Summer assignments for first graders, month by month. Before and after first grade: what to do in the summer

When enrolling a child in first grade, parents inevitably think about their son or daughter’s readiness to study. We will try to briefly formulate the skills and abilities that any child must have in order to enter a normal, mass school and successfully adapt to the learning process at its primary level.

So, a child entering school must:

  1. Be able to identify yourself (full name, patronymic, last name). Be able to fully name your mother, father, and grandmother.
  2. Know the seasons, the number and names of months in the year, days in the week. Know what time of year it is, what month it is, what day it is. Be able to answer questions like “When do birds fly south?”, “When is it cold and snowing?”, “On what day do people rest and not go to work?”, “At what time of year do the leaves turn yellow and fall?”, “ When do we pick mushrooms and berries?" etc.
  3. Be able to read (syllable by syllable) a small and very simple text of several sentences.
  4. Be able to write (or copy) a simple phrase. For example: “He was eating soup,” “Misha was washing the window.”
  5. Direct and reverse counting within twenty (1, 2...20; 20, 19...1).
  6. Be able to add and subtract numbers within the first ten.
  7. Possess the skill of generalization based on characteristics. That is, from the proposed pictures, the child should be able to choose those that have something in common. For example, if pictures with a tram, a wheel, an apple, a cat and a bus are offered, then the child should put the tram and bus aside and say that these are transport or means of transportation, or “people ride on them.” If a number of words are offered: “shoes, boots, slippers,” then the child must choose a word that applies to them all. In this case, the word is "shoes".
  8. Possess the skill of exclusion from the series. A number of words are suggested: “cheese, butter, plasticine, sausage.” The child must not only exclude the “superfluous” word “plasticine”, but also (most importantly!) explain why it is he who is superfluous. “Plasticine is superfluous because it is used to mold. It is inedible. And everything else is food. It is eaten.”
  9. Find similarities and differences between objects.
    • What do carrots and potatoes have in common?
    • They are both vegetables, they are eaten, they are used to make soup, they grow in the ground, they have peels, etc.
    • How are they different from each other?
    • They differ in shape. The carrots are triangular, and the potatoes are round or oval. They also differ in color. The carrots are orange and the potatoes are brown.

Our school testing program turned out to be a little more complicated, i.e. point by point everything is the same, they are the same, but the tasks themselves are more difficult, for example, being able to read a text in a large paragraph and being able to retell it, but it’s true that all parents of future first-graders were warned about this after the new year and therefore there was time to prepare. We didn’t rely on our own strength, all our adults work from dawn to dusk, so we immediately turned to the school preparation center. Fortunately, now this is not a problem, and there are many educational courses, so the only question is always choosing a program and how far from home they are. Well, it seems to me that the author of the article missed the point of preparing psychologically for school, but this is very important! A child in kindergarten and the requirements are the same, but here school is a new life, completely different requirements) You must be able to listen, you must be able to obey the teacher’s demands, be able to maintain attention and concentration for a long time, everything is different, they won’t teach you this, dad and mom! We specifically chose courses to prepare the child in this regard, as not surprisingly, there weren’t very many of them in Moscow, i.e. you come, talk, they completely agree with you, but seem to let you pass by... Only at the “presidential school” did they pay attention to my fears and understand that I was actually talking! So, any parents of future first-graders agree with me about the psychological component of preparation for first grade, you can keep these courses in mind!

14.04.2014 11:58:41,

Total 4 messages .

(TRANSITION TO 2nd GRADE) Summer assignments ________________ __________________ 2016 A few words for mothers. Over the summer holidays, reading deteriorates in more than 50% of students, writing in 67%, and computing skills in 75% of students. In order to maintain the level of academic skills, it is enough to train for 15 minutes daily during the summer holidays. This pattern forms the basis for organizing summer classes in many countries of the world, for example in Italy. The same pattern is the basis for working on the “Mother’s School” notebook. There are 30 tasks in the notebook. They are designed for 6 summer weeks (from July 16 to August 26), 5 lessons per week. Each work is evaluated only by parents. Duration of training is approximately:  reading the text three times – 4 minutes  rewriting 5 minutes  solving an example – 1 minute  solving a problem – 5 minutes Total 15 minutes. Please pay attention to the following:  is the text meaningful?  is the time reduced when reading it three times? is the height and correctness of lowercase letters maintained when rewriting and has the speed of writing increased over the last lessons? has the time spent on calculations and the number of errors decreased? Dear Guys! The first exercise is reading. The text must be read three times, each time measuring how much time it takes. The elders will help you with this. The time spent will decrease as the reading speed will increase. Try to keep your reading speed from 35 to 40 words per minute. The second exercise is writing. The read text must be carefully and carefully rewritten onto the lined part of the page within five minutes. By counting the number of letters and dividing them by 5, we get the writing speed. Day by day, your writing speed will increase. It must be at least 20 letters per minute. The third task is mathematical. With daily training, the time spent on solving an example and problem will be reduced to three minutes. List of books recommended for summer reading 1. V. Chaplin's Stories. 2. M. Prishvin “The First Hunt.” Stories. 3. E. Sladkov “Bear-Eater”. 4. Charushin “About Tomka”. 5. R. Kipling “Baby Elephant”. 6. Oseeva V.A. Stories “Sons”, “Blue Leaves”. 7. A. Gaidar “Chuk and Gek”. 8. N. Nosov “Merry Family”, “Dreamers”, “Patch”, “Entertainers”. 9. L. Panteleev “Honestly.” 10. V. Dragunsky (2 - 3 stories) 11. V. Kataev “Tsvetiksemitsvetik” 12. N. Nosov “Mishkina porridge”, “Patch”, “Dreamers” 13. E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “ About Vera and Anfisa." 14. Brothers. Grimm "A Pot of Porridge", "Seven Brave Men". 15. G. H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”, “Thumbelina”, “The Princess and the Pea”. 19. C. Perrault “Puss in Boots.” 20. Poems for children about children by E. Blaginina, I. Tokmakova, B. Zakhoder (1 – 2 poems by each author). 21. Chukovsky “Confusion”, “Telephone”. 22. Sergey Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa” 23. A. Barto. "Amateur fisherman" 24. B. Oster “Tail Exercise”, “Bad Advice”. V. Berestova, E. Moshkovskaya, S. Mikhalkova, Keep a reader's diary and write down the works read in it. (Continuation of keeping a reading diary in 2nd grade) Reading date Author Title of the work Signature of parents Dear parents! We have a difficult year behind us, our first year at school. We had many joys and difficulties too. Thank you so much for your support, understanding and cooperation! With the onset of summer holidays, your child's daily routine will change. He will spend more time outside and communicate with friends. This is cool! But don't forget about your classes. Help your child complete the tasks assigned at school. They are easy to implement, creative, but require your control. You can do some tasks together with your child. Have a great summer holiday! Take care of your children! See you in second grade! Task No. 1 Spring. Spring. Warm day. The rooks scream merrily. Brooks are babbling. The guys go to the river. Ice floes float on the water. Seagulls fly over the water. (21 words) 10 7 = 4 + 3 = 9 + 5 = 8 + 9 = 14 – 8 = 16 – 7 = Problem No. 1 6 yellow roses bloomed in the flowerbed, and 2 fewer red roses. How many red roses bloomed in the flowerbed? Task No. 2 Morning. Morning. The birds sang merrily. The rooster and chickens pecked the grain. Vaska the cat drank milk. The dog Zhuchka is at the porch. Zhuchka and boy Yura will play. (24 words) 9 – 3 = 5 + 4 = 13 – 6 = 18 – 9 = 7 + 4 = 6 + 8 = Problem No. 2 Sveta bought 5 apples and 4 more oranges. How many oranges did Sveta buy? Task No. 3 In the summer. Summer. Here is the village of Voyutino. There is a cow Zorka in the meadow. She eats juicy grass. Our dacha by the river. We fish there. Alyosha caught pike and bream. (26 words) Complete to 9 1 3 7 2 6 4 5 8 9 8 Task No. 3 Masha needs to water 6 flowers. She has already watered 3 flowers. How many flowers are left to water for Masha? Task No. 4 May. May. Good in the forest! Siskins and blackbirds are singing. Lilies of the valley are blooming. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. A bee sits on a flower. The trail has pine and oak trees. There is a squirrel on a pine tree. (27 words) 10 – 9 + 2 = 0 + 5 + 3 = 8 – 2 + 4 = 1 + 8 – 7 = Problem No. 4 There are 5 apples and the same number of oranges in the refrigerator. How many apples and oranges are there in the refrigerator? Task No. 5 Woodpecker. There was an oak tree in the forest. A woodpecker flew to the oak tree. He hollowed out a deep hollow in the trunk. He lived in it for the summer, took the children out and flew away. (23 words) 10 – 8 + 3 = 9 – 3 + 1 = 8 – 5 – 1 = 4 + 3 – 0 = Task No. 5 Lena guessed 4 riddles, and Sveta guessed 2 more riddles. How many riddles did the girls guess? Task No. 6 Trouble. The pike was swimming in the basin. Vitya caught her. The red cat Vaska crept up. He paws at a pike. And pike have sharp teeth. The cat screamed. (23 words) Complete to 11 9 3 7 5 4 8 10 0 2 6 1 11 2 Task No. 6 7 girls took part in the concert, and 3 less boys. How many children took part in the concert? Task No. 7 Geese. The guys climbed onto the poultry house. Alyosha took the gosling. The geese rushed at the boy and began to hiss. Bird-keeper Dasha went out onto the porch. The birds became silent. (22 words) 6 + 1 = 9 – 7 = 5 + 3 = 2 + 6 = 8 – 4 = 7 – 7 = Problem No. 7 There are 15 chocolates with nuts and jam in a box. There are 6 candies with nuts, and the rest with jam. How many sweets with jam? Task No. 8 At home. I'm learning lessons. There are books and an album on the table. Kids Alena and Dima are playing. They build a tower out of cubes. The dog Tyopa broke the tower with his paw. (24 words) 6 + 5 = 5 + 9 = 11 – 7 = 14 – 6 = Problem No. 8 There are 12 red and blue pieces in the Lego set. Red parts – 5 pieces. How many blue parts were there in the construction set? Task No. 9 Rosehip. Rose hips grew in Grandma Nyura's garden. Rose hips have sharp thorns. Katyusha pricked her finger. Brother Andrey took out the splinter. It does not hurt anymore. The girl smiled. (23 words) Complete to 13 10 3 6 2 9 8 4 1 5 7 3 Problem No. 9 6 cakes with cream were brought to the store, and 2 less with cream. How many cream cakes did you bring to the store? Task No. 10 Grow and make us happy. A beautiful flower grew at the edge of the clearing. It sprouted through the thickness of dry leaves. It is covered with moss. I removed the dry leaves. Grow and make us happy. (27 words) 1 + 9 + 5 = 8 – 5 + 7 = 10 – 7 + 5 = 9 + 3 + 2 = Task No. 10 To decorate the classroom for the holiday, 11 red balloons and 9 blue ones were inflated. How many more red balls are there than blue balls? Task No. 11 Trip to see my brother. Mitya came to Moscow to visit his brother Alyosha. Alyosha was a pilot. He showed Mitya a real plane. Mitya was very interested. (22 words) 14 6 = 9 + 7 = 12 – 9 = 15 – 8 = Problem No. 11 Katya braided her doll 8 braids, and Vera had 3 braids less than Katya. How many braids did Vera braid her doll? Task No. 12 Violets. I knew the forest well and could quickly find the hidden flowers. These delicate, fragrant flowers are hidden in the thick grass - violets. These are the night inhabitants of the forest. (24 words) Complete to 15 7 2 9 8 4 6 0 1 10 3 5 Problem No. 12 Vasya folded 6 airplanes out of paper, and there are 3 more boats than airplanes. How many boats did Vasya make out of paper? Task No. 13 Luck. It's a warm morning. Deniska has new fishing rods. He runs to the pond. The boy cast his fishing rod. What luck! There was a pike on the hook, and then a bream. Grandma Lyuba cooked fish soup. (28 words) 9 – 3 + 2 = 7 + 3 – 6 = Problem No. 13 In April, the housewife planted 10 eggplant seedlings in a greenhouse. Due to the May frosts, 6 plants died. The owner planted 5 more. How many eggplant bushes are now growing in the greenhouse? Task No. 14 Morning. The fog floats from the lake to the forest. He looked into the thicket. The bushes and grass are doused with white milk of fog. Quiet in the forest. Only the wind rustles dry leaves. She scared the hare. (30 words) Complete to 17 10 9 5 1 0 7 8 7 Problem No. 14 There were 3 yellow apples and 6 red apples in a vase. How many apples were in the vase? Task No. 15 Honey. A bee is circling around a linden tree. She works all day. Brother Seryozha has an apiary in the garden. He gave us honey for tea. Good fragrant honey! (24 words) 8 + 2 – 5 = 7 – 4 + 6 = 8 – 2 + 3 – 1 = 9 + 1 – 4 + 2 = Problem No. 15 There were 9 cakes on the festive table. After the holiday, there were 3 cakes left on the table. How many cakes did you eat during the holiday? Task No. 16 In the forest. An owl was sitting on an old stump. She blinked her eyes. A cone fell from the tree. The owl got scared and flew away into the thicket of the forest. (21 words) Complete to 12 10 7 3 9 4 6 8 2 0 5 Problem No. 16 A notebook and pen together cost 9 rubles. How much does a notebook cost if a pen costs 4 rubles? Task No. 17 Miracles. There was a heavy rainfall. The river overflowed its banks. She flooded the meadow and flowers. Fishermen swam near the flowers. Miracles, and that’s all! (21 words) 5 + 2 = 7 – 4 = 6 – 3 = 3 + 6 = 9 – 7 = 1 + 5 = Problem No. 17 9 people made an appointment with the doctor. He has already accepted 4 people. How many people does the doctor have left to see? Task No. 1 8 Cat. Chickens were walking in the yard. Sasha gave them food. The chickens ate grain and drank water. Barsik the cat was sleeping on the porch. So he got up and started running. The cat scared away all the chickens. (30 words) 4 + 1 = 4 + 2 = 8 – 4 = 2 + 4 = 3 + 5 = 5 + 3 = Problem No. 18 Vasya ate 3 candies and gave 4 to his friends. How many candies did Vasya have at first? Task No. 19 My yard. This is my yard. I love to play in the yard. In winter I give my friend sledding rides. In the summer we play hide and seek. We are having fun. (23 words) Complete to 14 4 9 6 8 5 7 0 Problem No. 19 Sveta treated Lena with 6 candies, and Igor with 3 candies. How many candies did Sveta give to the children? Task No. 20 At the old pine tree. Funny squirrels were playing near the old pine tree. They were happy about the warm sun and warm summer. The squirrels' fur coats turned red. The animals frolicked in the sun all day. (28 words) 6 1 = 3 + 5 = 4 + 5 = 8 – 2 = 2 + 2 = 3 + 3 = Problem No. 20 There were 5 bears on the shelf. One of them was taken to play. How many bears are left on the shelf? Task No. 21 Miracle. In the spring, my mother and I planted a lily. She should have been white. We have been waiting for a miracle for a long time. Five buds appeared. I kept walking and admiring them. (26 words) 9 = 2 + 3 =8 + 4 = 5 7 = 1 Problem No. 21 There were 3 nuts in a vase. They added 2 more nuts. How many nuts are there in the vase? Task No. 22 Wonderful morning. With the first rays of the sun the grove wakes up. A fresh breeze slightly shakes the reeds by the river. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. The birds begin to sing. (22 words) Complete to 16 8 9 1 7 0 Problem No. 22 Pinocchio had 3 coins, and Malvina had 2 more. How many coins did Malvina have? Task No. 23 Oak and spruce. Spruce and oak grew in the forest. The spruce was big and fluffy. The oak was old with a hollow. A squirrel lived there. She was drying mushrooms on spruce branches. (27 words) 6 = 2 4 + = 5 10 = 7 + 3 = 5 Problem No. 23 There were 10 cars driving along the road. 4 cars ran out of gas and stopped. How many cars went further? Task No. 24 Misha and the puppy. Misha walked along the path to the forest. Suddenly a small puppy ran out. He whined pitifully. The boy took the puppy and named it Bug. The puppy grew up and became a big and kind dog. (30 words) >,< или = 2 + 1 4 ­ 2 5 – 3 1 + 1 Задача № 24 Пять утят грелись на полянке. 3 из них убежали за стрекозой. Сколько утят осталось на полянке? Задание № 25 Зяблик. У дома рос куст шиповника. На ветку сел зяблик. К кусту подбежала коза Зорька. Зяблик испугался и улетел. (19 слов) >, < или = 7 + 1 16 ­ 10 9 – 1 10 + 1 Задача № 25 На поляне летали 4 бабочки и столько же стрекоз. Сколько всего насекомых было на полянке? Задание № 26 Хозяин двора. Лучи солнышка залили ярким светом весь двор. Важно по двору шагал петух Яшка. Он грозный, всех пугал. Яшка – хозяин двора. (22 слова) >, < или = 7 + 10 14 ­ 10 19 – 1 10 + 8 Задача № 26 На поляне росло 10 сыроежек. Четыре из них сорвала белка. Сколько сыроежек осталось на поляне? Задание № 27 Змейка. Под широким листом затаилась змейка. Я стал наблюдать. Пёс Шарик прыгнул на старый пень. Змейка скрылась в кустах. (19 слов) 5 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 8 – 2 – 1 – 0 = 4 + 2 – 1 + 1 = 3 + 3 – 2 + 0 = Задача № 27 В одном домике живут 4 гнома, а во втором домике – на 2 гнома больше. Сколько гномиков живёт в двух домах? Задание № 28 В роще. Я иду по лесу. Рядом бежит Жулька. Роща залита ярким светом. Тёплый ветерок играет с цветами и травами. Между деревьями летают мошки, жужжат сердито шмели. Кругом жизнь и радость! (31 слово) 5 + 5 – 1 = 8 – 3 + 4 = 7 – 7 + 5 = 3 + 6 + 1 = Задача № 28 На пароходике служит 1 капитан, а матросов – на 6 больше. Сколько человек служит на пароходике? Задание № 29 Шалун. Гулял ветер по широкому лугу. Он был весь в белых шарах. Пролетел пулей шалун над лугом. Вот чудо. Пропали шары. (21 слово) Дополни до 10 9 5 3 8 1 7 4 2 6 Задача № 29 Из 8 кусочков торта только 5 украшены розочками. Сколько кусочков торта не имеют таких украшений? Задание № 30 Урожай. Наступил разгар лета. Хлеба созрели. С утра едет по хлебному полю комбайн. Стоит сухая погода. Люди спешат собрать урожай. (20 слов) 4 + = 10 ­ ­ 3 >2 + Problem No. 30 7 asters bloomed in the flowerbed: 4 pink, and the rest lilac. How many lilac asters bloomed in the flowerbed?

A few words for moms.

Over the summer holidays, reading deteriorates in more than 50% of students, writing in 67%, and computing skills in 75% of students.

In order to maintain the level of academic skills, it is enough to train for 15 minutes daily during the summer holidays. There are 30 tasks in the notebook. They are designed for 6 summer weeks (from July 16 to August 26), 5 lessons per week. Each work is evaluated only by parents.

The collection presents homework for the summer in the Russian language and mathematics for 1st grade students, aimed at training and testing knowledge, as well as filling gaps in skills and abilities, after the initial stage of teaching literacy and mathematics.

Explanatory note

The manual presents homework for the summer in the Russian language and mathematics for 1st grade students, aimed at training and testing knowledge, as well as filling gaps in skills and abilities, after the initial stage of teaching literacy and mathematics.

For the Russian language, the manual includes exercises that cover the following topics:


Soft sign indicates softness;

Sound and sound-letter analysis of words (in accordance with the minimum);

Dividing a word into syllables; highlighting a stressed syllable in a word;

Transferring words into syllables; finding the boundaries of the proposal;

Offer boundaries;

Capital letter in proper names, etc.

Math assignments are offered

To perform arithmetic operations with numbers and magnitudes (addition within tens and addition/subtraction by full tens);

Solving simple equations; solving word problems in 1 action to find the amount, remainder, increase/decrease by several units;

Measuring the length of segments, comparing segments;

Comparison of numbers, expressions and quantities, etc.

The volume of material and structure of the manual are determined by the mandatory minimum of primary education.

Proper organization of homework involves daily short (15 minutes in Russian, 15 minutes in mathematics) exercises.

The manual is addressed to first grade students, teachers and parents, with the aim of developing basic knowledge and skills and updating knowledge for further education in the second grade.

Please pay attention to the following:

  • is the text meaningful?
  • Does the time decrease when reading it three times?
  • Is the height and correctness of lowercase letters maintained when rewriting and has the speed of writing increased over the last lessons?
  • whether the time spent on calculations and the number of errors have decreased.

Task No. 1

1. Write the letters Aa, BB, Vv

2. Complete the sound patterns of the words.

Sample: fox -[l´i s a] – 2 syllables, 4b., 4z.

Bayan, squirrel, pain.

3. Choose words that have opposite meanings

Small-..., black-..., slow-..., order-... .

4.Write from dictation


Spring. Warm day. The rooks scream merrily. Brooks are babbling. The guys go to the river. Ice floes float on the water. Seagulls fly over the water. (21 words)

No. 1 Calculate.

10 - 7 = 9 + 5 = 14 – 8 =

4 + 3 = 8 + 9 = 16 – 7 =

2. Solve the problem.

6 yellow roses bloomed in the flowerbed, and 2 fewer red roses. How many red roses bloomed in the flowerbed?

3. Solve the problem.

One jug contains 4 liters of milk, and the other has 3 liters more. How many liters of milk are in the second jug?

4.Fill in the blanks in the series of numbers.

11, 12, ..., ..., 15, 16, ..., 18, ..., 20, 21, ..., 23, ..., 25.

Task No. 2

1. Write the letters Gg, Dd, Ee

2. Make sound patterns of words.

Jam, doctor, blizzard.

3.Complete the sentences

The car is parked in... .

My brother plays the... well.

4. Copy the text:


Morning. The birds sang merrily. The rooster and chickens pecked the grain. Vaska the cat drank milk. The dog Zhuchka is at the porch. Zhuchka and boy Yura will play. (24 words)

1. Emphasize the rules you have learned.

No. 1 Calculate.

9 – 3 = 13 – 6 = 7 + 4 =

5 + 4 = 18 – 9 = 6 + 8 =

2. Solve the problem.

Sveta bought 5 apples and 4 more oranges. How many oranges did Sveta buy?

3. Solve the problem.

There are 10 currant bushes in one row, and 8 more bushes in the other. How many bushes are there in the second row?

4. Draw segments 4cm, 6cm, 7cm long.

Task No. 3

1. Write the letters Zhzh, Zz, Ii, zhi-shi

2. Divide into syllables, put emphasis. Underline the spellings.

Reeds, puddles, hedgehogs, teapot, stocking, pike.

In summer.

Summer. Here is the village of Voyutino. There is a cow Zorka in the meadow. She eats juicy grass. Our dacha by the river. We fish there. Alyosha caught pike and bream. (26 words)

4.Name the literary heroes.

Wooden boy-_______________


Girl with blue hair -_________________


Add to 9

No. 2. Solve the problem.

Masha needs to water 6 flowers. She has already watered 3 flowers. How many flowers are left to water for Masha?

No. 3. Draw a table in your notebook and fill it out.

Tens 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Units 3 6 2 9 0 6 5


Task No. 4

1. Write: Kk, Ll, Mm, zhe-she

2.Insert the phrases zhi, shi.,, about..bka,,, pu..nka.

3. The magpie carried away the end of the words. Write them down.

Smart... Know-it-all, brave.. Ball, interesting.. book, little.. teddy bear, football.. field.

3.Dictation, underline spelling.


May. Good in the forest! Siskins and blackbirds are singing. Lilies of the valley are blooming. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. A bee sits on a flower. The trail has pine and oak trees. There is a squirrel on a pine tree. (27 words)


10 – 9 + 2 = 8 – 2 + 4 =

0 + 5 + 3 = 1 + 8 – 7 =

No. 2. Solve the problem.

There are 5 apples and the same number of oranges in the refrigerator. How many apples and oranges are there in the refrigerator?

No. 3. Connect three points along a ruler with a pencil: 1, 2, 3.

What kind of figure did you get? Measure each side and record the measurement results on the drawing.

1 ∙ 3 ∙

2 ∙

Task No. 5

  1. Determine the number of syllables, letters and sounds.

Days, hare, bear, mushroom, Olya, car.

  1. Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

School, desk, teacher, children, pen, pencil, eraser, blackboard, chalk, recess, lesson.

3. Write down, underline the spelling


There was an oak tree in the forest. A woodpecker flew to the oak tree. He hollowed out a deep hollow in the trunk. He lived in it for the summer, took the children out and flew away. (23 words)

No. 1. Calculate

10 – 8 + 3 = 9 – 3 + 1 = 9 – 5 - 3=

8 – 5 – 1 = 4 + 3 – 0 = 10 – 6 - 2=

#2 Solve the problem.

Lena guessed 4 riddles, and Sveta answered 2 more riddles. How many riddles did the girls guess?

No. 3. Solve the problem.

There were 8 helicopters at the airfield. When several helicopters flew away, there were 3 helicopters left. How many helicopters took off?

No. 4. Circle 10 cells in one row and 6 fewer cells in the other row. How many cells were circled in two rows?

Task No. 6

1. Write: Rr, Ss, Tt

2.Insert a soft sign where necessary.

Fingers, l.. you, perch..., house.., day..., table... .

3. Write down, insert the missing letters:

It rained. The ground was wet. The leaves were covered with drops of rain. The water drove out a small cricket from under the leaves.

4.Write 5 names of cities and rivers. Make 1 sentence.

Add to 11

#2 Solve the problem

7 girls took part in the concert, and 3 less boys. How many children took part in the concert?

No. 3. Solve the problem.

10 kg of berries were collected from two currant bushes. 6 kg of berries were collected from the first bush. How many berries did you pick from the second bush?

No. 4. Write single-digit numbers on one line and two-digit numbers on the other.


No. 5. Draw one segment 10 cm long, the other 5 cm shorter. Compare the segments. Task No. 7

1. Write the letters: Uu, Ff, Xx

2. Write 5 animal names.For example: cow Murka. Make up a sentence with one word combination.

3. Choose words that indicate the characteristics of the object.

Furniture (for what?) - ……….furniture

flag (which) - ……… flag

terrain (what?) - …………terrain

magazine (which?) - ………magazine

table (what?) - ……….table


The guys climbed onto the poultry house. Alyosha took the gosling. The geese rushed at the boy and began to hiss. Bird-keeper Dasha went out onto the porch. The birds became silent. (22 words)

No. 1 Calculate.

6 + 1 = 5 + 3 = 8 – 4 =

9 – 7 = 2 + 6 = 7 – 7 =

No. 2. Solve the problem.

The box contains 15 chocolates with nuts and jam. There are 6 candies with nuts, and the rest with jam. How many sweets with jam?

No. 3. Solve the problem.

At the dacha we collected 6 buckets of tomatoes and 3 buckets of cucumbers. How many more buckets of tomatoes did you collect than cucumbers?

Task No. 8

1. Letter letters Tss, Chch, Shsh

2. Write words that name baby animals. Sample: fox cubs

Wolf, hare, bear, jackdaw, rabbit, tree, duck

3. Write down, underline the spelling

At home.

I'm learning lessons. There are books and an album on the table. Kids Alena and Dima are playing. They build a tower out of cubes. The dog Tyopa broke the tower with his paw. (24 words)

No. 1 Calculate.

6 + 5 = 11 – 7 =

5 + 9 = 14 – 6 =

No. 2. Solve the problem.

There are 12 red and blue pieces in the Lego constructor. Red parts – 5 pieces. How many blue parts were there in the construction set?

No. 3. Solve the problem.

There were 10 apples and 7 pears in a vase. How many fewer pears were there than apples?

No. 4. Compare.

2 dm*20cm 5cm*5 dm 60cm*6 dm 10dm*100cm

No. 5. Draw a segment 1 cm long and another 1 cm shorter. Task No. 9

1. Add a vowel to make a word:

D...m, p...t, p...l, m...l, s...n

2.Place stress in words, divide into syllables:

School, lamp, song, business, catalogue, shovel.

3.Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stranded, coat, friends, joy, sea, fun, bumblebee.

4. Write down, underline the spelling

Rose hip.

Rose hips grew in Grandma Nyura's garden. Rose hips have sharp thorns. Katyusha pricked her finger. Brother Andrey took out the splinter. It does not hurt anymore. The girl smiled. (23 words)

Add to 13

#2 Solve the problem.

They brought 6 cakes with cream to the store, and 2 less with cream. How many cream cakes did you bring to the store?

No. 3. Write down only those examples in which the answer is 4.

2+1, 3-2, 2+2, 5-3, 5-1, 1+3, 3+2.

No. 4. Compare.

6 * 2 6+2 * 6+1 5+3 * 4+4

4 * 4 3+2 * 4+2 1+7 * 6+1

Task No. 10

1.Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Singing, airplane, apple, patience, daughter, raccoon, poplar

2. Insert the necessary words into the sentences.

Dill and ………… grow in the garden bed.

Ran along the path……………

3. Underline the vowels in the words.

Acacia, smile, shop, frost, frying pan, country.

4. Underline the consonants in the words.

June, leaves, car, backpack, cash register, kettle.

No. 1Calculate.

1 + 9 + 5 = 10 – 7 + 5 =

8 – 5 + 7 = 9 + 3 + 2 =

#2 Solve the problem

To decorate the classroom for the holiday, 11 red balloons and 9 blue ones were inflated. How many more red balls are there than blue balls?

No. 3. Fill out the table.




Task No. 11

1. Place emphasis in words:

riddle, wizard, leisure, briefcase, sorrel, beets.

2. Which words have more letters than sounds? Write them out.

Stump, family, night, jam, skates, trees, blizzard.

3. Which words have fewer letters than sounds? Write them out.

Hawk, train, guest, skill, oven, spruce, seal

4. Write down the words in which the second syllable is stressed.

Shop, sadness, city, ravine, salad, sugar, tomato

5. Write it down.

A trip to see my brother.

Mitya came to Moscow to visit his brother Alyosha. Alyosha was a pilot. He showed Mitya a real plane. Mitya was very interested. (22 words)

No. 1. Calculate.

14 - 6 = 12 – 9 =

9 + 7 = 15 – 8 =

No. 2. Solve the problem.

Katya braided her doll 8 braids, and Vera had 3 braids less than Katya. How many braids did Vera braid her doll?

No. 3. Fill out the table:




Task No. 12

1.Write down words that have fewer sounds than letters.

Horses, beast, shadow, horse, spruce, door.

2. Insert the missing letters, write two words for this rule.

Fluff...nka, top...on, f...zn, sh...lo, embroidery...vka, press...vka.

3. Write down the text, dividing it into sentences.

I'm walking through the forest, suddenly I hear the knocking of a woodpecker, they call him a forest nurse; a woodpecker treats trees for pests.

Add to 15

No. 2. Solve the problem.

Vasya folded 6 airplanes out of paper, and there were 3 more boats than airplanes. How many boats did Vasya make out of paper?

No. 3. Count:

9-6= 10-3= 7-6=

10-8= 8-4= 4-4=

7-5= 10-5= 9-5=

Task No. 13

1. Write the words according to the example:

light - light

funny - _____________________

Fine - ____________________

fast - _____________________

polite - ____________________

diligently - ___________________

Put emphasis on words. Divide into syllables.

2. Divide the words into syllables. What words cannot be hyphenated? Write it down their.
Guys, lion cubs, gifts, horse, Olya, crane, stork, ice floe.

3.Write down, underline the rules


It's a warm morning. Deniska has new fishing rods. He runs to the pond. The boy cast his fishing rod. What luck! There was a pike on the hook, and then a bream. Grandma Lyuba cooked fish soup. (28 words)


10+2= 15-5= 19-10=

11-10= 10+7= 13-3=

15-10= 14-4= 11-1=

#2 Solve the problem

In April, the owner planted 10 eggplant seedlings in the greenhouse. Due to May frosts, 6 plants died. The owner planted 5 more. How many eggplant bushes are now growing in the greenhouse?

No. 3. Draw one segment 5 cm long, and the second 3 cm shorter. Compare them.

Task No. 14

1. Write down words that consist of two syllables.

Acacia, star, radio, teapot, dance, watermelon, clearing, metro, pit.

2. Fill in the missing letters., ch...lok, sh...ka, ch...brow, sh...finger, ch...gun, drag... .

3. Insert the missing letters, write two words for this rule.

Ch...ynik, sh...vel, cloud..., grove..., ch...yka, farewell, seal...t.

4. Fill in the missing letters.

There was a babbling stream in the forest. Birds are looking for food... The elk goes into the forest. A woodpecker knocked on a tree. Already... crawling into the reeds...

Add to 17

#2 Solve the problem.

There were 3 yellow apples and 6 red apples in the vase. How many apples were in the vase?

No. 3. Compare (>, ):

10+3…10+5 10+0…10+1

10+6…10+8 10+9…10+2

10-3…10-5 10+7…10+4

Task No. 15

1.Underline the letters whose spelling needs to be checked.

Rains, grass, fields, rain, nest, scarf, mushrooms, snow, flag, snow, swifts, mushroom, mountain, thrush, hedgehog.

2.Write down, underline the rules


A bee is circling around a linden tree. She works all day. Brother Seryozha has an apiary in the garden. He gave us honey for tea. Good fragrant honey! (24 words)


8 + 2 – 5 = 8 – 2 + 3 – 1 =

7 – 4 + 6 = 9 + 1 – 4 + 2 =

#2 Solve the problem

There were 9 cakes on the festive table. After the holiday, there were 3 cakes left on the table. How many cakes did you eat during the holiday?

No. 3. Correct errors:

10 – 4 = 5 10 – 8 = 2 10 – 5 = 6

10 – 7 = 3 10 – 9 = 2 10 – 6 = 4

10 – 5 = 4 10 – 6 = 8 9 – 8 = 2

Task No. 16

1.Insert the missing letters, divide the words into syllables.

Animals, sick, boy, fell, then, lights, perches,,, residents, schoolchildren.

2. Read the words. Make a sentence out of them and write it down.In, spruce,, stood, tall.

3. Write down, underline the spelling

In the forest.

An owl was sitting on an old stump. She blinked her eyes. A cone fell from the tree. The owl got scared and flew away into the thicket of the forest. (21 words)

Add to 12

#2 Solve the problem

A notebook and pen together cost 9 rubles. How much does a notebook cost if a pen costs 4 rubles?

No. 3. Solve the problem.

They brought 20 kg of potatoes to the store, and sold 10 of them. How many kg. any potatoes left?

No. 4. Fill in the missing numbers.

11- =9 - 8 = 5 3+ =9

6+ =12 13- =8 +7=15

1+ =4 -3 = 9 3+ =11

Task No. 17

1. Choose a test word for each word and write it down.

R...ka,, m...ha, s...blah, holy...cha, s...dy,,

2. Write down, indicate the emphasis in the words.

Astana is the main city of our country.

3.Write, changing the words in brackets according to their meaning.

Beautiful (oaks), thin (ice), educational (years), fresh (bread).

No. 1. Calculate.

5 + 2 = 6 – 3 = 9 – 7 =

7 – 4 = 3 + 6 = 1 + 5 =

#2 Solve the problem

9 people signed up for an appointment with the doctor. He has already accepted 4 people. How many people does the doctor have left to see?

No. 3. Complete the task.

16 cm=…dm…cm 1dm 2 cm =…cm

19 cm=…dm…cm 1dm 7 cm =…cm

20 cm=…dm…cm 1dm 1 cm =…cm

Task No. 1 8

1.Write, underline the spelling


Chickens were walking in the yard. Sasha gave them food. The chickens ate grain and drank water. Barsik the cat was sleeping on the porch. So he got up and started running. The cat scared away all the chickens. (30 words)

No. 1. Calculate.

4 + 1 = 4 + 2 = 3 + 5 =

8 – 4 = 2 + 4 = 5 + 3 =

#2 Solve the problem

Vasya ate 3 candies and gave 4 to his friends. How many candies did Vasya have at first?

No. 3. Find the meaning of the expressions.

8 + 2 = 10 – 9 = 4 + 5 =

10 – 7 = 10 – 8 = 6 – 5 =

9 – 4 = 9 – 8 = 10 – 9 =

Task No. 19

1.Using blue and green pencils, underline the letters indicating hard and soft consonants:Tiny, tiny, crumble.

2.Make sound patterns of words according to the example:

fox -[l´i s a] – 2 syllables, 4 b. 4 stars.

Oaks ______________________



Hare _______________________

3. Find words that begin with the letter z, write them down, and divide them into syllables.


4. Write down, underline the spelling

My yard.

This is my yard. I love to play in the yard. In winter I give my friend sledding rides. In the summer we play hide and seek. We are having fun.

Add to 14

#2 Solve the problem

Sveta treated Lena with 6 candies, and Igor with 3 candies. How many candies did Sveta give to the children?

No. 3. Correct errors:

13-4=8 13-8=5 12-5=6

13-7=6 13-9=4 12-6=6

13-5=7 13-6=8 12-8=5

Task No. 20

1. Write down, underline a word with 5 letters and 4 sounds.

Dress, shoes and home should be as clean as possible.

2. Choose and complete the correct word.

Next to the bicycle stood ________ (fluff, fluff).

Our house is saved from enemies by a dog________________

(baby, baby.)

3. Read the text, divide it into sentences. Write down the second sentence.

I poured millet into the feeder, sparrows and tits immediately flocked to them and quickly pecked at the food.

No. 1. Calculate.

6 - 1 = 4 + 5 = 2 + 2 =

3 + 5 = 8 – 2 = 3 + 3 =

#2 Solve the problem

There were 5 bears on the shelf. One of them was taken to play. How many bears are left on the shelf?

No. 3. Solve the problem.

One artist painted 6 oranges, and another artist painted 4 more. How many oranges did both artists draw?

No. 4. Fill in the missing numbers.

3+ =10 10- =9 - 9 = 5

8+ =12 6+ =8 5 - =4

9- =5 10- =8 + 6 =10

Task No. 21

1.Read the test words and insert the missing letters.

Teeth - zu..., shores - bere..., beaches - beach... oaks - du..., treasures - cla... trains - train..., manhole - eyes...

2. Write it down, changing the words in brackets as necessary in meaning:

Hard (labor)______________

Gentle (slopes)_______________

Cheerful (looks)______________

February (frost)___________

3.Read the words. Find new words in them, write them down and put emphasis on them.

Duck, post, bison, crack, regiment, fishing rod.

4. Write down, underline the spelling


In the spring, my mother and I planted a lily. She should have been white. We have been waiting for a miracle for a long time. Five buds appeared. I kept walking and admiring them. (26 words)

No. 1. Fill in the missing numbers.

9 -  = 2  + 4 = 5

 + 3 =8 7 -  = 1

#2 Solve the problem

There were 3 nuts in the vase. They added 2 more nuts. How many nuts are there in the vase?

No. 3. Find the meaning of the expressions.

9-5= 10-9= 10-7=

7-4= 10+4= 10-8=

1+7= 10-9 = 10-6=

Task No. 22

1.Read, make words from syllables, write, put emphasis.

ka, white nok, call, nickname, what, for, cha, yes ka, re re, ta, bya

2.Guess the word:

The first letter of the word appears in the alphabet after the letter O, the second - after the letter D, the third - before the letter U, the fourth - after T, the fifth - before the letter C.

Write down the word, put the emphasis.

3Write down the words, divide them into syllables for transfer.

Grains, boy, seagull, shadow, cash register, singing, bunny, umbrella, magazine.

4.Dictation, underline spelling

Wonderful morning.

With the first rays of the sun the grove wakes up. A fresh breeze slightly shakes the reeds by the river. A hedgehog rustles in the grass. The birds begin to sing. (22 words)

Add to 16

#2 Solve the problem

Pinocchio had 3 coins, and Malvina had 2 more. How many coins did Malvina have?

No. 3. Insert the missing signs + or -.

10 * 6 * 4 = 8 5 * 4 * 9 = 10

2 * 7 * 5 = 4 4 * 2 * 5 = 1

10 * 2 * 3 =5 10 * 3 * 4 = 3

6 * 6 * 8 = 8 10 * 7 * 2 = 1

Task No. 23

1.Write the words in two columns. In the first column - with stress on the first syllable, in the second - on the second.

Mushrooms, fireworks, master, people, tie, autumn.

Floor..., friend...on, sh...shki, pears..., sh...ny, hedgehog..., hut..., ruff..., chizh..., f...r, ear..., galosh..., already..., reed....

3. Write down the words in which the stress falls on the third syllable.

Magazines, cucumbers, villages, springs, cities, plays, rustles, reeds.

No. 1. Fill in the missing numbers

 - 6 = 2 10 -  = 7

4 +  = 5  + 3 = 5

#2 Solve the problem

There were 10 cars driving along the road. 4 cars ran out of gas and stopped. How many cars went further?

No. 3. Find the meanings of the expressions.

3 + 2 = 5 + 5 = 10 – 7 =

10 - 6= 3 + 3 = 10 – 8 =

10 - 9= 9 – 9 = 5 + 3 =

No. 4.Solve the problem:

9 dogs performed in the arena. 7 dogs sat on the bedside tables, and the rest jumped into the house. How many dogs were in the house?

Task No. 24

1. Find action words in the text and underline them with two lines.

Saltanat irons her skirt and trousers. Tall poplars grow along the road. There is a blue bow on the hat.

2. Write it down. Insert the missing letters.

Pish..., h...sch..., grove..., heap..., locust...,, cloud..., dacha..., thick..., candles...

3. Write down, underline the spelling

Misha and the puppy.

Misha walked along the path to the forest. Suddenly a small puppy ran out. He whined pitifully. The boy took the puppy and named it Bug. The puppy grew up and became a big and kind dog. (30 words)

1. Compare (>, ):

7+3…7-3 2+4…9-4

8-3…4+3 7-4…3+4

9-3…3+3 5+4…5-4

#2 Solve the problem

Five ducklings were basking in the clearing. 3 of them ran away after the dragonfly. How many ducklings are left in the clearing?

No. 3. Write down an example and follow the steps:

Add 3 to 4, increase 5 by 4, find the sum of numbers 2 and 4,

7 plus 3, add the numbers 8 and 1, reduce 8 by 2.

No. 4. Write down the numbers from 10 to 4 in order

Task No. 25

1.Write the words according to the model.

Search - I am searching.

Teach – I ___. Cry – I ____.

To drag – I _____. Twist - I ______.

2. Write words with soft consonants in one column, and words with hard consonants in the second.

Vases, sit down, buttercups, bag, hand, ditch, shadow, grandmother, Petya, boxes.

3.Write down the words that answer the question who?

Dog, morning, cat, lynx, rain, samovar, window, boy, perch, door.

No. 1. Draw segments of 5 cm and 8 cm. Find out how many centimeters one segment is longer than the other.

No. 2. Find the meaning of expressions

3 + 5 = 3 + 3 =

7 + 2 = 10 – 3 =

2 + 8 = 4 + 6 =

8 – 1 = 8 – 6 =

9 – 4 = 9 – 7 =

No. 3.Solve the problem:

There were 4 butterflies and the same number of dragonflies flying in the clearing. How many insects were there in the clearing?

Task No. 26

1.Copy it down by inserting the missing letters. Write test words.,,,d...ry.

2. Separate words for hyphenation.

Crystal, hare, Natalya, bench, days, ice floe.

3. Write it down. Underline the vowels in the words.

Carrot, Friday, spring, Christmas tree, snowflake, friend, winter, book, skirt.

No. 1. Insert the missing numbers:

11-…=9 …-8=5 3+…=9

6+…=12 13-…=8 …+7=15

1+…=4 … -3=9 3+…=11

No. 2 Solve the problem:

There were 10 russula growing in the clearing. Four of them were picked off by a squirrel. How many russula are left in the clearing?

#3 Count:

9+4= 9-4= 5-2=

8+4= 12-6= 3+6=

13-10= 1+10= 11-5=

Task No. 27

1.Choose test words. Insert the missing letters.

M...sty, gr...barrels, sn...govik, sl...nyat.

2. Write it down. Put a point where necessary. Start the first word of each sentence with a capital letter.

The holidays have arrived, the guys made a skating rink in the yard, and now the children are skating.

3 . Read it. Write it down. Instead of dots, insert the necessary words.

The cold weather has arrived. A fluffy one fell out... They are cracking... from the frost. Wide... frozen.

Words for reference: river, snow, trees.

№1 Calculate

5 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 4 + 2 – 1 + 1 =

8 – 2 – 1 – 0 = 3 + 3 – 2 + 0 =

No. 2.Solve the problem:

4 gnomes live in one house, and 2 more gnomes live in the second house. How many gnomes live in two houses?

No. 3. Draw segments 3 cm and 9 cm long. Compare the lengths of the segments.

No. 4. Solve the problem.

The children planted 5 roses and 4 asters. How many flowers did the children plant?

Task No. 28

1.Read each sentence. How many offers are there? Write it down. Put a period where necessary.

In winter, the birds go hungry. Kolya hung feeders in the garden and the birds flew in.

2. Make a sentence from the words in each line. Divide the words into syllables and add stress.

Geese, meadow, on, grazing

Yasha, tease, began, geese

Goose, chased, Yasha

Yasha screamed and ran away

№1 Calculate

5 + 5 – 1 = 8 – 3 + 4 =

3 + 6 + 1 = 7 – 7 + 5 =

No. 2.Solve the problem:

There is 1 captain on the ship, and 6 more sailors. How many people serve on the ship?

No. 3. Count:

12-8= 10-5= 7+6=

15-9= 4+8= 9-3=

8+3= 9+4= 13-8=

Task No. 29

1. Write it down. Put a period where necessary.

Children go to school, the bell rings, the teacher enters the classroom, the lesson has begun.

2. Write it down. Divide words for hyphenation?

Kindness, heroism, courage, attention, diligent, cheerful, cowardly.

3. Write it down. In sentence 1, underline the vowels, and in sentence 2, the consonants.

Our class.

No. 2.Solve the problem:

Of the 8 pieces of cake, only 5 are decorated with roses. How many pieces of cake don't have these decorations?

No. 3. Find the meaning of the expressions.

2 + 3 = 6 + 1 = 5 - 4 = 0 + 9 =

7 – 1 = 8 + 2 = 9 – 2 = 7 – 3 =

No. 4. Fill in the missing terms.

+ 1 = 5 + = 5

2 + = 8 + 2 = 9

Task No. 30

1. Insert the letter U or Y. Underline the words with chu-shu with a green pencil.

Unscrew_, sm_g_ly, s_pl_lyh, cr_chku, deep_sh, bone_m, s_p_ayut, ch_chelam, g_lyash, ch_lochki, s_sha, pulled out_, sharpness, search_, pl_s, monster, pos_da, b_w, oven, ch_t, pup, l_stra, grab_, drag_, all_ duh, want_, ch_hoy, pl_shch, gilded_, prohibit_, transform_, gl_post, let go, tr_k, drag_.

2.Write down, correcting mistakes.

Scrambled eggs, skates, transparent, boy, steel, telephone, racer, swallow, dot, drummer, glasses, check.

No. 1Solve the problem.

7 asters bloomed in the flowerbed: 4 pink, and the rest lilac. How many lilac asters bloomed in the flowerbed?

No. 2. Solve the problem.

The children bought 3 kg of carrots and

Moshkovskaya E.E. What kinds of gifts are there?

Tokmakova I.P. Evening Tale

Kharms D.I. Amazing cat


Bianki V.V. Whose nose is better? Bear-Bashka and others. Stories and fairy tales

Nosov N.N. Dreamers (collection of stories)

Dragunsky V. Deniskin's stories

Oseeva V.A. Magic word

Prishvin M.M. Squirrel memory

Sladkov N.I. Forest Tales

Tolstoy L.N. Stories about children

Charushin E.I. Friends

Paustovsky K. Cat-thief. Rubber boat

Literary tales

Andersen G.H. Ugly duck. The Snow Queen. Wild Swans

Garshin V. Frog-traveler

Kataev V.P. Seven-flowered flower

Kipling R. Mowgli

Mamin-Sibiryak D.N. Alyonushka's tales

Odoevsky V.F. Moroz Ivanovich

Perrault S. Fairy tales

Chukovsky K.I. Fairy tales

Uspensky E. Crocodile Gena and his friends

This notebook is intended for repetition and consolidation of the material covered in the Russian language and mathematics for the 1st grade course. The work covers all the topics covered in these subjects, which allows you to retain the skills acquired over the year. The tasks are offered to children for independent completion, and the answers to them allow adults to reduce the time they spend checking them. The notebook contains a sample list of books to read. A reader's diary will help parents organize systematic reading for their child during the summer holidays. The activities can also be used throughout the school year. The presented material complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOO.

Solve the problem and write down the answer.
Petya has 7 computer games about sports, and Vanya has 5 more games. How many computer games does Vanya have?

Find and write sentences about fish.
The fisherman took out his fishing rod. Fish oil is good for children. A motley fish lives in an aquarium. Grandma cooked fish soup for lunch. Why does a fish wag its tail?

Divide into sentences. Write it down, marking the beginning of sentences with a capital letter and the end with a period.
It was a hot summer, the children went to pick mushrooms in the forest, they were caught in a thunderstorm and it was raining heavily, the children took refuge in a hut.

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Publication date: 06/03/2017 08:54 UTC

  • Combined summer assignments, 1st grade, 50 lessons in Russian language and mathematics, Ilyashenko L.A., Shcheglova I.V.
  • Combined summer assignments, 1st grade, 50 lessons in Russian language and mathematics, Ilyashenko L.A., Shcheglova I.V., 2017
  • Combined summer assignments for the 2nd grade course, 50 lessons in Russian language and mathematics, Ilyashenko L.A., Shcheglova I.V., 2017
  • Summer trip to the land of knowledge from 1st to 2nd grade, Tarasova L.E.

The following textbooks and books.

Summer has not yet begun, but June is already coming to an end. Before you know it, it’s August and it’s time to get ready for school. Some kids will be going there for the first time this year, and their parents are very worried about whether their children are ready for this test. Maybe you should do some extra reading and arithmetic work during the holidays? Or vice versa, give the child a rest, it’s the last carefree summer!

On the u-mama website, parents of future first-graders were given several recommendations on what to do and what not to do. Here are these useful tips for you.

What should you not do in the summer before school?

  1. Worry yourself. If parents are running around with bulging eyes, buying stationery, and screaming: “We don’t have time to do anything!”, then children, naturally, will take over the mood of adults and also begin to get nervous. Keep calm. School is not scary.
  2. Intimidate with stories. You shouldn’t once again tell your child that “but at school you have to sit straight,” “but at school the teachers will punish you for this,” “but at school your classmates will not understand you that way.” Don't turn school into a place of evil in the eyes of children.
  3. Load with studies. There is no need to force your child to prepare for school and sit with textbooks or books instead of going out. If you exhaust your child now, he will come to school exhausted and definitely without positive emotions.
  4. Pick up toys. It’s not worth saying that now you’re an adult, so you don’t need bears, dolls and cars. This will be too much stress for the child; they need to adjust to school life gradually, without drastic decisions.
  5. Arriving late from vacation. Try to plan your return from the dacha or from vacation a week before the start of school, so as not to rush to purchase everything you need and give your child time to adapt to city life. If you fly home a day or two before September 1, you will be in a hurry and in a hurry, and this will be extra stress for you and the child.

What should you do in the summer before school?

  1. Tell us about the school. Remember what funny and interesting stories happened to you at school, and tell them to your child (of course, not about absenteeism and missing grades in the diary). Try to convey to your child the idea that school is a great place for new discoveries and acquaintances.
  2. Don't hide the bad. When conducting a PR campaign called “School is Cool,” do not forget to gently mention the disadvantages. Talk about homework, workload, and other problems your child may face. The child must be prepared for difficulties and have in mind several options for solving possible conflict or difficult situations.
  3. Switch to the right daily routine. There is no need to rush with the harsh: “Bed at nine!” But there is no need to hesitate in switching to a different schedule. Make a “day plan for your future first-grader” and slowly move on to it over the summer.
  4. Play school. Play school with your child, let him play both the role of a teacher and a student in order to understand what relationships and rules prevail in the classroom. Together with him, teach the plush rabbits to count and the bears to read.
  5. Teach independence. Let the baby gradually learn to do some things on his own. Yes, completely by myself! For example, getting dressed, tying shoelaces, preparing breakfast. Teach him responsibility and train his attention so that in the first grade the child does not lose his entire briefcase in the school corridors.

Summer lessons for future first-graders

  1. Collect natural materials. Most likely, in the first grade during labor lessons you will need to create crafts from acorns, flowers, leaves and twigs, so you can prepare for this in advance. Children are only happy to go into the forest once again and pick up cones.
  2. Make a herbarium. Again, in the first grade, during lessons on labor or the surrounding world, you may need a small herbarium, which can also be prepared in the summer. Learn the names of plants, make an applique of leaves or stick them in an album.
  3. Train your hand. No, not in the copybooks. Graphic dictations are best suited for future first-graders. They are very easy to find on the Internet. Such activities help consolidate spatial awareness and train attentiveness. And don’t be scared, it just sounds scary - in fact, the child will probably like drawing animals by cells!
  4. Pack your briefcase. The child must learn to pack on his own and take everything he needs with him. Organize a briefcase competition. Write on a piece of paper everything that needs to be taken, and let the child start the morning every two or three days with an imaginary preparation for school. And to make it more fun for him, for starters the list could consist of toys, leaves and a leash for the dog.
  5. Read for pleasure. Don't force your child to read, but encourage his love of books. Pay more attention to stories about school; you can study the literature that your child will study in first grade, so that later it will be easier for him in class.

In general, have fun preparing and don’t worry. Enjoy a carefree summer and spend more time with your little first-grader!

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