Project excursion to the library senior group. Lesson notes excursion to the library



Lesson summary of the world around us


Prepared by: teacher

Vikhrova Ekaterina Petrovna

village Leningradskaya


Software tasks: introduce children to the preschool library, give the basics

bibliographic knowledge, talk about what a book was like in ancient times.

Develop coherent speech, activate vocabulary. Cultivate a caring attitude toward books and curiosity.

Vocabulary work: subscription, reading room, librarian, book sections.

Methods and techniques: conversation, questions, surprise moments.

Material: exhibition of children's books.

Preliminary work: examination of illustrations from the books: Acceleration by L. “Black and White”; Datskevich V. “How a book is made”; Zubkov B. “A book about a book.”

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time:

Educator: look how many books there are here! Do you have books at home?

Children: there are: fairy tales, stories.

Educator: and if you don’t have a book that you would like to read, where can you get it?

Children: buy at a bookstore, ask a friend.

Educator: You can also borrow a book from the library. Would you like to visit the library?

Children: Yes.

(The children go to the library, the Queen of Books meets them there)

II. Main part:

Queen of Books: Hello guys!

How to fly from Earth to the stars,

How to catch a fox by the tail

How to make steam from stone

The book knows - a valuable gift!

I am the Queen of Books. I invite you to my magical country - Chitalia, that is, to the children's library. First we will get to the first city of Chitalia, which is called Subscription. Difficult and incomprehensible name. I will explain what it means. Look how many colorful books there are here. And they all stand in a certain order, on their own shelves with signs. For example, the sign says: “About the feathered and shaggy.” Who do you think these books are about?

Children: about birds and animals.

Queen of Books: and here - “About hoary antiquity, about heroes and war.” What are these books about?

Children: about the war and its heroes.

Queen of Books: Well, do you like fairy tales? Look at the “Teremok of Fairy Tales”! This book exhibition features different fairy tales. What fairy tales do you know?

Children:“Geese - Swans”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse”, etc.

Queen of Books: In the city of Subscription, books are issued to your home for five days. On the days when the book comes to visit you, you can look at the pictures, read with your parents, and draw illustrations in your albums. But at a certain time the book must be returned to the library - other children need it.

To enroll in the library, your parents must come with you. A card (form) is created for each person, where your last name, first name, address, and the names of your parents are indicated.

The Book appears:(child). (He holds a soiled, tattered book in his hands; he cries)

Educator: why are you crying?

Book: The book “Fairy Tales” and I stood on the shelf together, we were friends. But she fell into the hands of a boy who treated her very poorly, carelessly. Sloppy. Look what she's become. Pages are torn and there are dirty spots on the illustrations. She dies...

Queen of Books: What to do?

Children: I need to treat the book.

Queen of Books: That’s right, we will treat this book, put it in order, and it will again delight the children with its fairy tales. Dear Book, tell me how to treat you.


Please do not take us with dirty hands: we will feel shame if we find ourselves stained.

Do not bend our binding: we may lose the most interesting pages.

We love cleanliness, but are afraid of water, protect us from rain and snow.

Don't draw on our pages: it will be difficult for your friends to read us.

And if you accidentally tore it, then repair it.

And take care of us!

Queen of Books: Now we will go to the next city in the country of Chitalia, which is called the Reading Room. Books from it are not issued at home; they must always be in the library. Because there are books that readers may need on any given day. These are encyclopedias, reference books, rare books.

There is silence in the reading room

We especially need it.

Go away, talk,

In the lobbies, corridors!

Fantasize, dream...

Educator: guys, you know what the book looks like now. What was the first book? Books have been around for thousands of years. But in ancient times they looked completely different. In ancient times they wrote on the walls of caves, on rocks, bones, tree leaves, leather, animal skins - parchment.

But the most convenient material - paper - appeared in China two thousand years ago. At first, books were written by hand, handwritten. A modern book looks different: with a cover and pages.

Queen of Books: in this room, taking any book, for example fairy tales, you can meet any fairy-tale characters. Who would you like to meet?

Children: with Cinderella.

Baba Yaga:(appears). Wow, what bad children! Give them Cinderellas! I am the best and most beautiful! I’ll ask you questions about fairy tales, if you don’t guess, I’ll eat!

Quiz questions:

1.What was the name of the girl that her grandfather and grandmother sculpted from the snow?

2.What kind of hair did Malvina have?

3.Who did the Ugly Duckling turn into?

4. Who delivered Aibolit to Africa?

5.Who said these words: “My light, mirror, tell me and report the whole truth...”?

6.What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to grandma?

7.Where did the seventh kid hide in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”?

8.Who saved Thumbelina from the mole and the mouse?

9.Who said the magic words: “At the behest of the pike, at my will”?

Baba Yaga: OK! We completed the task! You know a lot, your parents probably read to you a lot. I'm not interested in you. I'm leaving to look for those who don't know fairy tales.

III. Final part:

Queen of Books: did you enjoy our trip?

Children: liked.

Queen of Books: Anyone who would like to enroll in our library is welcome. Here you will find interesting books, which means knowledge, exciting travels, discoveries and adventures. See you again!


1. Varyaeva L. B. Acquaintance with the surrounding world. – M.: Bustard, 2007.

2. Garnysheva T. P. Familiarization with surrounding activities. - M.: Childhood - Press, 2001.

“There is a wonderful country in the world,

It's called the Library.

Adults and children come here

Because books live here.”

An excursion, as a form of education, is a special type of activity that makes it possible, in a natural setting, to acquaint children with natural, cultural objects, and the activities of adults. The main importance of excursions is that they provide children with specific ideas and impressions about the life around them.

I bring to your attention a summary of the educational activity on the topic “Excursion to the library” for children of the preparatory group.

GCD type: assimilation of new knowledge.

Form of organization: excursion.

Main educational area: “Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons, was in integration with the educational area “Communication” (speech development); “Labor” (household work); “Socialization” (development of gaming activities) .

Types of children's activities: cognitive, communicative, playful, productive.

The purpose of the GCD: to introduce children to the profession of a librarian.

Educational: to form in children realistic ideas about the work of a librarian, to show the importance of the library.

Developmental: enrichment of new words: librarian, shelving, bookshelves; activation of the dictionary: readers, books, magazines, illustrations; teach children how to repair torn books.

Educators: cultivate interest in books, caring attitude and respect for the work of a librarian; develop the skills to independently care for a book.

Methods and techniques: questions, clarification, explanation, experiments, playful, visual, practical.

Preliminary work: Reading a work of fiction, conversation about the work of a librarian. In advance, the teacher agrees on the possibility of conducting an excursion, both with the parents of the students and with the librarian.

Equipment: books, shelves, all located in the library, glue for gluing books, tape, scissors.

Literature: General educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva


1. Introductory part:

2-3 days before the excursion, I suggest that the children read A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish” (I prepare the children for the excursion). We are looking for a fairy tale in the book corner (I motivate the children for the upcoming activity, we don’t have one, I suggest the children go to the library to get a book. But first, the guys and I remember the traffic rules (traffic rules, and rules of behavior in public places.

Educator: Guys, let's remember, how should you behave in the library?

(Children talk about the rules of behavior in public places)

2. Main stage:

The children and the teacher came to the library. The teacher tells the children that they have come to the library. The teacher gives the children time to look around, then I introduce the librarian and invite the librarian to talk about this fascinating profession. A librarian is a very important and necessary profession. The word librarian comes from the word “bible,” which means “book.” Many people have home libraries; adults and children read them. They know all their books. But there are also huge repositories of books - libraries. The work of a librarian takes place in the library, among books. Each library is an entire city, long, long rows of bookshelves stretch there like streets. These storage facilities occupy many floors. They contain books from different countries. A librarian can help you find the book you need in a city like this. Each book has its own number made up of letters and numbers - a code. Using this code you can find out the address of the book: the floor and shelf where it is stored. Cards with the names and codes of all books are stored in catalog boxes. The librarian will look at such a card, go to the storage room and bring you the book you need. Read and become smarter. (the librarian shows the cards, the children look at them) The librarian gives out books. He constantly communicates with the reader, answers his questions, and advises which book to read. The librarian talks about children's writers, their new books, and introduces the latest issues of magazines for children.

And now, guys, I’ll tell you some riddles.

Be careful!

2. Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but talking.

3. Who speaks silently?

4. You talk to her more often, you will be four times smarter.

5. We stand side by side on the shelf, there are a lot of us - thick, thin,

We help children become reasonable people.

The kids carry us to class, but the lazy guy doesn’t like us.

Well done! All these riddles were about books.

Educator: Guys, what new words did you learn today? The guys repeat (vocabulary work technique).

Teacher and librarian: Well done, guys! You behaved so well, and most importantly, did you remember how to behave in the library, in the reading room?

Children: Quiet, don't make noise!

Then the teacher asks the library to write down the book they came for on the card.

Educator: Guys, oh look, the book is a little torn! What we can do? The children answer: glue it! Educator: Well done guys, you're right, let's glue the book. Now you have learned how to “treat” books. And at home you can also organize your library. And if anyone sees a tattered book in our kindergarten, you can immediately repair it. And our book corner will always be neat.

Educator: Guys, what did you learn about the librarian profession? (reflection) (generalization) (children answer)

The librarian reminds the children that the book must be returned on time, as other children will come and want to read the fairy tale about “The Fisherman and the Little Fish”

The teacher and children thank the librarian for the interesting, educational excursion and book and say goodbye.

3. Final stage: In the afternoon, I invite the children to play the role-playing game “Librarian”.

Excursion to the library

Preschoolers older - preparatory group MBDOU No. 24 "Teremok"

January 25, 2013 visited the Budennovskaya (c) library. The excursion was organized by teacher Lysenko Natalya Vladimirovna and music. head Zaikova Irina Vasilievna.

Purpose of the excursion: acquaintance with the library and the rules of conduct in a public place.

At the library, the children were cordially greeted by workers Natalya Grigorievna Gumel and Natalya Anatolyevna Motuznikova. They introduced the pupils to the assortment of books and talked about the correct handling of books.

The exhibition of works by A. S. Pushkin, organized for the arrival of the children, fascinated with its diversity and brightness. Natalya Grigorievna spoke about the great Russian poet, introduced him to his work and works written for children.

Preschoolers listened with great interest to the story about how to properly handle books, what books are for and how they were created. Then the children enthusiastically looked at the new books and exhibition offered to them. Most of all, the children liked the quiz “Through the pages of their favorite fairy tales.”

Library staff played a game: “Guess the fairy tale hero from the picture.”

The excursion made a huge impression on the preschoolers. They will now look forward to becoming readers of this library.

Presentation. Excursions to the library. "In a certain kingdom, a catalog state"

Topic: “In a certain kingdom, a catalog state” (excursion to the library)

Goal: Formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of preschool children in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing children for life in modern society.

1. Formation of initial skills in using library collections in preschoolers.

2. Acquaintance with elementary library and bibliographic concepts.

3. Fostering a reading culture.

Type of excursion: combined excursion using a visual demonstration method and a practical task.

Teaching aids: alphabetical catalogue, card index of titles of works of fiction, books, video player, TV.

Visual materials: a diagram of the algorithm for targeted information search, index cards, a form, an entertaining quiz in pictures, questions for consolidating new knowledge (in the form of an oral test).

Tour time: 30 minutes

Location of the excursion: reading room for children of preschool and primary school age of the children's regional library.

In some kingdom, in a catalog state

I. Organizational stage

Slide 1. Hello guys! I am glad to see you again. Today we will set off on a new exciting journey through the Library Country, to Read-City. But, before our journey begins, let's remember what we already know about the library and its “inhabitants”.

II. Comprehensive knowledge testing stage

1. If you come into this hall,

You can't go home without a book.

Do you have a library card?

And the name of the hall is (aPayment)

2. There is peace and quiet here,

And the order is perfect.

And the name of the hall is (reading room)

3. Tablets and potion

The pharmacist will sell you

Textbooks and books

Will issue (librarian)

4. Like a loader on the platform

Taking on the luggage,

Stands and holds hundreds of books

Metal (rack)

5. If you wrote a book,

So you, a writer,

And if you read the book,

That means you (reader)

6. Everything I took from the library

Even an old copy

They'll write you down anyway

To the library (form)

7. If books on the topic are a little similar

And they look at you with their bright cover,

If you are attentive, you will quickly guess:

This bookshelf is called (exhibition)

8. If you forgot something,

No big tragedy

You are the answer to all questions

You will find it in (encyclopedia)

9. There are many useful articles in magazines,

But all a person needs is a computer.

How can we find her as quickly as possible?

Don’t waste your time, look into (card file)

10. One after another exactly in a row

The cards stand together

To help anyone

Exists (catalogue)

The highlighted letters in the answers to the questions form the word “LIBRARY”

Let's remember what a library is? (children's answers)

That's right, guys. You can also say that a library is a book storeroom. And like any storeroom, it is full of treasures, book treasures. Each book talks about something very important and interesting. What do you guys think the book consists of?

Slide 3. Each book consists of basic elements:

1. Cover.

2. Title page.

Slide 4. The first element of the book: “They greet you by their clothes,” says a Russian proverb. What can be called the clothes of a book? Of course the COVER. The cover of a book can be hard or soft. The cover, which hugs the book with two thick crusts in the middle, is called BINDING (on this spine, the author's surname and the title of the book are usually indicated).

Slide 5. The second element of the book: the first sheet in the book is called the TITLE SHEET. It is very important for the book; all information about it is indicated on it. First of all, the most important thing is who wrote the book, i.e. the name and surname of the author of this book. The name of the book or its title is also indicated on the title page. At the bottom there is an output on the title page that indicates where and when the book was published (publisher and year of publication, as well as the name of the artist who drew the illustrations for this book.

Slide 6. The third element of the book: the table of contents or table of contents, which is in every book. It points to a list of chapters and an indication of the page numbers where these chapters are located. This element can be called the outline of the book.

Slide 7 How to navigate this sea of ​​books correctly and choose the most valuable treasure?

Look, guys, in front of us is a large closet with long drawers. Or maybe someone can explain to us what kind of cabinet this is?

This large cabinet is called CATALOG.

But why does a library need a catalogue? Catalogs contain information about books in the library; using catalogs you can always easily and quickly find the book you need.

III. Preparing preschoolers for active and conscious learning of material

An address request is a question about whether the library has the book you need, what books this or that writer has written, where on which shelf of the library is the book you need, i.e. the address request determines the address of the book in the library, where it is found easy to find.

Slide 8. Look - this is Reader, he wants to get an answer to his question:

For my friend Kirill's birthday

He gave me Uspensky.

I read about a crocodile

And the old woman Shapoklyak,

But his other books

I can't find it at all.

What else did he write?

What did you call your books?

How can I help my Reader find new books? Where will we go? Maybe look in the closet? On the top or bottom shelf? Or just run around the library and wait for books to catch your eye? So you can search for a very long time. Reader will get tired of waiting and will stop going to our library.

What is the use of a library where they cannot find the book they need? No!

That’s why people built a library that looked like a city. Each book has its own place, Each book in the library has its own “address”. Bookshelves are like “streets” in “city blocks” - on shelves. And the books on the shelves are not haphazard, but in order - just like at home on the street. Here in the catalog the “addresses” of all the books are collected. You read the “address” on the card and you immediately know on which shelf the book you need is on. Very comfortably! After all, catalogs in all libraries are built according to the same rules! And therefore, the same book in any library will have the same “address”.

To perform an address request, you need to use the alphabetical library catalog.

IV. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge

Slide 9. The library contains several thousand books of various contents. Information about each of them is recorded on a special card. These entries can be used to distinguish one book from another. Readers take books home, and cards with their descriptions are always kept in the library

An index card can be compared to a passport. This card is issued for each library book. The index card records all the information about each inhabitant of the book kingdom. Where, on what shelf it is, who the author is, what it is called, when the book was published, what is written in it and many other important information.

Slide 10. In order to easily navigate the catalog, the main ones are selected from the many information about the book. They are arranged in a certain order: author, book title, publication information, year and place of publication, number of pages and abstract. Collectively, this information, as we already know, is called a bibliographic description.

Slide 11. Index cards are placed in small drawers, explanatory notes are written on them, and they are placed in order in a large catalog drawer. Based on the inscriptions, the reader determines the drawer he needs, pulls it out, looks through the descriptions on the cards and selects the necessary books based on them.

The indexes on the dividers of the alphabetical catalog are very simple - only letters of the alphabet: A, B, C, D, D, etc. Behind the dividers, cards for all library books are arranged alphabetically by the names of the authors or titles of the books. If you know the author and the title of the book, then all you need to do is remember the alphabet and find a card for the desired book in the alphabetical catalog. With the help of such an alphabetical catalog we can find out: whether there is a certain book in the library, if we know the title and author of the book; You can clarify the title of the book if the author is known; what works of one author are in this library.

Slide 12. Look, guys, Reader has a question for us: “Uncle Fyodor, cat and dog.”

Here's the question! (Uspensky E.)

Who can tell me what letter you need to look for on the card in the catalog to find this book? (“U” the children answer)

Guys! Today Reader has prepared an entertaining quiz for you, he wants to test how well you know fairy tales.

We are from a fairy tale, you know us

If you remember, you will guess!

If you don’t remember, well, so...

Read the story again!

Slide 13. He wore a red fur coat.

Snuck into someone else's house.

The hare survived from the house

Fought with a rooster (Fox).

Slide14. Who didn't want to work

Did you play and sing songs?

To the third brother later

Came running to a new house

We escaped from the cunning wolf,

But the tails shook for a long time.

The fairy tale is known to every child

And it’s called….(The Three Little Pigs).

Slide 15. Will give you a new trough,

And a new house and servants to boot.

But if she's angry

Luck will float away with her!

Everything will disappear, and in the unsteady sea

Melts (Goldfish).

Slide 16. He loved the owner.

He served him faithfully,

Wore boots, and evil

The cannibal was defeated (Puss in Boots).

Slide 17. “We had a golden egg

All that’s left is a simple basket

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying,

But they are consoled by (The Ryaba Hen).

Slide 18. He always loves everyone

No matter who came to him,

Did you guess it? This is Gena

This is Gena - (Crocodile).

Slide 19. The fox carried him away to the distant forests,

But the cat will come to the rescue.

He will save his friend!

Open the fox bag -

You are free cockerel!

Petya, Petya, cockerel,

Golden... (Scallop).

Slide20. She walked across the field

I found some money in the field

I bought myself a samovar

And gave the guests tea

Everyone around was having fun

But an evil spider intervened...

Afraid of spiders (Tsokotuha Fly).

Slide21. Dolls know: Malvina

And cheerful Pinocchio:

If the enemy is on all sides

Will win in an unequal battle

A faithful friend - reliable, nice,

Brave poodle (Artemon).

Slide22. An arrow fell straight into the swamp,

And in this swamp the princess lived.

What was the princess's name, tell me in my ear.

I know you remember - princess (Frog).

Slide23. He managed to catch the wolf

He caught a fox and a bear,

He didn't catch them with a net

And he caught them sideways (tar-barrel goby).

Well done guys, you answered the questions correctly, we saw that you know fairy tales very well.

V. Consolidation of new knowledge

Slide 24. And now our friend Reader wants to know how good you are

remember what you learned today, try to answer

Please think and answer!

1. How are the cards arranged in the alphabetical catalogue:

o by size

2. The bibliographic description includes:

o title

o place of publication

o number of pages

o by alphabetical catalog

o according to thematic card index

o by alphabetical catalog

o according to the systematic catalog

o according to the card index of titles of works of fiction

Well done guys, you answered very well today, our excursion to the library is over.

Excursion to the library (senior group) » Chelyabinsk Preschool

Excursion to the library (senior group) Bookmarks


Introduce children to the public buildings of the microdistrict and their purpose; expand knowledge about the professions of social workers, the content and significance of work for city residents; to educate the rules of behavior on the street and in public places; stimulate children's interest and love for their city, concern for its beauty and cleanliness.

Preliminary work.

Reading fiction, looking at books.

Progress of the lesson

A little history of libraries.

A long time ago, when people did not yet know paper, but wanted to pass on their knowledge to others, words were written down on whatever they could find: they carved icons on stone, and later the letters were embossed on clay tablets. In Ancient Egypt they wrote on papyrus, a material made from a perennial plant of the same name. And in Russia they tanned thin leather and wrote on parchment, on birch bark.

Then people learned to make paper and print books. People who write books are called writers. Writers wrote about what they saw and heard.

They wrote poems and came up with stories and fairy tales. There are a lot of books that we all need to know our past, present and future. Find out about everything that is happening in the world, happening on Earth. Where can we get books? (Buy at the store, at the library.)

Library workers collect different books. The library contains books on mathematics, geography, history and many others.

The second stop is the catalogue. Small boxes contain cards for all the books in the library. On each card we will find the name of the author of the book, its title; the name of the artist who designed the book, as well as the city where it was published, the year of publication, and the number of pages.

Stop - reading room. In the reading room you can look through the latest issues of children's newspapers and magazines and get acquainted with new titles of children's periodicals.


You can contact the library staff with any questions, but young readers themselves must follow the rules:

From Ruchin.

Dear visitor, you have entered the site as an unregistered user. We recommend that you register or log into the site under your name.

- Library portal

Bookland: preschoolers about the library

Bookland: preschoolers about the library

May 24 in the library department, on the All-Russian Day of Libraries, an Open Day was held, at which for preschoolers took place library lesson “Book Country: for preschoolers about the library.”

The kids learned about the concept of “library”, how to become a library reader, and what a reader’s form is. Librarian for working with children, Tatyana Aleksandrovna Karpova, spoke about the conditions for issuing literature at home, the rules for using books and behavior in the library.

The librarian introduced the preschool children to the collection of books, the order in which they are arranged, as well as children's magazines. A quiz was held for them on their knowledge of fairy tales, and the kids were initiated into readers. Each was awarded a small “Young Reader” medal.

At the end of the library lesson, the children took a tour of the library, and each child chose a book from the shelf that attracted him.

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The teacher conducts a preliminary conversation with the children.

A little history of libraries.

A long time ago, when people did not yet know paper, but wanted to pass on their knowledge to others, words were written down on whatever they had: they carved icons on stone, and later the letters were embossed on clay tablets. In Ancient Egypt they wrote on papyrus, a material made from a perennial plant of the same name. And in Russia they tanned thin leather and wrote on parchment, on birch bark.

People who write books are called writers. Writers wrote about what they saw and heard. They wrote poems and came up with stories and fairy tales.

There are a lot of books that we all need to know our past, present and future. Find out about everything that is happening in the world, happening on Earth. Where can we get books? (Buy at the store, at the library.)

The teacher leads the children to the library building.

V o s p i t a t e l. To our right is the building where books are stored - a children's library. (Draw the children’s attention to the building, to the sign, to the order of the territory.)

Library workers collect different books. The library contains books on mathematics, geography, history and many others.

Our first stop here is the subscription. In the subscription box on the shelves open to readers, you can choose any book, but be sure to return it within a certain period. The books are on the shelf in a certain order, in sections related to different sciences and topics.

The second stop is the catalogue. Cards for all the books in the library are collected in small boxes. On each card we will find the name of the author of the book, its title; the name of the artist who designed the book, as well as the city where it was published, the year of publication, and the number of pages.

The cards are arranged in the same order as the books on the shelves. A bibliographer will help you find the book you need.

Stop - reading room. In the reading room you can look through the latest issues of children's newspapers and magazines and get acquainted with new titles of children's periodicals.


You can contact the library staff with any questions, but young readers themselves must follow the rules:

handle library books carefully;

return the book to the library on time;

glue the pages or spine of the book, if necessary.

In the afternoon, children are invited to glue books in a group. Invite parents to bring books to replenish the group’s library collection.

On this topic:


Pruzhany Central District Hospital - Work with preschool children of the Regional Children's Hospital

“...Children deserve respect, trust and friendship; we are pleased to be with them, in this clear atmosphere of affectionate sensations, cheerful laughter, first vigorous efforts and surprises, pure, bright and sweet joys.”

J. Korczak.

The priority group of readers of the Children's Library are preschoolers (approximately 250 people). Together with their parents and older brothers and sisters, they visit the library. Childhood - a rainbow country in which all events are perceived brightly and leave a deep mark for life. Kindergarten and library are two links that will help a child pave the path to knowledge.

We, librarians, try to instill a love of books from a very early age, so seeing boys and girls aged 3-5 years old in the library brings joy and imposes responsibility.

For kids, the library has a children's corner with the bright heading “Choose and Read!”: low shelves with books for preschoolers, a play table “Read it, play it!” with coloring books, toys and pencils. Here the children are greeted by a fairy-tale Cat (a homemade figure made of cardboard) and asked to look into his pocket with the smallest books. On the wall is “Book Request,” which will introduce you to the rules for using the book, and next to it is “Tayamn і chy kuferak",which contains literature for children, arranged by genre: poetry, stories and fairy tales.

To visually introduce children to books, for them book exhibitions and thematic shelves are designed.

Librarians regularly introduce children to the library, inviting them to excursions.

Since kids love regular reading with their parents, learning to listen to a book, turn pages, and remember words they see and hear, it is very important for them that adults read aloud. A memo has been compiled to help parents of young visitors “Read aloud to children.”

To ensure systematic work with preschoolers, a series of activities was developed "Developmental reading" for 2007 -2009 Massive work was continued in 2010-2012 in accordance with the newly drawn up literary development program "Baby."

Main objectives of the program:

? expand your understanding of the world around you;

? to introduce to beauty;

? contribute to the formation of moral qualities and spiritual development through the book.

Mass events introduce children to the best works of children's fiction: fairy tales, short stories and poems. They are accompanied by puppet shows, fairy tales are acted out with the help of hand-drawn dolls, and cartoons are shown.

Literary hour "Folk wisdom as retold by Leo Tolstoy" introduced the kids to the life and work of the Russian writer. Everyone actively participated in the game “Shuttle”.

At a moral lesson “Do you like to give gifts?” the children learned how to give and receive gifts correctly, and everyone made decorations for the Christmas tree.

A Lesson in Politeness "Good manners set an example for you" helped the children learn the rules of politeness.

Educational game "Our army's heroes" dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. The kids took part in competitions, read poetry and watched Albert Ivanov’s fairy tale “Sharp Shooter”.

A lesson in courage was dedicated to Victory Day - May 9 "Sun of May" Poems and songs were sung and a quiz was held.

The expressiveness of the poems, the enchanting sounds of music and the scene “Grandmothers and Grandsons” created a warm atmosphere at the children's party "Grandmothers and grandchildren."

At a creativity lesson "Drawings on the asphalt" The children drew a fairy-tale city with crayons and put their favorite fairy-tale characters in the houses.

Children's hour “Do not spare labor - there is cold ahead” was dedicated to generous autumn. Murkis the cat asked his riddles to the children.

Eco trip "Furry and Feathered" helped the children learn a lot of interesting things about mother animals and their babies.

Theatrical health lesson “Get ready to exercise!”

Educational conversation "Fire and Man" Helped the kids learn fire safety rules. The children watched the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”

Health lessons "No slobs allowed" And

"Vitamin Family" the guys learned what they need to do to be healthy.

Educational hour “We lived together for hundreds of years, sharing bread and shelter” was dedicated to the Day of Unity of Belarus and Russia.

Our dear little readers! Dear parents! Remember that you are welcome guests in the Children's Library.

Pruzhany District Children's Library

Library lesson "Travel to Knigograd" (introductory tour for primary school students)

Sections: School library organization


  • To give primary school students basic concepts on the basics of library and bibliographic literacy (LBL) - “library”, “book collection”, “reading room”, “subscription”, “catalogues”, “encyclopedias”.
  • To form and consolidate primary self-service skills in a school library.
  • To instill the ability to independently navigate the world of books - ask them to choose a book for themselves.
  • For educational purposes, repeat and familiarize children with the “Rules of Conduct in the Library.”
  • Reinforce the lesson material in a playful way.

Equipment: presentation

Librarian: Hello, guys!

I think you wouldn’t mind going on an exciting journey and getting to know the residents and structure of the city of Knigograd.

There is a city in the world that contains guides to life for you. This city can be big or small, but always amazing, it is called a “library”.

There is silence in the library. The call of distant countries can be heard in it. The secrets of the oceans are hidden in it. Do you hear - Captain Nemo is arguing with D'Artagnan about something. Obedient to your call, Here Don Quixote rushes to the rescue, The answer to hundreds of whys is hidden on book pages.

"Biblio" in Greek means book, and "theka" means storage. Do you know how many years libraries have existed in the world? Almost 5 thousand years!

Slide 1,2

The entire history of the development of the human mind is connected with books and libraries. This is not exactly a calm story! They fought for them, they were burned, they were lost, they were found, they were saved from enemy invasion as the most precious thing.

Today's library seems to be the epitome of peace, quiet and order.

Slide 3

Did you know that the word “Book” comes from the Church Slavonic “KêNIGI”, which means letters or writing.

At different times, book rooms had a variety of names. In Egypt, during excavations, archaeologists discovered the inscription “Pharmacy for the Soul” above the entrance to one room. This entrance led to the library.

According to the ancient Egyptians, a book can be compared to a medicine, but not for flu and sore throat - this medicine makes a person’s mind strong and ennobles his soul.

Paper had not yet been invented, but libraries already existed. What did they keep in them? Books! In Egypt - written on papyrus, in Mesopotamia - scratched on clay tablets. In India - made from chopped palm leaves, in China - silk scrolls.

Some of these early books have survived to this day. They are now carefully stored in the largest libraries.

Slide 4

So, a library is a house of books. This is where books, your true friends, live and make friends with each other. The library has a lot of books, magazines, and all this is called book fund.

Our library has two branches: subscription and reading room.

Slide 5

The word "subscription" has many meanings. If you want to know all the meanings, look in the dictionary. In a library, it means a place where books are loaned out to people's homes.

For a few days the book is yours, you can look at the pictures, read, re-read, write something down in your notebook. And at the time appointed by the librarian, the book must be returned to the library - after all, other children need it. What if you didn’t have time to read it?

No problem, come to the library and ask to extend the reading period for the book. The library has books that are not borrowed. These are reference books - encyclopedias, dictionaries.

Slide 6

Encyclopedias and dictionaries are deservedly called companions of civilization. They help not only to write words correctly, but also broaden their horizons, provide new information from various fields of knowledge, science, technology, literature and art, and develop a culture of speech.

These are books that readers could use any day. And it’s good that they are always at hand. You need to work with such books reading room.

And in the reading room you can write a report, watch a book exhibition, and learn a lot of interesting things from newspapers and magazines for children.

Slide 7.8

Preschooler's Day in city libraries. Centralized library system of the city of Pskov. Pskov. - Centralized library system of the city of Pskov

From September 6 to 8, 2011, the Rodnik library is holding Preschool Days “Book House - Library”.

On these days, the library will be visited by pupils of senior and preparatory groups of kindergartens No. 9, 21, 27.

The program of thematic days includes: excursions around the amazing house - the library, an extramural journey into the history of libraries, a conversation-game “How to behave in the library”, literary quizzes, games.

The library has prepared information materials for educators: “Catalog of Internet resources...”, “Electronic periodicals for teachers of preschool educational institutions,” “Recommendations for organizing children's reading,” etc., each educator who visited will receive such a package of materials to help with their work. library on Preschool Days.

The week of September 5 - 8 at the Family Reading Library was devoted to introducing preschoolers to the library. Two events took place, which included a presentation of “The Magical Land of Chitalia”, a review of a thematic book exhibition and a tour of the library.

The event was attended by two preparatory groups of Preschool Educational Institution No. 28. The children were met by the heroes of their favorite fairy tales, they all took part in a small book quiz, then the little travelers went to the “Children’s Living Room”, where they played for a long time, drew and looked at books and magazines.

The guys were very pleased with the excursion, most of all they liked the children's subscription.

On September 6, 2011, in the library of the community center of the Pskovkirpich microdistrict, as part of the Week of Knowledge, a game program for preschoolers “Become a reader, my friend” was held.

The “School Trifles” lottery was a surprise for the children. Curious children got acquainted with the book exhibition “Teach, page, learn well.” To remember the meeting, the senior and preparatory groups of MDOU No. 2 were given sets of new books.

More details

Introducing preschoolers to the library.

teacher speech therapist

"Introducing preschoolers to the library"

Most often, acquaintance with books begins in early childhood: parents introduce their child to colorful children's books, alluring with their brightness and pictures. When reading books aloud, the child’s attention is captivated by the rhythmic syllable of the poems, or the attention is drawn to the events occurring in the fairy tale. As a child grows up, there comes a time when it is time to get acquainted with the library.

Getting to know the library for preschoolers is the discovery of a new, magical and extremely interesting world. Children are the most grateful and attentive listeners and active readers. Acquaintance with the library should occur in preschool age, when there is no compulsory reading yet.

In our kindergarten in November 2013, excursions to the library named after T. G. Shevchenko were organized in the older groups in order to familiarize themselves with the library and develop interest in the book.

The goal was realized through solving a number of problems: to arouse interest in the book among preschoolers, teach them how to navigate the library space, and teach them the rules of using the library.

In each of the groups, preparatory work was organized: conversations were held about the library, about library employees, the rights and responsibilities of the reader, and the current rules were explained.

From November 19 to November 21, 2013 the children visited the library. Using the resources available in the children's library, librarians created optimal conditions for cultural development, meeting the educational, communicative and other needs of children, while creating the necessary environment for the child's development through books and reading.

During the excursion, the children were told that the room where they can read books is called a reading room. It's cozy, quiet and peaceful here. In this room there are a lot of not only books, but also magazines and newspapers.

A book chosen from a huge variety can be taken only after signing up in the reader's form. After reading, the book must be returned within the required time frame, intact and intact.

The librarian introduced the children to a variety of books: a book with windows, a book with a button, a book with a string, a photo book, a math book and magazines.

The children were invited to watch an instructive cartoon about the rules of command in the library and take part in an interactive colorful fairy tale quiz.

And at the end of the excursion, each group received a wonderful educational book as a memory of the library.

At parting, the library staff invited the children to come to the library with their parents and choose a book they liked to take home to read.

To consolidate the material seen and heard in each of the groups, teachers organized conversations “Impressions from visiting the library” and offered educational and entertaining games to the children.

date of last update 11/18/15

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Material from the site

Material from the site

What is the difference between a book and a newspaper and magazine? - What is the difference between a bookstore and a library? Etc. The so-called preparation can be extended over a week. And at the same time, read the wonderful poems by S. Marshak “Books about books” and “How your book was printed.”

V. Khodasevich has an instructive verse for children who love to chew books: “A conversation between a man and a mouse that eats his books.” In winter, it is convenient to take replacement shoes to the library, then you can stay there longer. For the first time, don't plan too much.

Enrolling in the library and visiting the reading room is quite enough for a start.

Explain the rights and responsibilities of the reader and the applicable rules.

The child must understand that books are not bought in the library, but are taken for temporary use. A book chosen from a huge variety can be taken only after signing up in the reader's form. After reading, the book must be returned within the required time frame, intact and intact.

When choosing books, use the help of a librarian. It will indicate the arrangement of books by subject and age groups of readers. Let your child choose his first book on his own.

Unobtrusively offer your child books that you think are appropriate for the child’s age and interests. You can get interested in books that you yourself read as a child. Try to choose literature from different genres and different authors...

Additionally, the library hosts various thematic events aimed at children's development. Take part in competitions, quizzes, performances; children of any age really like this. To become a real reader, you need to know the rules of use


How should a reader behave in a library?

Return books on time, because other readers are waiting for them.

Library books must be handled with care so that they can be read

as many guys as possible.

Books taken from the shelf must be put back in their place.

You can't bend books.

Book pages must not be folded,

You cannot put pencils or pens in books. What is the name of the thing that you need to use when reading books? BOOKMARK.

You cannot write or draw in books.

Most of all, books love to be treated with care. They love cleanliness very much.

From the world by thread

All over the world, children's libraries are cultural and educational centers for children and their parents. What librarians can’t come up with to make children interested in books, love reading and come to the library more often.

In one American library, above the book lending counter there is this poster: “Read the book, your parents will be stunned!” Germany hosts themed “Reading Nights” for teenagers. How does this happen?

For example, “Night of the Vampires” will take place this month. By nine in the evening, parents bring their children to the library, the children dress up in carnival costumes of witches, vampires, and devils. The parents go home.

Librarians (who are also in costumes) gather children into several groups and begin to read scary stories to them, then the children themselves tell their own made-up stories. Various games are also played, fairy tale films are shown, and pictures are drawn.

Around midnight, children go to bed directly on the floor, on the carpet. Early in the morning, parents come to pick up their children, and they have breakfast together in the library cafe and discuss the past “Reading Night.” In France, there is a practice of “street libraries”.

Once a week, a “library without walls” opens in a specific place, often near a children’s playground. Librarians bring several boxes of books. As soon as they see them, the children stop playing and, of course, a library appears.

Some simply look at books, others read, others listen to one of the librarians read aloud or tell something. The guys themselves tell different stories and share their impressions of what they read.

The French believe that such a small “library without walls” will become a kind of bridge to a large library. In Japan, every library visitor receives a free “Have You Read It?” book.

There are several such publications, each designed for its own age. The list of recommended books is small, but each one has an annotation and a picture. Rules for handling the book:

1. The book should not get wet - this causes the pages to warp, the binding to swell and the binding to delaminate. When you go to the library, put the book in a bag that will protect it from rain and snow.

2. Don't read while eating. If you place a book next to a plate, the pages will get greasy stains that are impossible to clean.

4. The book is afraid to crumble into separate leaves. Do not throw an open book upside down, do not fold the pages. Use a bookmark.

5. If you want to draw something or write something down after reading a book, do it in an album or a special notebook.

6. Don’t throw books around - you can lose them, a dog can chew them, or a kitten can tear the pages.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 27 “Golden Fish”.

Summary of joint activities with children

(excursion to the library).

"First acquaintance with the library."

Compiled by a 1st qualification teacher

Obninsk 2013.

Topic: “First acquaintance with the library.”

Target: Comprehensive development of preschool children in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing children for life in modern society.


1. To develop preschoolers’ initial skills in using library collections.

2. Introduce basic library and bibliographic concepts.

3. Foster a positive attitude towards reading.

Excursion type: combined excursion using a visual demonstration method.

Means of education: alphabetical catalog, card index of titles of works of fiction, books, quiz with display on the computer.

Visual materials: index cards, a form, an entertaining picture quiz, questions to consolidate new knowledge (in the form of an oral test).

Tour time: 30 minutes

Location of the excursion: library for children of preschool and primary school age of the children's district library.

    Organizational stage.

Librarian: - Hello guys, where have you come?

Children's answers: - To the library.

B.: - Which one?

The building you entered says city library. This huge building has a library for children and adults. I hope our meeting today is just the beginning of our meetings. And this is the room from which we begin to get acquainted with the library.

    Preparing preschoolers for active and conscious learning of the material.

B.: - You can sign up for our library, but you just need your mother to take the document (passport). With the help of this document we will get to know you.

B.: -And now I’ll get to know you all at once.

Which kindergarten are you from?

Children: - “Goldfish”.

B.: -What is the number of your kindergarten?

B.: - And from which group?

B.: - How old are you?

Children's answers.

3.stage. Assimilation of new knowledge.

1.) B.: - When you come to us, I will start a book like this for each of you, and everything about you will be written down in it, how old you are, what garden you go to and also where you live.

(The librarian shows the subscription book.)

What is a library ? (children's answers.)

What do you see around you? (books.)

What else? (magazines.)

In bookstores you can buy a book you like, and in the library you can borrow it for free, but after a while you can return it back.

In translation, a library is a book depository.

So, tell me, do you have rules in your kindergarten? (children's answers.) The library also has its own rules. We cannot give you a book for a year, but only for two weeks.

Name the writers you know? (children's answers.)

If you look at a lot of books, you can’t keep everything on one shelf. Therefore, all books are listed in alphabetical order, starting with the letter of the writer’s name.

The books on the large shelves are fairy tales.

Encyclopedia books on the shelf - “Why thousands?”

Books about the current time of year, on the “Autumn Tale” shelf.

There are also separate shelves on which magazines are located.

3.) A librarian's story about interesting books according to the age of children.

4.) Quiz: “Guess the fairy tale.”

(using a computer, children are shown half a picture from a fairy tale, the children must guess the fairy tale).

The following tales were presented:

- “Tsokotukha Fly”, K. Chukovsky;

- “Frog Traveler”, V. Garshin;

- “Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, Russian folk tale;

- “Geese and Swans”, Russian folk tale;

- “The Three Little Pigs”, S. Mikhalkov;

- “Doctor Aibolit”, Korney Chukovsky;

- “Pinocchio”, Tolstoy;

- “Little Red Riding Hood”, Ch. Perrault;

- “Thumbelina”, C. Perrault;

- “Winnie the Pooh”, Boris Zakhoder;

- “Goldfish”, Alexander Pushkin;

- “Crocodile Gena”, E. Uspensky;

- “Cat House”, S. Marshak;

Stands on the shelf and is silent

Take it, open it, it will speak

Will tell you everything in the world

Be friends with her, children!

4. Independent inspection of the library by children.

(Children look at books, magazines, read familiar poems.)



  • Continue to introduce children to your native village and its attractions.
  • Introduce students to the concept "library" , tell children about the work of a librarian
  • Introduce children to the rules for using library services
  • Enrich and expand children's understanding of books


  • Develop and enrich children's vocabulary on the topic "library" , develop interest in books, the history of their origin, and expand children’s reading horizons.


  • Cultivate a caring attitude toward books and a desire to read books.
  • To instill the rules of cultural behavior on the street and in public places, to cultivate love for your village.

Vocabulary work:

  • librarian, shelving, book storage, exposition, card index

Preliminary work:

  • reading fiction, looking at books, designing homemade books - little ones from children's drawings and explanations for them.
  • Story-based role-playing games "Library" , "Family" , a creative workshop for repairing old, dilapidated books.


Guys, today we are going on an excursion to the library. A library is a house, a building where books live. This word is not Russian, it consists of two words - "biblio" , which means "book" , And "theka" , which means "storage" . That is, a library is a repository of books. There are a lot of books in the library, much more than you have at home. And if you want to read a book, but you don’t have it at home, then you can go to the library and take this book there to read it at home. When you read a book, you return it back to the library and take any other one. There is a librarian working in the library. Today we will also get acquainted with his work. Our library is located on Sovetskaya Street.

Excursion progress:

The children left the kindergarten in pairs. Approaching the roadway, the teacher draws the children’s attention to why we decided to cross the road here?


Because there is a sign, a pedestrian crossing.

Children, together with the teacher, examine the sign, remember its meaning, where it is installed and why.

The teacher also explains that everyone must make sure before starting to move that the cars have stopped and are allowing pedestrians to pass. You cannot approach a pedestrian crossing and start moving across the road; the driver of the car might not have noticed them from the bushes on the side of the road or for another reason. Be sure to make sure that the car has stopped, and only then start driving.


As I already told you, the library is located on Sovetskaya Street. In front of you is a one-story building with large windows. Before entering this building, let's remember the rules of behavior in the library.


  • * you need to listen carefully to the librarian
  • *can only talk in a whisper
  • *if you want to ask a question, you need to raise your hand
  • * took a look at the book, put it back


Well done guys, remember all the rules, then I invite you to the house where books live.


There are a lot of flowers in the library, even in the hall, and there are carpets on the floor. All this creates comfort. In addition, paths are needed so that footsteps cannot be heard, so that there is silence, because you cannot make noise in the library. In the hall there are two more glass cabinets, similar to a showcase, where displays are placed behind the glass.

The first exhibition is called "From the history of the book" . Here you can see old, old books.

Behind the same stained glass window there is an exhibition “300 years of the Russian printed word” . Here we see inkwells, feathers, the first pens (with which manuscripts, sketches, articles were written, which were then published) and the first newspapers, old books.

The third exhibition is called "The Great Patriotic War" . At this exhibition we see not only books about this terrible war, but also newspapers of the war years, in which articles were published about battles and battles, about great feats, and photographs of people who accomplished these feats were printed. Here we even see medals and orders that were awarded to people for heroic deeds.

At the stand "In the world of poetry" books are exhibited in which the most beautiful and heartfelt poems are printed, including those about the Motherland.

The children are then greeted by a librarian.


Hello guys, my name is Nina Petrovna.


What do you do?


I work in a library, my profession is librarian. Would you like me to tell you what my job is?


we want very much.


Come in, I’ll tell you about this fascinating profession.

A librarian is a very important and necessary profession. Many people have home libraries. Books are on shelves and in cabinets. They are read by adults and children. They know all their books. But there are also huge repositories of books - libraries. The work of a librarian takes place in the library, among books. We have a huge number of libraries in Russia. Moscow is home to the most important Russian State Library, which contains millions of books, ancient and modern. (LIBRARY TAKES A TOUR OF THE LIBRARY). Each library is an entire city, long, long rows of bookshelves stretch there like streets. These storage facilities occupy many floors. They contain books from different countries. A librarian can help you find the book you need in a city like this.

Each book has its own number made up of letters and numbers - a code. Using this code you can find out the address of the book: the floor and shelf where it is stored. Cards with the names and codes of all books are stored in catalog boxes. The librarian will look at such a card, go to the storage room and bring you the book you need. Read and become smarter. (SHOWS CARDS).

But I would like to tell you about the work of a librarian in our library. No matter how many books you have collected at home, the library has an immeasurably larger selection of books! The librarian issues books. He constantly communicates with the reader, answers his questions, and advises which book to read. The librarian talks about writers, their new books, and introduces the latest issues of magazines.

The librarian arranges colorful book exhibitions dedicated to the anniversary of the writer or poet. These exhibitions are often decorated with children's drawings. Librarians invite authors of famous and beloved books to meet with readers.

Let us first go to the reading room, where rare books are collected that cannot be taken home, which can only be read here, sitting comfortably at the table. In the reading room you can look through the latest issues of children's newspapers and magazines and get acquainted with new titles of children's periodicals. Old newspapers and magazines published in different years are also stored here. They are needed by those readers who want to remember some information from the history of our village, region, or country. In the reading room you can read rare books in silence, without being distracted by extraneous noises, which are not given out for reading at home.

Children go to the reading room. The librarian draws the children's attention to the fact that there are many tables and chairs where you can sit down to read something and, if necessary, write something down. That it is also beautiful and cozy here. And almost opposite the door there is a piano. The piano is not for singing songs, as in music classes in kindergarten, but for reading poems, excerpts from some works and listening to deep, serious classical music, which helps to feel and understand them. For this purpose, library workers organize literary evenings. When children (preschoolers) will go to school, they will definitely attend such evenings and take part in them.

After this, the librarian offers to go to another, largest room, where there are books that you can take home and read at home. In this room, the librarian draws the children’s attention to the fact that at the entrance there are hanging on the wall on a stand. "Rules of conduct in the library" . The librarian explains them to the children and emphasizes the need to follow them.

During the story, it is emphasized that books must be read quickly and returned on time and in good condition. Books must be handled very carefully. Otherwise, the book will fall into such a state, become so torn, dirty, dilapidated, that no one will be able to read it. And if it happens that the book is accidentally torn, then it must be repaired and repaired.



Children: A librarian must love books, have a good memory, and speak correctly.


Well done! The most important thing in the work of a librarian is a selfless and endless love for books! Excellent memory - after all, a librarian must remember perfectly where this or that book is located, be sociable, know literary works and their authors. In addition, the librarian must have self-control, listening skills, tact and attentiveness to the reader.

-Questions for children:

  • Guys, have you ever been to the library?
  • Do you like to read books, can you read? Maybe your mother or grandmother read books to you?
  • Name your favorite book. Who wrote it?

(Children's answers)


And now I offer you a game - a quiz.

Quiz: "Guess the Fairy Tale" .

(On the computer, children are shown half a picture from a fairy tale, children must guess the fairy tale).

You can imagine such tales as:

  • "Fly Tsokotukha" , K. Chukovsky
  • "Frog traveler" , V.Garshin
  • "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" , Russian folktale
  • "Swan geese" , Russian folktale
  • "Three piglets" , S. Mikhalkov
  • "Dr. Aibolit" , Korney Chukovsky
  • "Pinocchio" , Tolstoy
  • "Little Red Riding Hood" , C.Perrault
  • "Thumbelina" , C. Perrault
  • "Winnie the Pooh" , Boris Zakhoder
  • "Gold fish" , Alexander Pushkin
  • "Crocodile Gena" , E. Uspensky

- "Cat house" , S. Marshak

Independent inspection of the library by children.

Children look at books, magazines, and read familiar poems.

Stands on the shelf and is silent
Take it, open it, it will speak
Will tell you everything in the world
Be friends with her, children!

Summary of educational activities on the topic "Excursion to the central children's library of Salavat"(preparatory group No. 6)

GCD type: mastering new knowledge.

Form of organization: excursion.

Main educational area:“Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons, was in integration with the educational region. “Communication” (speech development); “Socialization” (development of gaming activities).

Types of children's activities: cognitive, communicative, playful, productive.

Target: introduce children to the profession of a librarian, interest children and their parents in regularly visiting the library.


Educational: to form in children realistic ideas about the work of a librarian, to show the importance of the library; consolidate knowledge of traffic rules in practice when crossing an intersection.

Educational: enrichment of new words: librarian, shelving, bookshelves; activation of the dictionary: readers, books, magazines, illustrations.

Educators: cultivate interest in books, caring attitude and respect for the work of a librarian; develop the skills to independently care for a book.

Methods and techniques: questions, clarification, explanation, experiments, playful, visual, practical.

Preliminary work: Reading a work of fiction, talking about the work of a librarian. In advance, the teacher agrees on the possibility of conducting an excursion, both with the parents of the students and with the librarian.

Equipment: books, shelves, all located in the library.

Literature: General educational program of preschool education “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Excursion progress:

1. Introductory part.

1) The children left the kindergarten in pairs. Repetition of the rules of conduct in public places and on the street.

2) Repetition of traffic rules (traffic rules). Approaching the first intersection, the teacher draws the children’s attention to why we decided to cross the road here?

Children: because there is a sign, a transitional transition (children together with the teacher look at the sign and remember its meaning).

The teacher also explains that everyone must make sure, before starting to move, that the cars have stopped and are allowing the pedestrian to pass. You cannot approach a pedestrian crossing and start moving across the road; the driver of the car might not have noticed them because of the bushes on the side of the road or for another reason. Be sure to make sure that the car has stopped, and only then start driving.

2. Main stage.

Educator: here we come to the library, let's remember rules of conduct in the library.

We must listen carefully

You can only talk in a whisper

If you want to ask a question, you need to raise your hand

I took it to look, put it back

Educator: Well done guys, remember all the rules, then I invite you to the house where books live.

Librarian: Hello children! There is a house in the world in which guides to life are collected for you. This house is big or small, but always amazing, it’s called...

Let's try to solve the riddle:

From the outside you look -

Home is like home

But there are no ordinary residents in it.

It contains interesting books

They stand in close rows.

On long shelves along the wall

Old tales included:

And Chernomor, and Tsar Guidon,

And good grandfather Mazai...

What is this house called?

Try it and guess.

Well done, of course it is library! “Biblio” in Greek means book, “theka” means storage. My name is ___________________ and I work in this amazing house librarian.

A little history of libraries.

A long time ago, when people did not yet know paper, but wanted to pass on their knowledge to others, words were written down on whatever they had: they carved icons on stone, and later the letters were embossed on clay tablets. In Ancient Egypt they wrote on papyrus, a material made from a perennial plant of the same name. And in Russia they tanned thin leather and wrote on parchment, on birch bark.

People tried to preserve these letters: clay tablets, papyri, and parchments. The first libraries were created. But over time, the words were erased, the planks and birch bark deteriorated. Then people learned to make paper and print books. People who write books are called writers. Writers wrote about what they saw and heard. They wrote poems and came up with stories and fairy tales. There are a lot of books that we all need to know our past, present and future. Find out about everything that is happening in the world, happening on Earth. Where can we get books? (Buy at the store, at the library.)

Well done boys! I was convinced that you want to become smart, you want to learn a lot of new things.

So, a library is a house of books.

The library has a lot of books, magazines and all this is called book fund. In order for us to quickly find the book we need, it must be in its place. In other words, we can say that each book has its own house and its own apartment. Each book has its own number made up of letters and numbers - cipher. Using this code you can find out the address of the book: the floor and shelf where it is stored. In boxes - catalogs cards with the names and codes of all books are stored. The librarian will look at such a card, go to the storage room and bring you the book you need (the librarian shows the cards, the children look at them). And this, guys, reader's form(shows) where all the books you read are recorded.

Our library has two main departments: subscription And reading room. A library subscription means a place that lends books to your home. We have books that are not issued at home - these are encyclopedias and dictionaries. These are books that readers may need on any day (the librarian tells how the books are arranged, what is the issue and return of the book)

Librarian: Books are like people: they are born, live, grow old and can get sick. The main reasons are time and careless attitude towards the book. The book may be completely destroyed.

Reading a poem by S.Ya. Marshak “A book about books.” Guys, to prevent this from happening to your books, remember the rules for using the book:

Rules for handling the book

  • Before you start reading a book, wrap it in paper or put on a cover.
  • Use a bookmark when reading books.
  • Don't fold book pages.
  • You can't bend books. The book may crumble into separate leaves.
  • You cannot put pencils and pens in books.
  • Don't read while eating. There will be stains on the pages that cannot be cleaned.
  • Don't throw books around - you might lose them.

Librarian. To become real readers, you need to know how to behave in the library.

"Rules for using the library"

  • You have to be quiet in the library, because... noise disturbs other readers.
  • State your class and last name clearly and clearly so that the librarian can cross out the book.
  • Library books must be handled with special care so that as many students as possible can read them.
  • Library books must not be lost, otherwise there will not be a single book left in the library.
  • Books in the library must be placed exactly in the place where you got them.

Librarian: Guys, do you like reading books? What is your favorite book? (children answer)

And now, guys, I’ll tell you some riddles.

Be careful!

2. Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn, not a person, but talking.

3. Who speaks silently?

4. You talk to her more often, you will be four times smarter.

5. We stand side by side on the shelf, there are a lot of us - thick, thin,

We help children become reasonable people.

The kids carry us to class, but the lazy guy doesn’t like us.

Well done! All these riddles were about books.

Educator: Guys, what new words did you learn today? The guys repeat (vocabulary work technique).

Teacher and librarian: Well done boys! You behaved so well, and most importantly, did you remember how to behave in the library, in the reading room?

Children: Quiet, don't make noise!

Educator: Guys, what have you learned about the librarian profession? (reflection) (generalization) (children answer)

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