Crossword legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak 4. Outline of literary reading

While failures in the west greatly upset Ivan the Terrible, he was unexpectedly pleased with the conquest of vast Siberia in the east.

Back in 1558, the tsar gave the wealthy industrialist Grigory Stroganov large uninhabited lands on both sides of the Kama River to Chusovaya for 146 miles. Grigory Stroganov and his brother Yakov, following the example of their father, who made a huge fortune in Solvychegodsk from the salt industry, planned to establish large-scale salt pans in the new region, populate it, start arable farming and trade. The settlement of empty places and the establishment of new industries was, of course, very beneficial for the entire state, and therefore the tsar not only willingly ceded lands to enterprising industrialists, but also gave them great benefits.

The Stroganovs were given the right to call free people to their lands, to judge the settlers, who were freed from all taxes and duties for twenty years; then the right was given to build fortifications and maintain armed detachments for defense against attacks by neighboring peoples (Ostyaks, Cheremis, Nogais, etc.). Finally, Stroganov was allowed to recruit willing people, Cossacks, and go to war against hostile foreigners. Soon the Stroganovs had to face the tribes that lived next door, beyond the Ural Mountains. Here, on the banks of the Tobol, Irtysh and Tura rivers, was the Tatar kingdom; the main city was called Isker, or Siberia, on the Tobol River; After the name of this city, the entire kingdom was called Siberian. Previously, the Siberian khans sought the patronage of the Moscow Tsar, at one time they even paid him yasak (tribute) in furs, but the last Khan Kuchum showed hostility towards Moscow, beat and captured the Ostyaks who paid tribute to her; and the Siberian prince Makhmet-Kul went with his army to the Chusovaya River to explore the routes to the Stroganov towns, and here he beat many Moscow tributaries, took their wives and children captive. The Stroganovs notified Ivan the Terrible about this and beat him to allow them to fortify themselves beyond the Urals, keep a fire outfit (artillery) there for defense, and at their own expense recruit volunteers to fight the khans of Siberia. The king allowed it. This was in 1574. Grigory and Yakov Stroganov were no longer alive. The business was continued by their younger brother Semyon and children: Maxim, son of Yakov, and Nikita, son of Gregory.

It was not difficult to recruit a squad of daredevils at that time.

Along the southern and eastern steppe outskirts of the Moscow state, as was said, since the 15th century, free, walking people eager for war have been appearing - the Cossacks. Some of them lived in the villages, carried out the sovereign's service, defended the borders from attacks by bandit Tatar gangs, while others, in the full sense of the free “steppe birds,” escaped from any supervision, “walked” in the expanse of the steppe, attacked at their own peril , on the Tatars, robbed them, hunted in the steppe, fished along the rivers, broke up Tatar merchant caravans, and sometimes they didn’t let Russian merchants go... Gangs of such Cossacks walked both along the Don and the Volga. To the complaints of the Nogai Khan that the Cossacks, despite the fact that he was at peace with Moscow, were robbing Tatar merchants on the Don, Ivan the Terrible replied:

“These robbers live on the Don without our knowledge, they run from us. We have sent more than once before to catch them, but our people cannot catch them.”

It was indeed very difficult to catch gangs of these “thieving” Cossacks, as they were called, in the wide steppes.

A gang of such Cossack freemen, more than 500 people, was brought into the service of the Stroganovs by Ataman Vasily Timofeev, nicknamed Ermak. He was a daredevil of heroic strength, and, moreover, very dexterous and quick-witted... Ermak’s main assistants were Ivan Koltso, who was sentenced to death for his robberies, but was not caught, Nikita Pan and Vasily Meshcheryak - all of these were fellows who, as they say, went through fire and water, who knew no fear. The rest of Ermak’s comrades were like them. The Stroganovs needed such people, ready for anything. They wanted not only to defend their possessions from the attacks of the Siberian king, but to give him a warning in order to discourage him from attacks for a long time. To do this, it was decided to attack Kuchum in his own Siberia. This enterprise, which promised both good booty and military glory, was very much to the liking of Ermak and his fellows. The Stroganovs provided them with everything they needed: food supplies, guns, even small cannons.

Several dozen more daring hunters joined Ermak’s detachment, so that in total there were 840 people in the detachment. Taking with him counselors who knew the river routes well and interpreters, Ermak on September 1, 1582 set off with his daring squad to Siberia to seek his fortune.

According to the slander of one governor, the unkindness of the Stroganovs, the tsar ordered them to return Ermak and not to bully the Siberian “Saltan”; but the royal letter arrived late: the Cossacks were already far away.

At first they sailed on plows and canoes up the Chusovaya River; then we turned into the Serebryanka River. This path was difficult; in some places it was necessary to swim in shallow water on rafts. From Serebryanka, Ermak's people were transported by drag through passes in the Ural ridge to the Zharovlya River, which flows into Tagil, from here they descended into the Tura River. Until now the Cossacks had not encountered any obstacles; Rarely did they even see people along the banks: the land here was wild, almost completely deserted. The Tura River became more crowded. Here we first met the town (now the city of Turinsk), where the Siberian prince Epancha ruled. Here we had to use our weapons, because from the shore they began to shoot at Ermak’s Cossacks with bows. They fired a volley of guns. Several Tatars fell; the rest fled in horror: they had never seen firearms before. The town of Epanchi was ravaged by the Cossacks. Soon they had to disperse another crowd of Tatars with gunfire. They frightened those captured with shots, showed them how bullets pierced their armor, and obtained information from them about Kuchum and his forces. Ermak deliberately released some of the captives so that they would spread fear everywhere with their stories about the miraculous properties of Russian weapons.

“Russian warriors are strong,” they said, according to the chronicle, “when they shoot from their bows, then fire blazes out of them, great smoke comes out, and it’s as if thunder strikes.” The arrows are not visible, but they wound and kill. It is impossible to protect yourself from them with any armor; our kuyaks, armor and chain mail - they all pierce through!

The gun, of course, was what the handful of brave men, led by Ermak, hoped most of all for, planning no more, no less, than to conquer an entire kingdom and subjugate tens of thousands of people.

Map of the Siberian Khanate and Ermak's campaign

The Cossacks sailed down the Tobol, and more than once they had to disperse crowds of natives with shots. The ruler of Siberia, Kuchum, although he was frightened by the stories of the fugitives about the large forces of the enemy and various ominous predictions, did not intend to give up without a fight. He gathered his entire army. He himself encamped on the banks of the Irtysh, near the mouth of the Tobol (not far from the present city of Tobolsk), on Mount Chuvashevo, set up a new ambush here just in case, and sent Tsarevich Makhmet-Kul forward with a large army to meet Ermak’s Cossacks. He met them on the banks of the Tobol, at the Babasan tract, started a battle, but could not defeat them. They floated forward; On the way we took another Siberian town; They found rich booty here, took it with them and moved on. When the Tobol flowed into the Irtysh, the Tatars again overtook the Cossacks and showered them with arrows. Ermak's people repulsed this attack, but they already had several killed, and almost all were wounded by arrows. Things were getting hot. The Tatars probably saw that there weren’t too many enemies, and they attacked them with all their might. But Ermak was already not far from the capital; the fate of his Siberian campaign was soon to be decided. It was necessary to knock Kuchum out of his abattoir and take possession of the capital. The Cossacks began to think: Kuchum had much more strength - for each Russian, perhaps, there were twenty Tatars. The Cossacks gathered in a circle and began to discuss what to do: whether to go forward or go back. Some began to say that we had to return; others and Ermak himself thought differently.

“Brothers,” they said, “where should we run?” Autumn is already: the ice is freezing in the rivers... Let's not accept bad glory, let's not lay reproach on ourselves, let's hope in God: He is also a helper for the helpless! Let us remember, brothers, the promise we made to honest people (the Stroganovs). We cannot return back from Siberia in shame. If God helps us, then even after death our memory will not fade in these countries, and our glory will be eternal!

Everyone agreed with this and decided to stay and fight until death.

At dawn, October 23, Ermak's Cossacks moved to the abatement. Cannons and rifles have now served them well. The Tatars fired clouds of arrows from behind their fence, but did little harm to the Russian daredevils; Finally, they themselves broke through their ambush in three places and attacked the Cossacks. A terrible hand-to-hand battle began. Here guns didn’t help: we had to cut with swords or grab them directly with our hands. It turned out that Ermak’s people showed themselves to be heroes here too: despite the fact that the enemies were twenty times more numerous, the Cossacks broke them. Makhmet-Kul was wounded, the Tatars mixed up, many lost heart; Other Siberian princes subject to Kuchum, seeing that the enemies were prevailing, left the battle. Kuchum first fled to his capital Siberia, seized his belongings here and fled further.

Conquest of Siberia by Ermak. Painting by V. Surikov, 1895

On October 26, Ermak’s Cossacks occupied Siberia, abandoned by its inhabitants. The victors in the empty city were despondent. Their numbers have greatly diminished: in the last battle alone, 107 people fell; there were many wounded and sick. They could no longer bear to go any further, but meanwhile their supplies had run out and a fierce winter was approaching. Hunger and death threatened them...

But after a few days, the Ostyaks, Vogulichs, Tatars with their princelings began to come to Ermak, beat him with their foreheads - they brought him gifts and various supplies; He swore the oath to the sovereign, reassured them with his mercy, treated them kindly and released them without any offense to their yurts. The Cossacks were strictly forbidden to offend the conquered natives.

The Cossacks spent the winter quietly; As soon as Makhmet-Kul attacked them, Ermak defeated him, and he did not bother the Cossacks for some time; but with the onset of spring, I thought about attacking them by surprise, but I myself was in trouble: the Cossacks waylaid the enemies, attacked them sleepy at night and captured Makhmet-Kul. Ermak treated him very kindly. The captivity of this brave and zealous Tatar knight was a blow for Kuchum. At this time, his personal enemy, a Tatar prince, went to war against him; Finally, his governor betrayed him. Things were very bad for Kuchum.

The Cossacks spent the summer of 1582 on campaigns, conquering Tatar towns and uluses along the Siberian rivers Irtysh and Ob. Meanwhile, Ermak let the Stroganovs know that he “defeated Saltan Kuchum, captured his capital city and captured Tsarevich Makhmet-Kul.” The Stroganovs hastened to please the Tsar with this news. Soon a special embassy from Ermak appeared in Moscow - Ivan Ring with several comrades - to beat the sovereign with the kingdom of Siberia and present him with a gift of precious products of the conquered Siberia: sable, beaver and fox furs.

For a long time, contemporaries say, there has not been such joy in Moscow. The rumor that God's mercy towards Russia had not diminished, that God had sent her a new vast Siberian kingdom, quickly spread among the people and brought joy to everyone who had become accustomed in recent years to hearing only about failures and disasters.

The Terrible Tsar received Ivan the Ring graciously, not only forgave him and his comrades for their previous crimes, but generously rewarded him, and, they say, sent Ermak a fur coat from his shoulder, a silver ladle and two shells as a gift; but most importantly, he sent the governor, Prince Volkhovsky, to Siberia with a significant detachment of troops. Very few daredevils remained under the hand of Ermak, and it would have been difficult for him to maintain his conquest without help. Makhmet-Kul was sent to Moscow, where he entered the service of the Tsar; but Kuchum still managed to recover and gain strength. Russian soldiers had a bad time in Siberia: they often suffered from shortages of life supplies; diseases spread among them; It happened that the Tatar princes, at first pretending to be loyal tributaries and allies, then destroyed Ermak’s troops, who trusted them. This is how Ivan Koltso and several comrades died. The governor sent by the king died of illness.

Conquest of Siberia by Ermak. Painting by V. Surikov, 1895. Fragment

Soon Ermak himself died. He found out that Kuchum was going to intercept the Bukhara caravan on its way to Siberia. Taking with him 50 of his daredevils, Ermak hurried to meet the Bukhara merchants in order to protect them from predators on their way along the Irtysh. The Cossacks waited all day for the caravan at the confluence of the Vagaya River with the Irtysh; but neither the merchants nor the predators showed up... The night was stormy. The rain was pouring down. The wind raged on the river. The exhausted Cossacks settled down to rest on the shore and soon fell asleep like the dead. Ermak made a mistake this time - he didn’t post guards, he didn’t think, it’s obvious that the enemies would attack on such a night. And the enemy was very close: on the other side of the river, the Cossacks were lying in wait! . At the direction of the spies, the Tatars secretly crossed the river, attacked the sleeping Cossacks and cut them all down, except two. One escaped and brought to Siberia the terrible news of the beating of the detachment, and the other - Ermak himself, hearing groans, jumped up, managed to fight off the killers who rushed at him with his saber, rushed from the shore into the Irtysh, thinking to escape by swimming, but drowned from the weight of his iron armor (5 August 1584). A few days later, Ermak’s body was washed ashore by the current of the river, where the Tatars found him and, judging by his rich armor with a copper frame, with a golden eagle on his chest, they recognized the drowned man as the conqueror of Siberia. It is clear how happy Kuchum was about this, how all his enemies celebrated the death of Ermak! And in Siberia, the news of the leader’s death led the Russians to such despair that they no longer tried to fight Kuchum, they left Siberia to return to their homeland. This happened after the death of Ivan the Terrible.

But Ermak’s case did not die. The path to Siberia was indicated, and the beginning of Russian rule was laid here. After the death of Ivan the Terrible and the death of Ermak, Russian detachments, one after another, followed the path that he indicated, beyond the Stone Belt (Ural) to Siberia; the native semi-wild peoples, one after another, fell under the power of the Russian Tsar and brought him their yasak (tax); Russian villages were established in the new region, cities were built, and little by little the entire north of Asia with its inexhaustible riches went to Russia.

Ermak was not mistaken when he told his companions: “Our memory will not fail in these countries.” The memory of the daredevils who laid the foundation for Russian rule in Siberia lives to this day both here and in their homeland. In their songs, our people still remember the daring Cossack chieftain, who atoned for his guilt before the tsar by conquering Siberia. One song talks about Ermak, how he, having defeated Kuchum, sent to tell the king:

“Oh, you are a goy, Nadezhda Orthodox Tsar!
They didn’t order me to be executed, but they told me to say:
Like me, Ermak, son Timofeevich,
Just like I walked on the blue sea,
What about the blue sea along the Khvalynsky (Caspian),
Just like I broke bead ships...
And now, Nadezhda the Orthodox Tsar,
I bring you a wild little head
And with a wild little head the kingdom of Siberia!”

Local legends about Ermak have also been preserved in Siberia; and in 1839 in the city of Tobolsk, not far from the place where the ancient Isker, or Siberia, was located, a monument was erected to perpetuate the memory of the daring conqueror of this region.

Literary reading. 4th grade. Educational and training complex "Primary school of the XXI century"

Lesson topic : Folk legends. The legend of the city of Kitezh. The legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak.

Lesson type: explanation of new material with elements of research activities.

Types and forms of organizing the educational process: personality-oriented lesson using frontal, individual, group work.

Teaching methods:problem-search (creation of problem situations and organization of active independent activities of students to resolve them); verbal (conversation, dialogue); practical (working with a table); visual (observation, presentation);


Educational technologies: AMO technology, ICT, gaming technology, teaching technology as educational research, critical thinking technology.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, laptop, map of Russia,

presentation in MS.ppt format, handouts, popular science literature:

N. M. Karamzin “History of the Russian State” volume 3 chapter 8 p. 107, M.: Mosk.rabochiy; Slog, 1993;

N. M. Karamzin “History of the Russian State” volume 9 chapter 6 p. 18, M.: Mosk.rabochiy; Slog, 1993;

A.A. Semenyuk, M.A. Matyushina “School explanatory dictionary of the Russian language”, M., “Prosveshchenie”, 2001;

N.V. Chudakova, A.V. Gromov “I know the world”, p. 209, p. 248, M., AST, 2002;

Textbook “Literary Reading”, grade 4, part I, section “Heroic song, legend, biblical tradition” Compiled by: Efrosinina L.A., Omorokova M.I. - M. “Venta-Graf”, 2004

Purpose of the lesson: to give understanding the legend as a genre of folklore through research work.


1. Educational:

systematization of knowledge about the genre diversity of folklore;

creating conditions for the full perception of literary works through the unity of content and form of work;

comparing the characters of different works, identifying the relationship of one’s own assessment to them and confirming one’s own judgments with the text of the works.

2. Developmental:

development of students’ mental activity using active learning methods;

developing research skills;

mastering initial skills in working with educational and scientific texts;

development of cognitive activity.

3. Educational:

enriching the moral experience of students;

developing skills to work in groups (understand and accept the learning task, argue your point of view in oral communication);

formation of intelligence and general culture.

During the classes

Forms, methods, techniques

Purpose of application

Stage I of the lesson. Initiation

The purpose of the stage: to create the mood for joint collective activities in groups.

1. Selecting AMO “Find Your Soulmate” teams

Students form a group by finding their half of the proverb.

Proverbs: “Learning is light, but ignorance is darkness,” “Time for work, but time for fun.” Annex 1

You are now members of two teams. Teams, please take your seats.

2. Greeting. Game "Tease"

Annex 1

The greeting of the teams will be unusual. Each team takes turns shouting out the teasers they prepared at home.

Whoever runs out of teasers loses.

I suggest wishing each other good luck (palm greeting).

Formation of groups, team feelings


psychological climate

Stage II of the lesson. Entering the topic

The purpose of the stage: systematization of knowledge about folklore genres.

1. Updating knowledge

Today we have an unusual lesson, you will determine its topic by making a word from letters (cards with letters for each team are on the table).

What word did you come up with? (folklore)

What is folklore? (children's answers)

Folklore is oral folk art.

Slide 2

What genre of folklore do the following works belong to?

(prepared children read works)

Slide 3

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Don't lie on the edge.

The little gray top will come

And he’ll grab the barrel... (lullaby)

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field (tongue twister)

There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son...

(fairy tale)

Four brothers stand under one roof (riddle)

Ta-ra-ra! Ta-ra-ra!

There is a mountain in the meadow,

An oak tree grows on the mountain,

And on the oak tree there is a funnel (a nursery rhyme)

Mother Dobrynyushka used to say,

Mother Nikitich punished:

“Oh, you, darling Dobrynya son Nikitinich! (epic)

As it was in the old city,

In the glorious and rich Nizhny,

How did the rich tradesman live here?

Rich tradesman Kuzma Minin-son (heroic song)

A man had two sons. The eldest is calm and economical, he works in the fields and helps his father. But the youngest can’t sit at home, he wants to see distant countries...


Appendix 2

Creating conditions for students to determine the purpose of the lesson and set learning objectives

Updating the student experience necessary to “discover new knowledge”

Stage III of the lesson. Immersion in the topic

The purpose of the stage: to give the concept of legend as a genre of folklore.

1. Goal setting

In the fourth grade, we became acquainted with new genres of folklore: epics, legends, heroic songs. Today we will supplement our knowledge with another type of folklore genre - legend.

Are you familiar with this concept?

AMO "Peak of Success"

Mark the level of your knowledge about the legend at the pinnacle of success (teach e using colored magnets to determine the level of their knowledge about the legend).

Appendix 3

2. Interactive lecture

Introduction of the concept of “legend”

What is a legend?

Where can we find the definition of legend? (find in the explanatory dictionary, Internet)

Group assignment:

1- find the definition of the concept “legend” in the explanatory dictionary using the “Text Compression” technique

2- find a definition of the concept “legend” using a popular science article from the Internet using the “Text Compression” technique

Each team gives its own definition.

Let's get acquainted with this concept on page 17 of our textbook.

Conclusion: the legend is a work of folklore. A legend tells about a historical event in the form of a fairy tale.

Slide 4

Today we will have an unusual lesson, and the lesson is research. We will become research scientists. And the subject of the study will be the legends “About the city of Kitezh”, “About the conquest of Siberia by Ermak”. In the course of our research we must prove that these works are legends.

Establishing conditions for students to set expectations

Revealing the essence of the concept under discussion, constructing a logical conclusion

Stage IV of the lesson Studying the content of the topic

Goal of the stage: developing research skills

1. Familiarity with the content of the work

Assignment: each team gets acquainted with the content of the legends and gives a brief retelling of the content of the textaccording to reference words(cards with support words are on the tables).

Appendix 4

1- reads to himself the legend of the city of Kitezh, pp. 14 - 15

2 - the legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak, pp. 15 – 17

Representatives from the teams give a brief retelling, accompanied by showing illustrations on slides.

Slides 5-10; 11-17

2. Research work

Based on the concept of legend, we must prove that a work is/is not a legend.

Each study has: a subject of study, a hypothesis, research methods and conclusions.

The subject of research for each team will be a legend.

Hypothesis: in the process of research it is necessary to prove that the legend is based on a historical event, written in the form of a fairy tale.

Research method: observation, practical work (working with a map)

Conclusions. Each team has route sheets in which the research results are recorded.

Developing the ability to independently search for necessary information.

Formation of the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control; learn to analyze and summarize acquired knowledge

Research stages

Stage I of the study

Historical figure: prove or disprove the existence of a historical figure

Team 1

The Legend of the City of Kitezh

Team 2

The legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak

Hypothesis: prove or disprove the existence of Batu Khan in history.

Students work with information about this person in the children's encyclopedia “I Explore the World” on page 209 using the “text compression” technique, and read out the proof. The output is entered into a table.

Appendix 5

The teacher complements the students' story.

Slide 18

Conclusion: Batu Khan is a historical figure.

Hypothesis: prove or disprove the existence in history of Ermak, Ivan the Terrible.

Students work with information about these individuals in the children's encyclopedia “I Explore the World” on pages 242, 248 using the “text compression” technique, and read out the proof. The output is entered into a table.

Appendix 5

The teacher complements the students' story. Slides 19-20

Research methods: observation.

Conclusion: Ermak and Ivan the Terrible are historical figures.

Game "Flower-seven-flowered"

The personality characteristics of the heroes (in accordance with the legends) are printed on the cards (petals). Students need to distribute cards for the portraits of Batu and Ermak. Write a story about the characteristics of the relevant historical figure.

Appendix 6

Slides 21-22

Organizing a change of activities in order to prevent fatigue and relieve emotional tension of students

Stage II of the study

Time frame: it is necessary to find a correspondence between the dates of events described in legends and the dates given in popular science articles in N. M. Karamzin’s book “History of the Russian State.”

Hypothesis: the time frames in legends coincide/do not coincide with historical events.

The date of the historical event must be found in the text of the legend.

Students work with an article from N. M. Karamzin’s book “History of the Russian State” volume 3 chapter 8 page 107. The date of the arrival of Batyev’s army on the Volga River and the date from the legend of the appearance of Batyev’s army in the Vetluga forests (XIII century) coincide. The output is entered into a table.

Appendix 5

Research methods: observation.

Hypothesis: the time frames in legends coincide/do not coincide with historical events

The date of the historical event must be found in the text of the legend. Students work with an article from N. M. Karamzin’s book “History of the Russian State” volume 9 chapter 6 page 18. The dates of the life of Ivan the Terrible (1530-1584) and Ermak’s conquest of Siberia (1581) coincide.

Research methods: observation. The output is entered into a table.

Appendix 5

Conclusion: the time frame of the legend coincides with historical events, and therefore corresponds to reality.

Formation of the ability to independently search for necessary information, analyze, and draw conclusions

Stage III of the study

Geographical place: find on the physical map of Russia the geographical names found in the legend

Hypothesis: geographical names in legends are real/not real (they are on modern geographical maps).

Open a geographic map of the Nizhny Novgorod region on the Internet (according to the teacher’s bookmark).

Appendix 7

Students find/do not find on the map the geographical names that appear in the legend: the Volga River, its tributary the Vetluga River, Lake Svetloyar. The output is entered into a table.

Appendix 5

Hypothesis: geographical names in legends are real/not real (they appear on the modern geographical map of Russia).

Students find/do not find on the map of Russia the geographical names that appear in the legend: the Ural Mountains, Don, Siberia, the Irtysh River. The output is entered into a table.

Appendix 5

Research methods: practical work.

Conclusion: our assumption was confirmed.

Formation of the ability to independently search for necessary information, analyze, and draw conclusions

General conclusion: You have proven that the works are based on historical events; one condition from the concept of legend has been met.

IV stage of the study

Artistic style of the work:prove the style of the “fairytale” language of the works

A legend tells about an event in the form of a fairy tale. This is the second condition for defining the concept of legend. We need to prove/disprove the second part of the definition of a legend. Remember and name what is characteristic of the style of “fairytale” language.

Slide 23

The team proves/disproves the conditions of the fairy-tale style of the work, noting its results in the table. It is enough to prove two conditions of the fairy-tale style.

Appendix 5

Development of the ability to make inferences based on previously acquired knowledge

Table of evidence for the literary style of a work

Repetitive definitions.

A long time ago..., she ran and ran...

It is located......heads of churches

Having arrived, conquered, subsided (calmed) ...

victory of spiritual strength over physical strength.

Conclusion: the work is written in the form of a fairy tale.

Repetitive definitions.

I thought and thought, Father Tsar...

Definitions before the word being defined.

He is not afraid of death... the king fell ill.

Short forms of adjectives and verbs.

Got sick, heard,...saw...

Moral values ​​of the people:

To give one’s life for one’s homeland (I will co-serve the holy service faithful to Rus')

Conclusion: the work is written in the form of a fairy tale

Development of abilities for practical application of the studied material

Students work with the text of the legend. The team independently proves/disproves the style of fairy-tale language point by point, noting its results in the table. Each team proves its hypothesis using examples.

General conclusion: the work is written in the style of a fairy tale.

During the research work, they proved that two conditions were met in these works, which means that these works are legends.

Updating the acquired knowledge

Stage V of the lesson Summing up

Goal of the stage: comprehension of new knowledge, skills, critical analysis of the information received

1. Compiling a cluster on the topic “What is a legend?”

Slide 24


Understanding new knowledge, skills, qualities, critical analysis of the information received

2. Reflection: students’ assessment of the level of their own knowledge at the pinnacle of success.

3. Summing up.

Which stage of our research work did you find most interesting? Difficult?

How many of you have felt interested in research activities?

Adjusting your activities based on this assessment, as well as self-assessment of yourself, your behavior, your role, your contribution in the process of group work.

I admit________________

Lesson grade: _____________


lessonliterary reading




Teacher consultation__________________

Lesson topic: The legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak.

Educational and training complex "Primary school of the XXI century"

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

The purpose of the lesson: create favorable conditions for 4th grade students to become acquainted with the legend “On the conquest of Siberia by Ermak”



    Introduce students to the legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak;

    Forming ideas about the characters of different works, identifying the relationship to them in one’s own assessment and confirming one’s own judgments with the text of the works.


    Development of students’ mental activity using active learning methods;

    Development of cognitive activity.


    Enriching the moral experience of students;

    Formation of skills to work in groups (understand and accept the learning task, argue your point of view in oral communication);

    Formation of intelligence and general culture.

Personal UUD:

    Value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events when analyzing the legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak)

Cognitive UUD:

    Forming a desire to learn new things about the genre of folklore

Communication UUD:

1. Formation of the ability to listen to the opinion of an interlocutor/neighbor/comrade.

    Ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher;

    The ability to listen to the opinion of the interlocutor and interact with him;

    Ability to answer questions emotionally.

Equipment: presentation, screen, laptop

During the classes:

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson:

1. Greeting:

U: Hello guys, my name is Alina Nikolaevna and today I will teach you a literary reading lesson. We will have an informative and interesting lesson; today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new topic.

2. Readiness check:

Let's check if everything is ready for the lesson and if our desks are in order.

3. Motivation for educational activities:

A new lesson means new knowledge and new discoveries and, importantly, it’s interesting.

II. Updating knowledge

1. Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Tongue twister

Margarita lost the daisies in the yard.

2. Seven brothers: equal for years, Riddle

Different names. (Days of the week)

3. You can’t pull it out without difficulty Proverb

And a fish from the pond.

4. Why are you, Vasya-Vasilek, frowning, not cheerful? tease

He lowered his eyes and hung his head!

5. And they lived happily ever after, Fairy Tale

And they died on the same day.

6. Sleep my joy, sleep, lullaby

The lights went out in the house...

7. Shiroka river, Nursery rhymes

The banks are high.

III. Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Introduction to the topic:

U: In the fourth grade, you get acquainted with new genres of folklore: epics, legends, heroic songs. Today we will supplement our knowledge with another genre of folklore. And we’ll learn a new topic for the lesson, but first, let’s look at what a “legend” is.

Legend - (from Middle Latin legenda “a collection of liturgical passages for daily services” back in the half of the 19th century) is one of the varieties of non-fairy tale prose folklore. A poetic legend about some historical event. In a figurative sense, it refers to the events of the past covered in glory, causing admiration.

Now let's talk about Ermak.

Ermak Timofeevich (1532 - 1585, Siberian Khanate) - Cossack ataman, historical conqueror of Siberia and the Russian state. One of the historical heroes of Russia.

The origin of Ermak is not known exactly; there are several versions. “Unknown by birth, famous in soul,” he, according to one legend, was from the banks of the Chusovaya River. Thanks to his knowledge of local rivers, he walked along the Kama, Chusovoy and even crossed to Asia, along the Tagil River, until he was taken to serve as a Cossack (Cherepanov Chronicle). According to another version, he was a native of the Kachalinskaya village on the Don.

What can you tell me about Siberia?

U: The origin of the word “Siberia” has not been fully established. “Siberia” can be literally translated from Turkic as sweep, sweep, that is, the wind sweeps, blizzard, etc.

Starting from the 13th century, Siberia began to be called not only by the nationality, but also by the area where it lived. The name was first mentioned by Iranian authors of the 13th century; it was first indicated on a map as “Sebur” in the Catalan Atlas in 1375. In Russian chronicles of the 15th century, the region in the lower reaches of the river was called the Siberian Land. Tobol.

Siberia is a vast geographical region in the northeastern part of Eurasia, bounded on the west by the Ural Mountains, on the east by watershed ridges near the Pacific Ocean, on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the south by the borders of the neighboring states of Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China.

U: Who is ready to formulate a topic?

D: The legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak.

U: Right, well done.

Now set a goal for yourself what you want to learn in this lesson.

2. Study the topic:


We sat up straight, our backs were straight, our hands were placed on our knees, in my gesture we take in air and draw out the letters drawn out (shortly)

Now with the syllable “zha” we come up with the sentence “zha-zha-zha, we are taking a snake with us”

"Ju-zhu-zhu, let's give milk to the hedgehog"

"Shi-shi-shi, how good we all are"

Now imagine that your grandmother is celebrating her 50th birthday. There is a cake in front of you, and there are 50 candles in it, and you need to blow out all these candles. Fills in air and blows so that all the candles blow out at once.

2. Now open the textbook on page 26 and begin to read along the chain.

3. The words have been highlighted in the text, let’s turn to the dictionary and find out what they mean.

Tsar Ivan John IV is

Kuchum is

Now answer my questions guys.

1. Who is the main character? What was Ermak like?

2. Think, maybe someone from the class is similar in character to the main character of this legend?

3. What feat did Ermak accomplish?

4. Did you like the plot of our today's legend? Why?

VI. Fizminutka:

U: Let’s get up from our desks and do physical exercises for our eyes

One - left, two - right,

Three up, four down.

And now we look in circles,

To see the world better.

U: Have a seat

VII. Summary:

Guys, now we take pencils in our hands, open the textbook on page 26 and divide the text into parts and title each part.

1. Duma of the Tsar

2. Servant Advice

3. Search for Ermak

4. Conquest of Siberia

VIII. Fastening:

Now we will consolidate the material, working in pairs, open the workbook on page 14 (4*), you have 3 minutes for the crossword puzzle

2. Grozny

7. Peasant

IX. Reflection:

1. So, guys, what did we talk about in class today?

2. What is the name of the topic of our lesson?

3. What was Tsar Ivan concerned about?


I really liked how you worked in class today. You were active and attentive.

Now let’s grade the lesson (explain why)

Now give me a grade for the lesson.


We open the diaries, write down the homework, study page 30 v.5, write a story in the notebooks

Used Books:

1. Internet resources: “Yandex, Wikipedia”;

2. Educational and training complex “Primary school of the XXI century”: textbook, workbook: L. A. Efrosinina

3. Application:

1. Outline of a literary reading lesson;

Tsar Ivan heard that beyond the Urals there was a land richer than the one that was under his control. He knew that that land was called Siberia, a lot of good things were hidden in it, but it was only far from his kingdom. Tsar Ivan did not sleep for many nights and days, he kept thinking: how to conquer this kingdom of the khan, and add his land to his kingdom. Ivan thought and thought, but he couldn’t come up with anything; he didn’t have the strength that would conquer Kuchumov’s kingdom. The king fell ill and went to bed. His servants, the boyars, became sad, they were afraid that they would be left without the Tsar-Savior, what would they do then. They approached his bed and asked:

Why are you, Father Tsar, sick? What heavy thought lies on your heart?

The king closed his eyes and thought whether to tell them about his thought or not? He knew that the boyars would not help him in his matter, that they would shake their beards and caftans, sigh, and that would be the end of their advice. And so it happened. The boyars went home. One of his poor peasant servants approaches the king and asks:

Where did the illness come from, Father Tsar?

From afar,” answered the king.

Maybe I can help you?

The boyars were there - they didn’t help, and God didn’t tell you to. Tell me better, who is brave and daring in my kingdom, who is not afraid of death, who will not be struck by lightning or deafened by thunder?

The servant thought and said:

There will be such a person in your kingdom, I heard about him from a young age, his name is Ermak Timofeevich, a daring Don Cossack, faithful service, Tsar-Father, he will serve you.

And that’s true, I’ve heard about him, but where is he now, probably, like the wind in a field, walking, where he’ll spend the night, where he’ll whistle through the day.

Tsar Ivan got up from his bed, called his faithful servants to him and sent them to the Don to look for the Cossack Ermak Timofeevich. The servants traveled all over the Don, asked everyone on horseback and on foot, everyone knows the daring Cossack Ermak, but no one knows where he is now walking. The servants returned a year later and said to the king:

We saw all the birds on the Don, all the women and men were counted, but the Cossack Ermak Timofeevich was missing.

The king kicked his servants out of the royal chambers and called to him a faithful peasant servant.

If you find me Ermak, perform faithful service, then you will be my servant above all servants, and the boyars will bow to you from the waist up.

I don’t need anything from you, Father Tsar, but I will serve a holy service faithful to Rus'.

Tsar Ivan gave the peasant various armor, ordered him to take his horse out of his stable, blessed him with his hand and sent him on a good journey. As soon as the man left Moscow, he took off all his armor, put on peasant clothes and walked on foot with a staff along the road, wherever his eyes looked. The man walked for a long time along the road against the sun, his beard grew to his knees, but he didn’t hear anything about Ermak. The man was not sad, he walked quietly and walked. He did not notice how he reached the steep mountains. He looked around and saw that a stranger like him was coming towards him. We met, stopped and started talking. The conversation went on for a long time, but only the man learned from the wanderer that Ermak was wandering around the Urals.

The man walked up and down the river and the mountains of the Urals. Finally he managed to pick up the chieftain's trail. Soon he found Ermak's family and conveyed to him Tsar Ivan's request. Ermak Timofeevich appeared to the Tsar without bowing, wearing a hat. The king looked at the ataman and said:

I have heard different news about you, I wish you could not carry your head on your shoulders, but the king is merciful. Atone for your guilt, do me a good service. Beyond the Urals lies an untrodden piece of land, on that land there are untold riches, you go through that land, catch Khan Kuchum, and bring his people under the rule of Rus'.

Ermak Timofeevich did not contradict the Tsar, he left the Tsar’s chambers, asked for food and drink, and went to his Cossacks in the Urals. Came. He told his brave fellows about everything, and they began to prepare for a campaign to a foreign land, where the Russian soul had never gone.

In the summer of the same year, Ermak Timofeevich reached Tobol, built boats there and reached the Irtysh. Here he met with people from Kuchum's kingdom. Ermak fought with Kuchumov’s people for a long time until they tried the Cossack strength and until many of them were killed. Quite a few Cossacks also died, but Ermak still defeated the Siberian Khan and brought his people under the rule of the Russian Tsar. Ermak Timofeevich wanted to deliver the worst one - Kuchum - to Moscow, but he deceived the chieftain several times, and for this the Cossacks killed him. When Kuchumov’s people submitted to Ermak, the Cossacks told him:

Go, our chieftain, and say that now the Russians can live in Siberia, and it will be easier for Kuchumov’s people with us. Their king was as angry as a wolf, and greedy as a priest.

Ermak Timofeevich did not go to Moscow, but sent his faithful Cossack there. Tsar Ivan found out that the gates to Siberia were open, and began to send different people into it, some of their own free will, and some by force. So the Russians appeared on Siberian soil and are still living, and there is enough goodness in it for everyone. That’s why we remember Ermak Timofeevich and his daring Cossacks.

Works of folklore. Fairy tales, legends, epics, heroic songs.

The legend of the conquest of Siberia by Ermak.

A legend is a genre of folk and literary (author's) works, which are based on real-life incidents or historical events.
We will study legends, which are also based on actual events that happened to people or historical facts.


Painting by V.I. Surikov's "Conquest of Siberia by Ermak" shows us the decisive battle that took place in 1581 between the detachments of Ermak and Kuchum. In this canvas we see how the Cossacks, led by Ermak, are pushing back the Tatars. Ermak himself is depicted as inconspicuous among the other warriors, only raising his hand, indicating the direction for the attack.

The legend begins with the fact that Tsar Ivan was not given peace by the lands beyond the Urals, which were saturated with great wealth. He knew that those lands were called Siberia and they possessed all kinds of goods, but these riches were only far from his kingdom. Tsar Ivan did not sleep for many nights and days, he kept thinking about how to take possession of these lands.

The king was helped by his poor servant, an ordinary man from a peasant family. A peasant servant approaches the Tsar and asks: “Perhaps, how can I help you?” And then the man went after Ermak. Soon he finds Ermak’s family and conveys to him Tsarskaya’s request from Father Ivan. Serve the Tsar faithful and good service. Rich lands lie beyond the Urals, you go to that land, explore it, catch Khan Kuchum, and subjugate his people and train him to serve the king.

We are told about the conquest of Siberia by Ermak with pride, with respect for the great Ermak and his deeds. Ermak appears to us as a strong-built man with a strong winning spirit. His personal qualities include such traits as valor, kindness, perseverance and nobility. Basically, he is presented to us in damask armor, a helmet and a heroic sword. This is exactly how we see Ermak during the conquest of Siberia. We also see patriotism in him, since he calls Rus' “holy,” and his main reward is the blessing of his homeland. In addition to the hero’s patriotism, we still see meaning in his life, this is confirmed by such lines “and we did not live idly in the world!”

In those distant times, the Tatar troops were considered very good and invincible. For a long time, Tatar warriors did not know defeat and it was almost impossible to conquer them. Contrary to all the rumors about the invincible khan and his army, Ermak defeated the latter.

This legend, in its manner of narration, is very similar to a fairy tale, and the conquest of Siberia itself takes place as if by magic. And the very behavior of Tsar Ivan is described as that of a fairy-tale character (a fairy-tale king). Although this legend is based on real events, it is presented to us as a fairy tale. The hero himself really existed and perhaps possessed the traits that we saw in the lines of the legend.

Reading the legend with comments

1. What worried Tsar Ivan? Read it.

“Tsar Ivan heard that beyond the Urals there was a land richer than his... I kept thinking about how to conquer this kingdom of the khan.”

2. Who helped the king find Ermak Timofeevich? Find the answer in the text.

The king was helped by one of his poor peasant servants, an ordinary peasant.

With. 23: “One of his poor peasant servants approaches the king and asks: “Maybe I can help you?” With. 24: “Tsar Ivan sent the peasant on a good journey... The peasant walked all the rivers and mountains of the Urals. Soon he found Ermak’s family and conveyed to him Tsar Ivan’s request.”

3. What request did the king make to Ermak? Read it.

With. 25: “Do me good service. Rich lands lie beyond the Urals, you go through that land, catching Khan Kuchum, and bring his people under the rule of Rus'.”

4. How is Ermak’s conquest of Siberia described in the legend?

Ermak's conquest of Siberia is described with pride, with respect for Ermak himself and his deeds.

5. How do you imagine Ermak Timofeevich? Tell me.

Ermak seems to be a strong-willed and strong-built Don Cossack. A stern look, a heavy hand, a sharp mind. Dressed in damask armor, a helmet on his head, and a sword in his hands. This is what Ermak looked like during the conquest of Siberia. You can see what Ermak looked like in peaceful life in the illustration p. 24.

6. Why did people create a legend about the feat of Ermak Timofeevich? How does this work resemble a fairy tale?

The Tatar khans and the Tatar army were considered invincible at that time. Hardy, cruel Tatar warriors did not know defeat. It was impossible to defeat them, much less conquer the ta-tars. However, Ermak succeeded. Therefore, people created a legend about this Cossack hero.

This work is reminiscent of a fairy tale because the style of narration is similar to that of a fairy tale; the conquest of Siberia occurs as if at the behest of a magic wand (without blood, without description of battles); Tsar Ivan himself behaves like fairy-tale kings (he fell ill, did not drink, did not eat).


We got acquainted with the legend about the conquest of Siberia by Ermak. We learned to divide the text into semantic parts and draw up a plan; retell individual episodes in detail and briefly; express your point of view about the work you read; talk about the hero and his actions, understand the author’s position;


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