Presentation for a geography lesson (grade 5) on the topic: Presentation "Orientation in the area." Why was there a need to introduce a new federal state standard?

As a fan of adventure literature about pirates, it was even very interesting for me to answer this question. Most of the novels on this topic, especially about treasure hunts, were supplied by the authors with fictitious maps, where they were required to draw a “wind rose” to determine the cardinal directions. However, there could be up to 16 arrows in this rose.

Intermediate sides of the horizon

The easiest way to consider this question is using the example of a “wind rose”, i.e. diagram, which is used to determine the sides of the horizon North-South-West-East and represents a vertical cross with an angle of 90 degrees. The intermediate sides (for example, northeast) are rays that divide the main diagram exactly in half, and thus the difference in angle degrees becomes equal to 45. The “compass rose” itself exists in the following variations:

  • Eight-beam - used in the basics of geography, and each of its rays includes not only the cardinal direction (south and west), but also the intermediate course (southwest) between them.
  • 16-ray - in addition to the sides of the horizon, as on a compass card, additional directions are also indicated, which divide the angle into an even smaller number of degrees and sets this value to 27.5. This rose is used in maritime navigation and shows such directions as “west-northwest”, which corresponds to the concept of “west-northwest”.
  • 360-beam - generated automatically using electronic equipment and accurately indicates the direction for each degree of the side.

The introduction of intermediate and additional sides made it possible to more accurately determine the direction of the wind or the direction of the path and, accordingly, set the coordinates.

Application of a “compass rose” with intermediate sides

The construction of a “wind rose” is necessary for arranging the runways of air hubs, during the construction of residential areas in relation to industrial zones (calculation of the probability of air masses carrying harmful emissions from the chimneys of enterprises), and highways.

They are also used in geophysics and construction climatology.

“Federal State Educational Standards Textbooks” - Federal component of the state standard of general education (2004). Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (2010). Educational system "School 2100". The differences relate primarily to the basic curricula. Biology. Textbooks for Federal State Educational Standards.

“Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” - 300+837= 1237 e-books. Special conditions for designing independent work of students when transferring to credit units. Wide involvement of representatives of Russian and foreign companies and government organizations in the educational process. Social and professional accreditation is a new approach to assessing the quality of education.

“Work according to the Federal State Educational Standard” - “Extracurricular activities as an innovative component of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation.” Theoretical basis. Skills: universal educational methods of action. Object of assessment. “Activity-based teaching method. Structure of testing work. Personal, meta-subject (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), subject.

“Federal State Educational Standard of the New Generation” - 634050, Tomsk, Belentsa St., 11 51-80-62, 51-36-12 Thank you for your attention! Deputy Director for UMR E.A. Terentyev. Planning and organization of work on the transition to the new generation Federal State Educational Standards (main results). Main results of the work. Short period of time for the development of basic professional educational programs; Lack of methodological recommendations for assessing students’ general and professional competencies; Lack of a unified system for the development and evaluation of PM; The complexity of the process of including employers in the development of basic professional educational programs.

“Lesson on Federal State Educational Standards” - Federal State Educational Standards. V. Primary consolidation. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. M.E. Larina Deputy Director for Educational Resource Management, primary school teacher. Modern type lesson. The educational situation is built taking into account: 5. Lesson control, assessment and correction of knowledge. Federal State Educational Standards requirements." 3. Lesson on the integrated application of knowledge.

“Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards” - “Pedagogization”. The implementation of the project will allow overcoming the difficulties of the implementation period of the Federal State Educational Standard. Selection of teaching materials. New technologies. Social contract. Presence of a design problem. Federal. Principles of constructing the Federal State Educational Standard. Municipal. The school's work on implementing the Federal State Educational Standard. Teacher's work. New teaching tools and technologies.

FULL NAME. Berdnikova Irina Petrovna
Place of work: MO Abinsk district, MAOU secondary school No. 4, Abinsk
Job title: geography teacher
Item: geography Class: 5
Lesson topic: §6 “Compass. Terrain orientation" (lesson 6 in the section "Earth and its images")
Basic tutorial: EAT. Domogatskikh, E.L. Vvedensky, A.A. Pleshakov, M. “Russian Word”, 2012. Geography. Introduction to Geography.
Target: to form an understanding of terrain orientation and teach how to use a compass.
Lesson Objectives:

  • create conditions for the formation of ideas about methods of orientation on the ground: according to local characteristics and azimuth;
  • to develop skills in determining the sides of the horizon and directions on the plan and map.


  • create conditions for the development of spatial concepts, logical thinking, and communication abilities;
  • continue to work on the development of intellectual skills: highlighting the main thing, analysis, ability to draw conclusions; the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • continue work on the development of oral monologue speech;
  • create conditions for the development of creative abilities.


  • promote interest in the subject, mutual understanding and cohesion in joint activities;
  • contribute to the development in students of the ability to listen to comrades and argue their point of view;

Planned results:

Personal: Understanding the significance of orientation for human daily life and practice

Metasubject: The ability to work with measuring instruments, the ability to organize one’s activities, determine its goals and objectives, the ability to conduct independent searches, the ability to interact with people and work in a team. Express judgments, supporting them with facts.

Subject: define the concept of orientation, explain what the sides of the horizon are and what they are, the ability to determine them, draw conclusions about the purpose of the compass, formulate an algorithm for working with it.

Universal learning activities:

Personal: the need to study the surrounding world, awareness of the integrity of the world.

Regulatory: Independently discover and formulate an educational problem, determine the goal of educational activity, put forward versions of a solution to the problem, realize the end result, choose from those proposed and independently search for means of achieving the goal, check your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself, improve in dialogue with the teacher independently developed evaluation criteria.
Cognitive: independently identify and formulate the cognitive purpose of the lesson, define the concepts of “orientation”, build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships; analyze and select information; analyze, compare and summarize facts. Identify reasons, read all levels of textual information, convert information from one type to another, be able to identify possible sources of necessary information, search for information, analyze and evaluate its reliability.

Communicative: defending your point of view, give arguments, confirming them with facts, be able to look at the situation from a different position and negotiate with people from other positions, understanding the position of another, distinguish in his speech: opinion (point of view), evidence (arguments), facts.

Lesson type: formation of skills and abilities
Student work form: group
Technical equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, presentation, student instructions: rules for working with a compass, an algorithm for determining the sides of the horizon, individually and on a slide (individual - on each desk and in electronic form), task cards for practical work;

Structure and course of the lesson.

Lesson stage name

Teacher activities

Student activity


Updating knowledge

Welcomes students, checks readiness of the student for the lesson. Welcome teachers, check readiness for the lesson (K).
Lines up stimulating dialogue connecting the previous lesson and the new topic.
Analyze the facts presented:
1) How a person navigates an unfamiliar area.
2) You cannot return to your home or car in an unfamiliar place with only a compass.
– What question do you have?
Why, if you get lost in the forest and have only a compass, you can’t find the exact direction to your house or your car parked by the road?
– What hypotheses will you have? (We need maps or plans, according to the stars or the sun . )
– Formulate the topic of the lesson.
They express assumptions to the questions posed (P). Reveal existing knowledge(P).

Creating a problematic situation

Creates for students a problematic situation. “Associative series.”

Imagine that you went into the forest and got lost. (showing a fragment - photograph of a forest) Your associations...

How do you feel when you find yourself in this situation? Is there a way out of this situation? Is it just important to be able to navigate this situation? What do you need to know in order to navigate?

Enter into dialogue (K), identify contradiction, realize what knowledge is missing (P).

Goal setting

Creates readiness for the upcoming activity. What will we learn about in class today? Realize goal of the upcoming activity (R, P, K)


Provides a sufficient amount of material that encourages you to make suggestions about ways to study this I object. I offer you a lesson plan on the board, get acquainted with it and discuss it in pairs, select the teaching aids necessary for the lesson and express your opinion. Working in pairs, are discussing plan, choose means necessary to obtain new knowledge and make a decision (K, P, R)

Learning new material

Encourages students to a theoretical explanation of facts, contradictions between them. Stimulates the active participation of all children in search activities. Includes in the content of the material being studied, the subjective experience of students, the creation of situations in which the student is the subject of the activity

A) Read text “Orientation”,

– What methods of orienteering do you know? Complete the "Orientation" chart. fill out the diagram and draw up a plan of action for navigation.


_____________ _______________ ______________ _____________

______________ _______________

What do you need to know and be able to do for this?

What do you know about the sides of the horizon? (main – 4, intermediate – 4.

– Work in groups.

Sides of the horizon.

Task: Determine what is the difference between the concepts horizon, horizon line, horizon sides. How and where is direction shown on a map or plan? Complete the task according to the text on p.

B) Compass.

  • Assignment: How does a compass work? What does it mean to orient, i.e. install a compass or how does a compass work?

Have you read the memo “Rules for working with a compass”? Determine the sides of the horizon using a compass.

Let's test your knowledge of the sides of the horizon and your ability to navigate on a plane. The teacher dictates according to the directions (2 cells to the east, 2 to the southeast, 2 to the northeast, etc.)

Self-test (slide show)

Do practical work with a compass.

Checks the result obtained and the correct understanding of the material, organizes discussion, fails to the conclusion.

Working with textbook text, analyze received information (P)

Present options for orientation types, express hypotheses about the structure of the compass (K, P)

Viewing(P), compare image in textbook (P) accept participation in dialogue with the teacher (K)

Exchange with the information received (K), they remember the new concept (P).

Students break up into groups (K).

Analyze text and perform received task (P), demonstrate your results. (TO)

Voice over work results, formulate output (P, K)


Application of new knowledge

Lets you down students to the problem: why is the ability to navigate and work with a compass necessary? - Are there territories on Earth where it is impossible to accurately determine the sides of the horizon using a compass?

— Why did it become necessary to introduce intermediate sides of the horizon?

Organizes work provides assistance in the formulation of short answers.

On one's own think over and discuss questions, formulate short answer. (P, R.)

Demonstrate the result of your work. (L).



1.Checks mastering new material orally (presentation) Offers remember the topic and objectives of the lesson, compare it with the work plan written on the board, and evaluate the extent of your personal progress towards the goal and the success of the class as a whole. Using the knowledge acquired during the work in the lesson, complete test tasks. Demonstrate knowledge, understanding of cause-and-effect relationships (P). Formulate answer using acquired knowledge (P)


Lets you down lesson results.


Orientation and cardinal directions

For a long time, people have been traveling, moving across vast territories in search of food, water, and building materials. However, they often faced the problem of returning to places where they had already been. This primarily stimulated people to learn how to navigate the terrain.

The very first guideline for finding the right direction was Sun. It was from this that people began to determine where the known to us are located. north, west, south And East. The sun appeared in the east and disappeared in the west. If you stand facing east, you will find north on your left hand and south on your right.

But we had to determine the path not only during the day. In addition, the sun could not always be found in the sky during the day. Therefore, people learned to determine the cardinal directions by to the stars. Having studied the basic patterns of the movement of stars and their location in the sky, it was possible even at night to find out in which direction to move.

However, the stars could not fully satisfy human desires. Stars looked different in different parts of the world. Then he replaced them compass. No, it was not similar to the modern one and was a magnetized metal needle that floated on two straws in a vessel with water. Then compasses were modified for a long time and turned into what we used to call this word.

Intermediate cardinal points

After a person was able to better navigate the terrain, it became necessary to introduce the concept of intermediate sides:

  • northeast direction;
  • northwest direction;
  • southeast direction;
  • southwest direction.

As you can see, the main direction (north or south) is in first place, and east and west are in second place.

So why were these concepts introduced? Let's say you went on a hike, and in order to come to a pre-selected place, you need to go from point A to point B. But here's the problem: point B is not located in the north, south, west or east. What to do? Should we go first north, then east, winding up extra kilometers, or go straight? Of course, directly, you will answer. But to go straight, you need to know the direction. That's why intermediate cardinal points appeared.

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Prepared by Alexey Mikhailovich Brazin, geography teacher at the MBOU “Kobralovskaya Basic Secondary School” Lesson - presentation “Local orientation”.

Translated from Latin, "oriens" means "east". Orientation is determining your location relative to the sides of the horizon. The main sides of the horizon are north, south, west, east. The sides of the horizon are otherwise called cardinal points or compass points.

Points on an old compass

In ancient times, a simple and reliable device was invented in China with which you can navigate. This is a well-known compass.

Southwester The best cartographers of the past were the Dutch. For a long time there has been a tradition of calling the points in Dutch: north - north, south - south, east - east, west - west. It was they who invented a specially shaped headdress. This is a canvas hat - a sou'wester hat.

What is orientation? What are the main sides of the horizon called? What is the name of the device for determining the sides of the horizon? Why did it become necessary to introduce intermediate sides of the horizon? Let's test your knowledge

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