Attack on the Russian Guard in the village of Naurskaya. Battle near the village of Naurskaya: the gang underground in the Caucasus is intensifying. The security forces of Chechnya deny everything

On the night of March 23-24, a group of militants on the territory of the Chechen Republic near the village of Naurskaya attempted to attack the military town of the Russian Guard, where the 140th artillery regiment of the 46th operational brigade was stationed.

According to Russian media, bandits armed with machine guns and grenades tried to seize the headquarters of the artillery regiment and attack the officers' dormitories. According to another version, their task was to seize weapons and ammunition.

Although the initial plan of the attackers was thwarted (they were discovered by a military detachment and a shootout that lasted about 20 minutes ensued), it must be admitted that they acted clearly and harmoniously. The bandit attack in the Naursky district was unexpected, since the left bank of the Terek is traditionally considered the most peaceful area in the republic. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee announced the elimination of the attackers, their identities have already been established. How reported Ramzan Kadyrov, two are natives of the Rostov region, one is from the Volgograd region, three are natives of Chechnya. Two militants managed to escape, and significant forces were sent to search for them.

The Russian Guard suffered losses - six soldiers were killed, three were seriously wounded. Law enforcement agencies in Chechnya, as well as in neighboring Ingushetia and Dagestan, have been transferred to an enhanced duty regime. From the central office of the Russian Guard troops, an operational group was sent to the republic, whose employees, together with colleagues from the FSB, are conducting an investigation. A criminal case has been opened on several counts, including encroachment on the lives of military personnel, participation in armed formations as part of an organized group, and theft of firearms.

The head of Chechnya is confident that the militants received a criminal order from their leaders in Syria. Most likely, the terrorists sought to carry out high-profile actions on the territory of the Chechen Republic, which would be accompanied by a significant number of victims. The Islamic State (IS) terrorist group, banned in Russia, has already claimed responsibility for the attack. This became known thanks to the site SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors the Internet activity of various radical groups. The Islamic State appeared in the North Caucasus several years ago, replacing the Caucasus Emirate, many of whose adherents swore allegiance to the Islamic State.

Some observers have already suggested that as the situation of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq worsens, the group’s attempts to transfer terror to the territory of Russia, which is conducting a counter-terrorism operation in the Middle East, will expand.

The attack on the Russian Guard military camp was the third incident of this kind in Chechnya since the beginning of the year. Earlier, on January 11, a clash occurred in the village of Tsotsi-Yurt (Kurchaloevsky district), during which two Russian Guard soldiers and four attackers were killed. On January 30, in Shali, police officers were attacked while trying to check the documents of suspicious persons. Three militants and two police officers were killed in the shootout.

An expert at the Institute of National Strategy, Rais Suleymanov, draws attention to the fact that the incident in the village of Naurskaya is “the first time when fighters of the Russian Guard, the new federal paramilitary service of Russia, whose tasks also include the fight against terrorism, have been so openly and brazenly attacked.”

The situation in the Chechen Republic is controlled quite tightly, however, countering the terrorist underground is not an easy task. Preventive measures cannot but affect the relatives of killed militants. As always, the authorities’ prompt measures to tighten the security regime are met with criticism from human rights organizations and global media trying to find points of potential tension in the republic; Provocative rumors are being spread about the attack near the village of Naurskaya.

On March 20, a video “Meeting of the Military Jamaat of Ichkeria” was posted on YouTube video hosting on behalf of the “Ministry of Defense of Ichkeria”; the description says that “former fighters of the Jaysh Muhajirin wal Ansar unit who fought in Syria returned to Chechnya.”

In recent months, reports have been coming from various Russian regions (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara region, etc.) about the discovery of IS cells. Russia and, in particular, the North Caucasus are not out of sight of the forces of international terrorism.

Based on media materials

For a long time it was a rather painful topic in our country. The military conflict, which once claimed many lives of Russian military personnel and civilians, now appears to be just an episode in history. But just a month ago, the village of Naurskaya became the epicenter of bloody events that reminded people that gangster groups had only suspended their activities for a while and were ready to cross established borders again at any moment.

Where is the village of Naurskaya located?

The settlement is located on the banks of the Terek River. We can say that it is surrounded by gardens and extensive vineyards. The village of Naurskaya is located almost fifty kilometers from Grozny, and there is a railway station nearby. The settlement is considered quite large and dates back to the mid-eighteenth century.

The village gave its name to the whole region and became its center. Now the Naursky district is considered one of the most economically developed. There are numerous plants and factories for the production of juices and canned food. Local farmers have eight thousand hectares of land at their disposal.

Population of the village: number and growth dynamics

If we draw conclusions about the demographic situation in the settlement based on the dynamics of population growth, then we can say that the village of Naurskaya is developing successfully. According to the latest data, almost ten thousand people live here. The average annual population growth is two hundred people. Moreover, the settlement has a fairly high birth rate.

It is worth considering that in the twenties of the last century, the village of Naurskaya numbered just over four thousand people. From this point on, the population increased steadily, with minor losses noted in the eighties and the first decade of the twenty-first century.

National composition of the population

Russians and Chechens have lived in friendship for a long time, so the national composition of the village residents is quite diverse. How many Russians now live in the village of Naurskaya? The total Russian-speaking population is just over one thousand people. In percentage terms, this figure is about fifteen percent. Naturally, most of the village residents are Chechens by nationality. There are almost seven thousand of them, which is just over seventy-six percent.

In addition, Turks, Rutuls, Avars and Kumyks live in the village. Just over three percent of residents surveyed did not indicate their nationality.

Stanitsa Naurskaya, Chechen Republic: education

In the second half of the eighteenth century, Catherine II ordered several groups of Cossacks to be transported to the Terek, who were supposed to defend the territory from raids by highlanders. Thus, the Volga and Don Cossacks appeared in the village of Naurskaya and the first written mention of this settlement remained in official government papers.

Historical milestones in the development of Naurskaya

The history of the village is rich in various events. Pugachev visited here, and during the Russian-Turkish War it was stormed by the Crimean Khan. But the Cossacks always fulfilled their duty and did not allow the village to become a bargaining chip in any historical events.

The nineteenth century was the heyday of the village. New houses, a church, an infirmary were built everywhere, and a railway line was laid. Initially, Naurskaya was distinguished by its wealth; by the end of the nineteenth century, there were about thirty industrial establishments that were actively trading.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, more than eighty percent of Russians lived in the village. The Naursky district was considered one of the most successful in every sense. But the nineties disrupted the usual way of life of local residents and brought grief to their homes.

Naurskaya: end of the twentieth century

Armed Chechen militants have carried out sweeps in the Naursky district more than once. Mass executions in the village of Naurskaya have repeatedly become the topic of television reports. The militants purposefully destroyed the Russian population, as well as everyone who supported them. The list of crimes committed against village residents can shock even an experienced person. Entire families were shot and burned, some were taken away from the village, and these people never returned. Many were stabbed to death, and before that they were abused.

During this period, a large number of Russians fled from the village, and those who still remained in Naurskaya more than once asked the government of the Russian Federation to include them in the Stavropol Territory.

Stanitsa during the First and Second Chechen Wars

During the period of hostilities in Chechnya, the Russian population in the villages and other settlements decreased significantly. Sociologists have calculated that in the Naursky region the number of Russians has decreased by almost five times.

Conflicts based on interethnic hatred became a natural continuation of military operations. It is known that even in the year 2000 there were massacres of the Russian-speaking population in the village of Naurskaya and other settlements in the region. It is not surprising that the Russians returned here rather reluctantly. Many were unable to cope with the difficult memories of the death of loved ones and decided not to return to their former places.

The village today

In recent years, the village of Naurskaya has been living a peaceful life and developing successfully. Temples and many other structures necessary for normal human life are being rebuilt. For almost seventeen years now, a military unit has been based in the area of ​​the settlement. The village of Naurskaya has become the place where the battalion of the 46th separate operational brigade of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is permanently stationed.

Brief information about the 46th separate operational brigade

This battalion is unique in its essence, because it controls almost the entire territory of the Chechen Republic. His direct responsibilities are to protect the territory from militant groups and prevent terrorist attacks. In addition to Naurskaya, the 46th brigade is located in five more villages and in Grozny. An interesting feature of the battalion is that it contains groups formed along national lines. This allows you to serve and perform combat missions more efficiently.

March 2017: incident in the village of Naurskaya

Just a month ago, the population of our country was shocked by a brazen and unprecedented attack by militants on a military unit. Many media outlets reported what happened in the village of Naurskaya.

Militants attacked the village and the military camp located there on the night of March 24, 2017. According to information from official sources, a bandit group, armed with firearms and grenades, attacked a military unit in order to seize the headquarters, dormitories and ammunition warehouse. It is worth noting that the gang acted quite confidently and coordinated.

The group consisted of eight militants who hoped to take advantage of the effect of surprise and carry out their plans. But they were prevented by a military unit, which discovered the group in time. A firefight ensued between the military and the attackers, which lasted for twenty minutes. The entire unit was alerted, and the attack was repulsed. But the Russian Guard suffered losses in the form of six dead and three seriously wounded soldiers.

This incident was the first such attack in the new Republic and seriously worried the public. Already, there are many rumors surrounding the village and the attack that took place; many associate this incident with the aggravation of the situation in the Middle East and the role that Russia plays in military operations in Syria.

Consequences of the attack in the village of Naurskaya

It is worth noting that the Russian Guard soldiers managed to capture five militants, but two of the group managed to escape. Now all efforts are being devoted to searching for them not only in Chechnya, but also in Ingushetia and Dagestan. At the same time, operational groups from Moscow were sent to the village for reinforcement. FSB officers are conducting a separate investigation into the attack and have opened a criminal case under several articles. At this stage there are more than five of them.

The involvement of the captured militants in a terrorist group banned on the territory of the Russian Federation - the Islamic State (also called IS) has already been proven. The head of Chechnya is confident that such incidents will become more frequent, because since the beginning of 2017, the attack in the village of Naurskaya was the third such incident. However, it is remembered as the most bloody and organized.

Representatives of the Islamic State infiltrated the North Caucasus several years ago and carried out their secret criminal activities. This year, several groups have already been exposed on Russian territory, and many people have come under investigation. The media believe that the attack on the Russian Guard in the village was an attempt by militants to make themselves known and thereby frighten the public. After all, some time ago, IS announced that the Russian Federation would choke on bloody terrorist attacks for helping the Syrian government carry out a counter-terrorism operation. Perhaps the attempt to seize a military unit was just an isolated incident that will not happen again. But there is a high probability that this incident is a carefully planned action, which is part of a large and complex mechanism.

Current situation in the village

After the incident, the situation in the Chechen Republic is strictly controlled by the authorities, military reinforcement has been introduced and work is underway to prevent terrorism. There is now peace in the village and civilians feel protected by the troops of the Russian Guard.

It is interesting that the village of Naurskaya has always been considered one of the most peaceful places in the republic. Despite the fact that local residents were once subject to attacks by bandit groups, the bank of the Terek was considered the safest area. There were never any concentrations of militants here and there were no fierce battles, as in other regions of the Chechen Republic. That is why the incident in March of this year turned out to be unexpected and strange.

The media have repeatedly reported that militants from Syria are based in the area of ​​the village of Naurskaya. But in fact, this information turned out to be unconfirmed, and now in the Chechen Republic the situation is under the personal control of Ramzan Kadyrov.

On the night of Friday, March 24, at about 2.30, a group of militants (according to various sources, numbering from six to eight people) tried to break into the Russian Guard base. This is the 140th artillery regiment of unit 3761, located in the Naursky region of the Chechen Republic.

The militants intended to take advantage of the heavy fog and enter the officers' dormitories. “When attempting to enter the territory of a military camp, the bandit group was discovered by a military detachment, which entered into battle with it,” the Russian Guard said.

The main firefight took place at the checkpoint around three o'clock in the morning.

As a result, six terrorists were killed, and, according to some sources, two more managed to hide in the nearby forest.

The search for them is currently underway. According to the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC), firearms and ammunition were found on the militants, and replicas of suicide belts were found on the bodies of two of them.

“Unfortunately, it was not possible to avoid losses from the Russian Guard fighters. There are dead and wounded among the military personnel,” the department added. As a result of the attack

Six Russian National Guard soldiers were killed and three people were injured. One of the victims was wounded in the head and is in serious condition.

The condition of the rest is assessed as “moderate.”

A regime of full combat readiness has been introduced on the territory of the military unit. On the territory of the Naursky district of Chechnya, after an attack by militants on a military unit of the Russian Guard, the “Interception” plan was introduced. Explosive technicians are working at the scene. In addition, operational search and investigative actions are underway, and gang members are being identified.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of Russia believes that the fighters of the Russian Guard, at the cost of their lives, prevented casualties among the civilian population.

“A vile attack by suicide bombers on the 140th artillery regiment of the 46th separate brigade claimed the lives of six of our comrades, who honorably fulfilled their military duty and prevented numerous casualties among civilians,” Zolotov is quoted as saying.

Let us note that the Russian Guard is actively involved in counter-terrorism operations in the Caucasus. Thus, according to the department, in 2016 in the North Caucasus Federal District its fighters killed 82 militants, among them were 9 bandit leaders. In addition, about 50 homemade bombs were defused. In total, units of the Russian Guard assisted in conducting more than a thousand special operations.

The last high-profile attack by militants on police officers in the capital of Chechnya occurred on the night of December 18, 2016. Then, according to the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov,

militants seized a police car and intended to carry out a terrorist attack in Grozny. In a shootout with the police, four militants were killed, several more, including one girl, were injured and detained.

Some of the attackers managed to escape. The surviving militants were blocked in the Staropromyslovsky district of the city. It was reported that the attackers were part of a group banned in the Russian Federation.

However, employees of the Russian Guard are attacked not only in Chechnya. At the end of December 2016, on the territory of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts, a group of people was stopped by the Russian Guard to check documents. A security detachment arrived in the village of Rogovskoye, where a group of robbers was operating. Having found no one at the scene, the security forces began checking the area around the store. In the building of the old fire station, they came across a group of people who were asked to show their documents. At that moment, the criminals opened fire on the police officers from unidentified weapons.

As a result, one officer, senior police sergeant Viktor Glebov, was killed, he was hit in the chest, and another policeman was wounded. The criminals took weapons from the killed Russian Guard soldier: two machine guns and a pistol with full ammunition. According to the department's website,

“Rosguard senior police sergeant Viktor Glebov, an employee of the Russian Guard, who died while performing his official duty, was 30 years old. He has served in law enforcement since 2011. He is survived by his wife, mother and two-year-old daughter.”

Eight people were detained on suspicion of attacking guardsmen. It is known that the detainees are involved in several robberies and robbery. “The detained persons are residents of different regions of Russia and are part of an organized group. They are involved in a number of robberies of trade facilities and warehouses, including with the use of weapons,” said a TASS source in law enforcement agencies.

Mass detentions in Chechnya after the emergency in the village of Naurskaya

According to the Caucasian Knot, after the attack on military unit No. 3761, relatives of the killed Chechens were detained. Detentions also took place in other settlements of Chechnya, in particular in Chernokozovo and Grozny.

A source in the security forces of the North Caucasus Military District did not confirm to Interfax the fact of mass detentions. Literally, the source said that not a single person was detained.

However, Isa Minazov contacted Novaya Gazeta and reported that around midnight on March 24, his nephew Rizvan Ramzanovich Minazov, born in 89, was detained in Grozny. Armed people in the uniform of law enforcement officers came to his apartment, where he, his wife and two small children (2.5 years and 11 months old) live. There were people in civilian clothes with them. They did not introduce themselves, nor did they present an arrest warrant or a search warrant. Rizvan Minazov was detained without explanation, his phone, computer, and his wife’s phone were illegally seized. In response to all the questions about what caused the arrival of the security forces, the plainclothes officer said in Chechen that “they’ll sort it out on the spot.”

On the morning of March 25, Rizvan Minazov’s wife turned to the district police officer at her place of residence, but the district police officer did not know which security forces had detained Minazov and why and where he was.

Through contacts in law enforcement agencies, Minazov’s relatives managed to find out that Rizvan was taken to the village of Naurskaya and that his detention may be related to an emergency that occurred on the night of March 23-24 in military unit No. 3761.

Relatives of Rizvan Minazov plan to submit official statements to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, Chairman of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin and the hotline of the Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a statement about the abduction and illegal detention of their relatives by unidentified Chechen security forces.

According to the official version, confirmed by the press service of the National Guard, on the night of March 23-24, six residents of the village of Naurskaya (identities have been identified) attacked military unit 3761. During the “shootout,” the attackers were eliminated, six National Guard servicemen were killed, and three were wounded. However, the official version of the attack on the National Guard unit stationed in the village of Naurskaya raises serious doubts. Novaya Gazeta obtained unretouched photographs of Chechens who allegedly died during the “fight.” These photographs were taken at the scene by one of the members of the investigative team. The photographs clearly show that all the “attackers” were killed in almost the same way - with a shot to the head.

Novaya Gazeta showed these photographs to forensic experts, criminologists and ballistic experts. The interviewed specialists had no contradictions in their judgment about the nature and method of injury. Experts confirmed that the people in the photographs were shot almost point-blank; in all those killed, the entrance bullet hole was located in the area of ​​the auricle.

Killed attacker

“a typical “Chinese execution”. This is how both sides fighting in the Chechen campaigns called the execution of prisoners of war

(by analogy with public executions in China, which are characterized by two characteristics: mass scale and the method of murder - the victim kneels, and the executioner shoots in the head, most often in the back of the head).

There are no other bullet wounds, except head wounds, on the bodies of the Chechens who allegedly “attacked” military unit 3761. These photographs practically disavow reports of the clash that took place on the night of March 23-24 and indicate, at the very least, that all the “attackers” were detained alive.

Of particular interest is the photograph of a killed Chechen with a dummy of an improvised explosive device (IED). (The fact that the IEDs were not real was officially confirmed by the National Anti-Terrorism Committee).

One of the attackers on the military unit. Operational shooting

On the left hand of the murdered man, a smooth, fresh bruise is clearly visible, reminiscent in appearance of a strangulation groove from handcuffs. It is also clearly visible that the IED is taped to the body of the deceased - with yellow tape OVER the fresh stains of soil, grass and blood on the “attacker’s” jacket.

In fact, this means that someone attached an IED to the corpse of the “militant.”

If there was no clash (and photographs of killed Chechens are objective confirmation of this), then the question arises: under what circumstances did nine servicemen of military unit 3761 die and were wounded?

Novaya Gazeta has information about the nature of the wounds of four guardsmen. Major S. (all names are available in the editorial office) was diagnosed with an open craniocerebral injury and lacerated wounds to the head and face. Senior Lieutenant S. received a gunshot wound to the right thigh, Private I. received a tangential gunshot wound to the knee joint.

It is also known that at least one of the six victims - senior lieutenant Ermolaev - died from gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen.

However, according to a prosecutor’s office employee who was directly involved in the inspection of the scene, the Chechens who “attacked” military unit 3761 were armed only with sticks and knives.

This fact is confirmed by official reports of the National Guard (see photo). That is, the Chechens did not have firearms with them.

The attackers did not have firearms

According to the official version of the National Guard, the “attackers” failed to enter the territory of the military unit and take possession of the military personnel’s weapons. Thus, it is unclear under what circumstances the National Guard soldiers received gunshot wounds and who actually shot them.

According to Novaya Gazeta, military unit 3761 is served mainly by military personnel sent from other regions. According to information from residents of the village of Naurskaya, there may have been a conflict on ethnic grounds between local Chechens and military personnel of military unit 3761. This could have caused a showdown, during which the Chechens could have been detained. However, this version still does not clarify the circumstances of the injury and death of nine guardsmen.

Information on those killed from the professional accounting databases

15:05 24.03.2017

(updated: 12:29 03/25/2017)

MOSCOW, March 24 – RIA Novosti. A group of militants that attacked a military unit of the Russian Guard in Chechnya on Friday night planned to steal weapons and then carry out high-profile terrorist attacks, said the head of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov.

“Late at night, they made an attempt to infiltrate the territory of one of the military units (Rosgvardia) in order to seize weapons... Now there is no doubt that the bandits intended to carry out high-profile terrorist attacks using weapons if they managed to get them and leave alive. The military personnel obscured civilian population," he wrote on his page in Instagram.

The attack took place today late at night in heavy fog - six militants armed with firearms and knives sneaked into the military unit. During the shootout, they were all destroyed, but there were casualties among the military: six employees of the Russian Guard were killed, three more were wounded.

New circumstances of “repelling” an attack on a National Guard unit in Chechnya: the attackers were detained alive. And they were shot in the head.


According to the official version, confirmed by the press service of the National Guard, on the night of March 23-24, six residents of the village of Naurskaya (identities have been identified) attacked military unit 3761. During the “shootout,” the attackers were eliminated, six National Guard servicemen were killed, and three were wounded. However, the official version of the attack on the National Guard unit stationed in the village of Naurskaya raises serious doubts. Novaya Gazeta obtained unretouched photographs of Chechens who allegedly died during the “fight.” These photographs were taken at the scene by one of the members of the investigative team. The photographs clearly show that all the “attackers” were killed in almost the same way - with a shot to the head.

Novaya Gazeta showed these photographs to forensic experts, criminologists and ballistic experts. The interviewed specialists had no contradictions in their judgment about the nature and method of injury. Experts confirmed that the people in the photographs were shot almost point-blank; in all those killed, the entrance bullet hole was located in the area of ​​the auricle.

Killed attacker

“a typical “Chinese execution”. This is how both sides fighting in the Chechen campaigns called the execution of prisoners of war

(by analogy with public executions in China, which are characterized by two characteristics: mass scale and the method of murder - the victim kneels, and the executioner shoots in the head, most often in the back of the head).

There are no other bullet wounds, except head wounds, on the bodies of the Chechens who allegedly “attacked” military unit 3761. These photographs practically disavow reports of the clash that took place on the night of March 23-24 and indicate, at the very least, that all the “attackers” were detained alive.

Of particular interest is the photograph of a killed Chechen with a dummy of an improvised explosive device (IED). (The fact that the IEDs were not real was officially confirmed by the National Anti-Terrorism Committee).

One of the attackers on the military unit. Operational shooting

On the left hand of the murdered man, a smooth, fresh bruise is clearly visible, reminiscent in appearance of a strangulation groove from handcuffs. It is also clearly visible that the IED is taped to the body of the deceased - with yellow tape OVER the fresh stains of soil, grass and blood on the “attacker’s” jacket.

In fact, this means that someone attached an IED to the corpse of the “militant.”

If there was no clash (and photographs of killed Chechens are objective confirmation of this), then the question arises: under what circumstances did nine servicemen of military unit 3761 die and were wounded?

Novaya Gazeta has information about the nature of the wounds of four guardsmen. Major S. (all names are available in the editorial office) was diagnosed with an open craniocerebral injury and lacerated wounds to the head and face. Senior Lieutenant S. received a gunshot wound to the right thigh, Private I. received a tangential gunshot wound to the knee joint.

It is also known that at least one of the six victims - senior lieutenant Ermolaev - died from gunshot wounds to the chest and abdomen.

However, according to a prosecutor’s office employee who was directly involved in the inspection of the scene, the Chechens who “attacked” military unit 3761 were armed only with sticks and knives.

This fact is confirmed by official reports of the National Guard (see photo). That is, the Chechens did not have firearms with them.

The attackers did not have firearms

According to the official version of the National Guard, the “attackers” failed to enter the territory of the military unit and take possession of the military personnel’s weapons. Thus, it is unclear under what circumstances the National Guard soldiers received gunshot wounds and who actually shot them.

According to Novaya Gazeta, military unit 3761 is served mainly by military personnel sent from other regions. According to information from residents of the village of Naurskaya, there may have been a conflict on ethnic grounds between local Chechens and military personnel of military unit 3761. This could have caused a showdown, during which the Chechens could have been detained. However, this version still does not clarify the circumstances of the injury and death of nine guardsmen.

Elena Milashina
special projects editor

Information on those killed from the professional accounting databases

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