Scenario for a presentation on environmental protection for primary school students. Air pollution is good for children


Treat water with care and do not waste it. Whenever possible, turn off the tap, for example when brushing your teeth or soaping your hair. If funds allow, purchase a dishwasher. Water consumption will immediately become more economical, which will also have a positive effect on your budget.

Save energy by turning off lights and electrical appliances when you leave home. Replace incandescent light bulbs with energy-saving ones. Do not forget to unplug all kinds of chargers from the sockets after using them, because even when not connected to devices, they continue to consume electricity.

Use environmentally friendly materials. Avoid plastic bags and buy a canvas bag for grocery shopping. Give preference to disposable cardboard tableware. Buy organic products. This not only helps protect the environment, but also has a beneficial effect on your health.

Be careful with paper, because so many trees are cut down to make it. Use electronic media whenever possible. Print on both sides of the paper. Carefully look through unnecessary notebooks, notepads, sheets, there are probably still blank areas that can be reused for notes. Buy recycled paper products. Hand over unnecessary newspapers and magazines to waste paper collection points; you can find out about their location using various Internet resources. Help nature - plant a tree.

Always pick up trash after yourself: do not throw candy wrappers, pieces of paper and other waste on the street. Teach children to respect the environment from an early age. When going out into nature, make sure that the place where you had a pleasant time remains clean and tidy after you leave.

Handle used batteries responsibly. Do not throw them away, but take them to special collection points. Batteries contain toxic metals, which, when released in a city landfill, end up in the soil over time, causing enormous harm to the environment and human health. Unnecessary or damaged mercury thermometers should also be immediately disposed of.

Car exhaust fumes greatly pollute the air, and this problem is especially acute in large cities. Give preference to walking, if possible, and do not use a personal car unless absolutely necessary. In this way, you will at least slightly reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and walking in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on your health.


  • Portal; Informative; 10 simple steps to protect nature.

Does every person think about the fact that he not only saves money by saving water, but also contributes to the conservation of wildlife? Let's take an average city on the planet with a population of 1-2 million people. If each resident saves 10 liters of water per day, then this amount of water will create a lake 1 km in diameter and 5 meters deep! And if you use the following tips, you can definitely save more. Then drinking water will be consumed more slowly, and wastewater will accumulate more slowly.


If you have dripping faucets in your home, fix them or replace them with new ones. Each faulty tap can drip from 30 to 200 liters of water per day. Troubleshoot problems as they arise.

Do not keep the water running while shaving or brushing your teeth. To brush your teeth, it is better to pour water into a glass. This way you can save up to 15 liters per minute. When washing dishes, do not keep the tap open all the time. If your bathtub has two compartments, wash the first one (filled with water) with it closed, and pour water into the second one for the final rinsing of the dishes. This way you will not only reduce water consumption by 3-5 times, but also save on dishwashing detergent.

There are also water flow regulators that are installed on faucets in order to fix the water flow. This way you can make the water pressure exactly what you need.

Video on the topic


  • Is it harmful to store drinking water in plastic five-liter containers?

Every year prices for everything rise, including utility bills. You have to save on everything. If you save water, you will get a fairly large amount of money per year in your wallet, which can be spent on the needs you need. So how can you save water?


The first thing you need to do to save water is to buy cold and hot water supplies. Then you will no longer be able to calculate cold and hot water consumption, as well as general water disposal. By consuming these services at fixed prices, large savings are obtained. The cost of installing a metering device will be recouped within a year.

When washing in the shower, turn off the water supply when soaping and turn it on when rinsing.

Wash the potatoes in a saucepan.

Brush your teeth with the tap closed. Better yet, pour water to rinse your teeth into a glass.

You can save water when watering your dacha by collecting rainwater in containers and putting the roof drain into a water tank. For the first waterings, when there is no rain yet, pour it into a container.

By following these simple techniques, you will significantly save your family budget.

Video on the topic

Water need to save. Firstly, this will save you some money on your water bills. Around the world, millions of people suffer from a lack of water for household needs, not to mention drinking water. Therefore, we urge you: save water, especially since you do not need to make Herculean efforts to do this. Just follow simple rules and accustom yourself to small restrictions, not only at home, but also in the country or in a country house.


Don't waste water. Before you start rinsing the vegetables under running water, first wash them in a basin. It’s better to water the plants with dirty water from it. Just wait until the water cools to room temperature. You can water it with water collected after rain. Most owners whose plots are not equipped with running water know this method. It’s a pity that they often forget about it after laying water pipes.

Grow plants in your garden that are adapted to the local climate. They require minimal watering and care. This means less water will be wasted.

Water your plants late at night or early in the morning when it's still cool. During this time, evaporation is minimal, as is the total water consumption for irrigation. In addition, the vegetation will better absorb water. Covering it with something for a while can also reduce evaporation.

Do not hose down garden paths. It is better not to be lazy, sweeping the paths with a broom and periodically spraying them with water to reduce dust. The locking tip on the hose also helps save money. Now, while you go to the tap to turn off the water, it does not flow in vain.

Buy a jug or other container for water (preferably with a filter). Then you won’t have to drain the water on a hot summer day, waiting for the cold water to flow. You can take the jug out of the refrigerator and freshen up.

Video on the topic

Many people think that maintaining a swimming pool is fun. A swimming pool can bring many health benefits. Like any pleasure, you also have to spend a lot of money on a swimming pool. The point is that you need to keep the water in good condition. There are several types of filtering for this purpose.


One of the main parts of the pool is the filtration system. It is thanks to it that the water in the pool can remain clean and transparent for a long time. Effective water treatment is achieved through recycling and filtration. Quite often in water subjected to chemical treatment. For effective water care, physical as well as chemical treatment is extremely important.

Water filtration must be done daily, regardless of whether the pool is in use or not. Filtration time may vary. It all depends on how long it takes for the entire volume of water in the pool to pass through the filter unit 3 times. If the water temperature in the pool is above 25 degrees or mild chemicals are used, then it is necessary to increase the water filtration time.

The pool equipment must include a skimmer, water return nozzles, a bottom drain, and a water level regulator. It is these elements that are mandatory complements to the filtration unit.

The skimmer is the main equipment of any pool. It is also called a "water intake". It is a plastic or metal tank through which water from the surface of the pool flows into the filter unit. Depending on the size of the pool, several skimmers may be installed. The type of skimmer depends entirely on the method of waterproofing the pool.

Currently, there are built-in and mounted skimmers. The hinged one is located inside the bowl. They are simply hung on the side of the pool. This type is used in cases where it is not possible to install built-in skimmers. The mounted skimmer has a return pipe for water exiting the filtration unit. In other words, water leaves the pool through it and then returns back to it. The built-in skimmer is mounted directly into the wall of the pool. It is made of plastic or stainless steel.

Water is the most important liquid on earth. It is present in every organism, and every organism uses it in its life. We all depend on water, but the problem is that every year water bodies become dirtier and more susceptible to the negative effects of the environment. How to protect water necessary for life, from pollution?


Do not use environmentally harmful detergents. A lot of pollutants enter water bodies from household wastewater. The artificial detergents we use cause a lot of harm to the environment, including water. Therefore, try to use only those products that are marked on the packaging as environmentally friendly.

When going outdoors (for a picnic, barbecue, camping trip, etc.), do not throw garbage into water bodies. This garbage remains in the water, dissolves and becomes another pollutant. Always take your waste with you and dispose of it in designated areas.

Returning to forays into nature, do not wash clothes in rivers or lakes using powder or other detergents. In open reservoirs there is no treatment system, so all these chemicals remain in the water, harming the living organisms living in it and the people themselves who want to swim. Take care of the cleanliness of water bodies!

Do not overuse clean water. Save water, turn it off while brushing your teeth or when you no longer need it, fix leaking taps. Remember, the more clean water we have, the less dirty it is.

Try to use only environmentally friendly products in your everyday life. This applies not only to its disposal - factories and factories that produce such things provide a guarantee that no harm was caused to nature when creating environmentally friendly products. Remember the terrible pollution x water from industrial facilities and try to support only those industries that do not harm the environment.

Elementary - save energy. It would seem that there is no relationship between water and light, but this is far from the case. By turning off the lights, computer or TV, you save electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants, which are also one of the main sources pollution water.


  • how to save water

Utility bills are a significant expense item for a modern person. Especially a lot of money is spent on paying bills for water. Is it possible to reduce spending? You can if you know some simple ways to save money.

You will need

  • - proper plumbing,
  • - spray nozzle,
  • - plug for the sink.


Close the tap tightly. The ocean is made up of drops, and even minor leaks, in your opinion, can result in an extra 200 - 400 liters in utility bills. It is also in your best interest to fix any faulty faucets.

Monitor the condition of the toilet cistern. A leaking tank, like a loosely closed tap, contributes to the loss of up to half a cubic meter of water per day. On average, people waste about 5 cubic meters of water per month (!), so do the math yourself.

Use sink plugs when washing dishes, brushing your teeth, or shaving. To wash dishes, fill the sink full of water, soap all dirty utensils, and rinse in the sink. Then fill the sink again and give the dishes a final rinse. A glass of water is enough to rinse your mouth. These measures will allow you to reduce water consumption several times. A dishwasher will also help you save on water consumption. But only use the washing machine and dishwasher with a full load. If you wash by hand, then to rinse the laundry dial water into the bath or basin.

Try to prioritize showering over bathing. This reduces water consumption by 5-7 times. By choosing a shower diffuser with smaller hole diameters, you also save water and your money. And installing spray nozzles on taps will significantly reduce utility bills.

Do not train your pet to drink running water. water. Water in a bowl has the same properties as water running from a tap.


Are you following all the tips to save water, but your payments still come in the same? The fact is that utility companies calculate water consumption as an average for the entire house. In this case, you pay not only for yourself, but also for your neighbor. Install water meters and feel the real savings.

Helpful advice

Choose lever mixers. With the help of such mixers it is easier to achieve the optimal water temperature. This reduces water consumption and saves your family budget.


  • Smart housekeeping tips from Greenpeace

Environmental problems concern everyone. Now that people can see with their own eyes how harmful human activity is affecting nature, interest in the problems of the planet has increased sharply. Caring for the environment and giving up some “bad” everyday habits is a contribution that everyone can make.


Use energy saving lamps. Replace the lamps at least in the pantry, utility room, . Scientists have calculated that if at least one incandescent lamp was replaced in every home with a fluorescent, energy-saving one, the level of the environment would decrease in the same way as 1 million cars off the world's roads.

Don't start with rinsing. If you are used to first rinsing dirty dishes under running water and only then using detergent, then skip this step. This will help you save up to 20 liters of water every time you stand at the sink. Only turn on the water to rinse plates and cups that have already been coated with detergent or.

Donate bottles. This is not at all the prerogative of people without a fixed place of residence, but a conscious step towards saving the planet. It will take about a million years for a discarded bottle to naturally “recycle”. Thanks to the recycling of raw materials by glass factories, air pollution is reduced by 20% and water pollution by 50%.

Choose diapers. Diapers make life easier by freeing them from constant washing and ironing. However, during the first years, when the baby does not yet know how to use the potty, he manages to stain several thousand absorbent panties. And this is more than 3 tons of poorly recyclable garbage.

Save water! Before starting to brush their teeth, most people mindlessly turn on the tap. However, at the moment when you are using a toothbrush in your mouth, water is absolutely not needed. Moreover, dentists spend at least a few minutes on this morning procedure. By turning on water only when you really need it, you can save 7,300 liters of water per year.

Turn off the lights, even if you leave the room for five minutes. In addition, try not to turn it on at all during daylight hours: read, write, do handicrafts, sitting by the window. Daylight is much healthier for the eyes than artificial light.

Video on the topic

Unlike the first half of the 20th century, now every schoolchild knows that the environment needs to be taken care of. Most people believe that this is the work of special environmental organizations that are paid money for this. However, it is not. Only if every person begins to monitor their habitat will it be possible to preserve a beautiful and clean planet.


You may not even realize how much you can do to protect the environment. If you are determined to protect the environment, first accustom yourself to basic order. Do not throw cigarette butts and pieces of paper past the trash can, sort garbage into categories, and recycle waste - plastic, glass, batteries.

Watch how much water you consume. Remember: the lower this figure is, the cleaner the lakes and rivers in your region will be. Remember to turn off the water when brushing your teeth, try to take a shower rather than a bath, and turn off the water or reduce the pressure while lathering your body.

Take part in community cleanups, because several dozen people can do much more than one. You can plant a park or square with your whole team. This will be a great contribution to protecting the environment.

Participate as a volunteer in projects organized by environmental organizations. You can find out about organizing such projects and searching for volunteers on the organizations’ websites (for example, go to the Greenpeace Russia website). These can range from projects to protect local flora or fauna to large international projects. Participating in such events will not only be beneficial for the environment, but also interesting for you.

Try to use personal vehicles as little as possible, and walk or ride a bicycle more. This is beneficial both for the environment and for your body.

Tell your loved ones about the need to protect the environment. After all, the more people remember to turn off the water and take the trash to the trash bin, the cleaner and better the world will become. Pay special attention to raising children. Explain to your children the need for certain actions aimed at preserving the environment, and do not hesitate to tell strangers scattering garbage why this should not be done.

Video on the topic

There are many more bodies of water on the planet than land. Roughly three-quarters of the globe is covered by oceans, leaving only a quarter dry. Maybe this land should be protected? But the fact is that almost all the water on Earth is salty. There are very few reservoirs of fresh water suitable for drinking. In addition, the environmental situation is deteriorating every year, so the quality of fresh water is deteriorating and its quantity is steadily decreasing.

Water is one of the most essential substances for all living things. The body consists of more than half water. Plants also need this life-giving liquid. Compare a dry leaf and a green one: dry compared to a living one is practically nothing, because there is no more moisture in it.

A person cannot live without water. But besides him, there are other living creatures that also cannot live without water. Animals and birds, trees and mushrooms, and even many - everyone needs water. Without water, according to scientists, a representative of mammals will not last even 10 days. People consume several liters of water every day, not necessarily in its direct form, but it is found in food and drinks.

There are many places on Earth where, despite the proximity of oceans and seas, fresh water is almost worth its weight. There are islands where there are no bodies of water. Water is brought there from other places, and it is not cheap. The life of entire settlements depends on the supply of life-giving moisture.

Every polluted body of water, even located far from a city or town, still poses a danger. The water evaporates from it, forms clouds and falls as precipitation in the surrounding areas. So-called acid rain, when water mixed with chemical waste from various industries falls on the ground, is no longer uncommon. They pose a danger to all living things, as well as to other bodies of water.

There is an Uzbek proverb: drop by drop, a desert is formed, and if it does not drip, then a desert is formed. Preserving water and reservoirs is the same as protecting life on the planet, taking care of the beauty and prosperity of the world, in which not only people, but also many other living beings.

Video on the topic

Just two or three decades ago, a situation where people had to drink water from bottles could only be found in the works of science fiction writers or seen in nightmares. Now this is a reality, bottled water no longer surprises anyone. Try to remember the last time you drank truly pure water from a natural source? Many people find it difficult to answer this question, since there are fewer and fewer clean reservoirs.

Water occupies more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface. It was in water that life originated. It is in it that she may die first...

The Earth's hydrosphere is rapidly becoming polluted. In industrialized regions it is already difficult to find a source from which you can safely. But just a hundred years ago, almost all the rivers of Russia were crystal clear. The rapid development of industry, the emergence of cities with a population of millions of people, in the absence of concern for preventing environmental pollution, led to the fact that over a hundred years many rivers turned into sewers. If you take a water sample in the Astrakhan region, then almost all of Mendeleev will be present in it. As a result of the decline in industrial production in the nineties, the situation has improved somewhat, but still remains very difficult.

Water is the basis of life on Earth. For normal life, a person needs to drink up to two liters of water a day, and much more depends on its quality than it might seem at first glance. Anyone understands that the water they drink must be clean. But this is not enough - scientists have found that water has memory. Its molecules are designed in such a way that they can store information about the substances with which they come into contact. It is on this principle that homeopathy is based: a small dose of the drug is dissolved with water, after which the bottle is shaken for a long time and thoroughly. In this case, all water acquires the properties of a dissolved drug. This is an example of the positive use of water memory, but much more often it causes harm to a person. Even when cleared of impurities and seemingly absolutely clean, it retains the memory of the harmful substances contained in it.

Fortunately, water has a natural mechanism for cleansing negative information - the process of evaporation. Evaporating from the surface, water loses all accumulated information. Condensing and falling with rain, it again acquires all its life-giving qualities. Rainwater is very useful - provided that it is not contaminated by atmospheric emissions from industrial enterprises. The water of springs and streams is also life-giving - but also only if it is crystal clear. This is why it is so important to protect water sources from pollution - no matter how much purification the water that gets into it undergoes, it will still convey to people information about the pollution encountered along its path.

Polluted water is harmful not only to water, but also to most organisms inhabiting the Earth. The most obvious way pollution of the hydrosphere affects fish; many of its species do not tolerate even the slightest impurities of chemicals. Along with fish caught in a polluted reservoir, harmful substances also enter the human body. By polluting water, a person ultimately harms himself, since he still faces the consequences of pollution.

Nature has very powerful healing abilities, but its possibilities are not limitless. Already, many countries are faced with such a problem as water. If humanity does not take care of preserving sources of clean water, this problem will become more and more acute.

Video on the topic

Utility bills make you think about saving. This also applies to the consumption of ordinary water. It is necessary to develop a number of rules of conduct for yourself and your family. But the issue of frugality must be approached wisely; each family member must be aware of the need to save water and know its real price. Helps you save water and installation of metering meters.


Check all your plumbing fixtures for water leaks. To do this, record accurate meter readings and do not use the water. After the time has elapsed, the meter readings should remain unchanged.

Do not wash dishes under running water. First, clear the plates of food debris and place them in a sink filled with water and detergent. Then rinse each item with clean water. This will save up to 60 liters of water per day.

Taking a shower is 5-7 times more economical than using it. Remember a simple rule - do not leave the water flow constantly on, just stand in the shower for 20-30 seconds, turn it off water, lather up and turn it on again for a while water for washing off foam and rinsing. If you prefer to take a bath, use it no more than once a week or fill it to 50%.

When brushing your teeth and shaving, turn on water at the beginning and at the end of the procedure. It’s best to use settled or boiled water. water, poured into a glass or special container.

Do not leave the toilet flush handle in a position that allows water to leak. Adjust it for proper operation or replace it.

If you are installing plumbing fixtures, choose economical options. For example, a shower with different nozzles that regulate temperature and water pressure, a toilet with two flush modes. Install special devices that react to the supply of water when you raise your hands.

When choosing a dishwasher, be guided by the model’s efficiency in terms of electricity and water supply. Try to use the washing machine with a full load. The dishwasher is equally water-friendly. As a rule, it uses cold water, but even taking into account heating, its use will significantly save your money.

Video on the topic

Water is an important factor in the life of all life on our planet. Meanwhile, the world is experiencing a reduction in the volume of fresh water so necessary for humans and animals. To cope with this problem, social programs and scientific developments alone are not enough; the help of every person is needed. Moreover, it can be provided when performing the most ordinary tasks.


Save water. This will not only make a significant contribution to maintaining the water balance on the planet, but will also significantly save the family budget.

Wash dishes in the dishwasher. If you load it completely, the amount of water spent on cleaning the dishes will be half that needed to wash them under the tap.

If you do not have such equipment, wash dirty dishes in the sink with the plug closed. At the same time, try to use a minimum amount of cleaning products. After washing the plates in this manner, change water and rinse them in clean water. Even after changing water several times, you will not waste the amount that could pour out of a constantly open tap.

Elena Musina
Project activity for senior preschool children “Environmental protection”

Project activities

« Environmental protection»

Methodical passport project.

Type project- research - creative.

In terms of composition - participants - children and adults.

View project - intergroup, long-term.

The problem is protection environment.

Target: Clarify and systematize knowledge children about environmental protection.


1. Secure received preschoolers knowledge of environmental protection.

2. Create conditions for children to use protection skills environment.

3. Call preschoolers desire to protect the world around them.

4. Ensure that each child is active when acquiring knowledge.

Series of events.

o Lesson: "How to behave in nature" book "Ecological holidays" L. Molodova p. 62;

o Reading a poem "Walk" WITH. Mikhalkov: reading, solving a problem situation.

o Planting flowers in the kindergarten area.

o Quiz

o Exhibition of drawings.

o Literary and musical composition using poems and songs

M. Plyatskovsky, E. Ptichkin "Don't tease dogs",

R. Rozhdestvensky “The earth is our home”, "Big Round Dance",

I. Maznin "Let's be friends"

M. Plyatskovsky "Don't pick flowers"

In Viktorov, D. Lvov-Kompaneets "Wider circle"

o Puppet show “About an unlucky boy and faithful friends of the forest” page 73

o Presentation "Let's save the planet"

Specific Expectations results:

During implementation project« Environmental protection» teachers plan to achieve the following results:


1. Development of active speech children.

2. Development of cooperation skills and partnership communication.

3. Increased cognitive activity in children.


1. Increasing pedagogical competence in environmental protection.

2. Establishing a relationship between adults and children.

3. Creation of conditions in preschool educational institutions for the development of children's knowledge about environmental protection.

Participants: teachers and children of speech therapy group No. 4


L. P. Molodova “Ecological holidays for children

N. V. Nishcheva "Correctional work system"

T. A. Sharygina "What months of the year"

Presentation “The earth is our common home”

The earth is our home and everyone is responsible for the order in it.

His activities people improve living conditions, but cause great harm to nature. This threatens with grave consequences for both humanity and nature.

In our age of scientific and technological progress, man is increasingly invading nature: new lands are plowed up, forests are destroyed, hydroelectric power stations are built.

All this leads to the fact that the normal life of animals and plants is disrupted, they are forced out of their native places by humans and die, chemical hunting and the destruction of forests have caused great damage to the animal world, so now the issue of nature conservation, creation of nature reserves.

Nature itself tries to fight pollution, for example, plants purify the air from harmful gases and dust. One single beech tree produces in one day as much oxygen as is required for 64 people, and so on according to its capabilities, each blade of grass, burdock, nettle, bush, tree

In our country security nature is a matter of national importance, everyone must treat all living things with care and follow the rules of behavior in nature

On excursions, during hikes and walks, do not break tree branches or bushes, a plant is a living creature and branches, together with leaves, help it breathe, release oxygen into the air, trap dust, where there are a lot of plants, it’s easy to breathe

Don’t damage the bark of the trees, understand that it hurts them, they stop growing and die painfully for a long time, they just can’t talk about it

Do not pick flowers in the forest and in the meadow, because a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death, let this miracle please the eye, rejuvenate the heart, the soul of everyone who comes after us, it was the long-standing habit of picking flowers that led to the disappearance of many types of flowers

In the forest try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the grass and soil, folk wisdom reads: “One person leaves a trail in the forest, 100 people leave a path, and 1000 people leave a desert.”

You cannot take eggs from nests, destroy anthills, dig holes or disturb forest inhabitants

Do not light a fire in the forest if it is not necessary, fires are wounds on the forest floor, they take 15-20 years to heal, a fire can cause a fire

Do not knock down mushrooms, even those that are not edible, the one who knocks down fly agarics with a stick does not respect the forest and does not understand it, fly agarics help trees grow, squirrels, moose, and magpies feed on them

In the forest, it is forbidden to turn on tape recorders at full power, make screams and noise, this causes birds and animals to leave their holes and nests, you need to appreciate and keep quiet, be able to listen to the magical sounds of the forest

Don’t leave a mess behind in the forest, remember, abandoned paper decomposes in 2 years, a tin can at least 70 years, a plastic bag will lie for a very long time because there are no bacteria on the ground that can destroy it, and a piece of glass in sunny weather can play a role lenses and cause a forest fire

There are a lot of us guys, let each of us plant at least a bush for the garden now

A tree, grass, flower and bird do not always know how to defend themselves; if they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet

Fish need clean water, we will protect our waters. There are different animals in the forests, steppes, mountains, we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains

For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest, steppe and mountains, but man needs a homeland and protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

Topic: Environmental protection.


  • establish the consequences of environmental pollution, the influence of man on nature and nature on man; determine what feasible environmental work children can do; develop environmental literacy; make sectional boxes for flower seedlings, sow seeds of flower plants;
  • develop oral monologue speech, mental operations (analysis, comparison, classification); fine motor skills; creative imagination;
  • cultivate an environmental culture; ability to work in a team; self-control.


  • tape recorder;
  • TV, video cassette “Ecological Almanac”;
  • garbage bags, plastic bottles, cans, boxes, etc.
  • exhibits of the exhibition;
  • juice boxes 200 ml (23 pcs.);
  • flower seeds;
  • reminders for students;
  • visual material.


I. Organizational moment

The recording sounds:

Good morning friends!

Nature! Good morning!

Hello, rivers and lakes, seas and oceans, mountains and plains!

Hello birds and animals!

Everyone, everyone, everyone! Good morning!

If a person said hello every day like this not only to his family and friends, but also to all living things that surround him, maybe all those animals and plants that we will never see again lived on earth - man destroyed them.

  • A fragment of the video film “Ecological Almanac” is shown (vivid examples of human violations of the environment).
  • A minute of silence. Pause.
  • 4th grade students (playing the role of tourists) enter the classroom and bring in garbage bags with cans, bottles, boxes, etc., and place them at the board.

Wait, what are you doing?

What a pity that nature cannot speak the language of man; she is powerless in the face of human onslaught.

What to do so that nature does not die?

Reference: One family of 4 throws out 3 kg of garbage every day. And if a thousand people live in a city...

II. Learning new material.

Think about what the topic of the lesson is? (Students formulate the topic of the lesson).

What is the main task facing us today? (Tasks: 1. Investigate the causes of environmental pollution; 2. Think about how we can help protect nature)

What is the environment (world)?

(The surrounding world is nature, man, his work and the result of his work)

What two subgroups can we divide all natural objects into?

(Living and inanimate nature)

Name what objects belong to living nature? (plants, animals, mushrooms, bacteria)

Name the objects of inanimate nature? (air, stones, water, space)

A scheme is consistently built together with the students.

  • Only man is capable of creating and using something, so we will consider the entire human society separately, although man is part of nature.

What happens if at least one link is broken?

The whole system is disrupted. All elements are interconnected.

III. Working with the textbook.

Open the textbook on page 34 (“We and the world around us,” 1st grade, N.Ya. Dmitrieva, A.N. Kazakov).

Look carefully at the illustration, read the text of the textbook. Students work independently with the text of the textbook.

What relationship exists between human activities, inanimate and living nature.

What does a person produce in enterprises?

Why is he doing this? This is beneficial for humans!

What is the harm from the work of these enterprises?

What threat does this pose to nature? What about the man himself? This will affect the health of the person himself.

IV. Work in groups.

In the last lesson you received an assignment: to investigate the causes of environmental pollution. Introduce us to the result of the study.

Group 1: Our group studied air pollution.

We found out that one enterprise emits 200 tons of soot into the atmosphere per year. A car can emit up to 20 kg of harmful exhaust gases per day.

Are you proposing to close plants and factories?

No, it is necessary to install treatment facilities on pipes so as not to pollute the environment with waste.

Which of your parents has a car? So now destroy all the cars? What needs to be done to keep the air clean?

A small coniferous forest clears 35 tons of dust per year. Deciduous forest - 70 tons of dust.

One large tree produces as much oxygen per day as one person needs.

Our city is surrounded by forests, Christmas trees near the school purify the air.

Group 2 studied how humans influence plants.

Many things are made from wood. Books and notebooks are made from paper, which is also made from timber, which is why forests are cut down.

1 tree grows for more than 100 years.

80 kg of waste paper is saved by 1 tree. Our class collected 240 kg of waste paper this year, we saved 3 trees.

People go out into nature, light fires, and throw garbage. Fires often occur in forests, animals and birds die.

People break trees, tear flowers, pick mushrooms and mycelium.

Abandoned garbage pollutes the soil.

Time required for complete destruction of materials buried in the ground: paper - 15 days,

tin can - 20 years, glass - many years.

What should you do with garbage?

The forest suffers and the animals suffer.

Group 3: We explored the influence humans have on animals.

People hunt animals. There are many endangered animal species on Earth that are listed in the Red Book. 3 species of animals disappear from the Earth every hour.

Birds die from the cold; 9 out of 10 birds die during the winter.

We held a campaign “Help the Birds”

We studied what birds winter with us, found out what they eat; We made feeders and hung them in the yard and in the forest, we feed the birds.

Group 4: Human influence on the condition of water bodies.

We learned how people pollute water bodies by throwing out trash cans and glass. This is very dangerous for fish and for humans themselves.

Some enterprises dump waste and harmful substances into rivers.

1 liter of wastewater renders 100 liters of clean water unusable.

5 g of oil is covered with a film of 50 sq. m of water surface.

There is very little fresh water on Earth - save water.

In order to summarize how to help protect nature, we will play a game: “Choose a rule of politeness” (the rules are written on cards)

1st group:

1. Do not break branches, do not damage trees. Don’t tear a blade of grass or a leaf in vain.

2. You can play in the forest: throw leaves, weave wreaths, pick bouquets. Just think, there is a lot of greenery, more will grow.

3. Do not uproot flowering plants.

Group 2:

1.Finally you can make some noise, shout, make a sound, the main thing is not to disturb anyone.

2. Try not to make noise, otherwise the forest will be scared, will hide, and you will not learn a single secret.

3. Don't destroy birds' nests.

Group 3:

1. A bug-eyed frog, a creeping snake, a clumsy toad, nasty caterpillars You can drive them away, but it would be better if they weren’t there at all.

2. All kinds of animals are important - all kinds of animals are needed. Each of them does their own useful work in nature.

3. Don't destroy anthills.

Group 4:

1. You can set fires while walking through the forest Along the way there are various sticks and blades of grass - they burn interestingly.

2. Don’t leave the fire unextinguished.

3. You cannot leave garbage in the forest or park.

From the rules that you have chosen, we have compiled a reminder. Let's read it.


If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower,
If everything: both me and you,
If we pick flowers -
All the clearings will be empty
And there will be no beauty!

-Not break tree branches.

- Not uproot flowering plants.

- Not pick flowers from plants.

- It is forbidden strip the bark from trees and make cuts on it with a knife.

- It is forbidden leave garbage in the forest or park.

- Not pull out mushrooms with mycelium.

- Not destroy birds' nests.

- Not destroy anthills.

- Not leave the fire unextinguished.

-Not clog the springs.

- Not make noise in the forest.

Task 2: Each group has drawings in the envelope - these are environmental signs. Think about what they mean?

Task 3: At home, come up with and draw your own signs - drawings.

V. Physical exercise. Visual gymnastics. Relaxation.

VI. Creative work.

What should we do with these items? (They take out boxes and plastic bottles from bags).

How can they be reused?

Probably every family has its own little secrets for reusing plastic bottles, boxes, bags, etc.


And today in class we will also try to do useful, necessary work!

1. We will make a sectional box for seedlings from juice boxes.

2. Let's plant seeds of ornamental plants in them.

3. In May we will plant seedlings in the school plot - this will be a small contribution to decorating the world around us.

Let’s call our project “Let’s grow sunflowers, little suns”

Students plant seeds and water them.

In order for a plant to grow well, you need to plant it with love and in a good mood.

On each row, the boxes are connected with a stapler and then with tape into sectional boxes, a plate with the name of the flower crop planted in it is attached, and the top is covered with covering material for better seed germination.

IX. Lesson summary

What was the most important thing in the lesson?

In what mood do we end the lesson?

I think that, thanks to the knowledge that you received today in class, you will be able to keep our world so beautiful.

Take care of the Earth! Take care

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

There are sun glares on the paths,

A crab playing on the stones,

Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,

A hawk flying over the field,

A clear month over the river calm.

Take care of the Earth! Take care!

14th place

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 24"

Project of direct educational activities for the development of environmental ideas

children of the preparatory group “Wildlife Conservation”

Completed by: teacher of the 1st qualification category Boytseva Natalia Valentinovna


Educational: consolidate children's knowledge about living nature, expand their understanding of the relationship between humans and it.

Educational: develop children's thought processes, the mental operation of comparison and demonstrative speech, and enrich their vocabulary.

Educational: to cultivate a respectful, consciously correct attitude towards nature, an interest in knowledge.

Material: illustrations of wild animals, insects, plants, underwater inhabitants; pictures depicting forest fires, polluted water bodies, etc.

Preliminary work:

Conversation with children on the topic “Wildlife conservation. What is this for? (see appendix)

Didactic games: “Forest houses”

- “Find all the animals”

Progress of educational activities:

Teacher: Guys, please look at the illustrations and tell me what is shown on them.

Children: Nature.

Teacher: What does the word nature mean?

Children: Nature is plants, birds, various animals, fish, insects.

Teacher: Do you like to watch nature?

Teacher: Tell us what interesting things you saw during such observations.

Stories from children's experiences.

Teacher: The person is very inquisitive and has long watched animals and birds, insects and plants. But every year there are fewer and fewer wild animals on our planet. And this is not difficult to understand: the world population is increasing, and the more people there are, the less space there is for animals to live. Many animal species are disappearing due to the indirect influence of humans on their lives. The fact is that man unwittingly takes away from his “smaller brothers” the natural habitats of animals, their feeding areas. The number of animals is negatively affected by deforestation, plowing of steppes, development of deserts, drainage of swamps, clogging of rivers with industrial waste, pollution of the seas and atmosphere. These actions exterminate animals as quickly as with guns, poison, or traps.

(showing pictures of forest fires, polluted rivers, etc.)

Teacher: Guys, what do you think should be done to ensure that the living world of nature does not disappear forever?

Children's answers.

Teacher: That's right, guys. Nature must be protected. Why is it necessary to preserve wild, especially rare and endangered animals? Perhaps many people do not think about this question. But even if they think about it, they quickly find the answer: if there are so few animals of a certain species, then they apparently do not have any significance in nature, so even after their disappearance, life on Earth will not stop. After all, history knows many such examples. However, those who think so are deeply mistaken. The famous English scientist J. Darrell rightly speaks about people’s attitude towards living nature: “Our world is as complex and as easily vulnerable as a spider’s web. Touch a single web, and all the others will tremble. And we don’t just touch the web, we leave gaping holes in it, we wage, one might say, a biological battle against the environment.”

Teacher: What is animal protection?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Animal protection is a type of activity aimed at improving the care and treatment of animals, preventing cruelty to animals.

The fact is that the fauna of our planet is not a random accumulation of different species of animals, but a single, harmoniously functioning system, and the loss of any link, even the most insignificant at first glance, leads to serious changes. This is why it is important to preserve every animal species. Each species is unique, interesting and necessary for nature and man.

Wild animals, especially rare and endangered species, deserve close attention and careful treatment. This is precisely the part of the organic world that is most vulnerable, and its loss is not only quite real, but can also happen in a very short time.

By observing nature, a person learns from it, using his observations to his advantage. If you walk in the forest and not yawn around, but look closely and take a closer look, you will notice a lot of interesting and useful things. Guys, do you know the rules of politeness in nature?

Children name the rules of behavior in the forest.

Teacher: I will read S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Walk”, and you listen carefully and answer what rules both adults and children have forgotten.

After reading the poem, the children name which rules of behavior were violated.

Teacher: To prevent such violations from happening, let’s come up with and draw environmental signs that can be placed in the forest. Why are such signs needed? Who saw them in the park, forest. Children's answers.

Teacher: Such signs will remind people of the rules of behavior in nature. Let's try to come up with and draw signs that will help people not to violate the rules of behavior in nature.

Children invent and draw environmental prohibition signs, and then show and explain their meaning.


S. Mikhalkov


We came to the river to spend Sunday

And you can’t find a free place near the river!

They sit here and sit there: sunbathe and eat,

Hundreds of adults and children relax as they wish.

We walked along the shore and found a clearing.

But in the sunny meadow there are empty cans here and there

And, as if to spite us, even broken glass!

We walked along the bank and found a new place.

But they sat here before us too; burned a fire, burned paper

They also drank, they also ate, they messed up and left!

We passed, of course... - Hey, guys! - Dima shouted.

What a place! Spring water! Wonderful view!

Beautiful beach! Unpack your luggage!

We swam, sunbathed, burned a fire, played football

We had as much fun as we could! They drank kvass, ate canned food, sang choir songs...

Relax and leave!

And they remained in the clearing near the extinguished fire:

Two bottles we broke, two sodden bagels - in short, a mountain of garbage!

We came to the river to spend Monday,

You just can’t find a clean place near the river!

Conversation on the topic “Nature conservation”

While in nature, you need to treat everything around you carefully and carefully. You cannot collect collections of mollusks, beetles, butterflies and other animals. Gathering, even without malicious intent, can cause significant harm to nature. Any amateur activity in the use of the animal world is illegal and cannot be tolerated. Wildlife should be inviolable for everyone. Observe, photograph, listen, admire, but do not touch or catch.

The fauna is one of the main components of the natural environment, an important part of the natural resources of our Motherland. It serves as a source for industrial and medicinal raw materials, food products and other material assets necessary to meet the needs of the population and national economy of our country. In addition, the animal world is used for scientific, cultural, educational and aesthetic purposes.

Everything in nature is interconnected and people could not live without the nature around them. But, being part of nature, people began to treat it cruelly and mercilessly.

Animals play a huge role in nature. Without them, many plants would not be able to reproduce and spread.

Animals are also necessary for people. Not only because they provide food and valuable furs, but also because almost all animals are very beautiful and interesting.

By cutting down forests or polluting water in rivers, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals for which the forest or river is their home. Due to human economic activity and excessive hunting, some animals have disappeared forever, and many others have become rare.

Now people all over the world have realized that the nature of our planet is in danger. Therefore, in many countries around the world, a lot of work is being done to protect nature. In our country, hunting for rare animals is prohibited, and for many other animals it is limited, incl. and fishing.

Animals are under special protection in nature reserves, sanctuaries and other protected natural areas. Protected animals can also be kept in arboretums, botanical gardens, and zoos. Thanks to zoos, many rare endangered species of animals have been preserved. When there are too many animals of a particular species in a reserve or zoo, they are moved to other places.

Some animal species have already been saved! This is, for example, beaver, sable. This means that people can save other rare animals if they spare no effort.

But we need to protect not only rare animals, but also those that are numerous and not yet included in the Red Book. These are the well-known squirrel and hedgehog, tit and woodpecker, frog, toad and many, many other animals. Their lives often depend on human behavior in nature. In winter, you can sprinkle nuts for squirrels near the trees in the forest, and make feeders for sparrows and tits.

Let's try to live in such a way that the earth around us remains generous and beautiful, so that clean streams gurgle on it, flowers bloom and birds sing!

Previously, we were told that we should let children lick dirty pacifiers to develop immunity, now we are told that it is useful to inhale dirty air...

For years, scientists have said and the media have reported that air pollution is harmful. The common-sense public has been especially concerned about heavy metal particles in the air lately, but newly appointed advisor to EPA head Scott Pruitt, Robert Phalen, says that breathing dirty breath is not harmful. Phalen writes articles on the topic of "Combating Air Pollution" and is the founder of a laboratory to study the effects of heavy particles in the air on humans.
We all know that human activity, like natural phenomena, creates air pollution. But according to Phalen, most of the damage that industry does to our atmosphere is offset by positive effects. Thus, diesel engines run trucks and agricultural machinery, and coal power plants provide us with the electricity thanks to which humanity lives... And it does not matter at all what percentage of emissions into the atmosphere such enterprises produce! Phalen believes that “essentially all human activity will change the environment and will negatively impact our ecology, as well as the health of some people.” But there are supposedly more advantages, so why regulate anything? The same idea is shared by Scott Pruitt, who took Robert to the position of his advisor...
The position of the new adviser to the head of the US Environmental Protection Agency regarding, for example, smoking is noteworthy. Here's what he thinks: "I've met a lot of people who smoke, and I really feel that those who quit smoking may have problems with their nerves - they tend to have increased anxiety, worry, anger" ... Phalen said that he smokes a pipe, to concentrate and think, supposedly this helps (“Intellectuals such as Einstein insisted that they even be photographed smoking a pipe,” he noted).
But the most interesting part of his research is the conclusion that small amounts of heavy particle pollution in the air are beneficial to humans, such as germs on a pacifier. Phelan is quoted in the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and this is what the scientist says about California air: “The air is too clean. I'm sure this is not good for children whose lungs need multiple stimuli because this is necessary so that the child's body can develop. Modern air is too clean for optimal health."
Phelan fears that setting higher standards to control air pollution could lead to, for example, fossil fuels being banned and truck drivers being kept out of work... In his opinion, "science is thus justifying its fear of climate change" but doesn't think about children.
Such statements sound at least strange and unnatural! We should allow our children to never wash their hands, eat food off the floor, roll in the dirt and breathe exhaust fumes for their health... Or maybe the US Environmental Protection Agency is simply trying to resist the introduction of renewable energy sources and thus defend its interests?

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