The story of the creation of a story in the land of eternal vacation. In the land of eternal holidays

Dial two deuces on your phone and say your wish - in the Land of Eternal Vacations it will be fulfilled immediately. This is probably the ultimate dream, when every day of life is filled with holidays and fun. There is no need to go to school, do homework, help around the house, but just have fun. And you can live like this for decades. But won't there be a feeling of loneliness? It is not easy to move permanently to a country where there is not a single resident except you. And the summary of the story “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” will tell you about this.

A few words about the author

It is better to retell the summary of the book “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” after a few words have been said about its author.

Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin was born on August 3, 1924. He entered the history of Russian literature as the author of children's and youth works. For his creative achievements he was awarded the Order of Lenin, government awards, and also received two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor. He lived a long life, dying at the age of 93 in Luxembourg.

During his career, he managed to write 34 stories, 14 plays, 3 novels, 39 novellas, 12 scripts that were filmed, and countless poems that appeared from time to time in various Soviet magazines. He first made his debut in his teens, and from that time on, writing took a central place in his life. Whether he was a genius in his field or not, the reader can judge; this is precisely why the work “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” is presented with a brief summary.

Main character

“If all the days on the calendar that are marked in red were school days, and the rest were considered vacations, then going to school could be called a real holiday.” Very often the main character of the story “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” thought about such a change. The summary of the work should start with this. The main character was an ordinary twelve-year-old schoolboy, and most of all he loved to relax. But, unlike his peers, who at the end of the holidays wanted to return to school, I wanted the holidays to never end.

New Year

And more than the summer holidays, he loved the New Year holidays. Back in the 20s of December, he began calling friends and relatives with congratulations. In particular, this was done so that they would not forget to take invitations to the Christmas tree.

This happened on the last day of winter holidays. The main character goes to the Christmas tree at the House of Culture of Medical Workers. Bicycle races took place in the large hall. The boy heard Santa Claus announcing a valuable and unusual prize for the winner of a cycling tournament. Although the boy was already tired of having fun in other locations, the desire to get an unusual gift gave him strength, and he set a new record.


As a reward for winning the bicycle race, Santa Claus invites him to make one wish that will definitely come true. The main character thought: he could ask for anything. For example, to be friends with Valerik (your best friend) all your life, or for homework to be canceled and housework to be done by itself. But the main character asked that the holidays never end and he could always have fun. The next day he really finds himself in the Land of Eternal Vacation. A summary of further events will tell about the life of the main character in the world of his dreams.

Dream world

The next morning after the holiday at the House of Culture for Medical Workers, the protagonist’s alarm clock did not ring, his parents were in no hurry to wake him up, and even his friend Valerik did not ring his doorbell when it was time to go to school. But Petya was especially surprised by his father’s instructions: “Turn over to the other side and continue to sleep!”

When the main character's parents went to work, he managed to go outside. He walked along the old familiar road that led to the school, which he could walk with his eyes closed. I met several of my acquaintances, but they didn’t seem to notice him, although earlier they would have attacked him with questions about how the holidays went. Wandering aimlessly, Peter came out onto the pavement, where a policeman directed him to a trolleybus stop.

Public transport with the sign “For repairs” was specially intended for Petya and took him to the House of Culture for Medical Workers. Everything there was the same as yesterday: Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, competitions, a concert and gifts. With only one amendment: all this was for him alone. It was fun at first. Petya emerged victorious from any competition, even if he was bad at something - he had no competitors. And all the prizes went to him. But singing in choir alone was no fun at all. But he is ready to endure, because he became the first resident (vacation) in the Land of Eternal Vacations. In summary, it is also worth mentioning that all entertainment became available to him - from the circus to the cinema.

Comrades, friends, old ladies

Even in the yard, his older comrades began to notice him and behaved in such a way that Petya could have a good time. They gave him a place in billiards or accepted him into the football team, although he was not particularly successful in this game. His diet also changed - now he ate exclusively gingerbread, marshmallows and chocolate medals, and his mother locked all his notebooks and textbooks in the closet.

Now he could visit the cinema, circus, amusement rides or other entertainment that was available for his age every day. There are as many sweets as you like, and the courtyard comrades always gave in to him in everything. But even the sweetest fruit becomes boring over time.

After a month and a half, Petya could no longer look at sweets, but began to dream of black bread. At the cinema, the audience disliked him because, after seeing the film several times, he began to retell the content. And his comrades simply lived their lives, which is why Petya spent a lot of time with the old people in the yard.

A brief summary of “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” is difficult to convey the state of a person who is left behind. Petya’s comrades, although inferior to him in everything, lived their cheerful, albeit difficult school life. They attended classes, took part in various activities and just moved forward. Perhaps this is the worst thing - to be left behind, although you all started together.

Break the vicious circle

Petya decides that it’s time to get rid of all this. One morning he deceives his mother and packs his briefcase. On his way to school, he encounters many obstacles that prevent him from gaining knowledge. Climbing over the fence, he falls, and the policeman, who was under the magic of Santa Claus, takes Petya to the House of Culture for Medical Workers.

After a conversation with Santa Claus, Petya returns to normal life, and the Land of Eternal Vacation ceases to exist.

What did A. Aleksin want to say? From the summary of “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” this becomes clear - without friendship, even idleness and fun become a burden.

The work tells the story of a little sloth for whom idleness was the norm. The whole story begins with the fact that Petya’s winter holidays finally began, and he wholeheartedly decided to relax. When there was a Christmas tree, the boy wished that the holidays and rest would never end, and that everyone would make him happy. Santa Claus fulfilled his wish and sent him to the land of eternal vacation. Petya was upset that he would participate in this without his best friend Valerik.

The next day was truly magical for him. Firstly, in the morning he did not hear the alarm clock ringing, which was supposed to wake him up for school. Secondly, his parents did not insist that he go to study. Therefore, Petya boldly went out onto the street, where he met a law enforcement officer who sent him to the Christmas tree. Arriving at the holiday, he saw neither children nor adults there. All the gifts went only to him. The satisfied boy went home. Petya was warned that in this country he could easily order entertainment. And the main point will be that he will always be able to win various competitions and competitions and receive prizes for this. In order to please Petya, the guys, having made him the goalkeeper, were defeated in a hockey match by the neighboring boys. Distressed, they did not even take the sweets he wanted to treat them with.

At home, his mother announced that now she would not cook for him, and sweets would become his food. Our main character always rode a personal trolleybus, which took him to a circus performance. There he had the opportunity to do various tricks. One day he wanted to show the guys how strong he was. To do this, he asked the Snow Maiden to invite him to entertainment on his behalf. Petya easily lifted heavy weights in front of everyone, which delighted the children. Only Valerik did not believe his remarkable strength and asked how he did it.

Time passed. The children organized an interesting club at school, and constantly discussed something after visiting it. Only Petya visited everything - including the Christmas tree, where he studied almost all the poems. Frequent visits to the cinema also did not please the boy, because he had no one to discuss films with. He was tired of eating only sweets. He dreamed of simple potatoes and bread. Petya was alone all the time, talked to old people in the yard and knew all their illnesses.

One day our character decided to escape from this boring country and go to school. He encountered many obstacles on his way, but still Santa Claus, seeing that the boy realized his mistake, let him go to his friends.

The fairy tale teaches us to be friendly, noble, and hardworking.

Picture or drawing In the land of eternal vacation

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Born back in 1924. His childhood was spent in the Moscow region. Now it is already part of Moscow - Serebryany Bor. Having become a writer, he writes novels and short stories for children. For his wonderful stories, Anatoly Georgievich was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and other government awards.

Holidays with Christmas tree and prize

The hero of this extraordinary story is the boy Petya, who loved the holidays, especially New Year's, with gifts and prizes. This instructive story happened to him at the Christmas tree. Discarding the first half of the saying, he walked boldly. On the New Year's holiday, Petya managed to ride a bicycle the fastest, and Santa Claus fulfilled his “May the Christmas tree remain forever, may the holidays never end and may everyone entertain me.”

Petya was a little embarrassed only by the fact that his best friend Valerik would not be able to participate in this. Meanwhile, Santa Claus solemnly announced: “You will be in the land of eternal holidays.” A brief summary of the tale will tell you how much our hero liked being alone all the time and resting, resting, resting.

First impressions

In the morning the alarm clock did not ring, and Petya did not go to school at the insistence of his parents: miracles began. And when he went out into the street, he was met by a policeman, the messenger of Santa Claus, who put him on a trolleybus, which brought him to the Christmas tree. Only everything was wrong there. There was no cheerful noise of children, running, laughter. Petya earned all the prizes and, loaded with sweet New Year's gifts, went home.

Santa Claus warned him that in the land of eternal vacation (a brief summary will show this) there is an order table in which the Snow Maiden takes orders for entertainment by phone. Petya was very happy and chewed gingerbread cookies and marshmallows on the way back. And the most important thing is that now he will always win all competitions, competing with himself, and will always be faster than everyone else and, most importantly, smarter. He just grew up in his own eyes.

In the yard and at home

The guys, in order to please him, trusted him to defend the hockey goal and lost in disgrace to the neighboring yard. And his best friend, Valerik, said: “You wanted to stand on the gate, the guys entrusted it to you. Did you enjoy it?” And every single one of them refused to eat Petya’s sweets, since they were intended only for him. And at home, his mother said that she was setting a special diet for him: for breakfast he would eat mint gingerbreads, for lunch - marshmallows, Tula gingerbreads and for dinner - honey gingerbreads.

The fun continues

To take Petya somewhere, a personal trolleybus came and took him to the circus, for example, where he performed a small “miracle”. Helped the strongman clown pretend that it was impossible to lift the lightest weights. But this seemed to him not enough. Petya wanted to show off to the guys from the yard how strong he was. Over the phone, he begged the Snow Maiden to let them all in to the performance.

And when he went on stage, to the indignation and general scandal, he lifted heavy-looking weights. Then he ran backstage and over the phone begged Snegurochka to make the weights really heavy. The guys from the yard admired him, only Valerik shook his head and asked what the trick was. Almost everything is possible in the land of eternal vacation, a brief summary shows us this, but you cannot mix lies into life and demand respect for it.


All the guys went to school, they came up with a new interesting club, which Petya had no choice in joining, they all discussed something and had fun. And Petya sadly went to the Christmas tree, where he already knew everything by heart, and nothing about it made him happy. He went to the cinema every day and knew all the films by heart, but there was no one to discuss them with. He was completely bored and longing for simple food, which he had not eaten for a long time. He wanted simple black bread and fried potatoes, but here it was all marshmallows and gingerbread. Petya asked permission from Santa Claus to go with the children to the zoo, which was closed for 10 days, and the children really needed to get there. But they didn’t tell Petya why. So in the land of eternal vacations, as the summary tells, Petya was tormented by loneliness. He only communicated with pensioners in the yard and now knew who was sick with what. His life was “very interesting.”

Running to school

One morning he decided to escape from the land of entertainment to school. On this path he encountered many obstacles: the janitor was against it, the policeman, and finally, Santa Claus himself, because he would not have a job. But Santa Claus took pity and let Petya go. Aleksin tells such a wise, fabulous story. “In the Land of Eternal Vacations,” the summary of which carries a deep meaning, is a fairy tale that educates children. Petya finally realized that only friendship helps the weak become stronger, gives the spineless one will and courage, and makes the callous heart kinder.

Who doesn't like to relax? Any schoolchild will be happy if the holidays are extended for a week or two. But this was not enough for A. Aleksin’s hero - at a regular New Year’s party, he wished that the holidays would last forever...
Anatoly Aleksin

(Excerpt, abridged)

...I showed up to the cycling race a little tired. But when I heard Santa Claus loudly proclaim: “The winner will receive the most unusual prize in the history of Christmas trees!” - my strength returned, and I felt absolutely ready to fight.
Nine young racers rushed through the hall before me, and each one’s time was loudly announced by Santa Claus to the entire hall.
- Tenth - and last! - announced Santa Claus.
His assistant, the mass worker Uncle Gosha, rolled up to me a shabby two-wheeled bicycle.
- Old, but a war horse! - said Uncle Gosha.
Santa Claus fired from a real starting pistol, and I pressed the pedals...
I wasn’t very good at cycling, but the words of Santa Claus kept ringing in my ears: “The most extraordinary prize in the entire history of Christmas trees!” These words spurred me on: after all, perhaps none of the participants in this competition loved receiving gifts and prizes as much as I did.
And I rushed to the “most extraordinary prize” faster than everyone else. Santa Claus took my hand, which was buried in his mitten, and raised it high.
- I announce the winner! - he said so loudly that all the children in all the halls of the House of Culture heard.
Immediately next to him appeared the mass man Uncle Gosha and exclaimed in his ever-joyful voice:
- Let's say hello, guys! Let's welcome our record holder!
He clapped so insistently that he immediately drew applause from all corners of the hall. Santa Claus waved his hand and established silence:
- I not only announce the winner, but also reward him!
“What?” I asked impatiently.
- Oh, you can’t even imagine!
I thought there was something strange in the voice of Santa Claus: he spoke like a wizard, confident that he could do something extraordinary, create a miracle - and amaze everyone!
And I was not mistaken...
“In fairy tales, sorcerers and wizards usually ask you to think of three cherished wishes,” continued Santa Claus. - But it seems to me that this is too much. You set a cycling record only once, and I will fulfill one of your wishes! But then - any!.. Think carefully, take your time.
I realized that such an opportunity would present itself to me for the first and last time in my life. I could ask that my best friend Valerik remain my best friend forever, for the rest of my life! I could ask teachers to complete tests and homework on their own, without any input from me. I could ask my dad not to make me run for bread and wash the dishes! I could ask that these dishes wash themselves or never get dirty. I could ask...
In a word, I could ask for anything. If I knew how my life and the lives of my friends would turn out in the future, I would probably ask for something very important for myself and for them. But at that moment I couldn’t look ahead, but could only raise my head and see what was around: a shining Christmas tree, shining toys and the ever-shining face of the crowd member Uncle Gosha.
- What do you want? - Santa Claus asked impatiently.
And I answered:
- May there always be a Christmas tree! And may these holidays never end!..
- Do you want it to always be the same as today? And so that the holidays never end?
- Yes. And for everyone to entertain me...
My last phrase didn’t sound very good, but I thought: “If he makes sure that everyone entertains me, then that means that mom and dad, and even the teachers, not to mention everyone else, will have to give me nothing but pleasure."
Santa Claus was not at all surprised:
- Okay, these desires can be counted as one. I will make sure that vacations and entertainment never end for you!.. Starting tomorrow morning you will find yourself in the Land of Eternal Vacations!

Aleksin A. fairy tale "In the Land of Eternal Vacations"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” and their characteristics

  1. Peter. A boy who did not like to study, but loved to relax and loved gingerbread. Lazy, frivolous, carefree, cheerful, braggart and dreamer.
  2. Valerik, Petya's best friend, is a hypnotist.
  3. Mishka Parfenov. A very smart and disciplined boy.
  4. Zhorik, the best athlete in the yard, is the tallest of the guys. Strong and dexterous.
  5. Father Frost. Good wizard.
  6. Snow Maiden. Both a passport attendant and an order desk worker in the Land of Eternal Vacations.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. The boy Petya wanted the holidays to never end and asked Father Frost for this.
  2. Petya registered in the Land of Eternal Vacations, and every day for him began and ended with entertainment.
  3. All concerts, performances, competitions were for Petya alone.
  4. The guys admired Petya, everyone except Valerik, and Santa Claus could not help Petya here.
  5. Petya wanted to become a young tamer like the guys, but he was not allowed to go to school.
  6. Petya was so tired of resting that he asked to close the Land of Eternal Vacations and again became an ordinary boy.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale “In the Land of Eternal Vacations”
No person can rest forever; he will still want to do something.

What does the fairy tale “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to believe in fairy tales, that miracles sometimes happen. She teaches us to love working, learning, learning new things and simply enjoying life. Teaches that any holidays and idleness become boring. Teaches friendship, camaraderie, teaches how to be together with the team.

Review of the fairy tale "In the Land of Eternal Vacations"
This is a funny and interesting story about a boy Petya, who found himself in the land of Eternal Vacation, by the will of his friend Valerik, who had the talent of a hypnotist. Petya thought that he would never get tired of a fun life and delicious gingerbread, but how wrong he was! The moment came when he was fed up with entertainment and missed school more and more. Petya realized that he could not live without his friends, that he could not play with himself.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "In the Land of Eternal Vacations"
Time for business, time for fun.
Work is the best rest from laziness.
A small deed is better than any idleness.
If you know how to work, you know how to rest.
The world is not nice when there is no friend.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale “In the Land of Eternal Vacations” chapter by chapter:
The most extraordinary prize.
Petka loved to relax. During lessons, he always pestered Mishka the alarm clock to tell him how much time was left before the bell rang. He never tired of relaxing during the summer holidays. And from the first of September I began to calculate how many days were left until the winter holidays.
Petya loved winter holidays most of all. Already ten days before the New Year, she began calling friends who could get a ticket to the Christmas tree and, of course, received the coveted ticket.
On the last day of the winter holidays, Petya goes to the last Christmas tree at the House of Medical Workers. There were many fun competitions held by Santa Claus. The boy won the bicycle race and Santa Claus declared him the winner. But that was not all. And Santa Claus said that he would fulfill any wish of the boy.
And the boy wished that there would always be a Christmas tree, that the holidays would never end and that everyone would entertain him.
He really wanted this wish to come true for his friend Valerik the hypnotist, but Santa Claus said that it didn’t work out that way.
Valerik was nicknamed the hypnotist after, during a hypnosis session, he alone did not succumb to the hypnotist, and he said that Valerik had a strong will. After this, friends tested Valerik’s hypnosis in class, and the teacher, having first called Petya, suddenly changed her mind and called Mishka Parfenov.
And Santa Claus said that Petya’s wish was being fulfilled. And that from tomorrow he will be in the land of eternal vacation.
The trolleybus is undergoing repairs.
Miracles began in the morning. Dad told him to continue sleeping and not get ready for school. Mom even demanded that Peter did not decide to go to school. Valerik did not run after the boy.
Petya went out into the street and waited for some magical vehicle to roll up to him and take him to the Land of Eternal Vacations. But no one approached him. But the guys didn’t seem to see him and didn’t pester him with questions.
At the intersection, a policeman whistled at him and told him that Petya was going in the wrong direction. And the boy realized that this was an agent of Santa Claus.
He went to the trolleybus stop, where there was a long line.
A trolleybus with the sign “For Repair” rolled up and opened the back door. The conductress called Petya and he boarded the trolleybus alone. The conductor warned him that he should not buy a ticket, otherwise he would be fined.
The trolleybus brought Petya to the House of Medical Workers, on which there was also a “Repair” sign.
Mass worker Uncle Gosha greeted the young vacationer and led him inside. Petya saw that he was completely alone, because all the other guys were studying.
The artists performed a wonderful concert especially for Petya, and then he saw the Snow Maiden and remembered that he needed to register in the Land of Eternal Vacations. But since the boy did not yet have a passport, the Snow Maiden simply stamped his ticket.
He began to participate in various competitions and won everywhere, because there were no other participants. As prizes, he was given bags of gingerbread, lozenges and chocolate.
Then Santa Claus told Petya the number of the Order Desk, 22, where he was supposed to call and tell his wishes. The Snow Maiden had to answer him.
The boy went home feeling like a record holder and a winner.
The sadness and joy of a vacationer.
In the yard, the kids rushed to Petya and he offered them bags of gingerbread and chocolate. But the guys were even afraid that Petya himself might not have enough and refused to eat the treat.
The best athlete of the court, Zhora, immediately invited Petya to play as a goalkeeper, although the boy had not even been hired as a fan before. Petya stood on the goal and missed the maximum number of pucks. Everyone consoled him and said that the first pancake was lumpy.
And then Mishka invited Petya to play billiards instead. Petya asked Mishka what happened at school and he replied that the teacher said that Petya was undergoing treatment.
This news immediately upset Petya and he went home. He did not understand what course of treatment he was talking about.
At home, Petya called Snegurochka and asked to make him the best goalkeeper. But Snegurochka said that she only accepts orders for entertainment. Then Petya asked why the teacher said about the course of treatment. The Snow Maiden replied that the boy’s former teacher had made a mistake; she wanted to say it was an entertainment course.
At home, the boy's parents said that this was just a disgrace - Petya had not yet eaten all the gingerbread. Mom even said that starting tomorrow she will introduce a new menu - for breakfast, lunch and dinner there will be only gingerbread cookies with marshmallows.
Petya was very happy and called Snegurochka to order a trip to the circus.

Today we came to the circus for a reason!
In the morning, a trolleybus came for Petya directly into the yard and took him to the circus. When the boy came out, he heard people surprised that the trolleybus was traveling without any wires, its horns dangling freely in the air.
There was a crowd of people at the entrance to the circus. But someone whispered to Petya to go down and to the right. He entered the circus through the service entrance and saw a clown. The clown worriedly asked if anyone had seen the boy and Petya replied that no one had seen him.. Then the clown said that Petya would be his “refill” today. The clown explained to Petya that he would have to sit in the tenth place in the fifth row and when he performed, he would call a boy from the audience to show that the clown barbell was very heavy.
The clown even gave Petya money for ice cream.
The performance began and a clown appeared, carrying a cart with huge weights. He called Petya and the boy ended up in the circus arena. He was scared and embarrassed, but he completed the task. He pretended that the weights were too heavy to lift and returned to his place, wiping away the sweat.
Petya no longer watched the show, wanting to call Santa Claus as soon as possible.
This is our Petya!
Petya called Snegurochka and asked him to make sure that the whole class could attend the next performance at the circus. As an exception, Santa Claus decided to fulfill this wish, and the whole class went to the circus on Sunday.
And Petya waited for the clown to call him into the arena, went down and easily lifted the weights. The clown said that the boy was phenomenally strong and began to call for other boosters. But then a variety of spectators ran into the arena, everyone wanted to check the weights.
Then Petya shouted that there was going to be a very interesting performance and ran backstage. He hurriedly called the Snow Maiden and asked him to make the weights heavy.
When he returned, a lot of people poured into the arena. But the weights stood like a glove, they really became too heavy to lift. The clown immediately understood this and left, saying that he could not work in such conditions.
And the guys surrounded Petya and congratulated him, amazed at his strength. One Valerik took him aside and hypnotized him. He asked if the weights were real and Petya could not lie to him.
Then Petya called Snegurochka and asked her to make Valerik admire him. But the Snow Maiden said that this was impossible and did not even explain why. Petya realized that there was some kind of secret hidden here.
A naughty monkey, a donkey... and a club-footed Mishka.
The guys pestered Petya and asked him to lift the bench or something else, and he refused with difficulty. The boy was rescued by his mother, who called him to listen to the gramophone.
Petya decided that it was necessary to take Valerik and the other guys to the House of Medical Workers on Yolka. But when he called Sneugrochka, she refused to accept such an order. The Christmas tree was only for the holidaymaker. Santa Claus also did not fulfill this wish, and Petya decided to turn to Valerik himself.
Valerik quickly came up with a way out. Having learned that at the performance the artists dress up as monkeys and bears, he decided to sneak into the House of Culture wearing masks.
Valerik promised to come next Sunday, because during the week they were at school and preparing for an important holiday - “Opening Day”
Unsolved mystery
On Sunday, Petya appeared very early near the House of Medical Workers. Then the guys arrived, already wearing masks. Mass worker Uncle Gosha began to mark them in the book and asked where the monkey and the donkey came from, they weren’t there before. Zhora the Bear said in a loud voice that they were with him, and that they had not had time to change clothes.
Petya led the guys into the hall and began to show that everything around them was happening only for him.
Santa Claus said that the animals were somehow strange, wearing only masks without skins, and Petya hastened to invite them to participate in bicycle races. The monkey won them and Petya said that he was very entertained. He began to demand that the monkey be given a bag of gingerbread and marshmallows, but Santa Claus had his doubts.
Then the donkey won the ring throwing competition, and the bear turned out to be smarter than Petya in the riddle competition.
Zhora and Mishka were happy that so many artists were performing for Petya, and they regretted that there was no power competition in which Petya would defeat them.
But Valerik still did not believe in Petya’s magical power and the boy did not understand why this was happening.
Mom prescribes medicine
The next day, mom decided to have a serious talk with Petya. She was worried that the boy rarely went to the cinema. She suggested that Petya go to the cinema every day before lunch, to the new cinema nearby, where her friend worked as an usher.
Petya said that he would go every other day, but with Valerik.
He ran to Valerik and made him happy with this news.
But Valerik said that he could not go to the cinema every other day. He has a lot of classes and they are preparing for Opening Day.
But he urgently needs to go to the zoo, which is either registered or undergoing repairs.
Petya ran home and called the order desk. His order was accepted.

I want to be a junior!
Petya arrived at the zoo on a trolleybus and the guys were already standing there. The zoo was closed. Petya asked Valerik if he saw that he was traveling alone in the trolleybus. And Valerik asked if Petya was crazy.
Then the guide Lvov appeared and began to ask what country Petya came from. Petya replied that he was from the Land of Eternal Vacations and Lvov took the children to the zoo. Valerik said that the guys urgently needed to see rabbits and white mice.
Valerik asked Lvov about rabbits and mice for an hour and a half, and wrote down his answers.
Then the guys rode a donkey with bells. And finally we went out. Everyone looked at Petya with delight, and Valerik sarcastically asked if he was a foreigner.
At home, Petya called Grandfather Frost and began to ask him to disenchant all the children, but to bewitch only Valerik. Santa Claus refused Petya.
Then Petya began to ask to tell us what the guys were preparing for Opening Day. And Santa Claus told the boy that a circle of juniors would open on that day.
Petya ran to Valerik and began to ask who the juniors were. Valerik replied that this was a young tamer. And when Petya began to ask to be accepted into the circle, he refused, citing the boy’s weak willpower.
But Petya learned that there were not enough purebred dogs in the circle.
Renata falls in love with me
Petya ordered Renata, the neighbors' dachshund, to fall in love with him. And the dog began to bite its owners and growl at them. But she happily walked with Petya and took food only from his hands. The veterinarian, who was shown Renata, said that the dog was healthy and advised him to give it to the boy, since the dog loved him so much. Petya named the dachshund Lynx.
He came to Valerik and found out that the juniors were going to publish a newspaper describing terrible and funny cases from their practice. They even remade various proverbs to make it funnier.
Valerik asked Petya to give them the tax, because Petya himself cannot go to school and therefore cannot be a junior.
He ran to school with Mishka and Zhora, and Petya trudged home. At home, he called Snegurochka and asked her to return the dachshund to the owners.
Petya felt that he was tired of entertainment. He had fun every day according to his program. He also began visiting the red corner and playing with pensioners. One day he even started playing hockey with Uncle Roma, a former athlete. But when he caught the puck, Uncle Roma fell and felt bad. He said that every age has its own entertainment.
And Valerik laughed, calling Petya a retired pioneer.
Danger zone in the last row
Petya had been starving all day; he couldn’t see the gingerbread and marshmallows. He asked his neighbor for black bread, but the neighbor brought him gingerbread.
The ticket attendant from the cinema told Petya that the last row where he was sitting was called the “danger zone” and they stopped taking tickets there. After all, Petya told everyone what would happen next in the film.
Petya promised to talk mentally. But on the same day he suggested the development of the plot to two boys and they promised to beat Petya.
At home, Petya heard the guys running up the stairs and singing the junior anthem. He asked Valerik to allow him to sing with them, but Valerik refused. Although he invited Petya to come to the opening as a tourist. Petya himself wanted to become a junior and refused. He felt that he was losing his best friend Valerik, and decided to escape from the Land of Eternal Vacations.
Opening day - closing day
In the morning, Petya tried to call Snegurochka, but her phone was busy. The boy collected his briefcase and walked to school through the courtyards, fearing that he would meet a bewitched policeman.
Petya began to climb over the gate and the janitor tried to stop him. The boy jumped from the high gate and fell, and a policeman immediately appeared. He said that Petya was injured and should be sent for treatment. An ambulance arrived immediately.
The ambulance brought Petya to the House of Medical Workers and Santa Claus was already waiting for him there. Petya immediately began to ask to be discharged from the Land of Eternal Vacations, but Father Frost said that it was more difficult for them to discharge from the country than to register in it. But he still agreed to close the Land of Eternal Vacations and sent Petya to the Snow Maiden.
Petya asked for more help with his studies, but Santa Claus replied that his comrades would help.
The Snow Maiden breathed on the ticket with registration and now an inscription appeared on it that Petya was treated for a month and a half in the hospital.
Petya happily ran to school, hoping to make it to Opening Day.
And then he threw a feast for the whole yard from the accumulated gingerbread cookies, marshmallows and chocolates
After many years
Many years later, Valerik, who had grown up, came to visit Petya. They stood and looked at the yard, which had hardly changed, and suddenly Valerik said, “Look at me with both eyes. Listen to me with both ears.” And then Petya remembered how, on the last day of the winter holidays, Valerik hypnotized him and came up with a fairy tale about the Camp of Eternal Vacation. And Petya believed that all this really happened.
Although there really was a House of Medical Workers. And Elka was there. And a circle of young tamers.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "In the Land of Eternal Vacations"

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