Camp program around the world. Scenario of a travel game for the summer camp “Around the World”

Health camp "GORKI", located in the village of Kamenka, Moscow (65 km from the MKAD Kaluga direction - TINAO, village Rogovskoye). The territory covers 16 hectares of forest and parkland, is illuminated at night and is guarded around the clock by its own security service.

Base: OK "Gorki"
Region: Russia, Moscow and Moscow region
Nearest city: Moscow, 65 km
Age: for children 10 - 15 years old
Address: Podolsky district, village. Kamenka ()
Escorted travel: from Moscow, included in price
Number of participants: 450
Start year: 1951
Required documents:
  • travel voucher with parents' signature;
  • medical certificate (form No. 79/u) with a note on vaccinations;
  • certificate of epidemic contacts at the child’s place of residence (a certificate is taken no more than 3 days before arrival at the camp);
  • a copy of the health insurance policy;
  • copy of birth certificate or passport
Organizer: LLC "Lintas Tour"
Taxpayer Identification Number: 7733548746
Certificate of entry of information about the tour operator into the Unified Federal Register: No. RTO 013394 (you can check it in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators
Certificates and awards:

Health camp "GORKI", located in the village of Kamenka, Moscow (65 km from the MKAD Kaluga direction - TINAO, village Rogovskoye). The territory covers 16 hectares of forest and parkland, is illuminated at night and is guarded around the clock by its own security service.


AT the base of OK "Gorki" in a new, renovated, separate building, accommodating 4-5 people per room, with amenities in the room.


Five meals a day in accordance with the standard menu for children's institutions. The canteen has a self-service system.


concert hall, playground, gym, football field, basketball field, volleyball field, swimming pool, as well as a children's cafe, 2 multifunctional halls 22x6, table tennis, billiards, shooting range, med. point, isolation ward, fire pit with stands for 400 seats, satellite TV, computers, airsoft town

Security and medical care:

There is a doctor or nurse in the camp 24 hours a day. sister, the isolation ward is working.
At night, the camp area is illuminated and guarded 24 hours a day by its own security service, and video surveillance is conducted.

General program:

1st shift - 01.06-21.06

(The name of the shift is “Adventure in Lukomorye”)

Meet Vovochka! It is thanks to him that “Gorki” will briefly turn into the fairy-tale world of LUKOMORYE. And everything will be different: the Scientist cat will live in the library, Leshy will wander along the paths, and in the NARA river you can meet a real Mermaid. Of course, in such a world there cannot be without miracles, surprises and adventures! An exciting quest “There on Unknown Paths”, a show competition “Baba Yaga in Action”, water races to Buyan Island, a beauty contest “Mermaid-2019”, an intellectual tournament for the prize of Vasilisa the Wise, as well as a real Pushkin Ball await you. In the shift program, the children will get acquainted with the crafts of Lukomorye, they will be able to forge a sword, cook porridge from an ax, catch the miracle Yudo fish Whale, learn to chop wood, make a fire and even write poetry!

2nd shift - 24.06-14.07

(The title of the shift is “We are from the future”)

Have you ever seen the Time Machine? If not, then she will definitely appear in Gorki this summer. After passing all the tests of the starting game "Reconnaissance", the guys will undoubtedly discover it! Where will she take the shift participants? It's hard to say - because the future is impossible without the past. To build the future of Russia, we definitely need to understand the past of our great country. And there are so many important and interesting things in the past! The guys will have an unforgettable experience and, of course, a real test of strength - “Zarnitsa” in the LASER TAG style, tactical game on the ground “ROAD OF WINNERS”, intellectual battle “MIND POWER”, obstacle course, night role-playing game “Blockpost”, shooting tournament “Robin” Hood", Battle of the Choirs "In Military Style", historical reconstructions. And, of course, the guys will long remember our tent camp, songs around the fire with a guitar, baked potatoes and the starry eagles circle. Touch the history of great Russia with us!

3rd shift - 17.07-06.08

(The name of the shift is “Theater Academy”)

They say that theater begins with a hanger. And our star theater will begin with the smiles of our counselors, the sparkling jokes of our masters and fantastic master classes from real stars of vocal and dance shows! We invite the children to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of THEATER. During the shift, the guys will be able to try themselves as actors, stage directors, choreographers, make-up artists, and decorators. The program of our theater session includes the “Kings of Improvisation” Show, the “Backstage World” quest game, the “Become a Star!” talent competition, the Fashion Theatre, creative master classes on vocals, stage movement, public speaking, directing, plastic arts and dance, a competition Theater posters and much more! And the main event of the shift, of course, will be a real musical staged by the guys, where everyone will have their own main role. And remember - there are no small roles, and everyone is certainly talented!

4th shift - 09.08-29.08

(The name of the shift is “Golden Star Film Festival”)

The participants in this unusual shift will become a real film crew, and the units will turn into film studios. The guys will have to solve a unique problem - in 20 days, make a real film for screening at the GOLD STAR 2019 film festival, which will be held in the Gorki DOL. Each film studio will compete for the most important prize - the “Gold Star” and the title “Best Film”. During the filming, the children will get acquainted with the history of cinema, film genres, the filming process itself and its participants. The shift program will include a voice acting competition “Not My Sound”, master classes “Makeup and Hairstyle”, “Sound and Camera”, “Super Interview”, work in the festival press center, mannequin challenge “Hidden Camera”, quest “ Heads and Tails", role-playing detective game "Sherlock's Method", interactive "Freeze Frame". Only we have a real red carpet, grateful spectators and true cinematic masterpieces created with our own hands for all shift participants! Hurry up to see and participate!

Payment method:After booking The following payment options are available to you on our website:
  • by bank receipt to the account organizer
  • cash in the office organizer
Included in the price:
  • accommodation with amenities in the room,
  • transfer to the camp and back,
  • 5 meals a day,
  • swimming pool as scheduled,
  • use of WI-FI, sports equipment,
  • medical service.
The price does not include:

Excursion service.

What to take with you:

Luggage: Children's belongings must be packed in one suitcase or bag that is convenient for transportation.
Before departure, parents must familiarize their children with the contents of their luggage; we recommend including a written list of items. All things should be familiar to the child.
What personal items to take:
1. Shirts (dresses) 2-3 pieces.
2.Pants 2 pairs.
3. Sweater (warm jacket) 2 pieces.
4. Sportswear.
5. Festive clothes for visiting discos, “Ogonki”, creative evenings.
6.Underwear 2-4 pairs (T-shirt, panties)
7.Swimsuit and cap.
8.Face towel, bath towel, washcloth.
9. Sports shoes for training in the gym.
10. Slippers 1 pair.
11.Outdoor shoes 2 pairs.
12. Footwear for hiking in the forest (Military boots with lace-up type "Belts")
13. Headdress 2 pieces.
14. Handkerchiefs 3-5 pieces.
15 The jacket is not waterproof.
16. Socks (tights) 3-4 pairs.
17. Toiletries (soap, hair shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb).
Dear parents, we kindly ask you to sign all your child’s personal belongings!

I have great respect for people who, having returned from a camp or hike, write a report the same day and share their impressions. I can't do that. My impressions need to sit, ripen, the wording needs to be sharpened, then only the brightest and most important remains, what I really want to share.

Our family camp ended almost a month ago. Magical 10 days that we spent in a wonderful place surrounded by wonderful people.

“Around the world in 10 days” - the idea of ​​traveling to different continents and countries was born to us several months before the camp. Every day was dedicated to a new place, to which we went in the morning.

On the African day we climbed ropes, made masks, played drums, and danced around the fire.

On Australia Day there was a team game about snakes, boomerangs and drawing using a special Australian technique.

On America Day there was the Great Indian Game, amulets and rock paintings,

Masha, thank you, you are wonderful! Especially in the image))

and in Brazilian, of course, football and carnival.

On Japan Day, everyone went through samurai school - they learned to use weapons and calligraphy, and trained endurance and strength. And in the morning we practiced aikido under the guidance of Yegor.

On an English day there was the “War of the White and Scarlet Roses” - ordinary sprinklers turn into terrible weapons, if only you provide each warrior with a life-napkin and choose your own queen in each army.

On Europe Day we played our favorite “Merchants and Townspeople” (thanks to Lena Zubkova, who gave us this wonderful camp-wide game last year).

Merciless robber...

...and thoughtful townspeople are preparing a drink for Her Majesty.

On Chinese day there was a tea ceremony, kites and lanterns.

Olya, thank you!

It was wonderful, varied, interesting, fun and very soulful. You can’t tell us everything in detail, so I’ll focus on the main thing.

What I thought was especially successful this time:

1. Theme of each day.

This was not an easy decision, because it requires too much. But in the end it turned out great. We managed to maintain a theme in almost all the events of the day, and sometimes even in food (but this requires a separate story about where and how we lived). There is no need to talk about thematic needlework - through the efforts of the beautiful Lena Makeeva, we made kites on Chinese Day, and candlesticks with colored sand on African Day,

in the Indian one they wove mandalas (and then the whole camp couldn’t stop), in the Brazilian one they made “the sound of rain” from dry hogweed stems, and so on - every day something special with national and cultural flavor.

2. Consistent structure of each day.

General gathering in the morning. A small general game (sometimes with a parachute, sometimes something active or communicative, but in which kids can participate on an equal basis with older ones).

Then the kids go to their play circle, and the older ones with their parents go to the general program (game, team tests, presentation, training, etc.)

After lunch - mathematics with Dasha Ermakova, then handicrafts and sports (table tennis, volleyball, football, kayaks).

Sasha, thank you for being with us!

A general event after dinner, then a fairy tale, parent gatherings after the general lights out.

Quite quickly, everyone - both children and adults - fit into this schedule. This core, on which the events of each day were strung, made our life orderly and somehow okay. And although we posted a schedule for the day every morning (or rather, every night the night before), the children always knew when to expect what and when to run where. And this, in my opinion, is good.

3. Evening tales. Firstly, they also corresponded to the theme of the day. We had African, Australian and Brazilian folk tales, English poetry, Indian legends, etc. Secondly, the fairy tale was prepared together with the participants (sometimes only adults, sometimes with children and parents together) in the middle of the day, when the kids were sleeping. And if for the first couple of days people had to be actively agitated, then somewhere from the third day there was no end to those who wanted to prepare a fairy tale for the evening. And thirdly, the form of the evening fairy tale was never repeated over 9 evenings. In Africa there was a puppet show (once again HUGE thanks to the incomparable Tanya Chekuchinova, who literally created completely unique dolls and masks for fairy tales in just a couple of hours), in Brazil there was a shadow show, in Japan children played in the play, and in England parents read poetry, appearing from the most unexpected places - from behind a door or curtain, from a crowd of spectators or from a windowsill. In the Chinese fairy tale, all the actors hid under masks and improvised kimonos; the Indian legend was told as if by a shaman around a fire. On Europe Day, we decided to take a break and watch a cartoon based on a European fairy tale (“The Enchanted Boy” based on “Nils’s Journey”). This evening we managed to realize our long-standing idea and show a movie on the ceiling. Particular entertainment was watching the adults entering the hall. At first they were amazed to see a crowd of children lying on the floor and looking up in concentration, and then they noticed the action on the ceiling. And it was wonderful.

The daily preparation of the evening tale cost Korney, who was responsible for this, a lot of strength and nerves, and only he could judge whether it was justified. But now, after some time, it all seems like some kind of nightly extravaganza, a celebration of irrepressible creativity. And the queue of people willing to participate in the preparation also speaks for itself. And for all this - a low bow and huge gratitude from all the actors, sympathizers and spectators.

4. Program for parents. Our camp, of course, is a family camp, and it is clear that families with children come to it, mainly focused on various children's activities. I have already said that it seems important to me to involve the whole family in the program, without making parents a free app for their own children. But parents themselves also deserve attention. After all, in the end, it is they who make the final decision - whether the FAMILY liked the camp and whether to go there again.

This time we invited parents to get-togethers every evening. Sometimes we just talked (brightening up the conversations with Dasha’s delicious mulled wine), sometimes we played Dixit or hat. And several themed evenings turned out, in my opinion, simply exceptional. An evening of Japanese poetry is definitely worthy of a separate story.

First, we learned a little about the specifics of Japanese poetry, found out how haiku and tanka differ, and read the classic three- and five-line poems. And then they formed teams of three and began to compose their haiku one line at a time. That is, one team writes the first line (5 syllables) and passes the piece of paper on. The second composes a continuation (7 syllables), the third team completes (again 5 syllables in accordance with the canons). We had a lot of fun, and some of the poems turned out to be simply brilliant. May true connoisseurs of Japanese poetry forgive us... For example:

There is an egg in a glass.
The soul is filled with languor.
I'll still be patient.

Blue fog
Washed away with tears
Bare legs.

I'm walking beautifully.
It's a pity that it was just a dream.
Suddenly: “Company, rise!”

Bee hive.
Children are buzzing like flies.
Good ending.

Moved it to the left.
It still sticks out again.
And time goes by...

5. And finally, the most important thing. We had a huge number of wonderful assistants. Some prepared for the program in advance and seriously (like Lena for her outstanding workshops or Masha deliya_elena to their presentations and games), some joined spontaneously (like the artist Tanya to fairy tales or another beautiful Tanya to children’s round dances), but it was the diversity of talents of our wonderful participants and the willingness to generously share them that made the program what it was - filled and bright.

But there was also a table tennis tournament (in which almost 200 games were played!),

Katya, thank you, you are a giant!

and toy library,

and an excursion to the apiary,

and circle dances, and songs around the fire, and sunsets on the hill, angel day and camp mail, chocolate cocktails in Dasha’s cafe and every morning yoga on the grass under the pine trees (Ira, thank you!), and lanterns illuminating the delicate northern night in children’s hands, and their unstoppable brothers, carrying the dream of new meetings into the sky.

Photos by Egor Ermakov, Katya and Serezha Glukhov, Korney. Have I forgotten anyone? Well, a couple of mine...

R. Maina village

Program Information Card

Full program name

Comprehensive, short-term program

children's health day camp "AROUND THE WORLD IN 18 DAYS"

Goal and objectives of the program

Creation of a unified educational, educational and socio-cultural space that ensures the physical and mental health of a growing individual, the activation of his creative potential and self-expression in creative activities, the preservation of psychological health and emotional well-being, the formation in children of social and moral stability, tolerant consciousness, and preparedness for life in children team.

· to reveal the creative potential of students through gaming and creative activities;

· create a system of interesting, varied, active and educational recreation and health improvement for children during the summer period;

· create an atmosphere of psychological comfort for each child;

· strengthen physical health.


summer health camp

with day care for children

MAOU DOD "Children's Creativity Center"


(comprehensive, short-term)

Maina -2017


Summer holidays make up a significant part of children's free time. This period could not be more favorable for the development of their creative potential, improvement of personal capabilities, familiarization with cultural values, entry into the system of social connections, implementation of their own plans, satisfaction of individual interests in personally significant areas of activity.

Summer is a time for games, entertainment, and freedom in choosing activities. This is a period of free communication between children. During the summer holidays, the tension accumulated over the year is released, expended energy and health are restored, and creative potential is developed.

The program of the children's health day camp "AROUND THE WORLD IN 18 DAYS" provides for the organization of summer recreation for children in a temporary children's group.

The development of this program for organizing summer holidays, health improvement and employment for children was caused by:
– increasing demand from parents and children for organized recreation for schoolchildren;
– modernization of old forms of work and introduction of new ones;
– the need to use the rich creative potential of students and teachers in realizing the goals and objectives of the program.

The program is universal, as it can be used to work with children from different social groups, different ages, levels of development and health status.

This program includes a variety of activities and combines various areas of health improvement, recreation and education of children in a temporary children's group.

By duration the program is short-term, i.e. it is implemented during 1 shift (June). The optimal number of participants is 20 students.
The main composition of the shift participants are children aged 6-15 years.


Summer holidays are the best and unforgettable time for developing creative abilities and improving a child’s capabilities, involving children in new social connections, and satisfying individual interests and needs.
This is a period when children can “make” their life full of interesting acquaintances, useful hobbies and activities, they can learn to sing, dance, play, and spend their free time usefully. Indeed, nowhere does a child reveal himself as much as in games. Here, in addition to personal interests, the child, without knowing it, develops his physical and moral qualities, learns to be friends, empathize, go to help without looking back, learn to lose and win “beautifully.”

The main activities of the day camp are aimed at developing the child’s personality and including him in a variety of human relationships and interpersonal communication with peers. A children's camp, taking into account its specific activities, can give children a certain holistic system of moral values ​​and cultural traditions by immersing the child in the atmosphere of play and cognitive activity of a friendly microsociety. The camp gives him the opportunity to discover the positive qualities of his personality, to feel the significance of his own “I”; realize oneself as a person who evokes a positive assessment in the eyes of other people; increase self-esteem; reach a new level of communication, where there is no place for aggression and rudeness.



Teams from 3 to 10-12 people travel around the stations. The number of commands must be equal to the number of stations. At each station there is a presenter (teacher-organizer). At the start, teams are given a route sheet indicating all stations and the route. The team with the selected captain strictly follows the route, completing tasks at the stations.
At each station, its leader gives the team tokens or marks the completion of tasks on the route sheet. After the teams have run around all the stations, tokens or points are counted and the winning team is awarded.

  • Station play programs are designed for children from day camps and are usually held in parks.

Station No. 1

"Around the World"

Competitive game tasks:

"Parts of the world"

Remember and name the parts of the world (America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica).
Before you are two hemispheres of the globe. Having chosen a card, name what is depicted on it and place it in one or another part of the world (lay it out on the map of the hemispheres).


The capital is the main city of the state, the city in which the government is located.
The team distributes cards with letters of the alphabet among all participants. Each card has one letter of the alphabet.
The presenter asks the question: “The capital of Russia?”
Children write the answer, lining up by letter:


France Paris

China - Beijing

Spain Madrid

Belarus - Minsk

Afghanistan - Kabul

Mexico - Mexico City

Vietnam - Hanoi

Australia - Sydney

Türkiye - Istanbul

Bulgaria - Sofia

Hungary - Budapest

Serbia - Belgrade

Station No. 2

"Mistress Currency"

Competitive game tasks

  • 2 envelopes with cards are offered. In one envelope there is a list of the names of currencies, in the other - the names of countries of the world. Decompose for consistency.
Great BritainGBP
ItalyEuro (lira)
GermanyEuro (mark)
FranceEuro (franc)
AustraliaAustralian dollar
HungaryEuro (forint)
SpainEuro (peseta)
BulgariaEuro (lev)
  • Draw a chalk sketch of the currency as you imagine it. Originality, humor, compositional arrangement of details, diversity, and the presence of a symbol are assessed. The following currencies are offered: birr - Ethiopia, kwacha - Zambia, won - Korea, taka - Bangladesh.

Station No. 3


2 posters were drawn - a board with the endings of city names. Children who come to the station are divided into 2 teams. Team captains receive bags with signs with the initial syllables of city names. One by one (relay race), children run, taking one card - “Letter” from the bag, and put it on the board so that the name of the city matches, return and pass the bag on to the team. Who is correct and fast?

When the teams complete the task, let them try to name the country in which this or that city is located.

  • Tula (Russia);
  • Riga, Latvia);
  • Lima (Peru);
  • Quito (Ecuador);
  • Sana'a (Yemen);
  • Cairo (Egypt);
  • Sochi (Russia);
  • Delhi (India);
  • Kyiv, Ukraine);
  • Baku, Azerbaijan);
  • Oslo (Norway);
  • Vienna, Austria);
  • Seoul (Korea);
  • Chita (Russia).

Station No. 4

"Games of the Nations of the World"

1. “In a circle” (Norwegian game)

The players join hands and stand with their backs to the center, then lower their hands. Two of them, standing on opposite sides of the circle, are given a small cube, which they pass on a signal to their neighbor in one direction. They strive to pass them on as quickly as possible, but there comes a time when one cube catches up with the other. The one who has 2 dice in his hands is considered a loser and leaves the game. After this, the game resumes.
You can pass objects while standing facing the center or alternately: one - facing the center, the other - with his back.

2. "Cakyp" (Turkish game)

A group of children is trying to stack 4 objects (cubes) on top of each other, the leader must stop them by hitting the players with the ball. When the items are stacked, the game is over.

3. “Circular shelling” (Samara Lapta)

The game is played on a grassy field. All participants stand in a circle and pass a volleyball to each other using a volleyball pass (from above or below). The one who made a mistake when receiving the ball or sent the ball inaccurately sits in the center of the circle. Players playing the ball in a circle from time to time send it to those sitting with a strong blow. If the ball is not caught and bounces off the seated person, it is put back into play. If the player does not hit those sitting with the ball, he himself takes a place next to them.
The circular “fire” continues until one of the people sitting catches the ball from the air into his hands. Then everyone gets up and takes their place in a circle, and the player who hits the ball into his partner’s hands goes to the middle.

4. “Catch the sticks!” (Tuvan fun)

Place two sticks of equal length vertically on the floor in front of you, resting your palms on them. Let go of the sticks and, turning around, try to grab them. before they hit the ground.

Station No. 5

"Flora and fauna of the world"


  1. Trees of our strip. Which leaf belongs to which tree?
  2. Guess what plant we are talking about.
  3. Find out and name the plants on the postcards.
  4. Find out and name the animals on the postcards.
  5. Questions about sea animals.

Sea creatures

  1. Are corals animals or plants? (Animals)
  2. What are coral reefs? (These are animal skeletons.)
  3. What is the smartest animal in the sea? (Dolphin)
  4. What is the largest animal? (Blue whale)
  5. What does a whale eat? (Plankton - a suspension of the simplest plants and animals.)
  6. Which fish are compared to tools and weapons in their names? (Pisces - sword, saw, hammer, needle, saber.)
  7. What cephalopod do people eat? (Squid)
  8. What do we call the kelp plant, which contains a lot of iodine (we eat it in the form of canned food)? (Sea kale)

Travel game scenario for summer camp

"Around the World"

Description of material: the script is intended for organizing summer holidays for children in a school day camp. Age category: primary school students.

Subject. The game is a journey through the Around the World stations.

Goal: to develop the intellectual sphere of students, ingenuity, observation, speed of reaction, eye, courage; cultivate comradely mutual assistance, tolerance, collectivism.

Features of forming teams: teams should have no more than 10 people (required: boys and girls of different ages); the team independently chooses its captain and comes up with a name.

Conditions of the game.

Each squad receives its own route sheet, which indicates the travel plan for the stations, and an evaluation sheet. According to the route sheet, children are sent to their stations. Having arrived at the station, the squads complete tasks that are assessed in points.

At the end of the game, the results are summed up and a summary table of the journey by station is compiled.

Awards at the line of winners and participants.

1 station"Animal in words." The child is told a word, and he must select the animal from it:

Bank - boar

Luggage - toad

Ears - elk

Cinema - horses

Dudochka - hoopoe

Siege - wasp

Wave - ox

Frame - cancer

Casing - beetle

Salon - elephant

Peony - pony

Umbrella - whale

2 station"Delicious alphabet." The alphabet is printed on a sheet. For each letter of the alphabet you need to write down a fruit, vegetable or berry. The number of correct answers is the number of points the team receives.

3 station"A fairy tale-mystery."

The teacher reads a fairy tale, the children listen carefully and give an answer. For a correct answer, the team receives 5 points.

One day Dunno went for a walk in the meadow. I went for a walk, and lo and behold, it was already getting dark. We need to quickly run home. Suddenly, right in front of him, a large gray bird silently landed on a stump.

Who are you? - Dunno was scared.

The bird answered him.

You are a bird. But why then do you fly at night? After all, the other birds are already sleeping.

You see, Dunno, I can’t see well during the day when the sun is shining brightly. It blinds me. But I don’t see even in the dead of night, as you think. I fly in the evening, in the gray twilight.

Ah, that's why you're so gray. But why do you need to be gray, because then no one will see you? And yet, you fly silently - no one will hear you.

I must be invisible and inaudible so that those small animals, mice, bunnies, birds that I hunt, do not hear me. And I'm not the only one. This is how cats and some other nocturnal animals hunt.

Question: What kind of bird is this? (Owl)

4 station"Humorous fairytale quiz." The number of correct answers is the number of points the team receives.

1) Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)

2) What type of fish is the most valuable? (Gold fish)

3) Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was an agricultural product? (Turnip)

4) In which Russian folk tale does the brother not listen to his sister, violate the sanitary and hygienic rules and pay dearly for it? (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

5) Name the heroine of a French fairy tale who got her name thanks to her headdress? (Little Red Riding Hood)

6) The heroine of which French fairy tale cleaned the stoves and cleaned the house? (Cinderella)

7) Which fairy-tale character sowed money, hoping that a money tree would grow from it? (Pinocchio)

8) Which poultry, the heroine of a Russian folk tale, carried items made of precious metals to its owners? (Chicken Ryaba)

9) Which French fairy tale hero was very fond of shoes, and what was his nickname for this? (Puss in Boots)

10) Name the fairy-tale female pilot (Baba Yaga)

5 station"Folk signs".

Compose folk signs of the expected weather from two parts. Need to connect.

Sparrows bathe in dust before frost

A spider weaves a web against bad weather

Smoke pours towards the rain

All flowers smell strongly in dry weather.

Sparrows bathe in dust for rain.

The spider weaves webs for dry weather.

Pillar of smoke leading to frost.

All flowers smell strongly of bad weather.

6 station“5 seconds to think.” Questions must be answered quickly.

1) A girl's daughter. (Doll)

2) Not having bad weather. (Nature)

3) Green, which kills flies. (Yearning)

4) Arrives in the Savrasov style and fly away in the Nekrasov style. (Rooks)

5) Jacket to go with the diaper. (Vest)

6) Letters lined up for roll call. (Alphabet)

7) Epicenter of the donut. (Hole)

8) Hunter of other people's furs. (Mole)

9) A fairground device to turn your head. (Carousel)

10) Folklore test for intelligence. (Mystery)

11) The latest fashionable sound. (Beeping)

12) Part of the body, which is offered complete with a heart. (Hand)

13) New building for the brooding ram. (Gates)

14) Pasta dispenser. (Colander)

15) Back of the head. (Face)

16) An institution where illiterate people are admitted. (School)

17) Home porthole. (Window)

18) Part of the face that is sometimes hung. (Nose)

19) Wise time of day. (Morning)

20) Light after the bath. (Steam)

7 station"Constructor".

The word is given:


It is necessary to form new words from the letters included in a given word. Letters can be repeated. How many words are composed, so many points are received.

8 station"Auction of tea words." In 5 minutes, write words that include the word “tea”, for example, case. The number of words written, the number of points the team receives.

9 station"non-folding riddles"

Participants are asked to guess the riddle.

riddles with a trick:

Who likes to run around on branches?

Of course, red... (Squirrel)

Knows a lot about raspberries

Master of the forest, brown... (Bear)

Who is beating like a drum?

Sitting on a pine tree... (Woodpecker)

Who is not friends with bright light,

Underground in winter and summer?

He dug up the entire slope with his nose.

It's just gray... (Mole)

Who is trembling under the tree in the forest,

So as not to meet with a double-barreled shotgun?

He gallops across the field, emboldened.

This beast is called... (Hare)

This beast sleeps in winter,

He looks awkward.

Loves berries and honey.

And it’s called... (Bear)

In the thicket, with my head raised,

Howls from hunger... (Wolf)

Daughters and sons

Teaches you to grunt... (Pig)

From the palm tree down, to the palm tree again,

Jumps deftly... (Monkey)

The tail is a fan, there is a crown on the head,

There is no more beautiful bird than... (Peacock)

10 station“Guess the fairy tale based on the subject.” Students are told objects and must guess the story. The number of correct answers is the number of points the team receives.


Rolling pin





11 station"tricky problems"

Participants are asked to solve a problem.

Examples of tasks:

Which clock shows the exact time only twice a day?

Answer: a clock that has stopped.

What is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?

Answer: They have equal weight.

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house?

Answer: when the door is open.

How to write the word "mousetrap" in five letters?

Answer: cat.

What rocks are not in the sea?

Answer: dry.

What three numbers, when added or multiplied, give the same result?

Answer: 1, 2 and 3.

When are hands pronouns?

Answer: when they are you-we-you.

What female name consists of two letters that are repeated twice?

Answer: Anna, Alla.

One egg is cooked for 4 minutes. How many minutes should you boil 6 eggs?

Answer: 4 minutes.

Where is the end of the world?

Answer: where the shadow begins.

12 station"Understand me". Each participant receives a sheet with a task. Using facial expressions and gestures, depict what is written, and the team must guess. How many situations are guessed, the team receives so many points.

A man eats ice cream.

A man eats long pasta.

Knead the dough and make pies.

Thread the needle and sew.

Fry fried eggs.

A man eats undercooked kebab.

Pack things in a suitcase.

Kindle Fire.

A man eats a watermelon.

13 station " Geographical Society".

Participants are asked questions. Those who answer the question receive a prize.

Sample questions

How many continents are there in total? (Six)

What oceans do you know? (Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Arctic)

Where is Brazil? (In Latin America)

Capital of France? (Paris)

Brussels is the capital of which country? (Belgium)

The inhabitants of this country call it Suomi, but what do we call this country? (Finland)

Which country is called the Land of the Rising Sun? (Japan).

The world's highest mountain? (Everest).

In what country is Sydney located? (In Australia)

What is the zero parallel called? (Equator).

14 station"Taste"

you need to guess riddles about fruits. For each riddle with an answer - 1 point.

With orange skin

Looks like a ball

But the center is not empty,

And juicy and tasty.


It's not very easy to guess -

This is the kind of fruit I know -

It's not about coconut

Not about the pear, not about the plum, -

There is also such a bird,

Also called...

Blue uniform

warm lining,

and it's sweet in the middle.

It's almost like an orange

Thick skinned, juicy,

There is only one drawback -

Very, very sour.

A bun hangs on a branch,

His ruddy side shines!

Apple And another one I know

The most amazing fruit

Orange reminds

It's called...


There is a fruit in the garden, it is sweet like honey,

Blush, like a roll, but not round, like a ball, -

It’s right under the leg, stretched out a little.

They look like cucumbers

They only grow in ligaments,

And these fruits for breakfast

They serve the monkeys.

15 station“It happens in fairy tales too” (guess which fairy tale these lines are from)

The sea is on fire,

A whale ran out to sea,

Hey firefighters, run!

Help, help!

"Fire! We're burning! We're burning!"

With crackling, clicking and thunder.

Looks around

Waving his red sleeve.

S. Marshak "Cat House"

What's that smoke overhead?

What's that thunder over the pavement?

The house is on fire around the corner.

What kind of darkness is all around?

The team is putting up the ladders,

Saves the house from fire.

S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa".

And now everyone who was touched by the fairy’s magic wand fell asleep. Even the partridges and pheasants, which were roasting on the fire, fell asleep. The spit on which they spun fell asleep. The fire that was roasting them fell asleep.

Charles Perrault "Sleeping Beauty"

One evening a soldier was sitting in his closet; It was already completely dark, and he didn’t even have money for a candle. Then he remembered about the witch's little thing. The soldier took it out of his pocket and began to strike fire. As soon as he hit the flint, the door swung open and a dog with eyes like tea saucers ran in.

G.H. Andersen, "Flint"

He himself brought water, he himself collected branches and pine cones, he himself lit a fire at the entrance to the cave, so noisy that the branches on a tall pine tree swayed. I brewed cocoa with water myself:

Alive! Sit down and have breakfast. They saw the smoke of a fire at the roots of an old pine tree, but it never occurred to them that wooden men were hiding in this cave, and they had also lit a fire

A.N. Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”

At the same instant, the whole room was filled with acrid black smoke, and something like a silent explosion of great force threw Volka to the ceiling, where he hung, clinging with his pants to the hook on which his grandmother’s chandelier was supposed to be hung.

Lazar Lagin “Old Man Hottabych”

The fire under the stove was growing hotter, something was hissing and smoking in the frying pans, and a pleasant, tasty smell was wafting throughout the room. The old woman rushed here and there and kept poking her long nose into the pot of soup to see if the food was ready. Finally, something began to bubble and gurgle in the pot, steam poured out of it, and thick foam poured onto the fire. Then the old woman took the pot off the stove, poured soup from it into a silver bowl and placed the bowl in front of Yakov.

Wilhelm Hauff, "Dwarf Nose"

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