Why you need to analyze your mistakes. Essay on why you need to analyze your mistakes

It's time to sort out another one. This time the written work contains many speech errors, so do not use it as an example. The most interesting thing is that the author of this text is a fairly prepared graduate, and this fact allows us to draw a disappointing conclusion about the quality of speech of the average eleventh grader. But a simple statement will not solve the problem, so let’s look at the shortcomings so that you remember them when writing your own texts. We will look at the errors after the essay, which I publish with minor edits:

“Do you need to admit your own mistakes? Of course, each person will answer this question differently. In my opinion, if we make mistakes, we must admit their. A person who knows how to admit his mistakes tries to correct the situation and does not draw conclusions. And if you do not admit your guilt, then the person will not do output 1, and in the future you may encounter the same error again.

Let us turn to the story of M.A. Sholokhov. The main character of the work, Andrei Sokolov, is a man of honor who went through two wars and survived the terrible agony of captivity. Andrey committed your 2 mistake before leaving for the front. When the relatives saw off the hero, happens 3 unpleasant . Irina Sokolova mourned her husband and said that they would never see each other again, to which Andrei pushes Irina away. He couldn't listen to his wife bury him alive. Deep in his heart, the hero kept hope that this would not be their last meeting. Having pushed away his dearest person, Andrei regrets what he did and cannot forget or forgive himself for it. He admits his mistake, but, unfortunately, it was no longer possible to correct it. Irina Sokolova and two daughters died during the war. Andrei Sokolov made an irreparable mistake, and he will remember it for the rest of his life.

Let us also remember one of the heroes of the novel by A.S. Pushkin. Unlike Andrei Sokolov, Alexey Shvabrin is a dishonest person, capable of treason and betrayal. He does a lot irreparable actions 5 that endanger the lives of other people. The most significant mistake in the hero’s life is going over to the side of the rebel Pugachev. This act of Shvabrin served as betrayal 6 The Motherland and all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. Alexey Shvabrin himself does not realize his mistakes; for him, making them is the norm of life. Alexey does not admit his mistakes and, accordingly, does not draw conclusions, and most likely the hero may encounter his failures again.

every 8 the mistakes we have made, we must answer for ourselves. A person who admits his mistakes deserves more respect than a person who renounces his guilt and does not consider himself guilty.

(322 words)


  • A if you do not admit your guilt, then a person will not do output 1...

Grammatical error: will make (who? what?) conclusion(V.p.), and not (who? what?) output(R.p.)

In general, in the essay there are often unjustified repetitions (tautology): “ If necessary to acknowledge your own mistakes? Of course, each person will answer this question differently. In my opinion, if we make mistakes, we must to acknowledge their. A person who knows how to acknowledge his mistakes, tries to correct the situation and does not draw conclusions..."

  • Andrey committed your 2 mistake before leaving for the front.

Pleonasm (use of an extra word): it’s already clear whose mistake Andrey is making.

  • When the relatives saw off the hero, happens 3 unpleasant conversation for Andrey with his wife Irina 4.

Incorrect use of tense forms of verbs and word order, leading to ambiguous understanding of the sentence.

Verb usage is happening(non-Soviet, present) in the main part of the SPP is inappropriate, since in appearance and tense this predicate must correlate with the verb saw off(unsov.v., past tense) in the subordinate part. Right: " When the family saw off the hero, an unpleasant conversation took place..."

Unjustified violation of word order ( an unpleasant conversation for Andrey with his wife Irina) makes it difficult to understand the meaning of a sentence. Right: " An unpleasant conversation for Andrey with his wife Irina"

  • He does a lot irreparable actions 5

Lexical incompatibility: a mistake may be irreparable, but not an action.

  • This act of Shvabrin served as betrayal 6 The Motherland and all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress.

Speech error associated with lexical inconsistency. You cannot say: “Served betrayal.” To correct the error, the sentence must be constructed differently. At least this: “Shvabrin’s act is a betrayal of the Motherland and ....”

  • Summarizing what has been said, we can conclude that every 8 the mistakes we have made, we must answer for ourselves.

Open the explanatory dictionary of D.N. Ushakov and read an article about the pronoun k every: 1) Every in a given quantitative series, any of its own, recognized as equivalent, both one, and the other, and the third, etc. Is this the meaning implied in the essay? No, here we are not talking about equal errors, but about all of them. So it’s correct: “ Summing up what has been said, we can conclude that we must answer for all the mistakes we have made ourselves.”

Despite a number of speech defects, the communicative intent of the essay is clear, there is logic in the work, and the graduate’s theses are accompanied by evidence from literary works. For all criteria, you can give a “pass”.

The material was prepared by the creator of the online school “SAMARUS”.

Everyone has made mistakes at least once in their life, but not everyone can be analyzed. Probably each of us has at least once thought about what could have happened if we had acted differently? And is it even possible to fix anything, how to prevent them from happening again? Life teaches us lessons, and we only regret that everything happened this way. Time cannot be returned back, and to prevent this from happening, sometimes it is necessary to analyze what is happening.

The environment in which we live, relationships between peers and within the family can serve as an example. Looking at the lives of different people, we either strive for a life similar to theirs, or, on the contrary, we try to prevent a repetition. Without even knowing it, we analyze the situation, choosing the best option for us. For example, the abuse of alcohol or drugs by friends, seeing their further state, we ourselves choose whether to follow the same path with them or never follow their lifestyle - this is all also analysis. Having made a mistake or an offense, a person may either never do it again, or vice versa - choosing the right one for a particular person.

Thus, analysis helps not to make mistakes again. You should not be afraid of mistakes, because without them not a single person exists. The main thing is to stop in time, analyze the situation and correct it. With mistakes we become wiser and more experienced.

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When following the path of life, it is quite difficult to avoid mistakes along the way. The whole secret is not how to avoid it, but how to use the acquired experience and turn it to your advantage. Simply regretting them is only wasting precious time and missing out on new opportunities that life brings.

Why is it necessary to analyze errors rather than erase them from memory?

Forgetting about a mistake, a person turns the past stage of life into dust. Makes it lose its value. If you try to translate the reasoning into the plane of examples, then you can imagine and simulate the situation. Someone made a serious mistake and at a certain stage of life went down the path of self-destruction through alcohol or drugs. Having completely destroyed his life and the life of his family, the man found himself on the brink of an abyss. This is an obvious mistake of youth.

Some kind of miracle and the support of his loved ones helped him recover and his life went uphill. If you forget about what happened and what pain it brought to those around you, you can step on the same rake again after some time. But if you analyze and draw the right conclusions, you will never return to what it was even if all the circumstances incline towards this. There is human reason in this.

A sober assessment of the mistakes made

The main thing on this path is to evaluate each of your mistakes soberly and draw the right conclusions. An incorrect assessment given to one or another action and an incorrect assessment of subsequent events threaten either the repetition of a mistake or the commission of new ones. It will be absolutely impossible to avoid them throughout your life. The main thing is that they are not repeated and each of them is unique, and not a relapse of the previous one.

How to achieve a sober assessment of actions

In my opinion, the most sensible approach on this path is to constantly reflect on your actions and completely get rid of the fear of doing the wrong thing. Its presence constrains and limits the scope of actions, depriving the person of the opportunity to take big risky actions, which are sometimes simply necessary. Wisdom and experience are where mistakes are useful. Going through them is like a metal plate undergoing a hardening procedure - it’s hot, but it only becomes stronger.

Other essays on similar topics

Everyone has a past and no one is perfect. Absolutely everyone, even the most brilliant person, makes mistakes in their life. But some people only accumulate these mistakes, mindlessly continuing to sin and heaping heavy karma on themselves, while others learn to correct their mistakes and work with their past so that it becomes purer and does not burden the soul, does not burden the present and destroyed the future.

As a rule, in the past of any person there is a lot of good things (happiness, victories, talents, virtues, merits, etc.), as well as things that a person is ashamed of, that he would like to correct, that makes his soul experience pain again and again when he remembers it. These are failures, disappointments, any negative experience and its sad consequences, various kinds of suffering and pain that never go away unless a person purposefully clears his past. That is, until he corrects the mistakes of the past and clears his, his Karma. Separately, you can read about that -!

The good thing is that it is possible to change everything! Of course, you can’t bring back the past, you can’t revive those who have gone into another world, it’s also difficult to deal with injuries, although it’s already possible now, but it’s possible to make sure that the past doesn’t weigh heavily, so that Light, not fear, comes from it to a person, sadness and pain!

Let's look at everything in order!

How should you relate to your past, whatever it may be?

Ideally, the past should give a person strength and support in order to enjoy life in the present and build and build a wonderful future. But for this, the past needs to be: A) Study B) Clear of heavy tails and what makes a person unhappy and weak.

It is in your past that the answers to the most important questions are - why are you like this? Who, how and why should they treat you? What are your strengths and weaknesses? The traps awaiting you (in life) and possible rewards according to fate.

If you want to be a strong, worthy, successful person– your past should become a reliable support for you, and not a quagmire or a black box! The ghosts of the past need to be dealt with.

What should you do with your past, and what should you not do?

Definitely, you shouldn’t run from your past, you shouldn’t be afraid of it, and pretending that everything is fine, if not everything is fine, you shouldn’t be angry with it (and yourself too) and offended - this will never give you anything good.

The past must be analyzed and done fearlessly. Strive to get to the bottom of the truth, to the reasons for what is happening and find answers that will give you peace, light and tranquility in your Soul! So that in the end, for all the trials of fate, you have only and no negativity in your heart!

How to correct the mistakes of your Past?

Be sure to complete all tasks in writing, otherwise it will not work with the desired effect!

1. Form a good support from your Strengths!

  • Write down all your achievements (for this life), victories, everything you have achieved as a positive experience in your life.
  • Thank the Higher Powers, your Destiny, your Soul for this positive experience, for the opportunities that were given, for victories and help in all achievements, revealing talents, gaining knowledge, etc. Thank you, also be sure to write in writing!

2. Find and eliminate the causes of failures and suffering in the past!

  • Write down your most basic failures, losses, everything that makes you feel pain, disappointment, suffering, etc.
  • For each such situation, determine and write what Fate (Higher Powers) taught you, what lesson you took (if it’s difficult to understand, you can ask questions or), what you learned, what you learned (only positive ones). Answers like - “I learned not to trust anyone anymore”- are not accepted, this is a lesson not learned, this is resentment and pride speaking in a person. And here is the answer: “I learned to see good and evil in people, who you can trust and who you can’t.”- this is a good answer, it gives wisdom and adequacy, and not stupid categoricalness and anger at people.
  • For each such situation, draw short and clear conclusions - strong answers that will become a support for you in life, that give you strength, confidence and joy.
  • For each such situation, write Gratitude to Fate and the Higher Powers, for training, for guidance on the “true path,” for everything that fate taught you at that moment and after, when you analyzed the lesson.

3. Apologize to those you have caused!

  • Even if these people are no longer alive, you can still apologize mentally, from your heart. The souls of these people will hear everything they need to hear, believe me, and if you are sincere, you will be forgiven.
  • Write to whom and for what you are asking for forgiveness and let it be as a free, random prayer. Read about that and repent. After this you will my soul is much lighter and lighter.

4. Apologize for your sins to the Higher Powers and your soul!

  • Write down - because of what mistakes, weaknesses, vices, sins you found yourself in those difficult, negative situations that you had to go through in the past and suffer.
  • Write Repentance before the Higher Powers and Fate - for these weaknesses, sins, vices, committed evil. Again, do this as a heartfelt prayer, this repentance can be written as a letter to the Higher Powers (this always works well).
  • Turn to God (the Forces of Light) with a request to teach you not to fall into such situations again, not to make such mistakes. Ask for help in getting rid of your respective weaknesses and shortcomings. It works - incredibly powerfully, try it and see!

5. Create a program for your development!

  • Work on yourself constantly - attend personality development courses (like these), work on our articles, good books (like).
  • Find yourself a mentor and step by step eliminate from your life all the weaknesses, bad habits, vices and shortcomings that in the past led you to suffering and loss.

6. For all problems that you couldn’t solve on your own, work with a Healer!

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