The world around us All-Russian test work ex. VPR the world around us, methodological development on the world around us (grade 4) on the topic

In April 2018, all-Russian tests of the VPR on the surrounding world were once again carried out in 4 grades.

To prepare for the VPR 2019, last year’s options, which appeared on the Internet after testing in schools, are suitable.

Options for the 2018 VPR on the surrounding world, grade 4 + answers

Structure of the test work option

The test version for the subject “The World around us” consists of two parts, which differ in content and number of tasks.

Part 1 contains 6 tasks:

  • 2 tasks involving highlighting certain elements in the given images;
  • 3 tasks with a short answer (in the form of a set of numbers, a word or a combination of words) and 1 task with a detailed answer.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks with detailed answers.

You are given 45 minutes to complete the test work on the subject “The World Around You”.

A system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and test work as a whole.

Correctly completed work is scored 32 points.
The correct answer to each of tasks 3.2, 4, 6.1 and 6.2 is worth 1 point.

A complete correct answer to each of tasks 2, 3.1 is scored 2 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra one written
number or one required number is not written), 1 point is given; If
two or more mistakes were made – 0 points.

A complete correct answer to task 3.3 is worth 3 points. If in
There was one mistake in the answer (including writing an extra number or not
one required number is written), 2 points are awarded; if two errors are made - 1 point, more than two errors - 0 points.

Answers to tasks 1, 5, 6.3–10 are assessed according to the criteria. Full
the correct answer to each of tasks 1, 5, 6.3 is scored 2 points,
tasks 7–9 - 3 points, task 10 - 6 points.

Catalog of tasks.
Tasks 1. Objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature

Sorting Basic First simple First complex Popularity First new First old
Take tests on these tasks
Return to task catalog
Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Look at the picture showing the office. The inside of the window can be made of glass. It is marked in the figure with an arrow with the corresponding inscription.

In the picture, show with an arrow any object (part) made of metal and any object (part) made of paper. Write the name of the corresponding material next to each arrow.


One of the possible answers

Source: Demo version of the VPR on the surrounding world, grade 4, 2017, VPR on the surrounding world, grade 4, 2019. Option 17., VPR on the surrounding world, grade 4, 2019. Option 23.

Natalia Evgenievna Bashtannik

maybe, but it could also be plastic.

Carefully look at the drawing that shows the car. The car headlight cover can be made of plastic. It is marked in the figure with an arrow with the corresponding inscription. Which objects or parts among those shown in the picture can be made of metal, and which of rubber? In the picture, indicate with an arrow any object (part) made of metal and any object (part) made of rubber. Write the name of the corresponding material next to each arrow.



An indication of any other objects (parts) in the drawing should be counted as the correct answer, if they can be made of appropriate materials. Only the indication of the item (part) with the signature of the corresponding material from which the item (part) is made is counted for assessment.

Source: Statgrad: All-Russian test work on the surrounding world, grade 4, 2016. Option 21., VPR on the surrounding world, 4th grade, 2019. Option 9.

Carefully look at the drawing that shows the car. The car body can be made of Metal. It is marked in the figure with an arrow with the corresponding inscription. Which objects or parts among those shown in the picture can be made of plastic, and which of rubber? In the picture, indicate with an arrow any object (part) made of plastic and any object (part) made of rubber. Write the name of the corresponding material next to each arrow.



An indication of any other objects (parts) in the drawing should be counted as the correct answer, if they can be made of appropriate materials. Only the indication of the item (part) with the signature of the corresponding material from which the item (part) is made is counted for assessment.


final work for primary school graduates

around the world

(to assess the state of the education system)

The demonstration version was developed to assess primary school graduates’ mastery of the planned learning outcomes in the subject “The World around us.” Approaches to developing the content and structure of this option are presented in the work specification.

When reading the demo version, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the planned results, the achievement of which will be verified using the entire series of CMMs. A complete list of elements that can be controlled is given in the codifier, which determines, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education, the planned results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education in the subject area “Social studies. Natural Science (The World Around us).” The purpose of the demonstration version is to provide an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the structure of CMMs, the numbertasks, their form and level of difficulty.


45 minutes are allotted to complete the work.

In your work you will encounter different tasks. In some tasks you will need to choose one answer out of four proposed. Circle the number next to the answer you think is correct.

In some tasks you will need to choose several correct answers. Read the text of the assignments carefully.

There will be tasks in the work, the answer to which must be written down in the indicated place.

Some tasks will seem easy to you, others - difficult. If you don't know how to complete a task, skip it and move on to the next one. If you have time left, you can try again to complete the missed tasks.

If you made a mistake and want to correct your answer, cross it out and circle or write down the answer that you think is correct.

We wish you success!

1. Indicate the order in which the color stripes are located on the flag of the Russian Federation. Connect the name of the color with the corresponding stripe on the flag with an arrow.

2. Under Dmitry Donskoy, stone walls were built in the Moscow Kremlin. Stone craftsmen from all over the area were gathered to Moscow. And in 1367 they got to work. The walls were built from limestone, which was mined in quarries near Moscow. The Kremlin so impressed its contemporaries with the beauty of its white walls that from then on Moscow began to be called white-stone.

In what century did stone walls appear near the Moscow Kremlin? Indicate this century on the Timeline.

3. Determine which of the pictures shows a poisonous plant?

4. The natural reservoir with standing water is gradually overgrown. Undecomposed vegetation is deposited on the bottom, where peat can subsequently form. Such a body of water is called

1) lake 2) pool 3) river 4) swamp

5. Below is a food chain typical for the forest zone:

oak → boar → wolf

Choose the correct statement about this food chain.

1) Wolves eat acorns and oak roots

2) Oak trees are extremely dangerous for wild boars

3) Wolves hunt wild boars

4) Wild boars damage crops in the fields

6. Here are the names of bodies or substances:

marble column

water drop

iron nail

sunflower oil


Write these names in the appropriate cells of the table.

7. At school, the children studied whether plant seeds need water, air, heat and light to germinate. Alyosha decided to conduct research at home with bean seeds.

Alyosha put wet gauze in the first glass under the seeds so that water and air could reach the seeds, and in the second glass he completely filled the seeds with water so that no air could reach them. The boy placed both glasses in the same warm place in the sunlight.

What did Alyosha test in his experiment?

1) How many bean seeds remained viable?

2) Is sunlight necessary for bean seeds to germinate?

4) Does the rate of germination of bean seeds depend on air temperature?

Using the atlas-identifier “From Earth to Sky”, find a description of the jay in it. This bird is a close relative of the crow.

Read the information about the jay in the identification atlas and the text below.

(1) The jay differs from its relatives - crows, jackdaws and rooks - in its reddish-brown color. (2) Blue feathers on the wings make the jay even more elegant.(3) The jay feeds exclusively on plant foods, such as acorns and nuts.(4) The jay builds a nest in March, and at the end of May its chicks appear.

8. What error in describing the characteristics of a jay was made in this text? Write down the number of the sentence that contains incorrect information about the jay.


9. What information about the jay given in the text that you could not verify using the identification atlas?


“I crawled out of a tiny barrel,
Sent roots and grew up,
I have become tall and mighty,
I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
I feed pigs and squirrels -
It’s okay that my fruit is small.”

It is easy to recognize an oak tree in this riddle, because it talks about what this tree looks like, how it reproduces and how it helps animals.

10. Write your riddle about rowan , indicating three characteristics of this plant. (There is no need to write a riddle in verse).


11. Based on your knowledge, determine which of the text fragments refer to real historical events. Circle the letters of all the correct answers.

A. Evil, envious people told Prince Vladimir about the old hero Ilya of Muromets, as if Ilya boasted of surviving the prince from Kyiv and sitting in his place. Vladimir got angry and ordered Ilya to be imprisoned in an underground prison, in deep cellars. It would be bad for the hero there. Yes, fortunately, the young princess, Vladimir’s daughter, took pity on him: secretly from her father, she sent down pillows, silk blankets, a warm dress and hearty food to the dungeon.

B. The profession of weaver in Rus' was first mentioned in the chronicle of 1216, that is, in the 13th century. The appearance of the first, still small workshops, where several weavers worked, dates back to this time.

IN. On April 12, 1961, one word spread around the world: “Let's go!” Our compatriot was the first to fly around the globe in a spaceship. Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, but this flight opened the space age of mankind.

12. Match dates and events.For each date, select a historical event.



A) 1380

  1. The Great Patriotic War

B) 1812

  1. Patriotic War with Napoleon's Army

B) 1941

  1. Battle of Kulikovo

Write down the selected numbers next to the corresponding letters in your answer.

Answer: A – _____, B – _____, C – _____.

13. From the statements listed below, choose a rule that will help you maintain good vision.

3) The text of the book should be kept as far from the eyes as possible.

14. The figure schematically shows the human digestive system. Which of the digestive organs is indicated by an arrow in the figure?

1) esophagus

2) intestines

3) stomach

4) liver

15. Earth is one of the planets in the solar system. The diagram shows the Sun and some bodies of the solar system: the Earth, its satellite and the planet that is the closest neighbor of the Earth. Determine what numbers indicate these celestial bodies.


Write down the names of these celestial bodies next to the corresponding number.

Answer: 1 – ______________, 2 – ______________, 3 – ______________

16. Compare milk and oil. To do this, fill in the blanks (a-d) in the table. An example of filling out the table is given in the first line.

17. Based on the completed table, draw a conclusion about which properties of oil and milk are the same and which are different. Write down the conclusion.


Ira’s grandmother says that green onions are very good for health. Ira decided to please her grandmother and grow green onions for her.

Ira read in a book how to do this. Here's what it said:

  1. Pour unboiled water into a small jar. Such water contains more air, which the roots need to grow.
  2. It is better to take a transparent jar to make it easier to monitor the water level.
  3. Place the onion head on top of the jar with the bottom of the onion touching the water.
  4. In order for the leaves to germinate together, the onion must be exposed to light in a warm place.
  5. After 2 - 3 days you will see roots appear on the bulb.
  6. When the roots grow, green leaves will “hatch” from the bulb.
  7. Make sure the onion roots are always touching the water.
  8. Wait until there are a lot of leaves, then cut them off and eat to your health!

18. Ira did everything as she read in the book, and then left for five days on an excursion to another city. When she returned, she saw that the roots had not sprouted. Five-year-old brother Sasha said that the cat Murka dropped a jar of onions. Sasha picked up an empty jar from the floor, put an onion in it and put it in the closet, away from the cat. Why didn't the onions sprouted?

1) For roots to germinate, light is required.

2) The cat scratched the onion, and the onion “died.”

3) Too little time has passed, you need to wait a little longer.

4) The bulb can only germinate when in contact with water.

19. In late autumn, Ira discovered several bulbs with sprouted roots and decided to plant them in a box on the balcony. Ira put on her coat, went out onto the balcony, planted onions in a box of soil and watered her “garden.” However, she failed to reap the harvest. Explain why the onion leaves did not grow?


20. Walking along the edge of the forest, Kostya and Dasha saw near the path a chick that had fallen from the nest. The chick sat with a ruffled look, and it seemed to the children that he was looking around in fear. Kostya and Dasha began to discuss what to do. The guys' statements are given below. Get to know them.

He is so small and cannot fly. Left without help, he will die, because there will be no one to take care of him. Let's take him home and feed him. And when he grows up and learns to fly, we will release him into the wild.

I heard that birds living in captivity cannot later adapt to life in the forest. It's better to leave him in the forest. His nest was probably destroyed by predators. Let's take it far away from here so that predators won't find it, and leave it somewhere in the thick grass.

Do you share the guys' point of view? Mark your answer with a sign✓ .

Explain why you hold this point of view.

Job number

Correct answer (solution)

Maximum score for completing the task


Connected by arrows with the name of the color (from bottom to top) - red, blue, white

1 point – all arrows are drawn correctly

0 points – one or more mistakes were made


Marked 14th century

1 point – the correct answer is marked

0 points – incorrect answer

Answer: 3)

1 point – correct answer selected

0 points – incorrect answer

Answer: 4) swamp

1 point – correct answer selected

0 points - incorrect unswer


Sunflower oil


2 points – all table cells are filled in correctly

1 point – one or two elements are placed in the wrong cells

0 points - in other cases

Answer: 3) Is air necessary for bean seeds to germinate?

1 point – correct answer selected

0 points - incorrect unswer

Answer: Sentence 3

1 point – the offer number is correct and no other numbers are given

0 points – incorrect answer or other numbers are given with the correct answer


1) When a jay builds a nest.

2) When the chicks appear.

2 points – both elements of the answer are correct

1 point – only one of the response elements is specified correctly

0 points - in other cases


Signs: a tree with a thin flexible trunk, the leaves consist of several pairs of oblong “leaves”, the fruits are red and collected in clusters.

2 points – the answer correctly indicates three characteristics of the plant

1 point – one mistake was made or only two signs were given

0 points - in other cases

Answer: BV

1 point – both elements of the answer are correct

0 points – one element of the answer is indicated correctly or the answer is incorrect

Answer: A3, B2, B1

1 point

0 points – incorrect answer

1 point – correct answer selected

0 points - incorrect unswer

Answer: 4) liver

1 point – correct answer selected

0 points - incorrect unswer

Answer: 1 – Moon, 2 – Mars, 3 – Earth

1 point – all three elements of the correct answer are given

0 points - in other cases


Filling out the table: (a), (b) – no; (c) – white, (d) – black

1 point – all elements are specified correctly

0 points - in other cases


Similarities: both are opaque and do not retain their shape

Differences: different colors

2 points – all elements of the correct answer are given

1 point – one mistake was made

0 points - in other cases

The conclusion is considered to be made correctly in accordance with the completion of the table from task No. 16 (regardless of the correct completion of the table)


4 – The bulb can only germinate when in contact with water.

1 point – correct answer selected

0 points - incorrect unswer


1) For onions to germinate, heat is required (according to the instructions).

2) According to the description, Ira planted the bulb in the fall, and it was quite cold (the girl was wearing a coat)

2 points – the reason is correctly given (lack of heat) and a reference is made to the instructions, which indicate that germination requires heat

1 point – only one response element is given

0 points - in other cases

2 points – “I have my own point of view” is indicated and an explanation is given (the chick should be left in the forest, close to the place where it was found. In this case, the parents will be able to find it and help).

1 point – agreement with one of the guys is indicated and justification for the chosen point of view is given. The justification should not completely repeat the text given in the assignment.

VPR 2017 The world around us, grade 4 Sample. All-Russian Test Work

Instructions for performing the work

To complete work on the subject “The World Around You” you are given

45 minutes. The work consists of two parts and includes 10 tasks.

Write your answers to the assignments in the answer field in the text of the work.

When performing work, it is not allowed to use a textbook, workbooks or other reference materials.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. Try to complete as many tasks as possible.

We wish you success!

The sample contains several examples of tasks 3, 7 and 8.

In real versions of the test work, only one task will be offered for each of these positions.

Part 1

2. You can find similar tables on weather websites. Study the weather forecast for three days.

Choose the correct statements about the expected weather for these three days and write their numbers in the answer line.

  1. On Wednesday the air temperature will not exceed 21 °C.
  2. On Tuesday the wind will blow from the north.
  3. Humidity will remain steady Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.
  4. It will be cloudy throughout the three days. Answer:

3. Look at the world map. Two continents are marked on it with the letters A and B.

3.1. Write the name of each continent in the space provided.

Name of continent A:

Name of continent B:

3.2. Photos are shown on the next page polar bear, beaver, zebras And rhinoceros. Write down the name of each of these animals next to the number of the photograph in which it is depicted.

3.3. Which of these animals live in the natural environment (not in a zoo) on continent A, and which on continent B? Write it down numbers photographs depicting these animals.

Continents A B

Look at the map, photographs and complete task 3.

Look at the map. Two natural zones are marked on it with the letters A and B.

3.1. Write the name of each natural area in the space provided. Name of natural area A: Name of natural area B:

3.2.The next page shows images of animals and plants sable, polar owl, arctic fox And brown bear. Write the name of each of these animals and plants next to the number of the photo it appears in.

3.3. Which of these animals/plants live/grow in the natural environment (not in a zoo or botanical garden) in natural zone A, and which in natural zone B? Write it down numbers photographs depicting these animals and plants in a table under the corresponding letters.

Natural area A B
Animals and plants

4. Make up two rules for preserving human health from the given parts of the phrases: to do this, for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

shin, shoulder And stomach

6.1. Compare the conditions for germinating pea seeds in two different glasses in the experiment described. Underline one of the highlighted words in each line.

Temperature of seeds in two glasses: same / different

Illumination of seeds in two glasses: same / different

6.2. What measurements and comparisons should Artyom make to determine whether lighting affects the rate of seed germination?

Part 2

When completing tasks 7–10, answer each of the questions presented sequentially. Write down your answers clearly and legibly, observing the norms of speech.

Rule 1:

Rule 2:

Rule 3:

What rule do you think each of these signs reflects? Write these rules.

Rule 1:

Rule 2:

Rule 3:

Selected photo:




Selected photo:

10.1. Write down the name of the region: republic, or region, or region, or city, or autonomous district in which you live.

10.2. What is the name of the main city in your region/area you live in?

10.3. What goods is your region known for producing? What natural monuments or historical and cultural monuments are located in your region? Tell us about one of these monuments.

Test work evaluation system

Evaluating short answers to tasks 2–4, 6.1, 6.2

The correct answer to each of tasks 3.2, 4, 6.1 and 6.2 is worth 1 point.

A complete correct answer to each of tasks 2, 3.1 is scored 2 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra number written or a required number not written), 1 point is given; if two or more mistakes are made - 0 points.

A complete correct answer to task 3.3 is worth 3 points. If there is one mistake in the answer (including an extra number written or a required number not written), 2 points are awarded; if two errors are made - 1 point, more than two errors - 0 points.

Instructions for assessing answers to tasks 1, 5, 6.3-10

1. Look at the picture showing the office. The inside of the window can be made of glass. It is marked in the figure with an arrow with the corresponding inscription.

In the picture, show with an arrow any object (part) made of metal and any object (part) made of paper. Write the name of the corresponding material next to each arrow.

One of the possible answers

An indication of any other objects (parts) in the drawing should be counted as the correct answer, if they can be made of appropriate materials.

Only the indication of the item (part) with the signature of the corresponding material from which the item (part) is made is counted for assessment.

Correctly indicated one item (part) from each material with appropriate signatures 2
The item(s) (part(s)) from only one material with the appropriate signature are correctly indicated, items (parts) from another material are indicated incorrectly or not indicated 1
Not a single item is specified correctly (details) 0
Maximum score 2

5. Look at the picture of a person. Show with arrows and sign shin, shoulder And stomach

person as shown in the example.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment Points

Only the indication of a body part (organ) with the corresponding signature is counted during the assessment. For paired parts (organs), it is sufficient to indicate only one of these parts (organs)

All three parts of the body (organ) are correctly indicated with appropriate captions 2
Only any two parts of the body (organ) with corresponding signatures are correctly indicated 1
Only any one part of the body (organ) with the corresponding signature is correctly indicated.

OR All body parts (organs) are listed incorrectly.

OR All body parts (organs) are marked with arrows, but not labeled. OR No body part (organ) is specified

Maximum score 2

6. Artyom observed the germination of pea seeds and the sprouts that appeared. To find out whether light affects the rate of germination, he took two glasses, put several identical pea seeds in each of them and filled them with water from one bottle so that the seeds were completely submerged in water. Artyom placed both glasses on the table under a fluorescent lamp, but shielded one of them from the lamp with a cardboard box with holes cut out. Then Artyom watched the sprouts appearing in both glasses.

6.3. With the help of what experiment can Artyom find out whether the presence of soil in a glass affects the rate of seed germination? Describe this experiment.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment Points
The answer may include the following description of the experiment.

In one glass you need to pour some seeds and fill them with water, in another glass - seeds and soil and pour water over them. Place the glasses side by side so that there is the same lighting and the same temperature.

A different description of the experiment, similar in meaning, can be given

The description of the experiment correctly reflects
  • differences in seed germination conditions (one of the glasses should contain soil, the other should not);
  • similarities in seed germination conditions in terms of humidity, temperature and light
The description of the experiment correctly reflects only the differences in the conditions for seed germination (one of the glasses should contain soil, the other should not) 1
The description of the experiment does not reflect/incorrectly reflects the differences in seed germination conditions (one of the glasses should contain soil, the other should not).

OR Description of the experiment is not given

Maximum score 2

7. Look at the signs shown in the pictures. Where can you find each of these signs?

What rule do you think each of these signs reflects? Write these rules.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment Points

1) the place where you can find each of the signs: 1) street, 2) museum /

shopping center, etc., 3) clothing label; 2) rules:

1 - Here you should cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. 2 — Photography is prohibited in this room.

3 - This item cannot be ironed.

Specifying a place
The places where you can find two or three signs are correctly indicated 1
The place where you can find only one of any signs is correctly indicated. OR No place is specified correctly 0
Maximum score 3

Look at the signs shown in the pictures. What do you think all these signs have in common?

What rule do you think each of these signs reflects? Write these rules.

Contents of the correct answer and instructions for assessment Points
The correct answer must contain the following elements:
  1. answer to the question: what do signs have in common: all these signs can be found on the street OR are they traffic signs;

(The answer to the question can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning.)

  1. rules:

1 - Here you should cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. 2 - Be careful, children may run across the road here.

3 – There is a bike path here.

The rules may be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning. Not only the strict formulation of the rule, but also any explanation indicating that the student understands the corresponding rule can be accepted as the correct answer.

Answer to the question: what unites the signs?
The question was answered correctly 1
Wrong answer 0
Three rules are formulated correctly 2
Only any two rules are formulated correctly 1
Only one rule is formulated correctly. OR Not a single rule is formulated correctly 0
Maximum score 3

8. The photographs show objects that representatives of different professions work with.

Choose ONE of the photos and write down the letter it is represented by. Representatives of what profession work with the objects depicted in the selected photograph? If you know many professions whose representatives work with the subject(s) you have chosen, name any of them. What kind of work do people in this profession do? How is the work of people in this profession useful to society?

K1 Definition of profession 1

K2 Explanation of the nature of the work


OR The answer is incorrect



OR The answer is incorrect

Maximum score 3

The photographs depict objects that representatives of one of the professions work with.

What kind of profession is this? What kind of work do people in this profession do? How is the work of people in this profession useful to society?

Criteria and guidelines for assessment Points
K1 Definition of profession 1
The profession is correctly defined.

When grading, valid names of any level of specificity (for example, worker, builder, painter) are counted as the correct answer.

Profession not explicitly defined/incorrectly defined 0
If the profession is not explicitly defined / defined incorrectly and 0 points are given according to criterion K1, then 0 points are given for all other assessment positions
K2 Explanation of the nature of the work

(When assessing, the volume of the explanation is not taken into account; a brief explanation, correct in essence, can be assessed with the maximum score for this criterion.)

It is correctly explained what work the representatives of the chosen profession do 1
There is no explanation of what kind of work the representatives of the chosen profession perform.

OR The answer is incorrect

K3 Explaining the benefits to society

(When assessing, any explanation can be accepted as correct. The main thing is to specify the explanation in relation to the chosen profession.)

An appropriate explanation is given of how the work of people in their chosen profession is useful to society 1
General considerations are given that are not related to the social significance of a particular profession.

OR The answer is incorrect

Maximum score 3

The photographs show people of different professions at work. Choose ONE of the photos and write down the letter under which it appears.

What profession is represented in the selected photo? What kind of work do people in this profession do? What materials/equipment do representatives of this profession use in their work?




Criteria and guidelines for assessment Points
K1 Definition of profession 1
The profession is correctly identified (the image chosen by the student is related to the profession he named).

When grading, valid names of any level of specificity (for example, worker, builder, painter) are counted as the correct answer.

Profession not explicitly defined/incorrectly defined 0
If the profession is not explicitly defined / defined incorrectly and 0 points are given according to criterion K1, then 0 points are given for all other assessment positions
K2 Explanation of the nature of the work

(When assessing, the volume of the explanation is not taken into account; a brief explanation, correct in essence, can be assessed with the maximum score for this criterion.)

It is correctly explained what work the representatives of the chosen profession do 1
There is no explanation of what kind of work the representatives of the chosen profession perform.

OR The answer is incorrect

K3 Specifying materials/equipment

(When assessing, the indication of materials and/or equipment to any extent may be accepted as correct.)

Correctly indicated materials and/or equipment used in work by representatives of the chosen profession 1
Wrong answer 0
Maximum score 3

9. On February 8, Russian Science Day is celebrated in our country. Why is the development of science important for Russia? (Write your answer in up to five sentences.)

10.1. Write down the name of the region: republic, or region, or region, or city, or autonomous district in which you live.

10.2.What is the name of the main city of your region / district in which you live?

10.3.What goods is your region known for producing? What natural monuments or historical and cultural monuments are located in your region? Tell us about one of these monuments.

Criteria and guidelines for assessment Points
K1 Indication of goods for which the region is known for production 1
The product(s) for which the region is known for production is correctly indicated 1
Product(s) for which the region is known for production is not listed or listed incorrectly 0
K2 Name of a natural monument or historical and cultural monument of the region 1
Natural or historical and cultural monument(s) named correctly 1
Monument(s) of nature or history and culture is not named or named incorrectly 0
K3 A story about a natural monument or cultural monument 2
The story along with impressions from visiting the monument, watching films about it, etc. contains basic information about it. No factual errors 2
The story along with impressions from visiting the monument, watching films about it, etc. contains basic information about it; There are factual errors in the story.

OR The story contains only impressions of visiting the monument

Reasoning of a general nature is given that does not correspond to the requirements of the assignment.

OR The answer is incorrect

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