Liz bourbeau bronchitis. Psychosomatics bronchitis Liz Burbo

One of the most common psychosomatic causes of bronchitis is a lifestyle where a person overworks, overexerts himself, and experiences a long period of stress. A person carries a large amount of guilt, regret or resentment within himself, cannot let go of them and clings to them.

Perhaps the person in this case even believes that all his negative life experiences have made him stronger. This “survivor strength” based on how much hardship you have endured is just an illusion of strength. In fact, such “power” comes at a price in the form of a huge overvoltage.

Also, a person with psychosomatic bronchitis has difficulties with. For him, forgiving someone means giving up his power. And then forgiveness is seen as weakness.

This picture is often accompanied by the person feeling overwhelmed by the difficulties of life. He tried so hard. He gave his all to his projects and goals. And at the same time, in reality, he felt a great need for praise and recognition. But instead of praise, I was met with rejection or a very unsatisfactory neutral reaction. The person feels emotionally drained and unappreciated. He feels like he can't do anything right and is ridiculed for not meeting the expectations and demands of significant others.

A person whose psychosomatics gives rise to bronchitis does not allow himself to explore his emotions. Instead, the person suppresses sadness and the need for acceptance. A person suffering from bronchitis fears that if he allows himself to feel emotions, he will lose control of himself and, instead of having an even character, will show people the volcano that is boiling inside him and which he hid for a long time from people.

His attitude is: to express himself and express his needs and to receive punishment from people.

If bronchitis occurs, a person has been forcefully forcing himself for a long time due to the unconscious need to be loved and to alleviate old grief. This is the result of self-punishment and self-sabotage.

Bronchitis often appears after a long period of conflict between the sick person and the person who brought him a lot of grief, stress, anger and rage.

What to work on first when dealing with the psychosomatics of bronchitis:

  1. Explore events and trauma associated with sadness. Work on letting go/living sadness.
  2. Explore periods of life in which there was powerlessness and the inability to change circumstances.
  3. Get rid of the habit of suppressing emotions. Start expressing them. Give yourself permission to cry.
  4. Explore current and past regrets.
  5. Consider whether there is self-punishing behavior. Are you overloaded with projects and tasks?
  6. Process birth traumas.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. Inflammation, as a rule, begins in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, tonsils, trachea) and spreads to the lower ones (bronchi).

The bronchi are a network of tubes of various diameters. The function of the bronchi is to conduct inhaled air into the lungs.

Due to damage due to inflammation of the mucous membrane, the bronchi cannot perform their functions normally, the process of cleansing the bronchi worsens, which leads to difficulty breathing.

The main symptoms of bronchitis: sore throat (first dry, then wet), fever, general malaise, sleep disturbance, sometimes.

There are acute and chronic bronchitis.

  • Acute bronchitis with proper treatment usually goes away within 2 weeks, and the condition of the bronchi is completely restored by 3-4 weeks.
  • Chronic bronchitis is an inflammatory disease that progresses over time, occurring with periods of exacerbation for more than 3 months. It not only disrupts the functions of the bronchi, but also causes changes in their structure.
  • Sometimes obstructive bronchitis is also diagnosed, in which the mucous membranes of the bronchi swell and blockages appear. As a result, shortness of breath appears.

The causes of bronchitis are: infection (viral, bacterial), heredity, weakened immunity, smoking, work in hazardous industries (dirty air, coal dust, etc.), climate (high humidity, etc.), congenital respiratory pathologies systems.

Psychosomatics of bronchitis

To reveal the psychosomatics of bronchitis, it is necessary to remember the functions of the bronchi. The bronchi deliver air to the lungs, but first warm, moisturize and clean it. The bronchi can narrow and expand due to the ability of small bronchi to change lumen. This allows you to regulate the volume of air supplied to the lungs.

The parasympathetic system is responsible for the narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, the functioning of which is influenced by the psycho-emotional state of a person. So, this system is activated when a person is configured for a passively lazy lifestyle. In response to this mood, the respiratory organs, like organs, symbolizing a person’s life position, also begin to work at half capacity. Breathing becomes shallow, the lumens of the bronchi narrow, and they are not completely cleared. All this leads to the occurrence of illnesses.

Let us also remember that on the physical plane the bronchi serve as a conductor of air from the outside world into the human body. Hence the function of the bronchi on the psychological plane is to be connecting between the outside world and the inner world of a person. Therefore, all human problems in the sphere contacts with the outside world affect the condition of the bronchi.

Psychological causes of bronchitis

So, through breathing, a person is included in space. This requires openness. In case self-isolation of a person from the outside world, or if there are difficulties in communicating with the world, the human body begins to signal difficulty in breathing.

Constant fear for your safety can lead to obstruction (translated from Latin means “locking, closing, obstruction”).

Sensitive and vulnerable people, especially teenagers, often suffer from psychogenic hyperventilation (lack of air, noisy breathing, irregular breathing rhythm). Such a psychosomatic illness occurs in them under psycho-emotional conditions that are uncomfortable for them (for example, when a person begins to enter society) and becomes the cause of bronchitis.

At the same time, phlegm, from which the body tries to free itself, as a rule, symbolizes negative emotions, experiences. For example, bronchitis is often caused by hidden resentment towards loved ones.

Psychology has revealed that selfish, lazy people who do not want to take responsibility Shallow breathing is observed. With such breathing, the respiratory system works at half capacity, the airways are not fully ventilated, are not cleared of mucus, and stagnation occurs, which over time can lead to inflammation.

Psychologist Liz Burbo also argues that The bronchi are associated with the family, and there are strong feelings about what is happening in the family negatively affect their condition.

Bronchitis in an adult can develop when a person cannot enter into open confrontation, cannot speak, does not know how to defend his position.

The psychoemotional causes of bronchitis in children in most cases are constant conflicts and quarrels in the family.

Another cause of childhood bronchitis psychologists note the authoritarianism of parents. Such parents usually have children You can’t express your desires out loud, you can’t have your own opinion.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov sees the occurrence of bronchitis manifestation of unspoken anger and complaints. It is known that unspoken negative words, as if stuck in the throat, are cleared by the body through coughing.

Ways of healing from psychosomatic bronchitis

To begin with, it should be emphasized that no matter who has bronchitis: an adult or a child, the adult will work on himself. If you have a question: why, let me remind you that children depend on their parents not only and not so much financially and physically, but also psychologically, emotionally, and energetically.

This means that every any of your parental words, emotions, thoughts, actions works either for the benefit of your child or for the harm of him.

Hence, the first thing a person suffering from bronchitis or a person whose child suffers from bronchitis needs to do is - find a psycho-emotional reason. To do this, you should remember the events that took place shortly before the illness: which of them carried a negative charge for you or your child.

We remembered and then analyzed: what exactly in the situation that happened caused mental pain, what unpleasant information the situation carried, what emotion (fear, resentment, anger, etc.) caused the trauma.

Having found what you are looking for reason-emotion we need to consider it in detail. For example, what made you angry at this person? His words, attitude towards you, actions, etc.

Now try to look at yourself: maybe you expected from him differently (for example, that he will do something In your), and your expectations were not met.

The question arises: So who or what is to blame for your anger? Isn't this your expectation?

The following question legitimately arises: Should the other person respond to your expectations? Would you like it if everyone around you expected and demanded that you do not according to how you see the situation, but according to how they see it?

Each person is a unique personality, and this uniqueness lies precisely in the fact that each of us has his own approach to life, his own principles, his own character, his own vision. This is what attracts us to others, and this is why we respect them.

So is it worth tormenting yourself and others with your claims?

I think the best way out would be to return it to loved ones (including yourself) the right to be ourselves, and not scream and break your psyche. Moreover, if we are talking about your child, then the consequences of the child’s traumatized soul will come back to haunt you.

If a difficult situation arises, it may be better to listen to all parties (including the child) and try to find an option that suits everyone.

Believe me, if you start from a position of Love for your loved ones, then such an option will exist.

I wish you Love and Health!



    Good afternoon, my 1.4 month old child has been unable to cure obstructive bronchitis for 5 months now, a month ago this diagnosis turned into pneumonia, the pneumonia was cured, and a week later we were hospitalized again with a fever, and for 2 weeks now we have been treating the bronchi and there is no result! in tears and in fear for the health of my child, I give up that I can’t help
    They rewrote a bunch of antibiotics, they pumped up hormones, they did a bronchoscopy. There were 7 pictures in my hands, and everything was useless.
    The blood is good, the tests are generally good, but the bronchi remain inflamed and do not change

    • Quitus Hloss

      I share the path of “PSYCHOSOMATIC BRONCHITIS” because I went through it. I got bronchitis because I didn’t follow the measures for distributing emotions. Only during the elections to the State Duma, which took place in Ukraine, did I lose my full supply of emotional energy: I felt with the fibers of my soul that V. Zelensky would win and with a big score, but there was no point in telling anyone why. Now that I was relaxed, PS-Bronchitis overtook me. Naturally, I run to pulmonologists, but they don’t understand me. And they won’t understand, because they don’t study human life from this side. People have a proverb about this: “What makes you sick, cure it!” Well, it turns out that the doctor needs to be set against “his” system and treat me psychologically...


      Good afternoon. Please tell me – is my 16-year-old daughter still dependent on me energetically? The relationship has become very difficult - he blames me for everything, he doesn’t want to take responsibility for his actions and words, he doesn’t want to change either... There is a lot of aggression towards me - in response to basic requests to wash the dishes and make the bed. He screams, stomps his feet and says stop making deals - you will do this, and I will do this. In the summer I started coughing a lot, mostly due to nervousness. And still - tracheitis.

      • To answer your question without knowing anything about your family (namely, it is there that the first problems appear, which are related to what kind of relationship you have with your husband, what feelings and thoughts prevailed during your pregnancy with your daughter, whether you have any other children, Besides your daughter, what is your relationship with your parents, etc.), it’s a little complicated. Therefore, I will simply remind you that if SOMEONE has problems (in this case, you have problems with your daughter), then YOU NEED TO “CURE” (that is, you need to work on yourself) THIS PERSON, AND NOT HIS ENVIRONMENT. You need to realize that you are given to each other to solve a specific problem. Let us remember that the PEOPLE AROUND US REFLECT (MIRROR) OUR PROBLEMS TO US: they seem to say with their behavior: look at me and see that you have this in you. As a rule, what infuriates us in others is what is in us, but we try to hide it from ourselves. As a mother, I can say one thing: if you start working on yourself, your daughter will begin to change. How to work on yourself: analyze what really bothers you about your daughter’s behavior and answer the question WHY DOES THIS ENJOY YOU SO MUCH? Often children simply remind us with their behavior of some unpleasant moments from our childhood. Let me remind you once again about another tip: Your mood and your relationships with loved ones before and during, as well as after, pregnancy with your daughter: remember if there were any emotional stresses there. After you have analyzed everything (it doesn’t matter whether something is ours or not), remember how you were waiting for your daughter, how you held her in your arms for the first time and cried with happiness! TALK TO YOUR SOUL AND TO THE SOUL OF YOUR DAUGHTER AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS mentally! do this every day! And after that, DIRECTION YOUR LOVE INTO THIS SITUATION, DIRECTION YOUR LOVE TO YOUR DAUGHTER - DIRECTLY SEE IT, how your light pink love is directed towards her and “hugs” your daughter. Do the same every day. Pray for her. The fact that she is 16 years old may also indicate that she, as an adult and independent person, has her own problems that may not be related to you. What is her relationship like with her peers (including girls and boys)? Do you know what is happening in her soul? Of course, all this cannot be the reason that she does not want to meet you. Moreover, this happens over a long period of time. Still, there is obviously some lesson between you here. Why is she talking about the deal? Is this how it is in your family? There are many questions. I can say again: PROBLEMS IN RELATIONSHIP WITH CHILDREN CAN BE SOLVED ONLY WITH THE HELP OF LOVE AND WARMTH ON THE PART OF PARENTS (for one simple reason, that we are their parents, and not vice versa, that is, they came to us, and we, as adults should be wiser, and wisdom involves not blackmail, not screaming, but LOVE.

        Gulnara Tarasova

        Alzheimer's mom. I haven't worked for two years. I'm taking care of you. In February 2018, my brother had a stroke. My relationship with my brother is complicated. She looked after me. They went out. Then I got pneumonia. And chronic bronchitis. I don’t know how to cope. Vicious circle.

        • From your message, the situation is not very clear: how old is the child with Alzheimer’s disease, what does the brother have to do with it (or does he live together). Is the family complete (does the child have a father)? To find out the true causes and series of diseases, it is necessary to analyze the entire situation and all relationships in the family. Without being familiar with the peculiarities of your life, it is difficult to search for reasons, but let’s try to at least create a general picture. You probably read it in our articles. If your child is under 12 years old, or this disease appeared in a child before this age (even if he (she) is older now), then I remind you: UNDER 12 YEARS OLD CHILDREN ARE ENERGETICALLY CLOSELY CONNECTED WITH THEIR PARENTS, i.e. the cause of their illnesses before this age should be sought in the family, in the thoughts and attitudes of the parents (thoughts and emotions of mom, dad). we need to look for answers to the questions: WHY DOES A CHILD REFUSE TO ACCEPT THE WORLD AROUND HIM AS IT IS? WHAT IS THERE IN HIS ENVIRONMENT THAT FORCES HIM TO DO THINGS THAT HE DOESN'T WANT TO ACCEPT, WANTS TO RUN AWAY FROM IT? WHY DOES HE FEEL HELPLESS? (many children feel helpless when parents have conflicts or divorce and other difficult situations).
          A stroke is a consequence of a state when a person gives up, when he does not want to change, when inside himself he seems to have decided: “I would rather die than change.” That is, for some reason he began to deny Life itself. What reasons could these be - you need to look at his life (maybe problems, failures, loss of a loved one and other negative experiences) - in this case, I don’t know what happened in his life that the person gave up on himself, that he sees no point in living further. Maybe you know it yourself, then if you can, talk to him. After all, Life is a Gift, even if sad things happen in it. We must understand that each of us receives those events that are designed to develop us, to make us wiser, stronger, kinder. That's why we come here - with one goal - DEVELOPMENT (especially spiritual, emotional, moral, emotional, intellectual - this is what distinguishes Man). Yes, the easiest way is to lie on the couch and degrade. But this is not why Man is given Life.
          Pneumonia signals your despair, fatigue from life, and your emotional unhealed wounds. This signal shouts to you: it’s time to pay attention to yourself, to your inner world (what thoughts and emotions live there) and take care of it. Those. analyze, write directly on a piece of paper - what emotions I am feeling now, what thoughts are depressing me, what I am worried about. Next, try to find a reason for each emotion or thought written down: why do I feel this? (for example: I now feel offended - due to the fact that no one helps me, etc.). Now try to find your own reason for each reason: for example, why doesn’t anyone help me? Why did it happen in your life that everything fell on you? What events and decisions in your life led you to your current situation? Analyze the entire chain of events in your life: when did it start, what preceded these events? I'll give you a hint: events in our lives are preceded by OUR THOUGHTS AND DECISIONS. Yes, that is right. THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS IN LIFE! EVERY SECOND WE CHOOSE BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL (what to say to a person or not to say, what to do or not to do: to cause pain or joy, to help or to wait, etc. our decisions are petty at first glance). Again, the question is: why do you have a difficult relationship with your brother, your loved one? Because of which? What is the reason? Find and remove this reason (resentment, anger, envy - what?). REMEMBER: EVERY PERSON HAS DIFFICULTIES AND DIFFICULTIES, BECAUSE WITHOUT THIS A PERSON WILL NOT DEVELOP (it’s like solving a difficult problem at school). Before birth, the human soul itself chooses events through which the person must then go through and develop in himself the qualities he needs. That’s why our events and lessons are different. Knowing this makes life easier. And try to throw out negative thoughts and emotions (especially old ones) from your soul and mind - they only harm a person. Instead, find something interesting to do for yourself, or maybe you have a hobby. Listen to your favorite music. Be sure to find some time for yourself, even just 10-15 minutes (for example, I have this time in the evening, when everyone is falling asleep). The main thing is your attitude, desire and perseverance

Since tonsillitis is an acute inflammation of the tonsils, see the article TONSIL INFLAMMATION.


Physical blocking

Tonsils are protective organs and a barrier to germs. They, like sentries, guard the entrances to the respiratory and digestive tracts. The tonsils become inflamed when they become infected. When the tonsils are inflamed, the patient has difficulty swallowing.

Emotional blockage

This disease means that you feel angry because you fail at something: you cannot swallow something. What are you failing at? Which piece was too big for you?

Mental block

If you can't swallow something, some part of you is overly critical. You harbor the idea of ​​rebellion - against yourself or someone else. You are absolutely sure that you are right. It is in your interests to survive this situation with pain: love and understanding. See also the article “features of inflammatory diseases”.

3. TONSILLITIS- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Suppressed emotions. Stifled creativity.

My goodness flows freely now. Divine ideas are expressed through me. There is peace and tranquility within me.

4. TONSILLITIS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Fear. Suppressed emotions. Stifled creativity.

Now everything good in me flows freely. I am a conductor of Divine thoughts. There is peace in my soul.

Man is a multipolar creature in many senses. This term can also be used to talk about the causes of suffering in the human body. People who are faced with one or another illness, with annoying regularity, are no longer satisfied with simply stating the fact that the process is chronic. Or a statement that the disease has returned because it was poorly treated the first time. They are looking for other possible causes of the malaise, as well as ways to combat it.

This fully applies to pathologies of the respiratory system. Taking into account the fact that obstructive and allergic forms of bronchitis cover ever larger segments of the population, the question automatically arises, what is the underlying cause of the disease? Can emotional and psychological problems result in somatic suffering? And if so, what is the psychosomatics of bronchitis?

All causes of almost any disease can be divided into 3 large groups. The division is, of course, conditional, but it helps to understand where to look for the roots of the problem. Bronchitis can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Provoking factors are an infectious agent, hypothermia.
  2. Contributing factors are working in unfavorable conditions, smoking, living in environmentally hazardous areas, overwork, long-term antibiotic therapy, chronic diseases that weaken the immune system.
  3. Emotional and psychological factors - chronic stress, hidden resentment, any emotional discomfort.

The division is arbitrary; usually factors from all 3 groups influence a person to one degree or another. And thanks to their combined action, the disease develops.

The leading factor is usually a pathogenic microorganism or viral agent. If treatment is carried out correctly, the body is not “undermined” by a chronic illness, and the psyche is not traumatized by a stressor, recovery occurs as a result of a standard course of therapy. And recurrent disease occurs rarely, and only when a number of favorable conditions coincide.

It makes sense to reconsider the leading factor if:

  • Standard therapy does not bring results.
  • Bronchitis takes a chronic form.
  • Signs of bronchopulmonary obstruction develop.
  • Relapses become more frequent and last longer.

In this case, an allergic or psychosomatic element, as well as a genetic predisposition, may come first.

Considering the instability of the child’s psyche, it should be noted that bronchitis in children may have psychosomatics as the leading justification for the chronicity of the process. As well as severe course of the disease and its transition to bronchial asthma.

Signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in adults

Unfortunately, the psychosomatic component of any disease has not been studied enough. Mainly due to the lack of accurate tools to measure the depth of resentment or the severity of stress. For these purposes, special tests and methods have been developed, but only a psychotherapist or psychologist can decipher them, and doctors of other specialties, unfortunately, are not able to do this. This is partly why evidence-based medicine is considered subjective.

The psychological background for somatic (physical) pathologies is revealed during a confidential conversation between the doctor and the patient. The criteria that make you think about the emotional roots of bronchitis in adults are:

  • Chronication of the process after a strong emotional shock (divorce, death of a loved one).
  • Relapses against the background of scandals in the family.
  • The development of illness after a robbery, job loss or other difficult events.
  • An annoying, tormenting cough, often without sputum, which cannot be overcome with standard methods of therapy (antitussives, expectorants, antibacterial, immunostimulating drugs).
  • Complaints of pressing pain in the chest, lack of air, and “cannot breathe.”
  • The patient's general depressed state, despondency, signs of hidden depression, lack of friends.
  • Uncomfortable, monotonous working conditions, unsatisfying work.
  • Low self-esteem. The locus of control is shifted towards blaming oneself for all problems.
  • Inability to forgive, to survive the situation and move on, a permanent feeling of one’s own inferiority, failure or guilt.

All these signs suggest that the mechanisms that trigger the disease are “fixated” on one or another psychological problem. This means that the patient needs not only medications. He needs the advice of a specialist who will help him understand the problem, reconsider his view of it, survive and feel alive, happy and healthy again.

Popular theories

The psychosomatics of bronchitis is described by several theories that connect the development of diseases of the respiratory system:

  1. With the threat of emotional or physical intrusion into a person’s space. Moreover, the disease develops against the backdrop of resolution of the situation, and not at a moment of tense anticipation.
  2. With rejection of the outside world or oneself in it, if bronchitis occurs with an allergic component. A person is dissatisfied with his place in life, the world order, the country in which he lives, etc. But he does not have real power or the ability to change anything.
  3. With general nervousness in the family, constant scandals and quarrels.
  4. With dissatisfaction with the family structure, but insufficient determination to overcome the problems. The patient withdraws into himself, becomes depressed and gets sick.
  5. With unspoken resentment, hidden anger, “swallowed” anger.
  6. With resentment “originally” from childhood, which concerns close relatives.

It is noteworthy that patients with preserved tonsils as a result of quarrels and screams, curses spoken out loud, or swallowed insults are more likely to suffer from sore throats. The same people who have undergone tonsillectomy are prone to diseases of the bronchi and lungs. In both of these cases, the body seems to be deprived not only of an immune organ physically, but also loses the buffer that protects the bronchi and lungs from emotional and psychological aggression.

It is also noteworthy that under stressful circumstances, patients of adolescence and young adulthood can have a temperature rise of up to 40–41 C without additional signs of illness.

If the situation is resolved favorably, the temperature drops without medication; if the situation is unfavorable, a cough, shortness of breath, and bronchospasm may appear.

I-H worked in the field of psychosomatics. Heinroth, to whose pen the term actually belongs, Jacobi, F. Alexander, E. Weiss, Z. Freud, S. Jeliffe, F. Dunbar. Many famous doctors and psychoanalysts, domestic and foreign, devoted their works to the described branch of medicine.

Researchers who have their own negative experience and are forced to look for solutions to their problems were also attracted to psychosomatic medicine as a branch of knowledge about humans. The most famous researcher of this kind is Louise Hay. Other specialists also contributed: homeopath and psychologist V. Sinelnikov, American allergist Olanda Daywalt, researcher Liz Burbo.

Signs in children

Bronchitis in children is a unique way to attract the attention of adults. Coughing, wheezing and weakness provide children with the care that a child in a family of actively working parents feels is lacking.

The main signs of psychosomatic bronchitis in a child:

  • Nervousness.
  • Temperature that is difficult to correct with antipyretics.
  • Hoarse breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Attacks of dry, sometimes wet cough.
  • A long course of the disease with periods of decreased symptoms and “unreasonable” exacerbations.
  • Weak effectiveness of standard drug therapy.
  • Inability to achieve stable remission.

It is customary to talk about chronic bronchitis in children aged 3 years and older. Until this point, bronchial obstruction is suspected as a diagnosis for frequent and prolonged relapses with shortness of breath and wheezing.

Psychosomatics in children is one of the leading factors in the development of inflammatory diseases of the throat, respiratory system, urinary organs, as well as allergies.


The child's psyche is unstable because it is in its formation stage. And everything that close people say and do, in one way or another, leaves an imprint on something that will remain in a person’s subconscious for the rest of his life. And not only on the list of childhood diseases, but also on what a person will be ill with over the next years.

In a child, the main traumatic factors causing bronchial pathologies are considered to be:

  • Insult inflicted by loved ones (usually parents).
  • Authoritarian behavior of adults, suppression of the child’s “I”.
  • Instilling feelings of guilt in a child.
  • Excessive criticism from loved ones.
  • The inability to express one’s opinion and calmly accept criticism or simply someone else’s view of a situation. This problem often causes bronchitis during puberty.
  • Inability to get along in a group, communicate with peers, rejection of the child by other children, rejection. More common in adolescence.
  • Stressful atmosphere in the family, conflict between parents.
  • Lack of common “family” interests, values, and activities in the family. Everyone is passionate about their own affairs and does not take into account the opinions of other members. Little is done together.

The psychosomatics of childhood illnesses requires more careful study by both doctors and psychologists. But it is believed that all negative emotions (resentment, anger, fear) that a child is unable to express can cause bronchitis and asthma.

Correction methods

Psychosomatic illnesses are subject to complex therapy, in which therapists, pulmonologists, and psychologists take part. Bronchitis, the psychosomatics of which has been determined, requires the use of psychocorrective techniques:

  • Psychoanalysis.
  • Art therapy.
  • Gestalt therapy.
  • Autogenic training.
  • Walks in the open air.
  • Yoga as a spiritual practice and breathing exercises.

1. STOMACH (PROBLEMS)- (Louise Hay)

Container for food. Also responsible for “thought assimilation.”

I easily “learn” life.

2. STOMACH (PROBLEMS)- (V. Zhikarentsev)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

Controls power supply. Digests and assimilates ideas.

Causes of the disease

Concerns. Fear of the new. Inability to assimilate new things.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I easily digest what happens to me in life. Life is in harmony with me. I assimilate new things in every moment of my life. Everything is fine.

3. STOMACH (PROBLEMS)- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

The stomach is the most important organ of the digestive system, located between the esophagus and the small intestine. The juice secreted in the stomach turns solid food into liquid. The most common diseases of the stomach are gastric, as well as DIGESTION disorders (vomiting, indigestion, etc.). First read the article about the relevant disease, then the description below.

Emotional blockage

All stomach diseases are directly related to the inability to accept a certain person or situation. A person experiences hostility and even fear towards which he doesn't like. He resists new ideas, especially those that do not come from him. He cannot adapt to a person or situation that is not consistent with his plans, habits or lifestyle. He has a highly developed inner critic, which prevents him from listening to the voice of his heart.

Mental block

Your stomach is telling you that you need to let go of your desire to control everything. Start listening to other people's opinions. You feel helpless because you can't change the person or situation, but that's wrong. Find the strength within yourself to change your life. Start trusting people the same way you trust your stomach to digest what you eat.

You don't have to tell your body how to function and digest food. In the same way, you should not dictate to the people around you, since each of them has their own opinion. It is no coincidence that the stomach is located next to the heart. We must accept everything with love, including the fact that all people are different. Thoughts like “This is unfair”, “This is wrong”, “How stupid” block your development in the same way that your stomach blocks the digestion of the food you eat. If you learn to be more tolerant of others, your stomach will become more tolerant of what you put into it.

In respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, developmental psychosomatics require detailed study. It indicates the root cause of the disease, the elimination of which in most cases leads to the patient’s recovery.

With bronchitis, a person has problems breathing normally. Many people feel as if someone is pressing on their chest and preventing them from relaxing. Every breath turns into a challenge.

Prerequisites for bronchitis

Each of us is susceptible to colds, against which bronchitis can progress. And yet Louise Hay and her supporters are of the view that the problem lies not only in reduced immunity; Even patients in excellent health are susceptible to respiratory diseases.

With frequent bronchitis, a person is usually given a chronic diagnosis and is not subject to more detailed examinations. This approach is doomed to fail. If the disease constantly reminds itself of itself, and from time to time it gets worse, then you should think about the psychosomatics of the disease. It is not uncommon for people to suffer from constant pain in the respiratory tract due to severe emotional distress. Such reasons cannot be eliminated by using, even strong, immunomodulators. The patient requires more serious help - a professional psychologist.

Study of the psychosomatics of bronchitis

Figure 1. Table of the dependence of diseases on emotions.

In the process of studying the psychosomatics of respiratory diseases, the specialist carries out extensive work. His main task is to reveal the root causes of the disease and understand the essence of the patient’s conflict. According to Liz Burbo, the first thing you need to do is change your own attitude towards what is happening around you. Once you do this, the disease will go away on its own. Most often, the psychosomatics of bronchitis lies in serious conflicts that occurred within the family.

Experts are sure that you should not avoid conflicts and close yourself off; this can result in more serious illnesses. It is necessary to learn to find a solution to a controversial situation, to get through it without taking everything to heart. Qualified psychologists work with each patient with bronchitis individually and teach them to realize that in life not everything depends on us, anything can happen.

Why do conflicts in the family provoke the development of bronchitis in adults and children? The fact is that close family ties are very strong. The patient cannot break them or brush aside the conflict as if it were a random passerby.

The doctor identifies the psychosomatics of bronchitis by conducting frank conversations with the patient. In most cases, the problem turns out to come from distant childhood, when a serious conflict occurred with parents or loved ones. People hold subconscious grudges for many years, as a result of which their own health suffers. As Sinelnikov says, it is necessary to realize the offense and understand why this situation happened to the patient, what he did to deserve such an attitude. If this is not possible, then you need to accept what happened and come to terms with the fact that all people are absolutely unique and can act differently in the same situation.

In life, we will never meet people who will offend us, but this should not be taken too seriously. Your own health should be put first. We cannot change human essence, but we can eliminate the causes of chronic bronchitis by changing our perception. There is a whole theory, developed by Louise Hay, about the localization of inflammation depending on a person’s anxieties and grievances.

Louise Hay's theory

Louise Hay worked for many years on the theory that every physical manifestation of illness has a psychosomatic basis. This is what the treatment of the disease is based on. According to Louise, bronchitis develops against the background of a nervous atmosphere in the family, where screaming and arguing constantly reign. As a rule, scandals are replaced only by rare periods of calm. To fight a disease using the Hey method, you need to convince yourself that you are developing in peace and harmony, that everything is fine around you. In some cases, pain in the lungs can also be caused by fear for one’s own safety. To overcome phobias, it is enough to say out loud every day that you love life in its various manifestations and are safe.

Louise has a detailed table about all common diseases of the human body and settings that will help get rid of them. (Fig. 1) In recent years, an increasing number of people suffering from chronic illnesses are immersed in the study of this theory.

Psychosomatics Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo believes that all processes in the human lungs can be divided into two groups. Large bronchi are responsible for delivering air to the lungs, and small ones provide regulation of the working volume of the lungs. This is possible due to the contraction and straightening of the small bronchi. When the bronchial mucosa becomes inflamed, we can talk about the development of bronchitis.

From a metaphysical point of view, the bronchi have a direct relationship with family relationships. As soon as serious difficulties arise in the family, we can talk about the development of bronchitis. If a person is not ready to enter into an open conflict with his loved ones and solve the problem, he gradually becomes despondent, experiences a feeling of fatigue and guilt. To get rid of bronchitis, you need to get out of a depressed state. A person must realize that problems can arise in any family; one should not worry so much about them. Liz Burbo assures that the views of your family members may differ significantly from your own, and this is not considered a deviation from the norm. To eliminate the likelihood of developing bronchitis, you need to defend your position without guilt and respect the point of view of loved ones.

Valery Sinelnikov's theory

Valery Sinelnikov is a famous psychologist, homeopathic doctor and author of several books. At his appointments, he teaches patients to treat their own illness with love.

According to the theory of Valery Sinelnikov, bronchitis is a consequence of the accumulation of unspoken claims and anger. The disease progresses if a nervous situation persists in the family for a long time. The most sensitive indicator of what is happening is the child. Children are the first to suffer from upper respiratory tract diseases.

Video recording of a radio broadcast about psychosomatic diseases:

Think about how often conflicts occur in your family, who initiates them and for what reason. Try to change so that your loved one does not experience discomfort and maintains his peace of mind. Valery Sinelnikov is convinced that as soon as you change your attitude towards the problem, your family members will also change. This will help create a favorable atmosphere in the house. You will immediately notice that the symptoms of bronchitis will begin to subside.

Elena Semenova from Izhevsk asks:

As soon as my daughter entered 1st grade, she immediately began to get sick often. The doctor claims that at this age, the psychosomatics of bronchitis in children is the main provoking factor. The pediatrician referred us to a psychotherapist. How true is this information and will a specialist be able to cure bronchitis?

Our expert's answer:

Indeed, in childhood, the factor that provokes the development of bronchitis is often the nervous instability of the child’s fragile psyche.

Psychological causes of the disease

When doctors talk about the psychosomatics of bronchitis in children, they point to a direct connection between physical health depending on the following external and internal psychological problems:

  • Lack of emotional closeness with parents. Lack of attention (accumulation of grievances, suffering).
  • Conflicts between dad, mom, sisters, brothers (bitterness, grief, dejection, shame).
  • Conflicts with peers, teachers, kindergarten teachers (anger, rage, dissatisfaction, depression).
  • Angry behavior of yard dogs (fear, hopelessness, hostility).
  • Unkindness on the part of neighbors (resentment, grief, bitterness).
  • Excessive loads in the process of studying, classes in clubs (fatigue, dissatisfaction, disgust).
  • Poor living conditions (resentment, intolerance, disappointment).

The mirror effect of reflection occurs when someone in the family is seriously ill with bronchitis. Unconsciously, the baby tries on all the symptoms out of fear that dad or mom might die.

Symptoms of bronchitis caused by psychological reasons

The first and important symptom caused by psychosomatics is the lack of a proper response to drug therapy - young patients do not feel better after treatment with inhalations, tablets, cough syrups:

  • There is not enough air because it hurts to breathe.
  • Attacks of spasmodic, non-productive cough during bronchitis in children do not stop.
  • The child’s internal feelings of tension and fear of death increase, which intensifies the cough and shortness of breath.

In the absence of stressful situations, the hyperreactivity of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree stops, and the child recovers.

A psychogenic cough in children after bronchitis can occur due to a desire to increase parental care and sympathy for the patient: to sit near the crib, bring treats, read fairy tales.

Therapy methods

All negative factors that provoke bronchitis should be excluded from the lives of children:

  • Change school, place of residence, divorce an aggressive spouse, if it is impossible to resolve conflicts in any other way.
  • Keep your child busy with interesting things, thereby saving him from melancholy and sadness.
  • Increase rest time if children become excessively tired.
  • Visit a psychologist on the recommendation of a pulmonologist.

Bronchitis is understood as a disorder of the respiratory system, in which the bronchi take part in the inflammatory process. Today, this disease is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical help.

The most common triggers for bronchitis are bacterial and viral infections, to eliminate which antiviral drugs and antibiotics are prescribed.

As a complication of the acute form, the patient often develops chronic bronchitis. Often the cause of chronic bronchitis is also exposure to a non-infectious irritant, for example, dust.

A serious complication of bronchitis is considered to be blockage of the bronchi caused by swelling of the mucous membrane. If the cause of bronchitis is blockage of the bronchi, the disease is called “obstructive bronchitis.”

What are the psychological causes of bronchitis?

Exploring the metaphysics of bronchitis, it should be noted that this disease is directly related to family and family relationships. Bronchitis often occurs during serious quarrels between relatives and loved ones; it becomes a consequence of a person’s deep emotions, feelings of anger and irritation.

The quarrels that occur are often of such a global nature that a person suffering from bronchitis wants to end the relationship with the family member opposing him in the dispute, but he cannot do this because of the feeling of guilt that arises.

The main psychological cause of bronchitis is suppression of anger and dissatisfaction. The person wants to swear, but does not do so. As a result, all his dissatisfaction unconsciously manifests itself in attacks of coughing and choking.

How to eliminate metaphysical causes of bronchitis

To eliminate metaphysical causes, the patient must show willpower and not be afraid to enter into open confrontation with his relative. As soon as a person defines his position, gets rid of anger, takes his place in the family, he will experience relief from the symptoms of bronchitis, and the disease will begin to quickly recede.

Patients with bronchitis should try to approach life and life situations more simply and with joy. We must strive not to take to heart the experiences associated with family relationships. Remember that there are no ideal families; all families have disagreements from time to time.

Now you know the metaphysics of the disease bronchitis, so it will not be difficult for you to recover from the disease. To speed up your recovery, repeat stimulating phrases to yourself daily:

  • “I don’t suppress my feelings and I’m not afraid to express them in front of others.”
  • “I approach life with joy.”
  • "I'm optimistic."
  • “I am my own person who has my own opinion.”
  • “All quarrels are temporary phenomena that should not be taken to heart.”

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