Presidential scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students. Presidential scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students in Russia: conditions for receiving

These persons receive assistance from the state in the form of special benefits and free education. The 2015 President's Scholarship is awarded only to full-time students. It is paid in a lump sum or monthly.

general information

The Presidential Scholarship is awarded to those individuals who are studying in areas aimed at increasing the technological progress of the state's economy, including for discoveries in the field of science and special merits.

In 2013, President Vladimir Putin approved a list of priority areas for student training.

The amount of the scholarship depends on the share for the distribution of funds, taking into account the needs of the state in specialists in various fields.

Today, each student of a higher educational institution who is assigned a benefit receives 7 thousand rubles, and a graduate student - 14 thousand.

This benefit is assigned from September 1 of each year and is valid for students in the first year, and for graduate students from 1 to 3 years.

Deprivation of monetary payments occurs on the basis of the results of academic councils or by decision of a commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Who is eligible to receive?

The procedure for issuing funds is regulated by the Regulations “On the Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation.”

These funds can be assigned to persons studying at a university, as well as people who have outstanding achievements in their studies or research in the field of science, if they are confirmed by relevant documents, for example, certificates and diplomas.

There are several types of payments to help state employees enrolled in a university.

Social scholarship. It is intended for students and does not depend on their academic success. Her given to students who need it. At the same time, there is a certain category of citizens who are entitled to social benefits:

  1. Orphans.
  2. Citizens left without parental care.
  3. Citizens with disabilities of groups 1 and 2.

The funds paid to this category of scholarship recipients amount to about 1,650 rubles.

  1. Academic scholarship. It is issued based on academic results. You can receive it throughout the semester. State employees studying in higher educational institutions receive 1,200 rubles.

    When entering a college or technical school, also on a budgetary basis, the amount of payments is 400 rubles. In other semesters, its size may be increased. It depends on the scholarship holder’s performance.

  2. Scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students. Every student who has passed the annual certification has the right to become a scholarship holder.

    The condition for receiving it is full-time study. Now graduate students have the right to count on payments of more than 6 thousand rubles, and doctoral students more than 10,000 rubles.

The Head of State's scholarship is intended for undergraduate and graduate students to provide them with housing and food.

In addition, it is an incentive for further learning.

For schoolchildren and athletes

Persons with gifted abilities in the field of technical and humanitarian creativity, scholarships are awarded.

The initiative to adopt such a law was expressed by Vadim Solovyov, a representative of the Communist Party faction.

In his opinion, the state should support young talented people from school. Solovyov proposed paying money to students starting from the 7th grade.

Gifted people must develop their abilities to become the best specialists for their country. To do this, it is necessary to provide them with support in the early stages of development. The selection of young people is based on a competition, established by the system of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Funds are allocated to young students from the federal budget. The approximate amount of payments is approximately 6,300 rubles.

This is the minimum scholarship amount for good students studying in the 1st and 2nd year. In addition, talented and gifted children will be selected based on the results of Olympiads and competitions.

There is also a scholarship intended for athletes, coaches and other masters of Russian teams in various sports. Amount of this scholarship is 32,000 rubles, which is paid every month.

Such payments are provided to members of Russian sports teams and their coaches, including winners Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games. The selection of citizens to receive funds is carried out by a commission of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism, and Youth Policy.

This council includes representatives of these ministries, the Olympic Committee of the Russian Federation, including representatives of the Paralympic and Deaflympic Committees.

How to get a?

As noted, the Presidential Scholarship is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science from September 1 for one year for university citizens and from 1 to 3 years for graduate students.

The final lists of candidates to receive funds are formed as follows. They are compiled by the academic councils of higher educational institutions, having previously agreed on the decision with the council of rectors.

After the list of candidates is sent to the bodies of the ministry and department, in which scholarship holders are nominated based on selection and the final decision is made. The next step is to send this list to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia before August 1.

Reason for receiving Presidential scholarships is:

  1. Full-time education.
  2. Achieving excellent grades over two semesters.
  3. Successes in the field of science, documented.

Non-state universities that have passed state accreditation send a list of scholarship recipients to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

The winners are determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia together with departments and ministries of Russia, which includes scientific experts, university specialists, as well as the main public figures of the state.

Their candidacy is proposed by the academic councils of the university.

In addition, future commission members must pass a mandatory foreign language test.

Documents provided

To receive social benefits, young people must provide a certain list of documents, namely certificates:

  1. About the income of family members.
  2. About the fact of a citizen’s studies.
  3. About the composition of the family.
  4. About the calculation of payments for the last three months.
  5. Passport.

These documents sent to social security authorities.

After their consideration and verification, the scholarship holder receives a certificate confirming further transfer of funds.

Documents are submitted to the university dean's office in September.

The termination of payments occurs only when a citizen is expelled.


The amount of monthly financial payments for the month is as follows:

  • for students – 2200 rubles.
  • for graduate students of higher educational institutions – 4,500 rubles;
  • for graduate students – 6 thousand rubles;
  • for doctoral students – 10 thousand rubles.

For persons writing a dissertation in the field of technical and natural sciences, funds are:

  • for graduate students – 6 thousand rubles;
  • for doctoral students – 10 thousand rubles;

The Presidential scholarship is not paid in the event of a change of citizenship, a decision of the academic council of a university of the Russian Federation, or in the event of expulsion of a citizen from a university.

Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a scholarship from the head of state, regardless of whether they study or work. The management of an enterprise or organization or an educational council has the right to nominate a list of citizens to receive payments.

If, after completing his studies, a citizen goes to work, then he can receive cash payments from the enterprise in which he works. The main condition for receiving funds while studying is to complete the session with only one A grade.

Presidential Scholarship - this is not only material support for certain categories of university students, but also a way to recognize special achievements in the education of undergraduate and graduate students, designed to stimulate further interest in science. Who can receive presidential scholarship and how to do this, we will consider in this material.

What is the Presidential Scholarship?

Presidential Scholarship was established under Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. It was he, being the head of state, who signed Decree No. 433 “On urgent measures of state support for students and graduate students of educational institutions of higher professional education” dated April 12, 1993.

According to this document, 700 scholarship payments are provided for students in Russia for undergraduates and 300 for graduate students, for Russian citizens studying abroad - 40 and 60 scholarships, respectively. The scholarship is established for a period of up to 3 years (one year for undergraduates and up to 3 years for graduate students). When changing citizenship, as well as on the recommendation of the academic council of the educational institution, payment presidential scholarship terminates before the due date.

The amount of the scholarship payment established by the President in 1993 periodically changes upward, based on modern realities. The specific amount is determined by a separate regulatory act. Today, the Presidential Decree “On scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation for students, graduate students, adjuncts, students and cadets of educational institutions of higher professional education” No. 182 dated February 14, 2010 is in force. Based on this regulatory act, the payment amount presidential scholarship per month is equal to:

  • students - 2,200 rubles;
  • graduate students - 4,500 rubles.

In addition, graduate students and doctoral students writing dissertations on certain topics can receive a larger scholarship, as established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science “On approval of the list of specialties of scientific workers in technical and natural sciences, in the preparation of dissertations on which graduate students and doctoral students of federal state educational institutions higher professional education, educational institutions of additional professional education and scientific organizations, scholarships were established in the amount of 6,000 rubles and 10,000 rubles, respectively" No. 654 of August 24, 2012.

Scholarship payments ensuring the future development of the country

Subsequently, the course of state assistance for young scientists set by the President in 1993 received more in-depth development. Students and young scientists engaged in scientific research designed to ensure positive dynamics of the Russian economy are provided with even greater scholarships from the state.

Don't know your rights?

By Presidential Decree “On the establishment of a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising scientific research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy” No. 181 of February 13, 2012, financial incentives were established in the amount of 20,000 rubles per month. This scholarship payment is established and paid for a period of up to 3 years. The number of people receiving such incentives per year should not exceed 1,000.

Who is eligible for the Presidential Scholarship?

As already mentioned, the Presidential scholarship is paid to undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students. But these payments are selective and are provided to a limited number of people for special merits.

In accordance with Russian legislation, presidential scholarship The following students are eligible to apply:

  1. Full-time students studying at a budgetary department of an educational institution.
  2. Two sessions in a row, passing more than half of the exams with “excellent” marks.
  3. Having any achievements in the study of subjects of their specialization, documented.
  4. Winners of Olympiads, competitions, scientific and creative shows have advantages; authors of publications on a given specialty in various printed publications; authors of inventions or discoveries; students who are distinguished by their erudition, competence, literacy, and desire to study the necessary subjects.

The first two points are mandatory when identifying worthy candidates for a scholarship. The remaining criteria are desirable, but the more a student has these types of distinctions and advantages, the more likely he is to receive a Presidential Scholarship.

How to get a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation

After the end of the year of study, the academic councils of educational institutions draw up registers of applicants for the Presidential Scholarship. The Russian Ministry of Education and Science reviews these lists and approves candidates for scholarships. The scholarship is awarded every year from September 1.

To nominate its candidates for a Presidential Scholarship, a university must provide the following documents for candidates to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia:

  • An extract from the decision of the academic council of the educational institution to nominate a student for a presidential scholarship. The extract must contain information about the candidate.
  • Characteristics of an applicant for a scholarship.
  • List of scientific works (articles) published in printed publications, including international ones.
  • Copies of certificates, diplomas and other documents indicating the participation and victories of a candidate for a scholarship in competitions and Olympiads.
  • Copies of documents confirming the authorship of the candidate for discoveries and inventions.
  • Certificate of passed exams.

Documents are provided separately for each applicant.

An open competition is held for students abroad, based on the results of which the Russian Ministry of Education and Science makes a decision to issue a Presidential Scholarship to Russian citizens studying abroad. The announcement of such a competition is carried out through the media, including publication on the website of the Grants Council of the President of Russia at the address:

In addition to the main academic scholarships, which are awarded to students on a budgetary form of education, there is also a presidential scholarship.

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This is more than financial support for successful students, and is also a good way to recognize their achievements in learning, as well as to awaken interest in science in the future.

But at the same time, it is important to find out who can count on a presidential scholarship in order to determine in advance what efforts must be made to obtain it.

The presidential scholarship in Russia has not changed in 2019, and has been provided since the time of Yeltsin, namely since 1993. The Decree provides for 700 scholarships for undergraduates, as well as 300 for graduate students.

Students abroad can also receive similar incentives, undergraduates can count on 40 scholarships, and graduate students - 60.

Such subsidies are established for a year for students, and for three for postgraduate students, but can be terminated earlier if a person has changed citizenship, or the academic council has made a similar decision.

Important aspects

The size of the scholarship changes upward, taking into account inflation and other economic features. And if doctoral students write dissertations on certain topics, then the scholarship can be increased almost to the level of the subsistence level.

When young scientists conduct promising scientific research on topics of priority for the Russian economy, they can count on a monthly salary of 20,000 rubles for up to 3 years.

But at the same time, there cannot be more than 1000 people who receive this type of scholarship.

General concepts

- this is a certain amount paid to a student or junior researcher for success in training or scientific work.

Only a person who receives points no less than those established by law and also participates in sports and cultural events can receive such a payment.

In addition, as for graduate students and other junior researchers, they are awarded a scholarship for certain topics of scientific work, activities at the university and other indicators of activity, if they are high enough.

What is this type of incentive for applicants?

The presidential scholarship, like others, is expressed in material encouragement for a person. Each month, scholarship recipients are paid a certain amount agreed in advance.

Funds are not accountable, so they can be spent at your own discretion.

This helps fellows live well, as the money is often spent on food, accommodation and personal needs, including clothing, travel and entertainment.

Legal grounds

The basis for granting a presidential scholarship is It is this document that establishes the number of scholarships and the timing of their payment, which is what the Ministry of Education is guided by. The methodology for terminating scholarship payments and the cases in which this can be done is also specified.
Currently valid According to it, the presidential scholarship for students is 2,200 rubles, and for graduate students is set at 4,500 rubles per month
But in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science “On approval of the list of specialties of scientific workers in technical and natural sciences, when preparing dissertations for which graduate students and doctoral students of federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, educational institutions of additional professional education and scientific organizations established scholarships in the amount of 6 000 rubles and 10,000 rubles respectively”, appearing under It stipulates an increase in scholarships for graduate students and doctoral students who write dissertations on topics important to economics.

How to get a presidential scholarship

Those who have never used such benefits before do not always know what is needed for a presidential scholarship.

Here it is worth knowing about the following algorithm:

It is worth considering that the most important point in this regard will be determining your chances of receiving this payment from the state. Because not all students can get it.

The grounds for applying for a presidential scholarship are:

  • Full-time education;
  • the student received “excellent” marks in all exams for more than two semesters in a row;
  • the student has certificates and diplomas for participation in the scientific field of the university;
  • a student is developing an innovative device or theory that has been written about in a Russian or foreign publication.

Terms of issue

It is worth understanding that after the student has submitted all the necessary documents for applying for a scholarship, they move to the stage of consideration and processing. This is done by the academic council of the educational institution.

This council is elected in accordance with the decision made by the council of university rectors. Therefore, only competent employees of the establishment are there.

They select the final candidates and make a shortlist from them. Before the selection of applicants for a presidential scholarship begins, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation notifies about this.

All messages about the upcoming selection are posted in the media. Therefore, all data is publicly available. The last step will be to determine the winners of the scholarship competitions.

They are selected from a list compiled by the university council by the Ministry of Education and Science itself. At the same time, the expert commission includes employees of other relevant departments and ministries of Russia.

Therefore, a professional assessment of all student work will be given by scientists and public figures of the state.

Who is entitled to

There are several categories of students who may qualify for a Presidential Scholarship. But you should understand that they will still undergo a competitive selection process.

Therefore, only the best representatives of the university will receive payment from the state.

This competition involves not only state higher education institutions, but also private educational structures. They submit the list to the Ministry of Education in the same manner as other universities.

The Ministry of Education and the Interdepartmental Coordination Council regarding cooperation between nations are coordinating lists of those applicants from Russia who are studying in other countries.

This could be student exchange or interstate programs to improve students' knowledge.

For athletes

Scholarships are also available for those students who are involved in sports. They may vary in requirements and sizes.

For example, there is a payment for those who are members of the Russian national teams at the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games. In this case, the Ministry of Sports is responsible for selecting candidates for scholarships.

There are several criteria:

For students

It is worth considering here that such a scholarship is issued only in case of studying in priority courses for the country. You can also count on a payment if the student has shown significant success in this area.

These include not only excellent grades in subjects, but also participation in scientific activities and the compilation of new developments and theories in the scientific field.

In addition to receiving scholarship payments, such students are sent to various internships in Germany, Sweden or France.

Also, do not forget about personal scholarships for students of all courses. But quotas are distributed only among state universities in the country.

Graduate students

For those who have entered graduate school there will be the same requirements for obtaining as for undergraduates. But the number of places is limited to 300.

No benefits are provided beyond this figure. However, the duration of the scholarship may differ and vary from 1 to 3 years. A graduate student can receive a presidential scholarship from the second year of study.

List of documents that will need to be collected

Since the distribution of places is carried out on the basis of achievements in scientific work, the following package of documents should be collected:

A copy of the certificate of excellent passing of the session It’s worth taking two semesters here - since this is required by the registration conditions
It should be certified by the dean of the faculty where the student is studying
Copies of certificates and diplomas Photocopies of all documents that confirm the student’s winning places in terms of scientific work or other university achievements should be provided
Articles in scientific publications They should also be attached to the general package of papers to confirm successful scientific activities

Registration procedure

In order to register in the competition list you must:

  • collect all documents;
  • submit them to the academic council.

If it passes, it will be included in the list and transferred to the Ministry of Education and Science. There they already make a final decision on each of the students.

Grant amount

Each student has their own scholarship amount.

But the state has established a minimum amount of this payment:

The size of the payment also depends on the region in which the university is located. In 2019, the state plans to increase payments for those graduate students who are engaged in promising areas of science.

Then the scholarship for them will be 22 thousand 800 rubles. The monthly personal scholarship for athletes reaches 32 thousand rubles.

And the size of this payment is not affected by age or the presence of an official place of work.


When applying for a scholarship, various difficulties often arise and many do not understand how to resolve the problems that arise.

Although in most cases the answers to all questions are quite simple. For example, not everyone knows that students who study at foreign universities under exchange and internship programs can also receive this type of incentive.

Is a commercial student entitled to receive

Students of commercial higher educational institutions are subject to slightly different requirements and rules for receiving presidential scholarships.

They can count on receiving such payments. And they will go through general lists. At the same time, the university forms them at its own discretion and transfers them directly to the Ministry of Education.

But in the case of a personal scholarship, only students from state universities can count on receiving it.

Where do the accruals go?

Scholarship payments come either to the student’s bank card, along with the main scholarship, or to the university’s cash desk.

In the second case, the student can receive the payment on a specific day at the payment office.

The Presidential Scholarship was founded by former President B.N. Yeltsin, which is why this government payment has such a name. It provides for payments to 700 university students and 300 graduate students studying in Russia.

It is also assigned to 40 undergraduate and 60 graduate students with Russian citizenship studying abroad. If you change your citizenship, the payment stops.

This scholarship is awarded for 1 year to undergraduates and 3 years to graduate students. The size of payments has been constantly increasing since its inception. In 2019, the scholarship amount is 2,200 rubles for undergraduates and 4,500 rubles for graduate students.

Depending on the importance of the industry in which the student or graduate student conducts his educational and scientific activities, the amount of payment can be increased to 20,000 rubles.

Many higher education students wonder if they are eligible and how to obtain such a scholarship. The legislation establishes the circle of persons who have the right to apply for this state payment:

  1. Persons who have received prizes in Olympiads and competitions.
  2. Young people publishing their scientific works in magazines, books and media.
  3. Inventors who made new discoveries.
  4. Students who have achieved significant success in studying a particular field.
  5. Students who passed two sessions in a row with most of the grades being “excellent”.
  6. Persons studying at a higher educational institution on a full-time non-commercial basis.
  7. Students can apply for a scholarship only after two years of study, and graduate students after one year.

Thus, we can conclude that the presidential scholarship is aimed at maintaining motivation among erudite, talented, and capable of learning individuals. Mandatory items for university students when applying for this payment are:

  • full-time study at a higher educational institution;
  • non-profit training basis;
  • passing the last two sessions with excellent results in most subjects;
  • For students, the duration of study at the university is two years, and for a graduate student, one year.

When selecting students, the Ministry of Education, first of all, encourages those working in nationally significant sectors. These include:

  • nuclear research;
  • Computer techologies;
  • space discoveries;
  • biochemical industry towards the development of drugs;
  • energy industry;
  • medicine.
It is from these industries that students have the best chance of being included in the list of those who will be awarded a presidential scholarship.

Registration procedure

Every year, lists of candidates are submitted by educational institutions to the Ministry of Education of our country. There a decision is made and 700 undergraduate and 300 graduate students studying in Russia are selected. Students are selected based on their knowledge, talents and achievements. The scholarship is awarded for payment from the beginning of the academic year.

When a university submits a list of people applying for the state presidential payment, the following documents are required:

  1. Characteristics of the student.
  2. An extract on the decision of the university council to nominate this student as a candidate.
  3. Copies of his certificates indicating the achievement of victories in various competitions.
  4. A list of his scientific works published in the media and documents confirming his direct authorship.
  5. A certificate of the results of the last two sessions and academic years as a whole.

After the student is included in the list, this decision and payment of the scholarship lasts for 1 year for students, for graduate students - 3 years.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are citizens of our country but studying abroad also have the right to submit their candidacy for receiving government payments. They must submit a similar list of documents themselves and participate in an open competition.

For them, 40 annual scholarships are provided for students, and 60 scholarships for a period of 3 years for graduate students. Information about the terms and conditions for accepting applications is reported in the media and is also presented on a special website You must submit your application before the beginning of August.

Students of state and non-state higher educational institutions can participate in this program. When submitting a list from a non-state university, it is sent directly to the Ministry of Education and Science, and when submitting a list from state universities, the list is first sent to the local department responsible for selection. And only after the list is approved, this department transfers it to the Ministry of Education and Science.

Most significant achievements

Very strict and specific requirements are imposed on the achievements of undergraduate and graduate students. In addition to the fact that they must be done in nationally significant industries, they must be issued in the last two years before filing a candidacy.

All achievements must be documented. The most significant achievements in educational or scientific activities include:

  1. The candidate has a patent right to his invention.
  2. Obtaining a grant for scientific work.
  3. Victory in an intellectual competition.
  4. Victory in the Science Olympiad.
  5. Presentations at seminars and conferences with reports.
  6. Receiving a prize for scientific work.
  7. Scientific works published in printed publications.

There are no restrictions on quantitative participation in the presidential scholarship; the main thing is that every year for undergraduates or once every three years for graduate students there are grounds for its appointment.

Termination of payments

The scholarship is awarded for a specific period:

  • for students for 1 year;
  • for graduate students for 3 years.

At the end of this period, scholarship payments cease. They can also be terminated early in the following cases:

  1. Based on the recommendations of the university council, which previously included this student on the list.
  2. When changing citizenship.
  3. Upon graduation or expulsion from an educational institution.

Thus, students have the opportunity to prove themselves in nationally significant industries even from the moment they study at a higher educational institution. This will give them additional monetary compensation, as well as a chance to prove themselves as a good specialist and get a well-paid job after graduation.

The Presidential Scholarship is not only financial support for some university students, but also an opportunity to recognize special achievements in their studies, aimed at stimulating further interest in scientific activities.

Students whose studies are related to the technological industry aimed at developing the economy of the Russian Federation are eligible for a scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation. Since 2013, our country has had a list of priority areas fixed in the Presidential Decree.

The scholarship is the main monetary payment that is awarded to students in accordance with the results of the final certification. A full-time budget student has the right to receive an academic scholarship from the beginning of his studies. It is limited to established periods, and accrual is made monthly. The main types of student payments include:

  • Academic. It directly depends on academic performance. You can receive it throughout the semester. Payments to students of budget departments monthly amount to 1 thousand 200 rubles. The amount of a scholarship to a technical school or college upon admission on a budgetary basis is 400 rubles. Its size may be increased depending on the student's performance. When is it charged? Before the start of the session.
  • Social. Assigned to students who need social support. It does not depend on their academic success. This subsidy is available to certain categories of citizens (orphans, citizens without parental care, as well as those with disabilities of the first two groups). This benefit is about 1 thousand 650 rubles.

What does it depend on? The results of the session may increase or cancel the scholarship. Increased benefits are received by students and graduate students of budgetary departments who completed the previous semester with positive grades. Students who actively participated in sports competitions, scientific research, cultural and social life of the university are entitled to an increased scholarship.

Who receives this benefit? A university student can hope for a presidential scholarship if he acquires a profession that is needed by the domestic economy. It can also be applied for by students who have achieved significant academic success or have special merits. We list the possible reasons for receiving such a subsidy:

  • Full-time education;
  • examination grades “5” for at least two consecutive semesters;
  • availability of a portfolio confirming the scientific activity of the applicant;
  • the applicant has original innovative developments and publications on relevant topics.

The holder of a presidential scholarship has the right to do an internship in one of the European countries.

For the 2017-2018 presidential scholarship, the list of applicants is compiled by the academic council of the institute or university. It is agreed upon by the Rector’s Council and sent to the relevant government agencies. Then a decision is made to award the scholarship or refuse the applicant.

After all these events, the list is sent to the Ministry of Education and Science. Here a decision is made and 700 undergraduate and 300 graduate students studying in the Russian Federation are selected. The selection of applicants is carried out on the basis of their knowledge, abilities and scientific achievements. Payments are established from the beginning of the academic year. The deadline for submitting the list is limited to the first day of August. If the educational institution is non-state, but has state registration, the document is addressed immediately to the final authority.

A talented university student who studies in a foreign country is included in the list for a presidential scholarship after an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Interdepartmental Coordination Council. He should submit a similar package of documentation independently and take part in an open competition. For such students, 40 annual scholarships are provided, and 60 for a period of 3 years for postgraduate students.

The media provides information about the terms and conditions for accepting applications. At the highest state level, personalized scholarships have also been established (named after E. T. Gaidar, D. S. Likhachev, A. A. Voznesensky and other prominent figures of state and culture).

Registration regulations

At the end of the one-year cycle of the educational process, the academic council of each university compiles a register of applicants for a scholarship from the president. How to get a? In order for the applicant to become its owner, the following documents must be provided:

  • statement about the applicant;
  • characteristics, signed by the dean;
  • a certificate confirming successful completion of the session or a duplicate of the grade book;
  • description of research activities;
  • copyright certificates for inventions and discoveries.

Scholarships for athletes

The state assigns various payments to athletes to encourage professionalism, improve performance and promote new achievements. Scholarship payments from the President are awarded to athletes who are members of the country's national team for the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games.

How much is the monthly presidential scholarship in 2017? It is equal to 32 thousand rubles. The purpose of the payment is annually approved by the order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia until February 15 in summer sports, and until June 15 in winter sports. The distribution of scholarships is carried out regardless of the age of the applicant, his official place of work or study. Applicants are selected by members of a commission created for this purpose.

How is the presidential allowance paid? Payments are made in the following order:

  • The winner of a gold medal who earned it at the Olympic Games receives a scholarship indefinitely.
  • Holders of silver and bronze medals received at competitions of the same scale are entitled to financial support from the head of state for a year.
  • The same medals at the level of the last world championship allow the athlete to receive a presidential scholarship for 12 months.

Presidential payments to universities and graduate students

This scholarship from the head of government is a special type of financial support for students. This year, full-time university and graduate students can apply for it, subject to state support and compliance with the following requirements:

  • a university student must study for at least the third year, and a graduate student must study for the second year;
  • two sessions in a row must be passed with “5” and “4”, with at least half of the grades being “excellent”;
  • presence of special achievements in studies or scientific work (grants, publications, prizes in olympiads and competitions, presentations at seminars);
  • a third-year student must study in the field of energy consumption, medicine, computer, nuclear or space technology, and the biochemical (pharmacological) industry.

Government scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis at any large Russian higher education institution. Anyone can apply for a scholarship as long as it meets the above conditions. After approval of the applicant’s candidacy, scientists of the university council can write an application and collect the following documents:

  • a copy of the grade book confirming that the session was passed successfully;
  • characteristics of the applicant certified by the dean of the faculty;
  • a copy of each diploma or certificate that certifies the winning of prizes;

publications in scientific journals. The scholarship is awarded for a period of 1 year for a university student and 3 years for a graduate student. Payments can be continued if you submit an application and collect the necessary documents.

Conditions for issuing the scholarship

The final list of applicants for financial support from the President is drawn up in the following order:

  • The compilation is carried out by the university’s OER, in accordance with the decision of the rector’s council agreed upon the day before.
  • The Russian Ministry of Education and Science officially announces an open competition for the right to receive benefits from the head of the Russian Federation.
  • The winners are determined by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, as well as departments and ministries of the Russian Federation, which include specialists, university teachers and prominent Russian public figures.

Presidential scholarship amount

Presidential scholarship in rubles for students - how much? The minimum amount of such a subsidy is: 2 thousand 200 rubles. for a student; 4 thousand 500 rub. for a graduate student. It may vary depending on the region in which the applicant is studying.

Compared to a regular academic scholarship, a government scholarship is a little more. But postgraduate students are predominantly adults, usually over twenty-five years of age. Receiving a postgraduate education involves only full-time study, so a graduate student does not have the opportunity to get a job in order to provide himself and his family with a decent standard of living. In 2017, the amount of the presidential scholarship should increase to 22 thousand 800 rubles. for those graduate students who are engaged in progressive research developments.

Termination of scholarship payments

At the end of the specified period for which they were assigned, payments stop. There are cases in which they can be terminated early:

  • Based on the recommendations of the university council, which previously included this student or graduate student in the register. If the benefit recipient has changed citizenship.
  • Upon completion of education or expulsion.

Non-state scholarships

In addition to government payments to support talented students, higher education institutions implement joint non-state scholarship programs with private individuals. Thus, the Vladimir Potanin scholarship program is aimed at supporting promising students and teachers in master's programs. The amount of a master's scholarship from a philanthropist is 15 thousand rubles.

Scholarship amount for students in 2018. What is the average scholarship in Russia?

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