Basilio the cat from what fairy tale? Basilio the cat and Alice the fox – without them there would be no fairy tale

Basilio (aka “Vasily”, “Vaska”, but only in the Italian manner) is, of course, one of Tolstoy’s brightest and most original “Pinocchio”. In Russia at that time, almost a good half of the cats were called Vaska, so this name is quite a common noun, implying not only cunning, a tendency to cheat, stupidity (everyone knows “Vaska listens and eats”), but also simplicity, which often makes us touch this hero .

Getting to know Pinocchio

The cat Basilio, Karabas, Duremar, and Alice undoubtedly personify the so-called “evil forces” in this fairy tale. And Tolstoy continues to ridicule them throughout his tale. We laugh at how the annoyed Karabas, with his beard stuffed in his pocket, sneezes non-stop. And how the “blind” cat Basilio fights for Pinocchio’s money with his “partner” the fox Alice, and how ridiculous these characters sometimes look.

But the actions in the fairy tale develop so rapidly that sometimes you don’t even know which of the heroes should be considered a villain and which should be sympathized with. Even negative characters, such as the swindler Basilio, sometimes evoke our sympathy and touch our hearts. After all, trying to deceive Pinocchio, the cat Basilio often gets into trouble himself, arousing pity and sympathy from the reader. This is because Tolstoy's fairy tale "Pinocchio" is initially good. It is fun and easy to read, so to speak, “in one breath.”

The cat Basilio and the fox Alice meet on Pinocchio’s path almost at the very beginning of the work and accompany the protagonist almost until the very end, one way or another participating in the events unfolding before us. They are, as it were, secondary characters, but at the same time, this “sweet couple” makes us pay attention to themselves with the brightness of their characters. Pinocchio sees two beggars wandering along a dusty road. These are our characters: Basilio the cat, Alice the fox. The boy wants to pass by, but Alice calls out to him touchingly, calling him “kind Pinocchio.”

Country of Fools and five gold

When the scammers (Basilio the cat, Alice the fox) find out about the gold coins, they invite the wooden boy to take a trip to the imaginary Land of Fools. There, in the Field of Miracles, Pinocchio’s money will need to be buried. And the next morning, from this money a Money Tree will definitely grow, and there will be gold on it! Pinocchio agrees. But halfway to the Land of Fools, the boy loses his companions, and at night in the forest he is attacked by disguised robbers, surprisingly similar to a cat and a fox!

Pinocchio puts the coins in his mouth, and in order to get the gold ones, the robbers hang the wooden boy upside down on a tree and leave. Here he is discovered by Malvina, who, together with Artemon, escaped from Karabas. The girl will try to re-educate the boy, but in vain. After all, stubborn Pinocchio is difficult to train in any way! And the wooden boy ended up in a dark closet, from where he is rescued. Here, having met again with the fox and the cat, Pinocchio finally arrives at the Field of Miracles... In general, the plot is exciting! I recommend reading a fairy tale!

It only remains to add that the role of Basilio in the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio” was brilliantly played by a famous actor

  • For kids
  • Russia
  • Fairy tales
  • Prose

Early in the morning Buratino counted the money - there were as many gold coins as there were fingers on his hand - five.

Clutching the gold coins in his fist, he skipped home and chanted:

I’ll buy dad Carlo a new jacket, I’ll buy a lot of poppy triangles and lollipop roosters.

When the booth of the puppet theater and the waving flags disappeared from his eyes, he saw two beggars sadly wandering along the dusty road: the fox Alice, hobbling on three legs, and the blind cat Basilio.

This was not the same cat that Pinocchio met yesterday on the street, but another one - also Basilio and also tabby. Pinocchio wanted to pass by, but Alice the fox said to him touchingly:

Hello, dear Pinocchio! Where are you going in such a hurry?

Home to dad Carlo.

Lisa sighed even more tenderly:

I don’t know if you’ll find poor Carlo alive, he’s very ill from hunger and cold...

Have you seen this?

Buratino unclenched his fist and showed five gold pieces.

Seeing the money, the fox involuntarily reached out to it with his paw, and the cat suddenly opened his blind eyes wide, and they sparkled like two green lanterns.

But Buratino did not notice any of this.

Dear, pretty Pinocchio, what will you do with this money?

I'll buy a jacket for Carlo's dad... I'll buy a new alphabet...

ABC, oh, oh! - said Alice the fox, shaking her head.

This teaching will not bring you any good... So I studied, studied, and - look - I walk on three legs.

ABC! - Basilio the cat grumbled and snorted angrily into his mustache.

Through this damned teaching I lost my eyes...

An elderly crow was sitting on a dry branch near the road. She listened and listened and croaked:

They're lying, they're lying!..

Basilio the cat immediately jumped high, knocked the crow off the branch with his paw, tore off half of its tail - as soon as it flew away. And again he pretended to be blind.

Why are you doing this to her, Basilio the cat? - Buratino asked in surprise.

“The eyes are blind,” the cat answered, “it seemed like a little dog in a tree...

The three of them walked along the dusty road. Lisa said:

Smart, prudent Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times more money?

Of course I want! How is this done?

As easy as pie. Go with us.

To the Land of Fools.

Pinocchio thought for a moment.

No, I think I’ll go home now.

Please, we don’t pull you by the rope,” said the fox, “so much the worse for you.”

“So much the worse for you,” the cat grumbled.

“You are your own enemy,” said the fox.

“You are your own enemy,” the cat grumbled.

Otherwise your five gold pieces would turn into a lot of money...

Pinocchio stopped, opened his mouth...

The fox sat on its tail and licked its lips:

I'll explain it to you now. In the Country of Fools there is a magical field called the Field of Miracles... In this field, dig a hole, say three times: “Cracks, fex, pex”, put gold in the hole, cover it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, fill it well and go to sleep. The next morning a small tree will grow from the hole, and gold coins will hang on it instead of leaves. It's clear?

Early in the morning Buratino counted the money - there were as many gold coins as there were fingers on his hand - five.

Clutching the gold coins in his fist, he skipped home and chanted:

– I’ll buy Papa Carlo a new jacket, I’ll buy a lot of poppy triangles and lollipop roosters.

When the booth of the puppet theater and the waving flags disappeared from his eyes, he saw two beggars sadly wandering along the dusty road: the fox Alice, hobbling on three legs, and the blind cat Basilio.

This was not the same cat that Pinocchio met yesterday on the street, but another one - also Basilio and also tabby. Pinocchio wanted to pass by, but Alice the fox said to him touchingly:

- Hello, dear Pinocchio! Where are you going in such a hurry?

- Home, to Papa Carlo.

Lisa sighed even more tenderly:

“I don’t know if you’ll find poor Carlo alive, he’s completely ill from hunger and cold...”

-Did you see this? – Buratino unclenched his fist and showed five gold pieces.

Seeing the money, the fox involuntarily reached out to it with his paw, and the cat suddenly opened his blind eyes wide, and they sparkled like two green lanterns.

But Buratino did not notice any of this.

- Dear, pretty Pinocchio, what will you do with this money?

- I’ll buy a jacket for dad Carlo... I’ll buy a new alphabet...

- ABC, oh, oh! - said Alice the fox, shaking her head. - This teaching will not bring you any good... So I studied, studied, and - look - I walk on three legs.

- ABC! - Basilio the cat grumbled and snorted angrily into his mustache. “Through this damned teaching I lost my eyes...

An elderly crow was sitting on a dry branch near the road. She listened and listened and croaked:

- They’re lying, they’re lying!..

The cat Basilio immediately jumped high, knocked the crow off the branch with his paw, tore off half of its tail - as soon as it flew away. And again he pretended to be blind.

- Why are you doing this to her, Basilio the cat? – Buratino asked in surprise.

“My eyes are blind,” answered the cat, “it seemed like a little dog in a tree...

The three of them walked along the dusty road. Lisa said:

- Smart, prudent Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times more money?

- Of course I want! How is this done?

- As easy as pie. Go with us.

- To the Land of Fools.

Pinocchio thought for a moment.

- No, I think I’ll go home now.

“Please, we don’t pull you by the rope,” said the fox, “so much the worse for you.”

“So much the worse for you,” the cat grumbled.

“You are your own enemy,” said the fox.

“You are your own enemy,” the cat grumbled.

- Otherwise, your five gold pieces would turn into a lot of money...

Pinocchio stopped and opened his mouth...

The fox sat on its tail and licked its lips:

– I’ll explain to you now. In the Country of Fools there is a magical field - it’s called the Field of Miracles... In this field, dig a hole, say three times: “Cracks, fex, pex” - put the gold in the hole, fill it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, pour it well and go to sleep. The next morning a small tree will grow from the hole, and gold coins will hang on it instead of leaves. It's clear?

Pinocchio even jumped:

“Let’s go, Basilio,” the fox said, turning up his nose offended, “they don’t believe us - and there’s no need...

“No, no,” shouted Pinocchio, “I believe, I believe!.. Let’s go quickly to the Land of Fools!”

Data: 05/30/2010 07:37 |

They met Pinocchio when he was walking from Karabas Barabas with gold coins home to Papa Carlo. Pinocchio was stupid enough to show the scoundrels the coins and they decided to scam him.

"...When the puppet theater booth and the waving flags disappeared from his eyes, he saw two beggars sadly wandering along a dusty road: Alice the fox hobbling on three legs, and the blind cat Basilio..."

"... Smart, prudent Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times more money?.."

Alice and Basilio invited Pinocchio to go with them to the Land of Fools and bury gold coins in the magical Field of Miracles. After that, you had to say three times: “Cracks, fex, pex,” water and bury the hole. The next morning the coins should sprout and a tree with leaves in the shape of gold coins should appear in this place. Pinocchio believed and went with them.

On the way, they stopped at a diner called the Three Minnows Tavern. Pinocchio ordered himself three crusts of bread, and the scammers arranged a real feast.

“...Give me three crusts of bread and with them - that wonderfully roasted lamb,” said the fox, “and also that gosling, and a couple of pigeons on a spit, and, perhaps, some livers too...” - Six pieces of the fattest crucian carp, - the cat ordered, - and small raw fish for a snack.

At night, Alice and Basilio left, leaving Pinocchio to pay for everything. They left in order to rob Pinocchio, dressed as robbers. When, after a long chase, they caught him and hung him on a tree, Pinocchio hid the coins in his mouth and the scammers could not find them. Angry, hungry and tired, they abandoned him and went looking for food.

However, they made another attempt to take possession of the gold. When Buratino was sitting in Malvina's closet, Alice and Basilio sent a bat to him, which rescued Buratino from the closet and led him to them.

The scammers brought Pinocchio to an old wasteland and passed it off as the Field of Miracles. Pinocchio buried his gold and began to wait. Fox Alice, realizing that the wooden boy would not leave the coins, reported him to the police and he was taken away for vagrancy.

Alice and Basilio dug up the coins, divided them equally with a fight and disappeared from the city.

Later, they joined Karabas Barabas and tried to help him catch Pinocchio.

He whispered to the dolls:

- There is some kind of secret here.

On the way home, Pinocchio meets two beggars - the cat Basilio and the fox Alice.

Early in the morning Buratino counted the money - there were as many gold coins as there were fingers on his hand - five.

Clutching the gold coins in his fist, he skipped home and chanted:

– I’ll buy Papa Carlo a new jacket, I’ll buy a lot of poppy triangles and lollipop roosters.

When the booth of the puppet theater and the waving flags disappeared from his eyes, he saw two beggars sadly wandering along the dusty road: the fox Alice, hobbling on three legs, and the blind cat Basilio.

This was not the same cat that Pinocchio met yesterday on the street, but another one - also Basilio and also tabby. Pinocchio wanted to pass by, but Alice the fox said to him touchingly:

- Hello, dear Pinocchio! Where are you going in such a hurry?

- Home, to Papa Carlo.

Lisa sighed even more tenderly:

“I don’t know if you’ll find poor Carlo alive, he’s completely ill from hunger and cold...”

-Did you see this? – Buratino unclenched his fist and showed five gold pieces.

Seeing the money, the fox involuntarily reached out to it with his paw, and the cat suddenly opened his blind eyes wide, and they sparkled like two green lanterns.

But Buratino did not notice any of this.

- Dear, pretty Pinocchio, what will you do with this money?

- I’ll buy a jacket for dad Carlo... I’ll buy a new alphabet...

- ABC, oh, oh! - said Alice the fox, shaking her head. - This teaching will not bring you any good... So I studied, studied, and - look - I walk on three legs.

- ABC! - Basilio the cat grumbled and snorted angrily into his mustache. “Through this damned teaching I lost my eyes...

An elderly crow was sitting on a dry branch near the road. She listened and listened and croaked:

- They’re lying, they’re lying!..

The cat Basilio immediately jumped high, knocked the crow off the branch with his paw, tore off half of its tail - as soon as it flew away. And again he pretended to be blind.

- Why are you doing this to her, Basilio the cat? – Buratino asked in surprise.

“My eyes are blind,” answered the cat, “it seemed like a little dog in a tree...

The three of them walked along the dusty road. Lisa said:

- Smart, prudent Pinocchio, would you like to have ten times more money?

- Of course I want! How is this done?

- As easy as pie. Go with us.

- To the Land of Fools.

Pinocchio thought for a moment.

- No, I think I’ll go home now.

“Please, we don’t pull you by the rope,” said the fox, “so much the worse for you.”

“So much the worse for you,” the cat grumbled.

“You are your own enemy,” said the fox.

“You are your own enemy,” the cat grumbled.

- Otherwise, your five gold pieces would turn into a lot of money...

Pinocchio stopped and opened his mouth...

The fox sat on its tail and licked its lips:

– I’ll explain to you now. In the Country of Fools there is a magical field - it’s called the Field of Miracles... In this field, dig a hole, say three times: “Cracks, fex, pex” - put the gold in the hole, fill it with earth, sprinkle salt on top, pour it well and go to sleep. The next morning a small tree will grow from the hole, and gold coins will hang on it instead of leaves. It's clear?

Pinocchio even jumped:

“Let’s go, Basilio,” the fox said, turning up his nose offended, “they don’t believe us - and there’s no need...

“No, no,” shouted Pinocchio, “I believe, I believe!.. Let’s go quickly to the Land of Fools!”

In the tavern "Three minnows"

Pinocchio, the fox Alice and the cat Basilio went down the mountain and walked and walked - through fields, vineyards, through a pine grove, came out to the sea and again turned away from the sea, through the same grove, vineyards...

The town on the hill and the sun above it were visible now to the right, now to the left...

Fox Alice said, sighing:

- Ah, it’s not so easy to get into the Country of Fools, you’ll erase all your paws...

Towards evening they saw on the side of the road an old house with a flat roof and a sign above the entrance:


The owner jumped out to meet the guests, tore the cap off his bald head and bowed low, asking them to come in.

“It wouldn’t hurt us to have at least a dry crust,” said the fox.

“At least they’d treat me to a crust of bread,” the cat repeated.

We went into the tavern and sat down near the fireplace, where all sorts of things were being fried on spits and frying pans.

The fox was constantly licking his lips, Basilio the cat put his paws on the table, his mustachioed muzzle on his paws, and stared at the food.

“Hey, master,” Buratino said importantly, “give us three crusts of bread...”

The owner almost fell backward in surprise that such respectable guests asked so little.

“Cheerful, witty Pinocchio is joking with you, master,” the fox giggled.

“He’s joking,” the cat muttered.

“Give me three crusts of bread and with them that wonderfully roasted lamb,” said the fox, “and also that gosling, and a couple of pigeons on a spit, and, perhaps, some livers too...”

“Six pieces of the fattest crucian carp,” the cat ordered, “and small raw fish for a snack.”

In short, they took everything that was on the hearth: there was only one crust of bread left for Pinocchio.

Alice the fox and Basilio the cat ate everything, including the bones.

Their bellies were swollen, their muzzles were shiny.

“Let’s rest for an hour,” said the fox, “and we’ll leave at exactly midnight.” Don't forget to wake us up, master...

The fox and the cat collapsed on two soft beds, snored and whistled. Pinocchio took a nap in the corner on a dog bed...

He dreamed of a tree with round golden leaves... Only he extended his hand...

- Hey, Signor Pinocchio, it’s time, it’s already midnight...

There was a knock on the door. Pinocchio jumped up and rubbed his eyes. There is no cat, no fox on the bed - empty.

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