PSY: biography, personal life, family, children, photos. PSY - online biography and family Psy biography personal life

The track “Gentelman”, which recently simply blew up absolutely all the world’s download and listening lists, belongs to a Korean singer who relatively recently became known throughout the world.

Park Chae Sang, better known by his stage name Sai (PSY).

PSY is the stage name of Park Chae San, derived from the English word “psycho” (crazy, crazy).

For his songs, he himself composes the lyrics, writes music and produces his creations. The videos made for his songs are distinguished by their originality and non-standard approach to the choice of topics. No worries about what will be filmed and how. There are no difficulties when choosing half-naked models, which are used by many other singers, who believe that the more naked female bodies in the video, the higher the popularity.

Among other things, his first song Gangam Style, which can be classified as biographical, tells about life in one of the districts of Seoul, where the singer spent his childhood. It can be immediately noted that this debut video of his collected a large number of views in a very short time. And how many parodies were made literally a month after the release of this track, by different people from different countries! A comparison can be made to the video for Jastina Bibera’s song “Baby,” which was the leader in views before the release of PSY.

Psy - Gangam Style:

In one of his interviews, the singer stated that he never considered or even thought about making attempts to fit into the pop music genre.

The Korean, who has won the hearts of many today, released his first album back in 2001. But, not having passed the criteria allowing the production to be released on screens, his album was rejected.

A non-standard approach to his appearance, sometimes stupid and completely incoherent lyrics, these are most likely the main reasons that his first album was not allowed to appear on the screens. Perhaps the viewer was simply not ready to see this completely new image, unlike anyone else, and would be charged with the positivity that it radiates.

Undaunted by his failure, Park Chae-sang continued to work hard on his new album, which was released exactly a year after the release of the first. But critics were again unhappy because in his songs the singer set an example that would have a negative impact on young people (who, according to experts, would listen to his songs with great pleasure).

In 2012 he released his sixth album, the single Gangam Stylefrom which it later became popular.

After this, the career of a singer from Korea quickly took off. They say that Ban Ki-moon himself expressed a great desire to collaborate with the relatively young talent. The UN Chief Secretary noted that Sai has all the necessary qualities to continue to conquer the world with his songs and simple motives.

The Gangam district, to which the now well-known hit was dedicated, in turn thanked the singer and appointed him an honorary ambassador.

Now the whole world is wondering whether Sai will be able to reach the level he set his sights on? Or he will become another fly-by-night singer who released only one hit and disappeared forever from the sight of the paparazzi.

A new hit by PSY (Saya), called “Gentelman,” has already hit the world’s music stations.

A few years ago, the whole world was posing as riders to the perky music of the Korean singer PSY, in whose biography this was the first and, perhaps, the last hit of such a scale. After all, the popularity of the song “Gangnam Style” even forced the YouTube hosting counter, which was not designed for such a number of views, to be reset. Before this song, few people in the world knew who PSY was.

early years

Park Jae-sang, the future singer PSY, was born on December 31, 1977 in the Gangnam district of Seoul, where many offices of wealthy companies, expensive housing and boutiques of the most fashionable brands are located. Jae Sang's father worked as an executive director of the South Korean company DI Corporation, which produces semiconductors.

From a very young age, little Park Jae-sang lived in complete prosperity and received every conceivable benefit that was available in one of the largest metropolises in the world. Like any other scion of a wealthy family, he went to study at one of the prestigious private schools.

As PSY later noted in his biography, he was of little interest in studies; from the age of fifteen he became a passionate fan of American music. His main idols were rappers Eminem and Tupac Shakur, popular in those years, whose music he could listen to for hours. Even at a young age, the future music superstar began writing her own songs. He later wrote that he sometimes regretted missing classes, but on the other hand, the spirit of rebellion allowed him to develop creativity.

Its universities

Like any Korean parent, Park Jae-sang’s father decided that his son should continue the family business; he considered his passion for music frivolous. In 1996, he was included in the DI Corporation program for training corporate specialists.

The American period begins in PSY's biography; he moves to the Atlantic coast of the United States, where he studies business administration at Boston University. However, he still had little interest in studies, and there was practically no success in this area. He devoted more time to music, disappeared from the university for a long time, and could not appear in classes for several weeks. They already wanted to expel him, and the father had to make a lot of efforts, connect all his connections in order to leave his son to study. Everything turned out to be in vain; Jae Sang himself dropped out of the university after six months.

After taking short-term English courses, he entered the prestigious Berklee College of Music, which is also located in Boston. Jae Sang also studied here for a short time; he only had enough perseverance for an initial musical education, which later came in handy in his solo career.

First take off

After dropping out of Berkeley, Park Jae-sang returned to South Korea and began preparing for a music career. He began performing under the stage name PSY (derived from the English word psycho). The singer himself explained this by saying that he is crazy about music, dancing, and singing, which is why he is “such a crazy person.”

Real success came to him after a performance on Korean national television, where Park presented his composition Bird, which became the first real hit in the stage biography of the singer PSY. He instantly became a Korean music celebrity.

In 2001, the album PSY from the PSYcho World! was released, which appeared on the shelves of many music stores in South Korea. His videos were already distinguished by unusual performances of energetic dances. Many songs from the album hit the top of national chats and began to be actively rotated on the radio, and the clips received hundreds of thousands of views on the Internet.

Slight decline

Alas, the first rise in popularity became short-lived; since 2003, a nine-year period of stagnation began in PSY’s biography. The released singles, including FATHER (2005), We Are the One (2006), Artists (2006), were not particularly popular. The album Ssa Jip (2006), which received awards at national music competitions, was received slightly better.

In 2010, PSY changed his record company, signing a contract with YG Entertainment, with which he continues to work today. In the same year, he released the album PSY five, which also did not bring any special laurels to the singer. He continued to give concerts in various cities in Korea, participated in music festivals, and became increasingly involved in producing and composing music for other artists. During these same years, Park Jae-sang served his mandatory military service as a signalman in an infantry division.

Gangnam Style

The music video for "Gangnam Style" premiered on July 15, 2012. The playful melody and choreography in the style of a horse rider made the Korean rapper popular all over the world. Gangnam is a fashionable and wealthy area of ​​Seoul where PSY was born and spent his childhood. As they wrote after the release of the single, this is an analogue of the American Beverly Hills - the place where the most successful and rich people live. "Gangnam style" in colloquial Korean means a luxurious, somewhat pretentious lifestyle.

The single sings about an ideal, sophisticated girl who knows how to behave in different life situations. The clip shows PSY dancing funny in various places in the Gangnam area. Several famous Korean singers and comedians starred in the video. He himself explained the popularity of the video as follows: the song seems to be about a luxurious life, the singer himself portrays a nouveau riche, but in such a way that no one believes him.

Song records and personal achievements

The clip spread like a computer virus, quickly gaining 1 billion views on YouTube, a first in the hosting history, a figure that had risen to 3 billion by November 2017. The video service was forced to change the counter code because the number of views of "Gangnam Style" exceeded the program's capacity. For five years, until July last year, the video was number one in terms of views. A few months after the premiere, the video was included in the Guinness Book of Records, becoming the record holder for the most likes in history.

Life after

Those who predicted complete oblivion for PSY after unprecedented success were fortunately wrong. He did not rest on his laurels and released several popular videos.

In 2013, the single “Gentleman” was released; the music video collected 948 million views on YouTube. The concert dedicated to the premiere of the song attracted 50 thousand fans, and the live broadcast on YouTube was watched by 150,000 users. PSY is known for his sense of humor, and at concerts he often imitates popular Korean singers and even Lady Gaga and Beyoncé.

In recent years (2015, 2017), PSY has released two albums featuring songs from the most popular Korean artists. PSY starred in several films where he played ordinary Koreans. As he himself said in one of his interviews, he has a typical Korean appearance, and if he takes off his sunglasses, no one will recognize Pak.

Personal life

In keeping with Korean tradition, PSY doesn't really like to talk about his non-stage life. PSY's biography says little about his personal life: in October 2006, he married his longtime girlfriend Yoo Hye-yeon.

They started dating in 2003, when the singer had a serious decline in creativity and seemed to have no future on stage. The girl studied cello and was a student at Yonsei University. Now the couple has two twin daughters, who were born on October 14, 2006. In addition to raising children, the wife takes care of the singer’s wardrobe, carefully thinking through the design of her husband’s stage costumes. In PSY's biography, family plays a central role, helping him survive both ups and downs.

In the wake of the singer’s soaring popularity, the yellow press reported that he was having a secret affair with the young Korean singer Im Yun, allegedly his wife knew about it and kept silent so as not to destroy the family. PSY representatives denied these speculations.

In 2012, he purchased an apartment on the Pacific coast for $1.25 million, not far from Beverly Hills, where the family now lives.

On October 23, 2012, Psy met with the UN Secretary General, 68-year-old Ban Ki-moon, at the United Nations headquarters, and Ban Ki-moon not only said that now, apparently, Psy became the most famous Korean in the world, but also danced his famous dance with the rapper, which delighted all those present. In addition, the UN Secretary General expressed his desire to work together with the musician, using their global image. On December 21, 2012, the number of views of "Gangnam Style" on YouTube exceeded 1 billion, becoming the first and only video clip in the history of the portal to set such a record. It's no surprise that the press calls Psy nothing less than the "King of YouTube."

On New Year's Eve 2013, the artist, who in a few months transformed from a little-known Korean comedian into the most popular musician on YouTube, performed at a concert with American rapper MC Hammer in Times Square in New York City. ). The audience of the concert amounted to more than a million people.

Psy was born in Seoul on December 31, 1977, in the same upscale Gangnam District whose luxurious lifestyle he later satirized in the song "Gangnam Style." The family of the future artist certainly did not need anything. His father, Park Won-Ho, is the executive chairman of DI Corporation, a semiconductor manufacturer, and his mother, Kim Young-hee, owns a number of restaurants in Gangnam. Psy completed his primary and secondary classes at Banpo School, and his senior years at Sehwa High School. By his own admission, he did not like school and had difficulty getting along with some of his classmates, although he always knew how to make them laugh. The rapper's former teachers said in interviews that Park had great influence in the class and could easily distract fellow students from classes with his jokes. At the age of 15, Park was watching a Korean program about foreign pop and rock music, and footage from the British group Queen's concert at Wembley Stadium, where the musicians performed their hit "Bohemian Rhapsody", made him pay attention to music .

However, after high school, Park prepared to take over the company from his father and planned to study business management at Boston University. Alas, having arrived in the United States, he completely lost interest in studying and spent the money allocated for training on musical instruments and other equipment. After taking an English course and spending one semester at the university, Park dropped out of business administration and instead enrolled at Berklee College of Music, but soon dropped out of there and returned to South Korea to pursue a career in the show -business. He never received a degree from Boston University or the Berklee College of Music, but in 2000, Psy made his first appearance on Korean national television after his dance caught the eye of a television producer.

In January 2001, the rapper released his first album, PSY from the Psycho World!, for which he was fined by South Korean authorities due to "obscene content." He started out with hip-hop and was distinguished by rough lyrics, unique dance moves and unusual appearance. Psy's next albums also caused a lot of hype, but this did not stop Psy from regularly appearing on radio and television and receiving awards for musical achievements. Well, 2012 with the single “Gangnam Style” brought international fame to the Korean.

On October 14, 2006, Psy married cellist Yoo Hye-yeon, whom he dated for three and a half years. They have twin daughters.

In his homeland, this South Korean singer has been known for a very long time and is one of the most popular artists. Personal life of PSY(Park Chae San) is not put on public display, although it is known that he has long been the father of a family consisting of his wife Yoo Hye Young, who is twelve years younger than her husband, and two twin daughters. Park Chae-sang's wife is a cellist and a graduate of Yonsei University in Seoul. They got married eight years ago and have been living together ever since in one of the luxury residential complexes on the west coast of the United States.

In the photo - Park Chae-sang with his wife

PSY unexpectedly became a world-famous star for many, including himself, by posting a video for the song Gangam Style online, which within a few days became one of the most viewed videos. For twelve years before this, Park Chae-sang had built a career by uploading his videos to video portals, but this was the first time he had experienced such resounding success. PSY's personal life predetermined his choice of profession, although initially his parents prepared a different future for him. He always loved fun get-togethers and parties, so he did not enjoy studying either at the prestigious school in Seoul or at Boston University, where his father sent him to study business management techniques.

PSY was not a diligent student and could not participate in the educational process for weeks. This affected his academic performance and led to the threat of expulsion hanging over him. Park Chae-sang's father, the executive director of DI Corporation, had to make a lot of efforts to keep his son at the university, but his efforts were in vain, because PSY dropped out anyway. The craving for music turned out to be stronger. After completing accelerated English courses, he entered Berklee College of Music, but did not stay there for long. Considering that for a successful career it would be enough for him to have only a superficial acquaintance with solfeggio, the basics of the synthesis of music and modern writing, he dropped out of school and left for his homeland to begin his path to fame.

From that moment on, PSY's personal life was spent in constant creative quest. Soon he released his first masterpiece - a video for the song “Bird”, and then the disc “PSY from the PSYcho World!”, and in total during his career, this popular South Korean singer released six albums, but none of them brought him much fame. Last year, the singer, who was recognized not only by ordinary listeners, but also by world-famous stars, released another of his videos, Gentleman, which has not yet become as famous as his first hit.

You Tube star and the most popular singer and musician in South Korea, Park Chae-sang (real name Psy), appeared on the musical Olympus unexpectedly and immediately became a celebrity, performing his famous hit “Gangnam Style”. Despite such popularity, the artist’s personal life is not publicly displayed. It is known that he has long been a family man, and Psy's wife - Yoo Hye Young twelve years younger than him.

In the photo - Psy with his wife

A family consisting of Park Chae-sang, his wife and two twin girls has long settled in an elite residential complex on the west coast of the United States. Psy's wife is also a musician - Yoo Hye Young is a cellist, a graduate of Yongsen University in Seoul, and they met three and a half years before their wedding.

Having turned into a family man, Psy is likely to spend more time with his family, but before that he was an avid party animal who loved nightclubs and parties. He was born into a wealthy family, and Park Chae-sang's father saw him as a successor to his business - he was going to transfer management of his own company to him. Psy himself was going to do this after school and for this he entered Boston University.

However, coming to America changed his outlook on life and plans for the future, which greatly upset his father, and the future star bought musical equipment with the money intended to pay for his studies. After studying at the university for only one semester, he decided to retrain and entered the Berklee College of Music. But Psy studied at this educational institution for only a short time - after he was expelled, he returned to his homeland to begin building his career.

Park Chae San posted his videos on the Internet and began appearing on television, where he was noticed by one of the producers. In 2001, the artist's first album was released, consisting of hip-hop compositions with obscene lyrics, for which he was fined by the South Korean authorities. The release of each subsequent album was also accompanied by heated discussion, and all this played into the popularity of Psy, who increasingly began to appear on radio and television.

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