Oge Russian language Vasiliev guest.

The manual contains 50 variants of standard test tasks of the Main State Exam in the Russian language. The purpose of the manual is to provide students with the opportunity to practice their skills in performing test tasks similar to the tasks provided in the demo version of the OGE in the Russian language.

OGE 2018. Russian language. Typical test tasks. 50 task options. Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N.

The examination paper consists of three parts, including 15 tasks. 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work in the Russian language.

Part 1
Listen to the text and complete task 1 on ANSWER FORM No. 2. First write the task number, and then the text of the condensed presentation.
1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary1.
Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the whole
text as a whole.
The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.
Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2
Read the text and complete tasks 2-15.
(1) In the morning Dyushka woke up early with an ebullient feeling - hurry, hurry! (2) I barely had enough strength to have breakfast, I grabbed my briefcase and went outside. (H) Hurry! (4) Hurry!
(5) But as soon as Dyushka jumped off the porch, he realized that he was in a hurry.
(b) The street was quietly populated. (7) But not by people, but by rooks. (8) Large, ceremonial, gloomy birds silently waddled along the road, and each of them, in detached solitude, carried its gray beak, no, no, and touching the ground with it thoughtfully, absent-mindedly, and disgustedly. (9) Large birds, black as firebrands, deep in their serious concerns. (Yu) Strange population. (And) That’s why the street itself seems strange, as if in a science fiction book: people died out, wise birds remained the owners, only Dyushka accidentally survived throughout the whole earth. (12) And imagine - brrrr! - creepy!

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer?
to the question: “Why did Dyushka, watching what was happening on the street, suddenly experience a strong
1) It suddenly seemed to the boy that something unusual was going to happen that day, something that could dramatically change his life.
2) Dyushka felt unpleasant that the timber truck had scared away the large, important birds, which, as it seemed to him, were deep in their serious concerns.
3) The boy suddenly realized that he was in too much of a hurry, trying to get out on the street as quickly as possible.
4) Dyushka was shocked by the realization of the unstoppable passage of time, changing everything around.
Answer: .
3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is an epithet.
1) A door slammed somewhere, one of the people came out of their house.
2) In the morning Dyushka woke up early with an ebullient feeling - hurry, hurry!
3) Once upon a time here, a long time ago, a seed fell, a sprout sprouted, began to stretch, turned into a tree...
4) I barely had the strength to have breakfast, grabbed my briefcase and went outside.
Answer: .

The manual contains 50 variants of standard test tasks of the Main State Exam.
The purpose of the manual is to give readers information about the structure and content of CMM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks, and also to provide an opportunity to practice their skills on a large number of test tasks.
The authors of the assignments are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of assignments for the Main State Exam (Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N.) and the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measurement materials of the Main State Exam (Egoraeva G.T.).
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Unified State Examination, and to ninth-graders for self-preparation and self-control.

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the poet Alexei Fedorovich Merzlyakov: “Language is an image of everything that existed, exists and will exist - everything that the mental eye of a person can embrace and comprehend.”
To justify your answer, give two examples from the text you read.
When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.
You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.F. Merzlyakova. The essay must be at least 70 words.
Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison.
1) He is too fat, awkward, clumsy, and Margot is thin, angry, quick, she doesn’t care about anything, she’s not afraid of anything.
2) While moving onto the bookshelves, she touched a vase made of thick multi-colored glass - it fell and, without breaking, rolled heavily on the floor.
3) While running away, Margot swept a jar of pencils and a pile of paper off the desk, overturned a chair and, finally, dropped a flower pot that was standing on the windowsill.
4) They were dragged out of the room by the collar, like kittens.

Instructions for performing the work
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Option 13
Option 14
Option 15
Option 16
Option 17
Option 18
Option 19
Option 20
Option 21
Option 22
Option 23
Option 24
Option 25
Option 26
Option 27
Option 28
Option 29
Option 30
Option 31
Option 32
Option 33
Option 34
Option 35
Option 36
Option 37
Option 38
Option 39
Option 40
Option 41
Option 42
Option 43
Option 44
Option 45
Option 46
Option 47
Option 48
Option 49
Option 50
Analysis of option 13
Analysis of option 15
Texts for condensed presentation
System for assessing examination work in the Russian language.

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Download the book OGE 2016, Russian language, grade 9, 50 variants of standard test tasks, Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Egoraeva G.T. - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

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OGE 2017. Russian language. 50 variants of typical test tasks. Vasiliev I.P. and etc.

M.: 2017. - 296 p.

The manual contains 30 versions of typical test tasks of the Main State Exam, as well as a workshop on preparing for task 15.3. The purpose of the manual is to give readers information about the structure and content of CMM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks, and also to provide an opportunity to practice their skills on a large number of test tasks. The authors of the tasks are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of tasks for the Main State Exam (Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N.) and the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials of the Main State Exam (Egoraeva G.T.). The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Main State Exam, and to ninth-graders for self-preparation and self-control.

Format: pdf

Size: 5.2 MB

Watch, download: drive.google

Instructions for performing work 5
Option 1 6
Option 2 11
Option 3 16
Option 4 22
Option 5 27
Option 6 33
Option 7 38
Option 8 43
Option 9 48
Option 10 53
Option 11 58
Option 12 64
Option 13 70
Option 14 75
Option 15 80
Option 16 85
Option 17 90
Option 18 95
Option 19 100
Option 20 106
Option 21 111
Option 22 116
Option 23 121
Option 24 126
Option 25 131
Option 26 136
Option 27 141
Option 28 147
Option 29 152
Option 30 157
Option 31 162
Option 32 168
Option 33 173
Option 34 178
Option 35 183
Option 36 188
Option 37 194
Option 38 200
Option 39 205
Option 40 210
Option 41 216
Option 42 221
Option 43 226
Option 44 231
Option 45 236
Option 46 241
Option 47 246
Option 48 251
Option 49 256
Option 50 261
Replies 266
Analysis of option 1 272
Analysis of option 13 279
Texts for condensed presentation 285
Evaluation system for examination work in the Russian language 287

The examination paper consists of three parts, including 15 tasks.
3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work in the Russian language.
Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times.

Part 2 consists of 13 tasks (2-14). Part 2 tasks are completed based on the text read.
Answers to tasks 2-14 are written in the form of a word (phrase), number, or sequence of numbers in the answer field in the text of the work.
If you write down an incorrect answer to the tasks in Part 2, cross it out and write a new one next to it.
Part 3 assignment is based on the same text that you read while working on part 2 assignments.
When starting part 3 of the work, choose one of the three proposed tasks (15.1, 15.2 or 15.3) and give a written, detailed, reasoned answer. This task is completed on answer sheet No. 2.
This task is completed on a separate sheet.
You are allowed to use a spelling dictionary during the exam.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.

OGE 2018. Russian language. 36 variants of standard test tasks + 300 additional tasks. Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Egoraeva G.T.

M.: 2018. - 312 p.

The authors of the assignments are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of control measuring materials (Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N.) and the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials of the Main State Exam (Egoraeva G.T.). The manual contains 36 versions of standard test tasks of the Main State Exam in the Russian language, as well as a workshop on preparing for task 15.3 - writing an essay. The purpose of the manual is to provide students with the opportunity to practice their skills in performing test tasks similar to the tasks provided in the demo version of the OGE in the Russian language. The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Main State Exam, and to ninth-graders for self-preparation and self-control.

Format: pdf

Size: 5 MB

Watch, download: drive.google

Instructions for performing work 5
Option 1 6
Option 2 11
Option 3 16
Option 4 21
Option 5 26
Option 6 31
Option 7 36
Option 8 41
Option 9 46
Option 10 51
Option 11 56
Option 12 61
Option 13 66
Option 14 72
Option 15 77
Option 16 82
Option 17 87
Option 18 92
Option 19 97
Option 20 102
Option 21 108
Option 22 114
Option 23 119
Option 24 124
Option 25 130
Option 26 136
Option 27 141
Option 28 146
Option 29 151
Option 30 156
Option 31 161
Option 32 166
Option 33 172
Option 34 177
Option 35 182
Option 36 187
Answers 192
Analysis of option 26 200
Analysis of option 28 206
Texts for condensed presentation 213
Option 1 219
Option 2 228
Option 3 236
Option 4 244
Option 5 251
Option 6 259
Option 7 270
Option 8 278
Option 9 285
Option 10 291
Answers to tasks 298
Evaluation system for examination work in the Russian language 302

The examination paper consists of three parts, including 15 tasks.
3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination work in the Russian language.
Part 1 includes one task and is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation). The source text for the condensed presentation is listened to 2 times.
This task is completed on answer sheet No. 2.
Part 2 consists of 13 tasks (2-14). Part 2 tasks are completed based on the text read.
Write down the answer to tasks 2 and 3 in answer form No. 1 in the form of one number, which corresponds to the number of the correct answer.
The answers to tasks 4-14 are a word (phrase), number or sequence of numbers. Write your answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to answer form No. 1.
Part 3 assignment is based on the same text that you read while working on part 2 assignments.

Option No. 1043281

Demo version of the OGE-2017 in the Russian language.

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. Separate the fractional part from the whole decimal point. There is no need to write units of measurement. When writing a grammatical basis (task 8), consisting of homogeneous members with a conjunction, give the answer without a conjunction, do not use spaces or commas. Do not enter the letter E instead of the letter E.

If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Exam options consist of a text and tasks for it, as well as text for presentation. This version could have included other language. A complete list of presentations can be seen in the Catalog of assignments.

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