Teaching reading using the Zaitsev method. Early child development


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 39 “Snow White” Card file of games and exercises on methods of teaching reading N. A. Zaitseva Prepared and conducted by: M. V. Ryabova, additional education teacher in Surgut

2 Work at the warehouse level The game “Steam Locomotive” teaches how to work with cubes, choosing the side with a given letter on them, helps memorize and read warehouses with the same letter, teaches how to meaningfully find the right cube, and draws attention to working with cubes. Option 1 The teacher invites the children to build a steam locomotive. To do this, place a locomotive (toy steam locomotive) and a large golden cube with the letter A on the shelf (for the first lesson). The teacher speaks. That all the cars in the train will be with the letter A and shows on the first cube (on any large one) how to find the side with the letter A. Then the teacher places the cube next to the locomotive. The children place the rest of the cubes themselves; the teacher intervenes only when the child does not understand how to look for cubes with the letter A. The teacher always explains that the letter A appears only on large cubes. Thus, children work only with large cubes, gradually highlighting them visually. When the locomotive is built, it must set off. But for this, all the trailers must be read: PA-TA-NA-SA-FA-SHA-CHA, etc. The teacher asks the children to follow his movements. With the index finger of his right hand, he shows the first large golden cube and voices the warehouse, and the children repeat it in chorus. Similar work is carried out with other trailers, and first the teacher’s finger moves to the next cube, and then the warehouse is sounded. You can use a cube with an accent by moving it along the cube trailers. In the following lessons, other vowel letters on the large and small gold cubes are taken as a model. In the future, the children themselves decide which vowel letter “will go on the train.” Option 2 Team game. On the first table, children lay out trailers with the letter O, and on the second table, E. The teams should end up like this: O-TO-KO-RO-VO-MO-GO and E-TE-NE-PE-RE-SE-FE Wins the team that will complete the task faster. The “Find a Song” exercise strengthens children’s ability to find the desired column of a table by ear and strengthens their ability to navigate the table. Description. The teacher invites the child to find a song in the table that he will sing. For example, M-MA-MO-MU-WE-ME. The child points to the corresponding column of the table with a pointer. This exercise is a test and helps to understand how well the child navigates the table. If the child copes well with this task, he is asked to show the given warehouse in the table.

3 Singing the warehouses of the vertical plane in the table, teach children to follow with their eyes the smaller lines of the table and not get lost, remember the warehouses, relying on knowledge of consonants, practice reading warehouses with soft mergers. Description. 1. The teacher shows that all the large warehouses are located on the left, and all the small ones on the right. The warehouses of the main gold cubes are written on top. That is, if in a column of the table the warehouses are located under the letter A, then all the warehouses in this column will be with the letter A. 2. The teacher, with his index finger, leads from top to bottom along the selected column with warehouses, singing them to the tune of any children's song. 3. After the collective singing of the warehouses of the first column, the teacher tests the children: shows any warehouse from the song that has been sung so much and asks the children to read it. 4. The same thing is repeated with other columns, but the children choose them themselves. Strengthening the reading of warehouses with a soft sign strengthen in children the skill of reading warehouses with a soft sign and differentiate warehouses with b from warehouses with iotized letters. Description. First, all syllables with a soft sign are read from the table, then the game “locomotive” is played (cubes with a b sign). After the chain is ready and read, the teacher turns over the first small golden cube to the letter Y, and the children must also turn over the remaining cubes (pu-lu-zy). After this, the entire chain is read again. In other lessons, the b sign is differentiated from the letters Y E E. Practicing reading and writing problem expressions according to Table 2 to strengthen children’s skills in reading and writing expressions with soft mergers or other problem expressions. Description. After the children sing songs and take a test for reading warehouses, each child in turn chooses any warehouse and as many columns as they have sung, reads it and writes on any writing surface. Practicing reading and writing problematic warehouses using tables

4 teach children to correlate warehouses on both tables and cubes, strengthen the skill of reading warehouses that cause difficulty, and automate the sounds taught in individual lessons. Description. The child reads the warehouse on table 2, finds the same one on table 1 and on the cube. The selected cubes are brought to the teacher, from these cubes a word is composed and read. The game “Funny Words” teaches children to feel that a word does not have an infinite length, learn to manipulate cubes, place them correctly on a shelf (from left to right, next to each other, etc.), teach them to independently compose words from warehouses on cubes , to form motivation for independent work. Description. The teacher invites the children to play a new game. Each child is asked to write a funny word from the cubes, for which you just need to collect any number of cubes and place them one by one. During the work, the teacher unobtrusively reminds the children how to place the cubes: from left to right, side by side, “on their legs, not on their legs.” head." The teacher explains to the children that the shorter the word, the funnier it is. Particular attention is paid to children who want to write a word with 7-9 or more cubes. If the child does not agree to take fewer cubes. The word remains so long. Then the teacher reads each written word. The children are very amused by the nonsense words they produce. After this, the children try to choose the funniest word. Long words do not look funny, so the teacher once again reminds that the shorter the word, the funnier it is. Usually children cannot choose the funniest word, because each child thinks his word is the best. The teacher praises the children, especially highlighting those who tried to write the word and did not automatically arrange the cubes. This game is a transitional, preparatory stage for independent and conscious writing of words from cubes. Funny words are a model that will later be used in writing words with meaning. Exercise “Read your neighbor’s cube” Option 1: teach children to work in pairs, make independent choices, and strengthen the skill of reading warehouses.

5 Description. Children of the subgroup choose one cube for themselves. Then one of the children, as directed by the teacher, shows his cube to any child. The one who is shown the cube must sing or read all the folds on it. Option 2: Teach children to work in pairs and help each other. Description. One of the children, at the direction of the teacher, selects any cube and storage on it and shows it to any other child. He, in turn, finds the corresponding warehouse on the table. The warehouse on the cube and table is read. Exercise “What song should you sing?” attract children's attention to cubes and tables, help children concentrate simultaneously on the organs of articulation and the parts sung on the cube, develop hand-eye coordination, form speech exhalation, clarify the pronunciation of various sounds in combination with vowels, develop the rhythmic and intonation side of speech, teach to memorize the algorithm singing warehouses. Description. This is one of the main exercises in the initial stages of training. The teacher tells the children that the cubes are not simple, everyone has their own song. Warehouses are sung on several cubes. Then the child is asked to choose from the total mass a cube that he would like to listen to. In the future, such free choice is necessary. Since the child gets the opportunity to work according to his own program, intuitively clarifying the knowledge that he needs. This exercise indirectly helps the production of sounds, since repeated singing of the warehouses prepares the child’s articulatory apparatus for further work. For many children, their lips automatically begin to move; the children repeat the pattern after the teacher. Therefore, the child’s gaze should be directed only at the teacher. Then the child tries to sing the song facing him. The teacher helps him read any word he likes on the cube. Exercise “Singing Towers”, “Talking Towers” ​​attract children’s attention to cubes and tables, help children concentrate simultaneously on the organs of articulation and the parts sung on the cube, develop visual-motor coordination, form speech exhalation, clarify the pronunciation of various sounds in combination with vowels, develop rhythmic and intonation side of speech,

6 learn to remember the algorithm for singing warehouses. Note. This game takes advantage of the child's desire to build various structures from cubes. This is typical both for children with design abilities and for children with low motivation to learn, young children, and children with mental retardation. Description. The teacher either waits for the child to make a building out of cubes on his own, or invites the child to build a tower based on a model. Upon completion of construction, the teacher informs the child that what he has created is not a simple tower, but a magical one. Cubes can sing. Each cube has its own song. The tower turned out to be singing. The child selects any cube from the tower, the teacher sings all the cubes in the same way as in the game “Which cube should you sing?” It must be remembered that during any work with cubes, the child’s gaze is fixed on that warehouse. Which is voiced by the teacher, otherwise all the work loses its meaning. In this game, the turrets also speak, that is, the teacher voices the warehouse on the cube that the child has chosen. The teacher does not forget to characterize each sung read cube: “Oh, it’s your big iron cube that sings: BU-BO-BA-BE-BE-B.” It is necessary to sing very slowly, so that the child has time to hear and compare the voiced warehouse and its graphic image on the cube. The game “Wonderful Bag” (with cubes) attracts the child’s attention to cubes and storage tables, strengthens the skill of singing songs on cubes, teaches them to correlate cubes with a flat image of the corresponding warehouses on the table and navigate the table, develop the skill of tracing columns on tables with their eyes. Description. The teacher shows the children a beautiful bag, inside of which there are 4-5 cubes, the easiest to sing (with the most frequent letters): U-O-E-Y, MU-MO-MA-ME-WE-M, KU-KO-KA -KE-KY-K, etc. The child takes a cube out of the bag and tries to sing it on his own. Finds and displays the corresponding column on the table using a pointer. It is better if children themselves find the desired column in the table. This usually doesn't cause any problems after working with the table multiple times. In subsequent lessons, the teacher adds cubes to the bag that, in addition to consolidating reading skills, will help: automate some sounds in children, practice deaf or soft fusions, etc. This work allows the teacher to take an individual approach to each child and makes the process of learning to read more effective. The game "Classification" attracts the child's attention to the cubes, shows how to spin the cube in his hand and sing its song,

7 teaches you to remember the names of different groups of cubes, to learn, in the process of manipulating cubes, to sort cubes according to the following characteristics: dull-voiced, hard-soft. Option 1 Description. The game is played as a competition. The teacher divides the children into 2 teams and invites them to place all the cubes on 2 tables: the first team puts only large cubes on their table, the second only small ones. Typically, both teams finish their work at the same time. The teacher checks the children's work, and then sings the warehouses on the blocks, which the children of each team submit at will. The teacher shows how to manipulate the cubes, how to hold and twist them. Therefore, children’s visual control of the teacher’s actions is very important. During the learning process, children begin to hear the difference in the pronunciation of hard and soft mergings and try to repeat the chanted phrases after the teacher. Option 2 The cubes are again laid out on a common table; children need to arrange the cubes on 2 tables according to the following criteria: wooden and iron. At the end of this game, there should be gold and cubes with punctuation marks left on the common table. The teacher again sings the warehouses on all the cubes chosen by the children. The exercise “Singing from a table” will help children remember the algorithm for singing warehouses from a table, develop hand-eye coordination, form auditory, visual and motor connections, introduce children to the system for finding the right warehouse, and develop speech breathing and the rhythmic and intonation side of speech. Description. Children stand facing the table and the teacher. Teacher: “Look, this is a table. There are also songs on it, the same as on the cubes. I will show you the warehouses and sing songs, listen and sing along with me.” The teacher sings to the motive of the scale from the top note to the bottom, the pointer does not move down very quickly. It is better to repeat the table in its entirety at each lesson, but if children get tired, it is better to split the table into parts. The exercise “Writing words from a table” develops hand-eye coordination in children, develops the skill of warehouse synthesis, teaches them to remember the location of warehouses and read them. Description. A child with a pointer in his hand stands in front of a table. The teacher is behind the child’s back and clasps his hand with the pointer with his hand. Together they decide what word they will write. It's best to start with the child's name, then move on to

8 surnames, names of loved ones, names of favorite toys, cartoons, etc. After writing a word for the first time, be sure to write it a second time. At a faster pace. It is desirable that the child’s hand is not limp, but also guides with a pointer. In subsequent lessons, the child writes himself. Exercise “Riddles” shows children how to manipulate cubes when laying out words, attracts attention to working with cubes, develops thinking and memory. Description. The teacher asks the children riddles, the children guess. The teacher writes the answer in cubes, placing them sequentially on the shelf, pronouncing his actions out loud, i.e., accompanying them with speech. For example, “Mushroom. We say: “Grip”, but we write “Mushroom”, because “Mushrooms”. I need the first cube G-GA-GO-GU-GY-GE, where is it? (slowly moving through the cubes, showing how to pick them up and spin them). We need a big iron one. Here he is". Places the cube on the shelf. The search continues. Children can also take part in writing the word, but first the teacher shows the spelling of the word from beginning to end. The game “Brothers” teaches children to differentiate soft and hard sounds, classify cubes in more detail according to the “big-small” criteria, and remember the location of warehouses. Description. The teacher says: “The cubes have brothers: the big ones have small, younger ones, and the little ones have big, older ones. You see, we have them all mixed up. Let’s find older and younger brothers and put them side by side.” For example, (SYA-SA). The game “Look and Repeat” strengthens children’s skill in working with cubes, develops visual memory in the process of manipulating cubes, consolidates the skill of writing first their first and last name, then other words, and consolidates the skill of writing words independently. Description. The teacher suggests writing the name of one of the children. The word is written in cubes, and then the owner of the name is asked to turn away. At this time, the teacher rearranges and twists the word in the cube so that it becomes unrecognizable. The child is asked to reconstruct the word from memory. The basic rule for a teacher at the beginning of teaching is not to confuse the cubes too much.

9 The game “Conceived Word” teaches children to independently lay out words in cubes, find a cube from the total mass, based on the table and by ear. Option 1 The teacher announces to the children that he has come up with an interesting word and which one he will not say. Children must guess it themselves by laying out the cubes corresponding to the warehouses called by the teacher. For example, the teacher thought of the word “table”. He says that the first cube in this word is read as S. Children, already familiar with finding cubes from the general mass, try to find the cube, relying only on their memory. If the cube is not found, the teacher calls its full characteristics “This is a big wooden SA-SO-SU-SY-SE” and shows the corresponding column on the table. The cube is found, they once again clarify which side to put it on, then they also look for the TO and L warehouses. When all the cubes are displayed, the children are asked to read and guess the word that the teacher has in mind. If the children have not guessed it yet, the teacher begins to read it together with the children, pausing to let them guess for themselves: “S TO L.” This game assumes a high level of individualization, since the choice of complexity of the words being guessed is determined depending on the level of training of the children (from the words “poppy”, “cabinet”, “porridge”, to “dump truck”, “key”, “transformer”, “ snowflake"). Option 2 The teacher lays out his intended word right in front of the children, steps aside, and the children try to guess it. This option is needed to practice reading the entire word and serves as a complication to the main game. A child can also think of his or her word by whispering it in the teacher’s ear. The teacher can write this word together with the child, and the other children read. The “Guess” game prepares children to work with stock pictures, stimulates them to read words independently using the elimination method, and expands their vocabulary. Description. Children are sitting near the table with blocks opposite the teacher. Next to the teacher there is another table, on which there are 4-5 different objects or toys. Children name objects, while the teacher agrees with them in advance on the name of each word: not a ball, but a ball, not a book, but a book. The teacher asks you to guess which of these words he will write. The word is laid out in cubes in front of the children, and often one of the children guesses it from the first cube. In this case, the teacher writes this word to the end, and the one who guessed reads it again. Then the word is read in chorus, after which the one who reads it first takes

10 the corresponding object and places it near his high chair. At the end of the game, it is counted who has the most items won. The exercise “Find a given cube” strengthens children’s ability to navigate the total mass of cubes, find a given cube, teaching them to use the table as a hint. Description. In the center of the office is a table with cubes. The teacher sings the “song” of any cube, and the children must find this cube on the table. Whoever finds it first shows it to all the other children and puts it in their pre-agreed place. This die is a win. If the children cannot find the cube by ear, the teacher briefly shows the corresponding column on the table. Exercise “Where is this warehouse?” Option 1: Strengthen children’s ability to navigate using a table, find and show the named warehouse in it. Description. The teacher invites the child to find one warehouse on the table, which he will name: “Where is MI?”, The child shows the desired warehouse. Option 2: teach children to navigate in the table using the support of the cubes, teach them to correlate the same warehouses on the cubes and in the table. Description. The child is asked to find the named warehouse in the table, based on the same warehouse on the cube. The teacher finds a cube with the named warehouse and gives it to the child. The child’s task is to find the named warehouse on the cube and then in the table. Working at the word level to teach children how to manipulate cubes: twirl them correctly in their hands, if possible, speaking and looking at what they are reading, do not randomly grab cubes from the total mass, but choose them based on the type of cube (for example, a large double wooden one), place the cubes side by side from left to right, without allowing breaks between warehouses, but leaving gaps between words; teach to use the basic principle of finding the right storage cube for writing words; develop hand-eye and general coordination; expand your vocabulary, consolidate some grammatical categories, practice words with a complex syllabic structure, use the concepts of “capital letter” and “stress.”

11 Game “Lunch” Description. The teacher invites the children to “cook” lunch, that is, write words from cubes that denote various dishes. Children suggest any names and, together with the teacher, place the cubes on the shelf (not forgetting about the cube with emphasis). Then lunch is “eaten,” that is, each word is read in chorus and individually. These same words can be written with a pointer on the table with the child who wants “additives”. Games "Zoo", "Farm" Description. Children, together with the teacher, “go” to the zoo (to the farm). Children name the animals they remember, these words are written in cubes on the shelf, and a cube with an accent is placed on each one. In case of difficulties and in order to expand vocabulary, the teacher puts animal figurines on the shelf. Children who want to write the same words with a pointer on the table. Words of a complex syllabic structure are pronounced together, then reflected by each child. The game can be carried out within the framework of the theme “domestic and wild animals”. Exercise “What we do in kindergarten” Description. The teacher invites the children to remember what actions they perform in the garden every day. The question goes like this: “Let’s write what you do in kindergarten every day.” The teacher guides the children and gives an example of the first word in case of difficulties. The main task, in addition to writing words, is the use of a verbal dictionary in active speech, as well as the use of verbs in the 2nd person plural: we walk, eat, play, study, etc. these words can also be written in cubes and on a table. In some cases, you can introduce a comma as a punctuation mark here, which depends on the level of readiness of the children. Game "Toy Store" Description. The teacher calls the children to the toy store and offers to “buy” whatever they like. When the selected toy words are written in cubes and the cubes are marked with accents, everyone “buys” their own, that is, tries to read it. Whoever read it “bought” the toy. As a secondary task, the task of using words with diminutive suffixes (doll, ball) in active speech is solved, as well as a comparison of words like “typewriter” is carried out: what has changed in the word, how these toys differ from these toys (one is large, the other is small ). The game is also aimed at establishing contact between children and the teacher and creating motivation for classes. Game “Favorite Toy” Description. Children, together with the teacher, write the name of their favorite toy (one or more). When. If the toy has a name or nickname (the doll’s name is Katya, and the puppy’s name is Bobik), the teacher introduces or reinforces what the children already know

12 the concept of “capital letter” and places the ZB cube on the first warehouse of the word. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the name of each child’s toy is written by the entire subgroup, that is, during the game, children take turns getting the opportunity to show their favorite toy to the rest of the children and name it. Game "Confectionery" Description. The teacher invites the children to go to the confectionery department of the store and choose whatever sweets they want. The game is carried out within the framework of the topic “Products” and serves to replenish children’s active vocabulary on the topic. At the end of writing each word, the product is “eaten”, that is, read. For each written word, a cube with an accent must be placed, the meaning of this sign and the way to determine its place are explained once again. Game “Let's make soup, compote” Description. The principle is the same as in the game “Lunch”, only now the names of the ingredients of the prepared dish are written: potatoes, peas, carrots, onions, apples, sugar, water, etc. words, as before, are named or chosen by the children themselves. This game helps expand knowledge about the environment and expand children’s active vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables.” A cube with an accent must be placed. Game "Birthday Gift" Description. The teacher invites the children to fantasize about a birthday gift. The words-names of the gifts are written by the entire subgroup and read. Game “Wonderful bag” (with toys) Description. Each child takes a toy prepared in advance by the teacher from the bag and makes up its name from the cubes. For children with low motivation for activities and attention deficit, Kindersurprise toys are used with subsequent reward for the child who writes his word (for the correct answer, the toy is given to the child). The game allows you to maximally individualize reading learning in a subgroup, since the teacher selects for writing those words that would be practiced with children (of a certain syllable composition, with the presence or absence of soft mergers, ioted letters, problem sounds, etc.) Game “Trip” Description. The teacher invites the child to travel by train. The children themselves can decide where to go. Next, on the shelf, the names of children or the names of mothers and fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers are laid out in cubes, who to take on a trip, the children decide, name the names, and actively participate in writing words. Then, when the names are written and read, the teacher says: “Here we have arrived in another city, let’s take a walk.” The children disperse, and meanwhile the words are rearranged and changed places. “Guess which carriage Katya is traveling in? Olya? Misha? Children

13 show their “carriages”. The teacher also asks: “Who is riding in this carriage? What about this?” Children try to recognize the written name, and the teacher encourages them to read the words by voicing the words on the cubes. Option 1 You can recognize any word: “Who knows where the fox is?” (in the game "Zoo") "Who knows what this is?" (soup in the game "Lunch"). Option 2 Game "Plates". Description: Children are asked to write the name of what they would like to eat. The words are placed next to each other and read. The teacher says that the food is laid out on plates. And he offers to play. The children turn away, the words change places. When the children turn around, the teacher asks: “Who knows what plate the salad is on? What’s on this plate?” The change of words is repeated 2-3 times. Read the word in the picture - teach children to intuitively read different words, expand their vocabulary, practice various grammatical categories, and strengthen word formation skills. Description. The teacher presents one picture with the front side facing the children and asks them to read what is written on them (pay attention to the shock warehouse). 5-7 pictures are also read, then the teacher mixes the pictures and turns them face down. The pictures change places. Children try to read words without relying on a picture. Whoever reads it gets a picture. The word is read as it is written, and not as it is heard: eagle, not arel, because eagle). With the help of warehouse pictures, various grammatical structures are practiced and introduced into active speech: diminutive suffixes of nouns (bird - bird), the plural form of nouns (elephant - elephants), word formation skills are practiced (cat-cat-kitten). Make up the same word from the cubes as in the picture to teach children to correlate the printed word with the words on the cubes; highlight the structure in a written word (analysis) and compose the same word from cubes (synthesis), prepare for future work on rewriting texts (working with a book), teach children to work in a team. Option 1

14 Description. If the teacher plans individual work, then the stock picture is given to one child. The child writes a word from a stock picture with cubes. Option 2 Description. The task is similar to the previous one, but each team gives its word. The game “Your Little Word” strengthens the skill of group writing and individual reading of words. Description. One child must leave the room, and the rest of the children, together with the teacher, come up with and make up a word. The teacher can offer a word that is adequate in complexity to the child’s reading mastery level. The discussion of the word takes place in a low voice so that the driver does not hear. After this, the word is written collectively, the teacher helps the children when difficulties arise. Then the driver is invited to read the word. It is necessary to make sure that the child copes with this task; when the child reads the word, everyone claps together and rejoices. A new driver is selected. The game repeats itself. Game “Instructions” Option 1 (with cubes) to strengthen children’s skill of reading a whole word and understanding the meaning of what they read. Description. The teacher invites any child to play, completing tasks that he will write from cubes: run, sing, sit, walk, jump, give (car), etc. Option 2 (according to the table) to consolidate in children the skill of reading words syllable by syllable, form warehouse synthesis skill. Description: The teacher writes instructions, showing warehouses with a pointer on the table. The child voices each warehouse and completes the corresponding task. The exercise “The cubes ran away” will strengthen children’s recognition and reading of the folds on a cube, and strengthen the skill of reading their first and last names.

15 Description. The cubes are in random order. Near each cube there is a sign with the child's name. Children must find and read their name signs and pick up their block. Then the teacher asks each child to sing the words on their blocks. In the future, signs with the children’s names and surnames may be placed near the cubes. Children can use the collected cubes to form a word. This exercise will help the teacher more thoroughly develop children’s reading skills for a specific group of warehouses. The game “Living Word” develops the skill of warehouse synthesis in children, strengthens the skill of finding and reading the desired warehouse without relying on a table. Description. From the cubes you need to make up a specific word that the teacher intended. Each child takes one cube, and the teacher says that now the children will form a living word. Then he asks the child who has the cube with the first word of the intended word to come up, for example, KO for the word (candy), KO come here. After all the words from the word are named, the children try to read the resulting word together. Team game to teach children to work in a team, to teach children to add a word from given (2-3 cubes). Description. The teacher divides the children into 2 teams. Each team is given a certain number of cubes and asked to compose and write their own word (porridge, soup). The one who writes the word faster will win. Consolidating the skills of inflection and word formation, clearly show children in practice how words change with the help of prefixes, suffixes, and endings. Description. 1. The use of diminutive suffixes of nouns: the teacher invites children to listen and see how words change, try to change the words themselves (ball - ball, house - house). 2. The use of prefixed verbs (pour, pour, pour, fill, pour out). You can get funny words and encourage children to create words. 3. Agreement of nouns and adjectives in gender (beautiful ball, beautiful doll). You can play the game correct the mistake (beautiful doll). 4. Selection of words with the same root (forest, forester, forester, coppice, forest).

16 Work at the sentence level Exercise “Find a toy” to teach children to read word combinations made by an adult from cubes, navigate in space, consolidate the use of simple prepositions on, under, about, for, and adverbs left, right, above, below. Description. The children close their eyes, and the teacher, meanwhile, hides any toy in the office and offers a clue written from cubes: “on the closet.” After the toy is found, the children repeat where it was, making complete sentences: “The bear was lying on the cabinet behind the vase.” Make up a proposal to teach children to lay out short, non-prepositional sentences from cubes from the beginning, then common sentences and read them, teach them to use punctuation marks, the ZB icon, leave space between words, spread the sentence by selecting and writing homogeneous definitions with cubes, expand the vocabulary, clarify the grammatical categories of words. Option 1 Description. First, the teacher recalls with the children materials from topics covered in frontal lessons about sentences (for example, it is clarified how to find out that we have a sentence in front of us; what it consists of). Children give various examples. Then the teacher offers to put out a sentence from the cubes like: “Winter has come.” Together with the children, we discuss how many words are in this sentence, which word is first, which is second. The teacher introduces children to the rules for writing sentences, 3D cubes, dots, and the distance between words. Next, the children themselves write a sentence on the shelf. Option 2 Description. Children come up with a sentence on a given topic, for example, “Spring.” Each child makes up one word from this sentence. Then the sentence is read by everyone together and by everyone separately. Find errors in the sentence to consolidate children's knowledge about capital letters and dots, the distance between names.

17 Description. A sentence is written on the shelf, for example, “They dropped the teddy bear on the floor.” But the offer has not been formalized, i.e. there is no 3B cube, a cube with a dot, some words are connected together. You can turn over some more cubes or remove them from the word. The children's task is to read the sentence, find errors and make it “beautiful”. It is necessary to remind children that prepositions with other words are written separately. Spread the sentence teach children to spread a simple sentence. Description. The teacher writes a sentence together with the children, for example, “It snowed.” Then, looking out the window, the children decide, what kind of snow is there now? The selected definitions are immediately written in cubes separated by commas before the word “snow” (white, wet, fluffy, cold). Write the sentence on the table Description. Children come up with simple sentences and write them with a pointer on the table, placing 3B, period, comma. In the future, you can enter question and exclamation marks. Writing sentences with different prepositions in cubes will strengthen children’s ability to use simple and complex prepositions in active speech, and knowledge about spelling prepositions and sentences. Description. Children make up a sentence with a given preposition based on a picture or idea. They analyze it (draw a diagram that shows the number of words, a period, a capital letter, and the preposition is highlighted in some color). After this, the children put sentences on the shelf in cubes. If the preposition is complex, the concept of “hyphen” is introduced (due to, from under). Draw children's attention to the deafening of voiced consonants at the end of small words “iz”, “in”.

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Project “Teaching children to read using N. A. Zaitsev’s cubes”

« Teaching children to read using cubes N. A. Zaitseva»

Relevance and usefulness of innovation.

In connection with recent changes in the field of preschool education, children's literacy education alternative methods have become irrelevant.

The Federal State Educational Standard pursues the goal of creating equality of opportunity for everyone

child in receiving quality preschool education. The specificity of preschool age is such that achievements children preschool age is determined not by the sum of specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but by the totality of personal qualities, including those that ensure the child’s psychological readiness for school. The standards state that it is necessary to abandon the educational model in kindergarten, i.e., from classes.

The standard requires educators and educators to turn to new forms of working with children that would allow teachers, figuratively speaking, teach

preschoolers so that they don’t even know about it. The difference between preschool education and general education lies in the fact that in kindergarten there is no rigid objectivity; the basis of development is play.

Desire of specialists (teachers - speech therapists) the use of new technologies in work is caused primarily by the specifics children with severe speech impairments. Using the phoneme method training, teachers often felt powerless in the face of the persistent failure of some children. These children had difficulty mastering the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis. For them sometimes it turns out inaccessible: abstract symbolic concepts such as "vowel", "hard and soft consonant", "letter", "syllable", "dot", "emphasis", "scheme of a word, sentence" etc. Particular difficulty for children represents the assimilation of iotated vowels, soft consonants. And although most graduates of speech therapy groups enter school having mastered the mechanism reading, among them, by the end of the first grade, a huge percentage of dysgraphics and dyslexics are revealed. Thus, the traditional approach to training literacy in kindergarten does not always meet modern school requirements, since it does not sufficiently solve the problem of preventing written language disorders.

System N.A. Zaitseva refers to non-traditional systems training. It was originally developed for teaching children reading without developmental deviations, from 2 years of age to 7-8 years of age. But the most important thing is not even the age range, but the pace and quality teaching children.

An ordinary child of 6-7 years old learns to read using this system in 2-3 months, a child with speech pathology - in 4-5 months. For reliability, I will give a number of numbers. Out of 10 children with OHP, three read phrases after 2 months, the rest - only words. In another 3 months seven children mastered syllable by reading, and three are runaways. So, the whole period training took 5 months, but among these children Five had a secondary diagnosis of mental retardation, two had stuttering. These data in the process of my work allowed me to conclude that the proposed Zaitsev system, about its need for defectologists.

Distinctive features of the program

According to the method Zaitsev, all learning to read is based on blocks and wall tables. « Learning to read using Zaitsev's cubes» - games-activities based on the warehouse principle training N. A. Zaitseva(memorizing warehouses, singing them).

Large and small are used cubes, there are single and double, gold, iron, wooden. Available in white cube with punctuation marks. Letters on cubes written in different colors. They differ in weight, sound and vibration of the filler, etc. Each feature has its own purpose in order to solve certain problems in terms of learning to read. At the same time with cubes during training special warehouse tables are used.

The fundamental difference between the method teaching reading N. A. Zaitseva differs from traditional methods in that a child learns to read without forming words from individual letters, and not by syllables, but by phrases. The important thing is that the child sees all the warehouses at once, and not one at a time. From these warehouses, like from bricks, the baby builds a word, gradually moving from writing to reading. Exit to reading through singing - this is an integral principle in N.A.’s methodology. Zaitseva. Therefore, warehouses are sung and not spoken. The alphabet is also sung, which children become familiar with a little later.

The game is built into a complex process of mastering many educational skills. It involves the interpenetration of different types activities: observation, examination, conversation, table reading, reading and"letter" cubes, reading works of Russian folk art (lullabies, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, teasers, fables, etc.).

Thus, playing cubes, the child increases the number of perception channels through which information is received, resulting in increased efficiency training. At teaching reading according to Zaitsev The child begins to read after just a few lessons.

Target project:

Teaching children preschool age conscious, correct reading through warehouses with transition to whole word reading, further develop skills reading in sentences. Preparation children for schooling.

Tasks project:

Introduce children with cubes and tables, teach to distinguish cubes by color, sound, size, classify them;

Work on the phonetic and phonemic side of speech, singing stock songs;

Confidently name warehouses cubes and table, form words;

It's easy and fun to introduce your child to reading training;

Develop oral speech by singing warehouses according to the table, cubes;

Contribute to the enrichment of the child’s vocabulary and speech development;

Develop children attention, memory, imagination, logical thinking, fine motor skills, hearing;

Cultivate a love for your native language.

Motivational stage


Develop speech and cognitive activity;

Instill an interest in books and a taste for independent reading;

Develop dialogical speech children.

Age children

The the project is designed for children aged 4 to 6 years. The age of the child affects teaching reading using the N method. A. Zaitseva. Effective reading training directly depends on the development of cognitive abilities children. At 4-5 years old, children can already analyze the properties of the objects around them. It was at this age that children interest in letters appears, so you can start preparing for learning to read. Preparing for teaching children to read preschool age, should include games that promote the development of skills reading. They are aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking and fine motor skills.

By reading, a child develops his speech, because reading- this is one of the types of speech (written);

By reading and memorizing new words, the child develops thinking and increases vocabulary;

- reading helps the child remember the standards for constructing sentences, and he himself begins to construct his speech correctly;

For a child reading- this is a new type of obtaining information; now he can independently find out the information he is interested in.

Expected results programs:

By the end of the first year children need to learn:

Know, voice and show correctly "golden", "iron", "wooden" warehouses (table and cubes) ;

Classify cubes;

Master the warehouse reading words.

By the end of the second year children need to learn:

Be able to identify a shock warehouse;

Master reading alphabet songs;

Implementation deadlines project(time, stages of work)

Implementation time project

Duration training - 2 years(1st year training - for children 4-5 years old;

2nd year training for children 5-6 years old).

Number of classes in a week:

First year training - 2 times.

Second year training – 2 times.

Duration of one classes:

1st year training- 2 times a week for 20 minutes

2nd year training- 2 times a week for 25 minutes.

Working according to the system Zaitseva starts with children who cannot read and write, do not know letters, do not have sound-letter analysis or have insufficient knowledge.

Stages of work

Stage 1 preparatory

Goals: to draw attention to cubes and tables, develop the ability to manipulate cubes, teach to monitor the actions of the teacher and follow his instructions.

This stage is quite simple and very short, 5-6 lessons. However, in each lesson it is necessary to include 1-2 more complex tasks necessary to ensure the “zone of proximal development”. At this stage, children learn to twist correctly cubes in hands, looking at each side with a picture of warehouses. A special and important technique at this stage is the singing of warehouses in the process of manipulating with cube. The teacher first spins himself cube in hands, singing like a scale, and not reading, each warehouse, and the pronounced side cube facing the child. The meaning of this regularly used exercise is to develop the rhythmic and intonation side of speech, concentrate attention and memorize words. In other words, the child develops coordinated work of the analyzer system, and develops a sense of the sound side of speech. This is especially clearly seen when scanning warehouses according to tables.

In the first lessons, such types of work as matching all letters to one vowel are used. cubes having this letter

"Game "Steam Locomotive"


Learn to work with cubes, choosing the side with a given vowel;

Promote memorization and reading warehouses with the same

Learn to meaningfully find what you need cube;

Draw attention to working with cubes;

A game "classification"


Attract attention children to the blocks;

Show how to twist cube in your hand and sing his song;

Learn to remember the names of different groups cubes;

Learn while manipulating cubes sort cubes by characteristics: unvoiced - voiced, hard - soft.

“Look and repeat”, where the teacher first composes a short word in front of the child, then mixes and turns these cubes and invites the child to reproduce the word again. You can also use a lot of other games described by N.A. Zaitsev in his book “Letter, reading, counting,” come up with your own and modify existing ones. At this stage the work differs from the idea Zaitseva speed of “singing” cubes, which should be quite low, and frequent repetitions of the same games. Also used are such work techniques as showing, changing intonation to attract attention, and involving actions with the child. (twist together cube) and increased physical activity (always on the move). Thus, this stage can be considered simplified, which is caused by psycho-somatic characteristics children of this category.

The same simplification can be seen in working with tables that are included in training from the first lesson. As mentioned above, when working with tables, singing songs is also provided. The teacher, moving a long pointer along the rows of squares with warehouses, does not read, but sings these rows to any tune - from “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” to “Moscow evenings”, and the children follow the tip of the pointer and try to repeat after the teacher. If children sound pronunciation is grossly impaired, then at this stage you can sing only easily pronounceable sounds: k, t, v, g, m, n,. But in the future (starting from 3-4 lessons) you need to enter all the other letters and it was noticed that thanks to the constant, voluntary singing of songs (which, by the way, children really like, they were much better able to automate the sounds they practiced in individual lessons. That is why you can introduce work on tables and cubes for speech therapist classes to correct sound pronunciation.

At this same short stage, such a form of work as the teacher compiling words from words is introduced and remains for a long time. cubes, and these can be absolutely any words, from “soup”, “cabinet”, to “Batman”, “transformer”, depending on the requests children. This is what the game looks like. The speech therapist invites the children to “go to the toy store” and “buy” whatever they want. Children name their favorite toys, the speech therapist lays out words from cubes on the shelf hanging on the wall, making sure all the children were watching him manipulate the cubes. After the word is on the shelf, the speech therapist runs his finger over the word, reading it slowly, intonationally reflecting parts of the word, that is, warehouses (ma-shi-n-ka, that is 4 cube) . Then the word is read a second time, but together with the children. This is how you need to work with every word, since imitation occupies a large place in training.

Main stage.

« Reading one word»

Goals: learn children independently lay out words from cubes and read them, feel the length of the word, put everything cubes nearby, without allowing gaps between warehouses, operate with concepts "emphasis" And "capital letter", work according to warehouse pictures.

Children begin to navigate the pile quite easily cubes lying on the table and find the right one cube according to the example, quickly enough. Work on tables remains throughout this period, and games with cubes become significantly more complicated. Now children can independently read most of the warehouses on cubes, that is, mastery occurs reading open syllables. Thanks to the constant singing of songs cubes and tables for children developed the ability not only to read the desired warehouse, but also to visually correlate the flat warehouse of the table with the warehouse on cube, search for the desired warehouse by turning cube in hand. Here we can talk about the intensive development of orientation in space. The ability to trace the columns and rows of warehouses on a table with your eyes is also actively being developed, which is of great importance when writing and reading. Of course, not all children reached the optimal level reading warehouses at this moment, since cognitive activity and the level of development of thinking in everyone children are different. Someone from children is already ready to independently compose words from cubes, someone is at the level of singing and, therefore, is only memorizing the warehouses. Still, you shouldn’t keep these children at their lowest level, it is better to offer more complex types of work. So, at this second stage training, the teacher not only makes up words from cubes and reads them to children, requiring repetition, but also actively attracts children to independently compose words from cubes. The more words composed in class, the better. You can use games like

“Magic Words”, where children from any cubes selected at random, make up a word, and then, with the help of a speech therapist, try to read it, and then decide who succeeded funnier: syapuli, koshavu, etc. The game is also often used

“Guess it”, where the teacher puts from 4 to 10 toys in front of the children and lays them out cubes the name of only one. Children try to guess, using the elimination method, which word is laid out, focusing on the toys. In the same period, the most active games are where children themselves try to write any words. (with the help of a teacher, if required): your names, the names of your parents and favorite animals, the names of toys, cartoons, sweets, etc. In case of difficulties, you need to show the necessary warehouses on the table, the children first look for the one they need cube, then the desired warehouse on it and lay out the word they want to write.

Thus, at this stage the following are decided tasks: teach laying out children from cubes words independently, read short words, look for the right one correctly cube, relying on the table, feel the length of the word (that is, its finiteness, put everything cubes nearby, without allowing gaps between the warehouses, determine the stressed syllable and correctly place it on the words cube with accent.

The game based on stock pictures looks something like this: So: The speech therapist shows children pictures of a lion, ram, cat, etc. (up to 10 pictures). After mixing and a new demonstration, for example, the word “LION” without a hint picture, the frantic work of thought begins. The children shout out approximately following: "frog!" (by consonance with the first syllable that they could read, “cat!” (by the length of the word, “bow!” (by the first letter, “rhinoceros!” (just shout something, and, finally, someone) That: "a lion!". The child is given a picture and the game continues in the same spirit. The one with the most pictures wins. This process cannot yet be called by reading, everything here is based on guesswork, but these are the exercises that speed up the pace of mastery by reading, enrich vocabulary, activate inactive children and provide some relief to the disinhibited. A similar technique for teaching children to read used M. Montessori earlier and called it “intuitive reading". I would especially like to emphasize the enormous importance of warehouse pictures in the work of a special school teacher. This is a real find for children with learning difficulties, since it allows you to activate your vocabulary as much as possible, develops logical thinking, attention, and memory.

In time, this stage lasts 12-15 lessons (about a month, after which most children is already able to lay out simple words like “poppy”, “shovel”, “fish”, “ball”, “shelf”, “thunder”, read them, lay out their names and surnames, it is better to read warehouse pictures. However, if we take into account the age of first-graders, then many children By the end of this stage, the ability to read not only individual words, but also phrases may be formed. Words with clusters of consonants and soft consonants can cause difficulties. That is why a distinctive feature at this stage is the work on phonemic awareness, without which children for a long time would not be able to write words with a combination of consonants. This work is carried out by a speech therapist or teacher in accordance with the program, but to a much smaller extent. It is only necessary to develop the ability children hear a given sound in a word and determine the place of the sound in the word. Work on sound-letter analysis is not carried out at all, since, firstly, there is no need for it, and secondly, it would only slow down teaching children, since the warehouse principle implies immediately starting to read with open syllables. That is why, in particular, this principle is best suited for children with deviations - children, as a rule, find it difficult to master sound-letter analysis, and they bypass this stage altogether, immediately operating with a syllable.

Final stage.

Goals: teach everyone laying out children from cubes short non-prepositional phrases, read them, give an idea of ​​the capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and the distance between words, a period at the end of a sentence, a comma, and also teach how to draw letters with a pencil and felt-tip pen on paper and chalk on a blackboard.

Children who have mastered the mechanism are clearly identified reading and for whom it is difficult. Oddly enough, but the strongest and most capable of reading Sometimes there are children with the greatest speech and intellectual problems, while the easier ones have difficulty mastering the material. By this time, capable children are already laying out and reading short phrases, and some have difficulty reading short words. This stage took us approximately 2 months, but it is necessary to devote all the time to consolidating the acquired skills until the end of the school year, that is, 5-6 months. At this stage they were still used cubes for composing short phrases. Children lay out sentences both under dictation and based on a model from the book. The ability to lay out words according to a model is consolidated (using a stock picture; tables are not left without attention, work on which has not stopped all the time time: children independently and together with the teacher move a pointer across the table, composing words and phrases. By the end of the school year, the children had well mastered the concepts of “voiceless sound,” “voiced sound,” “soft sound,” “hard sound,” “consonant,” “vowel.”

To implement tasks project games-activities with a subgroup are used children, combining in to myself:


Didactic games;

Solving riddles;

1. Verbal methods training:

a) explanation;

b) singing (sounds and warehouses).

2. Visual methods training:

a) show cubes, tables;

b) the use of additional aids (pictures - associations, illustrations, cards, board and printed games);

c) showing methods of action.

3. Practical methods training:

a) joint activity of an adult and children;

b) independent children's activities.

Terms of sale project:


Group classes are held in a special room - an office. The placement and area of ​​the cabinet correspond to the instructions for design preschool institutions (according to the Regulations on preschool educational institutions)


Conducts training, teacher - speech therapist I CC having certificate, confirming the right to teaching children to read using the N method. A. Zaitseva Neretina Elena Pavlovna.

Logistics support.

The office is sufficiently lit; there is a cabinet for storing didactic material; a board on which you can place pictures, write letters, give a schematic representation of an object; shelves for working with cubes; audio recorder,

Information Support.

Didactic material: 4 sheets of tables in VZ format (360x520mm);

52 cardboard cube(50x50mm and 60x60mm); educational audio cassette with tunes from all warehouses;

240 thematic pictures,

associative pictures by N. Pyatibratova.

A selection of riddles, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, poems, fables, crosswords. Tutorial "Textbook for parents, educators, teachers" ON Zaitseva, fourth edition, St. Petersburg, 2005. ,

allowance “I study and memorize letters” N. Pyatibratova.

Final event:

Open classes at the end of each year.


Many researchers of school maladaptation have identified interhemispheric asymmetry as one of its causes. That is, such children the formation of the dominant hemisphere (sensory channel of perception - visual, auditory, kinesthetic) is delayed. A unique structure of mental development is formed and speech becomes the most vulnerable, disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere, voluntary activity and motivation are observed. At training literacy according to the N.A. system Zaitseva children with an immature dominant hemisphere find themselves fully involved in work, since the system relies on all the main channels of perception. The system implements a compensatory approach to training, which is a prerequisite for the work of a speech therapist and speech pathologist.

The study of the neuropsychological aspects of this technique allows us to conclude that teaching reading according to the N system. A. Zaitseva- this is one of the stages of speech therapy work, which is qualitatively different from traditional work on training literacy in kindergarten, since it goes beyond the scope of the program.

Every parent wants their child to become a child prodigy (or at least just capable and smart). To organize assistance for adults, there are many methods for teaching a child to read and write, reading and mathematics. These are the systems of Maria Montessori, Glenn Doman and many others. A special place here is occupied by Zaitsev's cubes - a method of teaching reading from a very early age.

Features of the technique

Literally every day Zaitsev's cubes are gaining more and more followers. What is the unique feature of this technique? Why do children who have left infancy begin to read on their own after just a few lessons?

N.A. Zaitsev’s method of teaching reading involves reading in sequence. One unit here is taken not to be a letter, as is customary in conventional teaching methods, but rather a warehouse. It represents the natural force produced when speaking. Because warehouse is a natural effort; it will not be difficult for a child of almost any age to pronounce it.

Based on reading by warehouses, such a teaching methodology as Zaitsev's cubes was developed. They represent a whole teaching aid that promotes the harmonious development of the child’s personality.

Zaitsev's cubes are for learning to read, general development, development of logical thinking, and speech therapy exercises. Many mothers are confident that their children who practice this method will achieve a lot in the future.

Great teacher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev

Almost every adult has heard the phrase “Zaitsev’s cubes.” The method of teaching reading based on warehouses is gaining more and more followers every day. However, few people know who became the author of the unique technique.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev is a great Russian teacher-innovator. Born into a family of teachers, from early childhood he dreamed of giving knowledge to children.

The idea of ​​​​creating a special method of teaching reading originated in his student years, when the future teacher was sent to Indonesia for pre-graduate practice. There he had to teach the basics and peculiarities of the Russian language to the local population.

Nikolai Alexandrovich began to apply the basics of his developments while working at school. He gradually introduced his works into kindergartens.

When the effectiveness of the methods created by the teacher was confirmed by several generations of children, the famous Zaitsev cubes were born, the teaching method of which was fundamentally different from the generally accepted one.

The unique author's technique is more than 20 years old. However, the innovative teacher does not stand still. It improves Zaitsev's cubes. The teaching methods are constantly being improved. To date, a large number of additional methods and game exercises have been created, which are based on classes using such unusual cubes.

What do Zaitsev's cubes look like?

What is a cube? One of the most favorite children's toys. Each of us can remember with what joy in distant childhood we built castles and towers with their help. Knowing how much children love such games, the author, when creating his methodology, took ordinary children's cubes as a basis.

However, they are not at all similar to the ones we are used to. Warehouses are depicted on each of their faces. What are they?

Warehouses may consist of:

  • From one letter.
  • Of two letters (consonant - vowel).
  • Of two letters (a consonant is a soft sign).
  • Of two letters (a consonant is a hard sign).

In addition, all the cubes are painted in different colors. This helps children quickly understand the principles of reading:

  • The cubes are golden in color. In Zaitsev’s method, they are called “golden”.
  • Gray cubes are warehouses with a ringing sound. The so-called “iron” cubes.
  • Brown cubes are a blind warehouse, “wooden” cubes.
  • Cubes of white and green colors are punctuation marks.

Reading from Zaitsev's cubes also develops children's tactile sensations, musical abilities, and promotes the development of hearing organs. To achieve this, specific content is added to each view. They are not hollow, like regular cubes. Due to their content, they have a certain sound.

Zaitsev cubes can be filled with:

  • wooden sticks;
  • bells;
  • pebbles;
  • sand;
  • small metal objects;
  • lids;
  • traffic jams

Due to their filling, the cubes are also distinguished by weight.

Every child literally falls in love with Zaitsev's cubes from the very beginning of classes. The teaching method according to them is not a usual educational activity, but a game one. During the game, children quietly move from looking at the cubes to reading independently.

To speed up the learning process, each cube has its own size.

  • The double cubes are large in size. They are solid warehouses.
  • The standard size dice depict soft warehouses.

What does Zaitsev’s technique influence?

Thanks to the unique structure, color and size of the cubes, the developed method not only helps children of any age learn to read, but also affects their comprehensive development.

Classes on Zaitsev’s cubes cover the following areas:

  • visual;
  • auditory;
  • tactile.

In addition, during classes according to Zaitsev’s method, the musical, physical, and emotional development of children occurs.

How to practice according to Zaitsev’s method?

During classes, children do not sit at desks, as in school. They run, jump, dance, lie down, play. Thanks to their freedom of action, they don’t get bored with the game.

Not only cubes are used to organize the learning process. The methodological equipment also includes tables that display all warehouses. During classes, the tables are in front of the children's eyes. This helps improve learning efficiency.

At what age can you start classes?

The author recommends introducing children to his method as early as possible. Children under two years old can simply play with the cubes and study the folds on the faces. This way the child will be prepared for the reading process at an older age.

The optimal period to start classes is the time when the child begins to speak independently. This usually occurs by 2 years of age. During this period, the child is ready to begin learning.

If a child begins to study according to Zaitsev’s method at the age of three years, then he will be able to read independently in about six months. This period is considered the most favorable for learning to read, because The child’s speech apparatus simultaneously develops and the foundations for learning to read are laid.

Classes with children 4 years old will bring positive results after 16-20 “lessons”.

Children aged 5 to 6 years will learn to read independently in 5-8 lessons. This age period is also considered one of the most favorable for starting to learn to read, because The level of mental development of the child is most conducive to starting classes.

If a child began studying according to Zaitsev’s method at the age of 6, he will only need 5-6 lessons to start reading independently.

Learning by playing

Which children like to constantly learn? The main activity for preschool age is play. Therefore, lessons on cubes should also be built in the form of a game.

What games are there with Zaitsev cubes? To date, many of these techniques have been developed. Let's look at the most popular types of tasks based on gaming activities:

  1. Cheerful locomotive. We make a train from the cubes we like with vowels. In order for it to start “moving on rails,” the warehouses on the faces of the cubes must be sung.
  2. Kolobok. Throw a cube - a “bun” into any part of the room. The child catches up with the “bun” and reads the warehouse on its upper edge.
  3. Let's find couples. To play you will need cubes and tables. Choose any cube. We read the warehouse on its upper edge. We find the same warehouse in the table.
  4. Animal voices. We remember what sounds domestic animals make (cat, dog, cow, etc.). The child must find cubes with warehouses corresponding to the voices of animals (meow, mu, aw, etc.).

What do parents say?

The effectiveness of using Zaitsev cubes has been proven over time. Over the course of 2 decades, the number of followers of the unique technique has been growing.

What do parents say about Zaitsev's cubes? Reviews from adults who have used this method:

  • During the period of training according to Zaitsev's method, children literally fall in love with the process of reading.
  • Harmonious development of children in the field of education, upbringing, art.
  • Zaitsev's cube classes teach children not only reading. They discipline them, develop them and force them to think critically.
  • The learning process is quite easy. During the game, children do not even notice how they move on to independent reading.

However, not all parents praise and approve of Zaitsev's cubes. Feedback from adults when training did not produce results:

  • Many children do not grasp the essence of reading in sequences.
  • After learning using Zaitsev's cubes, it is difficult for children to switch to syllabic reading.
  • During individual lessons using this method, the child may have difficulties understanding the principles of reading. Collective teaching methods are more acceptable.

Reading is the basis for the harmonious development of a person in childhood. Classes with children using Zaitsev's method are the shortest and most natural path to the world of letters. Zaitsev's cubes are a real storehouse of wisdom, accessible to everyone.

Zaitsev’s method is based on a natural form of understanding the world for children... The child enjoys learning and shows successful results...

When to start learning to read? Early development methods recommend starting educational work with children almost from the cradle. This approach makes sense, because the baby’s brain is actively growing and it is simply necessary to load it with information.

Alternative way of learning:

In addition, modern requirements for primary education are so high that a child must enter first grade knowing how to read fluently, write letters and simple words, and have an understanding of counting within ten. Preparation for school should be carried out in a preschool educational institution, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to learn to read fluently one year before school.

That is why many parents begin to work with their children on their own from a very early age. How correctly and easily? One of the best solutions is offered by Nikolai Zaitsev’s method, which has long established itself as the most effective.

Principles of Zaitsev’s technique

Zaitsev’s system is based on general pedagogical didactic teaching principles:

  • systems approach;
  • taking into account the physiology of the baby, the speed of thought processes;
  • visibility of training;
  • stimulating analytical thinking activity using the “from particular to general” method.

The idea of ​​the innovative approach is to abandon traditional teaching of reading by breaking down words into individual letters. This is much more physiological for a baby who speaks not in letters, but in indivisible speech units - syllables.

The second important point is that the method is based on a natural form of learning the world and processing information for children - play. Game cubes arouse genuine interest in children and allow them to perfectly organize information. They differ in size, color and even content, that is, they use different ways of perceiving information.

Zaitsev's development method is not limited to cubes: systematized tables, sound chants, and interesting games have been developed. However, it is the method of training with the help of Zaitsev’s cubes that is considered the secret of effectiveness. The student is not limited in his movements: during classes he can stand, sit, crawl, and lie down. The child does not get tired during half-hour classes, which means his interest is not lost.

Sound warehouses and game material

The creator of the technique replaced the traditional syllable with a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant with a soft sign. This is the warehouse - a new speech unit that is understandable to the baby. Each side of the cube contains a separate warehouse, so making up a word is not difficult.

The process is so simple that a four year old can be taught to read well in two weeks. He simply plays with blocks while absorbing information. This is the secret of the effectiveness of the technique.

There are no age restrictions for training according to Zaitsev’s system: you can study with six-month-old babies, three-year-olds and preschoolers, even first-graders. Training can be adapted to any age. The youngest students, after several months of lessons, begin to speak and read at the same time. A four-year-old child can read quite fluently after the fifth lesson.

Color is an important teaching component. The cubes are painted in different colors. Color differentiation allows a child to quickly and easily master such complex school knowledge as the pairing of consonants in terms of sonority and softness, as well as understand the difference between a consonant and a vowel sound.

A sound system has been invented for very young children. Different filling of the cubes allows you to connect the auditory perception of information.

Thematic material:

Mathematics and English

Zaitsev's method for children is not limited to teaching reading skills. Separate programs for teaching mathematics and learning English have been developed. The mathematical variety of the technique is called “Counting by Hundreds,” it allows you to see the totality of numerical values ​​from zero to 99. The child immediately gets a complete understanding of the composition of any number within the first hundred, and easily solves examples of addition and subtraction.

The didactic material is presented with special cards, a number column and a number tape, which is very easy to work with.

The clarity of learning, practical actions with numbers, and the game form of classes allow you to master the basics of arithmetic easily and without coercion, develop mathematical thinking, and increase your intellectual level.

Learning English is one of the areas of the methodology. Multi-colored cubes carry complete information about the morphology and syntax of an English sentence, allowing you to easily and correctly construct a statement in a foreign language. A system of tables has been developed that fully describes English grammar. The clarity and systematization of educational material make it possible to use the system for teaching children and adults.

The advantages of the Zaitsev system are obvious. Sometimes parents are afraid that the child may have difficulties at school, because phonetic principles are at odds with the idea of ​​​​the “Zaitsevsky warehouse”. However, a smart kid will easily master school material.

The method of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev is today considered one of the best developmental systems for teaching preschoolers reading, writing and counting. This method is universal - it is perfect for working with one-and-a-half-year-old children, three-year-olds, and older children. Moreover, Zaitsev’s system gives very good results when working with children with developmental delays, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf children.

Zaitsev’s cubes and tables are also successfully used to teach Russian to foreigners.

Learn by playing

Zaitsev's cube training methodology is based on the vast teaching experience of Nikolai Alexandrovich. Its creator is not a theorist. For many years he worked in various children's institutions and observed both normally developing children and those who had any problems or delays. As a result, a whole system of early childhood development arose, based on the following basic principles:

  • Principle one - no coercion. Children learn by playing. Sometimes they don’t even suspect that the learning process is going on, because there are no tables or desks, kids can run, sit, come closer or stand aside - as they prefer. Children do not have to repeat the words of the teacher at all - everything happens only on a voluntary basis.
  • Principle two - reading by warehouses. Children do not learn letters, but read immediately in sequence. Just don’t confuse it with syllables! A warehouse is a speech unit of Zaitsev’s method; it is a consonant-vowel pair, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or one letter. All warehouses are recorded in tables and on the faces of cubes.
  • Principle three - We start with the “letter”. Children show the necessary warehouses in the table or find cubes to compose a word, that is, they turn sounds into signs - and, after all, this is writing! The essence of Zaitsev's method is to show the child words, and not to explain how individual letters merge into syllables, and then into words.
  • Principle four - use of multiple senses. When learning, hearing, vision and touch are involved, there are a lot of cubes - large and small; light and heavy; “gold”, “iron”, “wooden” and white; with different fillers that sound louder or duller. The inscriptions on the cubes are bright, clear, multi-colored - they can be seen from afar. “Sounding” cubes become one of the most favorite toys of almost all babies, starting from six months.

These principles are the basis of training using the Zaitsev method. After all, the development of intelligence in children under one year old does not occur in the same way as in seven-year-olds. Young children do not think analytically and have difficulty converting abstract letters into sounds and then putting them into words, but they are especially sensitive to signals from their senses. Therefore, the cubes help to distinguish between different sounds - vowels and consonants, soft and hard.

When and how much to exercise

Zaitsev's cubes and the method of teaching reading can be used almost everywhere - in kindergartens, schools or at home, of course, the best results are obtained by group classes under the guidance of an experienced teacher. With the right approach and following all the rules of the method, six-year-old children begin to read after just a few lessons, four-year-old kids - after about 16-20 lessons, and two-three-year-olds - after six to nine months.

Zaitsev’s method involves two classes a week for 30–60 minutes. If you study at home, you can allocate as much time for studying as you see fit. If the child is really interested in this, you can practice every day for 30 minutes a day. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to adhere to some strict schedule - the main thing is that the child has a good mood and desire! Under no circumstances should you force him or tear him away from his favorite activities. Learning should be an interesting game and should not cause negative emotions.

Children can be introduced to Zaitsev's cubes from three months of age. Of course, at first they should be used simply as rattles. But starting from 6 months, you can sometimes make simple words from cubes, name and show them. For example, a wardrobe, table, chair, teddy bear...

From two to three years old, you can start learning to read.

Classes using the Zaitsev method

Today “Zaitsev’s Cubes” can be bought in many children’s goods stores. The set usually includes:

  • 6 cardboard sheets with tables, format 520×720 mm;
  • 4 sheets of tables, format 360×520 mm;
  • 61 cardboard cubes (50x50 mm and 60x60 mm);
  • audio CD;
  • color “Textbook for parents, educators, teachers”;
  • packing box.


Before starting classes, you need to glue the tables and hang them on the wall. The height at which the tables are located depends on how many kids will study at the same time.

  • For group lessons. In classrooms, as a rule, tables are hung at a distance of 160–170 centimeters from the floor - this way everyone can clearly see them. There are three shelves under the tables - on them kids put words together from cubes. There must be a long pointer in the classroom - with it the teacher and children will show words and “write” words. The cubes do not need to be sorted - kids must learn to quickly find the right warehouses themselves.
  • For home activities. For one child, the tables are attached in such a way that they are located slightly above his height. Well, you can simply stack the cubes on the table.


If you bought blanks, you will first have to assemble or glue them. Even if the baby has expressed a desire to do this on his own, it is better to control the process - then he will not be tempted to “gut” the “ringing” cube and examine its filling.
It makes sense to reinforce paper cubes with cardboard from the inside and tape along the edges. It is best to “duplicate” the most frequently used warehouses. Before assembling, simply copy the images and make several identical cubes - then your baby will be able to form any words without any problems.

Audio CD

Classes on Zaitsev's cubes are usually conducted with musical accompaniment. The set includes an audio CD containing 35 melodies. During each lesson, children will “sing” all the warehouses to them. This is a very important part of learning, because kids learn to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly. The game principle makes this process fun and tireless - as a rule, children sing with great pleasure along with adults. By the way, many educators and parents note that after training using the Zaitsev method, the child’s speech becomes much clearer.


The Zaitsev's Cubes set includes a teaching aid; of course, it is better for your child to learn from an experienced teacher who has mastered the Zaitsev method well, for example, in a kindergarten or in a children's development center. But you can work with your baby yourself. Honestly, there is nothing complicated here, just read the manual carefully - the whole process is described there in accessible language and in great detail, there are also descriptions of many games and interesting tasks with which you can start learning. Later, you can come up with games yourself that will be interesting to your baby.
If for some reason singing warehouses is a problem for you, pronounce them in recitative. When singing or pronouncing words, show them on the table with a pointer or on a cube, turning it in front of the child - this is very important! Simultaneous exposure to sound and vision dramatically increases learning efficiency. In addition, the child trains his vision and memory, and also learns attention.

Advantages of Zaitsev’s technique

There are a lot of them! Adherents of this training system note that:

  • Children quickly begin to read fluently. Moreover, reading is not perceived as something difficult and requiring additional effort - everything happens in the game, as if “by itself.”
  • Memory improves and the ability to think logically develops.
  • Children subconsciously remember the correct spelling of words.
  • Regular pronunciation of words corrects speech deficiencies, the child begins to speak more clearly and clearly.
  • The vocabulary expands sharply.
  • It trains - and sometimes even improves! - vision, because the eyes must constantly follow the pointer.
  • The exercises are not harmful to health - children move a lot, they are forced to raise their heads, which is very useful for posture.
  • The ability to concentrate is formed, the child learns to work independently.
  • Zaitsev's method is universal, it is suitable for children of any age, and can be used to teach children with various disabilities.
  • The technique is quite simple; with some persistence, even “unprepared” parents can use it at home.

Disadvantages of the technique

However, reviews of Zaitsev’s cubes are not only positive - some parents and teachers have many complaints about this technique. And not talking about them is simply not fair:

  • The main disadvantage of Zaitsev's method is its incompatibility with the official school curriculum.
  • At school, children have to relearn from reading by words to reading by syllables. And sometimes this process is very painful.
  • The color scheme of the cubes does not correspond to the color scheme adopted at school to indicate consonants, vowels, voiced and unvoiced sounds.
  • Children who learned using Zaitsev's method have difficulty mastering the analysis of words according to their composition and phonetic analysis - after all, they are accustomed to dividing words only into words.
  • Study aids are expensive, quite bulky and time-consuming to assemble.
  • Not all parents are able to quickly teach their child to read. The method is more suitable for classes with an experienced teacher.


As you can see, training using Zaitsev's cubes is undoubtedly a very interesting and worthy method. It is good because it is suitable for any children, regardless of age, abilities and temperament. Whether to use cubes or rely on classical teaching methods is up to you.

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