Flying in a wind tunnel is a way to relax and relieve stress from training. Visiting restrictions

I told Working Mom about what a wind tunnel is, what they are like, and how the flights work. Taisiya and her husband are involved in parachuting, and recommend flying in a wind tunnel to anyone who is afraid to jump with a parachute.

Many of you have seen on television professional fly athletes doing incredible things in the air flow high above the ground. Anyone can experience a similar experience, thanks to the modern miracle of technology - the wind tunnel, the “wind tunnel”. This is a free fall simulator, in the air currents of which skydivers hone their skills and body control skills in free fall. As an attraction, the wind tunnel is available to anyone.

I'll tell you a little about the design. Wind tunnels are of open and closed type. Open - seasonal attraction. The air is not heated. The “quality” of the air flow in such a pipe is far from ideal. Less comfort, less room for maneuver, less height. They are a “glass”, at the bottom of which a very large and powerful fan is installed, so the diameter of the pipe cannot be very large. Air is forced into the “pipe”, supporting the flyer. It is cheaper to fly in a tube of this design.

A closed wind tunnel is a slightly different level of comfort. Air temperature is maintained at the same level all year round, perfectly smooth flow, large diameter and height, automatic and manual safety control, the ability to fly high, high! When flying in such a tube, you will not see rotating blades or hear the rumble of the turbine. They are installed in a separate room, pumping air through a closed circuit, and, if necessary, taking a new “portion” from the outside. But the cost of the flight will be higher.

For a beginner, the flight begins with booking your time in advance. On the day of the flight, you need to arrive at the complex in advance, no later than 45 minutes before the flight. The administrator will register you in the flight group, the instructor will give you a special overall, helmet, goggles, you will change clothes and go to the training class for pre-flight briefing.
The flight time is divided into sessions of 1.5-2 minutes, depending on the total number of minutes. During the flight, an experienced instructor will be with you in the flight chamber itself, guiding your actions.

Children can fly starting from 4 years old. There are also real flying professionals, they learn to fly with a personal trainer, and participate in children's competitions (the sport is called bodyfly).

Where to fly in Moscow with children

1. Wind tunnel “Letarium”
m. Krylatskoye
From RUB 2,200/2 min.

In Krylatskoye, a five-minute walk from the metro station, there is the Letarium indoor aerodynamic complex. You can fly in a closed wind tunnel and experience all the delights of free fall here all year round. Pipe height – 6.5 m, diameter – 2.5 m, speed – up to 250 km/h. Children from 4 years old and adults are invited to Letarium.

2. Sports and entertainment complex and wind tunnel “Free Flight”
Moscow region, Krasnogorsky district
From RUB 2,000/2 min.

Adults and children over 4 years old can fly in the closed-type wind tunnel “Free Flight”. It can be either an attraction or become a serious sports discipline - athletes are also trained here. The diameter of the Free Flight wind tunnel is 4.1 meters and the height is 7. The flow speed reaches 270 km/h. The wind tunnel was designed by the Swiss company Bodyflying A.G. and was built in 2009 by joint efforts of Russian and Swiss engineers.

3. Aerostream wind tunnel
m. Volzhskaya
From 200 rub./1 min.

The open-type wind tunnel “Airflow” operates at any time of the year. The weight of the participants is not important, but children under 16 years of age are allowed into the pipe only if accompanied by an adult. For the safety of participants, the wind tunnel is equipped with a plastic cup and a trampoline net that does not allow you to fly out of the air flow zone. The flow speed can reach 250 km/h.

After intense workouts at the fitness club, sometimes there is only one desire left - to lie down and fall asleep. In fact, you can choose another interesting way of relaxation that will help you recover after exercise - flying in a wind tunnel. The wind tunnel will help you fully relax, and at the same time, load those muscles that were not used during exercise.

A wind tunnel is a special installation in which weightlessness is created under the influence of an upward air flow. The air flow keeps a person above the surface in a state of free fall. The maximum flow speed reaches 250 km per hour. In such conditions, you can soar above the surface, ascend, descend, and at an advanced level, even perform acrobatic tricks. Flying in a wind tunnel is beneficial for a number of reasons. While soaring, you can completely relax and surrender to the flow. At the same time, you have a unique opportunity to load those muscles that did not receive load in the gym.

During classes you relieve stress, receiving a lot of positive emotions. There is no need to artificially raise your mood - it will rise naturally in the pipe. Negative stress that creates problems in life can be relieved by another type of stress that produces adrenaline. This is exactly the kind of stress you experience in a wind tunnel.

Flying can provide additional training. Many girls are in a state of overtraining. Wanting to achieve results as quickly as possible, they exercise too much, and as a result, the body begins to protest. If you replace certain types of training with tube flights, you can achieve results faster without spending extra time. Flying is an intense workout, so it doesn't take hours.

Flights after work hours

Another problem that girls face is moral exhaustion after a day of work. Sometimes you just don’t have the willpower to get to the gym. If this is the situation, then there is no need to force yourself. You can drive to the wind tunnel. Flying doesn't require willpower—it's fun. And at the same time, this type of training allows you to load your muscles, so you won’t feel like you’re weakened without exercising.

Tube flights can also be a good help for those girls who want to find a more effective way to increase muscle tone. Those who skydive in the summer also practice in the wind tunnel. In winter it can be difficult to jump, but the pipe works all year round. Here new opportunities open up even for experienced skydivers and extreme sports enthusiasts.

Advantages of flying

The wind tunnel has many advantages:

  • it is safe;
  • flights have almost no contraindications;
  • Pipe classes are available at any age;
  • it is relatively inexpensive;
  • flights do not take much time;
  • you get positive emotions and load all your muscles.

Extreme sports enthusiasts always take risks, but not those who fly in a wind tunnel. The simulator is so safe that young children are allowed to use it. The main thing is that the instructor can find a suitable suit and helmet for the child. The tube is wide enough, so they fly in groups and one person at a time. You can come here to relieve stress and nervous tension, get a charge of positive emotions and cheer up. Don't miss this unique opportunity. Flights in a tube realize the main dream of humanity - to soar like a bird.

Questions and answers about flying in a wind tunnel

With us you will be equipped with a special flight suit and helmet.

Total time spent on the territory of the aerodynamic complex along with the flight (including training, equipment, preparation). - take about 40-60 minutes, regardless of the tariff you choose.

Only pure flight time is paid. Preparation and equipment time is completely free!!!

Light rain, gusty winds and snow do not affect flights in the airflow tunnel. Don't forget that the air flow speed is over 200 km/h!!!

The weight of the flight participant is up to 120 kg.

No serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

Persons under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

Wear loose clothing that does not restrict movement, comfortable shoes.

For safety reasons, beginners can only be in the stream in the presence of...

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What is ULET.PRO?

How difficult is it?
Flying in a wind tunnel is not at all difficult. Most people can stay in the air flow and control their body within the first minutes of flight...

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You cannot determine a person who is dangerous and for whom flying in a wind tunnel is contraindicated by appearance, and here the organizers of this type of entertainment are powerless. I have not heard of any accidents at this attraction, so I think that from a technical point of view, everything has been calculated here (it may theoretically be possible for a person to be thrown away from the air flow, but he will not receive serious injuries). Here we need to talk more about the possible “phobias” of the participant. If a person wants to overcome a “phobia” somehow related to this attraction (or a child is simply very afraid) and decides to fly, then the consequences for the psyche (and maybe the heart, too strong emotions) can be sad, even if outwardly will look healthy (doctors will tell you more). DO NOT force people to participate in any attraction if they don’t want to, maybe the person just doesn’t feel well at that moment, but to say...

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Among our holiday ideas there are already several related to flights. And if some are afraid to even fly on a paraglider, which provides a sense of support from takeoff to landing, then it is even more difficult to decide on a rapid fall when jumping with a parachute or on a rope.

However, there is an option for those who want to experience the feeling of flight without tormenting their nervous system - flying in a wind tunnel. A relative of test stands, the vertical wind tunnel was conceived for training athletes and military paratroopers. Now its use as entertainment for everyone is actively gaining momentum.

The wind tunnel has virtually no restrictions on its use; it can lift both a child and a not-so-light adult into the air. Contraindications are standard for any entertainment associated with heavy physical activity. That's right: flying in a wind tunnel is a difficult test, so you will hardly be allowed to continue the session for more than 2 - 5 minutes without a break. Zone...

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This is a mobile vertical aerodynamic simulator - an open wind tunnel, located in Kyiv, which allows you to experience real flight. Experience the feeling of free fall, like jumping with a parachute, while being as safe as possible. Our aerodynamic simulator completely simulates free fall - air flow at a speed of about 200 km/h will allow you to enjoy the feeling of free flight.

How dangerous is flying in a wind tunnel?

Flying in a wind tunnel is safe. A professional instructor will be with you throughout the entire flight session. He will hold you by special grips on the overalls, help you master the principle of body control in the air flow and, of course, get maximum pleasure from the flight.

How difficult is it?
Flying in a wind tunnel is not at all difficult. Most people can stay in the air flow and control their body within the first two minutes of flying...

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Journalists from “Izyum Expert” do not like to be unfounded and often check everything on themselves. So, before we talk about flying in the Wind Tunnel, we ourselves violated the law of gravity. Cast: editor-in-chief Galina Sheveleva-Timofeeva and journalist Victoria Gavrilina, instructor Ilya Vorontsov.

Galina Sheveleva-Timofeeva, editor-in-chief of the media project “Izyum Expert”:

“From the outside it seemed like if you hit the stream and you’ll fly. In fact, it was necessary to adapt. And it wasn’t even the jet of air that constantly threw me against the walls, but the incorrect control of my body in flight. It’s a pity I couldn’t immediately track the desired position, but I tried, my head worked clearly, there was no panic. They flew at a height of approximately 2 meters from the level of the grid in the glass. I want to experience the feeling of flying at a 5-meter height. After leaving the pipe, I understood what gravity is. It was so easy in the Wind Tunnel, but on the ground you immediately felt the weight of your body.” journalist Victoria tells...

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The now popular wind tunnel flight is an exciting event. But can it benefit your figure? We will tell you about this and other important details right now.

A group of daredevils are given equipment, a control unit and sent to fly in a wind tunnel. The instructor insures you and, if necessary, corrects you.

Who tried: Yulia Nalintseva, editor
Where: Aeropotok wind tunnel (Krylatskoye)

The benefits of flying in a wind tunnel

For a person who has nothing to do with parachuting, a wind tunnel is entertainment. The instructor told me this: fitness cannot be replaced by flying. Here it will not be possible to purposefully “tighten up this” and “pump up that”. But you can finally get to know your stabilizer muscles better (then they hurt thoroughly and for a long time). You can also work with your fear of heights, if you have one, and learn a useful relaxation skill. Plus adrenaline, but it's not for everyone.


Pregnant women and people with...

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Feel like an astronaut by flying in a wind tunnel. Have fun on an attraction that was originally used to train American paratroopers. Fly and find out how birds feel in the air.

Wind tunnel - simulator for American paratroopers

Aerodynamic simulator, a free-fall air simulator on which skydivers train. This is a vertical tube in which air moves vertically upward at a speed of 200 km/h, which will keep you in a state of flight. But, unlike skydiving, this is an absolutely safe activity, since “flying into a chimney” in the literal sense of the word will not work: a special net will insure you from above and below.

Better than skydiving

Many professional skydivers claim that a wind tunnel is cooler than a parachute jump, because it allows you to fly for 10-20 minutes, while a free fall with a parachute lasts only one. Minimum session...

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Flights in a wind tunnel

A profitable alternative to skydiving is flying in a wind tunnel. In order to organize a business in airplane or airplane riding, parachute jumping and the like, a businessman will need colossal capital investments. We offer an option – an alternative – a wind tunnel. This type of exciting attraction will appeal to everyone - adults and even children.

Each of us at least sometimes experienced a vague longing for the sky and a desire to fly. But skydiving is too dangerous, according to most people, and they are right. For an unprepared beginner, the first jump may be the last. In addition to many medical contraindications, there are a number of other features - a serious risk to life, a threat to health, and for a businessman, especially a beginner, the opening of such attractions as parachute jumping and airplane rides will be very expensive. An alternative to skydiving is...

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A device that can serve as a simulator that simulates free fall is called a wind tunnel. To force the air flow, large propellers are used, which drive air at a speed of 200 km per hour. This speed of air flow is enough to allow a person to float freely in this flow. This attraction is especially attractive for those who dream of skydiving, but fear prevents them.

Flying in a wind tunnel is completely safe, since the flights take place at low altitude. The diameter of the pipe is within 3 meters and the height is 10 meters. The wind tunnel is used not only to just fly and enjoy it. This type of flight tube is used by skydivers to practice free-floating behavior.

How does flight occur in air traffic?

Nothing particularly complicated happens there. Upon arrival at the place where the wind tunnel is located, go through registration and safety briefing from the instructor. So...

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Question: What is flying in a wind tunnel like?

Flight in a tube is the most accurate simulation of free fall when jumping with a parachute. Unlike skydiving (free fall time is up to 60 seconds), you can enjoy flying in a wind tunnel for as long as you want.

Question: When can I fly, do I need to make an appointment in advance?

The flight must be booked in advance by calling from 10:00 to 19:00 on +38 067 297 70 70, +38 095 701-38-51, or by filling out the online form on the website (wait for confirmation from administrator by phone or email). You can fly on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 14:00 to 21:00, on Saturday and Sunday - from 10:00 to 21:00. Mondays are days for complex maintenance.

Question: When do you need to be there? Should I arrive early?

To give everyone the opportunity to fly, with a large flow of people, the complex's employees decide on organizational...

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A wind tunnel can make a person's long-standing dream come true - to feel the feeling of flight. This is an active holiday, and the feeling can even be called extreme. Although the technical features of the wind tunnel are suitable even for children's leisure.

A wind tunnel allows you to soar while suspended in air currents. This entertainment was first tested at an air base in Ohio (USA). The growing popularity of parachuting also influenced the spread of the popularity of the wind tunnel in the late 90s of the 20th century. By the way, the XX Winter Olympic Games held a closing ceremony with athletes hovering over a vertical wind tunnel.

Air flows in a wind tunnel are created by powerful fans. You won't be able to enter a wind tunnel. You will have to fall, pressing your hands to your chest. Inside, the beginner is picked up not only by the air flow, but also by the instructor. For beginners, instructors suggest taking a simple pose: bend your legs at the knees, and...

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For those who want to experience the indescribable lightness of free flight, but do not risk jumping with a parachute, there is an excellent alternative - a wind tunnel. This unique simulator, which is a free fall simulator, was invented for training paratroopers and pilots. The air flow that moves in the wind tunnel has a huge speed of 200 km/h. This air movement is provided by two powerful screws that pump air into the upper part of the device. If you compare flying in a wind tunnel and jumping with a parachute, then, firstly, a wind tunnel is much safer than a real jump, secondly, it is cheaper, and thirdly, a flight on a simulator will last tens of times longer than a real jump from an airplane.

Anyone can fly in a wind tunnel, regardless of their level of athletic training. Flights in a wind tunnel are practically safe, since a person is lifted to a low altitude. Most wind tunnels have a diameter of 3 m and a height of about 10 meters. Before...

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Do you want to surprise the hero of the occasion who loves extreme sports or active recreation? In this case, we suggest you pay attention to such a gift as a certificate for flying in a wind tunnel.

What is wind tunnel flight?

Flight in a wind tunnel is an attraction that is a kind of simulator of free fall, as well as being in weightlessness under the influence of rising air currents.

For people interested in skydiving, this is a great way to practice. And for the rest, this is an opportunity to have fun and escape from the drabness of everyday life.

Earth's gravity is always with us. It fetters our thoughts and movements. 1700 liters can come to your aid. s., which means that you will be able to soar in the air, and the air speed, which is 300 km/h, will relieve you of gravity.

The diameter of the wind tunnel is 3 meters, and the height is from 5 to 10 meters. All wind tunnels are divided into 2 types:

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It is safe?
Flying in a wind tunnel is not only absolutely safe, but, like other types of physical activity, it is good for health. Experienced instructors will help you get comfortable in the air flow and will insure you throughout the flight. And a strong elastic mesh stretched above and below the flight zone will prevent you from falling or flying to a dangerous height.

It's complicated?
Almost anyone can do it (children over 5 years old accompanied by legal representatives). You don't need to be an extreme athlete to fly in a wind tunnel. It is enough to have average physical fitness and follow the instructions of the instructor.

How does it feel during the flight?
Answer: A wind tunnel allows you to simulate the feeling of weightlessness. In other words, it allows you to reach wind speeds of up to ten thousand kilometers per hour and allows you to believe in the fact that you are falling on your face at the highest possible speed. This feeling is very deep and does not create the effect of nausea in the stomach.

Is it possible to come with friends with the intention that they will have the opportunity to contemplate my flight?
The wind tunnel is located in a cozy building, there is an observation area from which friends have the opportunity to observe the participants and take photographs.

Can wind tunnel experience help in skydiving?
Yes, quite, provided that you manage to hold out in an air flow with a latitude of more than four meters, then you, too, will be able to endure a free fall from a heavenly height.

Are flying in a wind tunnel and parachuting the same thing?
The technique for maneuvering in the air is the same. The only difference is the experience gained from these types of sports. The fact is that in parachuting you need to be fearless, since you need to jump from a height of about four kilometers. And in a wind tunnel, flight begins from the surface of the earth. However, both of these sports can provide an unforgettable experience.

Is it difficult to breathe when exposed to air flow?
There are no breathing difficulties. You can breathe and everyone breathes. All you have to do is just relax and you can breathe calmly.

How long can you stay in?
We strongly recommend that newcomers not take flights lasting more than 15 minutes a day, and in addition, they need to take pauses between flight approaches. Flying in a wind tunnel takes a lot of body energy. Over time, amateurs who have gained experience in flying can increase the duration of flights in a wind tunnel to 30 minutes a day, which is the same load as approximately forty parachute jumps!

Is skydiving experience required to fly in a wind tunnel?
No. For those who are interested in the process of flight itself, but who do not want to make parachute jumps from four thousand meters, this wind tunnel attraction is an excellent option.

Can I fly in a wind tunnel with my friends?
During the briefing, you will be taught flight skills that are compatible only with an instructor. Just like riding a bicycle, controlling the flight requires skill and dexterity. And if you are able to learn how to control your flight in a wind tunnel, then you will have the opportunity to fly together, without the participation of a mentor.

Are there any contraindications for flying in a wind tunnel?
You should not fly in the following cases: serious diseases associated with the vertebrae and back; dislocations of the arms or shoulder joints; unclosed wounds; osteoporosis or any other diseases that are associated with the bone marrow; heart diseases; pregnancy.

What are the age restrictions and are there any?
Every resident of Krasnoyarsk, starting from the age of five, can experience flight in a wind tunnel. We advise parents to monitor their child and provide support while practicing the instructions.
There is no upper limit and therefore it is never too late for you to become a participant in this experiment.

What are the weight restrictions?
Our wind tunnel is capable of lifting body weights up to 120 kg. If you have any doubts about your physical characteristics, call us.

What are the health restrictions for flying?
In order to fly you need to have at least an average level of physical fitness. In everyday life, for most this means that they only need to climb one flight of stairs without experiencing shortness of breath.

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