When geniuses are born. Scientists have found that geniuses are born on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Russian football players are born in January

Scientists from Moscow conducted research and came to the conclusion that in order to become a genius, you need to be born on a certain day of the week.

After you find out when geniuses are born, you will definitely ask your relatives which of the seven days of the week you were born in order to find out whether you have the makings of a genius that you can reveal and amaze everyone with your talents.

In order to conduct this study, Moscow researchers analyzed a large layer of statistical data. Scientists have studied information about the birthdays of 750 people who can be called geniuses. Among those who came under research were great artists of the past, writers who gave the world their immortal works, scientists who became famous for their discoveries that literally turned the world upside down, and so on. Surprisingly, the days of the week on which most of the prominent people or geniuses were born coincide, which is suggestive.

What if the beliefs of many ancient peoples about the significance of the days of the week, influencing people’s lives in a certain way, are true? For example, in the Slavic tradition, Friday has always been revered as the day of the goddess, and Thursday as the day of the god of thunder and lightning. What did the ancient Slavs and representatives of other peoples of the world mean by these epithets of the days of the week? The conclusion suggests itself that the day of the week could be dedicated to a certain deity not only because of the veneration of this deity on this or that day, but also for the reason that each day of the week has a special character, a special mood, energy, strength and has a certain effect on people, although it is also possible that these are phenomena of the same order...

The researchers, after comparing all the data, got an unexpected result. Almost all of the geniuses divided three days of the week among themselves - Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. These days, according to scientists, are the days that give the world new geniuses. Moreover, it was also found that the greatest genius for newborns is offered on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning (that is, from Tuesday to Wednesday) and Saturday morning. It was also noted that for some reason a significant part of geniuses were born in February.

Scientists do not provide any explanations, since such a coincidence still belongs to the realm of the inexplicable. The only thing that scientists have suggested is solar activity, which obeys certain time cycles and has a certain effect on people every day of the week. Somehow, the sun affects newborns specifically on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, which makes the consciousness of such babies distinguishable from the brain work of babies born on other days. As a result, such people think differently from those around them, which allows them to find innovative and creative solutions.

The ancients were sure that the birth rate of gifted people fluctuates over time depending on the periods and cycles of changes in solar activity. Today, scientists are not often ready to discuss these topics, for fear of seeming outdated. But there are researchers who are trying to understand the laws of genius.
In principle, we can agree that a person’s mental abilities may depend on the state of the natural environment at a time when the neural micronetworks of the cerebral cortex are actively being formed. However, the state of the natural environment is not the same, both in time and space. Can the frequency of births of gifted people really depend on geographic latitude and date of birth?

To answer this question, the leading engineer of the TsAGI branch, Evgeny Vinogradov, analyzed data on the place and time of birth of many prominent figures. The dependence hypothesis was confirmed. And yet: to become a genius it is not enough to be born in the right place and at the right time. Giftedness is a complex phenomenon, scientists note, it depends on an infinite number of factors, and we are now only on the threshold of understanding them.

Starting the research, Evgeny Vinogradov collected information from various sources about the time and place of birth of 757 Nobel laureates from 61 countries, known as of January 1, 2006. Thus, it was possible to identify a small but representative group of gifted people. Then the data of another 329 prominent figures listed in biographical reference books (mathematicians, mechanics, physicists, astronomers, chemists, biologists, composers) and biographies of 1201 people, which were given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, were analyzed.

The collected data made it possible to compare the proportion of gifted people born on average over a long period of time in high and low latitudes of the Earth. Talents were clearly born more often at high latitudes. Thus, 40 times more Nobel laureates were born at a latitude of 60 degrees than at a latitude of 20-30 degrees. The combined birth rate of Nobel laureates in Finland, Sweden and Norway was 8.7 times higher than in Portugal, Spain and Italy combined. The same pattern was observed for other groups of celebrities.

The author of the study explains the obtained data by the fact that from the equator to the poles of the Earth, changes in the elements of the natural environment occur: the intensity and amplitudes of variations in the intensity of cosmic rays increase, the oxygen content in the air and the amplitudes of variations in the oxygen content in the air increase, the amplitudes of variations in air pressure increase. In this regard, the author formulates the hypothesis of “infant enlightenment”: the higher the background radiation level and oxygen content in the air during the formation of neural micronetworks in the child’s brain (they arise in the very last stages of intrauterine development), the more micronetworks are formed, and the higher mental abilities person.

Natural background radiation is characterized by an average level and fluctuations of different heights and durations. The causes of sharp fluctuations can be, for example, widespread atmospheric showers of particles or solar flares. Massive switching on and switching of genetic programs, including those responsible for the construction of neural micronetworks of the cerebral cortex, occurs within about a day before the birth of a child. And if at this key time, when the radiosensitivity of the genome increases, the radiation background is increased, the programs for building neural micronetworks are implemented in a strong version and the child’s mental abilities improve. If, at key moments, the background is low or sharply decreased, the programs for building neural micronetworks are implemented in a weak version and the child’s mental abilities deteriorate. With an average background, a normal “middle peasant” is born, which is the majority.

The scientist believes that a potential genius is born when a strong radiation pulse occurs at or close to the baby's first breath. The probability of this event is low, and geniuses are born infrequently.

Also, since the mid-twentieth century, the oxygen effect has been known in radiobiology, the essence of which is that the biological effect of ionizing radiation increases with the saturation of the body with oxygen. If there is enough oxygen, then ordinary background radiation can become stimulating. For example, it was noticed that the children of women who received oxygen during pregnancy, especially in the last days, are ahead in the rate and level of mental development of the children of women who did not receive oxygen. Here there is oxygen stimulation of the inclinations, the researcher notes.

However, the oxygen effect can also manifest itself under natural conditions, for example, when a cyclone is replaced by an anticyclone, especially in winter. Air pressure increases and humidity drops, therefore, the oxygen content in the air and the child’s body increases, and his mental abilities improve. When an anticyclone is replaced by a cyclone, everything goes the other way around, and the child’s mental abilities deteriorate.
The author of the scientific work considers the birth of smart children from women who received oxygen to be one of the confirmations of his hypothesis of infant enlightenment. But there are others. The amount of oxygen in the air increases not only from low to high latitudes, not only when a cyclone changes to an anticyclone, but also from summer to winter. Consequently, more gifted people should be born in winter than in summer. And indeed, statistics confirm this.

Having distributed the birth dates of 19,043 celebrities by month, whose biographies are given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and some reference books, the scientist discovered that the most talents are born in February, and the least in June and August. Moreover, in the cold half of the year (November-April), 1.14 times more talents were born than in the warm half. Among especially gifted and famous people (1570 of them were selected), the trend was the same, but the scope was even greater. Interestingly, the pattern also applies in the southern hemisphere of the Earth: the most talent is born here in July, and the least in February and December.

Based on demographic statistics, the researcher constructed a total fertility curve for the population of Europe and Russia; it turned out that mere mortals are born much more evenly throughout the year than talents, and even more so geniuses.

The author points out several reasons for seasonal surges in the birth of talents: annual changes in solar activity, the position of the Earth relative to the plane of the solar equator, and oxygen content in the air. All these reasons operate due to changes in the level of background radiation and the sensitivity of the human body to it.

In addition, the researcher drew attention to the fact that many outstanding people were born near volcanoes and mountain ranges. As it turned out, most often Nobel laureates are born in the vicinity of mountains with a height of 700-1400 m, and least often - in the vicinity of mountains with a height of 2600-3100 m, and a significant difference was revealed. Presumably, this may be due to the fact that since different secondary particles are formed at different altitudes in the atmosphere, they are deflected differently by magnetic fields of different extents, that is, by mountains of different heights.

In conclusion, the author notes that the study of the influence of the physical environment on a person’s mental inclinations is of great scientific and practical importance. “Knowing the factors and patterns of changes in the birth rate of gifted people, it is possible to time the birth of children to environmental conditions that improve inclinations and thereby increase the share of gifted people in society and its well-being,” says E.S. Vinogradov. The creation of an artificial environment that improves the inclinations will significantly increase the intellectual, creative and moral potential of humanity and qualitatively improve people's lives.

We asked the candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University to comment on the results of the study. M. V. Lomonosov to S. M. Churbanov. “Currently, attempts are being made to bring together all the factors that contribute to the realization of human potential. This study examines variables that psychologists usually ignore, take for granted and do not try to comprehend. However, giftedness is a complex phenomenon; it is necessary to take into account a lot of other factors, - notes S. M. Churbanova. - For example, there are studies that analyze the gradual social influence of the family environment on future Nobel Prize laureates. Researchers studied five generations of the ancestors of Nobel Prize laureates - who were their parents and grandparents. It turned out that at first they were simple peasants , then wealthy peasants, teachers, priests; then - university professors, and their children received the Nobel Prize. It is important to note that we are not talking about the factor of heredity (there were studies on this topic), but rather about the factor of social influence. Parents, who try to provide cognitive stimulation to the child, engage in various training programs, will receive a positive effect. So giftedness is not a simple phenomenon. There are an infinite number of factors to consider, and we are now on the verge of streamlining them. Such studies, looking at the problem from a new perspective, contribute to this matter." The Informnauka agency reports this.

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When a person has no one to ask the question “Why?”, said the French scientist P. Grabar, he is forced to ask it to himself, and at that moment he becomes a scientist. But not all scientists, but only the most advanced of them, are Creators, Geniuses, capable of rethinking scientific concepts of the past and present, of revolutionary revaluation of stereotypes and the creation of fundamentally new theories, hypotheses and methods.

Aquarians rule!

The domestic scientist V. Efroimson has long been interested in the problem of geniuses, who believed that their intellectual output is associated with a specific mode of brain functioning. In particular, the nerve centers of geniuses are loaded not to a hundredth of their capabilities (which is typical for an ordinary person), but to 70% or more. That is why Efroimson considered genius not as a gift from God, but as a natural phenomenon, activated by the purposeful self-improvement of a person. The scientist considered talent to be a natural manifestation of the characteristics of previous generations, that is, a genetically inherent quality. Experts in karmic astrology agree with Efroimson, who claim: genius cannot be a random phenomenon; the lives of his predecessors lived before the birth of a genius and their wisdom, embodied in intuition, determine the essence of the synthesis karma of their descendant.

But modern scientific astrology also claims that the likelihood of the birth of brilliant personalities increases in the era of Aquarius, that geniuses and creators predominate in the zodiac sign of Aquarius.

Did the genes come together like that?

This point of view also has opponents who claim that super-talented people are the result of chance, a random combination of a set of genes. To confirm such hypotheses, the example of M. Lomonosov, a genius without a corresponding pedigree, was often cited. However, recently published facts indicate that Academician Lomonosov, it seems, was the illegitimate son of Peter I. To test this idea, in the 70s of our century an attempt was made to create a seed bank of Nobel Prize laureates, the results of which, however, can only be verified decades later .

In accordance with his views, Efroimson identified five specific “stigmas” of genius that characterize the anatomical, physiological, biochemical and other parameters of a person: an increase in the frontal lobes of the brain, an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood, an increased release of adrenaline into the blood, an increase in the level of sex hormones androgens in the body , the presence of peculiar behavioral reactions with a sharp alternation of mood phases. It is characteristic that most of the “stigmas” are inherent in men, although the syndrome of genius of women has also been identified.

Still - a rarity!

The phenomenon of genius, as a human species, is very rare. Professor Efroimson calculated that The entire period of human civilization has given the world no more than 400 geniuses. He also calculated that out of 100 thousand people, only one is born a genius, and of those born with the beginnings of a genius, only an astronomically small number of people are capable of becoming creators.

Despite the fact that by the age of eight a child can activate up to 90% of his inherent capabilities and inclinations, and by the age of ten he is able to reveal his talents, poor upbringing and poor training can suppress the dynamics of phenomenality, so a person born brilliant cannot always to succeed as a creator.

Genius can also manifest itself at a later age as a result of independent, personal self-improvement.

Unleash your abilities!

N. Pairn, in his book “Rhythm, Life and Creativity” (1923), argued that most people function in conjunction with special nodal points that occur during certain years of their lives. The periods between these points are characterized by three main features: 1) clarification and strengthening of mental vital activity; 2) qualitative changes compared to other periods and points; 3) the special internal sensitivity of the body to external and internal factors. So, if the first cycle of life (up to 45-50 years) pulsates in the rhythm of two endocrine glands - the thyroid and the reproductive glands, then after their strength fades, the body is given the opportunity to manifest and activate other, inhibited and undeveloped capabilities. And a person enters a new cycle - the phase of contemplation and wisdom. At this time, something that was previously suppressed or hidden begins to appear in him, or he acquires the gift of vision and understanding of the previously incomprehensible. Thus, the second period of life turns out to be a stage of spiritual formation for a person.

Pern’s opinion is confirmed by N. Moiseeva (1990), who, using the example of the activities of major scientists, showed that at the age of 25-30, discoveries are made mainly in the field of exact sciences. In natural sciences, which require the accumulation of a large array of observations and facts, discoveries are formed by the age of 40-50, and in rare cases - by the age of 60-70. Therefore, the age limit for a genius is not an obstacle to his creative activity. It’s just that in the first cycle of a person’s life, during the period of his greatest vital power, he has to spend part of his energy on personal and situational development, which inhibits the manifestation of his creative activity. In old age, these forces are released, and the sublimely spiritual and intellectual second cycle can be illuminated with bright and capacious emotions.

“Shroud effect” and... relatives

Genius is not only a rare condition, but also such a complex condition that not every brain can combine this gift of nature with normal functioning. For some people, talent in a narrow area inhibits brain function in other areas of activity, giving rise to the so-called “shroud effect.” D. Treffert (1993) notes that savants in the brain have islands of unusually high cell activity, which, in my opinion, energetically deplete other areas of the brain, causing a specifically one-sided personality development.

Savants are sometimes called mental athletes, developing some abilities at the expense of others, but elements of savantism are inherent in all geniuses, which is commonly called eccentricity, that is, a decrease in memory and functionality in those areas that are not necessary for the creator.

For example, a brilliant person may not know the names and surnames of his relatives and acquaintances, may not remember the names and locations of streets, confuse his right and left hands, be helpless in everyday affairs, etc. But in critical, stressful situations, they are able to instantly transform and to quickly extract from the memory bank knowledge that is not in demand in a timely manner, extraordinary or synthetic, leading humanity to a new and more advanced stage of evolution. That is why, in my deep conviction, stress is not only a pathogenesis system, but also a factor that improves the body!

During emotional stress, a person’s brain is able to work according to two programs, which are directly proportional to his intelligence. With moderate intelligence, the chain “intuition - theory - experiment” operates; with high intelligence, the chain is “fundamental knowledge - scientific logic - intuition - theory - experiment.” A person with a powerful intellect will never rely on intuition without analyzing it at the level of logic and fundamental synthetic knowledge. The more related knowledge regarding a particular problem is known to a person, the closer he is to the type of creator and the more likely it is to activate the supernormal capabilities genetically embedded in his memory bank.

Experts have different assessments of the state of genius. Some believe that genius is the highest manifestation of health, which, however, is characteristic only of a person of perfect biological organization. Others associate genius with mental or nervous disorders. There is also a compromise point of view, according to which genius can only be accompanied by temporary psychosyndromes that do not fit into the framework of classical psychopathology.

No matter how genius is regarded, a person should have freedom of creative self-expression, despite some deviations in his behavior. In the difficult ecological and psychological situation of our time, humanity has no right to ignore genius - this driving force in the development of scientific knowledge.

Lyudmila Serebryannikova

MOSCOW, June 24 - RIA Novosti, Alfiya Enikeeva. Scientists are categorically against astrology and the belief that the date of birth influences a person’s destiny. However, those born in the winter live longer, children born in the fall do better at school, and those born at the end of the summer are more likely to succeed in sports. There is only a rational explanation for all this.

Those born in August have a good chance of becoming a player in the French, Belgian or Dutch national football teams. Born from September to November? Set your sights on the English Premier League. If you want your child to become a successful hockey player, plan the birth for the first half of the year.

Russian football players are born in January

For example, in Belgium, France and the Netherlands, the peak of birthday footballers occurs in August, then their number gradually decreases, reaching a minimum in July. In the English Premier League, players are congratulated on their birthday more often in the fall, and among the current stars of English football there is not a single one born from May to August. Canadian hockey players, on the contrary, are usually born in the first half of the year - from January to May.

"Correlation does not mean cause and effect. It's like a decrease in the number of pirates due to global warming. Such patterns may turn out to be false or meaningless, but I will try to offer a theoretical explanation for the supposed effect. For example, depending on when a person was born, he will either junior or senior in a sports school or section. This can affect his success relative to other students and his subsequent career. In childhood, a difference of several months can be critical," explains Alexander Panchin, Candidate of Biological Sciences, laureate of the Enlightenment Prize , member of the RAS commission on combating pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research.

In science, this asymmetrical distribution of athletes’ birthdays is called the “Relative age effect” (RAE). According to research, RAE is typical for sports federations in almost all countries of the world. In Russia, among football players, those born in the first half of the year, especially in January, predominate.

© Illustration RIA Novosti

© Illustration RIA Novosti

RAE is explained simply: when recruiting students, football schools are guided only by the year of birth of the child. Therefore, January athletes receive a significant advantage over the rest.

Autumn centenarians

Scientists may have uncovered the secret of the longest-living people on the planetItalian biologists have discovered that people who live to be a hundred or more years old have an unusual network of capillaries and other small vessels that ages noticeably more slowly than the rest of the Earth's inhabitants.

Date of birth can also affect life expectancy. Those born in autumn and winter live longer. The worst is for March newborns - only four percent of them live to be a hundred years old. It would be a mistake to interpret the results of a study by scientists from the University of Chicago, who analyzed data from 1,500 people born between 1880 and 1895 in Chicago.

"Again, it is unclear how reproducible these results are and whether they indicate a cause-and-effect relationship. But let's imagine. Here we used data from people born in the late 19th century. At that time, there may have been increased infant mortality due to seasonal infections and cold. Stronger babies from socially prosperous families survived, that is, those who had good starting conditions. And they have a greater chance of longevity," explains Alexander Panchin.

According to the findings of Alexander Lerchl, a professor at the Jacobs University of Bremen (Germany), Germans born from October to December also live longer on average than those born from May to June. Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley (USA) obtained similar data by comparing life expectancy in different hemispheres of the Earth. It turned out that Austrian and Danish centenarians are more often born from September to December, and Australians - from March to June.

One of the most likely explanations is the mother's diet during pregnancy. Women who give birth in autumn and winter bear their children in the warm season, when there are many vegetables and fruits, which subsequently forms healthy eating habits in children. This cannot be verified experimentally, but with a certain degree of assumption, one can cite as an example a study on rats that showed that if a female ate a high-calorie, high-fat diet during pregnancy, her offspring subsequently had a tendency to eat junk food and suffered from obesity.

Give birth wisely

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (USA), the smartest and most diligent children are born in September. Researchers analyzed the performance of more than a million schoolchildren aged six to fifteen years. It turned out that children born in August have the lowest rates, while those born in September not only get good grades in school, but also get into more prestigious colleges and universities.

Scientists explain it this way. American children start school at the full age of six, so those born between September and December have a slight advantage: they are several months older than their spring and summer classmates, which can cause a significant achievement gap in the early grades.

In addition, the researchers found that among those born in September there were more children from families with high incomes. Parents planning a pregnancy hoped for a fall birth so that their children could participate in as many scholarship programs as possible in the future.

Geniuses and stars

The connection between genius and date of birth has been studied more than once, but scientists have not been able to draw definite conclusions. Some find a correlation between the year of birth of scientists and the awarding of the Nobel Prize to them. Others categorically oppose any attempt to make intelligence dependent on the season of conception or childbirth.

“Data on the connection between the date of birth and the fact that a person became an outstanding scientist most often looks like false correlations. If you try to correlate huge amounts of data, then you will definitely have something correlated with something simply by chance. Any such studies, firstly, they must be reproduced on independent samples. Secondly, one should always try to check alternative explanations for the specified correlation," Panchin sums up.

© U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Centers for Disease Control&Prevention

© U.S. Office of Management and Budget and Centers for Disease Control&Prevention

I don’t understand at all the indignation of mothers about the fact that they are not allowed to breastfeed their children in a public place. For a minute, they don’t let you feed, but they don’t let you expose your breasts. Of course, a hungry child has the right to satisfy his hunger at any time convenient for him, and his mother has the right to feed her child where and when she sees fit. But why do you need to demonstratively expose your breasts? If you are a nursing mother, you probably assume that the time will inevitably come to feed your baby, so take with you a cape, a scarf, a snood, and at least a fan, well, something to cover yourself if necessary. In the end, if it just so happens that you don’t have anything on you, step aside, turn away, choose a place that is not so crowded, so that you don’t embarrass yourself and don’t embarrass people. As for the specific situation in the museum, the issue, in my opinion, is controversial. Here, oddly enough, I am on my mother’s side. Simply because there is absolutely nothing to argue with her. Indeed, what kind of indecency can we talk about in connection with the exposure of the chest if families with children come to the Tretyakov Gallery and do not turn away in embarrassment from the paintings of Rembrandt, Michelangelo’s David without a fig leaf, do not cover the children’s eyes, etc. But this is done as trolling, to annoy the museum administration and the public. In general, I would not drag an infant into a public place during the SARS season, and then, if the incident took place in the Tretyakov Gallery, then sometimes there are such queues at the box office, sometimes you can stand on the street for an hour. Why torture a child? And then it would be possible to step aside again, why feed the baby ostentatiously in a crowd of people? Feeding babies is such an intimate moment that does not tolerate extraneous glances, strangers, not always positive thoughts, etc. But this, of course, is a personal matter for everyone. I don’t know all the details, but if I were the museum staff, I would never get into trouble with a nursing mother, and if her behavior, in their opinion, somehow violated the order established in the museum, I would (if I were an employee) offered her stole, scarf, or would take her to a more secluded place. Well, if a nursing mother started making a fuss in response to my (as a museum employee) proposals, defending her rights, I would leave her alone. Why take a sin on your soul, get into a quarrel with it, make it nervous, in the end, everything will affect the baby, it turns out that by your actions you are harming the baby, why is this?

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