Presentation "Artificial Intelligence and Computers". Presentation on the topic: "Artificial intelligence" Artificial intelligence and computer presentation

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Artificial intelligence is a discipline that studies the possibility of creating programs to solve problems that require certain intellectual efforts when performed by a person.

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The science called “artificial intelligence” is part of the complex of computer sciences, and the technologies created on its basis belong to information technologies. The goal of this science is to achieve intelligent reasoning and action using computer systems and other artificial devices. The goal of research in the field of artificial intelligence is to create an arsenal of meta-procedures sufficient for computers (or other technical systems, for example, robots) to find solutions based on problem statements.

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The first research related to the problems of artificial intelligence was undertaken almost immediately after the advent of computers. The very name of the new science arose in the late 60s of the 20th century, and in 1969 the first World Conference on Artificial Intelligence was held in Washington (USA).

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Research in the field of artificial intelligence is carried out in two directions: bionic - attempts to simulate, using artificial systems, the psychophysiological activity of the human brain in order to create artificial intelligence; 2) pragmatic - the creation of programs that make it possible, using a computer, to reproduce not the mental activity itself, but the processes that are its results. Here, the most important results of practical value have been achieved.

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The first direction is neurocybernetics. It is based on hardware modeling of the functioning of the human brain, the basis of which is a large number (about 14 billion) of connected and interacting nerve cells - neurons. Back in the 1950s, a threshold device for simulating a nerve cell, the perceptron, was created. The first low-performance computers failed to realize the biological structure of the brain. Now microelectronics makes it possible to build computing structures consisting of several thousand microprocessors - neurocomputers. Their main feature is the ability to change their internal structure and thereby learn like a person.

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The second direction is the pragmatic direction of AI. The result is computer software for solving intellectual problems. These are, first of all, natural language programs. They allow you to: translate text from one language to another, compose abstracts of large documents, compose texts for fairy tales and poems, scripts for television series (soap operas). Music programs can compose musical works, analyze finished musical works, and simulate various performing styles. Recognition programs allow you to check the accuracy of text and recognize characters in handwritten text when scanning it. Sound analyzers and synthesizers are capable of controlling the voice of technical devices, as well as producing speech messages. Many game programs use AI principles. The famous supercomputer Deep Blue beat world chess champion G. Kasparov.

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Properties of artificial intelligence systems: internal interpretability - along with information in the knowledge base, information structures are presented that allow not only storing knowledge, but also using it; structuredness - the decomposition of complex objects into simpler ones and the establishment of connections between them are carried out; connectedness - patterns regarding facts, processes, phenomena and cause-and-effect relationships between them are reflected; activity - based on existing knowledge, new knowledge can be derived (obtained).

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Tools for artificial intelligence systems (AI). The first artificial intelligence systems were created in algorithmic languages ​​of wide application. The most convenient languages ​​turned out to be LISP and SmallTalk. Subsequently, programming systems were created in knowledge representation languages. They contain their own means of representing knowledge and supporting logical inference. These languages ​​include FRL, KRL, OPS5, LogLISP and Prolog. The most widely used of these languages ​​are the logic programming languages ​​Prolog and OSP5.

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Expert systems An expert system (ES) is an artificial intelligence system that contains the knowledge of experienced specialists (experts) about a certain subject area and which, within this area, is capable of making expert decisions (giving advice, making a diagnosis, directing user actions).

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Structural diagram of an expert system The main part of any ES is the knowledge base - a body of knowledge on a given subject area, gleaned from publications, as well as introduced in the process of interaction between experts and the ES. With the help of the knowledge base editor, the expert fills the knowledge base (as if transferring his knowledge, skills, and abilities to it).

Examples of expert systems The MYCIN expert system (Stanford University) is one of the first and most famous ES, developed in the mid-1970s of the last century. It is intended for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The JUDITH expert system was created in 1975 at the Universities of Heidelberg and Darmstadt, allowing lawyers to obtain expert opinions on civil cases. The INTERNIST expert system diagnoses several hundred diseases with an accuracy that is comparable to the accuracy of a diagnosis made by a qualified doctor. The Management Advisor expert system helps managers in planning their business activities. The EXPERTAX expert system prepares recommendations for auditors and tax specialists in preparing tax calculations and preparing financial statements. The knowledge base reflects the experience of over twenty experts. Expert system PROSPECTOR - helps geologists in searching for minerals. Maps, overviews of the area, and answers to questions asked of geologists are entered into the computer.

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Artificial intelligence. In the 60s of the 20th century, a new section of computer science appeared, which was called “Artificial Intelligence”. The encyclopedic dictionary says: “Intelligence (from Latin intellectus - knowledge, understanding, reason) - the ability of thinking, rational knowledge.” This ability is fully characteristic only of humans. The subject of study of the science “Artificial Intelligence” is human thinking. Scientists are looking for an answer to the question: how does a person think? The goal of this research is to create a model of human intelligence and implement it on a computer. Somewhat simplified, the above goal sounds like this: - To teach a machine to think. When starting to solve a problem, a person often does not have a clear program of action. He builds this program himself as he works. For example, when playing chess, a chess player knows the rules of the game and has the goal of winning the game. His actions are not pre-programmed. They depend on the actions of the opponent, on the developing position on the board, on the intelligence and personal experience of the chess player. There are many other human activities that cannot be programmed in advance. For example, composing music and poetry, proving a theorem, literary translation from a foreign language, diagnosing and treating diseases, and much more. You are well aware that a computer performs any work according to a program. Programs are written by people, and the computer formally executes them. Developers of artificial intelligence systems are precisely trying to teach a machine, like a person, to independently build a program of its actions based on the conditions of the problem. You can also say this: the goal is to transform the computer from a formal performer into an intellectual performer.

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Information Systems

“Information support of IS” - Basic concepts of ERD. Code generation. The connection is represented by a line. Keys. Indexes. Instance. Scaling. Displaying the data model. Unique name and number. Domains. IDEFI method. Entity types and inheritance hierarchy. Selection list. Entities and attributes. Connections Forward and reverse engineering. Data modeling.

“The concept of an information system” - Every system has a specific purpose (function, goal). Antarctica is covered with eternal ice. An adjective expresses a property. The concept of a system. Opposite poles of a magnet attract, and like poles repel. Bermuda is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Task 2 Draw up a personal horoscope.

“Information, information system” - Classification of information systems. Classification. Application software subsystem. File server. Efficiency. Innovation. Marketing management. Information Systems. Examples of information systems implementation. Factors. Requirements for information systems.

“Information systems maintenance” - Characteristics. Tests are carried out for various purposes and in different modes. Period of operation of the IS. Operation of IS. Structure of the “machine time” fund. IS life cycle models. Features of the use of IP resources. Process of change. A set of technological elements. IS feature. IS maintenance. Physical deterioration.

“Information systems administration” - Security analysis and configuration. User management commands. Administrators. Security in Active Directory. Security code. Kerberos scheme. Graphical user management interface. Active Directory protection. Command interface. Standard security patterns. Protection. Security by default.

“Information systems” - However, almost immediately businessmen drew attention to the appearance of computers. Where does the data in external storage come from? Introduction to information systems. Problems solved by information systems. Others perform operations that involve retrieving from a database. Distance education. Still others do both.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Artificial intelligence and computers The project was prepared by: students of class 10 "G" Magomedova A.M. and Slugina S.V.

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An electronic computer, a computer, is a set of technical means where the main functional elements (logical, storage, display, etc.) are made on electronic elements designed for automatic information processing in the process of solving computational and information problems.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) 1) the science and technology of creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs; 2) the property of intelligent systems to perform creative functions that are traditionally considered the prerogative of humans. AI is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but is not necessarily limited to biologically plausible methods.

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Of course, we humans have intelligence, this is what distinguishes us from other living beings. But can we say that only humans have intelligence? We call ourselves “a reasonable person,” a person with reason, a person with intelligence. What does this give us? This allows us to change the world. Change the world at will, do what nature has not done for us. But how? How can we do this? how we created everything that now surrounds us, all these benefits of civilization. Do animals have intelligence? Yes, animals live in harmony with nature and do not try to change it. Or is that not true? We think not. Animals dig holes that nature did not provide for them. They make nests and build webs (spiders). They even use what has been created by man to achieve their goals, like a crow throwing nuts on the road so that the nut will be crushed by a passing car. Creating reserves for the winter, flying to warmer climes. And dogs that know how to cross the road when the traffic light is green and use public transport. Of course, for animals, what man created is the same nature, only with the difference that the reaction to a car is an acquired experience. In a word, the animal adapts to life in a changing environment. Learns to respond to new dangers, learn to eat new food and obtain it in new conditions. A living organism lives and functions independently, eats, avoids dangers, adapts, and learns. A living organism acquires experience and uses it. For example, let's take a vacuum cleaner, a robotic vacuum cleaner, many have seen one. What can he do? This vacuum cleaner travels around the apartment avoiding obstacles and falls from stairs. It can be powered - connect to a charger on its own to charge its battery. This vacuum cleaner looks like it's alive. It can function like this on its own for quite a long time. You can compare it to a beetle that is not afraid of anything, crawls on its own and does not react to anyone. The insect beetle also does not learn, release the beetle, and it will look the same - the beetle will rush around the room looking for a way out and food. The beetle will also obey its own, more complex, rigid program. The only difference will be that the vacuum cleaner was created by man, the beetle appeared due to the division of living cells. Of course, you can’t compare a beetle and a vacuum cleaner, but both perform their intended functions. So what is intelligence? We believe that intelligence is the ability to interact with the environment, move, respond to changes, and act with the help of limbs. Thus, all living organisms, from protozoa, plants, bacteria, humans, have intelligence, but to varying degrees of development.

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Artificial intelligence - the main function The fifties witnessed the appearance on the horizon of post-war science of a supernova - Cybernetics, its rapid rise and equally rapid disintegration into parts, one of which is associated with the birth of artificial intelligence (AI). And although a variety of hopes were (and continue to be) associated with the catchy name of the newborn, it soon became clear that no matter how broadly this area is interpreted, its core should be the apparatus for representing and processing knowledge. At the same time, the most ambitious apologists believe that the goal of artificial intelligence is the formation of an apparatus of metaknowledge capable of uniting philosophy, psychology, mathematics and extending the “new order” of symbiosis between man and computer to all sciences, activities and even art. Thus, it turned out that the main task of AI - the development of formal means of representing and processing knowledge - is very close to the function of mathematics itself.

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Can a machine think for itself? Developers of AI systems are precisely trying to teach a machine, like a person, to independently build a program of its actions based on the conditions of the task. The goal is to transform the computer from a formal performer into an intellectual performer.

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What are the capabilities of modern computers? Nowadays, a lot has changed, now for many an ordinary PC has become much more than a simple machine for calculating and performing various work procedures in specialized programs. Today it is already quite difficult to quickly list all the areas of application of modern computers. It should be noted that even such special tools as a surveillance video camera can now work with a PC. It is worth noting that computer graphics played an important role in the improvement and overall development of the modern PC, which, in fact, set many directions for the active practical use of modern computer technology. For example, now, thanks to the use of 3D graphics, there is a unique opportunity to explore and evaluate various complex information data, including models of the development of the earth's climate and much more. At the same time, computer graphics makes it possible to create images of almost any complexity. In addition, it should be noted that in the field of studying various languages, PCs make it possible to automatically create abstracts of texts, check morphology and spelling, and perform quick translations; synthesize new texts, recognize and also synthesize human speech from text (both in English and Russian). It is important to know that the introduction of networks has made it possible to transform a standard computer from a standard computing tool into a special communication device. With the advent of the Internet, a new round in the evolution of modern humanity began - the so-called time of “information technology”. It is thanks to this that modern PCs are used in almost all known branches of science and production. It should be especially noted that modern PCs have significantly simplified and automated all work processes and procedures. For example, installation of video surveillance systems based on a regular PC and special server stations allows you to build the most effective modern security system, eliminating any possible malfunctions. It is worth saying that the general evolution and improvement of computers continues to progress at a rapid pace - perhaps in the near future computers with special artificial intelligence will appear. In them, it will be quite possible to enter text by voice, special voice commands, machine “touch” and “vision”. Today, much of what was previously listed has already been put into practice, and active work is now underway to further develop such technologies.

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Presentation on the topic: Artificial intelligence

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Artificial intelligence Intellectus (from Latin cognition, understanding, reason) – the ability of thinking, rational knowledge. The subject of study of the science “artificial intelligence” is human thinking. Scientists are looking for an answer to the question: how does a person think? The goal of this research is to create a model of human intelligence and implement it on a computer (in other words: teach a machine to think).

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Artificial intelligence - the main function The fifties witnessed the appearance on the horizon of post-war science of a supernova - Cybernetics, its rapid rise and equally rapid disintegration into parts, one of which is associated with the birth of artificial intelligence (AI). And although a variety of hopes were (and continue to be) associated with the catchy name of the newborn, it soon became clear that no matter how broadly this area is interpreted, its core should be the apparatus for representing and processing knowledge.

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At the same time, the most ambitious apologists believe that the goal of artificial intelligence is the formation of an apparatus of metaknowledge capable of uniting philosophy, psychology, mathematics and extending the “new order” of symbiosis between man and computer to all sciences, activities and even art. Thus, it turned out that the main task of AI - the development of formal means of representing and processing knowledge - is very close to the function of mathematics itself.

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However, there is a fairly significant difference in their methodological positions: while dealing with the theory and development of formal apparatuses, mathematics only on the periphery pays attention to the application of these apparatuses to the problems of other disciplines; Artificial intelligence methodology is characterized by the opposite direction - from the study of various forms of knowledge to the development of a set of formal means, ideally covering the entire range of areas of activity.

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There are many human activities that cannot be planned in advance. Composing music and poetry, proving a theorem, literary translation from a foreign language, diagnosing and treating a disease, and much more... For example, when playing chess, a chess player knows the rules of the game and has a goal - to win the game. His actions are not pre-programmed. They depend on the actions of the opponent, on the developing position on the board, on the intelligence and personal experience of the chess player.

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Any artificial intelligence system operates within a specific subject area (medical diagnostics, legislation, mathematics, economics, etc.) Like a specialist, a computer must have knowledge in a given area. Knowledge in a specific subject area, formalized in a certain way and stored in memory Computers are called computer knowledge base.

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For example, you want to use a computer to solve geometry problems. The problem book contains 500 problems of different content. An artificial intelligence specialist will embed knowledge of geometry into the computer (it is assumed that this is how the teacher’s knowledge is imbued in you). Based on this knowledge and using a special logical reasoning algorithm, the computer will solve any of 500 problems. To do this, it is enough to tell him only the condition of the problem. Artificial intelligence systems work on the basis of the knowledge bases embedded in them.

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How to create an intelligent system on a computer? Human thinking is based on two components: the stock of knowledge and the ability for logical reasoning. This gives rise to two main tasks when creating intelligent systems on a computer: knowledge modeling (development of methods for formalizing knowledge to enter it into computer memory as a knowledge base); reasoning modeling (creation of computer programs that imitate the logic of human thinking when solving various problems).

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One of the types of artificial intelligence systems is expert systems. The purpose of expert systems is to provide user consultations and help in decision making. Such assistance becomes especially important in extreme situations, for example, in the event of a technical accident, emergency operation, or when driving. The computer is not subject to stress. He will quickly find the optimal, safe solution and offer it to the person.

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For those who are interested: Artificial intelligence - the main function Knowledge modeling Fuzzy mathematics Information technology - change of eras “Non-algorithmic” control... Tasks for specialists of the highest class Computer NOT von Neumann architecture

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The central task of AI - the creation of an apparatus of knowledge (AZ) - almost immediately required clarification - what kind of knowledge are we talking about? If we talk about precise, formal ones, then these territories already have a mistress - Mathematics, with a professional army, with which the conquistadors of the new lands had no desire to get involved. If we mean informal knowledge, then it can include both: sufficiently studied and specific, but (so far) poorly formalized - for example, the syntax of natural language or medical diagnostics, and poorly formalized in principle, that is, the main part of the concepts of all areas activities - from the humanities to art and everyday spheres of life.

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This almost hopeless situation was saved by L. Zadeh, who proposed the concept of a linguistic variable and the apparatus of fuzzy mathematics in the mid-60s. Artificial intelligence received a real magic wand as a gift - it quickly became clear that the desert of solid white spots on the map of knowledge can be easily turned into vaguely (and, alas, only virtually) flowering fields.

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Fuzzy-Morgana quickly captured the masses: by the early 80s, the fuzzy bibliography numbered about twenty thousand titles, the number of which has probably increased since then by no less than two or three times. In the whirlpool of enthusiasm, a certain congenital defect of the new universal means went unnoticed - the semantics and pragmatics of the apparatus of fuzziness from the very beginning were themselves quite fuzzy: what remained blurred was WHAT, in fact, represents fuzziness, WHAT it operates on and WHY exactly THIS way and not otherwise. The vagueness of the apparatus inevitably led to complete obscurity of the results of its use, which was not noticed simply because it remained unclear how, in fact, to check these results.

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Although imperative (algorithmic) control has been the basis of programming for von Neumann architecture computers from the very beginning, in the late 60s and early 70s there were attempts to develop alternative ways of organizing the computing process. This was primarily associated with research on AI and parallel programming for multiprocessor systems. However, qualitative progress in solving this problem has been provided by the apparatus of underdetermined models and recent work in the field of constraint programming, since they are built on a decentralized, asynchronous, maximally parallel data-driven computation process. As the next step of this revolution, a transition to event-based management is possible, significantly increasing the level of the associative apparatus that organizes the management process based on data.

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Parallelism Unsolvability - the problem of parallelization of imperative software technologies has formed an insurmountable barrier to the widespread adoption of multiprocessor systems. Over the past 15 years, software and hardware have changed places: the level of automation of hardware design and the cost of the element base have made it possible for many years to mass produce computers with any number of processors, however, adapting modern software products for them and developing new software products remains a task solved only by the highest-class specialists and then only in some special cases. In the new IT paradigm, parallelism ceases to be a problem, but becomes a natural property of any software system.

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The computer is NOT von Neumann architecture. Management based on data (and in the future - based on events) radically changes the very organization of the computing process, making it asynchronous, decentralized and independent of the number of processors. A fundamental restructuring of the familiar von Neumann architecture of modern machines will be required. Thus, there is a prospect of not just a change of generations, but a change of eras, leading to a real revolution - a shock to the “immutable foundations” of IT: Algorithm, von Neumann architecture, deterministic and sequential process forever go down in history, giving way to Model, multi-agency and associative self-organizing non-deterministic parallel process.

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