Class hour "courtesy tournament". Class hour "politeness for every day" Politeness is the basis of good manners class hour

Class hour topic: “Lessons in politeness”

Target: Teach children to express feelings with kind words;

develop polite behavior skills;

cultivate the need for friendly communication.


cultivate goodwill;

the ability to see beauty in the simple and ordinary;

the ability to give warmth and kindness;

contribute to the development of children’s horizons, ability to think and reason;

develop students’ aesthetic, spiritual and moral abilities;

to cultivate in children a sense of tolerance, politeness, attention and friendship, the ability to value loved ones.

Resources: a box of sensations with objects (soft toy, fir cone), ball, recording with musical material.


Good morning, guys!

Good morning, our dear guests!

The theme of our class hour is “Lessons in Politeness”

Teacher: -Today we will talk to you about politeness, kindness and friendship. I have no doubt that you are kind, polite and know how to make friends.This is a moral requirement for a person - politeness. A polite person is one who...(children from the class continue at will).

- knows how to give way to women and old people;

Greets a friend when meeting;

Knows how to come to the rescue at the right time;

Does not interrupt the interlocutor during a conversation;

Does not use swear words or rude words;

Does not brush aside requests from friends and elders;

Does not interfere with other people's work;

Is not late for meetings, lessons, or visits;

Congratulates those around you on their birthday;

Responds to emails in a timely manner;

Does not forget to return borrowed books and things;

Knows how to greet guests, etc.

"A Lesson in Politeness"

The elephant gives way to the ant:

Good morning! Are we in a little hurry?

And the ant: - Oh, thank you, I’m in a hurry.

How kind of you! I beg your pardon!

Lark in the sky

This is what he said to the eagle:

You, eagle, are tired, sit on the rock.

And the eagle answered: - That's right, son,

I've been living for many years, and now I'm sick.

And I wish you to live long, like me, -

Let your politeness help you.

A beautiful sunset was burning in the sky,

The gentle wind played with the grass,

The gopher said: - Dear mole,

The day fades and the night comes,

The golden moon will rise soon...

Good night to you. Have a good night's sleep.

“It’s not lazy to say kind words to us all day long!

(Sit down) Do you know what it means to be polite?
Let's check.

-Which person do you consider polite?

Teacher: - Why do you think all people need to know polite words?

How they help people in different situations, for example:

how polite words help you find friends: (find the desired polite address among the cards) “Hello, let’s be friends with you!”

how polite words help make peace, if I offended a friend and want to make peace, I can say “Please forgive me”

how polite words help to be hospitable, when guests come to me I always greet them, tell them “Please come in”

Exercise “Box of sensations” (the box contains pine cones and a soft toy)

Teacher: Guys, what is in this box?

Students: You can’t see it, it’s closed.

Teacher: How can you find out?

You can put your hands in the “windows and touch” (Children one by one find objects by touch)

Teacher: - What did you feel, tell me your feelings.

Pupils: -This item is soft and warm.

Teacher: Soft, like what?

Students: Like a cloud, a soft toy, a ball.

Teacher: How did you feel when you stroked him?

Students: I was pleased, it seemed to me that “this” was something good, good.

Teacher: Who had other sensations?

Pupils: I don’t know, something prickly, with needles.

Teacher: What did you feel?


I was afraid that the needles were sharp, I might get hurt, it would hurt.

Teacher: Guys, this is how words are good and evil, you can not only hear and feel them; kind, polite words are pleasant for every person, but rude, evil words offend a person, hurt him.

"A Journey Through the City of Politeness"

Topic: “Journey through the city of “Politeness.”
Goal: to develop in children a moral idea of ​​politeness;
Objectives: 1) Repeat and reinforce with children the forms of polite treatment of people.
2) Draw children’s attention to the fact that kind words must certainly be combined with good deeds.
3) Foster feelings of camaraderie and friendship
Equipment: names of stations, proverbs, video “Yeralash”, poster with a picture of a steam locomotive, bell, slides.

In order to become polite, you must use “magic” words as often as possible, which make other people’s hearts happier, warmer, and lighter.

1). Poem by O. Driz “Kind words”.

Kind words are not laziness
Repeat to me three times a day.
I'll just go out the gate,
To everyone going to work,
Blacksmith, weaver, doctor,
“Good morning!” I shout.
“Good afternoon!” I shout after
Everyone going to lunch.
“Good evening!” - this is how I greet everyone rushing home for tea.
Host: Not only words, but also actions should be kind.
Let's solve the problem together:

2). Two passers-by were walking down the street. One is 62 years old and the other is 8 years old. The first one had several items in his hands: 1 briefcase, 3 books and 1 large package. One of the books fell.
“Your book fell,” the boy shouted, catching up with the passerby.
“Really,” he was surprised.
“Of course,” the boy explained, “you had 5 things, but there are 4 left.”
“I see that you know subtraction and addition well,” said the passerby, with difficulty picking up the fallen book, “however, there are rules that you have not yet learned.”
- What are these rules? What should the boy do?

Host: Now you are still junior schoolchildren, but no longer kids. Every person should cultivate the habit of caring for people, striving to bring them joy, create a good mood, and be responsive and attentive.

Game "Polite or Impolite."
1. Mom sent you to a neighbor to borrow some flour. How will you do this?
2. You want to invite your friends to your birthday party. How will you do this?
3.You came to the store to buy notebooks. How do you contact the seller?
4. Your friends invited you to the cinema, but you can’t go with them because you haven’t done your homework. How will you respond to their offer?

Host: Sometimes at school the kids behave well, but after school...About
This is what A.L. Barto says in his poem “Lyubochka.”

Student: Little blue skirt,
Ribbon in a braid.
Who doesn't know Lyubochka?
Everyone knows Lyuba.
Girls at the holiday
They will gather in a circle.
How Lyubochka dances!
Best of all friends.
(The polka sounds. Lyubochka dances to it.)
The skirt is spinning too,
And a ribbon in the braid.
Everyone is looking at Lyubochka,
Everyone is happy.
But if to this Lyubochka
You will come to the house
There you are that girl
It's hard to find out.
She screams from the doorway
Announces as he goes:
- I have a lot of lessons,
I won't go for bread!
Lyubochka is riding on a tram -
She doesn't take a ticket
Pushing everyone apart with your elbows,
He makes his way to the front.
She says, pushing:
- Ugh, what a cramp!
She says to the old woman:
- These are children's places.
“Well, sit down!” she sighs.
Blue skirt
Ribbon in a braid.
That's what Lyubochka is like
In all its glory.
It happens that girls
They can be very rude
Although not necessary
They are called Lyubs.

Host: Guys, why are polite words also called “magic”? What “magic” words do you know? (Children call) Listen to poems about these words.

Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon! - they told you.
“Good afternoon!” you answered.
How two strings connected -
Warmth and kindness.
Bon Voyage.
They wish us: “Bon voyage!”
It will be easier to go and go.
Will lead, of course, a good path
Also for something good.
“Hello!” you say to the person.
“Hello!” he will smile back.
And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy
And you will be healthy for many years.
Thank you.
Why do we say “thank you”?
For everything they do for us.
And we couldn't remember-
Who was told how many times?
Sorry, I won't do it again
Accidentally breaking dishes
And interrupt adults
And I promised to forget.
But if I still forget -
Sorry, I won't do it again.
Cancel or something, the word “please” -
We repeat it every minute.
No, perhaps, without “please”
We feel uncomfortable.
Good words.
These words have been known to everyone for a long time,
You see, they are simple and not new.
But I’ll repeat it anyway:
- Good people, be healthy!

Words: "Goodbye!"
“Thank you”, “Sorry”,
"Please", "Hello" -
Give generously!
Give to passersby
Friends and acquaintances.
The elephant came out onto the forest path,
I stepped on an ant's foot.
And politely
Said to the ant:
_You can step on mine too!

If you are polite and not deaf to your conscience,

You will give up your seat to the old lady without protest.

If you are polite in your heart and not for show,

You will help a disabled person board a trolleybus

And if you are polite, then sitting in class,

You and your friend won’t chatter like two magpies.

And if you are polite, you will help your mother,

And offer her help without asking - that is, yourself.

And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt,

You won’t beat them with your grandfather and grandmother....

And if you're polite, then you're in the library

You won’t take Nekrasov and Gogol forever.

And if you are polite, you will return the book

In a neat, unsmeared and intact binding.

And if you are polite, to the weaker one,

You will be a defender, without timidity before the strong.

I knew one child.

He was walking with an important nanny.

She gave the child a subtle upbringing.

This boy was polite

And really, very nice

Having taken the ball from the younger ones,

He thanked them, “Thank you!” - said.

No, if you are polite, then you thank,

But don’t take the boy’s ball without asking!

And finally, say a word:

In both France and Denmark they say goodbye... (goodbye).

Thank you for the lesson!

Well done, most of you understand what it means to be a polite person. We must strive for this.

We'll talk about that in the next class. what time?

Guys, our conversation has come to an end.
Polite, kind people are like sunshine, and those who do not use “magic words” walk around sad, like this cloud. Would you like to be sunshine or clouds?

- consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about politeness, teach children to use various verbal forms of politeness;
- instill in children ethical standards of behavior.

1. Introduction “What does a polite person mean?” (slide 1,2) Application

Politeness is the ability to treat the people around us delicately and considerately. The ability to behave depending on the requirements and the current specific situation.

From the first years of life, a child must be taught the skills of polite behavior. Teach him kindness, the ability to be aware of his actions, the difference between “what is good and what is bad.”

2. Presentation by the jury.

3. Presentation of teams (3 teams of 6-7 people)

4. Lesson 1: “Why be polite?”(slide 3)

Only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is most often treated kindly by people around him.
Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone. And he has loyal and reliable friends with whom he is never bored.
But, by the way, a polite, well-mannered person has no time to be bored. A polite person always helps mother and grandmother prepare breakfast and set the table, clean the apartment, water the flowers, feed the cat and fish.
A polite person always takes care of relatives and friends and is ready to help them. And this is very correct. After all, if you figure it out well, all people in this world help each other.

5. Warm-up game “Who knows more polite words?”(1 point for each word; teams take turns saying words) (slide 4, 5)

6. Homework(max-5 points; teams receive poems in advance that they must perform)

1) There was tram number 10

Along the boulevard ring,

It sat and stood

One hundred and fifteen people.

People come and go

Moving forward

Pioneer Nikolai

The ride is very good

He sits in the best place -

Right next to the window.

He has skates under his arm,

He got ready to go to the skating rink.

Suddenly at the fifth stop,

Leaning on the stick,

The decrepit grandmother climbs in

In a crowded carriage.

People come and go

Moving forward

Nikolai sits, bored,

Grandma is standing nearby.

The carriage has stopped

Near the skating rink,

And from this carriage

The pioneer gets out.

To a free place

The grandmother wanted to sit down.

I didn’t have time to look back -

The place is occupied by someone else.

Pioneer Valentin

The ride is very good

He sits in the best place

Returning from the skating rink.

People come and go

Moving forward

Valentin is sitting, bored,

Grandma is standing nearby.

This case is about an old lady

You can go on longer

But let's say it together

Old age must be respected!

Questions for team 1:

Do boys behave correctly on the tram? (1 point)

Why is the cap like a pancake?

And the collar is unbuttoned?

Who is this student?

Questions for team 2:

What can you call such a boy?

What should a student's appearance be like?

3) Change, change,

The call is ringing.

First Vova for sure

Runs out the threshold.

Is it really Vova?

Half an hour ago, not a word

I couldn’t say at the board.

You can’t keep up with Vova,

Look how poor he is,

He made it in five minutes

Redo a bunch of things:

He tripped him up three times

(Vaska, Lyonka and Seryozhka),

I was flying head over heels,

He sat astride the railing,

Dashingly plopped off the railing,

Got a slap on the head

Immediately gave someone back,

He asked me to write off the tasks,

In short, I did everything I could

Well, here... the call again?

Vova trudges back to class,

Poor guy, he has no face.

“Nothing,” Vova sighs.

“We’ll relax during class!”

Questions for Team 3:

Does Vova behave correctly during recess? (1 point)

How should you behave during recess? (1 point)

7. Game-situation (task for the 1st team) “You are in the theater” (1 boy, 1 girl)


behave in society.

7. Mikhalkova for children “What is good,

and what is..."

8. This is how we thank a person for the service provided.

9. This is what you should say when in front of someone

you're sorry.

10. This is the name given to a man (or boy) who

treats women very carefully.

10. Team 1 shows the game-situation “You are in the theater”

Analysis of errors.

"Knots for memory" (slide 6, 7, 8)

1. Please don't forget to say hello to people you know. In this case, the man (or the one who is younger) must be the first to say greetings. And the woman (or the one who is older) should be the first to extend her hand. A man, greeting a person from afar, can slightly raise his hat.

2. It is rude to extend your gloved hand when greeting someone.

3. When entering a house or someone’s office, you need to say hello to the owner. Upon entering the premises, men (and children) must take off their hats (except in shops). And in the cinema and theater, women must also remove their hats.

4. In a movie or theater, when we need to go to our seat past the audience already sitting in our row, we need to apologize to them. And (be sure to) walk with your face and not your back to them.

5. In transport, a polite man (unless he is disabled or too old) will definitely give up his seat to a woman. Especially the elderly.

6. When visiting, at a meeting or in any other room, it is customary for a man to sit down when a woman is already sitting. It is extremely impolite for a man to sit and talk to a woman standing in front of him.

11. Summing up the results of the drawing competition.

12. Lesson 2. “How to behave with dad, mom, grandparents”(slide 9)

An unkind person cannot enjoy respect in the family or in society. Human kindness is the fundamental basis of relationships between people, the main component of the etiquette of a well-mannered person.

They say that if you want to be treated well, then you yourself must treat people the way you want to be treated. A simple thought in itself, but very accurate. You can only demand from another what you are able to give him and give yourself. This simple truth should never be forgotten anywhere or ever. Unfortunately, she is forgotten. Especially at home, in relationships with close relatives, family relationships.

In relationships with parents, it is important to remember: how you treat them now is how, years later, your children will treat you, because they see and remember everything. Although, of course, preference is given to parents in all situations, regardless of whether you have children or not. At the celebration at the festive table, they are given the most honorable place; in the car, father and mother sit in the back.

13. Game-situation (task for the 2nd team) “Guests have arrived” (2 boys, 1 girl)

14. Mini-competitions

a) clean the shoes (1 boy each)

b) form a polite word (1 girl each)

15. Team 2 shows the game-situation “The guests have arrived”

Analysis of errors.

"The ABCs of Politeness" (slide 10)

1. Be disciplined and careful. Don’t waste your time on whims and other stupid things.

2. Be sure to do exercises in the morning to become strong and agile. What if you ever have to protect a girl or a weak child from a bully? To do this you must be strong.

3. Behave delicately and kindly with all people you know and don’t know.

4. Always give up your seat on a bus, tram and other transport to people who are older than you, or who you see are tired or sick.

5. Never deceive your comrades and adults. Most often, cowardly people lie and pretend.

16. Lesson 3. “The house where you live”(slide 11)

You and I live in the big and beautiful country of Russia. We are Russians. And Russia is our Motherland, our big common home. But every person has his own home, a house where close relatives and family live. You need to know, love and take care of both your common home, Russia, and your own home.

17. Game-situation (task for the 3rd team) “Table setting” (2 people)

18. Mini-competitions

a) peel potatoes (1 boy each)

b) sew on a button (1 girl each)

19. “From history...”(Where did the spoon, fork come from...)

Our ancestors broke food and brought it to their mouth with their hands. But you can’t take hot, much less liquid, food with your hands. So you need a spoon. The first spoon-like objects found by archaeologists date back to the Stone Age.

The ancient Egyptians used spoons made of stone, wood, and ivory. The ancient Greeks and Romans had bronze and silver spoons. In the Middle Ages, only rich people used silver spoons, and those who were poorer had them made of bone, wood, tin, or tin. Perhaps from those times, the custom of giving a child a silver spoon as a gift has come down to us.

For a very long time, the knife was exclusively a weapon. It came into use as a cutlery in the 17th century, but many people still manage without it at the table.

Why does a table knife have a rounded end? After all, cutting, especially meat, is more convenient with a knife with a sharp end.

Table knives had a sharp end until the 17th century, and they were rounded off by the famous Cardinal Richelieu, the head of the Catholic Church in France. One day at the table he noticed that one of the guests was picking his teeth with the tip of a knife. The next day, the cardinal ordered his majordomo to saw off the sharp ends of all the table knives and round them. Then the whole of France adopted the new fashion, followed by the whole world.

The first person to use a crude version of a fork while eating probably lived thousands of years ago. However, the fork we use at dinner was invented quite recently.

Primitive man used a small forked branch as a fork to eat meat. Some reputable scientists believe that the fork appeared at the same time as the arrow, and was first used as a toothpick.
The forks we are used to were initially used only during cooking: they were used to hold meat when cutting it. The first forks were long, with two prongs, they were made of iron, bone, and hard wood.
It took quite some time before forks were used at the table for eating. Just 300 years ago, forks were a rarity in Europe. We have all heard about the magnificent court of Louis XIV and the feasts in his palace. Did you know that none of these elegant courtiers used forks?

When some people started eating with forks, others made fun of them for being too delicate. When one rich lady from Venice in the 11th century made herself a small golden fork to order, they wrote about her: “Instead of eating like other people, she has to cut food into small pieces and eat them with a two-pronged fork.”

500 years have passed, but in the 16th century in Venice, people who used forks were still ridiculed as eccentrics: “In Venice, in addition to a knife and spoon, every person is given a fork to hold the meat when cutting it, since they They consider it bad form to “touch meat with your hands.”

Since the 17th century, the rules of behavior at the table began to correspond to modern ones. Silver forks spread throughout Italy. And by the end of the 18th century, the fork became simply necessary in the homes of cultured people.

20. Team 3 shows the game-situation “Table Setting”

Analysis of errors.

"Rules of polite behavior" (slide 12, 13, 14)

1. Under no circumstances should you sit at the table wearing a hat.

(This rule also applies to the fair sex)

2. You should not talk with your mouth full.

3. In order for the child to get used to order and beauty at the table, the dishes should always be clean and preferably beautiful.

4. Everything that is put on the plate must be eaten. (So ​​don't put a lot of food)

5. Soup is eaten with a spoon. With your right hand (with your left hand lying on the table, not on your knee). When finishing the soup, tilt the plate away from you.

6. With a fork, without a knife, holding it in the right hand, they eat chopped meat, vegetables, potatoes, and pasta.

7. They eat meat with a fork, holding it in their left hand, and a knife, cutting off small pieces from it.

8. Paper napkins are inserted into a special stand. Cloth napkins are placed near the plates.

9. Sliced ​​bread is served on the table in a plate or bread box. It is not customary to bite off a whole piece. It’s more convenient to take a piece of bread and break off as much as you need.

10. After eating, you need to put your fork and knife side by side on the plate. (Leaving half-eaten food on a plate is indecent)

11. Cake, pastry and other sweets with cream should not be handled with your hands. They are eaten with a small spoon.

21. “Exam” (slide 15)

1. How should you behave at the table? How to use a fork, spoon and knife?

2. What should you do before entering someone's house or apartment?

3. How and with whom should you greet? What words are said when saying goodbye?

4. Who should give way to whom (in transport)?

5. Do I need to take off my hat when I come to visit a theater or a children's library?

6. Is it possible and when can you talk in cinemas, theaters and other public places?

22. Summing up. Winner's reward ceremony.

Olga Kunakhovich
Class hour “Journey to the land of politeness”

Extracurricular activity on the topic:

« Journey to the Land of Politeness»

Target: To promote the moral development of students’ personality.


Introduce children to the concept « politeness» , show the need to use “ polite words;

Develop cognitive interest and children's speech;

Foster a culture of communication, develop respect and a friendly attitude towards people.

Equipment: presentation, presentation - Fizminutka.

Progress of extracurricular activities.

Hello guys. Today in class, you and I will do something exciting journey into one unusual magical country, which is called « The land of politeness» .

Communication begins with a greeting. A nod of the head, a bow, a handshake, a kiss, a simple “good afternoon” and “hello.”

When greeting Europeans, they raise their hats and bow slightly. Russians and British shake hands as a greeting gesture. A young American greets his friend by clapping him on the back. Latin Americans hug. The French kiss each other on the cheek. The military salutes.

How do you guys greet each other?

(Children's statements)

And today at this hour I will take you with me.

Behind the fields, behind the mountains there is Magic a country.

It is full of many different trials and miracles.

I invite you to a journey through the magical land of Politeness. The song “Little” is playing a country".

How do you understand what it is politeness? (children's answers).

Politeness- the moral quality of a person for whom respect for people is an everyday norm of behavior and a habitual way of treating others. It includes attentiveness, goodwill towards everyone, willingness to provide a service to everyone who needs it, friendliness, delicacy, tact, modesty

Word « politeness» comes from Old Church Slavonic "more mature", that is "expert". Be polite means to know how to behave.

We continue our journey. Our airliner flies over the city of Dumsk. Slide 15

Now we will spend game: « Polite - impolite» .

Your task: If politely clap, If impolite - stomp.

Say hello when you meet...

Pushing and not apologizing...

Whistling, shouting, making noise at school...

Give way to elders...

Do not stand up when asked by the teacher...

Help climb the stairs...

Say goodbye when leaving...

Our journey continues, and we fly with you over the Poetic Sea.

Slide 17.-23

A game "Magic Words".

Which you know polite words?

(Hello, good luck, sorry, be kind, no need for gratitude, very glad, very nice, all the best to you, not worth the trouble, thank you, please, etc.)

Well done! How many magic words do you know?

In order to become polite, we should use these as often as possible "magic words" from which it becomes warmer and more joyful. Our poetic page continues. Children read poetry:

1 student:

Good afternoon - they told you.

Good afternoon – you answered.

How two strings connected warmth and kindness.

2 student:

Hello! - you tell the person.

Hello! – he will smile in response.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

3 student:

Why do we say “thank you”?

For everything they do for us.

And we couldn't remember

Who was told how many times.

4 student:

Cancel, perhaps, the word “please”?

We repeat it every minute.

No, perhaps, without “please”

We feel uncomfortable.

Slide 24 Well done!

Slide25 Attention! Flying over the island "Think about it".

Let's look at a few situations with you guys.

Slide 26-28

Our journey. Let's have a physical moment with you. And so the game "Be careful". Slide 29-30.

Journey on the fabulous liner continues. Let's play a game “The word heals, the word hurts”

Slide 31-34.

Slide 35. Poem "Coarseness".

Slide 36. “To give joy to people, you need to be kind and be polite».

Slide 37. Our plane is landing.

Slide 38. Taking an oath politeness.

At the end of our lesson, let's guys remember once again what we talked about today? (about kindness, oh politeness)

I want to say goodbye to you.

Before we part and go home,

I would like to say goodbye, while wishing you,

So that you are kind, don’t forget the magic words,

So that you and your friends speak kind words.

I would like to thank all the guys for their work in class. Thank you! Goodbye.

, Cool tutorial

Lesson objectives:

  • to form in children a moral idea of ​​“politeness.”
  • develop the ability to use polite forms of address when communicating with people.
  • cultivate the ability to compare your own opinion about your qualities with the opinions of people around you.

Method: conversation.

Equipment: task cards, concept cards.

I. Organizational part:

1) greeting;
2) announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Conversation:

1) Reading the story “On the Ice Rink” by Oseeva.

a) work on the story;
b) conclusion about the concept of “politeness”.

2) Exercises on the development of speech forms of polite address.

- “Confessional candle.”

- “Guess how they see me.”

Goals: comparison of self-esteem with the opinions of other people.

III. Lesson summary.

1) generalization about the concept of “politeness”;

2) gratitude to students for their work in class;

3) goodbye.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello, please sit down. Who is on duty today? Who's not in class today? Thank you, sit down.

Today we will have a conversation on the topic: “Politeness.” Now I will read the story, listen carefully and answer the following question:

The day was sunny. The ice sparkled. There were few people at the skating rink. The little girl, with her arms outstretched comically, rode from bench to bench.

Two schoolchildren were tying up their skates and looking at Vitya.

Vitya performed various tricks - sometimes he rode on one leg, sometimes he spun like a top.

Well done! - one of the boys shouted to him.

Vitya rushed around the circle like an arrow, made a dashing turn and ran into the girl. The girl fell. Vitya was scared.

I accidentally... - said Vitya, shaking off the snow from her fur coat.

Did you hurt yourself? The girl smiled:

Knee... Laughter was heard from behind.

“They’re laughing at me,” thought Vitya and turned away from the girl with annoyance.

What a surprise - Knee! “What a crybaby,” he shouted as he drove past the schoolchildren.

Come to us! - they called.

Vitya went to them. Holding hands, all three merrily slid across the ice. And the girl sat on the bench, rubbed her bruised knee and cried.

You have listened to the story. Who will answer my question? Does anyone have any guesses?

What can you say about the girl's behavior?

Guys, by what qualities can one judge a person’s politeness (I hang signs with words on the board).

And who will say: - What is politeness?

Politeness is the ability to treat people around you delicately and prudently, and the ability to behave depending on the requirements and the current specific situation. The ability to greet guests in the house, treat elders and peers with respect.

This means that our communication and our behavior are impossible without such a quality as politeness.

The ability to master the culture of verbal communication is one of the main secrets of friendly relations between people.

Guys, name examples of speech forms of polite address (hello, goodbye, be so kind, be so kind, excuse me). Give words. And now we will practice using speech forms of polite address. Let's find out if you know how to politely address each other.

I will hand out task cards. When completing the task, you must use polite words (if the student wishes).

No. 1 You want to help your friend put on his coat. How will you do this? No. 2 A classmate called you, you feel that your conversation has dragged on. How do you interrupt the conversation?

No. 3 You were solving a problem and did not understand the question of this problem. How do you ask a friend for help?

#4 You were given a gift wrapped in a large box with a bow, how will you react to it?

No. 5 Your comrades invited you to the cinema, but you cannot go with them, because... you didn't do your homework. How will you respond to their offer?

#6 You want your friend to join you in a game of chess. How do you ask him about this?

Well, guys, you have practiced being polite. Guys, in your opinion, which of the speakers successfully chose the most polite words?

Guys, to find out how polite you are, you need to watch your actions, speech, i.e. perform self-observation. After this, without any discounts, give yourself self-esteem with the opinions of other people, but you cannot be afraid and ignore the statements of people around you to yourself.

Guys, let's play a game that will allow you to give yourself self-esteem. The game is called “Confessional Candle”. Listen carefully to the progress and rules of the game:

Here is a lit candle! Any of you can now go out and take this candle in your hands. You sit on a chair, with your back to your comrades, raise the candle at eye level, you will look only at the candle.

Anyone who commits to answering questions candidly can sit in this chair. The rest of the guys will ask questions that interest you, but the questions should not be asked randomly, but those that reveal his qualities.

If you had a magic wand, what would you change for yourself (change in the world)?

Do you consider yourself a polite and well-mannered person?

What “+” qualities do you have?

What “-” qualities do you have?

Have there been any cases when you behaved disrespectfully (not politely) towards people around you? Many times?

What “+” qualities do you prefer to see in people?

What “-” qualities would you not like to see in people (classmates)?

What would you like to change in your relationship with your peers, with your parents, with your teachers?

You are a kind person, etc.

So, you have learned a lot about your classmates. Many thanks to them for their participation, for not being afraid to come out and answer questions that were unexpected for them. Now can you make a self-assessment of your qualities?

You can play this game more than once with your parents and friends.

I want to invite you to play one more game. This game will allow you to compare your self-esteem with the opinions of others. The game is called: “Guess how they see me.”

Everyone participates in this game. The driver is selected. He goes out the door for 1 minute. The driver must give self-esteem, i.e. writes down his “+” and “-” qualities on a piece of paper. At this time, each of the remaining names and writes down one of the “+” or “-” qualities inherent in the driver. After which the opinions of the driver and the opinions of the participants in the game are compared. The greatest agreement allows us to conclude that the person has correct self-esteem.

Thank you very much for participating in the game. Did you like the games?

During the lesson, we determined how polite and well-mannered you are. It is to a polite and well-mannered person that people around him treat him kindly. Only such a person people love and respect, only such a person people are drawn to.

So, try to formulate a definition: What is politeness? Politeness is the sum of actions that determine a person’s internal culture.

Guys, our conversation is coming to an end. I thank you for your active participation in class. Goodbye.

Class hour for 1st grade “School of Politeness”

Goals: introduce ethical standards of behavior; give an idea of ​​polite communication; form the habit of using polite words.

Equipment: the song “Smile”, a seven-flowered flower, tips and reminders for each student, signs with “polite” words.

Class progress

The song “Smile” is playing. Let's sing it all together.

Teacher's opening speech

Teacher. Why do you think we started with the song?

(Children's statements are listened to.)

And when such a song does not sound, do we remember that we must always treat another person attentively, cordially, kindly?

Students. Not always.

Teacher. What do we call a person who never forgets about this, and therefore everyone feels at ease and pleasant with him?

Students. Such a person can be called well-mannered.

Teacher. That's right, polite, well-mannered. Today we will talk about politeness. After all, this is one of the most important qualities of a well-mannered person.

Politeness at school begins

To never end.

It gets stronger over the years

And remains with the person forever.

Teacher. Until the 16th century, “vezha” meant “expert”, one who knows the rules of decency, generally accepted forms of expressing good attitude towards people. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

Let's try to determine what kind of experts you are in the rules of politeness. To do this, let's play the game “Polite-impolite.” If polite, clap twice, if impolite, clap once.

Say hello when you meet -

Pushing and not apologizing -

Help me up, help me up

fallen things -

Do not stand up while addressing the teacher -

Get tickets on the bus -

Do not give up your seat in transport -

Not to notice mom's dissatisfaction -

Teacher. Do you always use “magic” words when communicating with people? Name such “magic” words. (Children take turns calling, the teacher hangs up signs with “polite” words.)

Game “Say the Word”

These words are short

They can be heard everywhere in the morning.

They live in the white world.

It's high time to remember them.

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you).

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears:... (good afternoon).

If you can't eat anymore

We'll tell mom... (thank you).

The boy is polite and developed

He says when meeting:... (hello).

When we are scolded for our pranks,

We say:... (excuse me, please).

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye... (goodbye).

You need to know how twice is two

All the magic words

Perhaps up to a hundred times a day

I say... (please).

Comrades! Keep repeating

In the morning according to the dictionary:

Thank you, sorry,

Allow me, allow me,

Thank you.


What is "hello"?

The best of words

Because "hello"

It means “be healthy.”

Remember the rule.

You know, say it again.

Speak this word to your elders first.

In the evening we parted

We met in the morning

So the word "hello"

It's time to talk.

Game "Polite Hide and Seek"

The driver is selected. His task is to recognize the speaker by his voice. The driver is blindfolded. One of the students says some polite word: “Hello,” “Good evening,” “All the best,” etc. The driver’s task is to recognize the student by his voice.

Teacher. Let's try to check whether it is true that there are magic words. And for this we will play another game called “Magic Flower of Seven Flowers.”

Game "Magic Flower of Seven Flowers"

The teacher takes a homemade flower - a daisy and explains the conditions of the game: the “wizard” tears off a petal and, pretending to throw it, gives it to someone at will with the words from a famous fairy tale:

Fly, fly, petal

Through the West - to the East,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground

You can prepare several flowers in advance.

So that the children do not wander away from the topic, the teacher starts the game himself, giving himself such a task. He can tell the first player in the ear what words it is better to say to one or another student. For example: “Sorry, Petya, I accidentally pushed you today, please forgive me”; “Katya, I was wrong that I didn’t give you pencils today. Don’t be angry with me, I’ll definitely share it with you next time.”

Teacher. Have you noticed how the “magic” words are pronounced?

Students. Politely, with a smile.

Teacher. Why does a smile decorate a spoken word or phrase so much?

Let's agree with you guys that we will always give only kind words and a smile to everyone around us when addressing them. Then everyone will be in a good mood.

Attention game "Please"

Here are the conditions of the game: at my request, you carry out certain commands. How should I ask you for this? Of course, politely. What polite words can I say? Let's agree on an important condition: if I don't say the magic word, then you won't carry out the command. (The teacher offers a variety of commands during the game.)

Teacher. Now let's have a competition for the most polite one.

Competition "The most polite"

So, the problems are not about addition,

Problems on the rules of respect!

(You can suggest discussing situations in groups.)

1. The boy shouted to a passerby: “What time is it?” and made 3 mistakes, name them. (You cannot shout, you must speak calmly. You must turn to the passerby, apologizing for disturbing him, and use polite words: “Excuse me, please, could you tell me what time it is?”)

2. Two boys collided at the door. They just can't separate. Which of them should give way if one is 8 years old and the other is 11? (The one who is more polite gives way.)

Teacher. Guys! Sometimes during a break you start a game, but gradually, getting excited, you begin to fight. An innocent struggle often turns into a fight.

The game in the yard begins again,

They don’t want to take the boy into the game.

Remember, you bully brawler,

That this is a game, not a fight!

Good thing football and hockey,

They turn neighbors into friends

And in games with friends we ourselves

Must remain friends.

Long live politeness and kindness,

Long live kind faces!

And let the one who is angry be ashamed!

A happy time will come, friends.

Wonderful days will come -

The guys will be friendly with everyone,

They will stop being rude.

There will be no nasty boys,

The golden years will come

And to a clean room in dirty shoes

They will never enter.

A fresh wind will blow,

The violets will bloom.

All the ignorant will disappear,

They will be lost forever.

The violets will bloom,

Spring will come in winter,

And in the school locker room

There will be silence.

Let the rudeness disappear

Will disappear forever

Let it be according to doctors' prescriptions

Appears in every, every pharmacy

A cure for rude children.

The child was spinning in his chair

He made noise and pestered everyone,

He was prescribed pills

He accepted and became polite.

Children will not be rude

They won't bite their nails.

And there will be everything in the world

Love such children.

Memory tips from the magical flower - the seven-flowered flower

For you, friend, I composed

Ten very important rules.

These rules are simple

You will quickly remember them.

When you wake up, get up

Don't give in to laziness!

The dew washed the petal,

And soap will wash you!

Don't wait for encouragement

Go to school on time!

Before you slam the door,

Check if you took everything with you!

At school, in the classroom, don’t litter.

If you see rubbish, pick it up!

Respect the work of others.

If you make a mess, clean it up yourself!

Don't carry chalk in your pocket -

This, my dear, is not the point!

Be careful in your clothes:

Avoid both holes and stains!

Don't be rude to your loved ones at home;

Have pity on the kids, love them;

Know, good grades,

Like fruit in a garden on a branch;

So that they can be proud of you,

You must work hard!

A man without politeness

Believe me, it costs very little!

Be friendly

Modest and attentive!

(The reminder can be printed on flower petals and distributed to everyone.)

Teacher. What a great fellow you are! Now you can give yourself a real exam. You are ready?

Exam for a polite person

This form is very interesting for first graders. She makes them feel like big, serious people. It’s good to write questions for the exam on cards or postcards, take turns pulling them out and answering the questions. You can come up with prizes or special cards or some signs. Whoever has the most prizes will be the one who knows the rules of being a polite person the most. You can come up with medals, certificates, pennants, badges, etc. for awarding.

Sample exam questions

1. What to do before entering someone's house or apartment! (Knock or call.)

2. What words are spoken when meeting and saying goodbye?

3. Who should give up a seat to whom (at a party or in transport)?

4. Do I need to take off my hat when I come to visit, the theater, or the library?

5. If you ate candy, what do you do with the candy wrapper?

6. Why shouldn’t you pick flowers in the forest? Why can't you catch beetles and butterflies?

7. Can someone who offends animals be called polite?

8. Why would a truly polite person never lie, brag, or offend his friends?


Teacher. Let's repeat the words of politeness. I read you a story, and you insert the right word in unison. One day Vova went to the theater. On the tram he sat near the window and looked at the street with interest. A woman with a little boy got on the tram. Vova stood up and said to the woman: “Sit down... (children in chorus: “Please”). The woman was delighted and said to Vova:... (“Thank you.”) Suddenly the tram suddenly stopped. Vova almost fell and pushed a man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova said:... (“Excuse me, please.”)

(The story can be continued at the teacher’s discretion.)

Additional material

In fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes also spoke magic words to perform this or that magic. Let each of you temporarily become a character in a guessed fairy tale and say the right words.

1. What words could be used to cook delicious sweet porridge in a pot? (“One, two, three, pot, cook!”)

2. What words did the pike tell Emelya to say when he released it back into the hole? (“At the behest of the pike, at my will.”)

3. What words did the fox Alice and the cat Basilio teach Pinocchio, claiming that they were magical? (“Cracks, fex, peke.”)

4. With what words could you call Sivka-Burka? (“Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!”)

5. In the book of the writer Valentina Oseeva there was a boy named Pavlik who learned the magic word. What was that word? ("Please".)

6. In the oriental fairy tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” there were magic words that could open the door to the cave. (“Sim-sim, open the door!”)

7. In the fairy tale of the writer V. Kataev “The Pipe and the Jug,” a magic pipe helped the girl Zhenya find strawberries on a forest lawn. What did you have to say for this? (“Fipe, play!”)

8. In another fairy tale by V. Kataev, the girl Zhenya was given a magical seven-flowered flower, each petal of which could fulfill any wish. What words should have been spoken? (“Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, having made a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, be it in my opinion!”)

From the history of words

Thank you . Where did this word come from?

In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good Deed, they said to him:

God bless you!

God bless turned into a short thank you. You should never forget this word. There is even a proverb: “Don’t regret your thanks!”

And they also say

Mom asked her daughter to wash the dishes after herself.

The girl somehow rinsed the cup, but completely forgot about the saucer.

All? - Mom was surprised. - Well, thanks for that. And she began to wash it again.

Yes,” said the capricious girl, “I do everything for thanks.” At least they would give me some candy.

Thank you also means: little has been done, and sometimes poorly, for which you should not say “thank you.”

For thanks means: to do something for nothing, without reward. This is usually said with displeasure.

If by word or deed

Did anyone help you?

Don't be shy loudly, boldly

Say: “Thank you!”

Thank you . Where did this word come from? Gratitude was often expressed with the direct word “thank you!”

It consists of two parts - blessing and giving. Blago, or in the ancient language “bologo”, meant “good”, “good”, that is, everything that is good and serves our happiness. They wanted to bestow this goodness, or rather, to reward a person for his kind attitude. So we got the familiar word thank you.

And they also say

Grandmother! Do you want me to draw a mustache for you and you will become a grandfather?

No, thank you! - Grandma laughed.

In this case, thank you means refusal.

The cats called the sparrow,

They promised tea and crumbs.

He said: “Thank you!

I'm already full today.

I'll look at the claws

So I’m losing my appetite!”

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