Mathematical exercises for a 6 year old child at home. Summary of a lesson in mathematics for children of the senior group (5–6 years old) “Travel to the city of Mathematics

Math lessons for children. Math games for preschoolers.

Developed logical thinking opens the door to the world of mathematics for any child. He will not experience difficulties studying this subject at school if he knows how to compare, generalize, and analyze. Experts say that mechanical teaching (essentially, memorization) of counting and mathematical operations will lead to the fact that a preschooler will be “unviable” in the school curriculum.

Relationship between number and quantity

A child should not simply memorize numbers mechanically, he should learn to find a connection between number and quantity. The easiest way to explain this is with the help of visual mathematical problems. For example: there are three apples on the table, their number is indicated by the number 3. It is known that It's easier for children to count apples, mushrooms, your own fingers, after all, than to operate with numbers. This is due to the fact that abstract and verbal-logical thinking (the basis for mathematics) is just beginning to form. During this period, it is important for children to rely on real objects or pictures.

FORMING A POSITIVE ATTITUDE TO MATHEMATICS. Many children with a humanitarian mindset, when they come to school, have the impression that mathematics is an uninteresting, boring and difficult science. Teach children to see the “other side” of this object. Problem books are filled with symbols and signs, but they are just a reflection of practical life tasks. Mathematics is the most living of all sciences. And if you play math games, the word “math” will be fixed in his mind as something exciting.

Introduction to mathematical symbols. Start with the simplest symbols: “+”, “-”, “=”. Explain to your child the essence of these signs, which symbolize certain mathematical operations, using examples.

Game “Name as many objects as possible.” The child can name real objects that surround him in space, and those that exist in his memory as images. Offer your child the following tasks:

❀ Name as many objects as possible made of paper, wood, metal, glass, fabric.

❀ Name as many objects of different shapes as possible: triangular, square, round, oval, rectangular.

❀ Name as many heavy and light, narrow and wide, long and short objects as possible.

❀ Name as many objects as possible in red (any other color).

Game "More or less". Ask your child provocative mathematical questions like: “Guess how many candies are left in the vase? There are fewer than three, but more than one."

Game "Name the number". This game needs to be played in a group of children. Children and the leader (adult) stand in a circle. The presenter throws a ball to any child and calls any number. The participant calls the next number after the one just named and throws the ball back to the leader. It is advisable that the numbers are not repeated.

Game "Count the Claps". This game develops not only mathematical abilities, but also auditory attention. You clap your hands, and the child counts the number of claps. Clap with different frequencies and strengths.

Game "Hocus Pocus". Take five small objects and hide them in your hands behind your back. Tell your child: “I have only five objects, in my right hand I hold three objects, how many objects are there in my left hand?”

"Find the missing numbers." You will need cards with numbers from 0 to 10 (or 20). The cards are in the child's hands. You name two numbers (for example, 3 and 6), and the child must show cards with missing numbers (4, 5).

"Find the extra figure". For this game you will need colorful geometric shapes. You ask the child to turn away and place identical figures in a row, but one of them will differ in color (size, shape). Then ask them to find the “extra” figure. Change roles, let the child also try to create a task for you.

Developing counting skills

Now the moment has come in a child’s life when he begins to count “everyone and everything”: cars on the street, people at a bus stop, apples in a vase, candy in his stomach. Keep up that mathematical zeal in him!

From birth, a child learns about the world, he studies what surrounds him. Parents play an important role in the education and formation of their child. Teaching mathematics to preschoolers is an interesting and uncomplicated process, parents can easily cope with it. Develop your child's attention.

Math exercises for preschoolers

Engage with your child in a calm environment for 25–30 minutes every day. If you see that your child is tired, stop the activity. Don't scold your child, praise him, even if he doesn't succeed. With your strictness and dissatisfaction, you will discourage your child from learning and learning something new.

Teach your child mathematics in the form of games and interesting exercises, mathematics tasks for preschoolers, while playing, the child quickly remembers.

A child 5-6 years old should:

    Be able to determine the location of objects: right, left, middle, top, bottom, back and front.

    Know and distinguish colors: red, blue, green, yellow, gray, white, black, blue, orange.

    Be able to arrange numbers in order from 1 to 5 and in reverse order from 5 to 1.

    Know the basic shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval, polygon.

    Be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

    The child learns to write numbers.

1. Determine the location of objects

It is very important to develop spatial understanding in children not only in real life, but also in mathematics, physical education, and music classes. Preschoolers aged 5–6 years should know the location of objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

Let's look at the next picture.

The picture shows a house. To the left of the house there is a tree, a fence, and two jugs. To the right of the house there is a tree and a fence.

At the top there is a roof and an antenna on the roof. There is earth below the house. There is grass drawn in front, a cat is sitting on the grass. You can't see anything behind the house.

Exercise 1

Look at the picture carefully and tell us the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back.

What's on the left of the house?

What is drawn to the right of the house?

What's on the front?

What's on the back?

What's pictured below?

Exercise 2

Look at the picture carefully and answer the following questions.

What toy is shown on the front?

What toy is shown on the back?

What toys are shown on the right?

Exercise 3

Look at the picture carefully and tell us the location of the objects: left, right, top, bottom, front, back. Answer the following questions.

Who is on the left in this picture?

Who is on the right in this picture?

Who is pictured at the top?

What's pictured below?

What toys are shown on the left?

What objects are shown on the right?

2. Learning colors

A child can learn all the colors by visually studying different objects. Any information can be easily absorbed in a playful way.

Red color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is red. A red apple is drawn in the picture. A red flower is drawn in the picture. A red tomato is drawn in the picture. A red car is drawn in the picture. A red ball is drawn in the picture. A red pyramid is drawn in the picture.

Blue color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is blue.

The picture shows a blue bow.

The picture shows a blue bucket.

The picture shows a blue dolphin.

The picture shows blue boots.

The picture shows a blue bird.

The picture shows a blue umbrella.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is yellow.

The picture shows a yellow umbrella.

The picture shows a yellow star.

The picture shows a yellow banana.

The picture shows a yellow lamp.

The picture shows yellow flippers.

The picture shows a yellow lemon.

Green color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is green.

The picture shows a green watermelon.

The picture shows a green frog.

The picture shows a green hat.

The picture shows green leaves.

The picture shows a green sharpener.

The picture shows a green pea pod.

Orange color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is orange.

The picture shows an orange pumpkin.

The picture shows an orange fish.

The picture shows an orange carrot.

The picture shows an orange mug and an orange saucer.

The picture shows an orange ball.

The picture shows an orange cake.

Brown color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is brown.

The picture shows a brown cookie.

The picture shows a brown chicken.

The picture shows a brown briefcase.

The picture shows a brown pot.

The picture shows a brown bear.

Grey colour

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is gray.

The picture shows a gray wolf.

The picture shows a gray mouse.

The picture shows a gray camera.

The picture shows a gray cap.

The picture shows a gray computer mouse.


Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is blue.

The picture shows a blue cage.

The picture shows a blue teapot.

The picture shows a blue stapler.

The picture shows blue panties.

The picture shows a blue saucepan.

The picture shows a blue salt shaker.

White color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that it is white.

The picture shows a white bunny.

The picture shows a white mug.

The picture shows a white bird.

The picture shows a white dress.

The picture shows a white bow.

Black color

Look carefully at each picture with your child and repeat that the color is black.

The picture shows a black teapot.

The picture shows a black notepad.

The picture shows a black computer.

The picture shows a black umbrella.

Consolidation exercises

After learning and reviewing all the colors, watch and do the following exercises. Your child can strengthen his new knowledge. After learning the colors, play visually with your child. Here the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, and attention.

Exercise 1

Look at the following picture and answer the questions.

What color is the house painted?

What color is the roof of the house?

What color is the pipe on the roof?

What color are the windows painted?

What color are the doors painted?

What color is the grass?

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the picture and answer the following questions.

What color is the ball?

What color are the stripes on the ball?

Exercise 3

What color is the tree trunk?

What color are the leaves on the tree?

What color are the berries on the tree?

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the following picture. There are three cars drawn here. Answer the following questions carefully.

What colors are there on a police car?

What color is the flashing light on a police car?

What colors are there on an ambulance?

What color are the ambulance wheels?

What colors are on a fire truck?

What color is the flashing light of a fire truck?

Exercise 5

Look at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What flower is shown in the picture?

What color are the leaves?

What color are the petals?

What color is the center of the flower?

3. Learn numbers

What number?

How many balls?

What number?

How many cubes?

What number?

How many balls?

What number?

How many cars?

What number?

How many apples?

What number?

How many pears?

What number?

How many nesting dolls?

What number?

How many dolls?

What number?

How many flowers?

What number?

How many watermelons?

What number?

How many carrots?

Consolidation exercises

After this exercise, your child can consolidate his new knowledge. After studying the numbers, look at the following exercises and play visually with your child. Here the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, and attention.

Exercise 1

Find all the fruits that are drawn one at a time.

Find all the fruits that are drawn in twos.

Find all the fruits that are drawn in threes.

Are there four balls in this picture?

Are there five daisies in this picture?

How many nuts are there in this picture?

Are there 9 balls in this picture?

How many bananas are there in this picture?

How many ducklings are there in this picture?

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the number and draw the same number of balls.

Look at this number and draw apples in red.

Look carefully at this number and draw balls in blue.

Exercise 3

Look at the number next to the picture and color the same number of objects.

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the picture; there are many houses on it. Now we need to answer a few questions.

How many houses are there in the picture?

How many windows are there in the second house?

How many red roofs are there on houses?

How many windows are there on the last house?

How many doors are there in the smallest house?

Exercise 5

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

What is shown in this picture?

How many objects are there in this picture?

How many cars are red?

How many cars are blue?

How many cars are gray?

How many cars are yellow?

Exercise 6

How many vegetables are drawn in blue?

How many fruits are drawn in green?

How many bananas are drawn in gray?

Exercise 7

Look carefully at the following picture.

How many fruits are there in this picture?

How many vegetables are there in this picture?

How many yellow objects are drawn?

How many objects are drawn in red?

How many apples are there in this picture?

How many melons are there in this picture?

4. Learn to count from 1 to 5 and back from 5 to 1

Exercise 1

Connect the numbers in order.

Connect the numbers in reverse order.

5.Interactive game - learning figures

It is very important for a 5-6 year old preschooler to know shapes. Many children by this age know what a square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval, polygon and rhombus are. Let's look at all the figures and practice the exercises.








After studying the shapes, look at the following exercises and play visually with your child. Here the child will use auditory memory, visual memory, attention, let's add counting.

Exercise 1

In this exercise the figures are given, look at them carefully and answer the following questions.

How many rectangles are shown?

How many figures are there in total?

Which figure is shown in yellow?

How many figures are red?

What figure is shown in blue?

How many pieces are green?

Exercise 2

Look at the following figure and answer the following questions.

What figure is shown in the picture?

How many squares are there in it?

How many yellow triangles?

How many green triangles?

What other colors are there triangles?

How many different colors are there in this picture?

How many red pieces?

Exercise 3

Look at the following picture there are many different shapes. Look at them carefully and answer the following questions.

How many triangles are there in this picture?

How many red pieces are there in total?

How many squares are there in this picture?

How many yellow pieces are there in total?

How many rectangles are drawn in blue?

How many triangles are drawn in yellow?

How many blue pieces are there in total?

How many squares are blue?

How many polygons are there in this picture?

Exercise 4

Look at the following picture, there are many different shapes drawn on it. Look at them carefully and tell me what can be built from the following figures?

Exercise 5

Look at the following pictures, they consist of shapes. In this exercise you need to color these shapes by color. Be careful.

Color any 6 triangles red.

Rectangles in blue.

Color the five triangles gray.

Two squares in yellow.

Seven triangles in green.

Color the five triangles blue.

Did the figures turn out beautiful? Look at them and count them.

Color the remaining figures yellow.

What figures are used here?

6. Learn to compare more, less and equally

Preschoolers aged 5–6 years should be able to compare more, less, equally. Be able to add one item to a group with fewer items.

Take two apples and one apple separately. Look carefully at the two pictures, where are the most apples? Where there are two apples there are more, and where there is one apple there is less.

In this picture of apples, there are two apples drawn equally on the left and two apples drawn on the right.

Add one apple to fewer apples.

The smaller number of apples on the left is one apple. The larger number of apples is on the right - that's four apples.

Add one apple to fewer apples. We get two apples. The larger number of apples becomes one less apple, resulting in three apples.

Let's look at the following pictures and compare which objects are more in this picture, which objects are smaller, and which are equally divided.

Exercise 1

How many birds are there in the picture on the left?

How many birds are there in the picture on the right?

Which picture has more birds on the right or left?

Exercise 2

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many fish are there in the picture on the right?

How many fish are there in the picture on the left?

In which picture are there more fish on the right or left?

Are there equal numbers of fish in the first and second pictures?

Exercise 3

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many cubes are there in the first picture?

How many cubes are there in the second picture?

Which picture has more cubes on the right or left?

Exercise 4

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many cars are there in the left picture?

How many cars are there in the right picture?

Which picture has more cars?

How many cars will there be in the right picture if you add another car there?

Exercise 5

Look carefully at the following picture and answer the following questions.

How many bunnies are there in the first picture?

How many bunnies are there in the second picture?

Which picture has more bunnies?

Are there equal numbers of bunnies in these two pictures?

7. Learn to write numbers

Look carefully at the numbers, there are arrows there, these arrows show how to write each number correctly. Practice every day, and your child will be able to write easily, beautifully and quickly.

Math games for preschoolers

These games will help your child become familiar with mathematics in the most interesting and exciting way because children love to play. Educational games are great for this.

Game "Quick Count"

The game "quick count" will help you improve your thinking. The essence of the game is that in the picture presented to you, you will need to choose the answer “yes” or “no” to the question “are there 5 identical fruits?” Follow your goal, and this game will help you with this.

Game "Piggy Bank"

I can’t resist recommending to you the game “Piggy Bank” from the same site where you need to register, indicating only your E-mail and password. This game will suit you fitness for the brain and rest for the body. The essence of the game is to indicate 1 of 4 windows in which the amount of coins is the largest. Will you be able to show excellent results? We are waiting for you!

Game "Number Reach: Revolution"

An interesting and useful game “Numerical Reach: Revolution” that will help you improve and develop memory. The essence of the game is that the monitor will display numbers in order, one at a time, which you should remember and then reproduce. Such chains will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points can you score in this game?

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

A great game with which you can relax your body and tense your brain. The screenshot shows an example of this game, in which there will be a question related to the picture, and you will need to answer. Time is limited. How much time will you have to answer?

Airport game

The game "Airport" is an interesting game, the purpose of which is to show where the blue plane is flying and where the red one is coming from. This exercise will help develop such qualities as: intelligence, attention, speed of thought, speed of reaction. How many points can you score at the end of the game? Let's check!

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

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Super memory in 30 days

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Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

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Free practical lesson from advance.

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  3. Children aged 5-6 years begin to actively explore and master the world around them. They become why-wonderful, trying to disassemble each thing “by the cogs” in order to understand how it works, trying to establish cause-and-effect relationships between events. So by this age, and even earlier - from the age of 4, you can begin to teach your child the basics of mathematical knowledge. Since the leading activity of older preschoolers is still play, its elements should be used in teaching.

    Where to start studying mathematics?

    There is no need at all, as Malvina did, to immediately seat the children at the table and teach them to write numbers, fold apples, etc. It is better to simply, when talking with a child, draw his attention to the properties of various objects, compare them with each other: a watermelon is heavier than an apple, a cat is smaller than dad. Then, slowly, start mentioning prime numbers: bring me three plates, there are two more candies left in the bowl.

    Along with numbers, using the same principle, you need to introduce children to the basic concepts of geometry - show and tell what round, triangular, long and short mean. For children 5-6 years old, it will not be very difficult to understand these concepts, especially if parents reinforce these, in general, abstract concepts with practical everyday examples: this house is higher, and that one is lower, the road to grandma is longer than the road to the nursery garden.

    How to conduct almost school math classes

    After the preschooler has mastered these basic concepts, he can move on to the “gates of mathematics” - mastering the concepts “ number" And " number”, which poses the greatest difficulty for children aged 5 years.

    The main principle of conducting a mathematical lesson for children 5-6 years old is clarity, i.e. An explanation of each concept or term should be accompanied by specific examples and homework. Of course, tasks for children should be chosen in accordance with their age - interesting, more like a game.

    So that parents of future schoolchildren do not have to reinvent the wheel themselves and come up with mathematical examples that are both entertaining and educational, teachers, together with psychologists, have developed programs for preparing children for school, which include many methods of teaching children the basics of mathematical knowledge through games. These programs also use thematic coloring books, cards with numbers, educational cartoons, various logic puzzles, fun arithmetic exercises, mathematical copybooks and many other tasks.

    Now a little more detail.

    Math coloring pages

    Math coloring pages are very effective for teaching numbers to preschoolers. In the process of coloring, the child will remember what the number looks like and what it is called, and will understand its “numerical content.” In addition to drawing numbers, such coloring books can also contain elements of geometry - from circles, squares, triangles, the child can add various ornaments and paint them in different colors. Moreover, there are coloring books that can teach a child ordinal counting - these are coloring books from the “Draw by Numbers” series, in which, by sequentially drawing a broken line from number to number, the child himself can draw a rather complex picture. Coloring pages can also contain various exercises. An example of such a task is that a number is depicted in a large circle, the child needs to draw and color in it the number of small circles that this number represents.

    Cards with numbers

    Activities with digital cards will help to quickly introduce children to all the necessary mathematical concepts. Cards with numbers and funny pictures can be used as dominoes, you can look for similarities and differences in them, you can make up various examples from them. Of course, the main role in such activities, at least at first, belongs to the parents - they must come up with tasks and teach the child how to “play” cards.

    Logic puzzles and educational games

    Examples can be found at every step, for example, all folk riddles are, in essence, tasks for the development of logical thinking. A classic example of a fun logic puzzle in mathematics is “What is heavier: one kilogram of fluff or one kilogram of iron?” As for didactic games, don’t let the word “didactic” scare parents - these are just educational games, such as counting how many yellow triangles are in the room. You can play this game with your baby even, for example, while sitting in line at the doctor or returning from kindergarten.

    If mom doesn’t have the opportunity to buy ready-made recipes in the store, you can make them yourself. This is not difficult - the contours of any number or figure are drawn on paper with a dotted line, which the child will then have to circle. Such activities are highly recommended in all school preparation programs starting at age 5. When working with any copybooks, you develop accurate writing skills, develop attentiveness and perseverance.

    What must know baby

    Mathematics is a rather complex science, and so that from the very beginning of school the child does not experience difficulties in studying it, he needs to have basic mathematical skills. So what should a future student know and be able to do?

    1. count to ten;
    2. know the numbers;
    3. draw basic geometric shapes - circles, squares, rectangles, triangles;
    4. divide a circle and a square into two or four equal parts;
    5. measure the length, height and width of objects;
    6. know what is higher-lower, more-less, wider-narrower;
    7. solve the simplest arithmetic problems in one step.

    Tips for parents

    Despite the seriousness of the above recommendations, there is no difficulty in them. Any mother or father can teach their child the basic basics of mathematics. The main thing is to follow a few rules so as not to turn fun activities into dreary duties.

    • Don't force it - at the age of 5-6 years, a child can focus his attention on one task for no more than 30-40 minutes.
    • Don't rush to give advice.
    • Use different types of tasks.
    • Praise is probably the most important thing.

    Program content: expand knowledge about the environment; introduce the quantitative composition of the number 4 from units and from two smaller numbers; learn to compose a set of four units and identify its elements; compare two sets; consolidate knowledge of numbers; develop the ability to divide a whole into parts and make a whole from parts; .

    Progress of mathematics lesson

    The teacher draws the children's attention to his friend's clothes, his hairstyle, shoes and other features of his appearance.

    Game “What is your friend wearing”?

    Children become pairs, facing each other, remember the appearance features of the person standing opposite. After this, the children, at the teacher’s command, turn away from each other and answer the teacher’s questions in turn.

    Then the teacher invites the children to sit at the tables.

    Guys, remember, it snowed recently and there was so much of it that you could go sledding. And we rode. But we only had one sled. We took turns riding each other and did not quarrel. What, guys, can you call children who play together, share toys and don’t quarrel? (Friends).

    Now I’ll tell you a poem about friends who played in the snow, and then:

    Alyosha fell into the snow,

    And then - Seryozha,

    And then Marinka,

    And behind her is Irinka.”

    How many children are there in the snow? (4)

    Let's draw children on a piece of paper, but designate them like this: Alyosha - with a triangle, Seryozha - with a circle. Marinka is a rectangle, and Irinka is a square.

    The teacher shows on the easel how to position the image correctly.

    “How many children are there in total? (4). Let's outline them with a graph. How many Alyosha? How old is Seryozha? How many Irinoks? How many Marinkas? (1).

    The teacher puts the number 1 next to each image,” sums up:

    So 4 is: 1, 1, 1, 1.

    Then the children draw the same graph on their own sheets of paper. For reinforcement, teachers repeat the same questions.

    Guys, tell me, how many pencils of different colors should I take so that everyone gets one? (4).

    The teacher draws the next graph on the easel, next to the previous one.

    Tell me, how many different colored pencils have I drawn?

    How many red? How many blue ones? How many green? How many blacks? So 4 is: 1,1,1,1.

    Children draw the same graph on their paper. The teacher suggests checking whether everyone got a pencil and drawing arrows from each child to the colored circle.

    Then the children turn the sheet over to the other side. It is divided into three parts by vertical lines. In the first, the teacher suggests drawing children from the poem in a row,

    How many children were there? (4). We put the number 4. How many Boys were there? (2). Let's put the number 2. Let's circle them with a graph and designate each graph with the number 2. So what is 4? (It's 2 and 2)

    The children played in the snow, and then went home and took them outside:

    Alyosha, Seryozha and Marinka - sleds, and Irinka - skis. How many things did the children take out? (4). Let's draw a graph. How many sleds were there? (3). Let's circle a new graph and put the number 3. How many skis were there? (1). So what is 4? These are 3 and 1. Children complete this task on their sheets.

    The children played with sleds and skis and got tired of them. They went home and brought out: Alyosha - a stick, and Irinka, Marinka and Seryozha - skates. How many things have the children taken out now? (4). We draw a graph and denote it with the number 4. How many clubs were there? (1). How many skates were there? (3).

    Children draw a graph and place chips with numbers. Together with the teacher they summarize:

    This means 4 is 1 and Z. Well done, guys, you coped with the task correctly. Now let's relax and play an interesting game. Quietly get up from the tables and... come to me. The game is called “Fold the Picture.” It is a relay race game. You need to carefully count the circles on the card and place the card face up on the cell where the same number is. If everyone completes the task correctly, the big picture will emerge.

    The teacher invites the children to split into two teams and take turns running to the picture and each laying out their card. After the game, the teacher summarizes and praises the children, and also notes mistakes. The game is played 2 times.

    Then the teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet, relax and talk.

    The game “Who can name the most actions” is played.

    Guys, what professions do you know? (Children call). And now I will name a profession, and you will name the actions that people of this profession perform. Everyone names one action. For the correct answer I will give you a chip, and at the end of the game we will count how many chips everyone has. The winner will be the one who collects the most chips.

    Well done guys, you all know a lot, and now let's sit down at the tables. On your tables there are envelopes in which Dunno put the cut pictures. He mixed them up and doesn't know how to put them together correctly. Let's help him.

    Children put together cut pictures and talk about the depicted plot from a fairy tale.

    Well done boys. And now I invite you to the carpet. Imagine that you are light snowflakes. The snowflakes flew smoothly through the air, swirled, smoothly, and the snowflakes calmly fell to the ground and lay motionless. We relaxed completely. Now let’s get up calmly. Look at me with your eyes. So our lesson with Vaiya has come to an end.” Everyone did well, they did well.

    Natalia Sizintseva

    Target: consolidation of knowledge about the number series, the ability to navigate the number series, solving simple arithmetic problems.



    To consolidate knowledge about the number series and three-dimensional geometric shapes. Use your knowledge to solve problems. Updating knowledge children from different subject areas

    Using life situations, attracting experience children to solving problematic


    Develop logical thinking, memory, speech, fine motor skills. Develop the ability to work independently, with handouts material.


    Maintain interest in the subject, ability to interact in a group, in pairs, strengthening interpersonal contacts.

    Equipment and materials:

    1. Blocks with numbers from 1 to 9 (for two teams).

    2. Presentation with tasks on the screen.

    3. Cards for individual work for everyone.

    Methods: Practical, verbal, visual, elements of problem situation modeling, dialogue, TRIZ (decrease-increase).

    Forms of work: individual, group, frontal.

    Quantity children: 12.

    Time: 30 minutes.

    Progress of the lesson:

    Stage 1: Organizational.

    Teacher: Hello guys! Is our class I would like to start with these lines

    Fly-fly petal

    Through West to East

    Through the north, through the south,

    Come back after making a circle.

    As soon as you touch the ground -

    be in my opinion led.

    Teacher: Who knows what work these lines are from? (Flower of seven flowers) . Who wrote this work? (Valentin Kataev). Why that's what the flower is called? (children remember the story and explain why it is called that).

    Stage 2: Motivational (goal setting).

    Teacher: Guys! Look what happened to our a flower of seven flowers(There is a picture on the screen colorless flower)

    Children: The flower has become colorless. He can no longer grant wishes.

    Teacher: Absolutely right. He was bewitched by the evil sorceress Chernilda (picture of Chernilda with flower on the screen) she took his power.

    To disenchant the flower, we need to complete the tasks prepared by the sorceress.

    Teacher: Let's try to cope with the tasks?

    Children: Yes.

    Stage 3: Basic.

    Teacher: The sorceress lived in a castle, but during her witchcraft, the towers on her castle flew into pieces. We need to restore them.

    Didactic game "Assemble the towers".

    Teacher: You have parts of destroyed towers on your tables. What do you think needs to be done?

    Children: Make up the pieces in order from 1 to 9 (children are divided into two teams and place blocks with numbers in order on two tables).

    Teacher: Look, did the towers turn out the same or different? What is the difference? Who remembers the name of the figure they look like?

    Children: Different. They differ in size. Parallelepiped figure.

    Teacher: Her favorite birds, pigeons, lived on Chernilda’s towers. When the towers flew away, the birds also flew away, and now the sorceress cannot count her pigeons.

    Look at the pigeons in the picture? (On the screen there is a slide with doves and an example for this picture.)

    Children: White 3 and gray 2.

    Teacher: Did the sorceress correctly formulate an example of how many white and gray doves there were together? (3-2=5)

    Children: Wrong.

    Teacher: You have checkered pieces of paper on your desks, write down the correct example of how many pigeons Chernilda had in total. (3+2=5, checking with children, working in pairs).

    Well done! All the pigeons were returned. Let's remember where the evil sorceress lived?

    Children: In the castle.

    Teacher: It turns out that in her castle there were a lot of magical objects, but during the witchcraft all the objects got mixed up. You need to put all the magical objects in their places. What rule must be followed?

    Children: Objects should not be repeated either in lines or in columns. (Children complete the task together at the board.)

    Teacher: Well done, I see you are tired of completing Chernilda’s tasks. Let's take a little rest.

    Phys. Just a minute.

    Let's clap our hands so many times,

    We stamp our feet so many times,

    We'll jump so many times

    We'll bend over now

    We will sit down just long enough

    Oh yes, the score is a game and that’s all.

    Each time the teacher shows a number on the number line, and the children perform the corresponding number of movements.

    Teacher: Among the magical objects, Chernilda had a favorite pot for colors, she wanted all her pots to be the same, but she didn’t know how to draw. You and I know how to draw, and we can help her make all the pots the same, just like her favorite one. (y children pictures with pots, you need to finish drawing patterns on them)

    Teacher: Look what's growing in the pots?

    Children: Flower.

    Teacher: Are they different or the same flower?

    Children: One and the same, but at different periods of its growth.

    Teacher: Use the arrows to arrange the pots in increasing order flower.

    Guys, look at the board. What happened to our a flower of seven flowers? (answers children)

    We completed all of Chernilda's tasks, she became kind and disenchanted our flower. Now let's close our eyes and make our wishes. I think they will definitely come true.

    Stage 4: Final (reflective).

    Teacher: Ours has come to an end Class. Who did we help today? (answers children) Why did we help the evil sorceress?

    Children: What would she do? flower of seven flowers and he could again make wishes come true.

    Teacher: What was the most difficult thing for you? The most interesting? The simplest? (Answers children.)

    Teacher: Class finished, Goodbye, guys!

    Publications on the topic:

    “Tsvetik – Semitsvetik.” Goal: Consolidation of acquired knowledge. Objectives: -Educational: Improve counting skills within 10. Improve.

    Summary of the lesson “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik. Sounds [s]-[ts]; letters S-C" Goal: to learn to differentiate the sounds [s]-[ts] in syllables, words and sentences; learn to differentiate the letters s-ts when reading and writing; secure.

    Summary of the integrated lesson “Flower-seven-flowered” Topic: “Flower - seven-colored” Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical Education”, “Communication”, “Socialization”. Kinds.

    "Seven-flowered flower." Summary of an integrated lesson in mathematics in the senior group Summary of the final integrated lesson in mathematics. Topic: “Seven-flowered flower” (repetition of what has been covered) Objectives: Educational: -Reinforce.

    Abstract of the GCD in mathematics for children 5–6 years old “Tsvetik-seven-tsvetik” MBDOU "Kindergarten "Eureka" Notes of GCD in mathematics for children 5-6 years old Educator: Vasyukova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna "Tsvetik-semitsvetik".

    Summary of educational activities in mathematics in the preparatory group for children with special needs on the topic: “Tsvetik - Semitsvetik.” Compiled by: Saltykova I.A., teacher.

    Lesson summary “Tsvetik-seventsvetik” Progress of the lesson 1. Organizational moment Exercise: “Eagles Circle” - Guys, before we start our lesson, let's play a game.

    Summary of a lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” Summary of a lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” Educator: Svetlana Vitalievna Vasilyeva, Kotelniki.

    GCD in mathematics “Journey to the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers” The field of knowledge is mathematics with health-saving components in the preparatory school group. Integration with other educational ones.

    Open lesson in mathematics “Tsvetik-seven-tsvetik” in the senior mixed-age group Video Lesson on FEMP "Flower-seven-flowered" in the senior mixed-age group. Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, cognitive-search.

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