Kazan State University passing grade. KFU faculties and passing scores on the budget

Economics and law are still a priority

104 people per place - this was the maximum competition at Kazan Federal University this year. The direction of “linguistics” at the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies distinguished itself. The other day, KFU summed up the results of the 2017 admissions campaign.

Such a high competition is due, of course, to the fact that only eight budget places were allocated for linguistics in the above-mentioned division of KFU, as the university press service reports. Therefore, the passing score here turned out to be unusually high - 283 (out of 300 possible). The highest average Unified State Exam score was also recorded here for budget-funded applicants admitted this year – 94.55.

If we take the absolute number of applications submitted, then linguistics is only in third place (836), and the leading direction is “economics”, where 1028 applications were submitted for 21 budget places. “Jurisprudence” is in second place – 1016 applications for 29 places.

The average Unified State Exam score for the university is now 78.68 (last year – 77) excluding benefit recipients and target recipients.

There was also a great stir in the specialty “multimedia journalism,” where only four people were accepted to study at state expense. The competition here was 46 people per place, the passing score was 373 (out of 400 possible), the second place in terms of the average score of applicants was 93.83.

In total, 2,512 applicants were enrolled in full-time budget education (bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees) at KFU, according to the executive secretary of the admissions committee Oleg Bodrov. 43 percent of them are Tatarstan residents. The rest are representatives of 74 regions of Russia, as well as CIS countries, the largest representation among which is Kazakhstan (42 students).

The average Unified State Examination score for the university is now 78.68 (last year – 77).

In addition, according to the university’s press service, 1,753 people were admitted this year to budget-funded master’s programs and 715 to part-time budget-funded bachelor’s programs. Among the master's programs, the largest competition was for the right to study as a trial lawyer in civil, arbitration and administrative proceedings - 39 people per place. In second place is modern forensic and expert activity (30 people per place), in third place is the master’s program “Translation Theory, Intercultural and Interlinguistic Communication” (28.5).

At the correspondence bachelor's degree, the biggest competition was for international journalism - 13 people per place. The university is glad that pedagogical education has become the second most popular education here - 12 people per place. Interest in the pedagogical master's program has also increased compared to last year. Here, on average, four people applied for one place, and in the master’s programs “Management of Preschool Education” and “Management of Primary Education” the competition reached nine people per place, reports the portal kpfu.ru.

Someone: Good evening. I want to ask for advice. I don’t know what to do and where to turn, how to draw attention to this problem. The fact is that in the new institute at KFU (Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology) there is a complete mess going on. Many students are expelled left and right. When entering the first year, there were 4 groups of dentists, each group had 28-30 people, and 8 groups of the medical faculty of 25 people. after the first year, after the autumn additional session, due to the fact that many could not pass the test in anatomy, many were expelled. There are 3 groups of dentists left, with a maximum of 16 people per group, and 5 groups of clinicians. and I still don’t know how many expelled among cybernetics and biochemists. The attitude of teachers towards students is generally terrible. When passing modules, tests and exams, if the teacher does not like you, then consider that you have failed. They come to pairs at the beginning, arrange independent work, leave them to sort out the material on their own and leave, come 5 minutes before the end, ask if you have any questions (BUT! when you ask something, they answer that you need to read carefully, and in the textbook everything is written). Naturally, when your questions are answered like this, the desire to ask anything disappears. The teachers themselves do not explain anything, they all tell us at once that we students should study everything ourselves. And this is in MEDICAL! I believe that teachers should convey their experience through explanations, show how and how important this profession is, awaken in the student a desire and love for this profession, and not discourage all this from the student, since he still chose to teach at a medical university. There is no stable textbook on the subjects, especially on histology and anatomy. There are no textbooks in the library for the medical faculty. I have to buy it. Each teacher has different preferences in textbooks. and naturally, there are many types of textbooks, and different information in them. It’s especially difficult during exams when you say that you studied using one textbook, and they shout in response “your problem, you should have used a different textbook.” We already buy textbooks ourselves, especially since they are not cheap, costing from 1000 rubles. It turns out we need to buy several textbooks for just one subject? The question then is where does our money go, but we don’t have budget places and everyone pays 110,000 or more. If you calculate how much money they receive from just one course, it turns out to be a very huge amount. They know how to rip off money, but they don’t teach them properly! !! If you do not pay for your studies by a certain date, you are threatened with expulsion. In terms of passing exams, tests and modules, compared to other universities, the difference in attempts given to pass is huge. After the introduction of the new training system, we were left with a very small number of attempts. At the same time, they ask very harshly, even though they themselves do not explain anything. Now the winter session is underway, there are very few of us left, and we continue to be expelled and expelled for not passing this or that exam. It’s a shame for the guys who had very high scores upon admission, but were expelled the other day. I know how they prepared, how they taught everything. but, alas, they failed.. At the video conference, the director of the IFMiB said: “we want to graduate only very good specialists, so we weed out the weak ones.” I agreed with this until I found out how my classmate was able to complete his histology test. on the admission list he had the lowest Unified State Exam score. And judging by his attitude to his studies, I can confidently say that 70 percent of all students (expelled and those who still cannot complete their histology test) know more than him! So the question now is: do they really want to produce “good” specialists? many students want to transfer to other universities, BUT! because IFMiB is not accredited (and transfer to the same course in which you studied is carried out only from an accredited university to an accredited one) makes the task very difficult. You can only go to another university after losing years of study and so much money, i.e. start training only from the first year. Upon admission, no one was notified of IFMiB accreditation. What do we do?? Help me please!!!

For admission to the ranks of students in the KFU specialty, passing scores are the main criterion. Upon reaching the threshold level and indicators above, based on the Unified State Examination results, the applicant is enrolled in a budget-funded place. If a school graduate does not reach the established number of points for the budget and submitted documents late, he has the opportunity to become a student of Kazan University, but on a paid basis.

What are the passing scores at KFU in 2017/18? We will talk about this in the article.

Briefly about the founding of Kazan Federal University (KFU)

Federal University in Kazan is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in Russia. Its foundation dates back to 1804, when Russian Emperor Alexander I approved the Charter of the Kazan Imperial University with his signature.

In the 20th century, as the university's educational programs expanded, so did its buildings. Thus, the Faculty of Geology occupied the entire building of the theological seminary that was once located there. In the 50s, the building of the Faculty of Chemistry was built, which was located on Astronomicheskaya Street opposite Geology.

Over the course of 10 years, 1960-70, two educational and laboratory buildings were built on the northern and western sides of the main educational building. In the late 80s, construction began on the UNICS sports complex.

In 2003, before the 200th anniversary of KFU, construction of the eastern wing began, which lasted 1 year. After this, the university acquired its completed appearance, which fully corresponded to the architectural design of the engineer Müfke (early 20th century).

KFU has a huge selection of specialties, which can be trained at the faculties and institutes of the Kazan educational institution. But for admission you need to score a passing grade. At KFU, each faculty has its own starting point level.

Faculty of Law

A law degree from KFU is in great demand in Russian and foreign jurisprudence. Training at the faculty provides the following:

  1. Professional teaching staff.
  2. Thanks to cooperation with foreign universities, both students and teachers have the opportunity to undergo internships in their specialty, take part in conferences and forums abroad.
  3. An exchange program with Russian and foreign educational institutions is provided.
  4. A broad theoretical course supported by practical exercises.
  5. Classrooms are equipped with the latest educational technologies.

Education at the faculty offers two directions: bachelor's and master's degrees.

Bachelor's degree- this is 4 years for full-time study and 5 years for part-time students. It is possible to enroll both on a budget basis, after achieving a passing score at KFU, and in a paid department.

In addition to enrolling students with secondary general education, we also accept students with vocational education (secondary or higher). The form of study is part-time, the training period lasts 3 years.

The passing score for the Faculty of Law of KFU for the qualification “Bachelor” for 2017 was 259, when passing exams in Russian language, history and social studies.

It is possible to submit documents to the Faculty of Law to undergo master's studies, which will take the following duration: 2 years for the full-time course and 2.5 for the part-time course.

Institute of Ecological Situation and Nature Management

The Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management has been operating since 2014. Its creation is based on the previously operating Institute of Ecology and Geography. The functions of the institution are the production of qualified personnel, training in the following areas:

  • rational environmental management;
  • communication technologies;
  • technologies of living systems.

When entering the Institute of Ecology of KFU, the passing scores for the budget in 2017 had an indicator of 174, which could be achieved by passing the Unified State Exam in the subjects of the Russian language, mathematics and geography.

Philology and intercultural communication named after Leo Tolstoy

The Institute of Philology aims to train professional personnel in the field of philology, art and intercultural organizations. This training program is in great demand not only among applicants from the Republic of Tatarstan, but also among graduates of schools in remote regions of Russia. The thing is that the Institute provides the opportunity to obtain a diploma that is quoted throughout the country and even abroad. With it, graduates successfully work in the scientific and teaching fields, in the media: television, radio, print media, and are successful in the advertising field and PR agencies.

The institute offers several areas of qualifications Bachelor's and Master's degrees:

  1. Philology.
  2. Pedagogical training with two areas of preparation.
  3. Prof. training by industry.
  4. Design.
  5. Linguistics.

The KFU passing score in linguistics, philology, design and pedagogical education starts from 100 for admission to the budget.

Institute of Physics

The Institute of Physics has 16 departments, each of which specializes in one area of ​​physical science. 180 teachers, 54 of whom are professors, form the teaching staff of the institute.

To be admitted, an applicant will need to pass the Unified State Examination test in the Russian language, mathematics and physics.

Minimum passing scores:

  • Biotechnical systems and technologies - 228.
  • Land surface measurement and remote sensing - 200.
  • Innovation - 226.
  • Information security - 211.
  • Advanced technologies and microsystem engineering - 216.
  • Pedagogical education (specialization: teaching physics and mathematics) - 223.
  • Radiophysics - 194.
  • Physics - 195.
  • Astronomy - 208.

Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology (IFMiB)

IFMiB consists of 60 different units, the specifics of which are aimed at the study of medical and biological sciences. It has all the conditions for “total immersion” in science. Thus, the institute has a simulation center - a model of a hospital, an educational copy of a dental office, and an engineering class.

The educational institution has several departments:

  1. Genetics.
  2. Microbiology.
  3. Morphology and general pathology.
  4. Dentistry and implantology.
  5. Physiology of humans and animals.
  6. Pharmacological.
  7. Clinical medicine.
  8. Emergency med. help.
  9. Bioecology, hygiene and public health.
  10. Zoology and general biology.
  11. Biochemistry and biotechnology.
  12. Surgery.
  13. Protecting human health.
  14. Botany and plant physiology.
  15. Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports.
  16. Sports disciplines.
  17. Interdepartmental Radiological Laboratory.

For admission to the faculty of KFU, the passing scores and list of subjects for passing the Unified State Exam are as follows:

  • biology - 36 points;
  • mathematics - 36 points;
  • chemistry - 36 points;
  • Russian language - 36 points.

For admission to a paid basis, the total number of threshold points is 150 (for general medicine and dentistry - 180).

Psychology and Education

The Institute of Psychology and Education is the largest center in the Volga region, which annually graduates psychologists and teachers. The institute offers all levels of professional training:

  • specialty;
  • bachelor's degree;
  • master's degree;
  • graduate school.

The teaching staff of the institute consists of 116 professional teachers, 73 of whom are candidates for a doctorate and 21 are doctors of science.

Passing scores of KFU Kazan in the specialties of the Institute of Psychology and Education:

  1. Preschool education - 214.
  2. Pedagogical education (with two profiles of training: primary education and English) - 240.
  3. Psychology - 242.
  4. Psychological and pedagogical education (profile: Curative pedagogy and psychological counseling) - 208.
  5. Special (defectological) education (profile: speech therapy) - 235.
  6. Clinical Psychology - 235.

Management, economics and finance

Among all educational institutions of the Volga region specializing in the training of economists, the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of KFU takes 1st place. 8000 students and 600 employees - this is the composition of this institution.

Passing points for enrollment:

  1. State and municipal administration - 249.
  2. Cartography and geoinformatics - 171.
  3. Management - 252.
  4. Pedagogical education (profiles: geography and ecology) - 222.
  5. Environmental management and water use - 183.
  6. Service - 238.
  7. Tourism - 249.
  8. Personnel management - 250.
  9. Economics - 263.
  10. Economic security - 253.

Department of Physical Education and Sports

The main goal of the department is to develop the physical culture of each student to realize their abilities in the areas of social and professional, physical education, sports and health.

The educational process at the department proceeds using several methods:

  1. Theoretical lessons.
  2. Classes in sports sections.
  3. Self-training of students in sections.
  4. Physical exercises during the working day.
  5. Mass sporting events.

To enter the Department of Physical Education and Sports, you must pass sports standards.

Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies

Bachelor's qualifications offer a choice of the following areas with a passing grade:

  1. Anthropology and ethnology - 226.
  2. Oriental and African studies - 273.
  3. Study of foreign regions (general profile) - 212 points, and only on a paid basis.
  4. Foreign regional studies (specialization in German-Russian studies) - 220 points on a contractual basis.
  5. History (general; domestic history/archaeology) -245.
  6. History (MO) - 183 on a paid basis.
  7. History of the Turkic peoples - 200 points for a fee.
  8. Culturology (profile: culture of countries and regions of the world) - 234.
  9. Linguistics - 283.
  10. International relations - 353.
  11. Teaching education (with two profiles of training: history and English) - 254.
  12. Teacher education (with profiles: history, social studies) - 238.
  13. Study in the field of ML) - 201.
  14. Tourism (profile: international tourism) - 176.

We hope that the article was useful to you.

It is expected that about 20 thousand applicants will apply for admission, and the competition for a place will range from 10 to 14 people. This year the number of budget places has increased and the university is ready to accept 5,316 people.

The admission target figures are formed on competitive terms, that is, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia announces a competition for each area of ​​training and we participate in the competition to receive budget places. Many factors are taken into account, ranging from the quality of educational programs, infrastructure, quality of teaching staff, work experience, whether there were or were not complaints about certain areas of training, and accreditation results. The entire list is taken into account. The competition is being held for two years, that is, 2016 and 2017. Therefore, the numbers for the next admission year will be approximately the same,” says KFU Rector Ilshat Gafurov.

Competitions and points

This year, the enrollment of students in law, economics and international relations was reduced in order to increase the training of engineering and scientific personnel. Nevertheless, law and economics remain among the top most popular fields among applicants. Traditionally, high competition is expected for IT specialties, foreign literature, and the Institute of Chemistry and Physics. Since documents have not yet begun to be submitted, it is not known what the passing score will be. But KFU will not accept graduates who scored less than 60 points in one exam.

Cost of education

Prices for commercial training have increased by approximately 5 thousand rubles. The minimum price tag of 78 thousand rubles was set for teacher training. The most expensive area is general medicine and dentistry at the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology. Annual training will cost 160 thousand rubles. This year, for the first time in several years, 76 budget places were allocated for medical care.

Budget recruitment for medical treatment was already available several years ago as soon as we opened. Then the federal law on education came out, which regulated budget recruitment. It was stated there that budget places can only be distributed among universities that have been accredited in certain specialties. And accreditation could be done after the first graduation. Through the efforts of the association of leading universities in Russia, this was also my personal initiative, amendments were made to the federal law, which allowed leading universities without accreditation to participate in the competition for budget places. We participated and won,” says Ilshat Gafurov.

To train doctors, KFU was given the Republican Clinical Hospital No. 2, the second emergency hospital and clinic No. 2. There will be laboratories for clinical practice and classrooms. Some buildings have already been modernized, and they plan to purchase clinical equipment soon. They do not say how much money will be needed for restoration and equipment, but they hint that we are talking about hundreds of millions of rubles.

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