Who is who in the Strategic Missile Forces. Nikikin Vladimir Alekseevich

(born 04/22/1940)

Member of the Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces from 02/06/1993 to 05/30/2000.

Born in the village of Topucha, Shebalinsky district, Altai Territory. Colonel General (1994). Doctor of Technical Sciences (1998). Professor (2000). Honored Specialist of the USSR Armed Forces (1990). Graduated from the Saratov Artillery Technical School (1960). Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute (1967, in absentia), Military Academy named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (1981, in absentia).

In the Armed Forces from October 1957 to June 1963 and from October 1966 to June 2001. After graduating from college, he served in technical positions in the missile regiment of the Khmelnytsky Missile Division. In June 1963 he was transferred to the reserve and worked as an engineer at the military representative office in Barnaul. In September 1966, he was re-conscripted into military service and served in the technical missile base of the Derzhavin Missile Division: senior crew engineer, crew chief, and department head. Since October 1971, in the management of the Orenburg Rocket Army: engineer, senior engineer of the missile weapons operation and repair department. Since February 1976, deputy chief, head of department of the Main Directorate for the Operation of Missile Weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces. Since November 1985, Deputy Commander of the Smolensk Missile Army for Armaments. In October 1990, he was appointed head of the department, then first deputy head of the Main Directorate for the Operation of Missile Weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In September 1992, he was appointed head of the Main Directorate for the Operation of Missile Weapons - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Missile Forces for Armaments (since August 1993, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces for Armaments - Chief of Armaments).

In June 2001 he was transferred to the reserve. Works as Deputy General Director of OJSC Rosobschemash Corporation.

Awarded the Order of the October Revolution (1983). Red Banner of Labor (1976), “For Merit to the Fatherland” IV degree (1999), “For Military Merit” (1996) and many medals.

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NIKITIN Vladimir Alekseevich

Colonel General, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Military Sciences, Honored Specialist of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize, Honored Creator of Space Technology, Honored Tester of the Baikonur Cosmodrome

Born on April 22, 1940 in the mountain village of Topuchaya, Shebalinsky district, Altai Republic. Father - Alexey Timofeevich Nikitin (1919-1943), died at the front. Mother - Nikitina Valentina Nikolaevna (1920-1986), primary school teacher. Wife – Nikitina Rimma Ivanovna, doctor. Daughter – Elizaveta (born 1963). Son – Vadim (born 1966). Grandchildren: Alina, Vladimir, Taisiya.

The life and fate of General Vladimir Nikitin is as typical as it is unique for a Russian officer of the military generation. He once chose a goal for himself - service to the Fatherland and walked along this path for more than 40 years consistently and harmoniously, having experienced many shocks, kinks, ups, and tragedies - personal, military, public, state. Military career of V.A. Nikitin is associated with the most powerful type of troops - the Strategic Missile Forces, into the formation and development of which he invested without reserve all his talent as a military engineer. He had to put the first missile regiments on combat duty, and more than once master new, more and more advanced weapons systems. As a military man, privy to many secrets behind seven seals, he knows what the arms race really means, what it looks like, and how the security of a citizen of Russia, America, and any citizen on planet Earth is ensured.

After brilliantly graduating from high school, Vladimir entered the Saratov Military School (1957), from which he graduated with honors. In 1960, with the rank of lieutenant, Nikitin was sent to serve in the newly formed Strategic Missile Forces. It ends up in the Khmelnitsky region, where R-12 missiles are being put into service. The first years of service are spent on the construction of complexes and the development of the first launches of the R-12. It was during these years that military engineer Nikitin successfully mastered the technology of preparing and conducting combat training launches of missiles from the Kapustin Yar training ground, first as the head of the electrical fire department of the combat crew, later becoming an instructor of missile launches.

In 1966, Nikitin arrived to serve in the city of Derzhavinsk (Kazakhstan). It was at that time that there was an active formation of regiments armed with a new generation of silo-based heavy missiles R-36, designed by M.K. Yangelya. Over the 5 years of service in Kazakhstan, officer Nikitin masters the full cycle of formation of this type of missile system - from launching missiles to fully testing the system for their combat operation. Having gone through all the technical positions and having passed through his hands every element of the new rocket and launch complex, Nikitin becomes among rocket scientists a recognized specialist of the highest qualification, a master of rocket science.

Since fairly simple rockets were replaced by models with on-board computer systems, and the control schemes for these rockets require deep engineering knowledge, Nikitin entered the correspondence department of the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute, which he graduated in 3 years instead of the 6 required by the program. At this time, he became interested in higher mathematics, mastering its most complex sections - vector analysis and field theory. Continuing his service in engineering positions in Kazakhstan, Nikitin entered and successfully completed distance learning at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. All this was subsequently required in practice during the development of increasingly complex rocket technology, its creation and improvement, taking into account the experience of foreign rocket science.

In 1972, after the completion of the formation of the Derzhavin heavy missile division, Nikitin was transferred to service in Orenburg, to the command staff of a wider group, where his main task was to put into service a new type of missile - the R-36M designed by V.F. Utkina. In terms of the significance of his personal contribution to the development of this new weapon by the troops, Nikitin can rightfully be called one of the pioneers in the operation of this type of weapon, since the emerging Orenburg regiment was the first in the country in which the basic norms and rules of the future system of its maintenance, system triple control, operational and technical control of weapons and organization of industrial guarantee supervision. The practical solution of these issues was entrusted to V.A. Nikitin as an experienced rocket scientist and highly qualified specialist.

From 1972 to 1975, Nikitin studied the country’s most complex system of industrial cooperation in the field of missile technology, delved into the details of the work of general and chief designers, using all this to increase technical readiness and safe operation of missile systems in the troops. It was during his years of service in combat units that Nikitin formulated for himself a number of fundamental principles for ensuring safety during the operation of missiles. The problems that inevitably arose during the testing of new weapons led Nikitin to the understanding that missile systems must be operated according to the strictest rules, the same for both military and civilian specialists. The introduction of this concept was primarily associated with the solution of pressing problems of the missile forces associated with the incidents that occurred at that time in the field of missile technology.

In 1976, Nikitin was appointed to the Main Command of the Strategic Missile Forces as head of the department for the operation of strategic missile systems. At this time, the ideology of continuous management of the operation of strategic missile forces weapons was finally formed, which, on the initiative of A.A. Ryazhskikh and A.V. Usenkova was already beginning to practically form in the troops. In this position, his primary tasks included resolving a set of issues related to maintaining the technical readiness of missiles on combat duty, strengthening industrial guarantee supervision, and creating systems for centralized operational and technical management of all technical forces of the missile forces. This issue has already been dealt with by many specialists under the leadership of generals N.F. Chervyakova, G.N. Malinovsky, however, the practical experience and special engineering talent that V.A. possessed. Nikitin, significantly accelerated the implementation of the most advanced system for managing the operation of missile systems in the troops. This ensured stability in maintaining high technical readiness of weapons and made it possible to avoid accidents and other incidents during the maintenance of nuclear missile weapons.

Having served in the Main Command for almost 10 years, Colonel Nikitin was sent to the post of deputy commander of the missile army for armaments. Thus, his area of ​​responsibility included groups that were armed with complexes not only of different types, but also of different generations. At this stage of his service, Nikitin participated in the implementation of the most complex programs from a technical point of view. One of them concerned the implementation of the international agreement to end the operation of first-generation missiles, which began after the ratification of the Shorter and Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. This was one of the first stages of the reduction of offensive weapons, according to which the American side eliminated the Pershing missiles based in Germany, and the Soviet side eliminated the R-12 missiles and Pioneer complexes. The difficulty in carrying out this task was that in the Soviet Union there were no technical bases for eliminating missiles in military, rather than industrial, conditions. Under the leadership of Nikitin, the first such base was created - “Lesnaya”, 20 kilometers from the city of Baranovichi.

A special program in the implementation of which Nikitin was directly involved was the placement of Topol missile systems on combat duty, which significantly strengthened the country’s nuclear missile potential.

Years of military service in managing the operation of strategic missile systems enriched Nikitin with valuable experience and created the basis for his successful solution of larger-scale tasks.

In 1990, with the rank of Major General V.A. Nikitin is appointed to the post of head of the Strategic Missile Forces Weapons Operations Directorate. This appointment coincided with the end of a stable period of operation of the system for maintaining the technical readiness of missile systems. With each subsequent year, the situation in this area deteriorated catastrophically.

General V.A. Nikitin had to fully experience the dramatic events when it seemed that the technical basis for maintaining the combat readiness of the nuclear missile shield was about to collapse. There were plenty of reasons for concern. Budgetary funding for maintaining the technical readiness of weapons has become disproportionate to its needs, industrial guarantee supervision has weakened, technological and performance discipline has deteriorated before our eyes, the collapse of the unified cooperation of the missile industry has begun and the transfer of a number of enterprises to the management of the CIS countries in accordance with the territories of their location. At the same time, the division of nuclear missile potential began, after which no more than 60% of all missile systems remained in Russia, the rest ended up in Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine. There were also significant reserves of reserve weapons.

A natural consequence of the looming threat of the collapse of industrial cooperation and the loss of technical weapons reserves could be a catastrophic decline in the technical readiness of missile systems. Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine declared their nuclear-free status. Russia is faced with the most difficult diplomatic and technical task - the return of nuclear missile weapons through redeployment to its territory.

In 1993 V.A. Nikitin, already in the rank of Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, was instructed, together with other leaders of the Main Command, to carry out an operation to dismantle and remove all equipment and missiles from Kazakhstan, which was done in the shortest possible time. This was by no means a purely technical operation. On the territory of Kazakhstan there were complexes of the latest generation, the missiles and equipment of which were transported to Russian territory. Thanks to the successful completion of this operation, the Russian nuclear missile forces were able to update their technical base for the operation of heavy weapons, while creating certain reserves. The equipment exported from Kazakhstan made it possible to maintain the combat readiness of missile systems for a long time in conditions of underfunding.

In 1994-96, the task of returning weapons was continued. Before V.A. Nikitin was faced with the problem of dismantling and now withdrawing the Topol missile systems from Belarus. However, at that time, interstate agreements relating to this issue had not been ratified, so Nikitin needed to coordinate decisions directly with the top officials of Belarus in personal meetings - through methods of explanation and persuasion. At times it seemed that the problem was impossible to solve. Only the persistence, state responsibility and diplomatic abilities of Nikitin, who achieved a personal inspection by President Lukashenko of the technical condition of the complexes, which at that time was alarming, made it possible to finally solve the problem of withdrawing the Topol missile systems from Belarus, deploying them on Russian territory.

The process of returning nuclear missile weapons from the CIS to Russia remained virtually unnoticed by the world community. However, this operation had important foreign policy and military-strategic significance for strengthening the status of our country as a great nuclear power and preventing the spread of unique missile technologies.

Nikitin devoted 1996 to strengthening the industrial complex involved in ensuring the production and supply of weapons for the Strategic Missile Forces, making enormous efforts and organizational skills to solve this problem, including at the interstate level. These actions of V.A. Nikitina made it possible to overcome the main reason for the instability of the industry - the lack of adequate financing. For this reason, from 1996 to 1998, missile systems functioned only at the expense of internal funds and reserves of technical reliability.

With the decision to unite the Strategic Missile Forces, Aerospace Forces and RKO into one type of force, an important area of ​​Nikitin’s immediate responsibilities became technical integration into a single command and control loop for missile, space and information weapons. It took titanic work to correct the deplorable situation in the technical condition of key infrastructure facilities at cosmodromes, test sites, as well as missile attack warning systems. This required not only significant funds, but also time. There was neither one nor the other. Under these conditions, Nikitin had to resort to non-standard solutions, introduce a regime of unprecedented savings in material resources and optimize the organizational and staffing of the weapons testing base.

From 1997 to 2000, under the direct leadership of Colonel General V.A. Nikitin developed and implemented a program for the restoration and development of space infrastructure, optimization of the composition of rocket test units, and the elimination of redundant test structures that did not have tasks for the future. Instead of several scattered testing grounds, on his initiative, the Unified Interspecific Central Test Site of the Ministry of Defense was created. This program was focused on a more economically profitable organization of problem solving.

During the testing of the Proton rocket with the Briz-M upper stage, V.A. Nikitin acted as chairman of the state commission for conducting their joint flight tests. An accident occurred in one of these tests. The chairman of the commission together with the general and chief designers and, above all, with A.I. Kiselev and V.S. Rachuk conducted a full-scale investigation into the causes of the accident, which were clearly established. It was this work that made it possible to attract the attention of senior leaders to the problems of the rocket industry and take appropriate measures to correct the current state of affairs with the further operation of the Proton space rocket. During the same period, Nikitin established a state commission for flight testing of a heavy combat rocket as a carrier of space payload, organized and successfully carried out its first launch under the Dnepr conversion program from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

The most important area of ​​Nikitin’s activity was the creation, testing, adoption and deployment of the new generation Topol-M strategic missile system for combat duty. This work proceeded at a high pace; significant resources were mobilized to achieve the result, and above all, the scientific and production potential of the country. Thanks to the titanic work of general and chief designers together with industrial enterprises and troops with the highly organized activities of the state commission under the leadership of V.A. Nikitin's flight tests of this missile took only 6 years, while usually it took 10-12 years from the start of development to adoption. In 1998, the penultimate tests were successfully completed, and in the same year the first Topol-M complex was introduced into the strategic nuclear forces at the missile base in Tatishchev, where Nikitin also supervised construction and testing. The full cycle of flight tests was completed by 2000, with parallel work to increase the operational strength of the silo-based Topol-M missiles. The first test launch of this missile from a moving ground complex under the leadership of V.A. Nikitin was also successful.

The last 10 years of service, although they turned out to be extremely difficult and intense, turned out to be for General V.A. Nikitin the most fruitful. An undoubted fact: with his direct participation, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, despite all the difficulties of the country’s economic situation, not only did not lose their combat power, but also created the basis for their development for the long term, maintaining the high technical readiness of the country’s nuclear missile shield. This is the result of many years of fruitful service to their Fatherland by true patriots and professionals, which rightfully includes Colonel General Vladimir Alekseevich Nikitin, a proud, strong-willed Russian officer who loves his country.

According to V.A. Nikitin, he is especially indebted and deeply grateful for his successes in his military career and in missile affairs to generals A.A. Ryazhskikh, I.A. Shevtsov, I.D. Sergeev, A.P. Volkov, A.V. Usenkov, as well as his wife Rimma Ivanovna Nikitina, whose help and support was constantly present during the most difficult periods of service and life.

After the reverse disintegration of the missile forces was carried out in 2001, Colonel General V.A. Nikitin came to the reserve.

He was awarded the Order of the October Revolution, the Red Banner of Labor, “For Services to the Fatherland” IV degree, “For Military Merit”, medals, among which Vladimir Alekseevich himself considers, perhaps, his most valuable award to be the medal “For Military Merit”.

Colonel General V.A. Nikitin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Military Sciences, Honored Specialist of the Armed Forces, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize, Honored Creator of Space Technology, Honored Tester of the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Nikolay Sergeev, Alexey Sokovnin

Yesterday, the Frunzensky District Court of Ivanovo sentenced to three years in prison the ex-chief of the Ivanovo Region Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Nikitin, who was under investigation after he vouched for the former head of the GUEBiPK Denis Sugrobova. He was tried for exceeding his authority - the Investigative Committee established that during the construction of the new building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the general spent more than 91 million rubles on work not provided for by the project, which is why the facility was never put into operation. The defense is going to appeal the verdict - according to the examination and testimony of witnesses, there were no violations on the part of Mr. Nikitin at all.

Judge Nikolai Vergazov found Major General Nikitin and the former head of the capital construction organization department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ivanovo Region, Alexey Sheenkov, guilty of committing a crime under Part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (exceeding official powers). Based on the materials of the main investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, which investigated this case, the court found that in 2013-2014, during the construction of the building of the regional Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the defendants organized the execution of work not provided for by the state contract, including expensive finishing of the premises using marble and granite.

At the same time, furniture was purchased for the management team, the cost of which, according to investigators, was beyond the scope of the contract. All this led to the fact that there was not enough money to carry out other work, including creating an information security system in the building. Moreover, due to lack of funding, all work was suspended for more than a year, and the Ivanovo police never moved to their new office. The damage from the general’s actions, as the investigation calculated, exceeded 218 million rubles.

[NEWSru.com, 06/10/2016, “The former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ivanovo region was sentenced to a colony for the luxurious decoration of his offices”: More than 91 million rubles intended for work on putting into operation a system to ensure secrecy, security and protection, on Nikitin’s instructions, were aimed at expensive decoration of his personal office and the offices of his deputies.
In particular, parquet flooring and furniture made from precious wood were purchased, and the VIP dining room was furnished in Italian style. “Classic furniture made of precious wood, leather chairs, frescoes, relief plaster...” - the Ivanovo city portal 37.ru gives a description of the decoration of one of the offices. […]
The court does not doubt the testimony of Alexey Sheenkov, a subordinate of the former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The decision to spend money on offices was not a collegial one; Nikitin personally approved the changes.
The information security system was not completed; a delay in the construction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs building occurred due to additional work that brought chaos. As a result, the new building at 47 Kuznetsova Street was not put into operation by the end of 2013. Nikitin's defense stated that the work was not carried out because the funds were used for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi, but the court was critical of this remark.
According to the court, there was no need for new finishing work or the purchase of expensive furniture. The exclusive decoration of the general’s office alone cost 11 million. Nikitin’s testimony about free money saved is not confirmed by anyone. - Insert K.ru]

During the trial, his defense argued the opposite.

Analyzing the examination that formed the basis of the case, lawyer Airat Khikmatullin came to the conclusion that it only confirmed the innocence of his client. Thus, the amount of 218 million rubles, called damage in the indictment, according to the defense, was not actually such. According to Mr. Khikmatullin, during the interrogation of experts (and the accusation was based on their research), it turned out that when determining the damage, they took as a basis the entire cost of the work performed in the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the work that was provided for in the design and estimate documentation.

Moreover, it turned out that the furniture, for which the general allegedly overpaid, was not paid for by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And the expensive frescoes on the walls of the future police canteen, which experts paid special attention to, were just graffiti, paid for with funds collected by the police themselves. As for the protection of information, as the experts themselves explained, they did not study this problem at all, since they did not have the authority. All this, according to the defense, indicated that the examination was carried out poorly, and the experts’ conclusions were unreliable.

The prosecutor's office partially agreed with this opinion and adjusted its position. In particular, during the debate, alleged violations with the purchase of furniture were excluded from the charges, and the amount of damage was reduced to 91 million rubles. Nevertheless, the state prosecution requested four years in prison for Alexander Nikitin, and three years probation for Alexey Sheenkov, who actively cooperated with the investigation.

Speaking with the last word, General Nikitin called his accomplice Sheenkov, who testified against him, a “scoundrel.” According to the general, he did not “stole a penny” from the facility under construction, but only wanted to make sure that the police building became an adornment of the architecture of Ivanovo.

The judge spent about two weeks preparing the verdict and announced it in two days. Moreover, as the general’s defense claims, it was actually based on the indictment. Alexander Nikitin was sentenced to three years in a general regime colony, in addition, he was stripped of the rank of police major general and the Order of Honor. At the same time, he was given the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, as well as the title of honorary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexey Sheenkov received three and a half years of suspended imprisonment with a probationary period of three years.

Lawyer Khikmatullin said that the verdict will be appealed to the Ivanovo Regional Court, and if it remains in force, the ex-general’s defense will file a petition for his parole. The ex-chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already served a year and a half under investigation and trial.

Part two

After the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs became aware of stories about a doghouse costing almost 1.5 million and service apartments that were not listed on the department’s balance sheet, he became completely disillusioned with Sheenkov and Kurylev.

“Their names began to bother me,” Nikitin said. - I wanted to conduct an investigation into these facts and send its materials to the investigative committee, but I was besieged... Then I went to Governor Mikhail Menu and asked him for help in solving the problem of completion. I told him about the contractor KSK, which at that time was headed by Tikhonov, about how they carry out all the work. Men called Tikhonov on the carpet and said that if you don’t finish building the house, you won’t get a single object in the Ivanovo region anymore. Then the elections to the regional Duma were approaching, no one needed a scandal, everything was done, the apartments were accepted, two of them were put on the balance sheet of the Department of Internal Affairs, now they are official housing.”

After the elections, on September 9, 2013, the general went on vacation and left the region for Tomsk and Novosibirsk. While Nikitin was on vacation, the contract was changed without his knowledge, according to which the administrative building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should be put into operation not in December 2015, as originally planned, but in December 2013. In two months it was necessary to spend about 342 million rubles, the general calculated. When he returned from vacation, he realized that it would be impossible to use this money in such a short period of time. No work was being carried out at the facility at that moment, Nikitin said: the RSU explained this by saying that first of all it was necessary to commission the Olympic facilities in Sochi, then everything else.

“It turns out that all this money went to the Olympics, I don’t understand or something,” the general tried to open the court’s eyes to what was happening.

In addition, the RSU kept things dark: they didn’t name prices, they didn’t provide documents, but they convinced me that they would have time to spend the money. However, the general had little time for this: his common-law wife was about to give birth. Nikitin brought her to Ivanovo, where the general’s second son was born at the Research Institute of Motherhood and Childhood on New Year’s Eve.

Checks have begun

In February 2014, a commission from the KRU Ministry of Internal Affairs (control and audit department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - website) came to Ivanovo for an inspection. At the construction site, of course, violations were discovered - the building was not put into operation, work was not being carried out. But the RSU acknowledged the debt (it was about an amount of about 100 million rubles, Nikitin clarified) and issued a letter of guarantee. The inspectors determined the situation to be within the bounds of the law. The general also spoke about a case of misuse of 6 million 78 thousand rubles. According to him, they were paid by Sheenkov for the repair of storm sewers at the chemical plant named after. Queen: they say that while performing work at the site, the storm drain was broken, and it had to be repaired. The Department for Combating Economic Crimes checked this information and issued it: there was no storm drain there, the general said. After that, Nikitin said that neither he nor the deputy head of the RSU Eliseev should come into his sight again. An internal investigation began against Sheenkov.

Fashionable sofa

General Nikitin scolded the media, which examined in detail the specifications for ordering furniture for the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region. They wrote especially a lot about luxurious leather sofas, the cost of which was more than 700 thousand rubles. Nikitin doesn’t know how the photographs from Tatyana Mironova’s design project (sofas and that’s all) that caused a stir ended up on the Internet, but he says that all these files were available to Sheenkov.

“There is one journalist in Ivanovo who is always drunk, I won’t name his last name. So Sheenkov could have leaked it to him,” the general assumed.

“This is not imported furniture, as the media wrote, this is an ordinary Shatura factory.” These sofas can't cost that much. We made a request for their real price, and we received a response from the manufacturers.

He's in action. The prosecutor did not read these answers, but I will remind you that the price was inflated by 2-3 times. Naturally, I did not accept them and did not sign anything. So at night, like a guerrilla, they somehow managed to smuggle them into the building,” the defendant recalled. He arrived at the site and looked at these sofas, but it turned out that they brought completely different furniture than was listed in the technical specifications.

“According to the technical specifications it was leatherette, but here it’s genuine leather. I called Mironova, she said that this was Kazarov’s decision (the head of the subcontractor company, responsible for the “improved” finishing of the building and the design project). I said that I wouldn’t take this furniture, let them take it back. Then it turned out that the sofas were not made to order, but simply found something similar at the Shatura factory, and bought at a price that was 3 times higher.”

One more check

In August 2014, the construction site, where work had stopped completely in the summer, was visited by inspectors from Rosoboronzakaz. According to the general, “certain services” contributed to their visit. And then it turned out that Sheenkov did not approve changes in the specifications for ordering furniture and finishing at Ivanovograzhdanproekt.

“For me it was like a blow to the head. Sheenkov was given a warning about incomplete official compliance,” Nikitin said.

And although Sheenkov wanted to hold out until he was 55 and retire, his boss still did not let him do this: he said his patience had run out. On November 5, a criminal case was opened against him for, and the issue of his dismissal was being decided.

And then things started to happen: on November 13, a commission from the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, created by order of the Prosecutor General's Office, showed up in Ivanovo.

“Then the inspector met with Governor Pavel Konkov and said that the identified violations had nothing to do with Nikitin,” the general said.

On November 17, however, he was surprised to read a note from State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein that he would soon be removed from office. On November 21, Sheenkov was dismissed from the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to length of service. And then, as the general says, he wrote a certain statement to the FSB Directorate for the Ivanovo Region, which is also in the case file.

“That’s where they told him, if you testify against Nikitin, we will arrest him, and you will remain free,” the disgraced general put forward a version.

On November 27, Nikitin went to the ministry, in Vladimir he changed to the Sapsan, and in Moscow, at the exit of the train, the general was “accepted.” At this point, the general ended his hours-long monologue and began answering questions from state prosecutors and the judge.

Once again about the office

“I am charged with decorating the boss’s office for 11 million rubles. Damage is charged from the stated prices, but prices are set by RSU, which works directly with OKS. But RSU is not Sharashka’s office; its head is appointed by the Minister of Internal Affairs,” Nikitin said. – The finishing of the building was carried out by a company from Suzdal. The finishing is expensive - we ordered oak entrance doors, each costing 350-400 thousand, the handrail on the stairs was also made of solid oak. I proceeded from the fact that the service life of the building is one hundred years, which means that the finishing must be centuries old. For some reason, the decoration of the corridor was also included in the charges for my office. And all this for 11 million. But when we contacted the contractor from Suzdal, they replied that they completed the work for 6 million, but charged me with more than 11 million. For one office. And I will never agree with these prices! For some reason the performers were not interrogated as witnesses. And I'm sitting here because I wanted to save the money. Well, what’s wrong with this office of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Oh my God! This isn't my apartment, right? If all this finishing is included in the limit, let them do it. The media say I built myself a palace. Yes, my office in Novosibirsk was better decorated. Yes, in the FSB Directorate [in the Ivanovo region], the entire chief’s office is decorated from top to bottom with bog oak. Is it bad that our builders know how to work well? Well, put me in prison for 10 years, but what will that solve?

Nikitin also admitted his guilt in this situation:

“My fault is that I did not properly monitor the construction activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs building and did not make personnel and procedural decisions regarding Sheenkov and Kurylev,” he said.

The general also spoke about the injustice of the distribution of budget money for the repair of Ministry of Internal Affairs facilities in the region:

“I calculated that 27 million rubles a year are transferred for current and major repairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs facilities. When I went to the districts, tears came to my eyes, how can people work in such bestial conditions? And one and a half billion were allocated for the administrative building in Ivanovo. But I cannot redistribute these funds, I do not have such powers. In the Ivanovo region there is not a single building built for 1.5 billion rubles. All the walls here should be trimmed with gold! This is not a state thing."

Then one of the state prosecutors asked the defendant the following question:

– And the lighting costs 2.5 million according to the state? Curtains for 10 million is the state standard? To decorate three floors with marble - in a state manner?

- Yes, in a state manner. I have already explained why all this was done. There were no curtains for 10 million. The designer offered curtains only from expensive fabrics, Belgian, Italian, and said that she would not work with domestic material,” the general answered.

“If you had not been detained, the Belgian curtains for 10 million would have hung in your office,” the prosecutor insisted.

– And you’re asking about the marble staircase without knowing what you’re talking about. We have done it up to the third floor and in the spans with marble. There are tiles along the corridor, and they are substandard; they are all falling off. On Petrovka, 38 the staircase is also in marble.

– Okay, why did you order marble from Europe?

– We did not order marble from Europe! It was brought by a person of Caucasian nationality, all the packaging was there, even without papers, this is our marble, they wouldn’t do that in Europe.

On February 24, the Frunzensky District Court of the city of Ivanovo began questioning witnesses in the Nikitin case. The first to interrogate was the chief of police, deputy chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ivanovo region, Andrei Kulkov, then the chief of police for the city of Ivanovo, Anatoly Belov, and then the former head of the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region, Vera Frolova.

Elena Shakuto

To be continued

Nikolai Alexandrovich Nikitin(December 19, 1900, Mikhailovka village, Voronezh province - November 9, 1984, Moscow) - Soviet military leader, lieutenant general (1945).


Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nikitin was born on December 19, 1900 in the village of Mikhailovka (now Bobrovsky district, Voronezh region).

Civil War

In May 1919, he joined the Red Army, after which he served as a Red Army soldier in the reserve battalion, and then was sent to study at the Red Instructor Course at the reserve battalion of the Southern Front, after which, from February 1920, he served as a Red Army soldier in the 46th Heavy Artillery Division (46 1st Rifle Division), as part of which it took part in combat operations against troops under the command of P. N. Wrangel in the area of ​​the Perekop Isthmus and the Chongar Peninsula, and then in the liquidation of enemy landings in the Melitopol area, in defensive and offensive combat operations in the lower reaches Dnieper, the Perekop-Chongar operation and the elimination of banditry in Crimea.

Interwar time

After the end of hostilities, Nikitin in August 1921 was sent to study at the 1st Voronezh command communications course, after which in 1922 he was sent to the 4th Kursk Infantry School, after which from September 1924 he served as part of the 11th th Turkestan Rifle Regiment (Turkestan Front) in the positions of platoon commander, company commander, acting battalion commander, in December 1925 he was again appointed to the position of platoon commander, and soon served as assistant chief of the regimental school and company commander. In 1925 he took part in hostilities against the Basmachi.

Since November 1926, he served in the 8th separate local rifle battalion (Central Asian Military District) as a company commander, head of the school for junior officers and regiment adjutant. In December 1930, he was appointed to the position of company commander of the 14th Mountain Rifle Regiment, and in December 1931, to the position of assistant chief of staff of the 6th Infantry Regiment of the 3rd Infantry Division.

From October 1937, he temporarily served as commander of the 186th Infantry Regiment (Kiev Military District), from May 1938, he was appointed chief of staff and temporarily served as commander of the 123rd Infantry Regiment, in August 1939, he was appointed to the post of chief of 1 1st department of the headquarters of the 187th Infantry Division, in April 1940 - to the post of chief of the 1st department of the 130th Infantry Division, and in January 1941 - to the post of chief of the operational department of the headquarters of the 27th Infantry Corps.

The Great Patriotic War

With the outbreak of the war, Nikitin was appointed to the same position. The 27th Rifle Corps took part in the border battles on the Southwestern Front, and then in the Kyiv defensive operation. Since September 24, Nikitin was surrounded in the Boryspil area, from which he left with a group of officers on October 25, retaining his weapons, documents and uniform.

In November 1941, Nikitin was appointed to the post of head of the combat training department of the headquarters of the 40th Army, and in February 1942 - to the post of commander of the 153rd Infantry Division (63rd Army), which distinguished itself during defensive combat operations on the approaches to Stalingrad. For the successful completion of combat missions, the division under the command of Nikitin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In November 1942, Nikitin was sent to study at an accelerated course at the Higher Military Academy named after K. E. Voroshilov, after which in June 1943 he was appointed to the post of chief of staff of the 35th Rifle Corps, which successfully participated during the Battle of Kursk and battle for the Dnieper. In September, the corps was transferred to the reserve of the Supreme High Command.

In June 1944, Nikitin was appointed commander of the 348th Infantry Division, which took part in the Bobruisk, Minsk and Bialystok offensive operations, as well as in the liberation of the cities of Bobruisk, Novogrudok, Volkovysk and Lomza.

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was convicted of embezzlement of funds during construction in Ivanovo.

On the newspaper website Kommersant published material, in which the publication reports that the criminal case against General Alexander Nikitin has been completed, the military man faces from three to ten years for embezzlement of budget funds.

Publication text:

As it became known, the Investigative Committee brought charges in the final version against Alexander Nikitin, in the recent past the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Ivanovo region, an honorary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and an order bearer. According to investigators, the general exceeded his authority during the construction of the new headquarters building. Despite the fact that Alexander Nikitin was eventually charged with a more serious charge, and the estimated damage from his actions exceeded 200 million rubles, he could be released in November.

By presenting the final version of the accusation against General Nikitin, the investigator for particularly important cases of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation increased the severity of the classification of the crime charged against him. If initially Alexander Nikitin was under investigation and arrest for abuse of official powers (Part 3 of Article 285 of the Criminal Code), then in the end the Investigative Committee came to the conclusion that the general had exceeded his powers. And according to the corresponding part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code he faces from three to ten years in prison. The second defendant in the case is the former head of the capital construction organization department of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexey Sheenkov, who, in addition to “abuse of authority,” was charged with “official forgery” (Article 292 of the Criminal Code).

At the same time, the plot of the accusation itself remained almost the same. We would like to remind you that the basis of the criminal case was the materials of a joint inspection of the prosecutor's office, the FSB, the internal security department and the control and audit department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which revealed violations during the construction of a new building of the Ivanovo Region Internal Affairs Directorate. The old one burned down on the night of January 21, 2008 due to a poorly extinguished cigarette butt by a police officer.

The inspectors found that from the start of construction of the building in February 2010 to July 2014 (then the inspection began), “production volumes were inflated, prices were incorrectly applied when accepting and paying for work performed, and work was carried out that was not provided for in the design documentation.” According to the initial assessment, the damage to the state from these actions of officials of the Internal Affairs Directorate amounted to 109 million rubles, but in the final accusation it already exceeded 218 million rubles.

Initially, responsibility for the violations was assigned to Colonel Sheenkov, who was directly in charge of the construction - it is true that he was accused under Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (negligence). Major General Nikitin was a witness in this case. However, Alexey Sheenkov unexpectedly stated during interrogations that he acted on the instructions of the head of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, in November 2014, the Basmanny Court, at the request of the Investigative Committee, arrested Alexander Nikitin, who does not admit his guilt.

In turn, the general’s defense believed that the audit of his activities began after he acted as one of the guarantors in July 2014 in the case of the former head of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs Denis Sugrobov, who was accused of exceeding his powers and creating an organized criminal group. Despite the fact that Major General Nikitin supervised the construction of the building only since 2013, the inspectors considered him guilty of “drawing up technical specifications that were not included in the design and estimate documentation,” the implementation of which led to the waste of money. Alexander Nikitin was also accused of the fact that, on his instructions, furniture for the Ministry of Internal Affairs was purchased at inflated prices, and the cost of finishing some rooms and installing ventilation in the building significantly exceeded the design cost.

After two weeks ago, the accused Nikitin and Sheenkov began to familiarize themselves with the case materials, technical errors were discovered in them. As a result, ICR investigators had to suspend the review and resume the investigation to eliminate inaccuracies. Then the investigation re-indicted the defendants to again familiarize them with the results of the investigation. However, at this moment, Alexander Nikitin unexpectedly refused the services of his lawyers Sergei Starovoitov and Sergei Paramonov, demanding the introduction of a new defender into the case - Marat Valeev, who was not in Moscow.

As a result, familiarization with the participation of a new lawyer began not a month before the expiration of the one-year arrest period for General Nikitin, which would have made it possible to extend it in the future, but only today. Thus, Alexander Nikitin can be released on November 27, when he will serve exactly a year in pre-trial detention.

Alexey Sokovnin (Kommersant)

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