Magnetic storms on September 26. During magnetic storms you need to take care of your health

The information will be useful to weather-sensitive people and those who want to protect the health of all family members from additional risks. In the days when they come magnetic storms in September 2017 You need to reduce your activity and be sure to get a good night's sleep.

What days in September should we expect magnetic storms?

The first day of autumn will be “rich” in geomagnetic disturbances of varying intensity. The weakest magnetic storm will visit our Earth on September 1-2. These geomagnetic fluctuations will be minimal due to the fact that they are an echo of a larger storm from August 30-31, 2017.

But the second period of geomagnetic instability should be expected in the middle of the autumn month: from September 13 to the 16th a magnetic storm of high intensity will rage. But from September 17 to 20, this same geomagnetic disturbance will reduce its activity, but will continue to have a negative impact on the health of all people.

In the period after September 22, the geomagnetic situation will improve, but minor fluctuations in solar activity will cause problems for the most sensitive people. Such small jumps in solar activity will only affect the health of those who have previously undergone serious surgery or have a cardiovascular disease.

Critical days in September 2017

Magnetic storms in September have their own characteristics that you need to know about. Thus, solar activity will primarily affect the performance and mood of people. Also, do not forget about, which can indicate which ones will be at the beginning of autumn.

During periods of geomagnetic disturbance, people will experience surges of depression, conflicts with people, and reluctance to comply with the Law. But the physical body will react to the intense solar wind with exacerbation of chronic diseases, headaches and insomnia. Magnetic storms in September 2017 will cause trouble to everyone involved in intellectual activity.

Another feature is a violation of concentration, which will especially hit students and schoolchildren, as well as car enthusiasts. Therefore, following the rules on the road becomes the norm in September, but students can be advised to spend more time on their textbooks. If you manage to overcome your blues and bouts of laziness in September 2017, your body as a whole will become more resistant to magnetic storms.

What to do when there are magnetic storms in September 2017

Considering the special nature of critical days in September, we can give advice: walk more in the fresh air and try not to sort things out with anyone. How to protect yourself from the consequences of magnetic storms:

  • Maintaining a daily eating schedule and choosing healthy foods;
  • Full sleep and five minutes of morning exercises;
  • Quitting alcohol and reducing the intensity of stress at work.

Emotional instability can manifest itself not only in the form of depression, but also in the form of impulsive, ill-considered actions. If you notice that you are not getting enough sleep and cannot cope with some life situation, take action immediately. Be sure to talk to a psychologist, take a healing infusion of sedative herbs, and undergo a preventive examination by doctors to rule out more serious illnesses than just a bad mood.

Children will require special attention in September 2017. They can irritate adults with their whims and unwillingness to learn new information. Try to find a more accessible form of communication with your child: it could be learning through games, going to a historical museum, or watching a documentary on a given topic. Very likely in September

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The 2017 solar explosion provoked serious magnetic storms in September: find out when they are expected and why they are dangerous

Solar flare today 2017 © shutterstock

Forecast of magnetic storms in September 2017 from will be useful to all weather-dependent people.

The beginning of autumn promises several serious outbreaks of solar activity. In particular, on September 6 there was a powerful explosion on the Sun, to which scientists assigned a score of X9.3 on a 10-point activity scale. This is the largest solar flare in the last 12 years. Today, its consequences have not yet been studied by specialists. However, the level of flare activity has gone off scale and is 10.3 points.

In this regard, a serious impact of solar flares on humans is expected. There may be a deterioration in health, as well as failures in the operation of communication systems, the Internet, and even failure of space technology.

Significant magnetic storms are also expected in mid-September and at the end of the month. Therefore, you should be on guard so that they do not take you by surprise and spoil your well-being and mood at the beginning of the school year.

of the year

During September 2017, the strongest manifestation of solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 2, 6, 17, 26, 30 numbers.

Magnetic storms expected 1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 27, 28, 29 numbers.


years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares, plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

Magnetic storms in September 2017 years - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.


In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in September 2017.

What to do to make it easier to survive magnetic storms in September 2017 of the year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.


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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2017 magnetic storms in 2017 magnetic storms in September magnetic storms in September 2017 schedule of magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 schedule magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 in detail magnetic storm calendar for September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storms in September 2017 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2017 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in September days of magnetic storms in September 2017

Scientists predicted a very powerful magnetic storm on the night of September 13, 2017. Magnetic storms each time present a test for all people on planet Earth. Thus, in August there was a large decrease in solar activity and a complete absence of magnetic storms. But in September, on the contrary, the forecasts are not encouraging. Very strong solar flares provoked a stream of almost continuous magnetic storms

A large number of people became active due to fast magnetic storms. Scientists representing the Solar Astronomy Laboratory said that another impressive magnetic storm awaits the Earth in the near future. Scientists also noted that after this event, if repeated flares occur on the Sun, this will not affect our planet in any way.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: scientific facts

Rays from the sun affect people's bodies throughout their lives. All the time, the sun gives off gigantic amounts of energy, which include various radiations, protons, electrons and plasma. These solar vortices are very powerful and can sometimes have a very detrimental effect on the Earth. Since the magnetic field of our planet protects us from the influence of harmful solar rays and reduces the influence of solar vortices.

Not all solar flares are dangerous for the Earth and human life; in a weak form it is pure vitamin D. But when solar flares are too large, under their influence some areas of the Earth’s magnetic field are deformed. Such phenomena were called magnetic storms.

All that extra energy that comes from the sun is not always positively perceived by the body. Sometimes such outbreaks have a tangible impact on the life of an ordinary person, and even more so on the life of an elderly person.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: consequences of magnetic storms

Scientists are alarmed by future estimates of weather, pressure and magnetic storms. Forecasters warned that the late-summer cold snap would soon give way to Indian summer in the middle of the month.

In a completely healthy person, such temperature changes can cause both headaches and problems with blood pressure, but weather-sensitive people can also suffer from rapid magnetic storms.

From fifty to seventy-five percent of the Earth's population are negatively affected by magnetic storms. For many people on Earth, the reaction to magnetic storms does not occur immediately, sometimes a couple of days before. Before flares, or rather at those moments when the sun begins to actively give off its excess energy in the form of vortices.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: exact dates of magnetic storms for September 2017

There is confirmed information that at the beginning of the ninth month of 2017, scientists warned of several possible solar flares. Be prepared from 09/15/2017 to 09/30/2017 very active solar radiation will be observed. According to scientists, solar activity will be serious in September. You need to be prepared for a series of magnetic storms that will take place from the thirteenth to the sixteenth of September. And from the seventeenth to the twenty-third of September, an unstable magnetosphere is expected. Solar activity itself will be four points.

Herbal soothing tinctures help overcome the effects of magnetic storms, as well as tea with the same tinctures. The best helpers in the fight against storms are: sage and valerian.

Weather-sensitive people should always know when magnetic storms are occurring in order to take preventive measures to prevent or reduce the impact of space weather on health.

The schedule by days and hours will inform you about unfavorable days in September 2017.

Geomagnetic disturbances form within two hours. This is exactly how long it takes the solar wind to overcome the Sun-Earth path. Then, over the course of seven hours, the magnetic storm grows, changing the planet’s magnetic field.

Everything returns to a calm state only on the third day after the peak of the storm. Any of these periods can be dangerous to human health.

Active phenomena sometimes occur on the Sun; these can be mass ejections, shock waves, or flares. In this case, energetic particles from the Sun enter the magnetosphere.

When a shock wave collides with the magnetosphere, a disturbance of the magnetic field begins in the form of oscillations and tremors, which is called a magnetic storm. Magnetic storms affect the earth and the space around the earth, and have a planetary nature.

There are people who can be called weather dependent, since their health and well-being are affected by fluctuations in the magnetic field. During magnetic storms, people suffer from headaches, fatigue, worsening cardiovascular and chronic diseases, and there may also be pressure surges.

By adhering to certain recommendations, weather-dependent people can reduce the impact of magnetic storms on their well-being. Namely, during this period it is recommended to pay more attention to the daily routine; nutrition during this period should be healthy and correct without overeating.

Walking in the fresh air is advisable, it is also better to get enough sleep and measure physical and psychological stress in order not to overload your body.

Only a short-term forecast made a couple or three days in advance can be accurate. According to the observations of meteorologists, the geomagnetic situation of the Earth will soon worsen. In the last days of September, geomagnetic fluctuations will occur almost daily.

  1. 09/24/2017 - G1 magnetic storm level;
  2. 09/25/2017 - small geomagnetic fluctuations;
  3. 09/27/2017 - G1 magnetic storm level;
  4. 09/28/2017 - G1 magnetic storm level;
  5. 09/29/2017 - G1 magnetic storm level;
  6. 09/30/2017 - small geomagnetic fluctuations.

On days of magnetic field disturbances, changes occur in health and on an emotional level. People who are weather dependent are especially susceptible to these changes. They begin to have headaches and some ailments. They quickly get tired, lose enthusiasm, and lose motivation to do anything.

Magnetic storms are dangerous for those who have chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and mental problems. Of course, it is impossible to relieve a person from the influence of magnetic storms with medication, but it is possible to weaken their impact.

Most people do not associate their poor health with magnetic storms.

Doctors say that changes in the Earth's magnetic field primarily negatively affect the cardiovascular system. On unfavorable days, the number of hypertensive crises, strokes and heart attacks increases.

To make magnetic storms less negatively affect your health, you need to:

  • - take care of your health on the above-mentioned unfavorable days, consult with doctors regarding taking medications;
  • - adjust your diet, eat more healthy vegetables and fruits, cereals, fermented milk products, vitamins, take vitamin complexes, drink clean filtered water;
  • — spend more time in the fresh air, stop playing sports for a while, travel out of town more often;
  • — plan air flights for other days, do not drive vehicles during geomagnetic disturbances.

The forecast of magnetic storms remains an important part of life for many of us, almost like a weather forecast. September prepares us for quite strong magnetic activity of the sun in the middle of the month, so it is worth knowing about it in advance and being prepared for a possible change in well-being. Magnetic storms in September 2017: schedule by day and hour from Russian astronomers.

Schedule of magnetic storms for September 2017

Astronomers of the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Physical Institute named after. P.N. Lebedev RAS expects a fairly long magnetic storm in the middle of the month in September. She will not be classified as a strong astronomer and will be limited to the average level. But still, this storm will be noticeable to weather-sensitive people.

The schedule of magnetic storms for September, compiled by Russian scientists, is as follows:

  • September 13– storm level G1 ( weak).
  • September 14-15– storm level G2 ( average).
  • 16 of September– storm level G1 ( weak).
  • September 17– residual effects after a 4-day storm.

On all other days of the month the situation will be calm, magnetic storms are not expected. All fluctuations in the state of the Earth’s magnetosphere will be within its normal state.

As for the hourly forecast of when the storm will begin and end, scientists do not make such a forecast due to the fact that the disturbance of the magnetosphere begins gradually, and different people feel it at different times. Some people feel the storm in advance, others experience some inconvenience and changes in well-being only at the peak of the storm. Therefore, every person who feels the effects of magnetic storms should prepare for the September storm in accordance with their personal characteristics of the body and their level of susceptibility.

Magnetic storm on September 7, 2017 and other amendments to the forecast

On September 6, foreign space observatories recorded a sudden solar flare, which was the strongest in the last 12 years. The last time something like this was observed was exactly 12 years ago – September 7, 2005. The flare was not predicted by astronomers due to the fact that such powerful phenomena usually occur at the peak of solar activity, and at the moment its minimum is observed.

Scientists have yet to draw conclusions about why they could not foresee such a development, but, be that as it may, we are supplementing our article and presenting an updated forecast of magnetic storms for September. For the next three days, when a magnetic storm caused by yesterday's flare is developing on Earth, the forecast is given hourly. The forecasts were made by astronomers of the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Physical Institute named after. P. N. Lebedev RAS.

The above graph, compiled by Russian astronomers, shows an approximate scenario for the development of a magnetic storm on September 7-9. The schedule indicates Moscow time, so other regions need to make the appropriate amendment to it:

Magnetic storms in September: updated daily forecast

As for the updated forecast of magnetic storms for September, then, in addition to the storm on September 13-16, which was predicted at the very beginning of the month, and the one that is taking place these days, astronomers predict another weak magnetic storm of level G1 at the end of the month – September 27-29 with residual phenomena remaining in the first October days.

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