Solution gia option 36 yashchenko.

OGE 2018. Mathematics. Typical test tasks. 36 options.

M.: 2018. - 240 p.

The manual contains 36 variants of standard control measurement materials for the 2018 Main State Exam. The purpose of the manual is to develop students' practical skills in preparing for the mathematics exam (in a new form) in the 9th grade. The collection contains answers to all variant tasks.

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The answers to tasks 1-20 are a number, a number or a sequence of numbers that should be written down in ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the number of the corresponding task, starting from the first cell. If the answer is a sequence of numbers, then write it down without spaces, commas or other additional characters. Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.
2. The table shows the amount of fines established in Russia from September 1, 2013, for exceeding the maximum permitted speed, recorded using automatic recording devices.
What fine must be paid by the owner of a car whose recorded speed was 155 km/h on a section of road with a maximum permitted speed of 90 km/h?
1) 500 rubles 2) 1000 rubles 3) 2000 rubles 4) 5000 rubles

5. The graph shows the change in air temperature over three days. The date and time are indicated horizontally, and the temperature value in degrees Celsius is indicated vertically. Determine the lowest air temperature on April 28 from the graph. Give your answer in degrees Celsius.
6. Find the root of the equation 8 + 7x = 9x + 4.
7. In 30 minutes the cyclist traveled 12 kilometers. How many kilometers will he travel in 40 minutes if he drives at the same speed?
8. The chart shows the nutritional content of ice cream. Determine from the diagram which substances predominate.

9. In the ninth grade there are 12 boys and 13 girls. By lot, they choose one duty officer per class. What is the probability that the duty officer will be a boy?
13. Direct current power (in watts) is calculated by the formula P = I2R> where I is the current strength (in amperes), R is the resistance (in ohms). Using this formula, find the resistance R if the power is 245 W and the current is 7 A. Give your answer in ohms.

15. The wheel has 15 spokes. The angles between adjacent spokes are equal. Find the angle formed by two adjacent spokes. Give your answer in degrees.
16. Two legs of a right triangle are 11 and 6. Find the area of ​​this triangle.
17. The center of the circle circumscribed about triangle ABC lies on side AB. The radius of the circle is 13. Find AC if BC = 24.
18. Find the area of ​​the parallelogram shown in the figure.
19. On checkered paper with a square size of 1x1, three points are marked: A, B and C. Find the distance from point A to the middle of segment BC.
20. Which of the following statements are true?
1) In a right triangle, the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the legs.
2) If one of the angles in a rhombus is 90 degrees, then this rhombus is a square. > *
3) The distance from a point lying on a circle to the center of the circle is equal to the radius.
In response, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Series “OGE. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measurement materials (CMM) of the main state exam.
The collection contains:
36 standard exam options, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM OGE in mathematics 2018;
instructions for performing the work;
answers to all tasks;
solutions and evaluation criteria for tasks in part 2.
Completing the tasks of standard examination options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in grade 9, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation.
Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs of basic general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

Which of the following statements are true?
1) The area of ​​a triangle is less than the product of its two sides.
2) An angle inscribed in a circle is equal to the corresponding central angle based on the same arc.
3) Through a point not lying on a given line, you can draw a line perpendicular to this line.
In your answer, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

The first cyclist left the village along the highway at a speed of 21 km/h. An hour after him, a second cyclist left the same village in the same direction at a speed of 15 km/h, and an hour later - a third. Find the speed of the third cyclist if he first caught up with the second, and 9 hours later he caught up with the first.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book OGE, Mathematics, Standard exam options, 36 options, Yashchenko I.V., 2018 -, fast and free download.

  • OGE in mathematics from A to Z, Problems in geometry, Yashchenko I.V., Shestakov S.A., 2020
  • OGE 2020, Mathematics, 50 options, Typical versions of exam tasks, Vysotsky I.R., Yashchenko I.V., Khachaturyan A.V., Shestakov S.A.
  • OGE 2020, Mathematics, 50 options, Typical versions of exam tasks, Vysotsky I.R., Yashchenko I.V., Kuznetsova L.V.

The following textbooks and books.

At one time or another, we all went through final exam tests, just as future 9th grade graduates worried about and prepared for exams in advance. Of course, today’s youth, boys and girls graduating from 2018, who after the ninth grade will go to study at a technical school or college, have completely different technical and information capabilities for preparing for future exams than their parents had.

Free access to all kinds of available material in electronic form, which allows you to calmly prepare for final examination tests, provides an undoubted advantage and great opportunities for future graduates, 9th grade students of Russian schools, to prepare well and systematically, and most importantly in advance, for exams.

Many of you will go to college or technical school in 2018 after successfully passing exams at a school called OGE (compulsory state exams). A considerable number of you expect to study at technical schools and colleges with government funding, in other words, for free, but not everyone is guaranteed such a place “in the sun”; only the best of you can count on it.

We will talk about how to get government funding for education in colleges and technical schools later, further in the text, but for now let’s deal with our main topic, which concerns final exams, namely mathematics. We will offer options for solving problems in mathematics OGE 2018 and 36 options with Yashchenko’s answers for grade 9, you will learn about scores and exams on mandatory state tests, converting them on a scale into grades, you will be able to learn something else and possibly understand...

OGE scores in mathematics 2018 - translation into grades

Before moving on to presenting 36 options for solving mathematics for the OGE 2018 according to Yashchenko, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scale for converting exam points into grades, including in final mathematics you can convert from the score you received on the exam to the usual mark (grade).

0-7 points in OGE mathematics - score "2"

8-14 points in OGE mathematics - grade "3"

15-21 points in OGE mathematics - grade "4"

22-32 points in OGE mathematics - grade "5"

Do not forget that by passing the final exams in the 9th grade, you confirm, first of all, that you have mastered the school curriculum up to the ninth grade, that is, you have successfully studied basic general education and this is very important for you. This gives you the opportunity to calmly prepare for entrance tests to a technical school or college, so it is extremely important to pass the exams the first time.

Yashchenko mathematics OGE 2018 - 36 solutions

Below, at the link, you can familiarize yourself with the tests, solutions and answers to the 2018 OGE mathematics tasks from the Russian mathematician Yashchenko, and test your knowledge online. This program for solving mathematics in mandatory state exams is an excellent help in testing yourself and your knowledge, testing the level of your preparation in this examination school subject.

OGE in mathematics according to YASCHENKO 2018 below...

The world, as they say, does not stand still, everything around is changing, and so there have been changes in the examination tests of Russian schoolchildren and 9th grade graduates, which we will now talk about. They mostly already happened in the last academic season, but we will remind you of them, refresh the memory, so to speak, of those who forgot about them.

Changes in the OGE in mathematics 2018

To date, there is no new information about the 2018 innovations in the OGE or innovations; all those changes that occurred earlier, including in the last academic season, remain relevant today. We will tell you further about the mandatory state exams and the changes that occurred last year:

The change in the 2018 OGE affected the subject of literature, where the criteria for assessing tasks that provide detailed answers were changed; in future exams they will be similar to the assessment criteria for the Unified State Exam, due to which the primary score (maximum) increased from 23 to 29, we remind you that this concerns the subject "Literature";

In the next academic season, both mandatory final exams and those that the student chooses at his own discretion will be taken into account, the result will be the following - in order to receive a final certificate, you need to pass all four subjects with at least minimum grades (points);

In the future academic season, you will be able to make three attempts to ultimately pass the OGE;

Unlike the final Unified State Exam for 11th grade students, exam points for the Unified State Exam, as you know, are translated into grades. Those of you who graduate from 9th grade in 2018 will have to take three modules in the subject of mathematics. In total, a graduate will be able to “earn” 36 points for completing the examination work. Including for the module in the subject "Algebra" - 17 points, the subject "Geometry" - 11 points, and for the subject "Real Mathematics" - 8 points.

The recommended minimum threshold in mathematics for final examinations will be a minimum of 8 points, but on the condition that in each of the modules (Algebra, Geometry and Real Mathematics), the student will score at least 2 points.

The main thing for each of you is to score a minimum of 2 points and reach this threshold. If the grade for the math exam is lower than the annual grade, then only the annual grade is taken into account when assigning it. If the exam grade for mathematics is higher than the annual one, then both of them are taken into account when adding the final grade to the certificate.

Exams in OGE mathematics 2018

After you finish 9th grade and successfully pass the final exams in all school subjects, not only compulsory Russian and mathematics, but also two others of your choice, you will, of course, enter some kind of technical school or college, at least a significant portion of those who will graduate from school in 2018 and will not transfer to 10th grade.

Many of you have decided where you will go to study, which technical school or college, of which there are a huge number in Russia and they are found in almost all even the smallest towns of our vast homeland, and therefore go somewhere far from home to get a special education not really needed.

Of course, many of you are counting on free education in the new academic season of 2018, receiving a special education at a college or technical school through government funding, and of course, some of you will achieve this opportunity and get the coveted place, but not all of this is certain.

To be among the select few who will receive a budget-funded place, you need not only to have high final exam scores, but also to pass the entrance exams better than your competitors for the college or technical school where you intend to go to study, to obtain your future profession in your chosen specialties.

Do not forget that among the first applicants for such places, who will most likely receive a budget place in a college or technical school, these will be school medalists, as well as prize-winners and winners of school Olympiads in various subjects, of various calibers, from a national scale, to republican, regional and regional

Therefore, it is simply extremely important for you to get high passing scores on the Unified State Examination in 2018 in order to have a chance of taking such a place, including successfully passing the entrance exams. Thanks to modern opportunities, you can prepare for the upcoming exams in advance and without leaving your home; as they say, only your desire, and there are plenty of opportunities.

Where to go to study? Choose below...

Where to go to study after 9th grade in 2018?

The choice of where to go to study is faced by many future graduates of Russian schools; also an important question is what profession to choose, what specialty to enter a college or technical school in the future academic season of 2018, which one to give preference to.

Of course, the majority have already decided who they will go to study, many have a cherished dream, for example, to become a primary school teacher, a teacher of physical education, music or history, someone has long dreamed of learning the profession of a paramedic or pharmacist, and someone sees themselves as an agronomist or a veterinarian, and someone likes technical, architectural or construction professions, such as an auto mechanic, construction technician, designer, and so on.

For those who have not decided on the choice of profession, are wondering which profession to give preference to, which specialty to choose, we will make their task easier. Next, we will present to you practically all technical and humanitarian specialties, as well as the subjects studied at colleges and technical schools in 2018, which you can enroll in and get your chosen profession.

In conclusion, I would like to say this - do not forget that the main thing in learning is not knowledge, but whether you will be able to apply it in practice, that is, put it into action, the practical plane of application. Do not forget that you need to successfully pass mathematics in the OGE in 2018, in which the problems with solutions and answers from the mathematician Yashchenko will help you, and also remember that a guarantee of free education in colleges and technical schools is high passing scores and successful entrance tests.

Prepare in advance, just like for the OGE in mathematics and other exam subjects in 2018, in order to get high passing scores and become one of the contenders for a budget place in a college or technical school. Good luck to all Russian schoolchildren, 9th grade graduates in exams in mathematics, Russian, physics, chemistry, history and other subjects - may your wishes turn into reality, thanks to your efforts!

Not all MATHEMATICS , remember this and it's not a problem!

What I would also like to say is that not all of us have a mathematical mindset; some have more developed logical thinking, creative or artistic direction, so perhaps for those of you who are not inclined to such science and you should not choose a profession related to the exact sciences, calculations, numbers, etc.

Before choosing a profession, a specialty for which to enroll in a college or technical school in 2018, you should understand yourself, take some tests to understand your true capabilities, what you are more inclined to, because having chosen a specialty today and study for it tomorrow, if you make a mistake you can ruin a lot in your life.

Don’t forget that a job you love is simply a vital necessity for a person, when you go to it with pleasure and do it with the same feeling, which means you have an incentive to grow and improve further. It is extremely important for any person to have the opportunity to do in their professional life what their soul is passionate about, remember this, think about it and make the right decision on choosing a future profession - peace and success to you in life!

OGE matematika 9th grade 2018 ekzameni Yaschenko 36 variants

OGE mathematics 9 class 2018, exams Yashchenko 36 options

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