Monitoring the implementation of planned tasks at the enterprise. Activities of the organization: planning and control of execution



The purpose of the lesson is to develop students’ abilities to work independently to form a model of an organization, identify and analyze factors influencing the effectiveness of its activities, including such as:

organizational structure;

planning and quality control system;

making management decisions under limited time conditions;

interpersonal relationships.

You are a small company that “produces” words and “packages” them into meaningful sentences (in Russian). Market research has shown that sentences of 3-6 words (including function words) are in demand. Thus, “packaging, shipping and selling” should focus on 3-6 word sentences.

This “industry” is characterized by strong competition. Several new firms have just entered the expanding market. Since raw materials, technology and prices are standard throughout the industry, your competitiveness depends on two factors: 1) production volume; 2) product quality.

Thus, the main task of the subgroup is to create the organization so that it operates as efficiently as possible within 10-minute production cycles. Between cycles you will have the opportunity to reorganize.

Before the start of each cycle, you will receive source material - a word or phrase. Its letters serve as raw materials for the production of new words, which are packaged into sentences. For example, from the word “crocodile” you can make the phrase “the idol gave birth to a stake.”

Before starting the production cycle, you should carefully study the production rules

Work order:

1. From the group of students, two Heads of the Quality Council are invited in advance. They receive production rules and become familiar with them.

2. A group of students is divided into subgroups(4-6 people) who form small word production companies.

3. Preparation (20 min) - familiarization with the objectives of the lesson and assignment, production rules and assessment of results in the Quality Council.

The Council consists of representatives of all manufacturing companies, Council Leaders and a teacher.

After manufacturers have completed their independent study of the rules, the leaders of the Quality Council inform them of the most important rules and pay attention to the main criteria for assessing the quality of the product.

4. Modeling in accordance with the following algorithm.

Step 1(10 min). Participants create organizations. Questions for participants:

What are the objectives of your organization?

How will you achieve them? How will you plan your work?

What division of labor, power and responsibility is most appropriate given your goals, objectives and technology?

Which team members are best suited for which tasks? Each subgroup nominates one representative to the Quality Council (the rules for assessing results in the Quality Council are given below).

Step 2 (10 min). First production cycle. All subgroups receive the initial ma-

terial, i.e. two sets of letters for two production cycles (the initial set should consist of 15 - 25 letters). The countdown begins. 1 minute before the end of the cycle, the teacher warns about the remaining time. At the command of the leader, the work stops. The group representative must present the results of the work to the presenter within 30 seconds to participate in the Quality Council.

Step 3(15 min). The Quality Council checks the quality of products and reports the results. Participants analyze the work organization of the first cycle and reorganize the company for the second production cycle.

Step 4 (10 min). Second production cycle. The loop is performed in the same way as step 2, but with a new initial set of letters.

Step 5 (15 min). The Quality Council checks the quality of products and reports the results. Participants analyze the organization of work during both cycles and prepare short reports on various aspects of the organization of their firms; analysis (60 min); Representatives of each subgroup make a report on the results of their work, and they are discussed.

Questions for preparing reports and conducting discussions:

What organizational structure (culture, leadership style, decision-making methods) did your company have during its first production cycle? Was it effective? Why do you think so? (The same question applies to all analyzed parameters indicated in brackets.)

How was quality control carried out?

Has there been any reorganization? If yes, what was it? How has the structure, culture, leadership style, and decision-making methods changed?

Have there been any conflicts? If so, how were they resolved?

What factors had the greatest impact on the effectiveness of your organization?

What theoretical ideas and concepts have you found most useful?

Product manufacturing rules:

Products that do not meet accepted rules do not pass quality control

And not allowed on the market.

From the initial set of words, you need to create as many sentences as possible.

In a produced word, letters can be used as many times as they appear in the original set of words. For example, from the original word “crocodile” you can produce the word “eye”, but not the word “about”, since there are only two letters “o” in the original word “crocodile”.

Letters "e" and "e"; "and" and "and"; “ь” and “ъ” are considered different.

The letters of the original word can be used in all words of the sentence being composed (for example, from the word “crocodile” you can create the sentence “the idol gave birth to a stake.”

A new word cannot be created by changing the grammatical form of the word (case, number, etc.).

Words differ in spelling rather than in meaning (for example, "castle" and "castle").

The use of non-literary words (for example, jargon) is unacceptable.

The use of proper names is allowed.

A sentence must contain a subject and a predicate.

The permissible number of words in sentences is no less than 3 and no more than 5.

A produced word can only be used once during one production cycle.

The sentence does not necessarily have to carry a semantic load (for example, the phrase “the house overflowed its banks” is acceptable).

Product sales rules:

Products, drawn up by each company on a separate sheet of paper, are accepted by the Quality Council on the basis of the above rules for product production.

Products are rated on the following scale:

1 point - for each word in the accepted sentence;

– 1 point - for each word in an unaccepted sentence.

Evaluation of results in the Quality Council:

Each representative of the subgroup in the Quality Council must have a list of sentences presented on one sheet of paper containing words produced by the subgroup. If a group does not produce a result within 30 s, it is not considered and the group is considered to have not produced a single word. The Quality Council evaluates the compliance of the presented products with the standards set out in the “Production Rules” and determines the result of the work of subgroups

– the number of words produced that meet the standards. If any word in a sentence does not meet the standards, the entire sentence is crossed out. In addition, as a penalty, the number of words in the rejected sentence is deducted from the subgroup result.

Requirements for reporting:

The subgroup draws up a single report on the work done with a detailed justification for each stage of implementation. The industry in which the company is engaged remains the production of sentences from word combinations.



The purpose of the work is to learn how to distribute the functions of a leader (manager) in accordance with the management cycle (using a specific example).

1. Complete the management cycle diagram (see practice workbook).

2. Study carefully the example of a job description for the head of the personnel department (option 1), for-

deputy director (option 2), sales manager (option 3), brand manager (option 4). Distribute the functions of a manager in accordance with the management cycle and fill out the table (in the table, indicate the numbers of the corresponding points of the instructions). Job descriptions are presented in Appendix 1.

Distribution of the functions of the head of the HR department by stages of the management cycle.

Control function (sta-

Functions of the head of the personnel department

diya of the management cycle)

3. Enter managers in the table according to management levels: foreman, foreman, head of the personnel department, shop manager, general director, financial director, chief accountant.

Types of managers by management levels.

Who applies

Main goals

Type of management


Head of the organization

Formation of organizational goals,

and his deputies

development of long-term plans,

interaction of the organization with

external environment

All other management

Coordination of work of subordinates

tels of the organization, not from

managers, leadership from

carried to the highest and lowest

efficient units

calling levels

Leaders, I have no-

Direct organization of work

subordinate to the management

botniks engaged in the main activities


efficiency, control over the use

supply of raw materials and equipment

4. Solve the situation below.

5. Prepare answers to security questions.


The head of the construction division, Prokhorov, during a break in the production meeting, asked the opinion of the shop managers about management functions.

The shop manager, Fedorov, wrote in his notebook: “Every subject and object of management has common unified management functions. There are many management functions, but they have always been, are and will be based on a three-tier division.”

Master Semenov read what was written aloud and clarified: “Each object and subject of management has its own correlation of functions, their rational combination or division. In the process of development, changes occur in each management object in the conditions of operation of general functions, the combination of their individual elements and the tasks being solved.”

Formulation of the problem:

1. Provide a list of functions that are basic for the object and subject of management?

2. Describe the management functions that characterize front-end, front-line, and back-end management.

3. Arrange the following concepts in a logical sequence (from general to more specific): “functions of the management body”, “management functions”, “functions of the management staff employee” and “functions of the management object”.

4. The role of which functions increases (decreases, remains unchanged) in the conditions of the emergence of market relations?

Control questions

1. What are management functions?

2. What is planning?

3. Place of planning in a country with a market economy;

4. Organization as an object of management;

5. What is motivation?

6. What is the role of control in management?

7. What is the relationship between planning and control?


The goal of the game is to learn how to distribute the functions of a leader (manager) in accordance with the management cycle (using a specific example).

General guidelines

The most important management function is making management decisions. Responsibility for decisions made lies with the head of the organization or the collegial body that makes the decisions.

As a rule, making a management decision is preceded by careful preparation, which includes an analysis of the management situation, forecasting trends in its development, and much more. One of the

Our classes will be specifically devoted to the main stages of preparing a management decision.

After the decision has been made, a detailed plan for its implementation must be developed, including the amount of necessary resources, the implementation period, and the performers who are entrusted with the implementation of the various stages of the management decision.

The next management function is planning. We know such types of planning as strategic, tactical and operational, depending on the tasks that are set when developing plans.

During the transition to a market economy in Russia at the end of the 20th century. many enterprises abandoned this important management function, which was often one of the reasons for their ineffective activities.

The main functions of management are implemented through management communications, through which management information is transmitted.

IN In the process of making and implementing management decisions, orders, instructions, instructions, plans are transmitted from higher to lower levels in the management hierarchy, and information is requested on the state of affairs on the ground.

IN In the opposite direction, information is transmitted about the state of affairs, about the implementation of orders, instructions, plans, and management decisions are requested when problems arise, the solution of which is not within the competence of a lower management level. A higher management level may receive proposals to solve problems that have arisen, to adjust planned targets, etc.

The successful implementation of management decisions largely depends on the quality of management communications.

The technological sequence of the management process, in which the main management functions are implemented, forms the main management cycle (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 – Main management cycle.

Management situation No. 1

The management of a large plant for the production of tools for mechanical engineering set the task of wider penetration into foreign markets. To achieve this, it was necessary to significantly improve the quality of the products produced.

At the same time, it was not possible to purchase new technological lines or carry out large-scale replacement of equipment due to large accounts receivable (late payments for purchased products by consumer enterprises).

Problem 1. What strategy for wider penetration into sales markets is it advisable for the plant to use? In this situation, what can be recommended to the plant management to solve the problem of improving product quality? What role can additional employee motivation play?

No. 1. As a strategy for wider penetration of products manufactured by the plant into sales markets, it is advisable to use a strategy to increase the production of tools that are in steady demand among consumers. This will allow, on the one hand, to reduce the labor intensity of production and improve the quality of products, and on the other hand, to reduce its cost.

The plant managed to solve the task of significantly improving the quality of manufactured tools by creating quality circles in the workshops, which included the most experienced workers and craftsmen. They were tasked with finding ways to improve quality at all stages of instrument manufacturing. At the same time, the implementation of the proposals received was guaranteed, subject to their passing the examination.

In case of a positive result from the implemented proposal, a bonus was established, commensurate with the average salary.

In Fig. 2. The main management functions and the basic principles of their implementation in the process of managing an organization are presented.

A management system functions effectively only when it ensures the implementation of each of the main management functions.

The absence of any link in the functioning of the management system of any organization makes the management system ineffective.

The task of any manager when forming or reorganizing a management system is to ensure that each of the main management functions is implemented in the newly formed or reorganized management system.

Management situation No. 2

When organizing control over the implementation of planned tasks at a woodworking factory, a communication system was used in which all information about the progress of the plan, emerging problems and difficulties was received by the foremen of the main production areas, from them to the shop managers, and from the shop managers to the factory administration.

Figure 2 – Basic management functions and principles of their implementation

According to the tradition that existed at the factory, the foreman analyzed the current results of the plan and conveyed the conclusions he had drawn to a higher authority. The shop manager worked on the same principle with the information received by him.

The role of the factory management in exercising control was limited to familiarization with information received from the shop managers.

Problem 2. Analyze the situation with the organization of control over the implementation of planned tasks that has developed at a woodworking factory. Assess the quality of communications. What would you recommend to the factory manager?

Development of the management situation No. 2. Given the established control organization at the factory, the factory management is not guaranteed against receiving unreliable information from shop managers, and shop managers are not guaranteed against receiving unreliable information from foremen. This allows us to characterize the communication system at the factory as insufficiently effective.

As a result of the use of such a communication system, the principle of independence of control was violated. The functions of product production and control over execution were carried out by one official, which resulted in higher management not always receiving objective and timely information about the progress of the plan.

Naturally, in such a situation, the receipt of orders from a higher management level to a lower level is delayed and does not always correspond to the current situation.

The factory management, along with the conclusions of shop managers and foremen, must have primary (direct) information on the progress of fulfilling planned tasks.

Making management decisions is the first in a series of basic management functions. The main functional chain - organization planning, motivation, control -

preceded by a strategic, tactical or operational management decision. Making a strategic decision to switch to the production of a new type of product

sets in motion the entire main functional chain.

Making a strategic decision on a new defensive Doctrine of the country, a new social policy or a policy of economic transformation also “includes” the entire main functional chain, without which the implementation of the adopted management decision is impossible.

If an enterprise makes a tactical decision to increase the volume of production of products that are expected to be in high demand in the near future and will allow for additional profits, then this entails the need to develop an additional plan and requires additional organizational work, motivation, and control.

An operational management solution to a serious problem that has arisen in a particular area of ​​the enterprise’s activity may also require the inclusion of the entire main functional chain, starting with adjustments to the approved plans (production, financial, etc.).

However, both tactical and operational decisions must correspond to the enterprise development strategy.

Development and adjustment of strategy with the subsequent adoption of management decisions at the appropriate level - strategic, tactical, operational - together with the main functional chain form the main management cycle presented in Fig. 1.

32. Monitoring and analysis of the implementation of planned tasks

The current activities of the enterprise can be characterized by indicators of sales volume and profit. Each value has its own predicted values ​​or standards. To control and analyze the implementation of planned tasks, a method is used to construct tables with planned and actual values, the comparison of which is of interest. Of particular importance here is planning for financial responsibility centers (a structural unit involved in the construction of plans and responsible for their implementation within the limits of its powers).

Depending on the criteria, the following types of responsibility centers are distinguished:

1) cost-generating - a service that takes as a basis for its work the cost estimate approved by the enterprise. It is difficult for this center to determine the level of income of the enterprise, so all work is concentrated on costs (for example, company accounting);

2) income-generating - a service whose head is responsible for generating income (for example, a sales department). This center is not responsible for the costly part of the enterprise’s activities, but the level of income directly depends on it. Of course, the presence of costs is not excluded here, but management does not control these costs;

3) profit-generating - a division whose main operating criteria are profitability and profit. Most often these are subsidiaries, etc.;

4) investment and development - a center that is responsible not only for profitability and profitability, but also has the capabilities and authority to invest.

The setting of planned targets is determined depending on the type of responsibility center.

Thus, the management of the enterprise sets a plan target, for the implementation of which appropriate resources are allocated, a policy for interaction with third parties is approved, etc. Going beyond this framework is impossible. At the end of the planning period, the degree of fulfillment of planned tasks is analyzed, in case of violations, those responsible are identified, i.e. when planning activities:

1) the management of the enterprise identifies several evaluation criteria and also sets their planned value;

2) analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the financial responsibility center is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the approved plan according to established criteria;

3) heads of structural divisions are provided with the resources necessary to fulfill planned targets;

4) heads of financial responsibility centers have complete freedom regarding the resources at their disposal.

To increase the efficiency of structural divisions in relation to the implementation of planned indicators, enterprises are introducing a system of material incentives for employees, i.e., for fulfilling or exceeding the plan assigned to a separate structural division, employees of this service are awarded bonuses, which in the future (as practice shows) increases productivity work.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Training program

1. Technologies and algorithm for setting the problem. Translation of tasks into plans (tasks).

Definition of goals and objectives. Connection of the task with the goal.

Types, features, characteristics of tasks. Requirements for setting tasks.

Prerequisites for successful problem solving. Rules for their setting.

Goal setting technologies (SMART), Management by MBO goals, KPI system of key performance indicators, problem meeting method...)

Priority ranking of tasks.

Finding the means and resources of the team to achieve results.

Structuring the subject of a task (substantive analysis of tasks) at the stage of translating it into tasks (options for solutions).

2. Step-by-step planning from goals to tasks, from tasks to tasks and the final result

Creation of a system for employee work planning.

Selection of planning technologies in accordance with the company strategy.

Selection of performer. Taking into account his individual characteristics.

Preliminary step-by-step thinking through the manager’s actions, taking into account the capabilities of subordinates, forecasting the expected result

Defining deadlines and targeting resources, i.e. ensuring their availability for the employee (material, information, human)

Algorithm for setting a task for the performer: designation of a common goal, setting tasks, planning, delegation of authority and responsibility, motivation for the goal and incentives for completing the task

What roles of superiors and subordinates interfere with goal setting.

Role positions not suitable for delegation

Formulating a task for the performer with a focus on feasibility and quality of execution: taking into account deadlines, personal characteristics, and professionalism of the performer

Checking understanding , exclude closed questions, get a detailed answer to open questions on the perception of the task. Examples of test questions for a subordinate.

Methods for increasing employee responsibility for the implementation of plans and work results.

The main mistakes of a manager in assigning tasks to subordinates (one task is inconsistent with another or conflicts with them in terms of deadlines and resources, did not explain why the task was set, what the result should be, did not check whether the task was understood correctly, gave the task to a subordinate without skills, the task is impossible or not supported by resources, etc.)

Module 3 .

3.Control as a management function

Purpose and main tasks of control:

    Diagnosis of the state of affairs; Orientation; Stimulation;

    Correction of actions; Dissemination of best practices;

    Law enforcement function; Motivating function of control.

Three aspects of management control (establishment, measurement, comparison).

Why and under what conditions does control motivate?

Control algorithm: who controls, in what form and within what time frame.

Compliance of execution control technologies with the selected planning system. How to ensure consistency between work planning and execution control?

Types of control: preliminary; current (feedback system); final (final).

Qualitative characteristics of control: strategic focus; results orientation; compliance with the direction of activity; timeliness; flexibility (adaptability); simplicity; efficiency.

Feedback to a subordinate in the process of monitoring the execution of a task.

Selecting the necessary methods for monitoring the work of employees with different levels of competence and motivation.

Obtaining information about the work of employees who are in the deputy’s subordination area. How can a higher-ranking manager control employees who are in his subordinate's subordinate area?

Analysis of control technologies corresponding to different types of tasks.

Planning the scope of control and the possibilities of its regulation in system or emergency mode

Planning control actions

Defining the boundaries of management control.


Notebooks of seminar participants containing basic theoretical material and a number of practical tasks.

Additional teaching materials in electronic form.

The main goal of control is to ensure unconditional and timely implementation of planned activities. Control must be systematic and proactive.

The heads of customs in the region, through their deputies, and the heads of structural divisions of the Administration staff personally organize the complete, accurate and timely implementation of plans. To do this, the relevant managers identify performers, formulate tasks for them, set deadlines, and hold operational meetings; create the necessary conditions for performers and ensure control over the progress of planned activities, determine the time and procedure for informing about the implementation of plans. These managers must organize and personally carry out regular monitoring of the implementation of plans.

Direct implementation of general control over the implementation of the activities of the annual work plan of the FCS and monthly plans for the main activities of the FCS, as well as the timely introduction of appropriately formalized necessary changes is carried out by the FCS.

The main goals of monitoring the implementation of plans are:

  • - ensuring the implementation of the tasks and activities of the plan according to all indicators by all divisions of the customs authorities of the region;
  • - identification of unused reserves for improving performance and labor organization of unit personnel;
  • - preventing disproportions in the development of individual units, the alignment of forces and means;
  • - elimination of errors made during the implementation of the plan;
  • - improvement of planning and management activities.

Checking the implementation of plans begins with determining the timeliness and correctness of delivery of tasks to specific performers. The success of all planned activities depends on this, first of all.

The fulfillment of the plan is verified by studying the reporting materials, as well as by direct familiarization with the work on the ground. Verification of the implementation of plan activities should be carried out comprehensively, that is, across all sections of the plan. When conducting an audit, it is necessary to pay primary attention to solving the main tasks of the planned period, as well as performing the main functions assigned to it in accordance with its purpose. Another important area that needs to be paid attention to is the study, generalization and dissemination of best practices, existing achievements in the performance of customs authorities and departments, individual managers and employees.

Brief analyzes of the implementation of customs work plans and functional blocks of the FCS for the reporting period, before the 10th day of the month following the reporting period, are sent to the FCS to perform control functions, resolve problematic issues that require solutions at the regional level, as well as to summarize and analyze activities FCS. These brief analyzes of the implementation of plans must necessarily include:

  • - unrealized plan items and reasons for their non-fulfillment;
  • - the effectiveness of the measures taken to achieve the tasks facing the customs authority;
  • - problematic issues of customs, customs posts and functional departments that require decisions from senior management;
  • - best practices of departments and proactive approach of employees in the course of daily activities and other issues at the discretion of the relevant managers.

Analyzes of the implementation of the Department's work plans for the reporting period are carried out by the Federal Customs Service and sent to the Control and Analytical Directorate of the Federal Customs Service of Russia to perform control functions, consider problematic issues that require solutions at the federal level, as well as to summarize and analyze the activities of the Federal Customs Service.

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Monitoring and recording the implementation of plans

Main features of the program:

    You will have a single customer database with all the necessary contact information

    Each employee will be able to plan their work, and the manager will give tasks and control the work of all staff

    Our system will remind you of any important matter

    The program will show for any date a list of planned tasks or orders that should be ready by that day

    Separation of access rights is supported. Each employee will see only what he is supposed to see

    You will control all your employees

    A whole range of management reports is provided for the director, which will help analyze the organization’s activities from different angles.

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your clients and deservedly gain the reputation of the most modern company



    for staff

    for clients

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. This is done using convenient manual data entry or import.

    The program interface is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order an international version of the program, into which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

The first step to the transition to the highest level of management decision-making is planning and monitoring the execution of work. A high level of labor organization requires appropriate technical equipment. Case planning software helps in developing both short-term and long-term strategies. That is, it can be elementary, and reduced almost to the functionality of an organizer, only very fast and convenient. But it can also monitor the implementation of plans with a more complex structure and long-term perspective. Multi-level tasks can consist of several parts, then the system will simultaneously monitor the implementation of the operational plan and compliance with the entire strategy as a whole. Automated accounting of plan implementation optimizes the speed and quality of work.

Monitoring the implementation of plans and tasks is also a universal way to discipline the workforce and optimize labor productivity. Thus, you can track the payback of your project for all cost items, including those intended to pay employees. Monitoring and recording the implementation of operational calendar plans will ensure the timely completion of tasks.

Monitoring the implementation of enterprise plans pursues the following goals: focusing on the main areas of development; preparation for possible changes, elaboration of all options for the development of events; workflow optimization; creating high-quality interaction between company departments.

Control over the implementation of plans can be exercised in various areas of business operation. Each department has its own nuances and specifics of work. Monitoring the implementation of the marketing plan will monitor the implementation of tasks on its site, taking into account all the subtleties of the activity. Breaking down management according to the organizational structure of the business ensures comprehensive coverage.

The program draws up a business plan in accordance with the applied management methodology. Monitoring the implementation of planned targets at any enterprise has the goal of achieving certain economic and operational indicators that in a certain way characterize the organization of the business. In addition, accounting and monitoring the implementation of the plan allows you to form a complete picture of all actions carried out within the framework of achieving this goal, on the basis of which a complete and detailed analysis can be carried out. A rich set of information system tools helps achieve the company's goals. The calendar program for planning tasks, a built-in system, actively uses it to record deadlines for completing tasks.

The best program for business planning exercises control over the development of plans and the execution of work, thus being not just an accounting tool, but a full-fledged assistant in the organization of work. We can confidently call our system the best in the business, because it meets these requirements and has unique functionality.

The program can be used by:

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of Refrigeration Industry, majoring in engineering. After graduation, he worked as a programmer. Then - a system programmer. He first appeared on screen in 1989 in the club “What? Where? When?", then - at the Brain Ring. In the television “Own Game” he won fifteen victories in a row in 2001-2002 and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of “Own Game”. Four-time champion of Moscow in the sports version of “My Game”, bronze medalist of the same competition, silver in 2017. Silver medalist of the “Connoisseur Games” - the World Games of Connoisseurs - 2010 in “Your Game”.

Addition to the program for professional managers: for business development and increased income. A unique product developed at the intersection of two sciences: economics and information technology. There are no analogues

With the development of technology, life speeds up. You need to be on time everywhere - because the faster you do things, the more you earn. For this reason, it is very important to have a feature-rich mobile application at hand.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Alexander Druz is the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK". He was awarded the Crystal Owl prize six times as the club's best player. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" - a prize for the best player. Champion of the television version of the Brain Ring. In the television program “Own Game” he won “Line Games”, “Super Cup”, won the “III Challenge Cup” with the team, and set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter of intellectual games and educational programs on various TV channels.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When?”, four-time winner of the “Crystal Owl” prize, twice world champion, three-time Russian champion, six-time Moscow champion, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game “ChGK”. Based on the results of a general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in the entire 25 years of the elite club’s existence. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. He received the “Big Crystal Owl” and the main prize of the anniversary games - the “Diamond Star” of the master of the game. Member of the board and since 2001 - vice-president of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at MIPT. In August 2010, he was elected president of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Sports Bridge Federation”. He heads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergey Karyakin. At the age of 12 he became the youngest grandmaster in human history. Included in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. Winner of the FIDE World Cup. World champion in rapid chess, world champion in blitz. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Awarded the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of the VI composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth world and European championships. Winner and medalist of a number of major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as a member of the Ukrainian team, silver medalist of the Olympics as a member of the Russian team. He showed the best result on his board and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with the best result on board 1. World champion in the Russian national team. World Cup semi-finalist. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

Possibilities for monitoring and managing the implementation of plans

  • The professional program automatically monitors the implementation of plans;
  • A convenient and simple interface creates comfortable working conditions for recording plan implementation;
  • All processes at the enterprise are fully controlled;
  • The program for scheduling cases is characterized by high speed and productivity;
  • A rich set of tools makes work more productive;
  • Planning and control of work execution acquires a clear structure;
  • The program, keeping track of the implementation of the plan, creates a hierarchy of tasks in accordance with their importance;
  • Interaction with other electronic data storage formats makes work even more comfortable;
  • The implementation of the operational plan is monitored effectively;
  • A universal search system allows you to quickly navigate the system;
  • The program provides a remote access mode;
  • The program for planning cases can be adapted for any enterprise, and the interface for each employee;
  • Automatic reminders and notifications about tasks facilitate timely monitoring of plan implementation;
  • Conducting analytical activities contributes to success;
  • You can download the accounting system for free in the demo version and experience all its advantages in practice;

    Download software to implement plans

    Below are the download links. You can download a free PowerPoint presentation of the software and a demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of use time and functionality.

    Order automation of plan implementation accounting

    To purchase this program, just call us at the numbers indicated in the contact details or Skype, or simply write a letter. Our specialists will agree with you on a suitable configuration, prepare a contract and an invoice for payment.

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