin-Zhigailova L.

Flower - Klushina E.

Bullet-Dyukarev N.

Medunitsa-Zaikina P.

Vintik-Makarov S.

Shpuntik-Inozemtsev V.

A play in 9 scenes.

Picture1 .

Sound No. 1 (V. Meladze “Dunno on the Moon”)

The short guys come out and set up the props for the performance, adjust them (hang up a map of the starry sky, put down medical instruments, take out the easel).

Dunno runs out in the background of the chorus. That one with a trumpet, trying to blow. Then he sits down to write poetry and then quits. Then he starts reciting and then quits.

Then he draws a portrait and throws it away. Then he comes across an ad and reads it.

Dunno . “Attention all shorties! A set of shorties for a flight to the Moon is announced. Everyone is welcome, healthy short people who know the multiplication tables, can solve problems and navigate the cardinal directions. Znayka." Fi! This Znayka again! Yes, even without it I can fly to the Moon or Mars! Also for me, multiplication tables! (leaves)

The little guys run in, notice the ad, read it and rejoice.

Pilyulkin : Okay, shorties, pay attention! Before flying to the moon, everyone needs to undergo a medical examination. I have to check every little guy for any diseases. Please come to my office by 1 pm and stand in line. And don’t make noise! ​​(threatens) Otherwise I know you! (leaves)

Lungwort : I will pass the very last commission, nothing hurts me. I’d better go and collect the honey in jars and prepare it, in case I need to take it into space!

Bullet: I think I need to check my gun. What if there are some terrible wild animals on the Moon? We must protect ourselves from them! (leaves)

cog Where's the rocket? There's no rocket! How will we fly to the moon?

Shpuntik. You know, Vintik, I had a wonderful idea!

Flower. Well, everyone has gone their separate ways, everyone has things to do.

What are we going to do?

Button: Flower, I know what we'll do! We need to remember everything that we studied at school: the cardinal directions, the multiplication table, the rules of addition, multiplication and division.

Flower: With pleasure! I loved studying so much! I really loved getting A's in math and geography!

The girls sit on a bench and begin asking each other questions about the multiplication table.

Picture 2.

Dunno enters.

Dunno: Where is everyone? Where has everyone gone? All the short guys in our city were just here!

Flower: Everyone is preparing to fly to the moon! This is such a joyful event! Never in the history of our town have we moved so far!

Button : Imagine: we must overcome this... what's it... gravity and become lighter than feathers! Can you imagine?! But I’m thinking, how are we going to move in zero gravity (and I know this too!!!)?! We've never been there!

Dunno : I also found some literate people! They know everything, they can do everything! But I think that you know the multiplication table, and that’s enough! And no gravity or weightlessness is needed!!!

Button: Dunno! What are you saying? what are you bragging about! After all, you won’t even find the cardinal direction!

Flower: And I’m sure: you can’t tell the difference between north and south! And I’m not saying anything about the West and the East!

Dunno: Who? I? Can't tell the difference? Now I will prove to you that I know everything and can do everything! Ask!

Girls in chorus) Here's Dunno! What a braggart!(rotate Dunno) Turn around yourself, show us north-south!

Dunno stops and randomly shows the direction with his hand

Dunno: North is there!

Girls (in unison) Why the north?

Dunno: Because there was a draft, how cool it was!

Button: You don’t know anything about geography, Dunno!

Flower: Maybe you're good at math? Come on, sit down!

Dunno: Well, I sat down! Ask!

Sound No. 2. Sketch “test of knowledge”

Button: Stop, stop, stop! You can stomp your feet as much as you like!

Flower : You can bang your fist long and loud!

In chorus : But you don’t know math either! But they don’t take people like that to be cosmonauts!

Dunno: Just think, they don’t take it! Who are you to judge this! I don't want to be friends with you anymore!

Button: Dunno, let us help you!

Flower: Let us teach you! It is not difficult!

In chorus: You just have to try!

Dunno: I won't try! I won't study! I won't be friends! (leaves)

Button: How so? After all, we didn’t offend him! We wanted to help! He is always so cheerful and kind!

Flower: We offer him help, but he’s also offended! Eh, Dunno!


Vintik and Shpuntik are making a space scooter.

cog : Hold tight! It is very important to make this unit strong so that the wheels will hold on later.

Shpuntik: I hold it, I hold it! You too support! Pull it tight! Tighter!

Dunno enters.

Dunno : Hello, brothers! What do you do?

Cog: I believe that on the Moon we will need to move on something.

Shpuntik: We are making a lunar scooter, it is lightweight and does not take up much space. Now we’ll tighten the wheels, and we can test it!

Dunno : Brothers! Let me help you! Here I’ll attach a trunk, and here is an additional seat, and here is a second brake pedal! And also...

Mechanics (interrupt in chorus) Nooo! Don't even come near us!

Cog: We remember how you helped us assemble the vacuum cleaner!

Shpuntik : Who tested the car? Forgot? We then repaired it for six months!

cog : So go already! Do not be late!

Dunno: Just think, mechanics! Yes, I can do without your scooter! Yes, I can make things myself too! (leaves)

The mechanics knocked on the parts some more, consulted and left. Dunno approaches the scooter.

Dunno : Eh, they did a good job! I wonder if she only travels on the moon? Does it travel on the ground? Need to check.

He gets on the scooter, pushes off, rides across the stage, then taxis behind the curtain.

Sound#3 accident.

Dunno comes out, dragging a pile of pieces of iron. The mechanics run out.

Cog: What have you done! I thought you'd get to the scooter!

Shpuntik: Guard! Who gave you permission to touch the scooter? What have you done?

Dunno: Brothers, I... didn’t want to... it happened that way...

Cog: (mocks) I didn’t mean to... brothers... You’ll always ruin everything! You can't be trusted with anything! Get out of here!

Dunno leaves.

Picture 4.

Sound No. 4

The lungwort sniffs, tastes and rearranges the plates of honey.

Lungwort. Here's linden honey, it's for colds and coughs. But it's fragrantBuckwheat honey is good to take for blood pressure. But the flower honey, fragrant, is my favorite. It is what makes our skin clean and smooth.(thinks) Which one should I take with me? After all, everyone is good! I'll go see the girls and get some advice.

She runs to her friends, meets Dunno on the way, waves to him and runs away.

Flower and Button, sad, drooping.

Lungwort: Girls! What's happened? I came to you to ask for advice. What kind of honey do you think is best to take into space? Buckwheat, linden or floral? What's the matter with you? Are you not listening to me at all? Is your temperature rising? Or maybe your throat hurts? So I quickly run for honey!

Girls: Wait a minute!

Button: Your delicious honey won't help us!

Flower: And we are not sick at all, but sad.

Lungwort: Who upset you so much? Who was so upset? Speak up!

Button: You see, girlfriend, it’s all about Dunno. This obnoxious boy was planning to fly to the moon, and...

Flower: He himself doesn’t know the multiplication table, he can’t determine the cardinal directions!!!

Button: He's so naughty! It will disappear there, on the Moon!!!

Lungwort: Oh! Dunno! And I met him on the way to you! He walked...towards me...And I have honey on the table!!! Karauuul! He will eat it!!!

All the girls run off stage.

Sound No. 5.

Picture 5.

Dunno at the table with honey plates reaches with his finger first into one, then into the other, licking his lips. The plates end up empty.

The girls run in. Dunno froze.

Lungwort : I knew it! Here, look at him! He ruined all the honey! What a mess! He ate it! What am I going to take to the moon now?

Button: Dunno-Dunno! Why do you only think about yourself?

Flower (defends) No, he wasn’t thinking about himself! He probably wanted to determine which honey is healthier, right, Dunno?

( comes up to him, pats him on the shoulder) He just always gets carried away and forgets to stop in time.

Dunno: Yes, I...Yes, I...didn’t want happened that way! Medunitsa’s honey is very tasty!

Lungwort (angrily) That’s how it always works out for you! You're disturbing everyone! You're ruining everything! Get out of here, I can’t see you!!! (to girls) And you, girlfriends, are always protecting him! And he doesn’t even think about changing! Everything is disgraceful!

Button : Dunno is just so special!


Scene 6

Button: Listen, little flower, you can’t leave the situation with Dunno any longer. Let's make him fix it!

Flower : Of course not! I myself wanted to find Dunno and talk to him. But here he comes!

Button : Let's pretend we're offended by him.

Etude “reconciliation” (sound No. 7)

Picture 7.

Doctor Pilyulkin's office.

Sketch of the Doctor and Pulka “Misrecognition”

Pilyulkin : Well, Pulka, did you want to scare me? So know this: I am not one of the timid ones! Why did you come? Does something hurt? Have you got any problems?

Bullet : So you said it yourself, you need to pass the commission. I, too, was planning to fly to the moon. And I’ll take a gun with me (points to him). What if there are wild animals there, so I’ll protect everyone! Pooh! Pooh! - And all the animals ran away!

Pilyulkin: What do you mean you ran away? Don’t you know how to shoot? Or don’t you hit?

Bullet : (indignantly) Yes, I can shoot! Yes, I hunted an elephant! Yes, I scattered all the moles in the garden! Do you want me to prove it to you now?

Pilyulkin : If you prove it, you will prove it! Sit on a chair here, close one eye and name the letters. Let's check your vision! (The bullet sits down). So, what letter is this? (shows U)

Bullet: This is the letter U!A! I remembered! This is the duck that flew away from me! Oh, what a duck it was!

Pilyulkin : What letter is this? (shows M)

Bullet: So this is the mouse that got into my boot! Oh, and she scared me!

Pilyulkin: Well, what can you tell us about this letter? (points to Z).

Bullet : A! So this is Z! A hare who ran into my hut in the cold and hid under the bench. So he overwintered with me.

Pilyulkin: Well well! And this letter will probably remind you of a huge fish.

Bullet : Exactly! How do you know that? This fish, can you imagine, had such an eye! (shows with hands)

Pilyulkin: So, everything is clear to me! Well, let's write it down: Patient Pulka. Excellent vision, good heart. Fit for a flight to the moon! Congratulations!


Sketch “Dunno at the Doctor”

The girls push Dunno, he resists.

Button : Doctor, help us!

Flower : Doctor, save Dunno!

Pills n: Calm down! Now let's figure it out! What's the matter? Speak separately!

Button : Doctor, Dunno doesn’t want to study!

Flower: He is sure that knowledge is not needed. But he interferes in other people’s affairs, about which he knows nothing, and only spoils it!

Pilyulkin : What will the patient say?

Dunno: Yes I...Yes I...Eh, I!

Pilyulkin :All clear! We will treat! Laziness, I think we can cure it with an enema. (thinks) Will it help? It's probably better to give an injection? (takes a syringe, examines it, thinks) No, we will treat laziness with the most reliable medicine - castor oil! (takes a bottle and a spoon) So, sick, open your mouth wider!!! Patient, where are you going???(Dunno runs away, the girls follow him).

Pilyulkin ( solemnly) Here it is, the magical power of castor oil! I think, without even taking the medicine, Dunno was cured!

Scene 8

Sound No. 5

All the shorties gathered around Dunno, sitting on the bench. Etude "calming"

The music stops.

Bullet: And I never said that Dunno is bad. He's just curious! I took apart my gun last year. And why? Because he was interested in how it worked there! True, I couldn’t collect it later. Yes, and there are some extra details left.

Cog: Well, yes, curious. And also a dreamer! He can’t think of anything! Based on his imagination, Shpuntik and I assembled a garden vacuum cleaner against caterpillars. If it weren’t for Dunno, there would be no vacuum cleaner, there would be no strawberries, which means there would be no jam! Here!

Lungwort: And Dunno is also compassionate. My bee didn't fly. It turned out that the wing was torn. So he sealed it with glue, it became so shiny, like a ray of sunshine. This is what Dunno we have.

Dunno: Why do you all calm me down! How kind I am! What a dreamer I am! (distressed) Yes, I’m good for nothing! Yes, I don’t know anything! And they won’t take me on a flight to the moon? And I really wanted to make friends with lunatics!

ALL: And we will help you! The main thing is to want it!

Picture 9.

The final


Money can't buy you friendship

You won't find her just like that

After all, friendship is as valuable as gold

And also not everyone can handle it.


She is something that not everyone is

In his lifetime he will be able to find

But if you find it, take care

Don't let anyone take it away!


And soon you will understand how important

Find that one light

Who can listen to you?

And give you the advice you need!


Should I call a friend?

When it's dark on the road,

When the road is unrecognizable

And you don’t have the strength to go?


When there is trouble on all sides,

When it's night in the sun,

But won't he see

Won't he rush to help?


After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,

When does this suddenly happen!

But... if you need to call a friend -

This is hardly a friend...


Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn,

A joyful feast for the soul.


Friendship is only happiness

Friendship is one thing people have.

With friendship you are not afraid of bad weather,

With friendship - life in spring is full.


A friend will share pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.


With a friend - even an evil weakness

In an instant it will melt and go away.


Believe, keep, value friendship,

This is the highest ideal.

It will serve you well.

After all, friendship is a valuable gift!


Sound No. 6 Song about friendship.

If your friend doesn't laugh, turn on the sun for him

Turn on the stars for him - it's easy

And correct the mistake, turning it into a smile

All the sadness and tears are simple

Sunday, Saturday - friendship is not work Friendship is not work.

There are friends, and for them friends don’t have days off.

If happiness falls,

Divide it into parts

And give it to all your friends - it's easy

And when it is necessary,

All friends will be there

To turn on the sun or stars for you

If each friend in a circle extends his hand to each other,

That will be visible through the porthole: friendship is the equator.

If every friend of the planet waves a daisy to each other,

It will become clear: friendship is a planet of daisies!


“This amazing Dunno”

as a defense of the project of the literary and theatrical circle "Rainbow".

Thank God, gone are the days when elderly, curvaceous matrons played the Snow Maiden and Juliet, but adult actors and actresses still play children’s roles. I'm not advocating for children to be played by children, like in the movies.

But there are moments when I understand with all clarity that theater still continues to be a conventional art. When at the beginning of “Dunno…” a decent crowd of men in a variety of pants took to the stage, depicting Shorties, I realized, here it is again, this moment.

I had to periodically remind myself of the conventions of the theater, especially when I imagined that now Vintik or Shpuntik would take out a bottle of vodka and a handful of toffees from their bulky work pants. All of this was painfully reminiscent because of the design of the stage and the ladybug, and a similar one used to be in any yard - a man's rest on the playground on a Friday evening.

But everything changed as if by magic, as soon as the girls appeared on stage. Girls are such girls, they really decorate life and the stage with cute dresses, shoes, and good manners. And it became clear that this whole gimmick with a balloon - men's games - is all just a preamble. Immediately the thought of theatrical convention left me and then I watched with my mouth open the most fascinating action - the relationship between the sexes.

What I saw in the play

Do you want a gender account? Never have I seen such a clear demonstration that all women are from Venus and all men are from Mars. And that West is West, East is East, we will never understand each other. This performance tells us how the meeting of two different worlds takes place.

“The ball turned over. And boys and boys poured out from there.” Most of the boys ended up in the hospital - confusing the minds of the medical staff. staff (“Make dissatisfied faces, let them not think that we are pleased to treat them”), but one boy, the most lively, whose name is Dunno, ended up like a wolf in a sheepfold, as the only man in a women’s team.

Ticket prices (February 2013):

Duration of the performance: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Just imagine: you have been working in a women’s company for many years, you know everything about everyone, you love everyone, everyone is already family and friends, when suddenly! a man has been assigned to you. And that’s it, here it is a litmus test, here it is a stumbling block, here it is a bone of discord. The girls of Green City were saved by only one thing - the presence of other boys whom Dunno rescued from the hospital. But before that, he managed to weave three boxes to the gullible girls: he, they say, is a hero, and the inventor of the balloon, and the most important Shorty. Plus natural charisma.

Meanwhile in the hospital...

Men are essentially children. They cannot stay in one room for a long time; they are also unable to lie quietly and be sick in a bed. Therefore, they are engaged in “smoking and bringing down” the doctor Lungwort and the nanny, I don’t know what her name is. Pilyulkin is especially zealous, who, of course, cannot stand the fact that he is being treated by a female doctor.

But what woman can resist the prospect of couples dancing on a new dance floor! That's why the boys get freedom! Suddenly, in the midst of the dancing, their previously lost leader appears - a boring know-it-all. His name is Znayka. The halo of a hero is falling from Dunno, but his charisma is still there! And pity, as you know, is the most moving instrument in a woman’s heart.

And in such a situation, whoever didn’t have time is late. So while the others were sorting out all sorts of Donuts and Syrups, one rolled up to him, all pretty, in a blue dress, appealed to his conscience, felt sorry for the poor fellow and that’s all, took away the most charming of the shorties. And the bore Znayka, by the way, was left alone. And this is also quite in the spirit of gender relations. Who, besides Leoncia, would prefer the boring Shevelkov to the charming goofball Zhigunov! I’m hinting at the film “Hearts of Three”. The play ends with a touching farewell between the boys and girls.

The shorties, carried away by Znayka (he has already realized that he has nothing to catch there, so he insists on leaving), leave the city of girls, missing their native Flower City. But, knowing female nature, one should expect a return visit. They will not wait for favors from nature and will find their way to the town of boys without a compass!

What did the child see in the play?

My child saw a completely different performance. In it, the brave Shorties fly in a hot air balloon, are shipwrecked, and find themselves in an unfamiliar city. In this city, funny Dunno lies to everyone and reads funny poems of his own composition:

“I lay at the foot of the chamomile with my upside down.”
(by the way, no worse than the nonsense about a mosquito, which is written by the recognized poetess Samotsvetik).

I think I understand why the poet Tsvetik is absent from the play. There would be too many poets for 16 participants. All children, and adults too, really like the ladybug, which does not play any role, but periodically crawls across the stage.

Apart from the first scene of the play, I have no complaints at all regarding the acting and production. The girls, without exception, play wonderfully! Of the boys, I would like to mention an actor whose name I never found on the RAMT website. In “Dunno...” he played Grumpy, and in the play “The Prince and the Pauper” he played the Prince.

I specifically went on the Internet to find out that maybe I wasn’t the only one who dreamed of this story of “a man and a woman.” It turns out that many people saw dusty sets and old props. That's great news! Still, how multifaceted real art is! Everyone, literally everyone, sees something different in him.

Text and photo: Tanya Belkina

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