Osin Evgeniy biography. Evgeny Osin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children

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He became interested in music at the age of 14 and played drums in a school ensemble. I tried to study at a music school, but then gave up. The only document on musical education is a certificate from the institute for advanced training of cultural workers, which gives the right to work as the leader of an amateur ensemble in any cultural center.

In 1986 he created the group “Nightcap”, later renaming it “Keks” (guitar, vocals). Then he played in the groups “Nicholas Copernicus” (percussion) and “Alliance” (drums), under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory (he worked there in 1986-87).

In 1988, at the Stas Namin Center, he led the group “Santa Claus” (showman, vocals).

In the same 1988, after Zhanna Aguzarova left Bravo, Evgeniy Khavtan spent a long time looking for someone who would replace the rebellious singer at the microphone. The auditions ended without results for a long time. Until finally one of the “braves” advised: “Listen to Osin, he was just wandering somewhere nearby!” As a result, Evgeny Osin took part in the touring activities of “Bravo”, starred in a video and recorded for the album “Let’s say to each other: “Bravo!” (which was never released, but several songs from it with Osin’s lead vocals ended up on the Bravo disc “Songs of Different Years”). However, in 1989, Khavtan met Valery Syutkin and chose him as a soloist.

Later, Evgeny Osin created the group “Avalon”, in which he played the guitar, sang and composed music and poetry. Gradually I played a lot of different music with my group “Avalon” - both jazzy and quite heavy. With her he recorded the little-noticed album “The Bright Path of Fire” (it was published by Bekar Records).

In 1991 he turned to the repertoire and style of the 70s. He released the album “70th Latitude” in 1992. Evgeny Osin performs songs where romantic courtyard music is mixed with pop rhythms and the aesthetics of rock and roll of the 60s. The first success was the hit “A girl is crying in a machine gun,” followed by “March 8” and “Ivolga.” All these songs are well known among teenagers; more than one generation has sung in the hallways to “six-string” songs about love and female infidelities. The musician with whom, in many ways, began the fashion for the “yard romantic song” of the 60s and 70s in Russia in the 90s. And bohemia owes the revival of the popularity of flared trousers and fringed jackets to the restless Zhenya Osin.

In 1994, the album “Evgeniy Osin in “Russia”” is a recording of the concert of the singer and his group at the State Central Concert Hall “Russia”.

In 1996, the album “Working on Mistakes” was released, and on the disc “Working on Mistakes” he also appears as a composer successfully working in the traditions of the music of the 60s and 70s.

However, you have to wait for the next disc. The reason for this is Zhenya’s constant falling in love with those women about whom Sharon Stone’s heroine in the film “Basic Instinct” told Michael Douglas’s hero: “You fell in love with the wrong woman.” In 1997 - 1998, songs were written and recorded extremely slowly. Only one new hit appears - “Tanya plus Volodya”. And only after parting with one of the members of Strelok, Evgeny Osin, who had previously traveled with the group all over the world and, of course, did not have time to work in the studio, took up his mind and guitar. His new songs are more rhythmic, danceable and fashionable. There is little left of the retro and drive-in lyrics. Now Osin wants to be a disco hero, which is confirmed by the 1999 album “Birds”. This is understandable, as the saying goes: whoever you mess with, you'll get along with. The new “calling card” of the updated Osin is the hit “Dream”.

Evgeny Osin constantly tours throughout our country and abroad, appears in television programs, and has more than ten video clips. He works only “live” as part of a group of ten people, eight of whom are on stage.

Singer Evgeny Osin died in Moscow.

04.10.1964 — 17.11.2018
Singer Evgeny Osin died. He was 54 years old.

Earlier, producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin shared concerns about the condition of the famous singer Evgeny Osin. “The arm he injured in the accident is rotting. The kidneys are failing. My legs are giving out. He had problems with his legs before. The doctors told him: “Don’t drink under any circumstances,” said Razin.

In addition, colleagues reported that Osin suffers from alcohol addiction.

Evgeny Osin was born on October 4, 1964 in Moscow, he created his own group in 1986, and since 1988 he has led the team at the Stas Namin Center. In the late 1980s, Osin also collaborated with the popular group Bravo.

Evgeny Osin is a Soviet and Russian singer, musician, and songwriter. The most famous songs performed by Osin are “The girl is crying in the machine gun”, “The Eighth of March”, “Tanya plus Volodya”, “Kachka”, “Portrait of Pablo Picasso”, “Fellow traveler” and others.

The grave of Evgeny Osin was burned in Moscow: photos from the cemetery appeared on the Internet

According to the musician’s widow, the burial could have been desecrated by his adopted daughter.

The day before, information appeared on the Internet that the grave of singer Evgeny Osin was attacked by vandals. In particular, it was reported that a cross was burned at the burial site, a fence was broken and a sign with his name was damaged.

The first to draw attention to the incident was the mother of Osin’s illegitimate daughter, Elena Godunova. At the same time, the artist’s relatives have already filed a complaint with the police.

Later, the media received conflicting information regarding the reasons for the act of vandalism. Thus, with reference to the State Budgetary Institution “Ritual”, he writes that the fire at Osin’s grave started because of lit candles left by his fans who came to the Troekurovskoye cemetery.

At the same time, no other burials were damaged by the fire, and company representatives denied the fact of intentional vandalism.

“There was never a fence on the grave; they could not have broken it,” the organization said.

In turn, representatives of the Troekurovsky cemetery told Ren-TV that the fire at the burial site of Evgeniy Osin occurred due to the fault of the workers. At the same time, the exact actions of negligent cemetery employees are not given.

It is expected that the grave will begin to be put in order today.

The singer’s widow, Natalya Osina, made a statement that her husband’s grave could have been desecrated by his illegitimate daughter Anastasia Godunova for PR purposes.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if she set fire to this grave to stage another show,” Zvezda quotes Natalya Osina.

The cause of death of singer Evgeny Osin has been named

According to preliminary data, the cause of death of singer Evgeny Osin was cardiac arrest, REN TV reports.

He reportedly drank alcoholic beverages during the week.

Sergei Lavrov spoke about the last days of Evgeny Osin

The director of the Kremlin Concert production company, Sergei Lavrov, became an involuntary witness to the monstrous binge that occurred in the last days before the death of the performer of the legendary 90s hit “The Girl is Crying in the Machine” and participant in the scandalous talk shows Evgeniy Osin.

Recently I was ordered Osin for a corporate event,” said Lavrov. - I explained to the customer that the artist has been drinking lately, and there is no point in contacting him. But the customer turned out to be his big fan and insisted on inviting him. Without haggling, I was ready to pay him ten euros for the performance.

I had no choice but to enter into negotiations with Osin. It turned out that all his phones had changed. With great difficulty I found his current number. I dialed him and heard an awkward drunken voice on the phone that couldn’t put two words together. “Call me tomorrow! - he mumbled. “I’m already tired today.” It was on the evening of November 4 - National Unity Day.

“Apparently the artist celebrated the holiday well,” I thought. “We need to let him come to his senses.” I called Osin back on the morning of November 6th. But his voice did not change at all and remained just as drunk.

The singer began drinking bitters a quarter of a century ago, and during this time he turned from a blooming youth into an old man broken down by illnesses. He died at 54. Still from the video of the Rossiya 1 channel

“Zhenya, can you work through the concert?” - I asked. “Contact my director!” - he said slurringly and dictated his phone number to me. To my surprise, this phone was answered by some old woman who didn’t know about any Osin. After some time, I tried to call the artist again. He was still drunk and sent me to the director at a different number. But even there, instead of the director, a completely stranger was found.

There were only a few days left before the corporate event. It became clear to me that it was useless to negotiate further. I outlined the situation to the customer. He didn't believe me at first. I contacted Osin myself. And I also heard incoherent drunken muttering. As a result, other artists had to be invited instead.

And in the midst of a corporate party, I received a text message: “Osin has died.” I almost felt bad. I worked with him in the early 2000s. He enjoyed incredible success then. Yes, I could have a drink after the concert. But this did not interfere with work. And then the demand for it dropped sharply. Apparently, the public was fed up with his songs. This happened with Valera Meladze, and with the group “Hands Up!”, and with other successful artists. Many people went on a drinking binge because of this. Ira Allegrova had such a period when composer Alexei Garnizov worked with her.

I remember, no matter how you came to them, they were always drunk. And Tolik Bondarenko from the group “Nancy” did not dry out for a while. But these artists were able to survive the fall, and after some time things began to improve for them again. But Osin, unfortunately, could not cope with himself and came to such a sad ending.

Sister Osina spoke about the unpleasant circumstances of the singer’s death

Albina admitted that she found the artist lying on the sofa with a glass in his hand

The sister of the 90s star Evgeniy Osin, Albina, shocked the public by telling the details of the death of the once popular singer. It is known that it was she who discovered the artist, who died on November 17 in his own apartment. This happened only the next day after the death of the performer.

Albina noted that recently she had been in close contact with her brother, whom, in fact, all his friends and colleagues had abandoned. The woman visited the singer, prepared food for him, and cleaned the house. The sister noted that she and the artist were constantly in touch, but on November 17, he suddenly stopped answering her calls and SMS. The relative became worried and went to her brother, but he did not open the door for her.

As a result, Albina decided to use her own keys. Once inside, she discovered a terrible picture: Osin was lying on the sofa with a glass in his hand and was not breathing. Doctors who arrived on call found that the singer of the hit “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine” had been dead for 24 hours. The woman noted that during this time the artist’s body became stiff, so it was difficult to remove the glass from his hand, while his fingers remained frozen in this position, the Dni.ru portal reports with reference to the magazine “Secrets of the Stars”.

Dead Aspen greatly frightened his friend

After the funeral of the 90s star, his stage colleague began to think seriously

Evgeny Osin rests at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow. And his rather early death became a lesson for another previously famous artist - now Chris Kelmi looks at his own life differently. His brother told about this.

“Chris suffered from alcoholism, but that’s in the past, I’m sure,” Evgeny Suslin told StarHit. And he said that the singer “went out of town,” where “he feels good: fresh air, no one bothers him.”

Chris, according to his brother, realized “that it’s impossible to do things the way they were before.” However, “nothing passes without a trace: it becomes better, then worse - the heart and kidneys make themselves felt.” A therapist constantly comes to the singer of the song “Night Rendezvous” and examines him, Evgeniy added.

“I feel incredibly sorry for Zhenya, because we have known each other since our youth. He was a wonderful person, he just couldn’t pull himself together and press the stop valve in time,” Suslin noted.

After Osin’s death, Dana Borisova said that “the next one is Chris Kelmi,” since he, too, is too fond of alcohol. In addition, the artist has not been in touch for several months.

“Yes, Osin and Chris used drugs, no one argues. But Dana forgot how she raised her glass with them. She took it on her chest in such a way that the guys just relaxed compared to her!” - Brother Kelmi answered this. The three met in Thailand while undergoing treatment.

In March, it became known that Chris, after treatment in Thailand for alcohol addiction, was afraid of relapse again. He was going to choose a new clinic to continue his rehabilitation course and was temporarily hiding from his addiction at home, where his loved ones supported him.

As was reported long before, in December 2015, the performer of the hits “Closing the Circle” and “Night Rendezvous” was threatened with trial. He was accused of driving while drunk.

This singer drank a lot for a long time. After he began to suffer from epilepsy attacks, the artist decided to give up alcohol forever in 2016. But, as you can see, he did not succeed right away.

A recording of Evgeniy Osin’s dying call to his daughter has been published

Russian music producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin published an audio recording on his Instagram page in which you can hear the voice of singer Evgeny Osin, who passed away on November 17 at the age of 54.

"I will die soon. And everything will be left to you. Your home is here. Registration here. And I just know that you are my most beloved daughter,” Osin says in a recording published by 5-tv.ru.

Be vigilant and listen to this recording, and remember that, except for his only wife, who gave birth to his only child - Agnia - Zhenya never had anyone. She is his only heir and will continue his family. Therefore, I have now taken all measures and turned to the best notary in Moscow, Aigul Amirovna Khamidullina, so that she could formalize the inheritance for Agnia Osina as quickly as possible. The inheritance will be registered in the name of the daughter. The rest are all crooks and swindlers. Be careful and don't fall for their tricks. I also want to tell all federal channels: stop bothering this family and tormenting people who experienced such a terrible grief,” Razin wrote.

On the recording you can hear Evgeniy Osin saying that he will soon die and sincerely admitting that he loves his daughter very much.

Agnesha, I have never met this mug. Look at her. How could your dad fall for something like that and I didn’t adopt anyone. You are my only one. The most beloved daughter. And everything belongs to you. I will die soon. And everything will be left to you. Your home is here. Registration here. And I just know that you are my most beloved daughter,” said Osin.

The artist died at home on November 17. His body was discovered by his sister when she came to check on him after he didn’t answer his phone for a day. After the death of Evgeniy Osin, the relatives began dividing the property.


On November 17, at the age of 55, Evgeniy Osin died suddenly. His sister Albina found him unconscious in the apartment. The woman called an ambulance, but the doctors could no longer help the artist. The incident was a blow to the singer’s relatives and colleagues.

In the last years of his life, Osin abused alcohol. Last year, Dana Borisova, Andrei Malakhov and other caring people sent the musician to Thailand to a rehabilitation center, but Evgeniy Viktorovich was never cured. A few weeks ago it became known that he had started drinking alcohol again.
A few days ago, the musician was buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery. Let us note that the artist himself did not have the funds, so the producer of “Tender May” Andrei Razin covered all expenses. According to him, the singer’s relatives will not put up with the funeral due to high prices.

Razin also dedicated a farewell post to Evgeny and noted that he still believes that Natalya Sturm is to blame for Osin’s death. He is sure that it was she who got the singer drunk and brought him to this state.

“I still believe that Natalya Sturm is guilty of his death. This was facilitated by the provocation that she staged with journalists and pseudo-doctors for the sake of PR and money, and poisoned her with unknown medications. Against this background, Zhenya’s psychological and physical well-being sharply deteriorated, which led to death,” said Andrei Razin. Natalya Sturm was friends with Osin for a long time and tried with all her might to help him recover from alcoholism. So far she has not responded to Razin’s accusations.

Russia said goodbye to Osin: the singer’s funeral

Evgeny Osin is buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery

Popular singer Evgeny Osin is buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Many stars of Russian show business came to say goodbye to the artist, including singers Vladimir Kuzmin, Sergei Krylov, Vladimir Levkin, TV presenter Dana Borisova and Honored Artist of Russia Felix Tsarikati.

Evgeny Osin was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery

Musician Evgeny Osin was buried at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery. His ex-wife Natalya, daughter Anna and sister Albina came to say goodbye to the artist. In addition to them, the funeral ceremony was attended by friends and colleagues: presenter Dana Borisova, singers Alexey Krylov and Marat Krymov, music producer Andrei Razin, RIA Novosti reports.

So, Razin called Osin a kind and sympathetic person, he was supposed to live long and give people happiness. But that didn’t happen, the producer added. Dana Borisova, in turn, stated that Evgeny Osin was a bright and talented person who was loved by the audience.

How Osin brought himself to death. The singer was a kind alcoholic who everyone used.

For the last year, the singer practically did not live, but survived. Alcohol addiction brought his health to the point that he could barely walk around the apartment. The body, in the end, finally could not stand it. But we all remember how gloriously he “lit up” on stage with Boris Yeltsin, who also loved to “relax.”

“He always drank,” Nikita Krichevsky writes in his blog. They said that he was kicked out of Bravo (he was after Aguzarova before Syutkin) when he ended up in intensive care due to heavy drinking (there were no drug clinics then). Khavtan had enough then.

Throughout the first half of the 90s I was in a tight spot. When he was sober, he joined the Hare Krishnas. Once we came to a “solo performance” in Krasnoyarsk, played, and then it turned out that it was a rally of Hare Krishnas. Moreover, neither the musicians, nor the administrators, nor about 500 of the 5,000 spectators even suspected it.

Zhenya, like all alcoholics, was a kind person. Once at the beginning of the 2000s I gave my former guitarist a car. Not new, but very good quality. Actually, his first bass player was his childhood friend, then, not finding himself, he became a taxi driver, and Zhenya practically saved him from marginalization. However, where he is now is unknown.

Zhenya, like many men, didn’t know a damn thing about women. One of his star girls singing backup (she is in the historical photo with Yeltsin), his common-law wife Lena P., after filming the next video, jumped into the bed with the sponsor. The last wife, a provincial bank teller, jumped out to marry him, quickly gave birth and waved her hand to Zhenya, like, it’s impossible to live with a drunk who actually gave her everything.

Now the tragic ending. As an edification to us all, how to first get everything, and then waste it all. In recent years, drinking on royalties from scandalous filming.

It became known what legacy Evgeniy Osin left

Last Saturday, the star of the 90s, Evgeniy Osin, passed away. The performer of the hit “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine” was 54 years old. The cause of death was cardiac arrest. But do not forget that the singer struggled with alcohol addiction for a long time and was never able to overcome it. Evgeny Osin died alone. Marriage to a bank employee Natalia broke up due to the 90s star's addiction to alcohol. Moreover, after the divorce, the ex-wife forbade the singer to see his daughter Agnia. The artist was never able to normalize relations with his heiress. Osin's funeral will take place on Tuesday, November 20 at Troekurovskoye Cemetery. The farewell ceremony will begin at 13:00 in the ritual hall of the cemetery.

In February of this year, Evgeny Osin learned in the studio of the talk show “Actually” that he had an illegitimate daughter. Nastya Godunova now 12 years old. She followed in the footsteps of her star parent - she studies music. In addition, the girl is taking her first steps in the modeling business. Unlike Osin’s legitimate daughter, Nastya greeted her father cordially and immediately began calling him dad. However, it is unknown whether Evgeniy continued communicating with his illegitimate daughter outside of television cameras.

In addition, Evgeniy Osin is survived by his own sister Albina. It was she who discovered the artist’s body. All of them now have to share the legacy of the late star among themselves. It is known that Osin had an apartment worth 30 million rubles, which he acquired during the period of his popularity. True, the housing is in a “destroyed” state. At the end of July, the singer said that he was planning to sell the apartment, as he was on the verge of poverty. “It’s big for me. I plan to buy something smaller, and I’ll be able to live on the difference for some time,” Osin shared. Apparently, the artist was never able to finalize the deal.

But a couple of months before his death, Evgeny Osin sold his garage for three million rubles. He bought a motorcycle with one million, and the fate of the remaining two is unknown. According to the artist, he doesn’t remember where they went. In recent days, the 90s star has been starving. Shortly before his death, Osin said that he had a card for 100 thousand rubles in his hands. As Dni.ru reports, most likely it was a loan.

“It won’t seem enough”: Aspen threw lightning in his dying message

A friend of the late singer spoke about grandiose plans that were not destined to come true
Shortly before his death, Evgeny Osin remained dedicated to his work, despite his terrible state of health. He continued to believe that he would not only be able to regain his former glory, but also achieve a new triumph. To do this, he was preparing a song that was supposed to eclipse his main hit, “The girl is crying in the machine gun.”

According to singer Andrei Korolev, a longtime acquaintance of Osin, he received a text message from a fading Russian pop star with an offer of cooperation. But it was less a business proposal than a cry of despair.

“Andryukha, this is Evgeny Osin again. I am writing songs with the last of my strength, but not to order, but from the heart... I wrote you such a song that it will tear up all your hits,” the message said, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

Osin promised to involve guitarist Vadim Vershn, who collaborated with such artists as Oleg Gazmanov and Alla Pugacheva, in the creation of a new masterpiece.

“And this guitarist Vadik Vershinin will play you such a solo for free that you won’t think it’s enough!” the musician assured.

However, soon after this, Osin died. The life of the star of the 90s ended at the age of 55.

It became known how Osin lived out his last days

Evgeny Osin recently had difficulty moving, suffered from problems with his arm and was being treated for alcohol addiction. TV presenter Dana Borisova said that many of his creative colleagues were ready to pay for his treatment. However, he refused to help Osin. Borisova believes that Osin was ruined by “stubbornness and willfulness,” never admitting his problems with alcohol. “Everyone saw what was going on,” said Borisova, who herself suffered from addiction and was treated in the same clinic as the singer.

Popular singer Evgeny Osin died on November 17 at the age of 55. He died in his Moscow apartment from cardiac arrest. The artist’s body was found by his sister a few hours after his death. According to preliminary information, farewell to Osin will take place on November 20, Osin will be buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery.

Poet and songwriter of the Lyube group Alexander Shaganov called Osin “a big child with a huge heart.” He believes that the artist has realized only a third of his potential. When Shaganov met Osin in the late 90s, he was remembered as an ardent advocate of a sober lifestyle. “What happened to him then is a mystery to me,” he added.

Rapper Potap dedicated poems to the deceased singer Evgeny Osin, which contain the following lines: “Autumn, it’s a pity that it took you, Osin.”

The author of the hits of the 90s, Evgeny Autumn, was born in Moscow on October 4, 1964. The artist’s most famous song is “The girl is crying in the machine gun,” written to the poems of Andrei Voznesensky. He became especially famous in 1996 after participating in Boris Yeltsin’s election tour. The President started dancing to the song “Yalta” in Rostov-on-Don. Several years ago it became known that Osin had problems with alcohol. He was treated, relapsed, was treated again, including in Thailand. The “Live Broadcast” program talked about this, and the presenter of the “Russia 1” TV channel, Andrei Malakhov, visited him at the clinic.

The famous Russian singer Lada Dance told why Evgeniy Osin started drinking.

Since Lada Dance was a friend of the musician, she knew that Osin was very worried about family problems. In addition, it was a hard blow for him that he actually found himself left out of show business.

All this, according to the singer, led Osin to alcoholism. Lada Dance called her friend a man of “high soul,” “bright” and “kind.” She also spoke about his love for his daughter.

“I recently saw a program with Zhenya, he joked so much, but he was broken by family problems,” the woman said. – You can feel from the screen what kind of person he is. People who drink are people of high souls.”

Dance believes that many artists of the 90s, “thrown out” of show business, began to drink glass.

Osin was a big child with a cheerful heart, Shaganov said

Singer Evgeny Osin was a big child with a huge, life-loving heart; he had an “eventful” voice, poet and songwriter of “Lube” Alexander Shaganov told RIA Novosti.

The performer of the hit “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine” Evgeny Osin died at the age of 54 at home. According to preliminary information, he will be buried at the Troekurovskoye cemetery on November 20, producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin told RIA Novosti.

“When we met in the late 90s, Zhenya was so concerned about a sober lifestyle, what happened to him later is a mystery to me. He had an eventful voice, so he sings, and immediately one imagines this whole era of hippies with hair and bell-bottoms,” he added.

Filming of the latest video with Osin’s participation was published by an ex-member of the group “Strelki”

Russian singer Evgeny Osin shot a video for the song “Beloved” in May of this year. One of the former singers of the Strelka group, Yulia Beretta, took part in the filming.

She then posted the rehearsal process on her Instagram account and shared her impressions of the meeting with the musician.

“Yesterday we had a blast filming Evgeniy Osin’s video! Kind, cheerful, creative, with an open soul and a wonderful sense of humor!” - wrote Beretta.

The footage shows that Osin walks with a cane. This is due to the fact that shortly before filming he got into an accident and injured his leg.

Producer Andrei Razin announced the preliminary date and place of the funeral of singer Evgeny Osin. He posted the corresponding post on Instagram.

“The funeral of Evgeny Osin, tentatively, will take place on November 20 at the Troekurovskoye cemetery in Moscow,” the message said.

Evgeny Osin is a Soviet and Russian singer, musician, and songwriter. In his work, he combined romantic courtyard music with pop rhythms, as well as rock and roll. The most famous songs that he performed: “The girl is crying in the machine gun”, “The Eighth of March”, “Tanya plus Volodya”, as well as many others.

He was 54 years old. It is known that he has recently suffered from alcohol addiction. According to REN TV, in the last week he drank alcohol, and then his heart stopped. The body was discovered by his sister, who came to his home after not having contact with him for a day.

Colleagues of Evgeniy Osin express their condolences.

Evgeniy Osin - Biography

Name: Evgeniy Osin
Date of birth: October 4, 1964
Age: 54 years
Place of birth: Moscow, Russia
Height: 168
Occupation: singer, musician, songwriter

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, the author of famous hits of the 90s, was born in Moscow in October 1964. The boy’s father, Victor, worked as a trolleybus driver. The parents gave their son a sister, Albina. When the child was 9 years old, the father left the family, and the children remained with their mother. My father was a sectarian - he belonged to the Seventh Day Adventists. After the parents separated, mother and the children were given a two-room apartment in Tekstilshchiki. Viktor Osin lived in Cherepovets, where he headed a sect cell and worked as the head of a motorcade.

Since childhood, the restless boy became addicted to playing the drums and by the age of 12 he could already play them quite well. The talented Zhenya even went to music school to better master musical notation, but he quickly became bored with traditional classes.

After finishing 10th grade, Evgeniy Osin enters the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing amateur performances, but, without completing his studies, he leaves from there with a certificate that allows him to be the leader of an amateur ensemble. In those years, the young romantic was passionate about another activity: he tamed pigeons. On his balcony the young man built a real dovecote. During these years, Osin dreams of a big house for his pets, which he will build when he gets rich.


For Evgeny Osin, one thing was clear: music is what he wants to devote his life to. In his youth, Zhenya changed many musical groups. At the age of 22, he created his first project, “Nightcap,” which was later renamed “Cupcake.” Evgeniy became a vocalist and guitarist in his group.

After the breakup, the musician moved to the group “Nicholas Copernicus”, where he mastered percussion, and then to the “Alliance”, in which he sat down at the drum kit. Two years later, the young energetic musician is noticed by Stas Namin and invites the guy to his center to work with the group “Father Frost”.

How many years Osin would have worked like this is unknown, but in Evgeniy’s creative biography an event occurred that can be called a happy circumstance. They were urgently looking for a vocalist for the then popular band Bravo. The fact is that Zhanna Aguzarova, having recorded an album with the musicians, suddenly decided to leave the team before the tour. And in order for the tour not to fail, it was necessary to quickly find an equally charismatic frontman who would save the situation.

Sergei Penkin and Sergei Krylov auditioned for this role. But composer Evgeniy Khavtan delayed making a choice. A friend of Evgeniy Osin recommended that he audition, which the young singer did. Without hoping for anything, he unexpectedly gets the position of vocalist of a legendary band. Osin recorded several songs from the album “Let’s say “Bravo!” to each other” with Evgeniy Khavtan’s team, participated in the group’s tours and starred in the video. This lasted a year, since almost immediately Valery Syutkin appeared, who turned out to be a more suitable candidate.

However, a year was enough for Osin to gain professionalism, and after leaving, almost immediately he began performing songs that brought him success. The essence of Evgeny Osin’s solo project was that he chose for the album the most slow-moving and unpopular compositions in the professional environment, but which turned out to be written in simple language and touched the soul with their sincerity. The ingenuousness of the courtyard aesthetics, coupled with the active rhythms of rock and roll, gave good results. Almost all the songs performed by Evgeny Osin immediately became hits. And after the video “A girl is crying in a machine gun,” the singer woke up famous throughout the country.

Following the first solo album, “70th Latitude,” two more collections were released in a row: “Evgeniy Osin in Russia” and “Working on Mistakes.” The singles “Kachka” and “Portrait of Pablo Picasso” were recorded at the studio of producer Valery Zharov, who at that time was successfully working on projects by Alena Apina and the Lyube group. This talented leader was an ally of the young Igor Matvienko, with whom he had collaborated since the times of the Soviet Union at the SPM Record studio.

At this time, in addition to working in the studio, the popular pop artist goes on tour a lot and performs at joint concerts. The public receives the singer with delight, and he becomes a headliner at many performances. During the 1996 election campaign, Yevgeny Osin traveled as part of a concert team of singers around the cities in support of Boris Yeltsin.

At a performance in Rostov-on-Don, during Osin’s song “Yalta,” the president unexpectedly appeared on stage and began to dance. It was a shock for everyone: the singer, the presenter and the security guards. Photos from that significant concert can be seen on Instagram, and the video is posted on YouTube.

In the 2000s, Evgeny Osin appeared a lot on television in musical projects, he worked with young performers and experimented. The album “Golden Collection” and a collection of children's songs “Bagel and Loaf” are released. But the artist can no longer achieve his former glory. There could be many reasons for this. The very style of the singer’s performance is becoming irrelevant, since the time of post-Soviet romance has long passed. The artist’s songs are increasingly broadcast on radio and television with the “retro” tag.

In addition, the singer begins to have problems with alcohol. Trying to resolve problems, Evgeny Osin turns to the church for help and finds support there. He visits monasteries, lives in them for some time and works. Ultimately, Evgeniy Viktorovich finds inner peace. He gets a confessor. In the singer’s spacious Moscow apartment, a lamp still burns in a corner with icons.

Personal life

In the late 90s, Evgeniy meets his future wife, Natalya. At that time she worked in one of the banks and was married. But this did not stop the love interest, and soon after the first divorce, Natalya married Evgeny Osin. The couple was happy, even despite the fact that the girl’s mother spoke out against her daughter’s rash step.

Undoubtedly, the most important event in the singer’s personal life can be considered the birth of his daughter Agnia in 2002. For her, he composed many children's songs and poems. Evgeniy tried to spend his free time with his family; he took his beloved wife and daughter to the sea. But alcohol addiction interfered with the artist’s personal happiness. His wife Natalya left him after some time and stopped the artist’s contacts with the girl.

Osin suffered greatly from separation from his daughter. In order to resume communication with Agnia, he got a job at English school No. 1287 as an extracurricular singing teacher. Evgeniy Viktorovich successfully used his basic education and created the popular children's group "Fishki", with which he even recorded several videos. But the ex-wife remained adamant. She turned her daughter against her father and transferred Agnia to another school. Over the course of 5 years of teaching activity, the artist practically did not appear on stage.

After breaking up with his wife, Evgeniy lived with a woman in a de facto marriage for five years. But she couldn’t come to terms with the singer’s “illness” and left.

Later, Evgeny Osin again took up his solo career. In 2010, the artist experienced one of the main losses of his life - the tragic death of Alexander Alekseev, a close friend and stage partner. The singer dedicated his last work to the memory of his comrade - the album “Separation”, on the material for which he worked for a very long time.

The artist resumed touring: he performed in a team with girls. Despite the fact that the singer’s fans have already aged, he never ceases to draw full houses. Evgeny Osin often takes part in joint performances with other pop stars.

In February 2018, Osin admitted that he was raising an illegitimate daughter, Anastasia Godunova. The artist met the girl’s mother, whose name is Elena, even before marrying Natalya. Then the lovers even began to live together, but later separated. The singer remained on good terms with Lena. And a few years later, the woman called Evgeniy and said that they had a daughter together.

Evgeniy Osin has developed an official website where fans of the artist’s work can read the singer’s biography, enjoy songs and view a photo gallery.

Today the singer lives in Moscow. The musician’s height is 168 cm, while the man weighs 72 kg.

Evgeny Osin now

In July 2017, Evgeny Osin told the press that his legs had failed due to problems with his spine. The artist added that he has no money for treatment. Then singer Natalya Sturm came to the performer’s aid. The woman suggested that Eugene call a doctor to make a diagnosis. The celebrity also urged not to give money to the artist, because he would waste the money on alcohol. As a result, Evgeny Osin refused the examination and had a fight with Natalya. Sturm stated that she no longer wants to interfere in the musician’s affairs.

A month later, the singer left home in an unknown direction and did not return. Three days later, the performer’s sister turned to the police for help. It turned out that Evgeniy is in a rehabilitation center in Thailand and is being treated for alcoholism. This was facilitated by TV presenter Dana Borisova, who herself was in the clinic. Later it became known that the treatment did not bring results, and the celebrity returned from Thailand very dissatisfied. And the singer called Borisova “a complete man.”

In March 2018, the artist was hospitalized in Moscow. The cause was severe intoxication. Then doctors carried out a series of procedures to remove toxins from Evgeniy’s body.

In February it was reported that Osin was unconscious for three days.

On May 22, journalists reported that Evgeniy Viktorovich had an accident. A few days earlier, the artist went to the traffic police on a new motorcycle to register the vehicle. But, approaching the house, the singer lost control and fell, as a result of which the vehicle crushed Aspen’s leg. Arriving doctors provided first aid to the artist and diagnosed a broken toe. However, Evgeniy refused to go to the hospital and intended to register the motorcycle that day. An eyewitness who called the doctors stated that Osin was sober.

Evgeniy’s troubles did not end there. A little later, the musician participated in the filming of a television program dedicated to extreme sports and broke his arm. The artist was hospitalized and underwent surgery. As soon as the singer felt better, Osin was sent home. To celebrate, Evgeniy Viktorovich decided to celebrate his recovery and got drunk again.

At the same time, the performer stated in an interview that the artist’s health problems began when the man stopped drinking.

In the same month, former member of the Strelki group Yulia Beretta shared with fans that she was starring in Evgeniy Osin’s new video for the song “Favorite.” The girl posted photos and videos of the work process for Internet users to see. According to Yulia, there is still a “special spark” in Evgeniy’s work. The artist tried to help her colleague.

On June 25, producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin wrote on his Instagram page that if Evgeniy does not take measures to restore his health, then the artist’s days are numbered. Andrei shared that Osin’s hand began to rot after the operation, the artist does not stop drinking, his legs and kidneys are failing. Doctors were even worried that the singer would have to amputate his arm.


  • 1988 - “Man from the Star” (with the group “Father Frost”)
  • 1989 - “We will say Bravo to each other!” (with the group "Bravo")
  • 1991 - “The Bright Path of Fire” (with the group “Avalon”)
  • 1992 - “70th latitude”
  • 1994 - “In “Russia”
  • 1996 - “Working on mistakes”
  • 1999 - “Birds”
  • 2000 - “Golden Collection”
  • 2001 - “Bagel and loaf”
  • 2001 - “All the same girls”
  • 2003 - “In the Mood for Love”
  • 2003 - “Star Series”
  • 2009 - “Bagel, loaf and bagel”
  • 2010 - “New and Best”
  • 2016 - “Separation”
Evgeny Osin is a popular singer who, over many years of work, has managed to give his listeners a huge number of unforgettable hits. “A girl is crying in a machine gun,” “Rock,” “Fellow Traveler,” “Portrait by Pablo Picasso” - each of these compositions became a real hit and brought the performer well-deserved popularity. At the beginning of the new millennium, Evgeny Osin's popularity slowly declined, he began to have problems with alcohol, but we will remember him as a classic hero of his time, the last romantic of the nineties.

Childhood and adolescence

Evgeny Osin was born on October 4, 1964 in the family of bus driver Victor. It is known that the head of the family was a Seventh-day Adventist, perhaps it was because of his religious views that he divorced his wife when Zhenya was 9 years old. The boy decided to stay with his mother, and he and his younger sister Albina moved to an apartment in Tekstilshchiki, on Lyublinskaya Street. My father moved to Cherepovets and headed the local sect.

Osin studied at school No. 188. Among Zhenya's childhood hobbies were pigeons - together with a friend, they kept birds on the balcony - and music. Already at the age of twelve, he mastered the drums and two years later began playing drums in a local school ensemble. For some time he even tried to study at a music school, but the classical and sometimes even boring classes very quickly tired of the young guy. Subsequently, the musician could boast of one document on musical education - a special certificate from the Institute for Advanced Training of Cultural Workers, which gives the right to work as the leader of an ensemble in a school or cultural center.

The area where Evgeniy Osin spent his youth was quite crime-prone. Residential buildings were surrounded by dormitories, factories and vegetable warehouses. Evgeniy spent his leisure time with his courtyard friends in the same way: they drank port wine, strummed the guitar, and flirted with girls. After eight years of school, Evgeniy entered a sewing technical school as a mechanic, but never thought about working in his specialty.

I have always been a romantic to the core. If he fell head over heels in love, he was embarrassed to admit it, but he could make secret gifts to the object of his adoration.

In 1986, he gathered around himself a small group of musicians, which soon turned into the Nightcap group. The group performed under this name for some time, and then carried out a “rebranding” and became known as “Keks”. It is quite remarkable that it was in this ensemble that Evgeniy first tried on the role of frontman. He played guitar and also sang lead vocals.

In creative search

Also in 1986, Osin began actively collaborating with the Moscow Rock Laboratory, and some time later performing with two new groups - the groups “Nicholas Copernicus” and “Alliance”. However, in these ensembles Evgeny Osin no longer occupied such a significant place, permanently remaining in the supporting roles.

In 1988, Evgeny Osin became the leader of the “Father Frost” team, which operated under the Stas Namin Production Center. But the musician did not stay long in this group either. And a few months later he migrated to the Bravo group, which was popular at that time, which only recently left the leading soloist Zhanna Aguzarova.

For several months, Osin took part in the touring activities of the Bravo group as a soloist and even starred in a video prepared specifically for the new album “Let’s say “Bravo!” to each other.” But in the end, he left the band soon enough - the band’s frontman Evgeniy Khavtan met Valery Syutkin and offered him the position of lead singer. The material recorded with Osin was never officially presented to the public, but clips with his participation can be found on the Internet.

“Bravo” with Evgeny Osin, 1989

In the early 1990s, Evgeny Osin created his own musical group - the Avalon group. In this ensemble, the musician again took on all the most important functions, acting as a soloist, guitarist, and also the author of most of the songs. It is very noteworthy that the repertoire of this group consisted of songs written in a variety of genres, from jazz to hard rock. With this group, Evgeny Osin recorded and released the album “The Bright Path of Fire,” which was practically not noticed by the public.

Solo career of Evgeny Osin

In 1991, Osin began to build a solo career. During this period, he finally found his signature style, combining elements of “courtyard romance” and pop rhythms of the time. In 1992, Evgeniy recorded and released his first solo album, “70th Latitude,” which immediately became very successful. Almost every song presented on this album soon became a real hit. This record also featured Yevgeny Osin’s most popular song, “The Girl is Crying in the Machine,” written to the words of Andrei Voznesensky.

Evgeniy Osin – The girl is crying in the machine gun

In 1994, the musician’s second album, “Evgeny Osin in Russia,” appeared on the shelves, and two years later, the third album, “Working on Mistakes,” was released. The main hit of this time was the song “Kachka”.

Evgeniy Osin – Portrait by Pablo Picasso

After several successful years in Evgeniy Osin’s career, a period of calm begins. The artist has been collecting material for three long years, during which only one of his fresh singles appears on radio stations. In 1999, the album “Birds” went on sale, which was little similar to the previous ones. The track list includes many dance compositions recorded using computer technology rather than live instruments.

Between 2000 and 2010, the musician released seven more albums, many of which are collections of previous hits. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the popularity of Evgeny Osin has begun to rapidly decline. He and his work inexorably lagged behind the trends of the time and moved into the “retro” category.

Personal life of Evgeny Osin

Despite his popularity, attractiveness and kind character, Aspen was unlucky in his personal life. One day, when Evgeny was at the very peak of his fame, he went out to the store and met a charming beauty on the street and asked her for her phone number. The girl's name was Natalya, she worked in a bank and was married to a foreign language teacher. Unable to resist the musician's charms, she gave in to the feelings that overwhelmed her and divorced her husband. Evgeniy insisted that they not only sign at the registry office, but also get married.

Being a rather jealous person, Evgeny insisted that Natalya quit and start housekeeping. In 2002, she gave birth to the singer’s daughter Agnia. By that time, they had purchased a spacious 140-meter apartment on Karamyshevskaya embankment. The couple put a lot of effort into the renovation. Eugene's pride was a room with billiards and a real pond. The wife tried to prepare vegetarian dishes for Eugene, agreed to make both her father and daughter a vegetarian, and turned a blind eye to the star’s occasional infidelities.

The relationship between the Osin couple began to deteriorate due to Evgeniy’s addiction to alcohol. He became increasingly drunk, rowdy, and once got into a fight during a family vacation in Egypt. Apparently, this was the last straw - Natalya filed for divorce, after which she was against his communication with her daughter.

In 2010, she married again, and in order to see Agnia, the former idol of incorrigible romantics got a job teaching music at secondary school No. 1287 in Moscow. In this place, under his leadership, the children's and youth ensemble "Fishki" was created. The singer worked in this place for 5 years, receiving 25 thousand a month. In 2011, the singer returned to touring, but his repertoire consisted of songs from previous years.

In addition to Agnia, Osin has another daughter. Even before meeting Natalya, he had a short affair with a girl named Elena Godunova, who left the pregnancy after breaking up with the singer and gave birth to a daughter, Nastya. She herself came into contact with him in 2018. Evgeniy recognized his daughter. After the musician’s death, Nastya’s mother admitted that Evgeniy is not her daughter’s biological father.

After breaking up with Natalya, Osin either fell into deep drinking bouts, then returned to creativity, performances, and tours. In 2016, he released his latest album with the self-explanatory title “Separation.”

Last years of life and death

Evgeniy Osin repeatedly tried to take control of his life and overcome his addiction to alcohol, but each time he failed. In the fall of 2017, he underwent a rehabilitation course in Thailand, where Dana Borisova had recently been treated for cocaine addiction, but upon his return he began drinking again. On March 30, 2018, he himself came to the clinic and was urgently hospitalized. The musician had serious health problems and had no money for treatment.

Story about Evgeny Osin on NTV

On November 17, 2018, it became known about the death of Evgeniy Osin. The body was found by his sister Albina. After she lost contact with her brother for a day, the woman opened the door to his apartment with her key. According to her, he had been drinking throughout the week leading up to his death. Doctors named the cause of death as cardiac arrest. The musician was 54 years old. Until his last day he remained a man of creativity; in his last voice message addressed to singer Andrei Kovalev, Osin claimed that he continues to write songs, but “not to order, but from the heart.”

On November 17, 2018, Evgeniy Osin died; at that time he was 54 years old. The performer's body was found in his own apartment, as reported by the performer's sister Albina. The cause of death was cardiac arrest. According to Andrei Razin, the singer died alone.

Cause of death of Evgeny Osin

The artist was given a terrible diagnosis - cirrhosis of the liver, the artist spoke about his poor health. In the summer of 2018, friends sent him to a rehabilitation center for treatment for alcoholism. Unfortunately, after returning home, the singer returned to his old ways.

Recently, the artist abused alcohol, which was the cause of death. His legs were giving out and his overall health was poor. The singer's name increasingly appeared in scandalous news.

The artist’s life was cut short at the age of 54. Relatives and friends cannot believe what happened. The funeral will take place on November 20, 2018, the Moscow Troekurovskoe cemetery was chosen as the location.

Biography of Evgeny Osin

Father - Viktor Osin, worked as a trolleybus driver.

Has a younger sister Albina.

His uncle was a drummer in Leonid Utesov's ensemble.

When he was 9 years old, his father left the family. As Evgeniy recalled, at the trial during his parents’ divorce, he said that he wanted to stay with his mother. Osin associated the breakup of the family with the fact that his father was a sectarian - a Seventh-day Adventist.

After his parents divorced, he and his mother received a two-room apartment in Tekstilshchiki. My father moved to Cherepovets, where he headed a cell of his sect, and worked there as the head of a motorcade.

From an early age, music was his main occupation. He studied at a music school, but dropped out.

He taught himself to play the guitar and percussion instruments. According to him, he could play the guitar for days on end. At the same time, he dreamed of a successful career as a musician. From the age of 14 he played drums in a school ensemble. He recalled: “I collected and donated empty bottles for several years, saved on school lunches, asked my mother for money for imaginary excursions - I saved ruble after ruble... As a result, I saved up for my first drum set, which I purchased for 916 rubles in a store.” Leipzig."

Since childhood, I have also been involved with pigeons, which I kept in a box on the balcony. During his school years, for five hundred rubles, he bought a real dovecote, which he was very proud of - when he became famous, he even filmed it in the video “A girl is crying in a machine gun.”

“When popularity came and I became a famous artist, I had to sell the dovecote. I couldn’t pay the same attention to the birds. Music and touring took up all my time,” he said.

After incomplete studies, he had a certificate from the Institute for Advanced Training of Cultural Workers, giving the right to work as the leader of an amateur ensemble at the level of a regional cultural center.

In 1983, at the age of 19, he became a vegetarian. In 1986, he created his own group “Nightcap”, later renamed “Keks”. In bands he was a vocalist and played guitar.

In 1986-1987 he played in the groups “Nicholas Copernicus” (percussion) and “Alliance” (drums) under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory.

In 1988, at the Stas Namin Center, he led the group “Father Frost”, where he was a vocalist and showman. In the same year, he was invited to the Bravo group after the departure of Zhanna Aguzarova. Osin took part in the touring activities of “Bravo”, starred in a video and recorded for the album “Let’s say to each other “Bravo!”” The album was never officially released due to Osin leaving the group, but was circulated in magnetizdat, and for many years later I got on the Internet. Also, several songs from this album with Osin’s lead vocals were included on the Bravo disc “Songs of Different Years.”

In 1989, Khavtan met Valery Syutkin and chose him as a soloist.

After leaving Bravo, Osin created his own group, Avalon, in which he played guitar, sang and wrote music and poetry. The group's repertoire included a lot of music of various styles from jazz to "heavy". With Avalon, he recorded the almost unnoticed album “The Bright Path of Fire” (published by Bekar Records).

In 1991 he turned to the repertoire and style of the 1970s.

In 1992 he released the album “70th Latitude”. Osin performed songs where romantic courtyard music was mixed with pop rhythms and the aesthetics of rock and roll of the 1960s. All the instruments on the album were live, and most of the musicians were girls. The album was a huge success, more than half of the songs from it became hits.

Osin recalled: “I sang romantic songs by unprofessional authors that no one wanted to release. All my compositions can be compared to home songs with a guitar. These are things that touch because they were written from the heart. Nowadays there are a lot of corrupt authors who write to order "All their compositions are about nothing, just rhyming phrases. My songs may not be very literate, but they are real."

The author of the lyrics of the song “The Girl is Crying in the Machine,” which became the main hit of the album, was Andrei Voznesensky, and the composer of the song “Portrait of Pablo Picasso” was the Polish pianist and composer Wladislav Szpilman (Roman Polanski’s film “The Pianist” was made about him).

After the song “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine,” which was heard from every iron in the early 90s, the singer released another hit. And the whole country sang again: “But I don’t believe what they say. All the guys write about girls. I will remain silent in response. After all, I don’t want to doubt you.”

Other songs soon followed: “Tanya plus Volodya”, “Yalta”. It was to the latter that Boris Yeltsin began to dance during his presidential tour in Rostov-on-Don.

Osin recalled: “For me, the fact that Yeltsin came on stage really came as a shock. No one expected Boris Nikolayevich to get up and start dancing. This was his spontaneous desire - it was not discussed with any of his assistants.”

In 1996, the album “Working on Mistakes” was released; in this album, Osin appeared as a composer, successfully working in the traditions of the music of the 1960s - 1970s. The main hit of the album was the song “Kachka”.

The new album "Birds" was released only in 1999. The album devotes little space to the old yard lyrics: now the compositions are more energetic, even danceable, and unlike previous albums with live instruments, computers were used in the recording.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s, Osin began collaborating with young performers, starring in many videos, as well as projects, such as, for example, “Old songs about the main thing.”

In 2000, the album “Golden Collection” was released, and the next year two albums at once - “Bagel and Loaf” (containing children's songs) and “All the same girls” (most of the songs of which were written by businessman Ildar Khairullin). But both albums were not successful.

In 2003, two collections by Osin were published - “In the Mood for Love” and “Star Series”.

In 2009, the second album of children's songs, “Bagel, Loaf and Bagel,” was released. It also included songs performed by other artists, and the composition “Alphabet” was performed by Evgenia’s daughter Agnia.

In 2016, he released another album called “Separation”.

According to Evgeniy, despite the fact that he was almost invisible, he continued to work. “Those who promote themselves should shine on the channels, but I don’t do this. That’s why you can rarely see me on TV. Today’s music interests me little. Now all the melodies are electronic, made on a computer. I don’t really like it,” he said Aspen.

Personal life and family of Evgeniy Osin

Considering the artist’s personal life, one cannot help but mention his wife Natalya. The young people met while the woman was still married. But this did not stop them from starting a relationship and consolidating it with marriage.

In 2002, Evgeniy and his wife had a daughter, Agnia. The singer wrote many poems and songs for her. Osin tried to spend all his free time with his family.

The young people's life together did not last long. The wife left the family; the reason for the divorce was the artist’s alcohol addiction. In addition, Natalya forbade Evgeniy to communicate with her daughter, which caused him great suffering.

After the divorce, Osin lived for 5 years with his common-law wife, who also left him due to alcohol addiction.

Evgeny Viktorovich Osin, the author of famous hits of the 90s, was born in Moscow in October 1964. The boy’s father, Victor, worked as a trolleybus driver. The parents gave their son a sister, Albina. When the child was 9 years old, the father left the family, and the children remained with their mother. My father was a sectarian - he belonged to the Seventh Day Adventists. After the parents separated, mother and the children were given a two-room apartment in Tekstilshchiki. Viktor Osin lived in Cherepovets, where he headed a sect cell and worked as the head of a motorcade.

Since childhood, the restless boy became addicted to playing the drums and by the age of 12 he could already play them quite well. The talented Zhenya even went to music school to better master musical notation, but he quickly became bored with traditional classes.

After finishing 10th grade, Evgeniy Osin enters the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing amateur performances, but, without completing his studies, he leaves from there with a certificate that allows him to be the leader of an amateur ensemble. In those years, the young romantic was passionate about another activity: he tamed pigeons. On his balcony the young man built a real dovecote. During these years, Osin dreams of a big house for his pets, which he will build when he gets rich.


For Evgeny Osin, one thing was clear: music is what he wants to devote his life to. In his youth, Zhenya changed many musical groups. At the age of 22, he created his first project, “Nightcap,” which was later renamed “Cupcake.” Evgeniy became a vocalist and guitarist in his group.

After the breakup, the musician moved to the group “Nicholas Copernicus”, where he mastered percussion, and then to the “Alliance”, in which he sat down at the drum kit. Two years later, the young energetic musician is noticed by Stas Namin and invites the guy to his center to work with the group “Father Frost”.

How many years Osin would have worked like this is unknown, but in Evgeniy’s creative biography an event occurred that can be called a happy circumstance. They were urgently looking for a vocalist for the popular group at that time. The fact is that, having recorded an album with the musicians, she suddenly decided to leave the team before the tour. And in order for the tour not to fail, it was necessary to quickly find an equally charismatic frontman who would save the situation.

Clip by Evgeny Osin “A girl is crying in a machine gun” Song by Evgeny Osin “Yalta”

At a performance in Rostov-on-Don, during Osin’s song “Yalta,” the president unexpectedly appeared on stage and began to dance. It was a shock for everyone: the singer, the presenter and the security guards. Photos from that significant concert can be seen on Instagram, and the video is posted on YouTube.

In the 2000s, Evgeny Osin appeared a lot on television in musical projects, he worked with young performers and experimented. The album “Golden Collection” and a collection of children's songs “Bagel and Loaf” are released. But the artist can no longer achieve his former glory. There could be many reasons for this. The very style of the singer’s performance is becoming irrelevant, since the time of post-Soviet romance has long passed. The artist’s songs are increasingly broadcast on radio and television with the “retro” tag.

In addition, the singer begins to have problems with alcohol. Trying to resolve problems, Evgeny Osin turns to the church for help and finds support there. He visits monasteries, lives in them for some time and works. Ultimately, Evgeniy Viktorovich finds inner peace. He gets a confessor. In the singer’s spacious Moscow apartment, in a corner with icons, a lamp was burning until the last moment.

Personal life

In the late 90s, Evgeniy meets his future wife, Natalya. At that time she worked in one of the banks and was married. But this did not stop the love interest, and soon after the first divorce, Natalya married Evgeny Osin. The couple was happy, even despite the fact that the girl’s mother spoke out against her daughter’s rash step.

Undoubtedly, the most important event in the singer’s personal life can be considered the birth of his daughter Agnia in 2002. For her, he composed many children's songs and poems. Evgeniy tried to spend his free time with his family; he took his beloved wife and daughter to the sea. But alcohol addiction interfered with the artist’s personal happiness. His wife Natalya left him after some time and stopped the artist’s contacts with the girl.

Osin suffered from separation from his daughter. In order to resume communication with Agnia, he got a job at English school No. 1287 as an extracurricular singing teacher. Evgeniy Viktorovich successfully used his basic education and created the popular children's group "Fishki", with which he even recorded several videos. But the ex-wife remained adamant. She turned her daughter against her father and transferred Agnia to another school. Over the course of 5 years of teaching activity, the artist practically did not appear on stage.

After breaking up with his wife, Evgeniy lived with a woman in a de facto marriage for five years. But she couldn’t come to terms with the singer’s “illness” and left.

Later, Evgeny Osin again took up his solo career. In 2010, the artist experienced one of the main losses of his life - the tragic death of Alexander Alekseev, a close friend and stage partner. The singer dedicated his last work to the memory of his comrade - the album “Separation”, on the material for which he worked for a very long time.

The artist resumed touring: he performed in a team with girls. Despite the fact that the singer’s fans were already old, he never stopped drawing full houses. Evgeny Osin often took part in joint performances with other pop stars.

In February 2018, Osin admitted that he was raising an illegitimate daughter, Anastasia Godunova. The artist met the girl’s mother, whose name is Elena, even before marrying Natalya. Then the lovers even began to live together, but later separated. The singer remained on good terms with Lena. And a few years later, the woman called Evgeniy and said that they had a daughter together.

In recent years, the singer lived in Moscow. The musician’s height was 168 cm, while the man weighed 72 kg.

Illness and death

In July 2017, Evgeny Osin told the press that his legs had failed due to problems with his spine. The artist added that he has no money for treatment. Then the singer came to the performer's aid. The woman suggested that Eugene call a doctor to make a diagnosis. The celebrity also urged not to give money to the artist, because he would waste the money on alcohol. As a result, Evgeny Osin refused the examination and had a fight with Natalya. Sturm stated that she no longer wants to interfere in the musician’s affairs.

A month later, the singer left home in an unknown direction and did not return. Three days later, the performer’s sister turned to the police for help. It turned out that Evgeniy is in a rehabilitation center in Thailand and is being treated for alcoholism. This was facilitated by the TV presenter, who herself. Later it became known that the treatment did not bring results, and the celebrity returned from Thailand very dissatisfied. And the singer called Borisova “a complete man.”

In March 2018, the artist was hospitalized in Moscow. The cause was severe intoxication. Then doctors carried out a series of procedures to remove toxins from Evgeniy’s body.

In February it was reported that Osin was unconscious for three days.

On May 22, journalists learned that Evgeniy Viktorovich. A few days earlier, the artist went to the traffic police on a new motorcycle to register the vehicle. But, approaching the house, the singer lost control and fell, as a result of which the vehicle crushed Aspen’s leg. Arriving doctors provided first aid to the artist and diagnosed a broken toe. However, Evgeniy refused to go to the hospital and intended to register the motorcycle that day. An eyewitness who called the doctors stated that Osin was sober.

Evgeniy’s troubles did not end there. A little later, the musician participated in the filming of a television program dedicated to extreme sports and broke his arm. The artist was hospitalized and underwent surgery. As soon as the singer felt better, Osin was sent home. To celebrate, Evgeniy Viktorovich decided to celebrate his recovery and got drunk again. At the same time, the performer stated in an interview that health problems began when the man stopped drinking.

In the same month, the former member of the group shared with fans that she was starring in Evgeny Osin’s new video for the song “Beloved.” The girl posted photos and videos of the work process for Internet users to see. According to Yulia, there is still a “special spark” in Evgeniy’s work. The artist tried to help her colleague.

On June 25, the group’s producer wrote on the page in “ Instagram“, that if Evgeniy does not take measures to restore his health, then the artist’s days are numbered. Andrei shared that Osin’s hand began to rot after the operation, but the artist does not stop drinking, his legs and kidneys are failing. Doctors were even worried that the singer would have to amputate his arm.

On November 17, 2018, it became known about Evgeniy Osina. The body was discovered a few days later by his sister Albina in his Moscow apartment. The cause of Osin's death was cardiac arrest. According to Albina, her brother did not contact her for several days. Ex-wife Natalya and Agnia reported that they were in the singer’s apartment a couple of days before his death. At that time, Evgeniy was in a deplorable state, but categorically refused help.


  • 1988 - “Man from the Star” (with the group “Father Frost”)
  • 1989 - “We will say Bravo to each other!” (with group)
  • 1991 - “The Bright Path of Fire” (with the group “Avalon”)
  • 1992 - “70th latitude”
  • 1994 - “In “Russia”
  • 1996 - “Working on mistakes”
  • 1999 - “Birds”
  • 2000 - “Golden Collection”
  • 2001 - “Bagel and loaf”
  • 2001 - “All the same girls”
  • 2003 - “In the Mood for Love”
  • 2003 - “Star Series”
  • 2009 - “Bagel, loaf and bagel”
  • 2010 - “New and Best”
  • 2016 - “Separation”

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