Zaitsev's methods • • Teaching reading • Zaitsev's cubes (assembled). Card index of games and exercises according to the methodology of teaching reading N

And the Glen Doman method, and many others.

Today we will talk about the well-known child development method of Nikolai Zaitsev. Zaitsev's method or learning to read is based on the use of special developmental material, on certain principles of constructing work in the form of a game.

Who is Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev? Why did Zaitsev create his own method for teaching children to read? What are Zaitsev cubes? What are the features of Zaitsev’s technique, as well as its advantages and disadvantages? You will find out the answers to all these questions by reading the article “Zaitsev’s Method or Learning to Read.” And also in the article you will find a video about this technique from the founder himself - Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev is a famous innovative teacher from St. Petersburg. Born in 1939 into a family of rural teachers. As a fifth-year student at a pedagogical institute, Zaitsev went to Indonesia, where he was a translator, studied the Indonesian language and taught Russian to foreigners. This time marked the beginning of Nikolai Zaitsev’s innovative ideas for teaching reading.

Zaitsev is the creator of the famous cubes, thanks to which new opportunities have emerged in teaching children to read. Nikolai Zaitsev created his own method by which children learn to read while playing.

Nikolay Zaitsev founded and runs the Center for Non-Standard Technologies in Education. Zaitsev created about 25 effective techniques. These methods (teaching children reading, Russian, mathematics; teaching adults and children a foreign language and Russian as a foreign language) are popular in many countries of Western Europe, America, the CIS, and Russia.

Zaitsev's method (learning to read) is based on teaching reading using warehouses (Zaitsev's cubes are used) in the form of a fun game using songs and sing-alongs.

Why did Nikolai Zaitsev create his own method of teaching reading?

  • Often children, knowing the alphabet, cannot form letters into syllables and words. Since in the alphabet there is one picture per letter. The child remembers both the letter and the picture. And later he needs to explain why the word “juice” was formed from the picture words “magpie” - “glasses” - “goat”. Zaitsev came to the conclusion that in order to learn to read, it is not necessary to know the name of each letter individually.
  • Children find it difficult to read syllables. After all, sometimes there are syllables that are difficult to pronounce, for example, the word “splash”.

Warehouse - what is it?

Zaitsev came up with an alternative to letters and syllables - a warehouse.

The warehouse is the basis of the method of teaching children to read according to Zaitsev’s method.

A warehouse can be called a pair of consonant and vowel letters, a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or one letter. For example, A-I-S-T, VO-RO-NA.

What are Zaitsev cubes?

Zaitsev's cubes are educational material for learning new knowledge during the game using several information perception systems.

The set includes 52 cubes, 7 of which are repeatable.

The cubes are divided according to several criteria:

  • To size:

  1. large (cubes with hard syllables)
  2. small (cubes with soft syllables),
  • By content or sound:

  1. golden (cubes with vowels),
  2. Iron (cubes with ringing warehouses),
  3. Wooden (cubes with muted warehouses),
  4. wooden-gold (cubes for warehouses with a soft sign)
  5. iron-wooden (cubes for warehouses with a solid sign),
  • According to the color of the letters written on the cubes:

  1. vowels - blue;
  2. consonants - blue;
  3. hard and soft signs - green.
  • Single and double cubes.
  • A white cube with punctuation marks on it.
  • The cubes vary in weight.

Zaitsev wrote warehouses on the faces of the cubes. Since the cubes differ in color, size and sound or content, when playing with them, different channels of information perception are connected. Children can actually feel the difference between the letters. Playing learning games with blocks is helped by singing syllables to several melodies.

I suggest you watch a video about the method of teaching reading from the author himself. So, Nikolay Zaitsev is on the air:

What are the distinctive features Zaitsev's methods?

  • learning through play
  • Game-based learning takes place in an informal setting. There are no desks and silence, children can go to tables, cubes, search and choose.
  • The principle of visual presentation of the material is used. When studying using Zaitsev’s technique, the child uses hearing, vision and touch.
  • The lesson lasts about 25 minutes, but you can play for less, the main thing is that the child has interest and excitement. Classes must be held regularly.
  • developmental material is presented in one place in the form of tables and cubes, the principle is applied from the particular to the general, from the general to the particular
  • teaching methods are universal. They are suitable for preschoolers, schoolchildren, and adults.

From this article we learned about the features of Zaitsev’s technique, about Zaitsev’s cubes, and also examined the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.

Parents have to choose how, when, what and in what form to teach their child.

Do you use, have used or are going to use this method of child development? What is your experience and your impressions of Zaitsev’s technique? Should a child be taught to read before school?

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All parents want their children to be the smartest, most developed. How much pride they feel when a 3-4 year old child, walking down the street, perfectly reads the names of stores, advertisements... And, starting to teach the child to read, they are faced with a huge selection of various methods. Zaitsev's cubes are an effective method of teaching children to read from a very early age. This is one of those techniques that is of great interest to many parents.

Who is Nikolay Zaitsev

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev's parents worked in a rural school. After finishing school, Nikolai worked at a factory for 2 years, after which he followed in the footsteps of his parents. In 1958 he entered the Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology. In his fifth year, he is sent to practice in Indonesia, where he works as a translator.

It was this period of time, when he had to teach adults a Russian language that was not their native language, that gave rise to the development of his famous method of teaching reading and writing. Implementing new techniques, creating interesting tables on the go, he tried to “convey the essence of the language to others.”

Having developed his own teaching method, the young teacher decided to test it in the middle classes of a comprehensive school. However, a huge failure awaited him here. The students only knew how to memorize the rules without trying to understand them. Accustomed to such training, they could not readjust.

Then Nikolai Alexandrovich decided to try his method on children. The methodology was revised, he conducted all classes in a playful way. And here huge success awaited him. Toddlers as young as one and a half years old and preschoolers who had problems learning to read and write only needed a few lessons to start reading. Some schools began to fully implement his teaching system, using the “ringing miracle” (as the cubes were called) in their work.

Observing the kids, the teacher came to the following conclusions:

  • In order to learn to read, little ones don’t need to know what the letters are called. Most often in alphabet books, letters are associated with pictures. The child remembers the image of the letter and the image that he associates with it. Then it is very difficult to explain to him that CAT (letter K), SCISSORS (letter H), TOY (letter I), MUSHROOM (letter G) and STORK (letter A) add up to one word BOOK.
  • Reading syllables is very difficult for a child. Even if a child learns the names of letters without pictures, it will be difficult for him to understand how the syllable MA is formed from the letters M and A. In order for children to understand the principle of merging syllables, teachers have to use various tricks in their work. But in the Russian language there are words of one syllable, in which there are many consecutive consonants (for example, VSPLESK). Reading such words will be very difficult for a child who reads syllables.
  • It is easier for a person to first learn to write than to read. By writing he understood the transformation of sounds into signs, and by reading - the transformation of signs into sounds. It will be much easier for your baby to learn to read through writing.

In the next video you can find out interesting information about Nikolai Zaitsev and his legendary cubes.

General principles of Zaitsev’s technique

Zaitsev’s unique proprietary method has been around for over 20 years. However, the famous teacher does not stop constantly improving it. Now many different techniques and games have already been created to complement the basics. Using the technique, you can successfully teach even very young children to read and write. At the same time, for preschoolers 6 years old, just a few lessons will be enough, and you will be able to see that he can already begin to read.

This teaching method is suitable not only for children who like quiet games with blocks, but also for active, restless children. The use of this technique is suitable for working with children who are hard of hearing, have very poor vision and have mental development disorders. When working with them you can get very good results. You can see a good effect when working with children with autism.

In his methodology, Zaitsev emphasized that the child’s cognitive processes must go through all types of perception: auditory, visual, motor memory, touch and thinking. When working with children, a teacher must be able to organize a fun, playful learning environment and act as a mentor in the learning process.

Using dice games:

  • the baby's vocabulary will expand;
  • competent writing skills will be developed;
  • the child’s speech will become more intelligible;
  • a number of speech therapy problems can be corrected;
  • develop the child’s logic and thinking;
  • teach the baby to work independently.


The standard set includes:

  • 61 pcs. assembled cardboard cube
  • 6 pcs. cardboard tables with syllables, letters and other graphic signs
  • 4 things. cardboard tables B3 format
  • listening disk with songs for cubes and tables
  • a teaching aid that you can use as a lesson summary.

What is a warehouse

In his technique, Nikolai Zaitsev offers an alternative to syllables - he uses warehouses. For him, this is the basic unit of language. The warehouse can be one letter, a combination of a vowel and a consonant, a consonant and a hard sign, a consonant and a hard sign. This principle of reading - warehouse - is the basis of Zaitsev’s methodology. This technique is very similar to Fedot Kuzmichev’s primer, 19th century, and L. Tolstoy’s alphabet. These books also used the principle of warehouse training.

The warehouse can be determined by placing your hand below the chin and saying the word. That muscle effort that you feel with your hand will be the warehouse.

According to his method, warehouses are located on cubes and in tables. He used vision, hearing and tactile sensations to help him learn, because... analytical thinking, the formation of which is required when reading, develops only by the age of 7. By placing the warehouses on cubes, Zaitsev made them different in color, sound, and size. With this, when the child picks up the blocks, different channels of perception are activated.

Description of the technique

Classes should be held only in a playful way. Children should not sit in one place, they need to move, jump, dance and sing. All movements in the lesson take place in a game with cubes.

Cubes may vary in size. Large cubes depict warehouses with a solid sound. On small cubes - with a soft sound. They can be single or double. On the double cubes there are consonants that do not combine with all vowels (zha-zhu-zhi).

The sonority of the warehouse is indicated by metal, the dullness by wood.

Gold - vowels. The hard sign is depicted on iron-wooden cubes, the soft one - on wooden-gold ones. The white cube contains punctuation marks. The color selection for letters is different from school. Here the color blue is used to indicate vowels, consonants are indicated in blue, and hard and soft signs are used in green. This the difference from school blue, red and green colors, according to Zaitsev, helps children begin to read fluently.

The filling of the cubes is also different.

Cubes 52 pcs. in the set, besides them there are 7 more repeat ones. In total, the cubes depict 200 warehouses.

Sets can be different:

  • a layout may be offered for gluing the cubes yourself;
  • may already be assembled;
  • with a plastic base.

Gluing the cubes together yourself will take a lot of time. They need to be further strengthened from the inside. This can be done using a cardboard cube of the same size. After gluing, it is better to cover it with rubber bands, this is necessary so that your cube does not fall apart while it dries. For better protection, cover each cube with film or laminate the unfolded cube. If you choose this version of the cubes, it is better to make a copy of each scan. This way, during the game you will definitely have enough warehouses to write words.

Tables should be hung quite high. This helps prevent scoliosis and visual impairment. If you are working only with your child, then it is better to determine the height by the baby’s raised hand. It should touch the top edge of the table. It will be convenient to hang tables in the corners of the room, so it will be more convenient for the baby to look for the necessary warehouses. Tables can also be wrapped in film to increase their service life. Using tables is just as important as playing with dice.

According to Nikolai Alexandrovich’s method, all the warehouses on the cubes must be sung. He believes that the effect of this is much better, and it is more interesting for the child to study with music, which helps to instill an interest in learning.

Provide your child with all the blocks to play with at once. This textbook should never be taken away from him. They must always be in his field of vision. Let the baby get to know them and look at them carefully.

Ask him to choose the one cube that interests him the most. Warehouses written on its edges must be shown by singing. Ask to find a large cube, then a small one, iron, wood, gold. The child must understand that all cubes are different in size and sound.

After he has mastered this information, introduce him to syllable tables. Sing one of the columns of the table and ask your child to bring a cube with the same folds. Sing artistically, showing your child what the voices can be: voiced or voiceless, small or large. You can even use appropriate movements. There is no need to ask your child to sing the words back to you. When he is ready for this, he will begin to sing with you and on his own.

Teach your child to write using blocks or a pointer. By singing the words and showing them on the table, the baby will begin to understand how words are composed. You can teach your child to write and play outdoor games at the same time. Ask him to write the names of loved ones at different ends of the room. Now let the child run to visit loved ones.

Once again, please note that all classes should be held only in a playful way. The child should not sit in one place; give him complete freedom of movement. Each child is individual. He doesn't owe anything in class. Let the baby develop to the best of his ability, don’t rush things. Don't make the game a forced activity. Of course, it’s better to study every day, at least a little, but if your child is not in the mood to study today, then it’s better to postpone it than to force him. You can play both in the morning and in the evening. Focus on your baby's mood.

Choose games that your child will enjoy most. If you are restless, it is better to use outdoor games in class. If your baby prefers calm games, If you spend a long time putting together puzzles, then use games that do not involve activity during class.

If the baby loves to build, then invite him to build named locomotives, towers with warehouses, roads, houses from cubes.

For the main points regarding teaching children, see the following video.

At what age can you start learning and what games to play?

You can introduce your baby to blocks almost from birth. Keep in mind that at this age the child is not yet capable of studying. Until six months of age, a child’s development proceeds at a very rapid pace. There is no need to overload it further now. The cubes can be used as a rattle, only occasionally showing him a warehouse or a word. Do not try to see any results during this period, do not expect them from the child. Now, with their help, you will only prepare the child for the learning that awaits him ahead.

After 6 months, the child is no longer interested in playing with blocks like a rattle. Now you can start singing the warehouses. Until the child reaches one year of age, continue to show cubes, warehouses, and simple words. Let the baby crawl among them. You can try asking him to give you a cube with a certain warehouse. Leave folds on the objects whose names you have made up and throughout the day, show and sing them to your baby.

The older the child gets, the more difficult the games are offered to him. A one-year-old baby, along with the games that came before, can already increase the level of difficulty by offering new ones. Take things gradually. You can use N. Zaitsev’s manual “Writing. Reading. Account”, which offers a lot of entertaining games, or you can come up with your own. Use your child’s imagination, ask him what games he wants to play.

Play Zoo. Let the child place various animals around the zoo, making up their names from the warehouses. In the “Shop” he can arrange the goods on the shelves. When going on a “Journey,” you definitely need to pack your suitcase. Let him play the role of a cook, putting in a saucepan the names of ingredients needed to prepare soup or his favorite dish.

Invite your child to play the game “Who can name the most?” Name words that begin with a given word. You can make this game themed.

Place cubes in front of him, from the warehouses on them it should be possible to form his name. Let the child try to do it on his own. Next time, complicate the task; he must find suitable warehouses himself. Let him put words together from cubes, and then look for these warehouses in the table, pointing with a pointer to the required warehouse.

The child will play with great pleasure the games that you come up with together, because they are much more entertaining for him than those proposed by the author. These games will be exactly the ones he likes, designed with his interests in mind.

Pros and cons of the technique

Like every modern method, learning to read using Zaitsev’s cubes has both its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look.


  • Children learn to read very quickly. It takes very little time for a child to start doing this. Moreover, the older he is, the faster the learning process proceeds. According to the author himself, even children who have just turned 4 years old can start reading on their own after just 4 lessons. Of course, this does not apply to all children. On average, children 3-4 years old need six months to study, an older preschooler needs 10-12 lessons, a child 6-7 years old will need a week.
  • The Zaitsev teaching method is not tied to any specific age. You can start practicing when your child is 6 months old, or you can use it for first graders.
  • The sounds produced by the cubes, different in timbre, pitch and volume, will contribute to the development of hearing, memory, will perfectly develop a sense of rhythm.
  • As a result of playing with blocks, the child’s fine motor skills actively develop, which is very important for the development of intelligence.
  • Learning takes place at a pace that the child's abilities allow. Everything is very individual. No one rushes or pushes the guys, no one tells them that they owe something.
  • Mastering the technique will not be difficult. It can be successfully used at home.
  • Children immediately learn to write correctly. There are no warehouses on the cubes that are impossible in the Russian language (such as CHYA, ZHY).
  • The Zaitsev teaching method promotes the prevention, preservation and promotion of health. While playing, the child trains the eye muscles. This helps preserve vision. Its preservation is facilitated by the placement of large text on the tables in different places, and the bright color of the cubes, which does not irritate the eyes.

Game aids, located taking into account the requirements of the methodology at the proper height and in different places, serve as an excellent prevention of poor posture, physical inactivity, and overload of didactics during classes.

In general, this game method of teaching reading successfully helps in the development of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality.

  • The method is built on the principles of cooperation pedagogy, which allows you to avoid conflicts between children, parents and teachers.
  • Children play by themselves. This perfectly develops independence and self-organization. Even short lessons are enough for successful learning. Playing with them constantly and keeping them inconspicuous according to the “by the way” principle will give excellent learning results.
  • The technique is very simple, systematized, and visual.
  • The child does not have to learn how to combine letters into syllables, he teaches ready-made warehouses, which contributes to the ability to read fluently and without hesitation.


Despite the huge number of advantages when choosing this method of learning, you may encounter a number of problems.

  • Teachers, defectologists and speech therapists say that when learning words without understanding how to combine letters, children often begin to miss the endings of words. Problems may arise when dividing words into syllables and parsing words by composition.
  • The color of the sounds is different from the school one(blue, blue, green instead of blue, green, red) create problems for the student in phonemic analysis of words. Re-teaching children is more difficult than teaching from scratch.
  • High cost of benefits. A lot of hassle when gluing cubes together yourself.
  • Certain difficulties arise when choosing the spelling of the letters E and E. The cubes have warehouses such as BE, VE. In Russian they can be found very rarely. We will have to constantly stop the child’s desire to write the letter E in words where after a hard consonant we hear E, but we need to write E (for example, the word TENNIS).
  • The use of the technique will be more effective in children whose right hemisphere of the brain is more developed. They have more developed imaginative thinking.
  • Children may have difficulty isolating a separate sound from a word, what will affect the writing.
  • This method of teaching is practically does not develop children's creative abilities.

Comparison with Chaplygin cubes

Evgeny Chaplygin created his technique based on Zaitsev’s technique. However, his way of teaching is unique and patented. The set of Chaplygin cubes contains: 10 single cubes with letters and 10 double cubes forming blocks, instructions for use. The cubes in the blocks rotate around their axis, forming warehouses.

Let's look at the main differences between the methods.

  • Chaplygin cubes are easier to use.
  • In Chaplygin’s method there is no memorization of warehouses, like Zaitsev’s. He uses letters and syllables. It is easier for children to understand how to form words.
  • Chaplygin cubes do not require much storage space.
  • Zaitsev's cubes are made of paper or plastic, while Chaplygin's cubes are made of wood.
  • Buying Chaplygin cubes is much cheaper than buying Zaitsev cubes.
  • Zaitsev's method promotes the greatest development of children. By learning from it, the child gets acquainted with hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless.
  • Zaitsev uses chants and tables in his methodology to better assimilate the material by children.
  • There are 52 warehouses on Zaitsev's cubes, but only 32 can be made from Chaplygin's cubes.

All parents want their children to be successful in adulthood. And this largely depends on the quality of education. There are two ways to achieve your goal: enroll your child in an early development school and wait until the fall when he becomes a child prodigy, or start studying with your child on your own. The last option is the most preferable. Moreover, there are benefits that perfectly help cope with a child’s education at an early age. We are talking about classes on cubes and other Zaitsev techniques.

The essence of Zaitsev’s methods

For more than 20 years, the methods of the St. Petersburg innovative teacher Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev have been used in practice to teach children to read, write and count.

When to start practicing the method

This is interesting. The saint, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia, church writer and theologian said: “Forced teaching cannot be firm, but what enters with joy and cheerfulness sinks firmly into the souls of those who listen.”

You can work with children as early as 2–3 years old, but, of course, you should take into account the individual developmental characteristics of the child, the main one of which is curiosity, namely:

  • the desire to spend time with books (sorting through them, leafing through them, listening carefully when adults read);
  • curiosity (this applies not only to reading and counting, but to all aspects of life in general);
  • the ability to sit still while doing something interesting for at least 5–10 minutes.
  • For each child, these manifestations become apparent at different ages, so parents must, so to speak, seize the moment.

    Principles of teaching techniques according to Zaitsev

    The basis of the methodology for children is N.A. Zaitsev took the psychological and pedagogical features of the development of preschool children and adapted the principles of their education to the basic aspects of the goals of education in general:

  • working with new information according to the scheme “to the specific from the general”;
  • the connection “figurative - visual-actional - verbal-logical”, which is ensured by the inclusion of different channels of perception of the baby;
  • a clear material development system;
  • clear operating algorithms;
  • taking into account the physiological and psychological subtleties of child development.
  • Thanks to the tables, the child can model and systematize certain learning situations. Visual aids act as an intermediary between the object and subject of learning, helping to:

  • inform the little student;
  • orient him in the material;
  • train and develop the necessary skills of the child.
  • What results can you achieve?

    For classes, it is enough to allocate about 1 hour 2-3 times a week. And then in six months you will see:

  • the effectiveness of using the technique (after 20 hours of work, the baby will be able to add within 100 and subtract, as well as read by folds);
  • how easy it is to use the manual, since the kit contains everything you need for classes (exercises, examples, games, songs);
  • how educable your child is, which plays a huge role in determining the individual educational trajectory at school;
  • that the child grasps the necessary information “on the fly” much faster and more firmly in everyday life than in the time allotted for this, for example, in kindergarten.
  • We should not forget that the general focus of the exercises of all methods contributes to the development of logical thinking, and a number of tasks help to solve speech therapy problems in a child.

    Advantages and disadvantages of studying Zaitsev's techniques

    Of all the existing methods, Zaitsev’s manual for teaching reading is especially hotly debated. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, the child’s teaching method begins with a lesson on Zaitsev’s cubes. But let’s try to highlight the advantages that apply to all benefits:

  • children quickly master the techniques;
  • systematic work helps improve memory, logical thinking, and expand vocabulary;
  • the baby begins to speak “clearer”;
  • visual acuity is trained, since the child needs to follow the adult’s pointer when working with tables;
  • in the proposed games, the children also move, which improves their physical health;
  • the baby learns to work independently;
  • there are no age restrictions for using the techniques (as long as the little one already knows how to speak);
  • availability of use at home.
  • As for the methodological shortcomings of the manuals, these include the following:

  • inconsistency with the existing school curriculum (including the principle of reading, colors indicating vowels-consonants, voiceless-voiced);
  • high price;
  • cumbersome (manuals must be assembled before use);
  • the need for patient repetition and memorization, which is not suitable for the temperament of all adults.
  • Reviews from experts

    I believe that the use of models and tables in teaching the coherence of statements improved the composition of descriptive and narrative stories, developed the ability to use precise and figurative words... When you write with cubes, it is convenient to highlight the shock structure.

    Verigo Oksana, teacher, nursery school No. 21, Brest, Belarus

    The problem of organizing a subject-spatial environment in groups was solved thanks to Zaitsev’s unique manuals and games (tables, cubes, 240 pictures). All benefits help the child develop, learn, play and, most importantly, MOVE.

    Shchegolikhina Tatyana Preschool Educational Institution No. 7, Bor, Nizhny Novgorod Region

    Who can teach Nikolai Zaitsev’s system?

    Practical parents will probably be interested in how durable the benefit is. Well, with proper use, more than one generation of children can grow up on this educational toy.

    Conditions for studying at home

    For work using Zaitsev’s methods to be successful, lessons must be conducted under certain conditions. First of all, you need to observe the principle of clarity: tables with letters, numbers, and warehouses should be hung throughout the house so that the baby has a “presence effect” wherever he is. One significant nuance: if your little one is short, then it makes sense to hang the tables in the corners of the rooms, folding them in half, so that it is convenient for the little student to reach the desired warehouse or number.

    What are the kits?

  • Houses;
  • in preschool institutions;
  • in grades 1–5 of secondary schools.
  • Reading set

    The set for learning to read using the Zaitsev technique includes the cubes themselves. They are available in 5 colors:

  • “gold” (vowels);
  • “gray” (ringing warehouses);
  • “brown” (dead warehouses);
  • “white” and “green” (punctuation marks).
  • Voiced and silent warehouses, in addition to different colors, have different sounds: gray - “iron”, and “brown” - wooden. Thus, the benefit affects the child’s visual and auditory perception. In addition to the cubes, the set includes:

  • pictures with warehouses (240 pieces);
  • songs;
  • pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters;
  • pictures “Road signs” (to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road and master the skill of reading whole sentences);
  • detailed video course with methodological tips.
  • Set "Calligraphy"

    To learn calligraphy, the kit contains the following:

  • pictures with block letters (indicating the sequence of their writing);
  • working copybook;
  • pictures (240 pieces depicting animals, words are divided into warehouses and marked with a dotted line for circling);
  • a set of pictures signed in different fonts (with options for circling capital and small letters);
  • manual “Who Lives Around Me” for repeating the rules of reading followed by writing words.
  • Math set

  • counting sticks (20 wooden blocks from which you can add figures and use them to perform arithmetic operations);
  • special training courses (“Pythagoras”, “Ornament”, “Five in a cube”, “Platonic solids”, “Hard currency”, “Universal monetary system”), allowing you to clearly get acquainted with certain mathematical laws and operations with numbers - addition , subtraction, multiplication, division and solving examples in several steps;
  • video course with recommendations for teaching children of different ages.
  • English language set

    A manual for learning English includes:

  • cubes with words and symbols that allow you to compose sentences in a foreign language;
  • algorithms for working with grammar (16 tables with basic rules for reading in English);
  • audio and video applications (for systematic training and practicing correct pronunciation).
  • Russian language set

    These are 45 cards systematizing the rules for writing words in the Russian language, which are presented in the form of tables. The manual includes two formats in one set: A4 for individual work and A2 for clarity when working with a group of children or for creating a “presence effect” at home.

    General Development Pack

    This manual is called “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” With its help, the child learns to count from 1 to 12, distinguish 12 colors and acquires basic reading skills. As educational material, Zaitsev offers cubes, on the edges of which the concepts being studied are printed.

    How to make Zaitsev's cubes and tables with your own hands

    One of the disadvantages of the benefit, as noted above, is the rather high cost. But if you pay attention to the ethical issue, that is, compliance with copyright, then such cubes, as well as tables for them, can be made independently. To make equilateral geometric figures, the manual can be used:

  • cardboard milk cartons (a 1.5-liter carton yields 2 cubes);
  • plastic alphabet cubes;
  • pieces of wood of suitable size.
  • By the way, it is better to make the size of the cubes standard (50 mm by 50 mm and 60 mm by 60 mm), since otherwise you will have to adjust the tables to the “non-format”, which will require a lot of time and accurate calculations.

    After the cubes are ready, they need to be glued:

  • colored paper;
  • self-adhesive.
  • Or paint with acrylic paint. Please note that it is better not to use gouache, as it smears your hands. After this, an image of a letter, symbol or punctuation mark is applied to the cubes in the size in which they are presented in the original set (see layout).

    To print tables, use plain printer paper of a suitable size, 80 weight.

    Application of the methodology in action

    The best way to understand the essence of N.A. Zaitsev’s methods is, of course, to disassemble it with your own hands and examine the set of manuals with your own eyes. But even in theory, some points become obvious.

    Scheme of working with the “Reading” set: step-by-step instructions

    After you have become the proud owner of the “Reading” set, you need to consistently build a system for working with it. Here are step-by-step instructions.

  • We think ahead. To avoid a situation where there are not enough cubes to compose long words, we make a photocopy of the layouts of the most common words in advance (vowels, as well as words with the letters S, M, P).
  • Glue the cubes together. It is better to use Moment glue for this. We fill them with “sounds” (they are included in the kit), except for those that we made additionally. Please note that we are gluing these cubes together, but we are putting them aside for now, since at the stage of getting to know voiceless-voiced, vowel sounds, as well as at the level of adding short words, we do not need them.
  • We place tables on the walls.
  • We learn songs. This is exactly how we learn warehouses, in a sing-song manner, and do not memorize them.
  • We play with cubes. Important: we provide all the blocks of the set to the baby at once. Ask the child to choose the one he likes, sing to the child about the warehouses presented on it. Now ask to choose wooden, small, “gold”, “iron”. We sing a column of warehouses with each one, while we stand on the big one and squat on the small cube. Don’t forget to give the figures names: for example, a large one with folds with the letter B in combination with E, A, Y, U, O is “dad,” but in conjunction with b, I, E, Yu, I is “baby.” Let the double cubes be “grandmothers” and “grandfathers”.
  • We write in cubes. Yes exactly! We don’t read, but write with our finger or pointer on the table, and then put these words together from cubes. We start with the baby’s name, preferably a middle name, so that the little one feels significant and grown up. Then we move on to compiling the names of relatives and favorite toys. After that, we start composing short stories. For example: “DAD arrived, his SON runs up to him, they are going to GRANDMOTHER, but the BOY wants to take his favorite teddy bear with him...”. This is where your imagination can run wild! If you have problems with imagination, then in the manual for the manual there are variants of such “stories”.
  • Play regularly. The most amazing thing is that there are no restrictions on time or place for classes: whenever and as much as you want! Just do it every day.
  • Games for early preschoolers

    The optimal age for learning to read, as mentioned above, is 2–3 years. However, N.A. Zaitsev claims that nothing prevents parents from working with their children earlier:

  • up to 6 months: we use the cubes as rattles, but the baby remembers their color, sound and size;
  • up to 1 year: we pronounce words and collect the simplest words that name objects in the surrounding world (table, closet, etc.);
  • after 1 year: together with the baby, we collect cubes on a certain topic (“zoo”, “kitchen”, etc.). We gradually learn to form words with repeating letters (toad, bagel, etc.). For older and “more experienced” kids, the task may be this: to compose a word that contains the letter K, but does not have b, m.
  • And at any stage of training, we do not forget about singing. You can sing warehouses in parallel with working on the table or during other tasks with cubes.

    Video: learning to read using Zaitsev’s method

    How to teach mathematics: the “Counting” method

    It is necessary to begin learning the basics of mathematics by mastering counting. For this purpose, the “Counting” technique is used. These are cards with numbers up to 100, consisting of 2 lines of 5 columns, where the number is a shaded cell. To study tens, you need 2 cards on which the shaded cells represent the number of tens and units: on the left are tens, on the right are units. Mathematics tables are hung at eye level of the little student, and after learning new numbers, the “bank” of tables is replenished, forming a “train” showing the order of numbers and their composition. After studying the first ten N.A. Zaitsev suggests moving on to simple arithmetic operations, when the child, to add or subtract, just needs to move across the table to the right or left to get the answer.

    Video: teaching mathematics using the Zaitsev method

    How to learn Russian

    This manual involves practicing reading skills, but with mnemonic memorization of the rules of the Russian language. Accordingly, mastering the manual assumes that your child already reads well and is already going to school. Thus, the tables group the rules for writing prefixes (for example, what the word begins with - voiceless-voiced - that’s where the prefix ends), reading rules (for example, a hard or soft sibilant at the end of a word or in the middle), different options for declension of adjectives, difficulties in writing case endings of nouns, etc. In this way, children quickly learn the sometimes incomprehensible rules of the Russian language and remember the nuances of spelling.

    Video: how to use the “Russian Language for Everyone” manual with preschoolers

    English language training

    As for teaching a foreign language using Zaitsev’s method, reviews about this approach are very mixed. The fact is that the author suggests memorizing patterns of sentence construction, and this does not make it possible to implement thought processes through speech. In other words, children remember specific words, specific sentences, not language patterns. This is due, first of all, to the lack of application of acquired skills in unprepared situational speech. Meanwhile, classes, as in previous methods, are conducted in a playful way and are suitable for children from 3–4 years old. The work consists of familiarizing yourself with foreign words represented on the faces of the cubes, and then making sentences from them using sample data in the tables. Kids compile declarative and interrogative sentences of different types (special questions, general and alternative).

    Video: making sentences in English using Zaitsev’s cubes

    You can study according to Nikolai Zaitsev’s method not only in a children’s development center, but also at home. Buy manuals, tables, a long pointer and the cubes themselves. Begin?

    As you may have guessed, this technique differs from the usual ones for absolutely everyone. Except that they also learn to write letters here. But not immediately in copybooks for preschoolers or in checkered notebooks. The baby's nervous system is not yet ready for small writing; it is difficult for the fingers. But according to the “I Write Beautifully” manual, everything happens easier, the child does not spoil his vision and posture, because the manual consists of 46 cards, where the letters are divided into elements and written large.

    You can practice writing both printed and capital letters, and there are numbers here too. And who said that you have to do this at the table? Attach it to the board with a magnet - and trace the letter with your finger in parts, and then the whole letter, and immediately write it on the board with chalk! Many people like to work on the floor - it’s easy to change the position. And when all the letters are mastered, you can move on to writing in large-checked notebooks. And up to 4.5 years, it is better to stay longer on large and convenient cards.

    I would also like to say something about children with special needs. Their mothers and fathers will probably be interested to know that this technique suits their baby like no other. And developmental delays will not at all prevent him from learning to read and write. At the same time, the developmental delay will also decrease: the child will begin to speak better, think faster, and learn to concentrate. Only you need not a simple teacher, but a specialist - for example, a speech therapist, speech pathologist or psychologist.

    Parallel work on sound pronunciation always brings amazing results. With the help of cubes you can develop your child comprehensively. It will just take a little more time. But right away – a lifelong love of reading is guaranteed!

    There are many benefits to homeschooling. One of them is that your child, even with a cold and runny nose, will not be suspended from classes, which means their effectiveness will be higher. However, you also have a great responsibility for the final result. If the baby does not learn to read after 6-7 months and refuses to study, you will not be able to express your complaints to the teacher. All complaints are to yourself!

    But there are situations when you simply have no choice but to work with your child yourself. And even if your baby is not yet 3 years old or he is often sick, you are quite capable of teaching him to read and write on your own. We will only do this according to all the rules!

    Games and exercises for kids 3-4 years old

    Where to start learning? We hope that you have a place on the wall for tables: they are quite large. Having collected the cubes (and this will take you 1.5-2 hours), place them in a pile on the table under the tables. If you really have a problem with space in your apartment, put the cubes in a box that you will only take out for studying. Make a pointer from a long strip (at least 1.1 m). Well, you can start!

    Game "Steam Locomotive"

    Invite your child to build a steam locomotive. To do this, place a locomotive (toy carriage) and a large golden cube with the letter A on the shelf (for the first lesson). Say that all the cars in the train will have the letter A, and show on the first cube (any large one) how to find the side with the letter A. Place it next to the locomotive. Let the child try to place the rest of the cubes himself. Intervene only if the child does not understand how to look for blocks with the letter A.

    Be sure to explain that the letter A only appears on large cubes. Thus, the child works only with them, gradually highlighting them visually. When the locomotive is built, it must set off, but to do this, all the “cars” must be read: PA, TA, NA, SA, FA, SHA, CHA, etc.

    • How it's done?

    Make sure the child's gaze is directed towards the locomotive. With the index finger of your right hand, show the first large gold cube and name it. Let the baby repeat. The same thing applies to other “cars”, and first your finger moves to the next cube, and only then the warehouse is announced.

    Instead of a finger, you can use a cube with an accent, which moves on top of the “cars”. In the following lessons, other vowel letters on the large and small gold cubes are taken as a model. In the future, the child himself decides which letter the “cars” of his train will be with.

    Game "Funny words"

    Invite your child to write any word he wants from the cubes. To do this, you just need to pick up the cubes you like and put them together. As you work, gently remind your child how to place the blocks: from left to right, side by side, “on the legs, not on the head.” Then read the written word as you normally would. It turns out, naturally, gobbledygook.

    Kids usually have fun because it’s absurd and try to repeat the game. Encourage your child's initiative! This game helps teach kids how to place cubes correctly and intuitively sense the boundaries of words (after all, a word cannot be too long - from 9-12 cubes). This is the stage of preparation for independent and conscious writing of words from cubes.

    Exercise “What song should you sing?”

    It is one of the most important in the initial stages of learning. Tell your child that our blocks are not simple, each one has its own song. Several cubes are “sung” (see below). Then invite your child to choose from the total mass a cube that he would like to listen to. In the future, the child needs such free choice, since he gets the opportunity to work according to his own program, intuitively clarifying those moments that he needs.

    • How to sing with cubes?

    Your face is at the same level as the baby's face. Hold the cube with both hands to the right of your mouth. The sung side of the cube faces the baby, that is, the child sees both the structure on the cube and your mouth: what the lips do, how the tongue works. This is important for kids who still speak poorly and slurred.

    The cube should be sung slowly, somewhat exaggeratedly. This exercise indirectly helps with making sounds. Already from the first cube, the children's lips automatically begin to move - they repeat what they hear. Pay special attention to the child’s gaze, which should be directed only at you.

    Having seen how you sang several blocks “according to his order,” the baby tries to do it himself. The sung sequence is directed towards him, that is, the child looks at the sung sequence. To order, you can not only “sing the cube”, but also read the warehouse chosen by the child on it. He just needs to point his finger in the direction he likes, and the mother will readily read it, turning it towards the child.

    Exercises “Singing Boots”, “Talking Towers”

    If your child tries to make a building out of blocks himself, encourage him. In other cases, push the baby to this idea. Upon completion of construction, say: “You know, this tower is not simple, but magical. Our cubes can sing, and each cube has its own song. The tower turned out to be singing. Come on, I’ll sing you whatever cube you want.”

    The child chooses any cube from the tower, you sing it in the same way as in the game “Which cube should you sing?” Just remember about the baby’s gaze - during any exercise with blocks, he must fix it on what you are voicing, otherwise all the work will lose meaning.

    In this game, the turrets also “speak,” that is, you voice the warehouse on the cube that the kid has chosen. Don’t forget to characterize each cube you sing or read: “Oh, that’s a big iron one you have.” Sing: “BU BO BA BE BE B.” You need to sing very slowly.

    Exercise “Singing songs according to the table”

    Your baby is facing the table. You are to her right, holding a long pointer in your right hand. “Look, this is a table. It also has songs on it, the same as on the cubes. I’ll sing these songs to you, and you look carefully at the tip of the pointer, listen and sing along if you want.” Make sure your child is looking closely at the tip of the pointer as you slowly move it towards the big gold cube: “This is the big gold one: WOAEEY.” Sing to the tune of the scale (from the top note to the bottom), while the pointer does not move down very quickly.

    Sing, pronouncing the sounds as clearly as possible; the baby’s desire to sing along and generally work with the table largely depends on this. It's good if the baby tries to sing along. Just like the big golden one, sing the rest of the columns, looking carefully at the child and watching his reaction. If the baby is tired and the table has not yet been completed, try playing this way: when the big cube is sung, your arms are raised up, when the small cube is sung, do squats.

    And all the songs differ in intonation: large ones are sung in a lower voice, small ones in a higher voice. This technique allows you to develop the coordinated work of analyzers: auditory, visual, motor, and also helps the baby switch attention from one to another.

    Usually the child really wants to try to sing according to the table himself. Encourage him to do this in every possible way! First, sing together - you and the child. The baby stands on a chair with a pointer, and you, from the side, slightly hugging the baby, clasp his hand with your hand. A little later, when the child masters this exercise, he will be happy to sing songs on his own.

    It is better to sing the table in its entirety at each lesson, but if the child is very tired, it is better to split it into parts. The main task is not to lose the child’s interest in new activities. This can be achieved if he himself chooses which song to sing now, which one to start with today

    Exercise “Writing words from a table”

    The baby stands on a high chair, you are behind him, hugging him by the shoulders with one hand and helping him hold the pointer with the other (your hand clasps the child’s hand along with the pointer). Together, decide which word to write. It’s better to start with the child’s name, then move on to the last name, names of mom, dad, toys, cartoons, etc.

    If you decide to write a name, for example Styopa, then clearly pronounce the first word: S, only after that direct the child’s hand with a pointer to the column SU SO SA SE SY S to the letter S. The same with the word TE: column TYU TE TY TI TY, square TE; PA: PU PO PA PE PU P, square PA. Each warehouse is voiced and then shown (almost immediately - after 1-2 seconds).

    After writing a word for the first time, be sure to write it a second time, at a faster pace. It is advisable that the baby’s hand is not limp, but also guides the pointer. In the next lessons, the child will write his name himself.

    Writing words from cubes
    • Game "Lunch"

    Invite your child to “cook dinner.” That is, write words from cubes that represent different dishes. Your child may well remember words such as “soup”, “compote”, “pasta”. Together with your baby, place the necessary cubes on the shelf. And then “eat” lunch, that is, read every word. The same words can be written using a pointer on the table if your baby wants “supplements”.

    • Game "Zoo"

    Let the child name the animals he remembers and write these words in cubes on the shelf. If it’s difficult to remember right away, put animal figurines on the shelf. If desired, the child writes the same words using a pointer on the table (together with you, of course).

    Games for children 4-6 years old

    All games for three-year-olds are also suitable for older children, but new, more complex ones are also being added. Now don't forget about the punctuation cube. For each written word from the cubes, place a cube with an accent. We will write first and last names with a capital letter, for which we will put a ZB on the first cube.

    And now, after 2-3 weeks of training, we will begin to trace the letters on laminated cards from the “I Write Beautifully” manual with our finger and marker. So, after playing games for three-year-olds with your child, we begin to master new ones by repeating the exercise “Writing words from a table” and “Singing from a table” at each lesson.

    Exercise “Riddles”

    Give your child riddles. He guesses, and you write the answer with cubes. For example, this riddle: “Who is upside down above us?” If you can’t guess, write the answer on paper. But don’t read the word to him: let the baby puff and try to read the word “fly” on his own.

    Game "Brothers"

    Explain: “All cubes have brothers: the big ones have small, younger ones, and the younger ones have big, older ones. You see, they are all lost among us, they lie in one heap. Let’s find older and younger brothers and put them together.” You take the first cube (XY SE XYY XYY), place it on the shelf with the XY side and ask to find the same brother, but older: SU SO SA SE SY S (repeat several times).

    You'll see, your baby will find it without difficulty, and puts it on the SA side. It turned out SYA-SA. We read, we are glad that the brothers were found, then we look for another 5-6 pairs. When all the pairs are on the shelf, read them again.

    Game "Look and Repeat"

    Invite your child to write his name (or any other) out of the cubes. The word is written with cubes, and then you invite the baby to turn away. At this time, rearrange and twist the cubes in the word so that it becomes unrecognizable. Let the child try to reconstruct what he wrote, relying on the already known visual image of his name, which you wrote more than once. Then play with other people's first and last names. Names are more suitable since they are usually shorter and easier to restore.

    In the future, the game can be played with any words. The main rule is not to mix up the cubes too much. At first, it is enough to rearrange two cubes, and in another lesson, add a flip of the cube, in the third and subsequent ones, swap all the cubes, turn two over and move them apart a little more. If your child can't cope and is upset about it, help him.

    Game "Conceived Word"

    In a mysterious tone, tell your child that you have come up with one interesting word, but which one you won’t say. The child must guess for himself, laying out the cubes that will be called. For example, you thought of the word “table.” Say that the first cube in this word is read as S. The kid, already familiar with finding cubes from the general mass, tries to find a cube, relying only on his memory.

    If the cube is nowhere to be found, call its full characteristics: “It’s a big wooden one, SU SO SA SE SY S” and show the corresponding column on the table for 3 seconds. When all the cubes are placed, ask them to read the word and guess what you have in mind. If your child hasn’t guessed it yet, read the word with him.

    Guess game

    The child sits on a chair in front of you and a table with blocks. Next to you on another table or stool are 4-5 different objects or toys (ball, scissors, book, doll, mirror). The child names objects, and it is very important to agree on the name of the word: not a ball, but a ball, not a book, but a book.

    Offer to guess which of these words you will write now. Lay out the word with cubes in front of the child. He reads the word (don’t forget to move your finger along the cubes), then takes the corresponding object and places it near him. At the end of the game, count how many items the baby won. In the future, the number of items on the table will increase to 8-10.

    Working with warehouse pictures

    This is writing words from cubes according to a model that serves as a stock picture. The child looks at the words in the picture and writes the same words using cubes. This exercise develops visual perception very well, and prepares six-year-olds for the work of rewriting assignments.

    Every parent dreams that their child will be smart, developed and go to school, knowing how to read and write at least in their native language. That is why various systems are now at the peak of popularity, for example Zaitsev’s technique, which allows you to achieve good results while practicing at home. We invite you to get acquainted with this technique in more detail, find out its pros and cons.

    Short story

    Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev himself was born into a family of rural teachers, graduated from the philological department of a pedagogical institute, and specialized in teaching Russian to foreigners. Interestingly, he did his internship in Indonesia, where he taught local residents how to read and write in Russian. Already at this time, he became interested in creating a unique system that would make the learning process simpler and more accessible not only to adults, but also to children.

    For many years, Zaitsev was engaged in teaching until he finally decided on his interests - his goal was to create educational programs for children. The researcher drew attention to the shortcomings of the classical method and proposed his own solution to them.

    Zaitsev’s problems and innovations themselves are presented in table form.

    Note that the system is popular nowadays; many people use it for home schooling.


    It has been proven that preschool children have a very flexible memory, they grasp everything on the fly, and are able to remember huge flows of information. It is these features that are actively used for early learning. And if some methodologists, for example Doman, proposed focusing on memorization using cards, then others, in particular Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev, were looking for their own approaches.

    In his work, he used the concept of “warehouse” - this is an elementary speech particle consisting of two sounds (vowel and consonant) or the pair “consonant + b/b”. The teacher placed such options on his blocks, which are very popular among those parents who want to teach their child to read from an early age. In addition, Zaitsev also developed syllabic tables that can be used as a visual aid.

    The main feature of the system that distinguishes it from others is the use of warehouses. Most people learned to read in elementary school using this algorithm:

    1. familiarity with letters and sounds;
    2. composing syllables from them;
    3. adding whole words from syllables.

    And Zaitsev, focusing on the fact that individual sounds are almost never present in a child’s speech, suggested immediately working with a special unit - a warehouse. He believed that the division of a syllable into sounds is unnatural and complicates the learning process. It was in this division that the teacher saw the key reason for the difficulties that arise in many children who are taught to read. The classical method - harmful, in his opinion - leads to severe mental and emotional stress, which, in turn, can cause more serious mental problems.

    Best age

    You can use the early development method starting from 3.5–4 years. The main thing is that the child does not get tired and shows a keen interest in the educational process. It is unacceptable to conduct lessons on days when the baby feels unwell, is sick, or simply does not want to study.

    Cubes can also be used for children from one year old, but it should be understood that at such an early age they are more of a toy than a teaching aid. But they will do their job - the child will master reading much faster and more productively in the future.


    The most famous result of Zaitsev's work is considered to be cubes. Various warehouses are written on their edges, including those consisting of one vowel letter. By putting them together, the baby can form words and then sentences. It is interesting that the cubes themselves differ from each other in color, size, even sound, which is why it is very easy for a child to find out how a deaf person differs from a voiced person.

    The composition of the set is quite interesting. There are 52 cubes in total, and on their faces are written repeating warehouses used by young children (for example, MA and MA, PA and PA). They differ in several ways:

    1. To size. On small ones there are soft warehouses (like MYA), on large ones – hard ones (MA).
    2. By color and material (iron ones contain voiced variants, wooden ones - voiceless. Vowels are printed on the gold edges. Iron-gold ones contain b, iron-wooden ones - b).

    What is special about this manual?

    1. The creator himself proceeded from the fact that the leading activity for children is play. Therefore, it is better to teach reading in such an easy and accessible form.
    2. The child will acquire the most important knowledge while enjoying it.
    3. Presenting the material in an unusual form will not tire the child, but will arouse his genuine interest and desire to learn further.
    4. You can study both at home and in kindergarten, with one child or with several.

    The teacher was confident that for a successful learning process, the child’s visual perception should be used, and not auditory, as is done with the traditional teaching system. It was this position that was taken as the basis of his theory.


    N. A. Zaitsev’s technology for teaching reading is based on the following key principles:

    1. The material must be supplied systematically.
    2. We need to go not only from the particular to the general, but also from the general to the particular.
    3. Be sure to use clarity and various channels for presenting information.
    4. It is necessary to create and use clear algorithms for presenting educational material.
    5. Be sure to do everything possible to ensure that lessons do not harm the fragile health of the baby.

    In modern conditions, you can play with cubes in a variety of ways - for example, come up with a fairy tale and tell it to your child. Let's say that in a magical forest there live fantastic animals that communicate with each other through songs. After this, you need to “sing” all the vowels on the cubes. Any motive can be used. When the baby has figured out these letters, you can begin to get acquainted with warehouses containing consonants.

    Training structure

    Let's take a step-by-step look at how you can teach a child to read at an early age using the Zaitsev system.

    1. The first lesson is playing with blocks according to the baby's rules. He gets acquainted with the visual aid.
    2. Next, you should listen to the cubes, understand how each one sounds, and systematize it.
    3. Studying the size of products, systematization. At this step, it should be explained that soft syllables are very tiny, but hard syllables are strong, and therefore large.
    4. Then we start singing. First, together with the child, the mother sings warehouses from cubes and tables, then they move on to constructing and then singing whole words.
    5. You need to pronounce words loudly and clearly, setting an example for children.

    As soon as the study of the cubes is completed, you should move on to working with the table: the mother moves the pointer, the baby pronounces the warehouses. This form promotes quick memorization. The child will look at the same warehouse in different versions, which will allow him to learn the material much faster.


    Learning to read using this method allows you to achieve very impressive results:

    1. 3-year-old children master difficult science within 6 months;
    2. for four-year-olds, 16 lessons are enough;
    3. children aged 5 understand everything in 5-10 lessons;
    4. preschoolers aged 6 – 4-6 lessons.

    Therefore, the baby will go to school fully prepared.


    Like any other pedagogical find, Zaitsev’s method has both pros and cons. Among its undoubted advantages are the following:

    • Learning while playing brings real pleasure to the baby. He is interested, the lessons do not cause boredom.
    • Activities with blocks help develop a child’s fine motor skills, which is useful in itself.
    • Development of memory – both visual and auditory.
    • The child has a real chance of learning to read much earlier than his peers, without tedious cramming and tears, and with pleasure.
    • Literacy training. The warehouses are compiled in such a way that they comply with the rules of the native language, so from an early age the baby will remember that SHI and ZHI should be written without the letter Y.
    • There are no age restrictions; you can read at any age, the main thing is that the child finds it interesting.

    As you can see, there are quite a lot of advantages, and they are significant.


    Parents should also become familiar with the disadvantages of the technique.

    • When a child reads a syllable or structure, he does not fully understand the entire process of formation of a separate sound. Therefore, he may begin to miss endings when reading and even in oral speech.
    • You will have to re-learn at school. The teachers, of course, will be amazed at the little one’s skills, but they will teach him about syllables, as required by the classical program. In addition, the problem will arise when performing tasks like “divide the word into syllables.” The child is accustomed to warehouses, so new language units can become a stumbling block for him.
    • The technique is largely based on the use of associations (colors, sounds), so at school, where there are no such tips, the baby will have a rather difficult time.
    • Many kids begin to confuse similar syllables like VE and BE. The problem is especially noticeable in writing.
    • The development of the baby’s creative abilities is completely absent.
    • Impressive value. Not every parent can afford the coveted set.

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