Ship marshal wings. Where did the CEC “Marshal Krylov” go? Ship "Marshal Krylov" - video

"Marshal Krylov"- ship of the measuring complex, the second ship of project 1914.1, was part of the 35th brigade of ships of the measuring complex (5th joint hydrographic expedition (OGE-5).

The ship is designed to provide flight design tests and testing of new models of rocket and space systems (spacecraft, cruise and ballistic missiles, launch vehicles, upper stages, etc.); launching into orbit and entering combat duty of aerospace forces; search, rescue and evacuation of crews and descent vehicles of space objects that have landed on water; detection of ships, submarines and aircraft; relaying all types of information, ensuring communication between astronauts and the mission control center.

The ship was designed under the direction of designer D. G. Sokolov at the Baltsudoproekt Central Design Bureau and built under serial number No. 02515 at the Leningrad Admiralty Association. The customer of the ship was the Main Directorate of Space Facilities.

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    ✪ Ships of the "Marshal Krylov" measuring complex

    ✪ Modernization of Russian navy tracking ship Marshal Krylov completed

    ✪ Ships of the measuring complex of the USSR Navy



The ship has a steel hull with a 2-tier superstructure and an extended forecastle, and has 14 compartments. To carry out tasks from northern latitudes, the ship's hull received an ice belt of class L1. Total displacement is 23.7 thousand tons. Length - 211 meters, width - 27.5 meters, draft - 8 meters, speed up to 22 knots. The ship is capable of receiving two deck-based helicopters of the Ka-27 type; for this purpose, there is a 22-meter wide helipad equipped with night signal lights on the deck, and two hangars for storing them. They also have a supply of aviation fuel of about 105 tons. The ship's payload is 7 thousand tons. Diesel fuel reserves are 5,300 tons, water reserves are more than 1,000 tons, of which drinking water is more than 400 tons. Swimming autonomy is up to 3 months. The ship's crew is 339 people, including the air group. 104 people serve in the measuring complex, including 28 officers and 46 midshipmen.

For many years this ship was unique in the world fleet.

KIK "Marshal Krylov" built according to a slightly modified project 1914.1 and differs from the ships of project 1914 by the presence of a radar [“[Frigate (radar station)|Frigate]]”, as well as the next generation of shipborne radio equipment. The changes also affected the internal layout of the premises. Based on the results of state tests by the Marshal Nedelin KIK, the MO bulkheads were further strengthened and sound insulation was installed.

Living conditions

Four-bed cabins for contract servicemen, and two-bed cabins for midshipmen, each cabin is equipped with a washbasin. For the crew's leisure, there is a gym and sports hall, table tennis and billiards. There is a concert hall for 130 people, where films are shown, concerts are held, and instructions are given. Officers' mess and large wardroom.

Power point

Two diesel-hydraulic gear units (DGZA), each consisting of two 68E diesel engines and an auxiliary boiler KAVV-10/1 with a capacity of 10 t/h. Power supply is provided by eight 6D40 diesel generators with a total power of 12,000 kW of three-phase alternating current and a voltage of 380 V. Two adjustable-pitch propellers, size 5 × 2.5 m, weighing 15 tons, two propulsion and steering retractable columns with a screw diameter of 1.5 meters and two steering devices with a propeller diameter of 1.5 meters. When driving economically, fuel consumption is about 60 tons per day, oil consumption is about 1 ton.


The ship is equipped with a TKB-12 with ammunition for 120 “Svet” illumination rounds and provides the possibility of installing 6 AK-630, two in the bow and four in the stern - the MR-123 “Vympel” fire control system.

Ship complexes and systems

  • "Andromeda" - navigation complex
  • Radar "Fregat" - three-coordinate ship-based radar station
  • Volga navigation radar is a maritime circular long-range radar station operating in the meter wavelength range
  • Navigation radar "Vaigach" - two complexes
  • MGK-335 "Platinum" - hydroacoustic complex
  • OGAS MG-349 “Uzh” - hydroacoustic system lowered on the foot
  • MG-7 “Braslet” - two complexes of a submarine detection station
  • "Storm" - two-way satellite communications complex
  • "Aurora" - space communications equipment to provide telephone communication with the Mission Control Center and astronauts in orbit
  • "Zefir-T" - a complex for working with antennas and objects
  • "Zefir-A" is a complex of measurements and calculations, the main advantage is the information processing algorithms used
  • "Woodpecker" - a photo recording station that works like an ordinary human eye - has no analogues in the world
  • "Kunitsa" - a direction finder-radiometer of the last chance to collect information about a controlled object
  • “Medblock” is a complex consisting of an operating room, an X-ray room, a dental office, a treatment room and 2 cabins for astronauts
  • "Passat" - air conditioning system (26 installations)
  • The ship is equipped with refrigeration and desalination plants (five desalination plants with a total capacity of 70 tons/day)

The ship has a staff structure that complies with the ship regulations of the Russian Navy, but, in addition to the usual combat units and services, it has a unit under the designation “Measuring Complex”.

Structural measuring complex "Marshal Krylov" is divided into three divisions that carry out measurements: the division of trajectory measurements (speed and coordinates of the target in a certain coordinate system), telemetry (transmission via radio channel of data on the state of the object during flight: temperature, vibration, etc.) and computer technology (division processes the received data).


KIK "Marshal Krylov" named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union Nikolai Ivanovich Krylov. By a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 22, 1982, the building was laid down at the Leningrad Admiralty Association. Launched on July 24, 1987. The “godmother” of the ship was the granddaughter of Nikolai Krylov, Marina Krylova, who broke a traditional bottle of champagne on the stem during the ceremony of launching the ship. Since then, the bottle cap has been kept in the Marshal Krylov museum as an amulet protecting the ship from harm. Completion and fine-tuning continued afloat for two years. On July 9, 1989, its crew arrived on the ship under the command of the ship’s commander, captain 2nd rank Yuri Mikhailovich Pirnyak, and the head of the measuring complex, captain 3rd rank Anatoly Grigorievich Poberezhny. KIK "Marshal Krylov" entered service on December 30, 1989. On February 23, 1990, the Naval Flag of the USSR was raised.

When transferring to the Pacific Fleet, the ship went through the Suez Canal, and not along the Northern Sea Route, like other ships during a similar transition.

July 9, 1990 at 20:20 local time KIK "Marshal Krylov" arrived at the permanent base city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-50, and dropped anchor in Krasheninnikov Bay.

In 1992 KIK "Marshal Krylov" played a major role in the historical mission "Europe-America-500". In the Seattle area, during a force 7 storm, the Resurs-500 space capsule was safely discovered, lifted aboard and transported to Seattle, where it has since been stored in the Aviation Museum.

In 1998, the military remained the crew of the measuring complex, reconnaissance, chemical command, helicopter complex and ship control. There are about 130 people in total. The rest are contract servicemen and civil servants.

In 2004" KIK "Marshal Krylov" was engaged in monitoring the parameters of warheads during the launch of the Topol ICBM to its maximum range.

On April 24, 2010, a gala event was held on board the cruiser Aurora in honor of the 20th anniversary KIK "Marshal Krylov". The event was attended by veterans, ship builders and members of the first expedition crews. On behalf of the Union of Veterans, the medal “20 years of the KIK “Marshal Krylov” was awarded to the chief builder of two ships of Project 1914, Valentin Anatolyevich Talanov, the deputy chief designer of Baltsudoproekt, Yuri Ivanovich Ryazantsev and Vadim Evgenievich Shardin.

In 2011, the ship monitored the arrival of warheads at a given point of the Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile. The test launch was carried out from the nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky, carried out at the maximum flight range at an aiming point in the Pacific Ocean.

At the end of 2012 KIK "Marshal Krylov" completed the scheduled dock repairs in Vladivostok and went to sea to carry out tasks for its intended purpose. November 1, 2012 KIK "Marshal Krylov" returned to his permanent base after completing his assigned tasks. In two weeks, about two thousand miles were covered in the Pacific Ocean; during the voyage, the ship recorded telemetric information from the launches of ballistic and cruise missiles by nuclear submarines of the Pacific Fleet and the performance of live firing by a strike group of small missile ships of troops and forces in the North-East of Russia.

In 2013 the crew KIK "Marshal Krylov" in his home base in Kamchatka, he received participants in the Memory Campaign dedicated to Victory Day, the 282nd anniversary of the formation of the Pacific Fleet and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky. The ship's commander, Captain 1st Rank Reserve Igor Shalyna, introduced the delegation to the unique vessel and spoke about the upcoming passage to St. Petersburg, where a major overhaul of the space complex is planned. Veterans participating in the Memory Walk presented a gift from the Vladivostok Maritime Assembly, of which the ship has been a collective member for many years. The book, published for the 270th anniversary of the Russian Navy, will take its rightful place along with other exhibits. Meeting of the participants of the trip with the crew of the ship "Marshal Krylov", as always, took place in the ship’s museum, which became the custodian of the history of the “star expedition”.

Repair and modernization

October 8, 2014 KIK "Marshal Krylov" left Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for Vladivostok for deep modernization. The ship arrived at Dalzavod on October 17. The expected repairs and modernization will allow the ship to extend not only its service life, but also to use it even more intensively in order to support the country’s military and space activities. Also, modernization of the ship's systems will make it possible to use KIK "Marshal Krylov" in the interests of the cosmodrome "

Remember, we haven't been around for long. Many expressed great regret that the fleet was losing such unique ships. However, there is also good news related to another measuring ship from the USSR era.

Pacific Fleet ship "Marshal Krylov" under the command of Captain 1st Rank Igor Shalyna, in the fall of 2012, he went to sea to carry out tasks for its intended purpose.

This ship can be considered unique. After all, it is the only one in its class in the fleet that performs the tasks of ensuring flight design tests of new types of rocket and space technology (spacecraft, cruise and ballistic missiles, launch vehicles, etc.).

On July 24, 2012, the ship turned 22 years old. In order to maintain components and mechanisms in good condition, the ship was put into long-term dock repairs in Vladivostok, during which the entire range of work on support systems was completed. After this, “Marshal Krylov” successfully passed sea trials in the Amur Bay.

Let's find out more about the history of this ship.

The need for ships capable of carrying out all kinds of measurements of intercontinental missiles arises at the beginning of the space age. Missiles equipped with nuclear warheads have reached a level where test sites have become too small for them - the missile's range has become measured in thousands of kilometers. Previously, observations and measurements of parameters were carried out by measuring points installed at ground test sites. Now, when the launched rocket could fly halfway around the world, new means of monitoring and measuring them were required.

The ships owe their appearance to TsNII-4 and personally to the outstanding designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. It was with his proposal to create a marine command and measurement complex and move it to the vast Pacific Ocean to control the testing of strategic missile weapons that the story of these amazing auxiliary ships begins - the history of the symbiosis of the space and naval fleets.

1958 The leadership of the Soviet Union decides to create and build a ship - a command and measurement complex. A huge number of people of different specialties and many military-industrial complex enterprises are involved in the creation of CIC. The first to be handed over are Project 1128 dry cargo ships, created in Poland for the Soviet Union as dry cargo carriers, for conversion to CIC. Information: The first KIKs were converted from Polish dry cargo ships of the B-31 project into the Soviet project 1128, 1129b. And they never belonged to the auxiliary fleet! For the first four years, due to the secrecy regime, they sailed under the flag of hydrography, but since 1964 they have been full-fledged ships of the Navy. Moreover, the 35th KIK brigade from 1976 to 1982 was the best formation in the Navy in combat training. The design part of the KIC is the Leningrad Central Design Bureau and Baltsudoproekt. After receiving the ships, work began on equipping them with special equipment. It is worth noting that at that time there were practically no measuring equipment and equipment for using it on surface ships, and it was removed from ground stations and automobile chassis. Command and measuring equipment was installed in the holds of ships on special platforms. In addition to hardware and equipment, the ships received reinforced plating to enable them to make a voyage (expedition) through the northern sea route. All work on equipping the ships was completed by the summer of 1959, after which sea trials of the KIK immediately began.

All CICs were included in the so-called “TOGE” - the Pacific Hydrographic Expedition. TOGE's base is a bay on the Kamchatka Peninsula (later the city of Vilyuchinsk grew there).

The main tasks of TOGE:
- measuring and tracking the flight path of ICBMs;
- tracking the fall and determining the coordinates of the fall of the rocket head;
- control and monitoring of nuclear device mechanisms;
- removal, processing, transmission and control of all information from the object;
- control of the trajectory and information coming from the spacecraft;
- maintaining constant communication with the astronauts on board the spacecraft.

The first ships of Project 1128 - Sakhalin, Siberia, Suchan (Spassk) were combined into the first floating measuring complex (1PIK), code name - “Brigade S”. A little later they were joined by the Project 1129 ship Chukotka. All ships were put into service in 1959. Cover legend - Pacific Oceanographic Expedition (TOGE-4). In the same year, the ships made their first expedition to the area of ​​​​the Hawaiian Islands, which became known as the Aquatoria missile test site. These were the first ships that sailed to the center of the Pacific Ocean, whose autonomy reached 120 days.

Everything in this expedition was top secret; mentions of these ships threatened at that time with being sent to places not so distant for disclosing state secrets. The ships had an unusual silhouette and color - the ball-colored hull had white superstructures with various antennas. The main equipment was radar stations and direction finders, hydrophones and echo sounders, telemetry and classified communications stations. And although the flags of the Navy were hung on them, the absolute majority of the population of the Soviet Union, even the commanders of military units, surface and submarine ships, did not know who they obeyed, where they were and what they were doing. Officers who came to serve on such ships only learned when accepting the position that hydrography was only a cover for the real tasks of the ship.

The secrecy of the ships was in everything, for example, during the transition from Kronstadt to the base, all visible antennas were dismantled and put back only in Murmansk. There, the ships were equipped with Ka-15 deck helicopters. To ensure further progress, the ships are assigned icebreakers. On the way, the helicopters practiced various tasks of getting used to the ship and reconnaissance of ice conditions. And although the helicopters were tested in the North, and combat missions were carried out on the Equator, the Ka-15 helicopters proved themselves well and for a long time remained the main helicopters of these ships.

Subsequently, the following ships were commissioned:
- KIK-11 “Chumikan”, a Project 1130 ship, entered service on June 14, 1963;
- KIK-11 “Chazhma”, project 1130 ship entered service on July 27, 1963;
- “Marshal Nedelin”, a ship of Project 1914, entered service on December 31, 1983;
- “Marshal Krylov”, a ship of project 1914.1, entered service on February 28, 1990;

After the addition of Project 1130 ships, 2 PIKs were created, codenamed “Brigade Ch”. Cover legend - TOGE-5. In 1985, the ships became part of the 35th brigade of the KIC. During combat and everyday life, the brigade adhered to the orders of the commanders-in-chief of the Navy and Strategic Missile Forces of the Soviet Union. In addition to the measurement ships, the brigades included two raid messenger boats and one MB-260 tugboat

Combat work and KIK missions

The presence of TOGE ships was a prerequisite for the start of testing of all Soviet ICBMs; they supported all flights of spacecraft of the Soviet Union and studied the flights of enemy spacecraft. The ships' first combat mission was the end of October 1959. First tracking and measurement of an intercontinental missile flight - late January 1960. The first manned flight into space was also supported by the TOGE-4 ships, which were sent to a given area in the Pacific Ocean and the combat mission was kept secret from them until the very end. The ship "Chumikan" took part in 1973 in rescue operations for Apollo 13. In the early 80s, the ships supported the launch of the Soviet BOR. The end of the 80s - Marshal Nedelin supported the flight of the ISS Buran. "Marshal Krylov" completed its tasks in the Europe-America-500 mission. In the 1960s, TOGE-4 ships studied and collected information from American nuclear high-altitude explosions.

The ships ended their history very tragically:
- “Siberia” was cut into scrap metal;
- “Chutotka” was cut into scrap metal;
- “Spassk” was sold to the United States for 868 thousand dollars, but according to another version, it, like many other things, went to India for scrap;
- Sakhalin was sold to China;
- “Chumikan” was sold for 1.5 million dollars;
- “Chamzha” was sold for 205 thousand dollars;
- “Marshal Nedelin” stood looted for a long time, money for restoration was never found, and was sold to India as scrap metal.
- they wanted to build another 3rd ship of the 1914 project, the ship “Marshal Biryuzov” was laid down and work began, but the collapse of the Soviet Union, like many other projects, put an end to its further completion, and it was eventually cut up to metal.

Project 1914.1 “Marshal Krylov”

Today, this is the last spacecraft of 8 ships capable of working with space and intercontinental objects. Based in the city of Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Peninsula.

The main developer is Balsudoproekt. The appearance of new measurement and control ships, completely built from “A” to “Z” in the Soviet Union, is a logical solution given the “arms race” that existed at that time. The ship embodied the experience of previously built ships, their modernization and equipping with new equipment. They planned to install the most modern equipment on the ship, expand the capabilities of deck helicopters and the entire functionality of the ship. The ship was laid down at the Leningrad shipbuilding facilities on June 22, 1982. The completed ship left the slipway on July 24, 1987. The ship arrived at its home base in mid-1990, having passed not like other ships along the Northern Route, but through the Suez Canal. In 1998, the ship changed its classification for the last time and became a communications ship.

The ships of projects 1914 and 1914.1 differed externally only in the presence of a second Fregat radar on the second hull with an improved antenna. Some changes affected the internal layout of the premises. Installed powerful monitoring tools allow you to perform additional tasks. The ship's hull received an anti-ice belt of class L1. The ship has:
- small foremast;
- mainmast with internal premises;
- mizzen mast with internal premises;
- two swimming pools, one on the superstructure deck, the other in the gym;
- helicopter deck and hangars for storing helicopters;
- TKB-12 installations with ammunition of 120 “Svet” lighting rounds;
- the ability to install 6 AK-630s, two in the bow and four in the stern of the ship;
- two propellers with adjustable pitch, diameter 4.9 meters;
- two propulsion and steering retractable columns with a propeller diameter of 1.5 meters;
- two steering devices with a propeller diameter of 1.5 meters;
- bulb with GAS resonator;
- car ZIL-131;
- watercraft – 4 closed lifeboats, work and command boats, 2 rowing yawls;
- a unique device for lifting space descent vehicles;
- automated landing complex “Privod-V”

Project 1914 and 1914.1 ships are some of the most comfortable naval ships. The ship is equipped with:
- the “Medblock” complex, consisting of an operating room, an X-ray room, a dental office, a treatment room and 2 cabins for astronauts;
- club room with stage and balcony;
- gym with showers;
- spacious bathhouse;
- library;
- family room;
- office;
- salon;
- ship's shop;
- dining room and two wardrooms;

Crew berth equipment:
- emergency service – 4-berth cabins with washbasin and wardrobes;
- midshipmen – 2-berth cabins with washbasin and wardrobes;
- officers, junior personnel – 2-bed cabins with shower;
- officers - single cabins;
- command - block cabins;
- ship commander - block cabin with a salon for celebrations.

The Project 1914.1 ship, even today, is one of the largest and most equipped ships of the Russian Navy. It represents the latest achievements of Soviet scientists and designers, of which we can highlight:
- two-way satellite communications complex “Storm”;
- Aurora space communications equipment, which provides telephone communication with the control center and astronauts in orbit;
- Zephyr-T equipment, one of the most important systems for working with antennas and objects;
- Zephyr-A equipment, a unique measurement complex even today, the main advantage is the information processing algorithms used, a powerful complex of calculations;
- photo recording station “Woodpecker”. Although in terms of its parameters it works like an ordinary human eye, technologically it turned out to be a super complex complex - it has no analogues in the world;
- direction finder-radiometer “Kunitsa” - equipment of the last chance to collect information about the controlled object;
- navigation complex "Andromeda". Another representative of unique Soviet thought - carries out calculations of the coordinates of a given point and all related characteristics;

Andrey Vladimirovich, how many types of antennas are there on a ship?

A lot of. There are optical measuring instruments - a photo-recording station, which consists of six large cameras that take photographs on aerial film (its width is 18 cm!). The price of one reel is about 18 thousand rubles. This device is a Russian development: a phototheodolite with a huge lens. True, the maximum speed is only 4 frames per second. The ship has optical measuring instruments that operate in the infrared range - radiometers. There are trajectory antennas. This is the same radio telemetry complex.

The one hidden in the white dome?

Yes, it measures the flight path of an object. The telemetry station measures the characteristics of the object: vibration, temperature, etc. There are also antennas for satellite communications, ship space communications...

Why do you need a ship to perform all these tasks? Are there not enough ground stations?

We have a very large country, there are also a lot of ground-based measuring complexes (the easternmost one, by the way, is located in Kamchatka in the village of Vulkanny, Elizovsky district), each of them surveys its own area. If, for example, the disconnection of the rocket's upper stage occurs beyond the reach of these ground points, then our ship comes into play, we approach the required point and take pictures.

Our ship will be especially relevant with the commissioning of the Vostochny cosmodrome. This southernmost test site is intended for manned astronautics.

Is evacuation of descent capsules part of your responsibilities?

Yes, the ship has a special on-board lifting device for evacuating the capsule with astronauts. This is not just a winch. This is an arrow from which a metal mesh is suspended; it descends like a net, captures the capsule and lifts it on board. I personally saw this operation only once, in 1992: “Marshal Krylov” participated in the project “Space flight “Europe - America-500””. The space object was launched from Baikonur, we were in the Seattle area. At that moment, a 7-point storm broke out there. If the launch had been postponed, due to the rotation of the Earth, the capsule would have fallen into the sea 300 kilometers from us, and we would not have had time to pick it up. Our commander decided not to postpone the launch. Right during the storm, we safely caught the capsule, picked it up and brought it to Seattle, where it has since been kept in the “Museum of Aviation” in that city. At the same time, foreigners boarded the Marshal Krylov for the first time.

Are there analogues of the Marshal Krylov ship in the world?

The Chinese have similar ships, but they are slightly different. There are definitely no analogues in Russia. In addition, “Marshal Krylov” is one of the few helicopter-carrying ships in Kamchatka and one of the largest ships of the Pacific Fleet. The ships of our brigade were the first to test helicopters at sea.

What else is your ship best at?

The people here are the best. They serve not for “great shoulder straps”, but because they love their work. Our ship is one big experiment. The measuring stations that we have are nowhere to be found, there is no sample. Everything is unique! And this uniqueness is both a plus and a minus of our ship. The institutes do not graduate specialists specifically for us. Everything is specific. It seems like the nut is also tightened, but not like a seaman. I have 104 people serving in my measuring complex, including 28 officers and 46 midshipmen. Officers need to grow, because every officer who joins the service, as they say, dreams of becoming an admiral. And here there is nowhere to grow. But in our navy, it’s usually “where you were born, that’s where you came in handy.” That is, if you come to serve on this ship, this is where you continue to work. Even the ship’s commander (previous) came to us as an engineer in the measuring complex with the rank of lieutenant, went through all the positions, and then became a commander. I don’t like being a commander, I like doing measurements.

When did you come to serve on the ship?

July 27, 1992, I was 22 years old. Now 44. Retirement next year. He is from Kazakhstan, from Almaty, and graduated from the Republican Physics and Mathematics School.

The ship of the measuring complex “Marshal Krylov” is the second ship of the 1914 project, but was built according to a modified project 1914.1. Named in honor of Marshal N.I. Krylov. Currently, this is the only ship of the control and measurement complex in the Russian Navy, performing the tasks of providing flight design tests of new types of rocket and space technology (spacecraft, cruise and ballistic missiles, launch vehicles, etc.).

Project 1914 was developed by the Baltsudoproekt Central Design Bureau.

On July 24, 1982, the hull of the ship (serial number 02515) was laid down at the Leningrad Admiralty Association. Launched on July 24, 1987. On December 30, 1989, it was commissioned into the Russian Navy. On February 23, 1990, the USSR Naval Flag was solemnly raised on the ship.

Main characteristics:

Type of ship: Steel, two-screw, with an extended forecastle and two-tier superstructure, 14 compartments.

Displacement 23,780 tons. Length 211.2 meters, beam 27.7 meters, draft 8 meters. Speed ​​up to 22 knots. Autonomy 120 days. Crew of about 350 people. There can be two Ka-27 search and rescue helicopters on board.

Main engine: Diesel hydraulic gear unit DGZA-6U. Power 22 MW.

On July 24, 2012, the ship celebrated its 25th anniversary since its launch. In order to maintain components and mechanisms in good condition, the ship was put into long-term dock repairs in Vladivostok, during which the entire range of work on support systems was completed. On December 19, 2012, the ship of the Pacific Fleet “Marshal Krylov”, under the command of Captain 1st Rank Igor Shalyna, went to sea to carry out tasks for its intended purpose, after repairs.

On April 14, 2014, under the command of Captain 2nd Rank Boris Kulik, she went to sea to carry out course tasks. In October, where repairs and deep modernization will be carried out at Dalzavod. According to a message dated December 3 in Vladivostok at the Dalzavod Ship Repair Center. February 23, 2015 from the day of raising the Naval flag. According to a message dated April 11, 2016, Dalzavod where the ship underwent ongoing repairs and arrived at the Slavyansky shipyard in the Khasan district of Primorsky Krai. At the Slavyansk Shipyard, the shaft line will be aligned and new propellers installed in the near future. According to a message dated March 10, 2017, by July the Dalzavod Ship Repair Center had completed a comprehensive repair and modernization of the vessel. According to a message dated June 19, 2019, it will take part in the naval parade in honor of Navy Day in Vladivostok for the first time.

At the end of August 2011, the nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky carried out the 16th launch of the Bulava ICBM, according to the test program. The launch was carried out into the Pacific Ocean at the maximum distance. Control over the movement and arrival at a given point of combat units (blocks) of the Bulava ICBM was placed on the Marshal Krylov CMC. Today, this is the last spacecraft of 8 ships capable of working with space and intercontinental objects. Based in the city of Vilyuchinsk, Kamchatka Peninsula.

We are always happy for new developments and production of new weapons and military equipment that strengthen the power of our native state. However, how little we know about who helped create and test it. But these are thousands of people of inconspicuous professions, hundreds of types of auxiliary equipment and equipment, whose task is only one thing - to take measurements, study the results and remains of military equipment and weapons, and with all our might bring closer the day when new types of weapons will defend their native country. They always remain on the sidelines, no one talks about them, but without them there has never been invincible Russian weapons. KIK - ships of the measuring complex, refer to just this type of auxiliary vessels that performed and perform the functions of tracking, taking measurements and data from intercontinental combat missiles, space shuttles, satellites and ships.

Creation of KIK ships
The need for ships capable of carrying out all kinds of measurements of intercontinental missiles arises at the beginning of the space age. Missiles equipped with nuclear warheads have reached a level where test sites have become too small for them - the missile's range has become measured in thousands of kilometers. Previously, observations and measurements of parameters were carried out by measuring points installed at ground test sites. Now, when the launched rocket could fly halfway around the world, new means of monitoring and measuring them were required.

The ships owe their appearance to TsNII-4 and personally to the outstanding designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. It was with his proposal to create a naval command and measurement complex and move it to the vast Pacific Ocean to control the testing of strategic missile weapons that these amazing auxiliary vessels begin - the history of the symbiosis of the space and naval fleets.

1958 The leadership of the Soviet Union decides to create and build a ship - a command and measurement complex. A huge number of people of different specialties and many military-industrial complex enterprises are involved in the creation of CIC. The first to be handed over are Project 1128 dry cargo ships, created in Poland for the Soviet Union as dry cargo carriers, for conversion to CIC. The design part of the KIC is the Leningrad Central Design Bureau and Baltsudoproekt. After receiving the ships, work began on equipping them with special equipment. It is worth noting that at that time there were practically no measuring equipment and equipment for using it on surface ships, and it was removed from ground stations and automobile chassis. Command and measuring equipment was installed in the holds of ships on special platforms. In addition to hardware and equipment, the ships received reinforced plating to enable them to make a voyage (expedition) through the northern sea route. All work on equipping the ships was completed by the summer of 1959, after which sea trials of the KIK immediately began.

All CICs were included in the so-called “TOGE” - the Pacific Hydrographic Expedition. TOGE's base is a bay on the Kamchatka Peninsula (later the city of Vilyuchinsk grew there).

The main tasks of TOGE:
- measuring and tracking the flight path of ICBMs;
- tracking the fall and determining the coordinates of the fall of the rocket head;
- control and monitoring of nuclear device mechanisms;
- removal, processing, transmission and control of all information from the object;
- control of the trajectory and information coming from the spacecraft;
- maintaining constant communication with the astronauts on board the spacecraft.

The first ships of Project 1128 - Sakhalin, Siberia, Suchan (Spassk) were combined into the first floating measuring complex (1PIK), code name - “Brigade S”. A little later they were joined by the Project 1129 ship Chukotka. All ships were put into service in 1959. Cover legend - Pacific Oceanographic Expedition (TOGE-4). In the same year, the ships made their first expedition to the area of ​​​​the Hawaiian Islands, which became known as the Aquatoria missile test site. These were the first ships that sailed to the center of the Pacific Ocean, whose autonomy reached 120 days.

Everything in this expedition was top secret; mentions of these ships threatened at that time with being sent to places not so distant for disclosing state secrets. The ships had an unusual silhouette and color - the ball-colored hull had white superstructures with various antennas. The main equipment was radar stations and direction finders, hydrophones and echo sounders, telemetry and classified communications stations. And although the flags of the Navy were hung on them, the absolute majority of the population of the Soviet Union, even the commanders of military units, surface and submarine ships, did not know who they obeyed, where they were and what they were doing. Officers who came to serve on such ships only learned when accepting the position that hydrography was only a cover for the real tasks of the ship.

The secrecy of the ships was in everything, for example, during the transition from Kronstadt to the base, all visible antennas were dismantled and put back only in Murmansk. There, the ships were equipped with Ka-15 deck helicopters. To ensure further progress, the ships are assigned icebreakers. On the way, the helicopters practiced various tasks of getting used to the ship and reconnaissance of ice conditions. And although the helicopters were tested in the North, and combat missions were carried out on the Equator, the Ka-15 helicopters proved themselves well and for a long time remained the main helicopters of these ships.

Subsequently, the following ships were commissioned:
- KIK-11 “Chumikan”, a Project 1130 ship, entered service on June 14, 1963;
- KIK-11 “Chazhma”, project 1130 ship entered service on July 27, 1963;
- “Marshal Nedelin”, a ship of Project 1914, entered service on December 31, 1983;
- “Marshal Krylov”, a ship of project 1914.1, entered service on February 28, 1990;

After the addition of Project 1130 ships, 2 PIKs were created, codenamed “Brigade Ch”. Cover legend - TOGE-5. In 1985, the ships became part of the 35th brigade of the KIC. During combat and everyday life, the brigade adhered to the orders of the commanders-in-chief of the Navy and Strategic Missile Forces of the Soviet Union. In addition to the measurement ships, the brigades included two raid messenger boats and one MB-260 tugboat

Combat work and KIK missions
The presence of TOGE ships was a prerequisite for the start of testing of all Soviet ICBMs; they supported all flights of spacecraft of the Soviet Union and studied the flights of enemy spacecraft. The ships' first combat mission was the end of October 1959. First tracking and measurement of an intercontinental missile flight - late January 1960. The first manned flight into space was also supported by the TOGE-4 ships, which were sent to a given area in the Pacific Ocean and the combat mission was kept secret from them until the very end. The ship "Chumikan" took part in 1973 in rescue operations for Apollo 13. In the early 80s, the ships supported the launch of the Soviet BOR. The end of the 80s - Marshal Nedelin supported the flight of the ISS Buran. "Marshal Krylov" completed its tasks in the Europe-America-500 mission. In the 1960s, TOGE-4 ships studied and collected information from American nuclear high-altitude explosions.

The ships ended their history very tragically:
- “Siberia” was cut into scrap metal;
- “Chutotka” was cut into scrap metal;
- “Spassk” was sold to the United States for 868 thousand dollars;
- Sakhalin was sold to China;
- “Chumikan” was sold for 1.5 million dollars;
- “Chamzha” was sold for 205 thousand dollars;
- “Marshal Nedelin” stood looted for a long time, money for restoration was never found, and was sold to India as scrap metal.
- they wanted to build another 3rd ship of the 1914 project, the ship “Marshal Biryuzov” was laid down and work began, but the collapse of the Soviet Union, like many other projects, put an end to its further completion, and it was eventually cut up to metal.

Project 1914.1 “Marshal Krylov”
The main developer is Balsudoproekt. The appearance of new measurement and control ships, completely built from “A” to “Z” in the Soviet Union, is a logical solution given the “arms race” that existed at that time. The ship embodied the experience of previously built ships, their modernization and equipping with new equipment. They planned to install the most modern equipment on the ship, expand the capabilities of deck helicopters and the entire functionality of the ship. The ship was laid down at the Leningrad shipbuilding facilities on June 22, 1982. The completed ship left the slipway on July 24, 1987. The ship arrived at its home base in mid-1990, having passed not like other ships along the Northern Route, but through the Suez Canal. In 1998, the ship changed its classification for the last time and became a communications ship.

The ships of projects 1914 and 1914.1 differed externally only in the presence of a second Fregat radar on the second hull with an improved antenna. Some changes affected the internal layout of the premises. Installed powerful monitoring tools allow you to perform additional tasks. The ship's hull received an anti-ice belt of class L1. The ship has:
- small foremast;
- mainmast with internal premises;
- mizzen mast with internal premises;
- two swimming pools, one on the superstructure deck, the other in the gym;
- helicopter deck and hangars for storing helicopters;
- TKB-12 installations with ammunition of 120 “Svet” lighting rounds;
- the ability to install 6 AK-630s, two in the bow and four in the stern of the ship;
- two propellers with adjustable pitch, diameter 4.9 meters;
- two propulsion and steering retractable columns with a propeller diameter of 1.5 meters;
- two steering devices with a propeller diameter of 1.5 meters;
- bulb with GAS resonator;
- car ZIL-131;
- watercraft – 4 closed lifeboats, work and command boats, 2 rowing yawls;
- a unique device for lifting space descent vehicles;
- automated landing complex “Privod-V”

Project 1914 and 1914.1 ships are some of the most comfortable naval ships. The ship is equipped with:
- the “Medblock” complex, consisting of an operating room, an X-ray room, a dental office, a treatment room and 2 cabins for astronauts;
- club room with stage and balcony;
- gym with showers;
- spacious bathhouse;
- library;
- family room;
- office;
- salon;
- ship's shop;
- dining room and two wardrooms;

Crew berth equipment:
- emergency service – 4-berth cabins with washbasin and wardrobes;
- midshipmen – 2-berth cabins with washbasin and wardrobes;
- officers, junior personnel – 2-bed cabins with shower;
- officers - single cabins;
- command - block cabins;
- ship commander - block cabin with a salon for celebrations.

The Project 1914.1 ship, even today, is one of the largest and most equipped ships of the Russian Navy. It represents the latest achievements of Soviet scientists and designers, of which we can highlight:
- two-way satellite communications complex “Storm”;
- Aurora space communications equipment, which provides telephone communication with the control center and astronauts in orbit;
- Zephyr-T equipment, one of the most important systems for working with antennas and objects;
- Zephyr-A equipment, a unique measurement complex even today, the main advantage is the information processing algorithms used, a powerful complex of calculations;
- photo recording station “Woodpecker”. Although in terms of its parameters it works like an ordinary human eye, technologically it turned out to be a super complex complex - it has no analogues in the world;
- direction finder-radiometer “Kunitsa” - equipment of the last chance to collect information about the controlled object;
- navigation complex "Andromeda". Another representative of unique Soviet thought - carries out calculations of the coordinates of a given point and all related characteristics;

Main characteristics of "Marshal Krylov":
- type – steel with a 2-tier superstructure, an extended tank, has 14 compartments;
- displacement - 23.7 thousand tons;
- length – 211 meters;
- width 27.5 meters;
- draft – 8 meters;
- payload – 7 thousand tons;
- speed up to 22 knots;
- power – diesel DGZA-6U;
- two deck-based Ka-27 helicopters;
- reserves: fuel - 5300 tons, aviation fuel - 105 tons, water - more than 1000 tons, of which drinking water - more than 400 tons;
- autonomous navigation up to 3 months;
- ship crew – 339 people.

Additional Information:
The ships, due to their combat missions in the Pacific Ocean, provided the Navy with the opportunity to gain experience in single and group ocean voyages and the use of long-distance communications. It was on such ships that naval helicopter pilots practiced their first professional skills. And the KIK crews were the first to test several types of uniforms (tropical).

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