Project on English language shopping. Shopping - Other - Topics in English - Learning English

Nowadays shopping as a way of spending time has become quite a popular thing. However, the meaning of this word does not simply imply browsing around the shops. It also means other things such as having a meal in a cafe or a restaurant.

What and where to buy?

There are plenty of different shops such as food supermarkets, bakeries, furniture stores, department stores, clothing stores and many others.

More and more shopping centers and malls are opening in big and small cities. Under one roof you can find various shops and buy everything you need.

Thanks to the development of the Internet, some people prefer to shop online. Even though it might seem the most convenient way of buying things, there are a few disadvantages as well.

Shopping tourism

Sometimes shopping can be a part of travel experience. A lot of people go abroad not to just relax in the sun and do sightseeing but also wander around local shops.

Europe is renowned for its designer boutiques and massive sales. However, it is possible to buy fashion clothes of high quality in other countries too.


One must be aware that compulsive buying can turn into a disorder which is known as oniomania. People suffering from it buy a lot of things not because they really need them, but simply to go through this feeling. Sometimes they may never use what they buy.

What is shopping?

Today, shopping as a way of spending time is becoming quite popular. However, the meaning of this word involves more than just looking at goods in stores. This concept includes many other things, for example, lunch in a cafe or restaurant.

What and where to buy?

There are many different stores, such as grocery supermarkets, bakeries, furniture stores, department stores, clothing stores, etc.

More and more shopping centers are opening in big and small cities. Under one roof you can find different shops and buy everything you need.

With the development of the Internet, some people prefer to shop online. Although this method may seem the most convenient, it has some disadvantages.

Shopping tourism

Sometimes shopping can be part of a trip. Many people travel abroad not only to sunbathe and see the sights, but also to browse the local shops.

Europe is known for its designer boutiques and huge sales. However, high quality fashionable clothing can be purchased in other countries.


You should be aware that excessive shopping urges can develop into a disorder known as oniomania. People suffering from it buy a lot of things not because they need them, but with the simple goal of enjoying the joy of buying. Sometimes purchased items remain unused.

17 Sep

English topic: My shopping trip

Topic in English: My shopping trip (Shopping). This text can be used as a presentation, project, story, essay, essay or message on a topic.

Attitude towards shopping

All people can be divided into two categories: shopaholics - those who love shopping, and those who hate it. I definitely fall into the second category, but as we all know, shopping is a must. During the week I rarely go to the store because I’m busy with school. If I go somewhere for groceries, it’s a store near my home. For example, I can go to a butcher's shop for meat or to a greengrocer's for vegetables. I sometimes go to the pharmacy if I need some medicine.

Shopping day

I try to do my shopping on the weekend when I have a lot of time. I usually go to the supermarket, where you can buy not only groceries, but also household goods, such as household chemicals. I always make a shopping list so I don't forget anything. This list usually includes bread and pastries, cereals, meat, vegetables and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, drinking water and juices. As you can see, the list is quite long, so if you asked me if I preferred baskets or carts, I would grab a cart and head down the aisles. After I've made all my purchases, I head to the checkout and pay for them. When I don’t want to waste time on shopping myself, I order groceries home. I choose what I need from the online catalog, place an order and wait for the courier.

Buying clothes

If I need clothes, I go to a department store or mall because they offer good prices. I never go to boutiques or designer clothing stores because they are too expensive and I can't afford it. I often buy clothes online. There are many advantages here, for example, high competition, hence the constant sales. In addition, time is saved.


That's probably all there is to it when it comes to my shopping trips. Like I said, I hate shopping. And you?

Download English topic: My shopping trip


Attitude to shopping

All people can be divided into shopaholics and those who hate shopping. I definitely fall into the second category, but as we all know shopping is a pressing necessity. I do a little shopping during the week because I’m usually busy studying. If I do go somewhere to buy some food it’s within walking distance from my home. For instance, I occasionally go to the butcher’s to buy some meet or to the greengrocer’s for some vegetables. I sometimes go to the chemist’s if I need some medicine.

Shopping day

I try to do most of the shopping at the weekend when I have plenty of time. I usually go to a supermarket where I can buy not only food by also household goods such as cleaning products. I always make a shopping list not to forget anything. Among the items on my list are bread and bakery, cereals, meat and dairy products, fruit vegetables, drinking water and juice. As you can see it’s rather long, so if you asked me if I’m a “basket-person” or a “trolley-person” I would take a shopping cart and go down the aisles. When I’m done with everything on the list, I head for the till and pay for my purchase. When I don’t want to spend time doing the shopping myself I can have food delivered to my place. I choose what I need from an online catalogue; place my order on the site and wait for a courier to deliver it.

Buying clothes

If I need some clothes I go shopping in a department store or a shopping center because they offer good value. I never go to boutiques or upmarket shops because they are rather pricy and I can’t afford them. I often go shopping online. There are great benefits of shopping online. Competition is high, so there are always great sales and promotions. You also save time by shopping online.


So, that’s practically all about my going shopping. As I’ve already said I hate it. And you?

Modern information technologies have greatly influenced people’s lifestyle and their daily routine. Today we can do shopping not only at markets and stores but also on the Internet. There is a great variety of online shops on the Internet and they sell all kinds of goods: from cars or airplane tickets to books or food. You can buy anything just with a few clicks of the mouse. The first online store appeared in England in 1979. And since then shopping online has become really popular and widely-used. Currently the largest world online corporations are “Amazon” and “eBay”.

It is often faster and cheaper to buy online. For instance, finding and buying books on a website is easier and more convenient than walking around a large bookstore. Moreover, customers save not only their time but money as well: warehouses are normally cheaper than shops, so online companies offer lower prices even when delivery charges are included. Although shipping a small number of items from another country could be sometimes quite expensive.

It goes without saying that not all products can be purchased online as easy as books. People prefer to try on clothes, for example, to feel the quality and choose the right size. So they often go shopping first, choose the product in stores and then place an order for it online, having found some attractive discount.

Online shopping is also an ideal way of buying goods for extremely busy people or for the disabled. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. All you need is the Internet access and a valid method of payment: credit cards, electronic money or cash on delivery.

The main disadvantage of online shopping is insecurity. There is always a small risk that your financial and personal information might be exploited by hackers. Other frustrating disadvantages are additional costs for delivery and long waiting time, up to several weeks. Besides, online shopping is a bit risky because you can get goods of bad quality, broken or even wrong items.

As we can see, shopping on the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. To my mind, it is a very useful and convenient invention. We should just be careful when choosing a website and placing orders.


Modern information technology has greatly influenced people's lifestyles and their daily routines. Today we can make purchases not only in markets and stores, but also on the Internet. There are a wide variety of online stores that sell all types of goods, from cars and plane tickets to books and groceries. You can purchase anything you want with just a few clicks of the mouse. The first online store appeared in 1979 in England, and since then, online shopping has become very popular and widely used. Currently, Amazon and eBay are considered the largest online corporations.

Shopping online is often faster and cheaper. For example, it is much easier and more convenient to find and buy books on a website than to go to a large bookstore. Moreover, buyers save not only their time, but also money: warehouses are usually cheaper than stores, so online companies offer lower prices, even including delivery costs. However, shipping small quantities of goods from another country can sometimes be quite expensive.

Of course, not all products can be purchased online as easily as books. People prefer to try on clothes, for example, to feel the quality and choose the right size. Therefore, they often first go to the store, select a product there, and then place an order for it online, while looking for some attractive discount.

Online shopping is also an ideal option for purchasing goods for extremely busy people or for people with disabilities. Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day. All you need is an Internet connection and an accessible payment method: credit cards, electronic money or cash upon delivery.

The main disadvantage of online shopping is insecurity. There is always a small risk that your financial and personal data could be used by hackers. Other unfortunate downsides are additional shipping costs and long waiting times, up to several weeks. In addition, online shopping is a bit risky because you may receive poor quality, damaged or even the wrong item.

Let's look at a topic like shopping. The word “shopping” comes to us from the English language and means “the process of shopping” or “going shopping.” For language learners I have prepared shopping topic in English with translation into Russian.

Our people mean by shopping going out to buy new clothes or something like that. In English, the concept of “shopping” is broader. “I go for a shopping” means “I’m going shopping.” Shopping can be everyday: buying bread or milk in a supermarket is also shopping for the British.

From the article you will learn:

Dictionary on shopping

  • shopping list - shopping list
  • purchases - purchases
  • discount card - discount card
  • sale - sale
  • a self-service shop - self-service store
  • shopping mall - shopping center
  • everyday essentials - everyday essentials
  • foodstuffs - food products
  • bakery department - bakery department
  • dairy - dairy products / dairy department
  • butcher - meat department
  • department store - department store
  • ready-made clothes - ready-made clothes
  • ready-made food - prepared food
  • entertainment - entertainment

My every day shopping

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop.

Everyday shopping is rather traditional: some white and brown bread, milk, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, sausages. But it’s not necessary to visit different provisional shops such as bakery or butchery to buy food for the family because we could buy foodstuffs in a supermarket. Different goods are sold under one roof, so customers can save their time having all goods bought in no time.

Well, shopping is no fun any longer, but my daily duty. I dream to be an economist. I try to be rational and economical. I try to follow some steps. First of all it is necessary to make a shopping list of what we need. Then we should calculate how much our purchases would cost and take this very sum of money with us. The third rule tells that we shouldn’t be hungry while shopping, a hungry person buys the things his or her stomach dictates to buy, not thinking about prices or rational nutrition. And we shouldn’t go shopping immediately after we have got our salary, when we feel impressed by a large sum of money and don’t think it’s for a long month to last.

Every day before leaving for school I look around the kitchen to see what we need. And on my way from school I drop into the nearest supermarket, and buy bread and other everyday essentials. Every Friday evening my Mum and I examin our kitchen more carefully as Saturday is our shopping day. The shopping list is rather long, so we both go shopping.

The method of shopping is very simple. In a self-service shop a customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket the goods he wants to buy. It’s absolutely necessary to check the dates before which this or that foodstuff should be used, not to buy something of bad quality. Then a customer takes the basket to the check-out counter where the prices of the purchases are added up. After paying money to the cashier the customer can get his purchases.

Mum and I go to the supermarket where we can buy different things at once: fish, bread, sausages, tea, sugar, spices, eggs. I think that a bakery department is among the best in the shop as it has a rich choice of biscuits. And what is more importable they are always fresh and tasty.

Another department of the supermarket, which we have to visit, is a dairy. At the dairy we buy milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and other products. My Mum and I are regular customers at the greengrocer’s where potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, apples and other fruits and vegetables. In summer we prefer buying fruits, berries and vegetables at the nearest market.

Sometimes I have to go to a department store. I can buy there fabrics and footwear, glass, ready-made clothes and cosmetics, toys and electric appliances, furniture and sport goods, cameras and films, and what not.

At the butcher’s there’s a wide choice of meat such as beef, pork, mutton, chicken and turkey. It’s really a great skill to choose a piece of meat you need, for soup or for chops or shashlyk, so it’s my Mum who is to buy meat.

I like shopping. It gets some element of fun and entertainment.

My daily shopping ( translation from English to Russian)

When we want to buy something, we go to the store.

Every day, shopping is quite traditional: white and gray bread, milk, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, sausages. But it is not necessary to go to shops such as a bakery or butcher to buy food for the family, because we can buy food in the supermarket. Quite a lot of goods can be bought in one place, so people save their time in this way and do not spend a lot of time.

So, shopping is no longer entertainment for me, but my daily duty. I dream of being an economist. I'm trying to be rational and economical. I try to follow several points. First, you need to write a list of necessary purchases. Then we have to add up how much it will cost us and how much we need to take with us. The third rule is that shopping should not be done on an empty stomach, because a hungry person buys what his hunger dictates, without thinking about prices and healthy food. And we should not immediately go to the store as soon as we receive our salary, when we are overwhelmed with feelings regarding a large amount of money and do not stretch out the payment for many months.

Every day before I leave for school, I look around the kitchen and see what we need. And on my way from school, I look into the nearest supermarket and buy bread and other necessary things. Every Friday evening, my mom and I take a more careful approach to the shopping process. The shopping list turns out to be long and we both go to the store.

The method I use is very simple. In a self-service store, the customer walks from counter to counter, selecting something and adding the items he wants to buy into a basket. You definitely need to look at the production date or expiration date so as not to buy something of poor quality. Then the buyer takes the basket and comes to the checkout to have the products placed in the basket checked out. After the money is transferred to the cashier, the buyer can pick up his purchases.

Mom and I go to the supermarket, where we can buy various things: fish, bread, sausages, tea, sugar, spices, eggs. I think the baked goods section is among the best in the store as they have a variety of cakes to choose from. And most importantly, they are always fresh and tasty.

Another section of the supermarket that I visit often is the dairy section. In the dairy department I buy milk, sour cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and other products. My mother and I regularly stock up on potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, apples and other fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. In summer we prefer to buy fruits, berries and vegetables at the nearest market.

Sometimes I go to special departments. I can buy factory-made clothes and shoes, circles, clothes and cosmetics, toys and electronic gadgets there.

The butcher shop has a wide selection of meats such as beef, pork, mouton, chicken and turkey. It’s so wonderful to choose the piece of meat you need for soup or for barbecue, so my mother does the meat shopping.

I like shopping. Shopping brings an element of fun and entertainment into life.

Topic: Shopping in My Life

Topic: My purchases

Shopping is a modern tendency as it is impossible to live in the contemporary world and not to visit shops. Despite the existence of markets, most of the population of every country everything necessary in the shops. Even the residents of the smallest faraway villages at least once a month visit shops: they can’t live without products, household detergents, equipment, devices etc. Speaking about the citizens of rather big cities shops are an integral part of their life. They are located everywhere and each person spends a pretty penny there as there are so many temptations. I am not an exception and can admit that I am a real spender. I love shopping no matter what I buy and how much I spend. It is so pleasant to get an item, which you have been wishing to obtain for some time, and at last you receive it. But not every my purchase is a real bargain, so I always try to do my best in choosing the next goods.

Shopping is a modern trend, as it is impossible to live in the modern world and not visit stores. Despite the presence of markets, the majority of the population of each country still prefers to purchase everything they need in stores. Even residents of small remote villages visit stores at least once a month: they cannot live without food, household chemicals, equipment, devices, etc. Speaking of residents of big cities, stores are an integral part of their lives. They are located everywhere, and each person spends quite a bit there, since there are a lot of temptations there. I am no exception and I can admit that I am a real spender. I love shopping no matter what I buy or how much I spend. It's so nice to receive an item you've been wanting for some time and finally have it. But not every purchase I make is very profitable, so I always try to carefully choose the next product.

Being a mother of a small child and a wife I have to do my shopping at least once a week. The goods I buy are very diverse and are sold in different shops. Supermarkets, stalls and small local shops are usually visited by me in order to buy. I choose the local butcher's to get fresh meat, the greengrocer's – to provide my family with fresh juicy fruit and vegetables, the baker's – to taste fragrant bread and pastry and the corner shop to buy everything I have not included into my list, but need urgently.

As a mother of a small child and a wife, I have to do my shopping at least once a week. The products I buy are very diverse, and they are sold in different stores. I usually visit supermarkets, stalls and small local shops to buy items from my weekly list. I choose a local butcher to get fresh meats, a greengrocer to provide my family with fresh juicy fruits and vegetables, a baker to sample fragrant breads and pastries, and a corner store to buy everything I didn't include on my list, but it was urgently needed.

Supermarket is where we buy goods. Usually we come there in order to save some money and buy products on sale or with special discounts. And now I realize that this marketing strategy works ideally as there has never been a situation when we left the shop only with cheap products. The assortment is so various that you can not pass by something tasty. Also supermarkets have one more outweighing benefit: you are allowed to choose. It is very valuable especially for mothers with infants, as they wish to buy fresh products for their children, especially the dairy ones, and they are able to choose the items with the latest expiry date.

The supermarket is another place our family visits where we buy goods. We usually go there to save money and buy products on sale or with special discounts. And now I understand that this marketing strategy ideally works, since there has never been a situation when we left the store only with cheap products. The assortment is so diverse that you cannot pass by something delicious. Supermarkets also have another advantage: you are allowed to choose the product yourself. This is very valuable especially for mothers with infants, as they would like to buy fresh products for their children, especially dairy products, and they have the opportunity to choose products with the most distant expiration date.

Clothes also belong to the items, which I regularly buy for myself and the members of my family. In spite of the fact that markets provide a good choice of outfits, they are usually of a very low quality. to buy clothes only of high quality. But as we do not earn very much, we try to buy clothes only at the time of seasonal discounts. Even very prestigious brands lower the prices to the minimum, so it is possible to buy beautiful outfits for reasonable prices. As for the I try to store everything necessary for the next season before hand or order wonderful European clothes from abroad – it seems to be expensive, but in reality appears to be very affordable.

Clothes are also among the items that I regularly buy for myself and my family members. Although the markets provide a good selection of outfits, they are usually of very poor quality. So one day, together with my husband, we decided to purchase only high quality clothes. But since we don't earn very much, we try to buy clothes only during seasonal discounts. Even very prestigious brands reduce their prices to a minimum, so you can buy beautiful outfits at affordable prices. If we talk about children's clothing, I try to stock up on everything necessary for the next season in advance or order wonderful European clothes from abroad - it seems expensive, but in reality it turns out to be very affordable.

Many girls and women choose this way of buying clothes because of a wide choice, rather diverse prices and a possibility to find the thing, which you live in. I am not a fan of online shopping as there is no possibility to try the desirable item on, but there are goods, which I also usually buy only from the Internet shops – these are devices and other equipment. At least once a year our family has, as they can greatly. So we follow such a rule: we visit quite large retailers suggesting the item we need, evaluate all the pros and cons with a suitable price and shipping. We double the advantages of buying online due to the lower price and a quick delivery to the doors of our house. It is also a wonderful way of making surprises for your relatives, as the bill for the purchase they with emotions when this new equipment arrives at their home.

Another aspect of modern shopping is online shopping. Many girls and women choose this method of buying clothes because of the wide selection, quite varied prices and the ability to find an item that may not be available in the city in which you live. I am not a fan of online shopping, since there is no way to try on the desired outfit, but there are goods that I usually buy only through online stores - these are devices and other equipment. At least once a year, our family needs to buy some electrical appliances, as they can make everyday life much easier. Therefore, we adhere to this rule: we visit fairly large retailers offering this product, evaluate all the pros and cons and find it in an online store with a suitable price and delivery. We double the benefits of buying online with lower prices and faster delivery to our door. This is also a great way to surprise your relatives, after you pay the bill for the purchase, they will be overwhelmed with emotion when this new equipment arrives at their homes.

. We live in the century of technology and services and both these peculiarities are characteristics of shopping. Department stores have become not only the way to obtain something new, but also the way to relax and forget about the rat race of our lives. So shopping apart from its main function became a means of rest and leisure activity. No wonder it is so pleasant to spend money.

Shopping takes up a large part of our lives, since today we cannot live without it. Changes in the world have also led to changes in our lives. Many people are of the opinion that it is much easier to earn money and buy everything you need instead of doing housekeeping or other activities. We live in an age of technology and services and these features are characteristics of shopping. Department stores have become not only a way to get something new, but also a way to relax and forget about the incredible speed of our lives. Therefore, shopping, in addition to its main function, has become a means of recreation and leisure. No wonder it feels so good to spend money.

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