A story about a conversation between the sun and a snowdrop. First Snowdrop

Winter; Cold; the wind is biting, but it’s nice and cozy in the ground; There the flower lies in its bulb, covered with earth and snow. But then it rained; the drops penetrated through the snow cover into the ground to the flower bulb and informed it of the white light that was above it. Soon a ray of sunlight, so thin and drilling, made its way there; he drilled into the snow and earth and tapped lightly on the bulb.

Sign in! - said the flower.

I can not! - answered the beam. - I’m still weak now, and I can’t open the bulbs! But by summer I will gather my strength!

When will summer be? - asked the flower and asked the same thing from each new guest - a ray of sunshine. But it was still a long time before summer; The snow had not yet completely melted, and the puddles were covered with ice every night.

How long does this take! - said the flower. - I just can’t sit still! I want to stretch, stretch out, open up, go free, see summer! What a blissful time!

And the flower stretched out in its thin shell, softened by water, warmed by snow and earth, penetrated by the sun's rays. Soon a green stem with a light green bud, surrounded, like a screen, by narrow, plump leaves, emerged from the ground, under the snow. The snow was still cold, but it was all flooded with the rays of the sun - it was already so loose that it was easy for them to break through it, and they themselves had now become stronger.

Welcome! Welcome! - they sang, and a flower peeked out from under the snow. The sun's rays caressed and kissed the little one, so that its snow-white cup with green veins completely opened. He bowed his head joyfully and modestly.

Dear flower! - the sun's rays sang. - How fresh and gentle you are! You are the first, the only one! You are our beloved child! You herald summer, wonderful summer! Soon all the snow will melt, the cold winds will blow away! We will reign! Everything will turn green! And you will have girlfriends: lilacs and yellow acacia will bloom, and then roses, but you are still the first, so tender and transparent!

What a joy! It seemed that the very air sang and sounded, the sun's rays penetrated the very petals and stem of the flower. And he stood, so tender, fragile and at the same time full of strength, in the magnificent bloom of youthful beauty, so elegant in his white dress, with green ribbons, and glorified summer. But it was still a long time before summer; the clouds covered the sun, cold, harsh winds blew.

You showed up too early! - they said to the flower. - The force is still on our side! Wait, we'll ask you! You should sit and sit in the warmth, and not rush to show off in the sun - the time has not yet come!

The cold was stinging. Days passed after days, and not a single ray of sunshine appeared. It was just right for the delicate flower to freeze. But he was stronger than he suspected; he was strengthened by joyful faith in the promised summer. tales.! No wonder the sun's rays announced it. The flower firmly believed their promise and stood patiently on the white snow in his white outfit, bowing his head under the heavy, thick flakes of snow; Cold winds raged around him.

You will break! - they said. - You will wither, you will freeze! What did you want here? Why did you let yourself be lured out? The sunbeam has deceived you! Serves you right now! Oh, snowdrop!

Snowdrop! - sounded in the cold morning air.

Snowdrop! - the children ran out into the garden rejoicing. - Here one grows, so cute, adorable, the first, the only one!

And these words warmed the flower like the sun's rays. With joy, he did not even feel that he had been ripped off. He found himself in a child's hand, children's lips kissing him. Then they brought him into a warm room, admired him and put him in the water. The flower came to life, came back to life, and thought that summer had suddenly come.

The eldest daughter, a lovely young girl - she had already been confirmed - had a friend of her heart; he, too, had been confirmed and was now taking a course in science.

I'll joke with him! He'll think it's already summer! - said the girl, took a delicate flower and put it in a fragrant piece of paper on which poems about snowdrops were written. They began with the word “snowdrop” and ended with the words: “Now, my friend, you will remain a fool all winter!” Yes, that's what was said in the poems she sent to her friend instead of a letter. The flower ended up in the envelope; how dark it was there! He definitely hit the onion again! And so he went on the road, was in a mail bag, was squeezed, crumpled; There was little pleasant here, but that too came to an end.

The letter reached its destination; it was printed out and read. The friend of the heart was so pleased that he kissed the flower and hid it along with the poems in a box. There were many equally expensive letters lying there, but all of them were without flowers; this one was the first, the only one, as the sun’s rays called it, and the flower couldn’t be happier about it!

And he had enough time to rejoice: summer passed, the long winter passed, summer came again, and only then was he taken out again. But this time the young man was not cheerful and began to rummage through letters and papers so angrily that the sheet of poetry flew to the floor and a snowdrop fell out of it. True, it dried out and flattened, but because of this it was not necessary to throw it on the floor! Still, lying on the floor was better than burning in the stove, where all the letters and poems ended up. What happened? Something that happens often. Snowdrop deceived the young man - it was a joke; the girl deceived him - it was no joke. She chose a new friend of her heart this summer.

In the morning the sun illuminated a small flattened snowdrop that looked as if it had been painted on the floor. The girl sweeping the floor picked it up and put it in one of the books on the table; she thought that she had accidentally dropped a flower from there while putting the table in order. And so the flower again found itself between the poems, but this time printed, and they are more important than written ones, at least they are more expensive.

Years passed; the book still stood on the shelf; but then they took it, opened it and began to read it. The book was good: poems and songs by the Danish poet Ambrose Stub; they are worth getting to know. The man reading the book turned the page.

Snowdrop! No wonder they put him here. Poor Ambrose Stub! You, too, were a snowdrop among your fellows! You came too early, ahead of your time, and you were met by violent winds and bad weather. You had to wander from house to house, from one Fiona landowner to another, playing the role of a flower in a glass of water or embedded in a rhyming letter! Yes, and you were a snowdrop, deceptively ushering in summer, a misunderstanding, a joke, but still you were the first, the only Danish poet breathing youthful freshness. Stay here, snowdrop! You were put here for a reason.

And the snowdrop was again put in the book; he was both flattered and delighted to learn that it was not for nothing that he was included in this wonderful collection of songs and that the singer himself was the same snowdrop on whom winter played a joke. Snowdrop understood everything in his own way, just as we understand every thing in our own way.

That's the whole fairy tale about the snowdrop.

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An ecological fairy tale about snowdrops from the collection “Irinushka’s Tales”

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention the author’s fairy tale about snowdrops, which can be used at the stage of preparatory work for the environmental campaign “Take care of snowdrops!”, for the environmental holiday - Snowdrop Day, as an introductory conversation in a lesson, an extra-curricular environmental event, and simply for family reading with your children. children.
The ecological fairy tale is included in the collection “Irina’s Tales,” written for my most beloved reader and demanding critic, my daughter Irina.
The material is intended for primary school teachers, educators working with children of senior preschool age, environmental educators, and creative parents.

Lychangina Lyubov Vladimirovna, teacher of the MBDOU CRR kindergarten “Thumbelina” Municipal District of Aldan, RS (Yakutia)
Target: ecological, aesthetic, moral education of children through the literary word.
Tasks: give an initial idea of ​​primroses; introduce the species characteristics of snowdrops (colors, shape, structure);
develop coherent speech, logical thinking, broaden your horizons;
cultivate curiosity and respect for the nature of the native land.

The Tale of Snowdrops

Once upon a time there lived in the forest an evil witch Griselda who hated flowers. She hated everything that was alive, bright, elegant and fragrant. Therefore, the sight of beautiful flowers aroused black anger in her heart.
She especially hated snowdrops. This was probably because the colors of these charming harbingers of spring - yellow, blue, blue, violet and white - reminded her of the bright light of the spring sun, the lovely shades of the sky and the snow-white clouds that scurried across this clear sky.

After all, such a transformation of the surrounding world meant that in the spring nature begins a new, young life, which she, the evil old woman, will never have again.

And every time in the spring, appearing in the forest and seeing bushes of snowdrops, Griselda flew into a furious rage. She tore flowers out of the ground by the roots and scattered them across the clearing in different directions, roughly trampling the unfortunate flowers under her feet.

And the next year, the blooming fluffy heads of primroses no longer appeared in this place. After all, the roots of snowdrops could never recover on their own. So the evil witch destroyed almost all the primroses in the area.

But one day the flower fairy Aprelina flew into the forest. Realizing that the beautiful spring flowers were on the verge of extinction, she began to act. I found out that Griselda is very afraid of snow. After all, its bright whiteness brightened her old eyes, causing streams of caustic tears. And the fairy decided to act. She used this old woman's fear of snow to save the snowdrop family.

The wise fairy Aprelina ordered the primroses to grow and bloom in early spring, when the thawed patches were still full of snow. I was very surprised by the flowers:
-We are so tender, fragile, how can we grow through the thickness of the snow? - they asked timidly.

“Don’t be afraid, my dears,” answered the good fairy, “the spring sun will help you.” It will melt the snowball, and make its remains loose; you can easily break through its thin layer with your leaves.
-I will endow you with cold resistance, endurance and strength, which no other flower will have.

When the sorceress, having come to the forest in the spring, saw that the flowers were protected by a snowball, she almost completely went blind, was seriously scared and realized that she would never be able to harm spring nature again. Spewing rude curses, she retreated to her dense thicket forever and ever.

And from then on, snowdrops grow from under the snow in the earliest spring, delighting people with their extraordinary beauty, grace, and surprising them with their vitality.

The evil Griselda could not completely destroy all the snowdrops in the world.
The most beautiful, life-loving primroses continue to grow and multiply, but unfortunately, there are still very few of them on earth.
Take care of snowdrops! Don't tear up the bouquets! Never uproot plants from the ground!

Content questions:
-What is the name of the fairy tale we read?
- Why are snowdrops called that?
- What do the words cold resistance, endurance, love of life, fragility mean?
- Why did the evil witch hate these flowers most of all?
- What resulted from the fact that the witch constantly destroyed snowdrops?
- How can we help snowdrops survive?
- What do you know about the Red Book?
- What type of snowdrops grows in our northern regions?

Take care of snowdrops!

Fairy tale "Snowdrop". Re-enactment for “Snowdrop Day”

Characters: Snowdrop - Nadya, Sunny - Amul;

T u ch k i - Lidzh, Denis, Dima; W e t e r - Sasha; Vorobey-Ayuka; The girl is Arina.

A snowdrop grows in a forest clearing. Warms the Sun - strokes the Snowdrop, now on one side, now on the other. Snowdrop wakes up and stretches.

Sun. Wake up, spring has come!

P o d s n e g n i k. Who am I?

Sun. You are Snowdrop.

P o d s n e g n i k. Why me?

Sun. But you must understand this yourself. Here I am, Sunshine, giving everyone light and warmth. Everyone is happy.

Snowdrop. But I don’t know how to shine and give warmth. So no one needs me?

The clouds are covering the Sun.

Snowdrop. Oh, where is the Sun?

T u ch k i. We closed it.

Snowdropper: Who are you?

T u ch k i. We are Clouds.

Snowdropper. What are you needed for?

T u ch k i. We feed everyone, water them, and help them grow. Do you want to be friends with us?

Snowdrop. But I don’t know how to water and grow.

The Wind is flying, the clouds are flying away, the Snowdrop is swaying, shielding itself from the Wind.

Snowdrop. Why are you blowing like that?

Wind. I am a wind. I drive the clouds so that they water the whole earth. I'm very needed. Do you want to fly with me?

Snowdrop (trying to blow like the Wind). I can't blow.

Wind. Well then, for now, I have no time!

The wind flies away, the Sparrow arrives. Chirps merrily and flies around the clearing. Notices Snowdrop.

Sparrow. Chick-tweet, chick-tweet! Hello Snowdrop! Why are you sad?

Snowdropper. I don’t know what I’m needed for.

Sparrow. Maybe you can fly and tweet like me? This makes everyone have fun! Chick-tweet, chick-tweet!

Snowdrop (trying to fly, but he doesn’t succeed). No, I can't.

Sparrow. Well, then goodbye, I'm in a hurry!

Snowdrop (upset). I can't do anything! No light, no watering, no even chirping (squats, sad).

A girl appears in the clearing and cries bitterly. Snowdrop comes up to her, strokes her head, and feels sorry for her.

Snowdropper. What's wrong with you, did someone offend you?

Girl (continuing to sob). No.

Snowdropper Why are you crying?

Girl. Mom's birthday is coming up soon, but I still haven't figured out what to give my mom. I really wanted to surprise her.

Snowdrop. Don't cry, I'll think of something (walks around the stage, thinks). What if... (hesitantly). What if you give me a gift?

Girl (surprised). You?

P o d s n e g n i k. Well, yes, me. After all, I am a flower, albeit a small one.

Girl (joyfully). That's great! How could I not have guessed it right away! My mom loves flowers so much! I'll draw you and give it to your mom! Thank you, you helped me so much!

P o d s n e g n i k. Me?

Girl. Well, of course!

Snowdrop. So, I can also be useful in some way?

Girl. Of course you can. Everyone does what they can, someone gives water, someone warms, someone pleases with their beauty, like you.

All participants in the performance come on stage, stand near the Snowdrop, hold hands, and take turns reading the lines of the poem.

1. It’s okay that you didn’t come out tall, -

Everyone can become useful.

2. And the baby will look like an adult,

If he starts helping others.

3. Draw a portrait of a flower:

Snowdrops, daisies,

4. Forget-me-nots, cornflowers,

At least some porridge!

5. But don’t touch it, don’t tear it -

Sit quietly next to me

6. Stop this moment

Patient look!

7. If I pick a flower,

8. If everyone: both you and me,

In chorus: If we pick flowers - (in chorus)

9. All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

Every year millions of flowers bloom on earth. They are so different, but all, without exception, are beautiful. Look at the flower that grows near your home, in the garden, in the field or in the forest. Whatever it is - very tiny or huge, you will be captivated by its fabulous beauty.
In the region where I live, a lot of snow falls in winter, and in spring the sun turns it into streams of melt water. As soon as the snow melts, in clearings in the forest, in meadows, in gardens, in flowerbeds near houses, amazing creatures called flowers bloom and bloom until late autumn.
Today I will tell you a fairy tale about a small flower that blooms in the forest every year in early spring and is the first to rush to meet the Sun. His name is Snowdrop.
Spring came. The sun began to peek out more often from behind the gray clouds. It illuminated the clearings in the forest and melted the snow. And as soon as the ground warmed up a little, tiny sprouts of herbs and flowers appeared from it. They liked the sunlight so much that they began to grow very quickly, reaching up towards the Sun, and soon covered the ground with a bright multi-colored carpet of blossoming flowers and green grass.
But the small, very delicate white flower could not keep up with them. Because tall blades of grass and flowers, like a dense dense forest, blocked the sunlight from him, preventing him from warming up and getting stronger.
– I need to see Sunny too! - said the flower, asking the blades of grass to part and let him through to the Sun.
But the thin voice of the little flower was not heard by the tall blades of grass and large flowers. They didn't care about the baby. The main thing is that they themselves could be warmed by warm rays from morning to evening, and therefore grew even taller and became even stronger.
The little flower was freezing. Not a single ray of sunlight fell on its head or warmed its delicate white petals. The flower sadly bowed its head and began to cry.
Spring passed, then summer, autumn, winter, and spring came again. But this spring the flower was not lucky either. He never saw Sunny. But it did not know about his trouble. Only one Earth felt sorry for its son and came up with this.
She said to the little flower:
– Next year, in early spring, when the snow has not yet melted, you do not wait for it to melt, but try your best to grow. Strive upward towards the Sun, and don’t be afraid of the cold snow! Then you will be the first and win!
The flower did just that. As soon as spring arrived, he began to struggle through the loose snow with all his might. He wasn’t even cold, because he knew that there, behind this snow, lived the Sun, who would warm him!
And when the little flower saw the clear blue sky and bright sunlight, it cried out with joy:
- Hooray! I see sunshine! Good afternoon, dear Sun!
The sun admired him, looking at him, and said:
– Hello, small but incredibly brave flower! I am very glad that you were not afraid of the cold snow!
As a reward for courage, the Sun decided to warm the thin stem of the flower and its blond head. It immediately sent its hottest rays down to the flower! From such heat, all the snow in the sunny clearing melted instantly. And then the forest saw how the entire clearing was covered with a carpet of amazing, very delicate small snow-white flowers.
These were Snowdrops - the first spring flowers, little brothers and sisters of the baby Snowdrop, who was the very first of all flowers to break through the snow to see the spring Sun and get to know him.

---- read my fairy tales at http://domarenok-t.narod.ru ----


Dear Tatyana! What a wonderful tale about the very first brave Snowdrop! She has so much sincerity, warmth and kindness! Tomorrow, on the first day of Spring, I will certainly read it at the labor lesson for first graders, we will just make cards with our own hands, inside which cute snowdrops will come to life and bloom. I sincerely thank you for the joy you have brought me! With respect and warmth, Evgenia, Kyiv.

Thank you very much, dear Evgenia, for the warmth of your words! It's very nice to read such sincere reviews! Let your snowdrops and my fairy tale create joyful impressions in the hearts of children. Such bright moments are remembered for a long time!

Galina Tuchina
The Tale of the Snowdrop

One day, on a March day, the sun floated across the sky over the forest and saw miracle: from under the snow a small thin snowdrop, only his blue hat was visible. The sun smiled, and its hot rays shone brighter. Snowdrop He reached out towards the sun, opened his petals and smiled too.

At this time, an angry, prickly wind ran past. He didn't like that The snowdrop didn't smile at him, and the sun. The wind called its faithful friends - cold gray clouds. The clouds covered the sun and it began to snow. Snowdrop swayed in the wind and bowed his hat all the way to the ground. At this time, a swallow flew past, and she felt sorry for the dying flower. She flew closer to substitute your wing and the snowdrop held on. He whispered to her: “Dear swallow, quickly fly to the sun, disperse the clouds with your wings, and the sun will warm me again with its rays.” The swallow quickly rose into the sky and flapped its wings near the cold gray clouds. The cold, angry clouds did not expect that such a small bird would not be frightened by their menacing appearance, and they began to cry out of resentment. Instead of snow it started to rain. Drops fell on the hat snowdrop and gave him new strength. The clouds saw that their drops helped this little flower survive and laughed with happiness. They parted and the sun came out again. Snowdrop cheerfully shook his blue hat. Now he was not alone, even the gray clouds stopped being angry and became his friends.

Publications on the topic:

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"An autumn tale about the Hedgehog and the Mushroom." Fairy tale for children of senior preschool age A TALE ABOUT A HEDGEHOG AND A MUSHROOM. Narrator: A prickly hedgehog was walking along the forest, along the path. The hedgehog walked, the hedgehog walked, and found a mushroom. But not a mushroom.

"A Tale of Two Dwarves." A tale of mutual assistance, kindness, non-judgment, forgiveness and true friendship“A Tale of Two Dwarves” In one magical forest, where it was always warm and it never rained, there lived two gnomes. They lived on the same tree.

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