What is the Bermuda Triangle? The exact location and in which ocean the Bermuda Triangle is located

The abode of Satan himself, the sea cemetery, the horror of the Atlantic - all these terrible epithets are used to describe the mystical zone in the Atlantic Ocean. Every year, ships and planes mysteriously disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. What is this - the sick imagination of journalists or a truly dangerous and mystical zone, shrouded in mystery and enigma?

The first mention of the devil's zone

The Bermuda Triangle in the ocean is a sensation that has been exciting humanity for half a century. This anomalous zone was first mentioned in 1950. An American researcher named E. Jones wrote a short article, formatting the material in the form of a brochure in which he placed several photographs. But at that time almost no one paid attention to this. Until, in 1964, another American researcher named V. Gaddis wrote about the Bermuda Triangle. He told about the real danger that this mystical area conceals. But the real fear for the average person was brought about by a book called “The Bermuda Triangle,” written by Charles Berlitz. Since then, this topic has not ceased to be relevant throughout the world.

Where is the Bermuda Triangle

Conventionally, the symbolic peaks of this mystical zone are the following areas: Bermuda, the southern cape of Florida, Puerto Rico. The marked points are unofficial, since the boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle are constantly being adjusted, moving them, for example, closer to the Gulf of Mexico or joining the Caribbean Sea. Many researchers also attribute part of the Azores Islands to the anomalous zone, near which many incredible events took place. Therefore, it is still impossible to get a definite answer to the question “where is the Bermuda Triangle?”

The most common theories regarding the phenomena occurring

There are several dozen versions as to what is actually happening in the Bermuda Triangle. Some of them are incredible and defy logic, while others, on the contrary, are more rational and almost scientifically based. We will consider a few assumptions below.

Mysterious gas bubbles

For the first time in 2000, several physicists in laboratory conditions decided to find out what was happening to an object located on the surface of boiling water.

After conducting a series of experiments, they came to the following conclusion: when bubbles appear in the water, its density decreases significantly and the level rises, while the lifting force exerted by the water on the ship is minimized. Therefore, if there are enough bubbles, then the ship may well sink.

The description of this experiment, carried out in laboratory conditions, and its results have long been published. But can bubbles actually sink a large vessel? This is still unknown, because such studies have not yet been carried out under so-called field conditions, that is, directly in the Bermuda Triangle area.

Insidious algae

There is a version that ships supposedly “suck” huge algae into the water column. This opinion is as implausible as the idea that the devil himself lives here. This is explained by the fact that the water area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle is comparable to the Sargasso Sea, the flora of which is rich in various algae. Sailors who are not accustomed to such a sight are simply frightened and use their developed imagination.

Lonely waves

In 1984, a competition between sailboats was held in Spain. The route ran from Puerto Rico through Bermuda. A 40-meter ship called the Marquez, built in 1917 in Spain, led the race, ahead of ships leaving Bermuda. This is where the trouble happened. A strong squall hit, which tilted the ship, and at that moment, out of nowhere, a gigantic wave arose and hit the ship on the port side. This case is one of the few that has excited the public.

Such waves can reach 30 meters in height. They appear unexpectedly and can instantly sink a large ship. The wave that hit the side of the Marquez covered it with a wall of water, and soon a second one followed - deadly. It was she who decided the fate of the ship. 19 people died.

In the Bermuda Triangles, such waves are caused by the Gulf Stream, which lies near the United States. The reasons for their formation are simple: the waters of the Gulf Stream, flowing from south to north, meet a storm front moving from north to south.

Waves form behind the storm front and travel in the same direction. The waves formed by the Gulf Stream are moving towards them, to the north. After their collision, a huge mass of water rises up. And when there seems to be no sign of danger, waves 3-5 meters high suddenly turn into 25-meter “monsters”.

Unfortunately, today there is no device that would monitor or predict the occurrence of such a destructive phenomenon.

Alien Invasion

Some claim that this territory is controlled by aliens who are trying to study our planet. They allegedly destroy ships and planes so that no one will ever know about their visit.


This version is the most common and quite plausible. Constant weather changes, unexpected storms, storms, and hurricanes become dangerous for any type of transport.

Clouds with mysterious charges

This version has also been considered by scientists. Many pilots flying over the Bermuda Triangle area claimed that they found themselves in the center of a black cloud, inside of which lightning discharges and bright flashes sparkled.

Thus, the missing “link 19” before its crash transmitted a message that they were enveloped in a certain dark cloud, due to which visibility was significantly impaired.


There is a version that in these areas a sound appears that terrifies all passengers and forces them to leave the vehicle.

During underwater earthquakes or landslides, powerful infrasonic vibrations occur on the ocean floor, but scientists have proven that they cannot in any way be associated with a danger to life.

Relief features

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the complex terrain of this anomalous zone is to blame. This is explained by the fact that under the Bermuda Triangle there is a deep-sea trench, mountains that reach a height of 150-200 meters, and cone-shaped hills with a diameter of tens of kilometers. Therefore, finding shipwrecks in this area is almost impossible.

If you look under the water, Bermuda resembles a huge dormant volcano. A depression extends from it to the north, the maximum depth of which reaches 8 km. It is in this area that most of the terrible incidents occur.

It should be noted that Puerto Rico (deep sea trench) is the deepest part of the entire Atlantic (8742 km). Therefore, finding a sunken ship or a crashed plane here, again, is simply unrealistic.

The Bermuda Triangle, whose secrets have not yet been revealed, has the Blake Escarpment in the west - these are the steepest cliffs in the entire mystical Atlantic region. Some of them reach a height of two kilometers. And the continental plume is divided in two by the most active current in the world - the Gulf Stream.

But even such unusual features of the relief cannot fully answer the questions that arise among pundits and ordinary people and shed at least a little light on these mysterious phenomena. The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle still remain beyond the bounds of reason.

Mysticism at the bottom of the mysterious triangle

The well-known legend about a city that disappeared along with its inhabitants is no longer a legend at all. So say Canadian scientists who found a sunken settlement at the bottom of the Atlantic. This city is located off the eastern coast of Cuba, 700 meters from the most mystical zone in the whole world. The Bermuda Triangle was explored underwater by a robot that dived to depth and photographed the surrounding area. The images were subsequently studied by Canadian researchers who made an incredible discovery. What does the Bermuda Triangle hide from people's eyes? Photos showed that at its bottom there are buildings, pyramids and figures, on the walls of which there are unfamiliar writings. According to experts, the discovered buildings are very reminiscent of ancient architecture. The city at the bottom was discovered by a Canadian scientist couple. In fact, they encountered the pyramids lying at the bottom of the triangle 10 years ago. At that time, the couple worked for the government, studying the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and searching for sunken ships and missing treasures.

At the end of the Ice Age, the water level rose significantly, which is why many cities, islands and even continents found themselves at the bottom of the ocean. The discovered settlement, according to scientists, is one of these.

There is an opinion that American researchers noticed this city back in the late 50s, but did not tell anyone about the find.

It is also known that the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle has not yet been studied by scientists themselves, so we will wait for new discoveries.

Mysterious disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle

Over the past 50 years, the Bermuda Triangle has acquired a terrible reputation, which is why many are afraid to travel in these parts. They try to bypass the anomalous zone using the tenth road. The sad story of “link 19” has become widely known. Shortly after the disappearance of the 5 Navy bombers, observers began to notice something strange. But first things first.

On December 5, 1945, 5 torpedo bombers, crewed by 14 people, were preparing for a routine flight from a Florida airfield. In accordance with the plan, the bombers were supposed to fly to the Bahamas and conduct target practice there - the remains of a sunken ship. They flew over the ship several times and turned north towards the Bahamas. The detachment acted in accordance with the plan. Soon, the crew of one of the planes, led by pilot Taylor, reported that they had lost their route. All his navigation devices have simply failed, and he cannot find a landmark. Meanwhile, the weather began to suddenly change. The wind changed its direction and began to blow from the north.

The control tower tried its best to send them along the right route - towards Florida, but Taylor was completely confused and refused to listen to the controller. The pilots circled over the water in desperation, trying to find at least something resembling land. But the weather got even worse. Later the radio connection was completely cut off. The last thing they heard from one of the pilots was the words “white wall” and “strange water”.

The next day, the search for the missing planes began. Several helicopters set off to carry out this dangerous mission. But something strange happened here too. One of them disappeared in the same mysterious way. But later, rescuers still managed to find out what happened to him. The sailors of a ship passing very close said that they heard a strong explosion high in the sky.

But neither the wreckage of the missing bombers nor any remains of the “search engine” were found. What happened to the planes? Where does the Bermuda Triangle hide its victims? No one knows the answers to these questions yet.

Have the planes of “link 19” been found?

In 1991, British scientist Graham Hawkes made a real discovery. He claimed to have found five planes from “flight 19.” Quite by accident, while searching for a Spanish galleon, he, along with other members of the research group, allegedly came across the wreckage of fighters. Observations were recorded.

This story made the headlines of all newspapers and magazines, and also created a stir among journalists and ordinary citizens. Graham promised to sort out this curious story within 2 weeks. Since submarines were incredibly expensive, the scientist decided to use an underwater camera, which was controlled by a special wire. After viewing the resulting images, the researchers concluded that the planes did not belong to “link 19”, and became even more confused.

After some time, Graham decides to go to this mysterious place himself to understand what kind of planes they are. One of the relatives of the missing Flight 19 pilot follows him on the search.

Having descended to the bottom of the ocean (to a depth of 220 meters), they notice an object similar to the disappeared fighter.

The discovered plane was broken into 2 parts, the wing and tail were completely torn off. Researchers found out that this fighter took off from Fort Lauderdale (from where “flight 19” also departed), and they determined this by the first letters (FT 23). But such meager information was clearly not enough to fully identify the aircraft.

After some time, Graham and his team descend to the bottom again to find some more evidence and discover the remaining 4 planes. On one of them, the researchers noticed the inscription “FT 87” and saw an open cabin, which means that the team could get out. Near the window, the researchers find a number on the wall of the plane (23990). At that time, similar numbers were assigned to each fighter, so with its help it was easy to find out what kind of object lay at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle.

Later, researchers came to the conclusion that 4 aircraft definitely belonged to “link 19”. What about the first find? Perhaps this is the same missing search engine.

But many questions still remain. How did the Bermuda Triangle, the photo of which evokes terrible thoughts, “absorb” all 5 planes at the same time? And why did such an experienced pilot as Taylor make a fatal mistake, because the radars of neighboring aircraft were still working, and it was possible to contact the dispatchers? What was going on in his head, what was he thinking about at that moment, why did he turn in the opposite direction if there were only 20 km left to his destination? All these mysteries still remain unsolved.

Having examined the situation from all sides, psychologists concluded that Taylor was influenced by some psychological factor, for example, spatial disorientation, which did not give him the opportunity to save himself and his crew.


In 1918, an American ship called the Cyclops disappeared. This is the most significant loss, because along with him 309 people disappeared without a trace.

This ship was a cargo ship that carried fuel during the First World War. The length of the ship was 165 meters. Therefore, everyone is still perplexed, how could such a colossus disappear without a trace in the depths of the ocean?

In 1918, the loaded ship set sail for the United States, but never returned. Cyclops was last seen in Barbados. No one sent any messages from the ship, therefore, everything went according to plan. But the connection was suddenly interrupted and... the end.

The Navy later launched a major search operation, but neither the wreckage nor the remains of the crew were ever found. Researchers believe that the wave is to blame, completely engulfing the ship and sending it to the bottom. But why have no traces been found yet? The answer, again, remains a mystery.

What is the Bermuda Triangle? Is the mystery solved or not? What does this anomalous zone contain? Are the events taking place in this place really mystical? Or can there be a logical explanation for everything? Who knows whether humanity will find answers to all these questions... And whether the future will throw up other mysteries?

Today, like 50 years ago, the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle excite the minds of the public. Will we ever be able to solve this mystery, will we be able to predict the natural anomalies occurring in this territory? Let's hope we find out about this in the near future.

It is generally accepted that the Bermuda Triangle is a small area located in the Atlantic Ocean, in which disappearances, covered in secrets, of the sea and air layers supposedly occur. There are even restriction lines: from Florida...

It is generally accepted that the Bermuda Triangle is a small area located in the Atlantic Ocean, in which disappearances, covered in secrets, of the sea and air layers supposedly occur. There are even restriction lines: from Florida to Bermuda, then to Puerto Rico, then back to Florida, through the Bahamas.

Ocean and sea mysteries have interested people of all times. There are a lot of cards that depict various monsters. Just remember the legends that tell about the Kraken. No matter how time changes, and no matter how civilization develops, some mysteries still remain unsolved. A good example is the Bermuda Triangle, which inspires fear in many. The brightest minds are trying to explain the mysterious phenomena and disappearances that occur in this area. As is already known, scientists have not been very successful in this matter.

Why a triangle?

If you believe the existing theory of the Bermuda Triangle, then the territory itself does not have clear boundaries. Scientists believe that the highest points of this unexplained phenomenon are: Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. Although statistics say that most anomalies occur outside this conventional zone. Very close, but not in it. People who are engaged in research change its guidelines at their own discretion. It should be noted that the name Bermuda Triangle began to be used not so long ago, in the 50s. Only thanks to the latest technologies have scientists been able to track various anomalous incidents that occur in the area. However, no technology can explain why planes and ships disappear from all radars and monitors in one second.

Various events that took place in this anomalous zone.

The territory of the Bermuda Triangle was under surveillance in 1945. Rescuers, specialists and scientists took part in the project. It was thanks to this team that 140 thousand human lives were saved. It seems that the secret is about to be revealed. But it's not that simple. Everything that became known to scientists only baffled them more. From the very moment the triangle was observed, more than 100 pieces of equipment, both water and air, disappeared without a trace in this territory. They simply disappeared, leaving no trace behind. There were no tell-tale oil stains, no debris, nothing at all. The bottom of the Bermuda Triangle was examined completely, every centimeter, but nothing was found. Since no passengers were found, the Bermuda Triangle was nicknamed the Graveyard of the Atlantic.

What is the purpose of scientists being in the Bermuda Triangle?

As you already understand, scientists are seriously interested in the Bermuda Triangle. They examined not only the ocean floor, but also thoroughly studied minerals, as well as the topography of the bottom itself. They even examined all the weather conditions, as well as how water flow affects the atmosphere. During the study, scientists managed to discover a lot of new things, but these discoveries did not bring them one step closer to solving the Bermuda Triangle. They were never able to understand why ships and planes with people on board simply disappeared, by chance, ending up in this zone. The only thing that scientists were able to prove is that the Bermuda Triangle is a unique part of the ocean, which has unique, previously unprecedented properties and conditions. However, this in no way explains all the tragedies that happened here.

What is the mysterious pyramid in the center of the Bermuda Triangle?

To be fair, it is worth noting that scientists still managed to make one important discovery. They didn’t keep silent about it, but they didn’t give it wide publicity either. American scientists in 1992 analyzed the bottom over the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. A large pyramid was discovered in its very center. Interesting fact: its dimensions were almost three times greater than the dimensions of the Cheops pyramid. It took researchers more than a month to fully study it. The pyramid was not only incredibly large, but also had a very smooth surface. The signals that were reflected from this object established that the material from which this huge pyramid is made is perfectly smooth. Not a single shell or algae was attached to it. Scientists have not been able to find anything at all that would indicate that the pyramid is located deep under water. People who have directly seen the pyramid claim that the material from which it is made is very reminiscent of glass or ceramics, and polished. We also did not find any divisions into blocks. As far as is known, no official reports have been carried out on the pyramid located at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle. Perhaps they were strictly classified.

Perhaps the legacy of the Atlanteans?

Let's first remember the legends in which the inhabitants of Atlantis, at one time, created a kind of repository of knowledge just before the death of the continent. Such repositories are still located under the Potala Temple, Tibet, and under the Pyramid of Cheops itself, Egypt. Scientists immediately assumed that the sunken continent of Atlantis was located in the Bermuda Triangle area. However, this theory has not received any confirmation. Today, not far from the very shores of Puerto Rico, people often notice various objects, shining and flying. It is worth noting that from the Bermuda Triangle itself, researchers have more than once noticed that unidentified objects flew straight out of the depths of the ocean, and took off in a zigzag motion.

Riddles and secrets.

Many are confident that everything secret will sooner or later become apparent. Today, the most important question for scientists is: “what exactly does the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon hide?” We don't know the answer yet. We can only wait and watch the incredible events that take place in this territory. As a rule, such events are not pleasant. And at the moment, the Bermuda Triangle both frightens and attracts scientists and researchers from all over the world.

The Bermuda Triangle is an unexplored area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean where anomalous cases occur: missing ships and planes, failure of transport equipment, etc.

On a world map, this triangle can be distinguished by connecting three vertices: Florida, Bermuda, Puerto Rico. The Bermuda Triangle on the map can be limited by three lines: starting from Florida we draw a line to Bermuda, from Bermuda a line to Puerto Rico, and from Puerto Rico back to Florida through the Bahamas. This is just a guess. Where it is and what shape this zone has is actually not known.

On the map, a triangle connects the places near which anomalous cases most often occurred. The Bermuda Triangle has brought mystery to our planet, which humanity already knows so little. Because of his mystery, he managed to scare the human race. After all, a person is always afraid of the unknown. There are various hypotheses that in fact should explain anomalous cases. But alas, the theory requires to be proven. Unfortunately, this has not happened yet.

Secrets of the seas and oceans, underwater secrets and sea legends. All this has attracted the attention of people throughout human history. Ancient maps depicting sea monsters, legends about the Kraken and the amphibian people are legends on which more than one generation has grown up. Times change, but one thing remains unchanged - the ominous glory of the Bermuda Triangle. Today this magical name has become a symbol of everything unknown that happens in the World Ocean. Scientists and researchers have been thrown off their feet, trying to explain the events that took place in this anomalous zone. And, to be honest, they are not very successful at this.

Triangle or not?

The territory, called the Bermuda Triangle, actually has no clear boundaries. The highest points are considered to be Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. But a good half of the unexplained incidents happened outside this zone. Although very close. Researchers often adjust the position of the triangle at their own discretion, tying it to other geographical landmarks. Many people associate the location of the Devil's Sea with Cuba or Haiti. And there are plenty of other examples.

Interestingly, the name Bermuda Triangle itself came into use relatively recently. In the 50s of the twentieth century. Therefore, you should not think that the legends are rooted in hoary antiquity. The most amazing thing is that tracking the tragedies that happen every now and then in the Sea of ​​the Damned has become possible only thanks to modern technology. It was with the help of instruments that it was possible to obtain data about unknown objects within the study area. And a plane or ship that disappears from the screens of all monitors instantly makes you think seriously about the otherworldly power of the Bermuda Triangle.

Terrible events in the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1945, scientists and rescuers began to specifically monitor the space of the Bermuda Triangle. Thanks to their efforts, more than 140 thousand lives were saved. It would seem that this is the answer, but it was not so. The data the researchers obtained only added more questions. Since the start of tracking, more than 100 pieces of equipment have disappeared in and above the water area. These are military and civil aircraft, ocean liners and small yachts. It is surprising that most of them disappeared without leaving a trace. No debris, no oil stains, nothing.

The ocean floor in the Bermuda Triangle area has been studied far and wide by scientists. Obviously, they could not lose sight of any remains of the dead people. But nothing of the kind was found. This makes it absolutely serious to say that the Bermuda Triangle is the Graveyard of the Atlantic. A supernatural cemetery. It is worth noting that scientists were not in the Bermuda Triangle to investigate mysterious events. Although many enthusiasts present the matter in precisely this light.

What are scientists doing in the Voodoo Sea?

In fact, the Bermuda Triangle area is of considerable interest to scientists. Expeditions carried out studies of the seabed, its topography and minerals. Geological structure of the earth's crust under the ocean floor. Scientists studied the Gulf Stream, the influence of water currents on the atmosphere and weather conditions. Many scientific discoveries have been made, but they have not brought us an inch closer to solving the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes that, by chance, found themselves in the death zone. Scientists have proven that the Bermuda Triangle is a unique part of the ocean, with unprecedented properties and conditions. But, unfortunately, this did not explain a lot of tragedies.

It should be said that scientists did make one important discovery. But this was not given wide publicity. Although they did not keep silent either. In 1992, American researchers analyzed the bottom. And in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle they discovered a huge pyramid. Incredibly, its dimensions are more than three times the size of the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Scientists devoted more than a month to studying this underwater object and provided some information.

In addition to its enormous size, the pyramid has an absolutely smooth surface. Sonar signals reflected from the object showed that the material from which the pyramid was created was in a perfectly flat state. There are no shells or algae on its surface. Nothing that indicates a long stay in salt water. Obviously, the ocean cannot have any physical effect on the pyramid. According to eyewitnesses, the material itself is something similar to either glass or polished ceramics. No division into blocks was also noticed. Research on the pyramid at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle has not been officially carried out. But, most likely, they are simply classified.

Atlantean legacy?

In light of this discovery, it is interesting to recall the legends that the inhabitants of Atlantis created repositories of knowledge and the gene pool of humanity before the death of their continent. The same vault is supposedly located under the Pyramid of Cheops and under the Potala Temple in Tibet. Versions that the disappeared continent itself is located in the Bermuda Triangle area have not received confirmation. There is a hypothesis according to which the Atlanteans went to live in the ocean. Where they remain to this day, living safely in domed cities.

At first glance, the theory is fantastic. But if we put aside skepticism and take a closer look at some facts, then the impossibility of such a course of history becomes less obvious. Today, luminous flying objects are often observed near the coast of Puerto Rico. And in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle, similar phenomena have been noticed more than once. Bright cigar-shaped objects that took off straight out of the water and made zigzag movements. The territory of the Bermuda Triangle is carefully monitored by US Navy intelligence. But she has not yet been able to answer anything intelligible.

What mysteries does the Sea of ​​the Damned contain?

In any case, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. And someday humanity will receive an answer to the question: “What is hidden in the Bermuda Triangle.” In the meantime, we can only wait and listen to new reports about incredible incidents in those waters. Wait, realizing that the Cemetery of the Atlantic has many more surprises in store. And they are unlikely to be pleasant. Whatever it is - the secrets of disappeared civilizations or attempts by UFOs to monitor the Earth - the Bermuda Triangle will frighten and attract researchers from all over the world. Their main task is to make sure that the terrible anomaly does not claim human lives.

7 most interesting theories explaining the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

  1. Comet
    According to this version, a comet fell to the bottom of the ocean 11,000 years ago - exactly in the place where the notorious Bermuda Triangle is now located. The celestial body could well have unusual electromagnetic properties that could damage navigation instruments and aircraft engines.
  2. Methane hydrate
    Huge bubbles filled with methane hydrate form deep under the surface of the Bermuda Triangle. When such a bubble “ripens” and rises, a giant hill forms on the surface of the water, from which the ship “slides.” Then the bubble bursts, forming a funnel into which the ship is drawn. With airplanes it is even simpler - gas from the bubble rises into the air, comes into contact with a hot engine and an explosion occurs.
  3. Secret government tests
    The base at which proponents of this theory are sinning is called the Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). According to the official version, this company is testing submarines, weapons and sonars. But there is also a version according to which it is there that the government contacts extraterrestrial civilizations and tests various kinds of alien technologies.
  4. Flying saucers or aliens
    According to this theory, an alien ship is hiding in the depths of the sea, which, unlike the previous version, is studying us and our technologies. Or, at worst, there is a “gate” to another dimension unknown to earthlings. At a certain time, the gates open, ships sail into it and planes fly in.
  5. The compass points to true north, not magnetic north.
    The Bermuda Triangle is one of two places on Earth where a magnetic compass points to true (geographic) rather than magnetic north. In a normal situation, when plotting a ship's course, sailors take this difference into account. And in those areas where the compass works differently, it’s easy to get lost and hit a reef.
  6. Difficult weather conditions
    The sky over the Bermuda Triangle is indeed quite turbulent - warm and cold air masses constantly collide, leading to storms and hurricanes. Plus the fast current of the Gulf Stream. All together, of course, creates a certain risk for any type of transport.
  7. Human factor
    The Bermuda Triangle area is a fairly lively place. The tropical climate and crystal clear blue water attract both experienced pilots and sailors and amateurs. With changeable weather, fast currents, and the large number of twin islands scattered throughout the region, it's easy to lose your course, run aground, or find yourself far from where you can refuel.

Phenomena before abductions by aliens or Atlanteans. Skeptics, however, argue that ship disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle occur no more often than in other areas of the World Ocean and are explained by natural causes. The US Coast Guard and Lloyd's insurance market share the same opinion.

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    ✪ Vysotsky-About the Bermuda Triangle




    The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, navigation instruments fail, ships and planes disappear, and no one ever finds the crashed. But before the bombers disappeared from the radar screens and communication with them was lost, interesting recordings were received. Therefore, the chances of disappearing here are much greater.


The Bermuda Triangle was first mentioned by writer Vincent Gaddis in 1946 when he wrote an article for Argosy magazine about the strange disappearance of Flight 19.

Associated Press correspondent Edward Van Winkle Jones mentioned the “mysterious disappearances” in the Bermuda Triangle; in 1950, he called the area “the devil’s sea.” The author of the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” is considered to be Vincent Gaddis, who published the article “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle” in one of the magazines dedicated to spiritualism in 1964.

In the late 60s and early 70s of the 20th century, numerous publications began to appear about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1974, Charles Berlitz, a proponent of the existence of anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, published the book “The Bermuda Triangle,” which collected descriptions of various mysterious disappearances in the area. The book became a bestseller, and it was after its publication that the theory about the unusual properties of the Bermuda Triangle became especially popular. Later, however, it was shown that some facts in Berlitz's book were presented incorrectly.

In 1975, the skeptical realist Lawrence David Kusche (English) published the book “The Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality” (Russian translation, M.: Progress, 1978), in which he argued that nothing supernatural or mysterious was happening in this area. This book is based on many years of document research and interviews with eyewitnesses, which revealed numerous factual errors and inaccuracies in the publications of supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery.


Proponents of the theory mention the disappearance of approximately 100 large ships and aircraft over the past hundred years. In addition to disappearances, there have been reports of intact vessels being abandoned by the crew, and other unusual phenomena such as instantaneous movements in space, anomalies in time, etc. Lawrence Cousche and other researchers have shown that some of these cases occurred outside the Bermuda Triangle. About some incidents it was not possible to find any information at all in official sources.

"Avenger" flight (flight No. 19)

The most famous incident mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the US Naval Base in Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945 and never returned. Their wreckage was not found.

According to Berlitz, the squadron, consisting of 14 experienced pilots, mysteriously disappeared during a routine flight in clear weather over calm seas. It is also reported that in radio communications with the base, the pilots allegedly talked about inexplicable failures of navigation equipment and unusual visual effects - “we can’t determine the direction, and the ocean looks different than usual,” “we are descending into white waters.” After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them, and one of them - the Martin Mariner seaplane - also disappeared without a trace.

According to Kushe, in fact the flight consisted of cadets performing a training flight. The only experienced pilot was their instructor, Lieutenant Taylor, but he had only recently been transferred to Fort Lauderdale and was new to the area.

The recorded radio communications do not say anything about any mysterious phenomena. Lieutenant Taylor reported that he became disoriented and both compasses failed. Trying to determine his location, he mistakenly decided that the link was over the Florida Keys, south of Florida, so he was asked to navigate by the sun and fly north. Subsequent analysis showed that perhaps the planes were actually much further east and, heading north, were moving parallel to the coast. Poor radio communication conditions (interference from other radio stations) made it difficult to determine the exact position of the squadron.

After some time, Taylor decided to fly west, but failed to reach the coast; the planes ran out of fuel. The Avenger crews were forced to attempt a water landing. By this time it had already gotten dark, and the sea, according to reports from ships then in that area, was very rough.

After it became known that Taylor's flight was lost, other aircraft were sent to search for them, including two Martin Mariners. According to Kushe, aircraft of this type had a certain disadvantage, which was that fuel vapors penetrated into the cabin and a spark was enough for an explosion to occur. The captain of the tanker Gaines Mills reported that he observed an explosion and falling debris and then discovered an oil slick on the sea surface.


A C-119 with 10 crew members disappeared on June 6, 1965 in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of his disappearance is unknown, and searches for him have yielded nothing. Although the disappearance of a plane while flying across the Atlantic can be explained by many natural causes, this case is often associated with alien abduction.


Supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery have put forward several dozen different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include speculation about the abduction of ships by aliens from outer space or inhabitants of Atlantis, movement through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal reasons. None of them have yet been confirmed. Other authors try to give a scientific explanation for these phenomena.

Their opponents claim that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft disappear in other areas of the globe, sometimes without a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of the disaster may prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. Finding debris at sea is not an easy task, especially during a storm or when the exact location of the disaster is unknown. If we take into account the very busy traffic in the Bermuda Triangle area, frequent cyclones and storms, and a large number of shoals, the number of disasters that have occurred here that have not been explained is not unusually large. In addition, the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle itself can lead to the attribution of disasters to it that actually happened far beyond its borders, which introduces artificial distortions into the statistics.

Methane emissions

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the sudden death of ships and planes by gas emissions - for example, as a result of the breakdown of methane hydrate on the seabed. According to one of these hypotheses, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, in which the density is reduced so much that ships cannot stay afloat and instantly sink. Some suggest that methane rising into the air can also cause plane crashes - for example, due to a decrease in air density, which leads to a decrease in lift and distortion of altimeter readings. In addition, methane in the air can cause engines to stall.

Experimentally, the possibility of fairly rapid (within tens of seconds) flooding of a ship found on the border of a gas release was confirmed if the gas is released in one bubble, the size of which is greater than or equal to the length of the ship. However, the question of such gas emissions remains open. In addition, methane hydrate is found in other places in the world's oceans.

Rogue waves

It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. rogue waves, which are believed to reach a height of 30 meters.


It is assumed that under certain conditions, infrasound can be generated at sea, which affects the crew members, causing panic and hallucinations, as a result of which they leave the ship.

In art

  • The Bermuda Triangle is mentioned in the film "Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters" as the Sea of ​​Monsters, in which Charybdis lives, whose huge mouth sucks up ships.
  • In the series “Quantum Leap” (season 4, episode 16 - “Ghost Ship”) the main character turns out to be the pilot of an airplane heading for Bermuda.
  • In the second season of the Russian TV series “Ship”, he stumbles upon methane bubbles, as well as the “song” of the sea. A time loop.
  • The cartoon "Scooby-Doo: Pirates on Board" also mentions the legends of the Bermuda Triangle.
  • In the movie The Addams Family, the main character lost his memory in the Bermuda Triangle.

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle
Classic boundaries of the Bermuda Triangle
Group: Paranormal places
Other names: Devil's triangle
Coordinates: 26.629167 , -70.883611 26°37′45″ n. w. /  70°53′01″ W d. 26.629167° s. w.
70.883611° W d. (G) (O)
A country: High Seas, Bahamas

State:- an area in the Atlantic Ocean in which mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft allegedly occur. The area is bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda, on to Puerto Rico, and back to Florida through the Bahamas. A similar “triangle” in the Pacific Ocean is called Diabolical.

The area is very difficult to navigate: there are a large number of shallows, and cyclones and storms often form.

Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain the mysterious disappearances in this zone: from unusual weather phenomena to abductions by aliens or inhabitants of Atlantis. Skeptics argue, however, that ship disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle occur no more often than in other areas of the world's oceans and are explained by natural causes. The US Coast Guard and Lloyd's insurance market share the same opinion.


Associated Press correspondent Jones was the first to mention “mysterious disappearances” in the Bermuda Triangle; in 1950, he called the area “the devil’s sea.” The author of the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” is considered to be Vincent Gaddis, who published the article “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle” in 1964 in one of the magazines dedicated to spiritualism.

In the late 60s and early 70s of the 20th century, numerous publications began to appear about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1974, Charles Berlitz, a proponent of the existence of anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, published the book “The Bermuda Triangle”, which collected descriptions of various mysterious disappearances in the area. The book became a bestseller, and it was after its publication that the theory about the unusual properties of the Bermuda Triangle became especially popular. Later, however, it was shown that some facts in Berlitz's book were presented incorrectly.

In 1975, the skeptical realist Lawrence David Kusche ( English) published the book “The Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality” (Russian translation, M.: Progress, 1978), in which he argued that nothing supernatural or mysterious was happening in this area. This book is based on many years of document research and interviews with eyewitnesses, which revealed numerous factual errors and inaccuracies in the publications of supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery.

Incidents in the Bermuda Triangle

Proponents of the theory mention the disappearance of approximately 100 large ships and aircraft over the past hundred years. In addition to disappearances, there have been reports of intact vessels being abandoned by the crew, and other unusual phenomena such as instantaneous movements in space, anomalies in time, etc. Lawrence Cousche and other researchers have shown that some of these cases occurred outside the Bermuda Triangle. It was not possible to find any information about some incidents in official sources.

Avengers flight (flight No. 19)

The most famous incident mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the US Naval Base in Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945 and never returned. Their wreckage was not found.

According to Berlitz, the squadron, consisting of 14 experienced pilots, mysteriously disappeared during a routine flight in clear weather over calm seas. It is also reported that in radio communications with the base, the pilots allegedly talked about inexplicable failures of navigation equipment and unusual visual effects - “we can’t determine the direction, and the ocean looks different than usual,” “we are descending into white waters.” After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them, and one of them - the Martin Mariner seaplane - also disappeared without a trace.

According to Kushe, in fact the flight consisted of cadets performing a training flight. The only experienced pilot was their instructor, Lieutenant Taylor, but he had only recently been transferred to Fort Lauderdale and was new to the area.

The recorded radio communications do not say anything about any mysterious phenomena. Lieutenant Taylor reported that he became disoriented and both compasses failed. Trying to determine his location, he mistakenly decided that the link was over the Florida Keys, south of Florida, so he was asked to navigate by the sun and fly north. Subsequent analysis showed that perhaps the planes were actually much further east and, heading north, were moving parallel to the coast. Poor radio communication conditions (interference from other radio stations) made it difficult to determine the exact position of the squadron.

After some time, Taylor decided to fly west, but failed to reach the shore; the planes ran out of fuel. The Avenger crews were forced to attempt a water landing. By this time it had already gotten dark, and the sea, according to reports from ships then in that area, was very rough.

After it became known that Taylor's flight was lost, other aircraft were sent to search for them, including two Martin Mariners. According to Kushe, aircraft of this type had a certain disadvantage, which was that fuel vapors penetrated into the cabin and a spark was enough for an explosion to occur. The captain of the tanker Gaines Mills reported that he observed an explosion and falling debris and then discovered an oil slick on the sea surface.


A C-119 with 9 crew members disappeared on June 5, 1965 in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of his disappearance is unknown, and searches for him have yielded nothing. Although the disappearance of a plane while flying across the Atlantic can be explained by many natural causes, this case is often associated with alien abduction.


Supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery have put forward several dozen different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include speculation about the abduction of ships by aliens from outer space or inhabitants of Atlantis, movement through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal reasons. None of them have yet been confirmed. Other authors try to give a scientific explanation for these phenomena.

Their opponents claim that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft are also lost in other areas of the globe, sometimes without a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of the disaster may prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. Finding debris at sea is not an easy task, especially during a storm or when the exact location of the disaster is unknown. If we take into account the very busy traffic in the Bermuda Triangle area, frequent cyclones and storms, and a large number of shoals, the number of disasters that have occurred here that have not been explained is not unusually large. In addition, the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle itself can lead to the attribution of disasters to it that actually happened far beyond its borders, which introduces artificial distortions into the statistics.

Methane emissions

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the sudden death of ships and planes by gas emissions - for example, as a result of the breakdown of methane hydrate on the seabed. According to one of these hypotheses, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, in which the density is reduced so much that ships cannot float and instantly sink. Some suggest that methane rising into the air can also cause plane crashes - for example, due to a decrease in air density, which leads to a decrease in lift and distortion of altimeter readings. In addition, methane in the air can cause engines to stall.

Experimentally, the possibility of fairly rapid (within tens of seconds) flooding of a ship found on the border of a gas release was confirmed if the gas is released in one bubble, the size of which is greater than or equal to the length of the ship. However, the question of such gas emissions remains open. In addition, methane hydrate is found in other places in the world's oceans.

Rogue waves

It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. rogue waves, which are thought to reach heights of 30 m.


It is assumed that under certain conditions at sea, infrasound can be generated, which affects crew members, causing panic, as a result of which they abandon the ship.

Bermuda Triangle in culture and art

In cinema

  • Bermuda Triangle (film, USA, 1996)
  • Supernatural forces and phenomena. Bermuda Triangle (documentary, 1998)
  • Bermuda Triangle / Lost Voyage (film, 2001)
  • Warlords of Atlantis (film, 1978)
  • Unknown worlds. Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle (documentary film, 2002)
  • BBC: Bermuda Triangle - The Mystery of the Deep Ocean / BBC: Bermuda Triangle - Beneath the Waves (documentary, 2004)
  • Bermuda Triangle / The Triangle (mini-series, 2005)
  • BBC: Dive into the Bermuda Triangle (documentary, 2006)
  • Bermuda - Pacific Option (documentary, 2006)
  • From a Scientific Point of View: The Bermuda Triangle (documentary, 2007)
  • Mysteries of history. Devil's Triangle (documentary, 2010)
  • Gulliver's Travels (fantasy, comedy, adventure, 2010)
  • Triangle. (thriller, drama, detective, 2009)
  • An island forgotten by time. (fantastic)
  • Island of Lost Ships (feature film, 1987)
  • The Addams Family (film, black comedy) / The Addams Family (1991)

In music and poetry

In animated series

  • According to the plot of the animated series "Transformers: Cybertron", it was in this triangle that Atlantis was located, which is not a sunken ancient city, but the city-sized Transformers starship of the same name. As shown in the animated series, the safest way to enter the Bermuda Triangle is underwater.

In one of the episodes of Scooby-Doo, the Mystery Corporation ends up in the Bermuda Triangle.

  • In one of the episodes of the series “Sylvester and Tweety: Mysterious Tales,” the Bermuda Triangle is a musical instrument. At the request of one musician, Granny was looking for this triangle, but Sylvester is the first to find it in vain attempts to open a can of cat food. When hitting this triangle, the triangle itself emitted quite powerful infrasound, which is safe for humans, but very dangerous for ships and aircraft. When Granny finds this triangle, she reads the warning, although she doesn’t immediately believe it and decides to check it out. When Granny realizes that the triangle is dangerous for the ships and therefore for the orchestra, she decides to return the triangle to the sea.
  • In the 38th episode of the animated series “Extreme Ghostbusters”, two generations of the main characters are trying to neutralize a huge ghost - the cause of all the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • In the series “DuckTales”, due to an accident, Scrooge McDuck’s family ends up on a huge island of algae, this island is located exactly in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • In one of the episodes of the 6th season of the cartoon “Futurama”, the heroes find themselves in the “Bermuda tetrahedron” - a three-dimensional analogue of a triangle.
  • The cartoon “Rock's New Life” shows how Rocca, his friend and his grandfather go on a trip on a liner and, once in the Bermuda Triangle, all the young become old and the old become young.
  • In the cartoon "Denny the Phantom", Frost tells Denny: "Sometimes when the ghost zone itself opens a portal, planes and ships end up first there, and then at another time. The portal quickly closes and people disappear, and these unexplained disappearances are given the name "Bermuda" triangle"".

In video games

  • Dark Void - the main character, pilot William Augustus Gray, crashes in the Bermuda Triangle, from where he ends up in another dimension inhabited by evil aliens - the Observers.
  • Hydro Thunder Hurricane - there is a location with the Bermuda Triangle.
  • Tony Hawk's Underground 2 - there is a location called “Triangle”
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator X - there is a mission for which you need to find from the air a ship lost in the Bermuda Triangle area and drop a capsule with supplies and a GPS navigator.



  • The Bermuda Triangle, Charles Berlitz. ISBN 0-385-04114-4
  • The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved (1975). Lawrence David Kusche. ISBN 0-87975-971-2
    • Russian translation: Lawrence D. Kusche. Bermuda Triangle: myths and reality. M.: Progress, 1978.


  • A Brief Review of Theories Proposed to Explain the Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle
  • Flight No. 19 (English)
  • Program “Obvious-Incredible” - Bermuda Triangle, video

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