Myasnikov, Mikhail Anatolyevich. There is no insurance medicine! By decree of the President of Russia, Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Anatolyevich Myasnikov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia

MYASNIKOV MIKHAIL ANATOLYEVICH (04/23/1975 – 12/06/2008) MOUNTAIN “VYMPELOVETS” Author: Konstantin Sovetov, “Special Forces of Russia” MIKHAIL, WITHOUT HESISING, STEP FORWARD AND COVERED THE GRENADE WITH HIMSELF “We were proud that he was a warrior in spirit.” This is a line from a poem by Svetlana Apatova, a teacher at secondary school No. 2 in the city of Seltso, in the Bryansk region. It is dedicated to a student of this school, Mikhail Myasnikov, an FSB special forces officer who died in the North Caucasus. “FAREWELL, CHECHNYA! I WILL BE BACK HERE..." Lieutenant Colonel Myasnikov became the twelfth Hero of Russia in Directorate "B" of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia. Mikhail was born in the small town of Seltso, thirty kilometers from Bryansk. Here, at a local chemical plant, his parents worked all their lives. Since childhood, little Misha has shown interest in everything that shoots and explodes. And no wonder, since the Bryansk region rightfully earned the title of a partisan region during the Great Patriotic War. To this day, terrible traces of that war can be found in the local forests. With his friends and classmates, Mikhail found weapons in the forests, “restored” them, and then tested them, reasonably believing that the ability to shoot would be useful to him in his future service. He was seriously involved in swimming and wrestling, and made several parachute jumps. And when, in his final years, he told his parents about his desire to enroll only in a military school, they were not even surprised... The dream of the future special forces soldier was the famous RVVDKU - Ryazan Higher Military Airborne School. However, not getting there for a number of reasons, Mikhail submitted documents to the Golitsyn Border Guard. Having entered, he sent a telegram to his parents - come to the oath! Studying at the school was easy for Mikhail, primarily because of his great desire to comprehend military science and become a real military professional. Among the cadets, he stood out for his seriousness in relation to his studies: in addition to the main material, he engaged in self-education and read a lot of additional literature. In the company of like-minded friends, he mastered hand-to-hand combat techniques and even managed to take psychology courses at the Center for Practical Psychology at Moscow State University. The years of study flew by quickly. In June 1996, Mikhail Myasnikov was awarded the first officer rank of “lieutenant” and, as an excellent student, was offered to choose his place of future service. The young officer asked to be sent to the North Caucasus Regional Directorate of the Federal Border Service. The desire was taken into account, and after distribution he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Kurush border outpost of the Akhtyn border detachment. It was there that Mikhail became interested in mountaineering. Mountains became the meaning of life for him. Constantly improving his qualifications by participating in mountain training camps, in a short time the young border guard closed the sports category in mountaineering and therefore, later, when he came to Vympel, he was enrolled in the “mountain” department of the 4th department of Directorate “B”. After serving at the outpost for a year, the promising officer was appointed to the position of head of a separate special reconnaissance group. The task of the OGSR is to carry out operational activities at the border. At the head of the group, Mikhail walked throughout the border region of Chechnya, often finding himself in dangerous situations. Once, our helicopter pilots, mistaking the OGSR for militants, opened fire on it. Mikhail was saved by a large backpack on his back, although he could not avoid concussion... He had to be treated in a hospital. Captain Myasnikov ended his service on the border as deputy chief of one of the outposts of the Itum-Kalinsky border detachment, located at the junction of the administrative border of Chechnya and Ingushetia. In the summer of 2001, the contract expired, and Mikhail wrote a letter of resignation from the border service. During the farewell feast, he stood up and made a toast: “Farewell, Chechnya! I will come back here again, but in a different capacity!” ... Those sitting at the table did not understand anything then, but he took another step towards his dream - service in the FSB special forces. THE LETTERS “PV” BECAME HIS CALL SIGN Having moved to Moscow, Myasnikov began to make his way into the state security special forces. But to register for a special unit, you needed a Moscow or Moscow region registration, which, naturally, was not available. Friends from the Golitsyn Border School helped me with registration and work. They settled in a dormitory at the bearing plant on Shabolovka, and also found work in the center of Moscow - in the security of Vostokgazprom. Then, in the summer of 2001, he met his future wife Elena. Mikhail Myasnikov joined Directorate “B” of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia on the recommendation of existing employees in April 2002. His first commander at Vympel was Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Razumovsky, an officer with extensive combat experience who trained a whole galaxy of special forces soldiers. Many of them looked up to this man, and Mikhail was no exception. Despite the fact that much of this dangerous work was new to him, the newcomer very quickly became part of the team and completely fit into the team. Service in Vympel began for Mikhail with a training trip to Crimea for mountain training. And at the very first training camp, the young employee impressed his colleagues with his tenacity in achieving his goals: he could not succeed in one difficult mountain route, but time after time he reached it. In the end, I finally passed and at the top I wrote “Glory to PV” on the rock with magnesium! Upon returning from a business trip, these two letters - “PV” - became his call sign. Mikhail also loved weapons. This is not surprising, because weapons for special forces are an integral part of everyday work. He shot as a sniper, at the level of a special forces instructor, constantly came up with various silencers and tested them right in his office. He also had a corresponding hobby - hunting. The training was not in vain - the ability to shoot accurately saved the lives of him and his fellow soldiers more than once. The main job of a special forces officer is combat missions. There were many of them: planned and urgent, to the mountains and to the cities. Often we had to take part in arrests, inspect houses in populated areas, and destroy militant bases in the mountains. Much to Mikhail’s regret, he did not have to participate in the operation to free the Nord-Ost hostages - they then decided to leave the young employees in reserve. “I WILL GO, WRITE ME. WHEN DO WE DEPARTURE? On September 1, 2004, Mikhail was on vacation. Early in the morning one of the deputy heads of the department called him and asked him to turn on the TV. They showed the terrorists' seizure of school No. 1 in Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The reaction was immediate: “I’ll go, write me. When are we leaving? Already on the spot, after reconnaissance, it became clear that an assault could not be avoided. Employees of the 4th Department of Directorate “B” were supposed to cover Alpha employees as they moved into position. After the explosions at the school, special forces launched a forced assault on the building. Dmitry Razumovsky was the first to die. The sniper's bullet hit just above the top edge of the bulletproof vest, the wound turned out to be fatal. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Almost all employees of Razumovsky's department were wounded. On that day, September 3, ten TsSN employees did not leave the battle: three from Directorate “A”, seven from Directorate “B”, twenty-eight soldiers were wounded. For saving the Beslan hostages, special forces soldier Mikhail Myasnikov was awarded the Order of Courage. Later, he confessed to his relatives that he did not rule out that he would be killed... Subsequent business trips were one more dangerous than the other. In April 2005, the 4th department of Vympel left for Chechnya, Grozny. On April 15, the special forces were given the task of inspecting a nine-story residential building on Bogdan Khmelnytsky Street. According to operational information, militants could be hiding there. In one of the apartments on the fourth floor, the special forces were already waiting and were met with fire from automatic weapons. In that battle, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Medvedev, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, and Majors Mikhail Kozlov and Ilya Mareev were killed. The latter was a witness at the wedding of Mikhail, who also took a direct part in eliminating the bandits who had settled in the apartment. In the same 2005, Mikhail, while on another business trip in the North Caucasus, asked his superiors to take time off to visit employees of the regional special forces department of the FSB Directorate for the Murmansk Region, with whom he was friends. I arrived and the “killer whales” were about to undergo surgery. And he asked the ROSN command to take him with them. Myasnikov was placed in blockade, and it so happened that during the operation, a militant with a weapon jumped right at him. Mikhail opened fire to kill. This incident became known to his colleagues only after his death... “WE ARE PROUD THAT HE IS A WARRIOR IN SPIRIT!” In 2007, the 6th department was created in Directorate “B”, which specialized in mountain training. Mikhail transferred to it as the head of the group and received another rank - “lieutenant colonel”. Even then, he was thinking about moving to the instructor department, and spoke about this to his colleagues more than once. Myasnikov had his own unique style, a kind of trademark - he strived to be at the forefront of events, to work as number one. On business trips he often went on lead patrols, and in numerous battles he always acted competently and clearly, he knew what needed to be done in a given situation. And he knew how to pass on this knowledge to young employees, repeatedly saving their lives in moments of battle. This was the case on his last business trip. It passed quickly, in just one day. On December 5, 2008, special forces flew to Dagestan, and on December 6, employees left for the operation site. Shortly before the business trip, Lieutenant Colonel Myasnikov was appointed head of the department. ...In the private hotel “Urguba”, on the outskirts of Makhachkala, the entire Makhachkala “jamaat” gathered. The task is to detain the militants, and if there is resistance, to destroy them. Having entered the building, the special forces dispersed and began inspecting the premises. We made a decision - we need to go through one of the doors on the second floor. Behind it was a narrow corridor that ended in a door. As soon as the first three tried to open it, they opened fire on it. They shot almost point blank. One has already been wounded... The special forces began to retreat, evacuating the soldier. The militants began throwing grenades and one of them hit the exposed shields. Mikhail, without hesitation, stepped forward and covered the grenade with himself. There was no chance of survival. They pulled him out, but it was impossible to do anything... Even before the wedding, Mikhail once told his wife that, in all likelihood, he would not be able to live long. On the day of his death, Elena and her daughter Alexandra went to buy a jacket. We chose a purchase, Elena took out the money to pay, and her hands were all in ashes... We returned home and turned on the TV. The news broadcast reported that during a special operation in Dagestan, a Russian FSB special forces officer was killed... When the doorbell rang, she already knew everything. Lieutenant Colonel Myasnikov was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow next to his colleagues who did not return from combat missions. His native school was named after the Hero, and an exhibition was organized in the Combat Glory Room of the Golitsyn Border School. On May 9, 2009, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Guam Gorge, the Vympel sector was inaugurated, so named in memory of the fallen employees of Directorate “B” of the TsSN FSB of Russia. Six names of employees of the “mining” department are carved on the memorial plaque. Mikhail's surname is fourth on the list. And a year later, employees of the ROSN UFSB in the Murmansk region, Mikhail’s colleagues in the special forces profession, made a memorial plaque and installed it on a rocky wall, on Mount Shkhara, in Kabardino-Balkaria, in the places where they once underwent mountain trials together. He left, but his parents, two brothers, wife and daughter remained. What remains is the Feat and the Golden Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation. There are true friends left who will remember him, because many of them now live only thanks to him. And nothing can be repeated, But we will sincerely say: We are proud that he is a warrior in spirit, Always unhurried, always calm!

Born on April 23, 1975 in the city of Seltso, Bryansk region. Russian. He graduated from secondary school No. 2 in the city of Seltso. He graduated with honors from the Golitsyn Higher Military Border Military-Political School (now the Golitsyn Border Institute of the FSB of Russia). After graduating from college, he submitted a report on being sent to the North Caucasus. His request was granted. Lieutenant M.A. Myasnikov underwent special training in a mountain camp in one of the high-mountainous places in Europe, repeatedly climbed Elbrus and, when he began his service, already had the qualification of a master of sports in rock climbing. He first served as the head of a border outpost in the Republic of Dagestan, then was transferred to the outpost in the Chechen Republic. After serving for five years, having withstood the most severe competition, he realized his cherished dream - he became an employee of Directorate "B" ("Vympel") of the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia. On September 1, 2004, school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania) was captured by terrorists; 1,128 people (mainly children, as well as their parents and school staff) were taken hostage. On the same day M.A. Myasnikov arrived in Beslan with the Vympel group. After explosions occurred at the school on the third day, causing a fire and the collapse of part of the walls through which hostages began to scatter, he, as part of an assault group, received an order to storm the building. Through their actions, the group ensured the destruction of all bandits who were on the premises. As a result, most of the hostages were freed during the assault, however, the total loss as a result of the terrorist attack was more than 330 people killed (of which 186 were children, 17 were teachers and school staff, 118 were relatives, guests and friends of students) and over 700 people injured. The number of special forces soldiers who died during the storming of the building is not known for certain and, according to different versions, varies from 10 to 16. According to some estimates, over 20 soldiers died. On the monument to special forces members (who died during the storming of the school), erected at the City of Angels memorial cemetery in Beslan, 10 names are carved. Died on December 6, 2008 in one of the special operations in the North Caucasus. Trying to save his comrades, M.A. Myasnikov, without thinking for a second, stepped forward and covered the grenade with himself. Thanks to his courage and heroism, no one was hurt. He was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Moscow. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation ("closed") of February 3, 2009, for the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, an employee of Directorate "B" of the Special Purpose Center of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Anatolyevich Myasnikov, was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) . The special distinction of the Hero of the Russian Federation - the Gold Star medal (No. 938) was awarded to his parents - Anatoly Ivanovich and Tatyana Nikolaevna Myasnikov. Lieutenant colonel. Awarded the Order of Courage, medals "For Courage" and Suvorov. A memorial plaque was installed at secondary school No. 2 in the city of Seltso, where he studied.

M Yasnikov Mikhail Ivanovich – deputy commander of the tank battalion of the 63rd tank brigade of the Primorsky Army of the 4th Ukrainian Front, senior lieutenant.

Born on November 21, 1922 in the village of Kolpny (now a village in the Oryol region) in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1945. Graduated from 10th grade of high school.

In the Red Army since 1939. Served on the Western Border. In June 1941, Myasnikov was a cadet in the driver course of the Belarusian Border District, stationed in the Brest Fortress.

On June 22 at 4 o’clock in the morning, Myasnikov was on patrol at the Terespol fortification of the Brest Fortress in the area of ​​the railway bridge over the Bug. The Marines were the first to look war in the face. The border guards greeted the appearance of the enemy with friendly rifle and machine-gun fire. Numerous attempts by the enemy to land troops on June 22 in the area defended by border guards were initially unsuccessful. The soldiers courageously repulsed the enemy's onslaught and repeatedly launched bayonet attacks. Until June 30, 1941, Lieutenant Zhdanov’s group (initially about 80 border guards), which included Myasnikov, was in continuous battle and used up almost all of its available ammunition.

On June 30, only 18 fighters moved to the Citadel (Central Island of the Brest Fortress). Myasnikov fought in the Citadel until July 5, 1941. With a group of fighters, he managed to get out of the fortress. We walked through the Polesie swamps at night. By the evening of July 10, Myasnikov and two comrades reached the Pripyat River southeast of Pinsk, but by this time our troops had already left the city. Only a month after the start of the war, on July 22, 1941, in the area of ​​the city of Mozyr, three border guards crossed the front line, coming under enemy fire, as a result of which Myasnikov was wounded a second time. After first aid was provided, he was immediately sent to the hospital.

After the hospital, Myasnikov was sent to the Oryol Armored School, from which he graduated in August 1942. He was appointed commander of a tank platoon. Defended the city of Maykop and the village of Khadyzhenskaya. In the fall of 1942, he took part in the battles in the Tuapse direction.

In February 1943, Senior Lieutenant Myasnikov, as part of the 563rd separate tank battalion, fought on Malaya Zemlya near Novorossiysk. There he was wounded and again ended up in the hospital. For courage and valor shown in the battles on Malaya Zemlya, Myasnikov was awarded the first Order of the Red Star.

After his recovery in the fall of 1943, as part of the 63rd Tank Brigade, Myasnikov participated in the breakthrough of the Blue Line and the liberation of the Taman Peninsula, for which he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

After capturing bridgeheads on the coast of the Kerch Peninsula, the tank brigade, in which senior lieutenant Myasnikov fought, crossed over to Crimea and participated in the liberation of the city of Kerch.

In April 1944, a new offensive of Soviet troops began in Crimea. The deputy commander of a tank battalion, Senior Lieutenant Myasnikov, fought along the entire southern coast of Crimea, participating in the liberation of the cities of Sudak, Alushta, and Yalta. By May 1944, troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front approached the Nazis' Sevastopol defensive region.

On May 7, 1944, during the assault on Sapun Mountain, when the battalion commander’s tank caught fire and he himself was seriously wounded, Senior Lieutenant Myasnikov took command of the battalion. Acting harmoniously, boldly and decisively, the tankers broke into Sevastopol. Myasnikov was the first to break through to Kamyshovaya Bay, blocking the Nazis’ path to retreat. He was wounded in a defensive battle, but continued to lead the battalion until the end of the battle. The tank battalion destroyed 64 field guns, 9 assault guns, more than 300 Nazis and captured 2,000 German soldiers and officers. On May 9, 1944, Sevastopol was cleared of the enemy.

U Kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the senior lieutenant Mikhail Ivanovich Myasnikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 3709).

After the hospital, Myasnikov was sent to the Baltic states. Participated in the liberation of Lithuania and Latvia. The war ended on May 12, 1945, when the Nazi group, pinned to the sea, capitulated on the Courland Peninsula.

After the war, M.I. Myasnikov continued to serve in the army. Since 1975, Colonel M.I. Myasnikov has been retired. Lived in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. He was a frequent visitor to the cities of Sevastopol and Brest. He did a lot of military-patriotic work among young people. Died on July 25, 2005. He was buried in Dnepropetrovsk on the Alley of Heroes of the Zaporozhye Cemetery.

Awarded the Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star, and medals. Honorary citizen of the city of Dnepropetrovsk (1995).

A bust of the Hero was installed in the village of Kolpny, Oryol region.

Special forces soldier Mikhail Myasnikov was 33 years old when he died. He is survived by his wife and three-year-old daughter. Four months later, in 2009, the lieutenant colonel was posthumously awarded the title Hero of Russia. School No. 2 in the city of Seltso, where he studied, bears the name of Mikhail Myasnikov. In the apartment of his parents Tatyana Nikolaevna and Anatoly Ivanovich, everything reminds of their son: things, paintings, photographs...

"Soldiers, forward!"

Since childhood, he was very stubborn, in the good sense of the word, says Tatyana Nikolaevna. “If you decide to do something, you can never dissuade it.” I remember he was three or four years old, he and his older brother Kolya were learning poetry. Kolya is about a bull, and Misha is about “Soldiers, forward!” And he played all the time, either with a machine gun or with tin soldiers.

As a child, Misha, his parents say, was interested in everything: he was fond of swimming and wrestling, collected butterflies and minerals, loved to go into the forest to pick berries and mushrooms...

He was seven years old when he wanted to know with what flame matches with green heads would burn,” Tatyana Nikolaevna smiles. - Well, setting fire to a napkin on the nightstand. The fire was normal, but the napkin burned, and along with it the curtain...

And already as a teenager, Mishka made wads and gunpowder from the “Young Chemist” set. I decided to test it at home. I was aiming for the wall and hit the carpet...

We started cleaning it, we looked, but it was covered in holes,” recalls Tatyana Nikolaevna. - I said to Mishka: “Your job?”

That carpet is still on the floor...

At the age of 15, Misha already knew for sure that he would be a military man. I even decided to learn how to jump with a parachute and went to train at the airfield in Bordovichi. Once a disaster almost happened - the main canopy did not open during the jump. The reserve parachute jumped out when there was nothing left to reach the ground.

It was April 12, I remember Mishka came home and said: “Well, parents, today I was born for the second time,” says Tatyana Nikolaevna. “He told us that the parachute did not open on its own. Only after Misha’s death did his friends tell him that he deliberately did not pull the ring for a long time, testing himself. He loved risk, but it was justified, he was worried about my father and me, he took care...

Edelweiss for the captain

Immediately after school, in 1992, Mikhail went to enter the Golitsyn Higher Border Guard School in the Moscow region. He forbade his parents to go with him. After the exams he sent a telegram: “I got in, come for the oath.”

The beginning of the 90s was a difficult time,” says Anatoly Ivanovich. – At the chemical plant where we worked then, salaries were often delayed. So Misha, to please us, brought a whole box of chocolates from his scholarship.

Mikhail graduated from college with honors in 1996, and at the same time also took psychology courses at Moscow State University.

They thought he would serve somewhere nearby, but he chose the highest mountain border outpost - Kurush in Dagestan, - Tatyana Nikolaevna shrugs. - At a mountain camp he underwent mountaineering training, received a master of sports in rock climbing, then the rank of captain. The soldiers loved and respected him. Once, for his birthday, they planted a whole flowerbed of edelweiss for him.

After Kurush, Mikhail served in Chechnya, commanding a special task force. Then he was seriously concussed.

Misha was saved by his backpack - the shell pierced him right through from top to bottom, says Anatoly Ivanovich.

“I can’t live any other way...”

Mikhail served at the border for five years. Then there was special forces, the Vympel special group.

The selection there was very strict - 250 people per place,” says Tatyana Nikolaevna. “Misha trained a lot: running, push-ups, pull-ups. I used a stopwatch to record the time it took him to complete the exercises. And they took him.

After serving on the border, the son worked for some time as a security chief. So, he told us: “Parents, I’m leaving a dust-free and lucrative job for a job with a lower salary, difficult, but it’s mine! I can’t live any other way.”

Mikhail met his future wife Lena in Moscow and conquered the girl with his charm. In August 2004 they got married. A year later, their daughter Sashenka was born.

Mikhail and Elena were on their honeymoon when the Beslan tragedy happened on September 1, 2004. Mikhail received a call, he quickly packed his things and left.

He never told us about his business trips, we only guessed,” says Mikhail’s mother and father. - We saw what happened in Beslan on TV. My heart sank... When it was all over, a bell rang in the apartment. Our eldest son Kolya answered the phone, and Misha was there: “Tell my parents, I’m alive, I’m fine!” Then we learned from his colleagues that Misha miraculously survived. His machine gun jammed, and his friend Dima covered it with himself - and died...

Last Stand

The last time Mikhail visited his parents was in August 2008, three months before his death. He took a lot of photographs back then. As if he had a presentiment that this would be their last meeting.

On December 6, 2008, Mikhail passed away. During a special operation in Dagestan, while saving guys from his squad, he threw himself on a grenade with his chest.

We suspected that Mishka was there,” Tatyana Nikolaevna says, and there are tears in her eyes. – We saw that fight on TV in a hotel in Makhachkala. And when they said: “A special forces officer has died,” everything inside broke down... My father and I didn’t sleep all night. Later, Lena told us: she also felt that something was wrong. She said that when she was watching the news on TV, she suddenly felt a pain in her chest. She told her daughter Sashenka: “Our folder is there”...

Then Mikhail’s colleagues will tell his parents about their son’s last battle. Narrow hotel corridor. Seven militants barricaded themselves in the rooms. At first they shot back, then they started throwing grenades. Several people were injured. They had to be taken out and left on their own. Therefore, the guys blocked the passage with armored shields. One of the grenades fell behind the shields, and our soldiers were still there. And then the squad leader, without hesitation, rushed at her. There was an explosion...

The next day, Mikhail’s colleagues came to the Myasnikovs.

I looked at them from the threshold and understood everything... - Tatyana Nikolaevna says quietly.

Mikhail was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Tatyana Nikolaevna admits: for a long time they did not dare to tell Sashenka that her dad was no longer there...

The granddaughter is very similar to Misha. The girl has his eyes and his stubborn, strong character. Previously, she often said that she dreams about her dad: he smiles and strokes her head, as if protecting her. He protected us all, but did not protect himself...

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