Who came to us with a sword? “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” defenders of the Russian land

780 years ago, in 1236, Alexander Yaroslavich began his independent activities as Prince of Novgorod. With military victories on the western borders of the country and skillful policies in the east, he predetermined the fate of Novgorod and Vladimir Rus' for two centuries. He showed the need for a brutal, uncompromising confrontation with the West and allied relations with the East, the Horde kingdom.


The birthplace of the famous Russian commander was the ancient Russian city of Pereyaslavl (Pereslavl-Zalessky), standing on the Trubezh River, which flows into Lake Kleshchino (Pleshcheyevo). They called it Zalessky because in the old days a wide strip of dense forests seemed to enclose and protect the city from the steppe. Pereyaslavl was the capital of Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, a powerful man, decisive and firm in the fight against enemies, who spent most of his life in military campaigns.

Here on May 13, 1221, Yaroslav and his wife Princess Rostislava (Feodosia) Mstislavna, the Toropetsk princess, daughter of the famous warrior, Prince of Novgorod and Galicia Mstislav Udatny, had a son, their second, who was named Alexander. The child grew up healthy and strong. When he was four years old, the rite of dedication of Alexander to warriors (initiation) took place. The prince was girded with a sword and mounted on a war horse. They gave a bow and arrows into their hands, which indicated the warrior’s duty to defend his native land from the enemy. From that time on, he could lead the squad. The father prepared his son to become a knight, but ordered him to also teach literacy. The prince also studied Russian law - “Russian Truth”. The young prince’s favorite pastime was studying the military experience of his ancestors and the events of his native antiquity. In this regard, Russian chronicles served as an invaluable treasury of knowledge and military thought.

But the main thing in Alexander’s training was the practical mastery of all the intricacies of military affairs. This was the unwritten law of that harsh time, and no concessions were made to the princes. In Rus' then people grew up early and became warriors already in their teens. Already at the age of 4-5, the prince received an exact copy of a sword made of soft, light wood - linden (it allowed him to learn to keep his distance in battle). Then the wooden sword became harder and heavier - it was made from oak or ash. The children were also given a bow and arrow. The size of the bow gradually increased, and the resistance of the string increased. First, the arrow was thrown at a stationary target, and then at a moving one, and the princes were taken on a hunt. Hunting was a whole school for tracking, the skills of a tracker appeared, the youth learned to kill and face danger (psychological preparation). Experienced princely warriors taught the children of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich horse riding. Initially on well-trained war horses. By the age of ten, the prince was obliged to personally pacify the unbroken three-year-old horse. The warriors taught the prince how to wield a sulitsa (Russian dart) and a spear. A sulitsa, accurately thrown with a firm hand, hit the enemy at a distance. Much more skill was required to fight with spears. Here, first of all, the ramming blow with a heavy spear was practiced. An irresistible prick in the visor was considered the pinnacle of art.

Such training was no exception: it was mandatory in princely families. The future prince is both a ruler and a professional warrior. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that almost all the ancient Russian princes were selected knights, personally participated in battles, and even in the forefront of their squads, and often entered into fights with the leaders of their enemies. All free men of Rus' received similar training, albeit simpler, without horse riding, sword training (the sword was an expensive pleasure), etc. A bow, a hunting spear, an ax and a knife were everyday items of the Russian people of that era. And the Rus at all times were considered the best warriors.

Features of Veliky Novgorod

In 1228, Alexander and his older brother Fyodor were left by their father, along with the Pereyaslav army, which was preparing to march on Riga in the summer, in Novgorod under the supervision of Fyodor Danilovich and Tiun Yakim. Under their supervision, the training of the princes in military affairs continued. The princes learned about Novgorod and its customs, so that in the future they would not make rash decisions that could cause a quarrel with the free townspeople. Those invited to reign were often simply expelled from Novgorod. They were pointed to the road leading out of the city, with the words: “Go, prince, we don’t like you.”

Novgorod was the most populous and richest city in Rus' at the beginning of the 13th century. That's why he was called the Great. It was not affected by the raids of the steppes in the south and the fierce struggle of the princes for Kyiv, which was devastated more than once, only strengthened the position of the northern center of Rus'. The full-flowing Volkhov divided the city into two parts. The western side was called Sophia, here was a strong Kremlin - “Detinets”, and in it the majestic stone Cathedral of Hagia Sophia. The long bridge connected the Sofia side with the eastern part of the city - the Trade Side, the busiest place in Novgorod. There was a trade here. Merchants from the Novgorod Pyatina (regions), from the banks of the Volga, Oka and Dnieper, representatives of Finno-Ugric tribes from the Baltic coast, residents of Scandinavia and Central Europe came here. The Russians sold furs and leather, barrels of honey, wax and lard, bales of hemp and flax; foreigners brought weapons, iron and copper products, cloth, fabrics, luxury goods, wine and many other goods.

Novgorod the Great had its own special management system. If in other Russian lands the veche had already ceded the leading role to princely power, then in Novgorod things were different. The highest authority on Novgorod land was the veche - a meeting of all free citizens who had reached the age of majority. The veche invited to reign a prince who liked the Novgorodians with a small retinue, so that the prince would not be tempted to seize control, and elected a mayor from among the boyars. The prince was the commander of the feudal republic, and the mayor protected the interests of the townspeople, supervised the activities of all officials, together with the prince was in charge of issues of administration and court, commanded the militia, led the veche assembly and the boyar council, and represented in foreign relations. In addition, an important role in the city was played by the elected thousand, who represented the interests of lesser boyars and black people, was in charge of the commercial court, disputes between Russians and foreigners, and participated in the foreign policy of the aristocratic republic. An important role was also played by the archbishop (lord) - the keeper of the state treasury, the controller of weights and measures, the lord's regiment kept order.

A prince invited to reign in Novgorod (as a rule, from the Vladimir lands, which were the grain granary of the free city) did not have the right to live in Novgorod itself. His residence together with his squad was Gorodishche on the right bank of the Volkhov.

Novgorod at that time was a powerful, mobile military organization. Issues of protecting Novgorod from external enemies were always resolved at veche meetings. Before the threat of an enemy attack or the Novgorodians themselves setting out on a campaign, a meeting was held, at which the number of troops and routes of movement were determined. According to the old custom, Novgorod fielded a militia: each family sent all its adult sons, with the exception of the youngest. Refusal to defend one's native land was considered an indelible shame. The discipline of the army was supported by an oral promise-oath, which was based on the decisions of the veche. The basis of the army was the urban and rural people's militia, formed from artisans, small traders and peasants. The army also included squads of boyars and large merchants. The number of soldiers brought by the boyar was determined by the vastness of his land holdings. The squads of boyars and Novgorod merchants made up the equestrian “front squad”. The army was divided into regiments, the numerical strength of which was not constant. Novgorod could field up to 20 thousand soldiers, which was a large army for feudal Europe. At the head of the army were the prince and the mayor. The militia of the city itself had a coherent structure that corresponded to the administrative division of Novgorod. It was recruited from five city ends (Nerevsky, Lyudin, Plotnitsky, Slavensky and Zagorodsky) and numbered about 5 thousand fighters. The city militia was led by a thousand. The militia consisted of hundreds led by centurions. The hundred included militias from several streets.

In addition, the Novgorod land has been famous for its fleet since ancient times. Novgorodians were known as experienced and fearless sailors who knew how to fight well on the water. Their sea vessels had a deck and sailing equipment. River boats were quite spacious (from 10 to 30 people) and fast. The Novgorodians skillfully used them to transport troops and block rivers when it was necessary to close the path to enemy ships. The Novgorodian fleet repeatedly took part in military campaigns and won convincing victories over Swedish ships. And the river flotillas of the Novgorodians (ushkuiniki) were active on the Volga and Kama, as well as in the North. It was in Novgorod that Prince Alexander learned the combat capabilities of a ship's army and the speed of movement of foot troops on water. That is, the experience of Svyatoslav the Great was restored, who, with the help of ship armies, could quickly transfer troops over vast distances and successfully resist Khazaria, Bulgaria and Byzantium.

It must be said that linking the creation of the Russian fleet with the name of Peter I is fundamentally wrong. The Russian fleet has existed since ancient times, as evidenced by the victories of Rurik, Oleg the Prophet, Igor and Svyatoslav and other Russian princes. Thus, in the Novgorod land the fleet existed for several centuries, inheriting the traditions of the Russian Varangians.

The combat control of the Novgorod army was not much different from other Russian troops. His "brow" (center) usually consisted of militia infantry. On the wings (flanks), in the regiments of the right and left hands, were the princely and boyar cavalry (professional warriors). To increase the stability of the battle formation and increase its depth, a regiment of archers armed with long bows was located in front of the “brow”, the length of the bowstring (190 cm) contributed to the long range of arrows and powerful destructive power. The latter was very important in constant military clashes with heavily armed German and Swedish soldiers. A complex Russian bow pierced the armor of knights. In addition, the center could be reinforced with carts and sleighs to make it easier for the infantry to repel the onslaught of enemy cavalry.

This formation of the Novgorod army had a number of advantages over the battle formations of Western European knighthood. It was flexible, stable, and allowed maneuvering not only cavalry, but also infantry during the battle. The Novgorodians sometimes strengthened one of the wings and created a deep shock column of “foot soldiers.” The cavalry located behind them during the battle carried out envelopment, striking from the rear and flank. During the campaign, the Russian army, which knew how to make quick and long marches, always had a guard detachment ("watch") ahead to reconnaissance the enemy and monitor his actions. This knowledge from the field of military affairs, the foundations of the military art of Rus' of that time, was learned by Alexander Yaroslavovich from early childhood.

Cathedral of Hagia Sophia, the wisdom of God, in Novgorod - a symbol of the republic

Threat from the West

While Prince Alexander Yaroslavich was growing up, things became more and more alarming on the borders of the Novgorod land. In the Baltics, the German crusading knights behaved aggressively and did not hide their far-reaching plans for Rus'. Catholic Rome and its instrument - the “dog knights”, considered Russians to be unreal Christians, heretics, almost pagans, who needed to be “baptized” anew with fire and sword. In addition, Western feudal lords coveted rich Russian lands. The neighboring Principality of Polotsk became more frequently raided by the Lithuanians, who, while creating their own statehood and entering into the fight against the crusaders, also invaded the border Russian lands. Swedish feudal lords began to make campaigns on the lands of the Finnish tribes that were under the control of Novgorod.

The Novgorod prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, in order to secure the northwestern borders of the Russian land, made a number of successful campaigns - in 1226 against the Lithuanians and in 1227 and 1228 in Finland against the Swedes. But his planned campaign against the German crusading knights failed. He brought Vladimir squads to reinforce the Novgorod army. However, the Pskov and Novgorod boyars saw this as a strengthening of princely power and refused to participate in the campaign. The residents of Vladimir returned home. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, having quarreled with the Novgorodians, left with his wife for Pereyaslavl, giving the townspeople time to come to their senses. Sons Alexander and Fedor remained in Novgorod. But soon unrest began there, and on a February night in 1229, boyar Fyodor Danilovich and tiun Yakim secretly took the princes to their father.

However, things were going badly for Novgorod. The Novgorodians had to make peace with the prince and return him again. Yaroslav Vsevolodovich promised the townspeople to rule according to old Novgorod customs. In 1230, the Novgorod Republic summoned Prince Yaroslav, who, after spending two weeks in Novgorod, installed Feodor and Alexander to reign. Three years later, at the age of thirteen, Fedor died unexpectedly. Alexander had to enter the military field early. The father, preparing his successor and successor to the princely family, now constantly kept young Alexander with him. He began to learn the princely science of managing lands, conducting diplomatic relations with foreigners and commanding squads.

Meanwhile, a terrible threat arose on the borders of Novgorod. Following the lands of the Latvians, the crusaders captured the lands of the Estonians. In 1224, Yuriev (Dorpat) fell. The fortress was defended by the Russian-Estonian army led by the Russian prince Vyacheslav (Vyachko). The defenders of the city fell in a fierce battle, every single one. Encouraged by success, the Order of the Swordsmen in 1233 took the Russian border fortress of Izborsk with a sudden blow. The Pskov army drove the crusaders out of the town they had captured. In the same year, German knights raided the Novgorod lands. To repel aggression, Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich brings Pereyaslav squads to Novgorod. The Novgorod and Pskov armies join him. The united Russian army, led by Yaroslav and Alexander, went on a campaign against the knights of the sword and in 1234 approached Yuryev. The knightly army came out to meet. In a fierce battle, the German army suffered a crushing defeat. Overturned by Russian soldiers, it was driven onto the ice of the Embakh River. The ice broke and many knights sank to the bottom of the river. The surviving Germans fled in panic and locked themselves in the fortresses. The Sword Bearers urgently sent envoys to Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and he “made peace with them in all his truth.” The Order began to pay tribute to the Novgorod prince and swore an oath to no longer attack the possessions of Veliky Novgorod. It is clear that this was a feigned promise; no one canceled the aggressive plans towards Russian lands.

Participation in the campaign to Yuriev-Dorpt and the battle on the Embakh River gave fourteen-year-old Alexander Yaroslavich the opportunity to get to know the German knights in action. From the boy grew a brave young knight-prince, attracting people with his courage and intelligence, beauty and military skill. Restrained in his judgments, courteous in communicating with people of different social strata, and not violating the ancient customs of Veliky Novgorod, the young prince was liked by ordinary Novgorodians. He was valued not only for his intelligence and erudition, but also for his courage and military skill.

Facial chronicle vault (volume 6 p. 8) image of Alexander Yaroslavovich; signature under it: “Even though he was honored by the honor of the earthly kingdom from God, and had a spouse and children, but the humble wisdom of an acquisitive man is greater than all people, but he was great in age, and the beauty of his face is seen like Joseph the Beautiful, but his strength was like a portion of Samson’s strength, but his voice can be heard like a trumpet among the people.”

Prince of Novgorod

In 1236, Yaroslav left Novgorod to reign in Kyiv (from there in 1238 - to Vladimir). From that time on, Alexander’s independent military-political activities began. Alexander Yaroslavich became the military ruler of the vast Novgorod land, which was threatened by the Swedes, German knights and Lithuanians. It was during these years that Alexander’s character traits developed, which subsequently won him fame, love and respect from his contemporaries: rage and at the same time caution in battle, the ability to navigate a difficult military-political situation and make the right decision. These were the traits of a great statesman and commander.

The terrible year 1237 arrived. Horde troops invaded Rus'. Having defeated Ryazan and Vladimir, Batu moved his army to Novgorod. The young prince Alexander was preparing to defend Novgorod. Torzhok heroically took the blow from Batu’s army. An unequal, fierce battle lasted for two weeks (defense February 22 - March 5, 1238). Residents of a small town fought off the furious attacks of the enemy. However, the walls collapsed under the blows of the rams. The wealthy elite of Novgorod refused to send troops to help their border suburb. The prince was forced to deal only with preparing Novgorod itself for defense.

A terrible threat has bypassed Novgorod. From the Ignach-Cross tract the steppe people turned sharply to the south. It is not known exactly why the Horde did not go to rich Novgorod. Researchers give several reasons:

1) the spring thaw was approaching, the snow was melting in the forests, the frozen northern swamps threatened to turn into swamps, impassable for a large army;

2) Batu’s army suffered serious losses, and the partisan movement was expanding in the rear. The Khan knew about the numerous and warlike army of Novgorod and the strength of its fortifications. He saw before him an example of the defense of small Torzhok. Batu did not want to take risks;

3) it is possible that the process of establishing contacts between Batu and part of the Russian princes, including Alexander’s father, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was already underway.

A year has passed since Batu's hordes left. An important event took place in Rus' - the Grand Ducal Congress. Messengers from Yaroslav Vsevolodovich arrived in Novgorod. He ordered his son to appear in Vladimir. Alexander’s path lay through the devastated land to ancient Vladimir, scorched by the conquerors, where his father gathered the Russian princes who had survived the battles - the descendants of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. The Grand Duke of Vladimir had to be elected. The princes who came together named him Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. Alexander returned to Novgorod again. So, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was succeeded by Vladimir after his brother Yuri, and Kyiv was occupied by Mikhail Chernigovsky, concentrating in his hands the Principality of Galicia, the Principality of Kiev and the Principality of Chernigov.

Grand Duke Yaroslav of Vladimir added Alexander's possessions, allocating Tver and Dmitrov. From now on, the protection of the Western Russian borders fell on the eighteen-year-old prince. And military danger was already visibly approaching Rus' from the West. European rulers were preparing for a new crusade against the Slavs and Baltic peoples. On May 12, 1237, the head of the Catholic Church approved the union of the Teutonic and Livonian orders (formerly the Order of the Sword). The Master of the Teutons became the Grand Master (Grandmaster), and the Livonian Master, who came under his command, took the title of Master of the Region (Landmaster). In 1238, the Pope and the Master of the Order signed an agreement that provided for a campaign in the lands of the pagans - Izhorians, Karelians, who were part of Novgorod Rus'. Pope Gregory IX called on the German and Swedish knighthood to conquer the pagan Finnish tribes by force of arms. In June 1238, the Danish king Valdemar II and the master of the united order, Herman Balk, agreed on the division of Estonia and military action against Rus' in the Baltic states with the participation of the Swedes. A joint campaign was being prepared, the purpose of which was to seize the northwestern Russian lands. The Crusaders' troops converged on the borders. Rome and the Western feudal lords planned to take advantage of the weakening of the Russian principalities, drained of blood as a result of Batu's invasion.

In 1239, Alexander built a series of fortifications southwest of Novgorod along the Sheloni River and married Princess Alexandra, daughter of Bryachislav of Polotsk. The wedding took place in Toropets in the Church of St. George. Already in 1240, the prince’s first-born son, named Vasily, was born in Novgorod.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!
It is generally accepted that these words belong to the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky, the hero of the battle with the Swedes on the Neva and with the crusading knights on Lake Peipus. And he said them supposedly for the edification of the ambassadors of the Livonian Order, who after the Battle of the Ice (in the summer of 1242) came to him in Veliky Novgorod to ask for “eternal peace.”
In fact, Alexander Nevsky has nothing to do with these words - in the few chronicle sources that talk about him (“Sofia First Chronicle” and “Pskov Second Chronicle”) there are no mentions of either these words or others, even remotely on them similar.
The author of these words is the Soviet writer Pyotr Andreevich Pavlenko (1899-1951), and they first appeared in his film script “Alexander Nevsky”. According to the script, they are pronounced by the main character of the film: Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. That is where the Russian land stood and stands! (see: Pavlenko N.A. Alexander Nevsky: Kinopovest //Collected works. T. 4. M., 1954). Film (director Sergei Eisenstein) you-
was released on December 1, 1938, and since then these words have been associated with the name of Alexander Nevsky as his personal, “historical” phrase.
Obviously, this phrase is based on the well-known gospel expression: “Those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Or in full: “Then Jesus says to him: return your sword to its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 26, v. 52).
A similar expression was well known in the ancient world, in pre-evangelical times. For example, in Ancient Rome it was used as a catchphrase: He who fights with the sword dies by the sword - Qui gladioferit, gladio perit (qui gladio ferit, gladio perit).
Quoted: as an edification and warning for the future to a defeated or potential aggressor.

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“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword...” To D.A. MEDVEDEV, PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, V.V. PUTIN, CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich! Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! We express our sincere support for the decision to

25. The woman said to Him: I know that the Messiah will come, that is, Christ; when He comes, He will tell us everything.

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25. The woman said to Him: I know that the Messiah will come, that is, Christ; when He comes, He will tell us everything. The Samaritan woman does not dare to make any objections to Christ regarding His teaching about the advantages of the Jewish people and about the new worship of God: she sees in Him a prophet.

7. On that day every man will cast away his silver idols and his gold idols, which your hands have made for you to sin. 8. And Assur will not fall by the sword of man, nor will the sword of man consume him; he will escape from the sword, and his young men will be a tribute. 9. And out of fear he will run past his fortress; And

author Lopukhin Alexander

7. On that day every man will cast away his silver idols and his gold idols, which your hands have made for you to sin. 8. And Assur will not fall by the sword of man, nor will the sword of man consume him; he will escape from the sword, and his young men will be a tribute. 9. And he will run from fear

3. Strengthen your weak hands and strengthen your trembling knees; 4. Say to the timid at heart: be strong, do not be afraid; Behold your God, vengeance will come, God’s recompense; He will come and save you. 5. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. 6. Then the lame will leap up like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb will sing;

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

3. Strengthen your weak hands and strengthen your trembling knees; 4. Say to the timid at heart: be strong, do not be afraid; Behold your God, vengeance will come, God’s recompense; He will come and save you. 5. Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unstopped. 6. Then the lame man will jump up like a deer, and his tongue

11. And disaster will come upon you: you will not know where it will come from; and a misfortune will attack you that you will not be able to avert, and suddenly a destruction will come to you that you do not even think about.

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

11. And disaster will come upon you: you will not know where it will come from; and a misfortune will attack you that you will not be able to avert, and suddenly a destruction will come to you that you do not even think about. Relying on their magic and sorcery, the Babylonians were convinced that they,

Who will come to us with a sword...

From the book Proverbs.ru. The best modern parables author Team of authors

Who will come to us with a sword... The young man, who cared for the Teaching that he followed, was very worried about ignorant people. And all the time he tried to bring the light of truth to the common people, in order to open for them faith and mutual understanding, love and kindness. The wise master did not hold back

“They came at us, having countless bows and a lot of beautiful armor. Their banners and clothes were striking in luxury and wealth. Their helmets emitted light."

This is exactly how the Russian knights of the Livonian Order saw the Russians on the ice of Lake Peipsi on April 5, 1242. For many of them, this sight turned out to be their last.

But let me! What other “most beautiful armor” and “helmets emitting light” do the Russians have, when since childhood we have seen in the movies - even heroic, but still beggars fought against German dog-knights clad in armor, in horse-length ports, tattered sheepskin coats and bast shoes?! The weapon is a shaft that came to hand. And as for the armor - the memorable dying breath of the blacksmith-warrior: “Eh, the chain mail is short...” Thank you very much Sergei Eisenstein- his film " Alexander Nevsky"was so good that it almost replaced historical truth.

Sweet Eurolife

And it’s good that not all of it. Despite the clown shirts of the Novgorodians embroidered with roosters and bagels, the basis remained quite reliable - the battle took place, it was large-scale, ours won the victory and saved their land from terrible devastation and even complete destruction.

Although some people are trying to dispute these truths. They say that the battle was small and did not decide anything. And the Germans are not so bad, you see, and they would restore order with us. And in general, Alexander Nevsky should not have fought with the knights, but on the contrary, unite and together give a good attack to the Tatar-Mongols. After all, he could have integrated with advanced Europe, but instead he groveled before the wild steppes and recognized the power of the Horde.

It is not a bad idea for such dreamers to remind what happened to those Slavic peoples who nevertheless had the imprudence to fall for the sweet speeches of the Germans about a well-fed life together in the then European Union - the Holy Roman Empire. Let's say the Slezan tribe was lucky - at least the name Silesia remained on the map from them, which, however, is rarely remembered. And they don’t remember the Bodrichi tribe at all. And rightly so - their princes caved in to the German emperor, and right by the time of Alexander Nevsky, this once Slavic land was called Mecklenburg, and the population, from the nobility to the commoners, spoke and believed in German.

Of course, the Russian prince could not quote the poems Sergei Mikhalkov: “Our people will not allow Russian fragrant bread to be called the word “Brot.” But, apparently, he knew history well. And he thought in approximately the same categories as the Soviet poet. And the Germans did not behave like good boys on the lands they captured from him, as evidenced by the chronicle of the Livonian Order: “We did not allow a single Russian to escape unharmed. Those who defended themselves were killed, those who fled were overtaken and killed. Screams and lamentations were heard. A great cry began everywhere in that land.” No, the Tatars killed and burned no less. But at least they didn’t rename Russian cities and put their own administration in them, didn’t introduce polygamy in Russia and didn’t force everyone to drink kumiss and eat horse meat en masse. The Germans, as soon as they took Pskov, planted two imperial officials there and began to introduce their own laws, introduce their customs and even language.

Wars in ancient armor. Reconstruction. Photo: www.russianlook.com

Whitefish death

Is it possible to come to an agreement with such people? And, most importantly, against whom? Against those very Tatars from whom exactly a year before the Battle of the Ice this illustrious and brilliant knighthood fled without memory, dropping its pants. Yes, so famously that all of Europe froze in horror: “Significant fear of these barbarians gripped even distant countries, France and Spain. In England, trade with the continent ceased for a long time due to panic.” And the “almighty” Holy Roman Emperor, in response to the demand Batu about humility he wrote humbly: “Being an expert in falconry, I could become a falconer at Your Majesty’s court.” By the way, the defeat of the knights was really difficult - in that battle with the Tatars, six brothers of the German Order, three novice knights and two sergeants died. This is a lot, considering that according to German custom, behind each brother knight there were not dozens of his subordinates, as in France, but from one to several hundred.

Their logic was transparent - what didn’t work out with the Tatars should work out with the defeated and bloodless Russians, who have been slaughtered by the Mongol hordes for five years now. Maybe they really expected to meet a rabble of bastard men with drekoly? It is quite acceptable, judging by the somewhat stunned tone of the author of the Livonian Chronicle: “In the kingdom of Russia, people turned out to be of a very tough character. They did not hesitate, they got ready for a hike and galloped towards us. Many were in shining armor, their helmets shining like crystal." These “shining helmets” and other wealth made an indelible impression on the Germans. Of course, the desire to tear them off the Russian corpses was great, but it turned out a little differently: “20 brother knights were killed there, and 6 were captured.” Few? Let us remind you that in the battle with the Tatars the order lost four times (!) less.

Of course, it was very shameful to suffer such a defeat from the “Slavic barbarians”. Therefore, in this chronicle we are almost for the first time encountering a story familiar to many from the series “the Germans were filled with corpses.” Then, however, it sounded a little different: “The Russians had such an army that perhaps sixty people attacked each German.” It's funny that 700 years later, the descendants of these same knights, who had painted crosses on their tank turrets, fled in the same way, smearing bloody snot, from the same places. And they complained in the same way about Russian weapons and “wonderful armor”: “They had a T-34 tank, but we didn’t, it’s not fair!” Yes, I was. And back in 1242, we had Prince Alexander Nevsky, who drove the Germans across the lake for almost seven miles. And he drove some of those escaping to the place where a month earlier the little guys were catching whitefish. That's what it's called - sigovitsa. The ice there is very thin, with holes. So some of the knights really played to the bottom of Lake Peipsi - legends and myths, unlike the vanquished, rarely lie.

The Novgorod prince allegedly said this phrase when the ambassadors of the Livonian Order arrived in Veliky Novgorod to ask for “eternal peace” after the defeat in the Battle of the Ice. The source of the conviction that was strengthened in the public consciousness was Sergei Eisenstein’s film “” (1939), which formed a whole complex of myths about Alexander Nevsky and the role of the battle on the ice of Lake Peipsi in April 1242. Since then, the statement of the hero Nikolai Cherkasov, who played the main role in Eisenstein’s film, has been firmly associated with the name of the Novgorod prince.

Usage examples

There were another three hundred years of shame and humiliation ahead; for another three hundred years Rus' paid tribute to the khans of the Golden Horde. But the words of Prince Alexander Nevsky have already sounded as a formidable warning to enemies: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”(Nazarov O.“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” // Website-newspaper “Local Demand”, 04/16/2013)

And no matter what extremes some politicians go to when they say that the confrontation between the West and Russia could go into the stage of a “hot” war, we answer: Russia is not going to fight with anyone. But no one should doubt our strength and determination. As Alexander Nevsky once said: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.”(Newspaper “Zavtra”, No. 37 (773) dated September 10, 2008)


The phrase that the director and screenwriter put into the mouth of Nikolai Cherkasov is a slightly modified version of a quote from the Bible, apparently from the Gospel of Matthew (26:52): “And behold, one of those who were with Jesus, stretched out his hand, drew a sword and, striking the servant of the high priest, cut off his ear. Then Jesus said to him: Return your sword to its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”

A statement with a similar meaning is found in “Revelation of John the Theologian” 13:10): “Whoever leads into captivity will himself go into captivity; whoever kills with the sword must himself be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.”

It is curious that a similar formula existed in the ancient world, in particular, in Ancient Rome in the form of the phrase “Whoever fights with the sword dies by the sword” (Qui gladio ferit, gladio perit).

In fact, the sources do not report whether the Novgorod prince uttered such a phrase. There is no mention of this in the texts telling about the life and deeds of Alexander Nevsky (including the First Sofia Chronicle and the Pskov Second Chronicle).

According to the researcher of medieval Rus' I.N. Danilevsky, Alexander Nevsky is one of the most sacralized characters in Russian history. His image as a defender of Orthodoxy, a fighter for the independence of Rus', began to take shape in the 18th century, the researcher claims, and had a strong ideological platform: the place he chose for the construction of the new capital was located almost in the same place where the Battle of the Neva took place in 1240. Russia's claims to access to the Baltic were associated with the prince's victory on the Neva. Even the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky (August 30) was not chosen by chance: on this day Russia concluded the Treaty of Nystadt with Sweden.

Subsequently, the image of Alexander as the defender of the Russian land began to be increasingly popularized: in 1725, Catherine I established the highest military award - the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky; In 1753, Elizabeth ordered Alexander’s relics to be placed in a silver shrine. Then they began to hold a special religious procession every year from the St. Petersburg Kazan Cathedral to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Finally, at the beginning of the 20th century, one of the Moscow streets was named after Alexander Nevsky, notes I.N. Danilevsky.

Eisenstein's film gave new life to the image of Alexander as an outstanding defender of Rus'. The film was released on the wide screen in 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began. Its authors were awarded the Stalin Prize. The film turned out to be so uplifting that in 1942 the Order of Alexander Nevsky was established, decorated with a portrait of the leading actor, Nikolai Cherkasov - and this despite the fact that just a few years earlier, professional historians called the script of the film “a mockery of history.”

The influence of the film on public consciousness turned out to be so strong that both the screen image of the main character and the whole complex of accompanying myths - including the key role of the Battle of the Ice in the fight against crusader expansion, and the fact that Alexander Nevsky symbolically ended it with a twisted biblical quote about the sword - have firmly entered the public consciousness, become entrenched in historical memory, and appear not only in the reasoning of ordinary people when referring to “old times,” but also in the works of professional historians and in educational materials.


We once again congratulate the Triune Russian People on their symbolic victory in the “Name of Russia” project Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. Please note that the Russian People include “Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians, as well as Russian Tatars and Chuvashs, Russian Bashkirs and Mordovians, Russian Dagestanis and Chechens (yes, yes, these natural bandits are also Russian), Russian Buryats and Yakuts and about 100 more indigenous Russian peoples and nationalities [all those who from time immemorial have linked their fate with the third God-chosen Russian People]. Neither the Chinese, nor the Jews, nor the African blacks, nor representatives of other nationalities who have their own states abroad are included in the concept of the indigenous peoples of our country" With the definition that he gave in his speech Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov at the Russian March on November 4, 2008, we completely agree.

And it doesn’t matter at all what criteria the rogue jury was guided by and how it counted the votes. The important thing is that all three names that “won” belong to Russian people who, to one degree or another, took part in governing Russia, in strengthening and developing it during very difficult periods in the life of the Russian People. They all worked very hard for the benefit of Russia and gave their lives for the Russian People.

1. " Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”

1.1. Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky is the heavenly patron of the Russian Army

The importance of the victory in the name of Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky lies in a huge spiritual sense, which sets the vector of direction for Russia's development in the coming years. For the first time in the entire period of the Jewish anti-Christ yoke, Russia was named after a Russian saint, glorified by the Church and the Russian People for many centuries. Russia was sanctified by the name of the holy Warrior, statesman, one of the first gatherers of the Russian Land. Let's not forget that in the powerful Russian Empire three Emperors, the three Anointed of God, the heavenly patron was the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky.

The Grand Duke is also the heavenly patron of the victorious Russian Army. Here are some examples and lives of this holy Blessed Prince.

“120 years after this, before the Battle of the Don, one monk, during night prayer in the temple, saw candles lit in front of the tomb of Prince Alexander and two elders approached her with the words: “ Get up, hurry to the aid of your relative, Demetrius Ioannovich!"The Holy Prince stood up and became invisible. Based on this vision, his holy relics after the Don victory were opened and found incorrupt, and there were many healings. When before the march to Kazan (1552) Tsar John IV Vasilyevich prayed at the shrine of St. Blessed Prince Alexander, then one of His close associates received healing, which was accepted by everyone as pledge of help from the Blessed Prince the Wonderworker.

In 1571, during the attack on Moscow by the Crimean Khan Devlet-Girey, monk Anthony, of high spiritual life, saw how to the tomb of St. Prince Alexander was approached by St. Princes Boris and Gleb with the words: “Arise, our brother, Prince Alexander, let us hasten to the aid of our relative To the blessed Tsar John Vasilyevich!“St. Alexander stood up, and they were joined by the Blessed Princes Andrey, Vsevolod, George and Yaroslav, who were resting in the cathedral. Victory was won over Devlet-Girey.

In 1491 they saw the monastery church of St. during a fire. The Blessed Prince Alexander, rising on a horse to the sky through the air. His holy relics remained unharmed. In 1547 he was canonized. The miracles and healings that occurred from his holy relics are innumerable and impossible to list here..

On August 30, 1724, the holy relics of the Blessed Grand Duke Alexander were transferred by Emperor Peter the Great to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra created by Him in St. Petersburg.”(Nun Taisiya. Russian saints . St. Petersburg "ABC classic". 2001)

1.2. Why are the two names “Alexander Nevsky” and “Joseph Stalin” next to each other?

1.2.1. “Get up, Russian people!”

Let us recall that the first who returned to the Russian People the name of the great toiler of the Russian Land after the arrogant madness in February 1917 was Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Exactly by his personal order In the most difficult time for the country in the pre-war years, the film “Alexander Nevsky” was created with the famous anthem song “ Get up, Russian people!” (Lyrics to this song are provided at the end of the news report.) Currently, for writing such a song, the authors of the song would be threatened with Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. But during Stalin’s time this could not have happened, because Stalin wanted with both this film and this song to rouse the Russian People to fight against German fascism. Now, through this film and this song-hymn, the servant of God Joseph Stalin made a covenant to fight the tribe of Dan, with whom he himself had been fighting since his youth. This song raised and raises the Russian People to fight the enemies of God and the Russian Land. Joseph Vissarionovich carefully monitored the progress of work through his people from the circle of film director Sergei Eisenstein, so that just such a patriotic film would be created that would strengthen the natural human feeling of love for one’s Motherland and the desire to serve it, the willingness to die for one’s Fatherland, as our pious ones did ancestors.

Alexander Nevsky is a historical film about the outstanding ancient Russian prince who won the battle with the knights of the Teutonic Order on Lake Peipsi in 1242. It belongs to the galaxy of classic Soviet historical films of the 30s and is considered one of the best works of Sergei Eisenstein. The music for the film was written by the famous composer Sergei Prokofiev.

“Alexander Nevsky” appeared in cinemas in December 1938 and was a huge success (comparable, perhaps, with “Chapayev”). Sergei Eisenstein received the Stalin Prize and the degree of Doctor of Art History without defending a dissertation. However, soon after the film was released, it was withdrawn from distribution for reasons of political correctness towards Germany, with which the USSR was trying to improve relations during this period. In 1941, after the start of the Great Patriotic War, “Alexander Nevsky” returned to the screens with even more resounding success. Almost in full force, the Nevsky film crew staged Eisenstein’s next film, Ivan the Terrible.

And here is the opinion of a modern viewer about the film “Alexander Nevsky”: “Of course, it pleases the main line running along the plot is faith. Not just faith, but values, primordial Russian ones. Very colorfully shows the ideological difference between the West and Russia one of the first scenes, where the knight, saved by the Prince himself, suggests that Alexander should not grieve for those killed, since the servants were killed, and his bright grace should not grieve over such trifles.

To this the Prince of Novgorod answers him that not servants, but people were killed, and it’s impossible not to mourn for people. In this short, seemingly flashing scene, lies the whole difference in the essence of the existence of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. Catholics are quite clearly presented as a cumbersome management mechanism, oppressing and conquering everything in its path, where a person is nothing more than a small device that performs a certain set of functions; if the device dies, another will take its place and continue to operate. At all, The film spends a lot of time on religious issues" Let us pay attention to the fact that it is no coincidence that on the eve of a difficult and bloody war, Stalin voiced the words to the whole country: “It’s impossible not to mourn for people!”

And what wonderful words Joseph Stalin put into the mouth of the Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky for the edification of the ambassadors of the Livonian Order, who after the Battle of the Ice (summer 1242) came to him in Veliky Novgorod to ask for “eternal peace”: Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. That is where the Russian land stood and stands! Obviously, this phrase is based on the well-known gospel expression: “ Those who take the sword will die by the sword " Or in full: Then Jesus said to him: Return your sword to its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. (Matt. 26.52).

The film by Sergei Eisenstein was released on December 1, 1938, and since then these words have been associated with the name of Alexander Nevsky as his personal, “historical” phrase. Although such an expression was well known in the ancient world, in pre-evangelical times. For example, in Ancient Rome it was used as a popular expression: He who fights with the sword dies by the sword.

1.2.2. « Where are the Tatars? Where are the Poles? And the same will happen with the Jewish yoke. The Christ killers will bear their toll...»

If we keep in mind all of the above, then it becomes clear why the Lord God placed the names of these great workers next to each other for the glory of the Russian Land and its People! After all, they both bore the cross of the rulers of the People, who were either under the intelligible Tatar yoke, and in the time of Joseph Vissarionich and to this day - under the intelligible yoke of the cannibal Jews.

Even the Venerable Abel the Seer of Mysteries spoke to Emperor Paul the First: “The fate of the Russian Power was revealed to me in prayer about three fierce yokes: Tatar, Polish and the future Jewish one*...

Blood and tears will water the damp earth. Bloody rivers will flow. Brother will rise up against brother. And packs: fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internal enemy, Jewish power . There is death there, there is death here, and there is nowhere to run. The smoke of fires and ashes, all living things are disintegrating. Dead deserts all around. Not a single human soul, not a single animal. Neither trees nor grass even grow... And will be JEW scorpion to scourge the Russian Land,* plunder its shrines, close the Churches of God, execute the best Russian people. This is God's permission, the wrath of Godfor Russia's renunciation of its God-anointed! Or else there will be more! Angel of the Lord pours out new bowls of calamity[by the hands of Jewish Christ fighters, by the hands Nazis, by the hands of communists and democrats], so that people come to their senses » .

But the acuteness of the pain of the intelligible (they had to learn to love autocratic rule!) Tatar yoke passed after the battle on the Kulikovo field, on which they finally fought and won under one sovereign hand of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy. “Muscovites, Belozersk, Rostovites, Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Dmitrovites went to battle... and returned as a united Russian People!”

About the intelligible (we must love the power of God over ourselves, which is exercised by the lawful Tsar - His Anointed!) Jewish yoke not of people, but of the fiends of hell, Abel the Seer spoke to Emperor Paul the First like this: “Where are the Tatars, Your Imperial Majesty? Where are the Poles? And the same will happen with the Jewish yoke. Don’t be sad about that, Father Tsar, Christ killers will take their toll... “We will add that all traitors to the Russian People, and all true Russian Patriots, will bear their own. Only their burden will be different, and some will carry her to the depths of hell for eternal torment, while others will carry her to the Kingdom of Heaven for eternal life.

1.3. “I serve one God, I honor Him and worship Him »

Realizing that this result in the “Name of Russia” project is quite satisfactory both to the modern government allowed to us by the Lord, and to all other people of Russia, Kremlin political scientists apparently were satisfied with this recognition, considering the personality of our holy Blessed Prince as the most neutral, historical one removed from our time personality. In fact, the life of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky was instructive for Russian Patriots at all times, but his life is extremely relevant today.

Judge for yourself. Remaining the Russian Prince, the hero of the Battle of the Neva, he becomes the owner of the khan's label, which subordinates the Horde warriors to him and Rus' acquires the status of a union state in relation to the Golden Horde. At the same time, Prince Alexander remains faithful to the Orthodox Faith.

The life of the holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky says that when he refused to perform Tatar pagan rites (the Tatars killed other Russian princes for such a refusal), Batu Khan ordered not to force the saint anymore and to quickly bring him to him. “Tsar,” the Blessed Prince addressed the khan, bowing before him, “ I bow to you because God has honored you with the kingdom I serve one God, I honor Him and worship Him». (Lives of the Saints. August. 30th day. P. 553).

The foreign policy and wise internal rule of the holy Prince are in demand and relevant in our time as an example of the preservation of the Orthodox people: its priesthood (from which later came the saints St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Venerable Martyrs Alexander (Peresvet) and Andrey (Oslyabya)), and its nobility (from which later Prince Dmitry Donskoy came out), the holy Orthodox army. Russia in those days was between a rock and a hard place: the Catholic West and the pagan Golden Horde.

And now from the West the blows of the tribe of Dan are directed at Russia to exterminate the Russian People, and not for ordinary enslavement, as was the case during the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Invisible Khazaria, as always, commits aggression through the hands of others - the hands of our Christian “brothers and friends” (the hands of the countries of the “peace-loving” NATO bloc), and our “brothers and friends” from the Russian Empire and the socialist camp (Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Baltic states). From the East, the armadas of godless China are ready to devour all of Siberia to the Ural Mountains, and China is being pushed towards this by the same Invisible Khazaria.

« It is today that the military leadership experience of Alexander Nevsky is being developed in the defense of our Motherland. Alexander Nevsky was ahead of his time and achieved victories, largely violating generally accepted canons. Among the techniques that the Grand Duke used when waging battles and which brought him victories, one can recall such as strike at the enemy's weakest link, advantageous use of weather and geographical conditions, pursuit of a defeated enemy..." (former Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Yuri Baluevsky).

Alexander Nevsky made, as history has shown, the only correct choice at that time between an alliance with the West and an alliance with the East. Union with the West meant union in “love and friendship” through union with Rome, and this inevitably led to damage to the Orthodox Faith by the heresy of papism, which is what happened in the western principalities of Red Rus'. Therefore, the holy Prince preferred submission to the Golden Horde - powerful, wild and bloodthirsty, but not encroaching on the Orthodox Faith. People offended by God's mind and faithful servants of the world behind the scenes (Invisible Khazaria) accuse the Blessed Prince of betraying the Russian People. And they even provide “strong” evidence for their claims: he zealously served the Golden Horde and even executed Russian fighters for freedom from the Tatar yoke.

Yes, indeed, the Grand Duke proved himself not only wise, but also a tough statesman, mercilessly punishing the Orthodox people under his control. Yes, the holy Prince executed those “Russian patriots” who tried to free Rus' from the Tatar yoke, which the Lord God imposed on the Russian People, so that they would learn the vital necessity of Single Power. Yes, the holy Prince suppressed the “national liberation” struggle of false patriots, which led not to learning an understanding of the Will of God, and this would ensure that the Russian People gained God’s Protection, but to a premature action, which led to the senseless death of the Russian people. But it was precisely this fruit that the servants of Satan wanted to pick in Russia: let in as much Russian Blood as possible!

But isn’t this the fruit that modern “Russian Patriots” will lead to, who, having not come to the mind of Christ under the extremely painful yoke of cannibal Jews - they don’t need Kings, they need Freedom from both the Tsar and the Jew, they call to beat the Jews, to save Russia. This Spiritless patriot-revolutionaries offer plowing a frozen field in winter . And in order to get rid of people who want to fulfill the Will of God, and follow their “patriotic” (in fact, demonic!) wisdom, these “Russian Patriots” are even ready to pray in advance for their next “Great Master and Father” - for the Pope Moscow All Rus'!

But prayer to God is needed for something completely different: to ask for understanding to understand the Will of God and the gift of strength, understanding and grace of the Holy Spirit to put this Will of God into practice! He who has ears to hear, let him hear! (Matthew 13:9)

It should be understood that the Lord God imposed the penance of the Tatar yoke on the Russian people in order to stop the fratricidal internecine wars of the Russian principalities, so that the Russian people would realize the vital necessity of a sovereign princely hand.

The Novgorod uprising was premature, because with this uprising they showed that they did not care about other Russian lands. This means that it is still too early for God to lift the intelligible Tatar yoke from the Russian people, because these Novgorod “heroes” do not yet need a Single Power, they prefer their immediate selfish interests.

A since the uprising is premature, it is pointless. Only the enemies of the Russian people would benefit from it, because again the Russian Land would be saturated with Russian blood. And already exhausted Rus' would have found itself in an even more difficult and dangerous situation.

The blessed Grand Duke, caring for all Russian lands, acted quickly and decisively. He dealt with the Novgorod “heroes” provocateurs very cruelly (though much more softly than the Tatars would have done!), and thereby saved the future Third Rome - Russia from terrible and senseless bloodshed.

2. The life of Saint Alexander Nevsky gives us an example of a God-pleasing life under the yoke!

2.1. “Novgorod closely joined the rest of Rus', becoming an inseparable part of one huge whole”

The above is a text from the life of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky. The words of the Grand Duke are very interesting, in which it is clear that he did not submit to the pagan khan, but humbly accepted God’s decree: “Tsar,” the Blessed Prince turned to the khan, bowing before him, “ I bow to you because God has honored you with the kingdom, but I will not bow to the creature. I serve one God, I honor Him and worship Him».

Saint Alexander Nevsky declared to his brother princes that “either we all free ourselves from Tatar slavery together, or we all together must bear the cross of God’s wrath.” Those wishing to escape from the Tatars alone, the Grand Duke warned that will personally punish those who do not want to bear God's punishment in the form of Tatar oppression; those who want freedom from tribute to the Tatars at the expense of the tears and blood of his brothers from other Russian principalities. By the way, he had a khan’s (read: royal) label, which allowed him to fight when and with whomever he saw fit.

Suppression is instructive Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky Novgorod rebellion in 1255. The Holy Prince had just managed to achieve tolerable conditions for the shameful Tatar yoke (although Novgorod now also had to pay tribute to the Tatars, like the rest of Rus'), like the Novgorod zealots of isolation from the rest of Rus', fighters for independence of Novgorod from the grand ducal power, rebelled for their small-town freedom. Holy Prince, dear for the entire Russian people , understood that a new punitive invasion of the Mongol barbarians would devastate the entire Grand Duchy of Vladimir before the punitive forces reached the Novgorod rebels. That is as always, false zealots of piety wanted freedom at the expense of others.

So, incited by ambitious people, the Novgorod mob rebelled. "At the head champions of antiquity stood mayor Ananias, in simplicity of souls and* fancied himself a defender of the dear interests of his homeland[although he saw nothing further than his nose (his suburb) and did not understand that there was his homeland. And now, centuries later, demons slip their instigations of ungodly jealousy into simple-minded people in the form zeal in the old days . They slip it not lukewarm, but hot, so that when they catch these well-intentioned of people on their sincerity, turn the ardent desire to serve God into heat, as St. Ignatius of Caucasus called this state of foolish zealots

*This simplicity is worse than theft, for it would inevitably lead to a new terrible invasion of the Tatars. After all The Lord taught Russians to live with this yoke one people under one grand ducal hand .

So back in 1257] most prudent part population, some boyars and the best people, understood well all the untimeliness troubles started, however, they could not curb the dispersed rebels" . «... Son or saint Grand Duke Alexandra, the ardent and young Prince Vasily, who continued to reign here, announced incited by seditious advisors, What doesn't want to obey father, who carries with him shackles and shame for free people, and left Novgorod

Anticipating terrible revenge on the part of the Tatars, which threatened first of all to fall not on Novgorod, but on the innocent Suzdal region through which they would pass, Saint Alexander hastened to severely punish the instigators of the rebellion and executed the main ones by cutting off a hand or depriving them of their eyes and others. members. Of course, he resorted to these executions, unusual in the Russian land, only in order, if necessary, to show those executed to the Tatars and convince the latter that the perpetrators were immediately punished; if he had executed them by deprivation of life, then, not knowing anyone in Novgorod, the Tatars, upon arriving there, might not have believed it.

There is no doubt that this time in the life of Saint Alexander was for him the most bleak; even his own son did not understand him and rebelled against his father; of course, it was extremely difficult for him to resort to these brutal executions , and only in the consciousness of their complete necessity for the benefit of the entire Russian land could he find moral support for himself?. Indeed, thanks to the decisive measures taken by Saint Alexander, the khan was satisfied with his explanations and notification that the Novgorodians had decided to submit to the new rulers of the Russian land." .

"Thanks to his policies, Novgorod closely joined the rest of Rus', becoming an inseparable part one huge whole. From then on, his fate was tightly connected with the fate of the common Fatherland: together bear the weight of the yoke and together friendly, united forces strive for independence it became, as it were, Alexander's will. ...Putting Novgorod under common dependence with the rest of Russia and having destroyed one of the pretexts for separation, Alexander prepared the case of John II». (Alexander Nevskiy. pp. 164-165).

2.2. Fighters against oppression, against the wrath of God, intensify His wrath on their own heads!

How amazingly clearly the example of the Novgorod rebellion shows who is the author of the idea of ​​​​such freedom, if for this freedom the zealots first require it rebel against the Grand Duke (Tsar) and father how I did it at the instigation of seditionists ardent Prince Vasily. What symbolism! striking the current delusion to the very core. After all, even now" free people", impatiently shackles and shame Jewish yoke (imposed for treason against the Father-Tsar (Nicholas II), thereby showing their reluctance to obey to the coming King-Father (Conqueror of the Antichrist). For God the Father, according to the zealots, not according to the mind of Christ, slow to deliver and so carries shackles and shame"free people".

Saint Alexander Nevsky clearly understood that the Tatar yoke was penance from the Lord for independence separate principalities, for the reluctance of the Monocracy in Rus'. He knew for sure that when the independence of the principalities was ended, the Lord would remove the heavy, but understandable, Tatar yoke from the Russian people. And indeed, when the Russian God-bearing people came to their senses and realized the need for a single Sovereign over them for pleasing service to the Lord Jesus Christ(the squads of all Russian principalities gathered on the Kulikovo Field), The Lord God lifted His penance from the people, who were soon to become the third Chosen People of God, and freed them from the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

And Novgorodians and others rebels, fighting oppression, fought and are fighting the wrath of God. Now over us is the yoke of the Jews, which is penance for disloyalty to the kings from the house of Romanov, for infidelity Christ of the Lord, for not subordinating slaves to princes, for living according to the slogan: who was nothing, suddenly became everything. And again one who cannot be said to be Who has intelligence Christov (Rev. 13:18), but he shows the virtues of a fallen nature, like the Novgorod mayor Ananias, in the simplicity of his soul* , imagines himself as a defender of the dear interests of our homeland. These "simple people", incited by false teachers, rebel against oppression, against the wrath of God. They do not see, and do not want to see, their sins that caused this anger, and therefore do not repent of them and, naturally, do not change and do not come to the mind of the Truth. This means that by their activities they are asking for strengthening the wrath of God on your own head! Remember, the Monk Abel the Seer of Mystery warned: “Or else it will happen! The Angel of the Lord pours out new bowls of tribulation so that people will come to their senses».

*This simplicity, according to the definition of the Russian People, worse than theft.

During the previous Mongol yoke, Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky and his reasonable subjects, as it were (in appearance), participated in the strengthening and expansion of the Tatar-Mongol power quite significantly: they not only paid tribute, but also gave their squads, with which the Mongols suppressed the peoples they had conquered or conquered new peoples. But the Mongol khans, being pagans, tried to force many Christians to worship idols (fire).

And what? The Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky ordered the Novgorod “fighters” against the yoke of the Basurmans, who killed the Baskaks, to cut off their noses and ears, and also threatened the princes and his brethren to deal harshly with anyone who dares to resist the power of the khans. For the holy Prince understood that this power of the khans was allowed by God in order to burn out the Russian people with a hot iron nonsense of independence and instill in these people desire and ability carry out the will collectively, and not everyone on their own.

During his lifetime, the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander was one of the founders of Russia. With his life, he seems to bless the path of righteous service to her . The visions at his tomb coincide with years of disaster. During the years of trials, St. Alexander was always the representative and defender of Rus'. And now, in the years of new disasters, he does not leave Russia, just as the prayers to him for intercession and protection do not stop. In these recent years, more numerous than ever, despite persecution, are crowds of pilgrims coming in procession to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra on the day of his memory. The same prayers are offered to St. Alexander that have been offered to him for many generations. But in Russia’s terrible hour, these fervent prayers and petitions are more significant than in the years of peace and prosperity:

2.3. Prayers, Troparions and Kontakion to the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

Troparion (voice 4)

As the pious root of the most honorable branch you were, blessed Alexandra, manifest for you Christ asѣ Some Divine Treasure Ross I am th earth, a new wonderworker, glorious and God-proclaimedі yatna. And today, having come together in your memory, I dig and love I, in the psalm I x and p i n i rejoicingly we glorify the Lord, who gave youѣ grace healedі y. Pray to Him to save this city, and powers ѣ your relative God-pleasing th be, and son Ross And let us be saved.

The highlighted words are absent in the modern text of the troparion. And it’s clear why: after all, under the relatives of the Blessed Grand Duke our ancestors understood the legitimate Russian Tsars and Emperors.

Kontakion (voice 8)

Like the sound of the Most Holy One We honor the corrupt one, which rose from the east and came to the west: the whole country withі you enrich with miracles and kindness, and enlightenѣ eat in ѣ I dig in honor of your memory, blessed Alexandra. For this reason, today we celebrate your success Yes, people and your beings and: pray to save your Fatherland and the Orthodox EmpireBlessed Sovereign and Our Father (His name You, Lord, weigh), and all flowing to the race your relics, and truly You: Rejoice, our city has been established i e.

The highlighted words are absent in the modern text of the kontakion. Before the revolution it was read like this: and the State of the Orthodox IMPERATOR of our N IKOLYA ALEXANDROV ICHA.

Another Troparion (voice 4)

Get to know your brotherі ь,/ Russian і йsk і й I osfa ,/ not to Egypt ѣ , but reigning in Heavenі й,/ good ѣ rnious Prince Alexandra,/ etc. and I pray to them I am them, / multiplying the lives of people and bearing fruitі I eat your lands, / cities of dominionsі I pray for your protection I eat,/ and nasl ѣ your birthday, / Blagov ѣ OUR ROYAL EMPERATOM to resist, fighting.

This troparion is sung on the day of the transfer of the relics of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky ( Aug 30./ 12 Sep. 1724 by decree of Emperor Peter the Great, the relics were transferred to St. Petersburg). The highlighted words are absent in the modern text of the troparion.

Prayer to the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky

Quick helper to all who diligently come running to you and our warm representative before the Lord, Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexandra! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy, who have committed many iniquities that are indecent to ourselves, now flowing to the race of your relics and crying out to you from the depths of your heart: in your life you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith, and you have unshakably established us towards it with your warm prayers to God . You have carefully carried out the great service entrusted to you, and with your help, guide us to remain in what we are called to do. Having defeated the regiments of adversaries, you drove them away from the borders of Russia, and brought down all visible and invisible enemies against us. You, having abandoned the corruptible crown of the earthly kingdom, have chosen a silent life and are now righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown in Heaven, intercede for us too, we humbly pray to you, arrange for us a quiet and serene life and a steady procession to the Eternal Kingdom through your intercession. Standing before the Throne of God with all the saints, praying for all Orthodox Christians, especially about our Most Pious, Most Autocratic, Great Sovereign, EMPEROR(his name, Lord, You weigh)all Russia May the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we ever glorify and bless God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The highlighted words are missing from the modern text of the prayer. Before the revolution it was read like this:especially about our Most Pious, Most Autocratic, Great Sovereign, IMPERATORE NIKOLYA ALEXANDROV ICHAall Russia.

Get up, Russian people!

from the film "Alexander Nevsky"
Music: S. Prokofiev Words: V. Lugovskoy, 1938
Choir and Symphony Orchestra of the All-Union Radio

Get up, Russian people

Get up, free people
For our honest land!

Honor and honor to living fighters
And to the dead - glory eternal!
For my father's house, for the Russian Land
Get up, Russian people!

Get up, Russian people
For a glorious battle, for a mortal battle!
Get up, free people
For our honest land!

No enemy!
Get up, get up,
Dear mother, Rus'

Native in Rus', big in Rus'
No enemy!
Get up, get up,
Dear mother, Rus'

Get up, Russian people
For a glorious battle, for a mortal battle!
Get up, free people
For our honest land!

Enemies should not go to Rus',
Regiments are not important to Rus'!
There are no paths to Rus',
Do not trample the fields of Rus'!

Get up, Russian people
For a glorious battle, for a mortal battle!
Get up, free people
For our honest land!!!

To realize "Who was our Russian Tsar Nicholas" (Holy Ruler of Pskovozersky Elder Nikolai Guryanov), we present the books of Roman Sergiev “ The atoning sacrifice of Saint Tsar Nicholas became the guarantee of the inevitable resurrection of Tsarist Russia" By clicking on one of the lines you will go to a more detailed table of contents, and from it you will find texts that will help you understand the greatest feat of the Holiness of Emperor NIKOLAI ALEXANDROVICH, who, in fulfillment of the Will of God, became like our Lord Jesus Christ in the redemptive feat! It was through the hands of His Anointed One - the Holy Redeemer NIKOLAI ALEXANROVICH - that the Lord saved the God-chosen Russian People from extermination by the servants of Satan and made IMMINENT resurrection of Tsarist Russia.

About the great redemptive feat of our Sovereign, raised and accomplished by Him in the image and likeness of the Redemptive Feat of Christ the Lord, see the news reports on our website. We also recommend visiting the website "NICHOLAS II REDEEMED THE TREASON OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE!" contains two sermons about the Christ-like redemptive feat of Tsar Nicholas, delivered after the liturgy on May 19, 2008, performed according to the full Imperial Order.

On our website you can see portraits of Emperor Nicholas II, painted during His lifetime. Look

On the need to pray for the coming Russian Tsar Victor and on how to do this in practice, see the work:.

Father Roman on Orthodox Radio of St. Petersburg on Sunday, July 20, spoke about the need to pray according to the Imperial rite and about the need to take out pieces at Proskomedia, and for the Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas II and for the coming Tsar from the Reigning House of Romanov through the female line. The conversation can be downloaded from the news message address: " The Royal Priest on the radio with the Royal theme". At the same address you can read and download conversations between Father Roman and Zhanna Vladimirovna Bichevskaya already on Moscow Radio in her author’s program “From Heart to Heart”. In addition, there you can download the Liturgy performed according to the 1901 Missal (all exclamations according to the Imperial Chinu, without abbreviations

Everyone revered the Spirit-Bearing One of blessed memory Pskovovozersky Elder Nikolai Guryanov can find on our website the rarest and most valuable books about the Elder, written by the person closest to him - the clerk of Strats, his cell attendant Schema nun Nikolai (Groyan): "a fiery prayer book of the Russian land for the whole world", " ", “ ” " "

After reading these books you will learn why the enemy of the human race is rising up against the Holy Crowned Royal Family with such force. On the Friend of Tsarev - the “Man of God” slandered by the enemies of God, the Tsar and Russia, the Holy New Martyr Gregory the New (Rasputin). Learn the Truth about the Holy Blessed Tsar John Tsar John Vasilyevich IV Grozny and get answers to many other burning questions about which the Lord announced through the mouth of His Pleasant - the “Pillar of the Russian Eldership” - the spiritual Elder Nikolai Guryanov

In light of the heated discussions that often arise today around the most ancient symbol of Russian National Culture - Gammamatic Cross (Yarga-Swastika) Our website presents an extensive selection of material on this issue: For information on the Russian Cross of the Resurrection of Russia, see.

You and I remember that the Lord God indicated to Emperor Constantine the Great that with the cross he would win. Let us pay attention to the fact that only with Christ and precisely with the Cross The Russian People will defeat all their enemies and finally throw off the hated Jewish yoke! But the Cross with which the Russian People will win is not simple, but, as usual, golden, but for the time being it is hidden from many Russian Patriots under the rubble of lies and slander. In news reports made from books Kuznetsov V.P. "The history of the development of the shape of the cross". M. 1997;Kutenkova P.I. "Yarga-swastika - a sign of Russian folk culture"St. Petersburg 2008;Bagdasarov R. "The Mysticism of the Fiery Cross" M. 2005, tells about the place in the culture of the Russian People of the most blessed cross - the swastika. The swastika cross has one of the most perfect forms and contains in graphic form the entire mystical secret of God's Providence and the entire dogmatic completeness of Church teaching!

Moreover, if we remember that The Russian People are the third Chosen People of God(The Third Rome is Moscow, the Fourth will not happen; what the swastika is a graphic image And the whole mystical mystery of God's Providence, And the entire dogmatic completeness of Church teaching, then a completely unambiguous conclusion arises - Russian people under the sovereign hand already soon to come Victorious Tsar from the Royal House of Romanov ( They swore to the House of Romanov To God in 1613 to be faithful until the end of time ) will defeat all his enemies under the banners on which the swastika (gammatical cross) will flutter under the face of the Savior Not Made by Hands! In the State Emblem, the swastika will also be placed on a large crown, which symbolizes the power of the Anointed Tsar both in the earthly Church of Christ and in the Kingdom of God’s Chosen Russian People.

On our website you can download and read the wonderful work of the general and writer Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov, “ ”, which is an unfading wreath to the valiant soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial Army, who laid down their lives for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. After reading this book, you will find out what the Russian The Imperial Army was stronger than all the armies in the world and you will understand who General Pyotr Nikolaevich Krasnov was. A warrior of the Russian Army, a Russian Patriot, an Orthodox Christian will deprive themselves of a lot if they do not find time to read this very blessed book.

A unique book in which a specialist investigator being an Orthodox person, obviously through the prayers of the holy Tsar-Redeemer Nicholas II and the New Martyr John, the Tsar’s faithful servant - cook I.M. Kharitonov, who died along with Tsar Nicholas II and His Family in the basement of the house of engineer Ipatiev, was able to show the ritual nature of the murder of the Anointed King by the servants of Satan.

The attempts of the Russian people to understand what happened to the Royal Family in Yekaterinburg on the night of July 17-18, 1918 have not stopped and will never stop. The truth is needed not only to restore historical reality, but also to understand the spiritual essence of the martyrdom of the Emperor and his Family. We do not know what they experienced - the Lord judged them to languish for more than a year under arrest, in prison, in complete obscurity, in an atmosphere of hatred and misunderstanding, with the burden of responsibility on their shoulders - for the fate of the Motherland and loved ones. But, having endured what was allowed, accepting everything from the hands of God, they found humility, meekness and love - the only thing that a person can bring to the Lord and, most importantly, what pleases Him. The work of Pyotr Valentinovich Multatuli, a historian, great-grandson of one of the Tsar’s faithful servants, Ivan Mikhailovich Kharitonov, is unusual. This is not a scientific monograph, but detailed, scrupulous investigation of the Yekaterinburg crime. The author's goal is, if possible, to get closer to the spiritual understanding of what happened in the Ipatiev House. The work uses materials from the archives of Russia and France. Many documents are published for the first time

All news reports on the book by Pyotr Valentinovich Multatuli on our website can be found in the library

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Multatuli P.V. Nicholas II: Name Russia. Historical choice M.: ACT: Astrel, 2008. - 477 Invisible Khazaria
Publishing house: grains, Ryazan, 2008. Hardcover, 477 pages, Price in Krupskaya (St. Petersburg) - 200 rub.

There is no more slandered figure in Russian history than Emperor Nicholas II. For decades, the name of the Emperor was surrounded by slander, lies, misunderstanding, condemnation, and mockery. And the further we move away from the events of 1918, the stronger and more furious the slander campaign against Nicholas II becomes. The time has come to tell the truth about the last Russian Tsar. In the largest television project of the year, “The Name of Russia,” where Russian citizens chose the greatest compatriot in the entire history of the country, the name of Nicholas II was among the 50 most popular personalities in Russian history.

The book is addressed to a wide range of readers interested in the history of Russia.

1. What was the basis of Nicholas II’s worldview? ...........9
2. Was Nicholas II “not ready” to reign? .............17
3. Was Nicholas II “weak-willed”? ...........................22
4. What personality traits did Nicholas II possess? ..........36
ERA......................................................... .44
1. Why is the beginning of the reign of Nicholas II one of the most difficult eras in Russian history? ..........44
2. Is Nicholas II to blame for “Khodynka”?...................................51
3. Why did Nicholas II decide to convene the Hague Peace Conference? ........................................57
4. Who started the Russo-Japanese War? ....................73
5. What really happened on January 9, 1905 and was Nicholas II guilty of “Bloody Sunday”?............78
6. What really was the “first Russian revolution”? ......103
7 Was Nicholas II an enemy of reforms? ...........................130
8. How and why was the State Duma created in Russia? ................................................"37
1. Was the Russian Empire a backward and impoverished state? ................................148
2. Was the Russian Empire a “prison of nations”? .........158
3. Who was Grigory Rasputin really? ..........170
CHAPTER 3. FIRST WORLD WAR....................................177
1. What was the First World War for Russia?........................177
2. Did Nicholas II want war with Germany? .................188
3. Did Nicholas II put the interests of his allies above the interests of Russia?.................... .........205
4. What were the reasons that Nicholas II assumed supreme command in 1915? ...............219
5. What was Nicholas II like as Supreme Commander-in-Chief?....................... ......225
1. Who stood behind the February Revolution? .......250
3. Did Nicholas II abdicate the throne on March 2, 1917? ..... ........ .....264
We firmly affirm that Tsar Nicholas abdicated the Throne on March 2, 1917, about this see the news message from 02/01/2008. and news report from o2.02.2008.
1. Who initiated the arrest of the royal family? ....314
2. Did the West strive to save the royal family? .. .....323
3. What was the mission of Commissar Yakovlev? ...338
4. Organizers of the murder of the royal family: who are they? ...375
5. What were the real reasons for the murder of the royal family?.................................. .438

The fragment is taken from the book by Tatyana Gracheva. Invisible Khazaria. pp. 384-398. Discharge is highlighted by the author of the news report.

Studies of geopolitical and historical problems in the book by T.V. Gracheva is built on Orthodox doctrine, Holy Scripture, Holy Tradition, the writings of the Church Fathers, and the resolutions of the Ecumenical Councils. Characteristics of religious extremists and fanatics, Satanists and Christ-haters are given in the book in the generally accepted Orthodox sense.

In the introduction to the book, charging the reader an optimistic approach to both history and present life, entitled« We are defeated, but we are invincible» , it says:

“The book of political scientist Tatyana Gracheva “Invisible Khazaria” will be a revelation for many, overturning established ideas about the modern world of big politics and, in a certain sense, a real sensation.

For the first time in many decades, such a simple in form and deep in essence understanding of the most pressing “forbidden” topics appears not only in the intellectual dimension familiar to secular society, but also in an unusual, spiritual and religious sacred context. The world is ruled religiously and behind the big politics of the West are religious anti-Christian forces- this is just one of the fundamental discoveries of the author, who analyzes world politics not only as a political scientist, but also as a spiritual analyst.

Russia, represented by the state and secular society, turned out to be completely unprepared and unable to adequately respond to the modern spiritual challenges of external international aggressors who have seized important state positions in Russia and waging a real war against its sacred statehood.

After reading the book, you realize that only a triune union of the People, the Army and the Church, sealed by the unity of national traditions, is capable today of turning back the wheel of Russian history, the flywheel of which is being actively spun by the world behind the scenes.

The return of Russia to its Orthodox traditions, to the ideals of Holy Rus', nevertheless, represents an insurmountable obstacle for the world forces of evil. For the very spirit of malice on which the Western empire stands has already been defeated and defeated at its core by Jesus Christ. And today it only takes time for our people to realize that our victory in the fight against any forces, against any globalization processes is a foregone conclusion if God is with us. If we make a conscious choice in His direction, and not in the direction of His opponents. " For everyone who is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith "(1 John 5:4).

T. Gracheva’s book is an instruction for warriors of the spirit who have a courageous heart, mind, honor and dignity, a call to defend what was created and preserved for us by our great ancestors "

When we say that the history of Russia is the history of the wars that it waged almost continuously for its statehood, we should keep in mind that the enemy who encroached on our identity and statehood, after defeat, may be obsessed with a thirst for revenge. And this destructive passion to take revenge, to repeat the attempt to take over, can be rooted in history, and even in the very distant past, which suddenly comes to life, ignites the inner world of some group of people living in the present and becomes the driving force behind their behavior. Revanchism becomes the dominant feature of their personality.

They become a function of the forces of historical revenge and continuers of their war against Russia. Being possessed by anger, aggression and revolutionary rebellion, destructive pride and revenge, they surrender themselves to the power of these forces, becoming continuers of the work of those who waged war against us, who wanted to enslave and destroy us, who wanted to crush our statehood. They readily accept the baton of war from those who fought against us in the past, but were never able to conquer us.

This destructive continuity and spiritual connection between the forces of aggression and revenge continues throughout Russian history. Understanding the historical origins of revanchism and its driving forces means understanding the motives and goals of modern war and determining who and how is actually waging it and how to resist the new incarnation of the old historical enemy. (“Invisible Khazaria...”, p. 141).


The spiritual meaning of world politics
The main target of modern warfare.................................................... 5
War in the spaces of statehood.................................... 13
War in physical space................................................... 19
War in the demographic subspace.
When drugs become weapons................................... 21
The fight against life: technologies for population reduction.. 63
New strategy for globalist military doctrine
War in territorial subspace. Metamorphoses of modern war................... 93
(for fragments up to page 95, see chapter 1.4.3 of the news report dated October 23, 2008. )
Mercenaries - the past army of the new war................................. 97
Who is behind the world behind the scenes?
War in mental space........................ 138
The forces of historical revenge against the forces of historical sacred statehood...... 141
After Khazaria................................................... ............... 153
(news report dated 11/16/2008. )
Return of Khazaria................................................... .. 160
A snake that bites its own tail. Anti-Semitism is a product of Zionism.................................... 168
(news report dated 12/15/2008. )
Using "Christian" master keys, Zionism comes to power in the Christian world
War in spiritual space. The desire for spiritual revenge.................................... 324
Potion for Protestantism.................................................... 335
Defeat by spiritual weapons means total enslavement.................................... 336
(Page 324 - Page 344 news report dated 12/15/2008. )
(Page 344 - Page 363 news report dated 12/24/2008. )
The future of Russia lies in preserving spiritual traditions
Tribe of Dan - doers of the will of the devil.......... 364
(Page 364 - Page 383 news report dated 12/25/2008. )
Will there be a new Pearl Harbor?................................................. 384
Russia: Third Rome or New Jerusalem.............. 392

(Page 384 - Page 398 news report dated 12/26/2008. )

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