Mackenzie location map in the klondike. The untold treasures of the Mackenzie Klondike

Distance from home: 42 km.

Mackenzie is a temporary location that is available for expeditions until June 14. Once at the location, you need to complete 2 mini-tasks. Find 8 deposits and cut down 6 of them. You can find them using Detectors that are created at the local Research Center. They need to be installed on location. After 15 minutes, the Detector's arrow will indicate in which direction the deposit is located, and by the color of the light on the Detector you can determine how far away (red means far, yellow means medium, green means close). By installing another Detector, you can find out more precisely the location of the deposit at the intersection of the directions of the Detector arrows. Next, install another Detector at the expected location of the deposit. If the area is highlighted, it means you have found a deposit. By clicking on a plot, you can build a Geological Station on it. After 25 minutes, the Geological Station can be turned into a deposit.

Valentine's Day in the Klondike Trials of Love - Expedition. Temporary location, entry to which is possible until February 20 inclusive. At midnight from 02/20/2019 to 02/21/2019, the location will disappear, regardless of when you first visit it.

In this issue we will go to a new temporary location and... - We will find and build the TREE OF LOVE - We will find all the MAGNOLIA FLOWERS - We will build all the WELLS of LOVE and prepare LOVE EXTRACTS - We will find all the Boxes and open the GATES OF FAITHFULNESS - We will build the fat building "WINGS OF LOVE" - Let's complete the micro-goal and find all the kites - Clear the location and receive gifts for 35, 70 and 100% clearing Enjoy watching! Vizor games on the portal: ADD TO FRIENDS: On Odnoklassniki: On VKontakte: On Facebook : Video prepared based on materials from Vizor Games

On October 13, 1307, five thousand people were simultaneously captured and thrown into prison throughout France - excellently trained warriors from the Order of the Templars or Templars. Everyone was arrested - from the Grand Master of the Order to the last servant. In essence, an organization that had been considered one of the most formidable and rich in Europe for almost 200 years disappeared without a fight. Many knights were tortured and publicly executed; a small number were released. The order was wiped off the face of the earth, but... Along with it, the countless treasures of the knights mysteriously disappeared - silver and gold, which was so much that it would have been enough for the comfortable life of several thousand people for a century. Where did the Templar treasures go?

Since time immemorial, man has been drawn to everything unknown. And even industrial civilization could not die the spirit of its pioneers. Now, as before, the indestructible myth of Treasure Island often lies dormant in the human soul. Regardless of a person’s age, social status or place of birth. The legendary and mystical city of Eldorado is engulfed in forests in an inaccessible area of ​​the Amazon jungle. For almost 5 centuries, this legend has captured the imagination of the Western world. The search for Inca gold, a lost relict treasure in the jungles of South America, has not subsided for many centuries and has aroused the curiosity of many adventurers and adventure hunters. Since the beginning of the 16th century - the time of the discovery and tragic death of the Inca civilization - humanity has not lost interest in the history, culture and tradition of this mystical, mysterious and fabulously rich empire. The memory hidden behind the vast jungle vegetation of an entire people cannot disappear without a trace. In this series of travel we will go through the places of ancient tribes, and the jungle will reveal the secret about the gold of the Inca people. You can watch the film Gold of the Incas on the World of Shaman website.

Key building:

Research Center, No need to build.


Location quests:

Complete 2 micro-goals:
1. Find 8 deposits;
2. Cut down 6 deposits.

The buildings:


A device for detecting deposits of useful resources. Created at the Research Station.
Detector activation:

Geological station:

Construction stages:


1. Countless treasures: discover all 8 deposits of useful resources.
Reward: Gift box. Goes to Home Depot, tab: Other.
2. Fossil deposits: break all 6 deposits of useful resources.
Reward: Gift box. Goes to Home Depot, tab: Other.

Deposits of useful resources.

There are 6 deposits in the location (2 clay deposits, 2 iron ore, 2 coal) and 2 Mackenzie treasure chests. First, you need to find them using the Detector, then build a Geological Station on the site of the deposits, after which you can break up the deposit and extract useful resources.
1. Create a detector.
2. We expose the detector to the location and activate it.
3. Search time is 15 minutes, after which the detector stops spinning and the arrow points in the direction of the deposits. Pay attention to the color of the light bulb on the detector:
red - deposit is far away
green - the deposit is close
4. To clarify the location of the deposits, we create another detector, set it up and activate it.
5. After finishing the work of the second detector, we look for the intersection of the detector arrows. This is where the deposit will be.
6. To finally clarify the location of the field, we create and place another detector at the intersection point of the arrows. If, after finishing its work, the area under the detector is illuminated, it means that you have found the exact location of the deposits.
7. We are building a Geological Station over the deposit.
8. The station operates for 25 minutes, after which it can be turned into a deposit.
9. Spent detectors are scattered into useful objects.
A new Detector can be created only after the previous one has worked and after the Geological Station has completed its work. Also, you cannot create Detectors after discovering all the deposits and treasures. The waiting time for the Detectors and the Geological Station can be skipped for 15 and 25 emeralds, respectively.

As a child, I was engrossed in Jack London. First of all, his northern stories. Time-fails, Biryuk McKenzie, old man Tarwater, and of course Smoke Bellew and Baby - these names, I think, will stay with me forever.

Everything was in these books, only the illustrations were missing. There were no photographs, although the events took place at the end of the 19th century. Therefore, I decided to take a short excursion through Google and all sorts of Wikimedia Commons to finally find out what the places where my favorite characters lived looked like. More precisely: the scene is the road to the Klondike, the reason is the gold rush, the time is 1897 and a little later.

So, the steamship Excelsior from Alaska, with the news of the discovery of gold deposits, has already arrived. Thousands of people hit the road. Let's go too!

Most gold miners began their journey to the Klondike from Skagway or Dyea.

...Keith Bellew landed on the distraught shore of Daya, littered with thousands of pounds of luggage from many thousands of people. Piles of equipment and food washed ashore from steamships and slowly seeped from the shore into the Day Valley and through the Chilkoot.

Now Dyee is an abandoned town in Alaska, and what little remains of it is protected by the US government as a gold rush monument. Skagway still exists somehow - according to the 2000 census, there were 862 residents. But every summer about 900,000 tourists visit it.

A burly, tall Indian walked past Keith, bending under an incredibly heavy bundle. Keith followed the Indian, admiring his beautiful calves and the graceful ease with which he moved despite his heavy load. The Indian dumped his luggage on the scales at the door of the trading post, and Keith joined the crowd of gold miners who gazed approvingly at the strong man; it turned out that the baggage weighed one hundred and twenty pounds; this figure was reverently passed from mouth to mouth. “I can’t lift such a weight, much less carry it,” thought Keith.
- Are you taking Linderman to Lake, buddy? - he asked.
The Indian nodded his head proudly

Keith's first trip with his luggage went well. As far as Finnigan's Ford, their luggage, weighing two thousand five hundred pounds, was carried by Indians whom they managed to hire.

“It will be more when we reach Chilkut,” his companions told him during stops. - You'll have to climb there on all fours.
“I can’t get to Chilkoot,” Keith answered. - This is not for me. Long before Chilkoot I will rest in a cozy hole, under the cover of moss.

Along the Chilkoot Trail, gold miners crossed Chilkoot Pass and from there headed to Lindeman Lake or Bennett Lake on the upper Yukon River.

The Chilkoot slope turned out to be exactly as Keith had imagined it from the stories. More than once he had to climb up on all fours. But when he reached the top of the pass in a snowy blizzard, secret pride filled his soul...

In the morning, exhausted and cold, Keith crawled out from under the tarp, ate two pounds of raw bacon, shouldered a hundred pounds of luggage and set off down the path between the rocks. The trail led across a narrow glacier to Crater Lake.

Or here's another: Along the scree, up the gloomy gorge to Sheep Camp, past the menacing glaciers to the Scales, and from the Scales along the steep ledges of glacially polished rocks, where they had to climb almost on all fours, old Tarwater carried bales, cooked and sang. He crossed the Chilkoot forest, which lies high above the border of the forest, along with the first autumn snowstorm. Those who had already descended to the inhospitable shore of Crater Lake and were freezing there, without even a twig for the fire, heard from the darkness approaching from above a ghostly voice that sang:

Like the Argonauts of old,
We are in a hurry, leaving the house,

Behind the Golden Fleece.

And this, as you probably guessed, is “Like the Argonauts of old.”

Two miles from Crater Lake is Happy Camp, so called because the upper border of the forest passes here and travelers can finally warm themselves up by the fire. However, the dwarf mountain spruces growing here can only be called a forest with a great stretch, for even the most powerful of their specimens raise their crowns only a foot above the moss, and the trunks, like purslane, twist and curl under the moss. Here, on the trail leading to Happy Camp, on the first sunny day all week, old Tarwater, leaning his sack against a huge boulder, stopped to catch his breath. The path went around a boulder, and people laden with luggage slowly walked past the old man in one direction, while others hurried back, lightly, for new cargo. Twice Tarwater tried to lift the bag onto his back and set off, and both times the trembling in his legs forced him to lean against a stone and wait until he had strength..

All the way from Happy Camp to Long Lake, from Long Lake to Glubokoye, and from Glubokoye up through the steep mountain range and down to Linderman, the race for life and death continued with the coming winter. Healthy men, exhausted, fell exhausted and cried at the side of the path. But winter, which required neither rest nor respite, was steadily approaching.

Here is a route map from Dyea (Skagway) to Lindeman Lake.

Now, having reached the water, it was necessary to build a boat or arrange transportation - there was a long journey ahead along the Yukon to Dawson.

The forest in the vicinity of Bennett Lake was completely destroyed for fuel, houses, and, most importantly, for boats in which gold miners went to the mines located downriver.

One of the most difficult rapids that gold miners had to overcome on the way to the Klondike along the Yukon River was Box Gorge (or Miles Canyon). Now the flow speed in the canyon is reduced thanks to a dam located downstream.

It was not for nothing that the Box Gorge was so nicknamed. It was a slammed box, a trap. Rocks rose up on its sides like steep walls, and it was possible to exit through it only through rapids. The riverbed narrowed here, and the water rushed like mad with a furious roar through the narrow passage, swelling in the middle about eight feet higher than at the rocky shores. The waves of the rushing river collided with huge breakers that bubbled on the rapids without moving. Box Gorge was notorious: here death collected rich tribute from passing gold miners.

They cast off and came out into the middle of the river; The current became more and more rapid. A roar came from the gorge. The river flowed calmly into the gorge, smooth as molten glass. When the boat found itself between the black rocks, the Kid stuffed his mouth with chewing tobacco and leaned on the oars. The boat jumped at the first rapids, and the rowers were deafened by the roar of the bubbling waters, which was doubled by the echo of the gorge. The travelers were doused with cold spray. Sometimes Keith could barely see the Kid sitting on the bow. In two minutes the boat covered three-quarters of a mile and brought them safely to the low sandy shore.

The kid was about to reach for the bottle, but suddenly pulled his hand away and shook his head.
- No. There’s still the damned White Horse ahead,” he said, “and they say it’s worse than the Box.” Now is not the time to drink!
Having sailed along the quiet river for several more miles, all four went ashore to look at the new rapids. A stone ridge here deflected the core of the rapids river to the right bank. A powerful mass of water rushed into the narrow passage between the ridge and the shore, furiously raising huge foamy waves. The deadly mane of the White Horse collected an even richer tribute from the dead from those passing by. A storm raged in front of Mane, and a whirlpool swirled behind Mane. It was impossible to bypass Mane.

- To hell with money! - said the Kid. - Let's get some whiskey here! It’s all over, but my feet are wet and I’m afraid of catching a cold.

Now not far from this place stands the town of Whitehorse - the capital and largest settlement of the Canadian territory of Yukon. The city's population is 20,461 people (2006), which is approximately two-thirds of the inhabitants of the entire territory.

Their path lay through Lake Le Barge. There was no current in the lake, and unless the wind was favorable, they had to row forty miles. But the time for fair winds had passed; an icy whirlwind blew from the north and blew straight into our faces. The lake was swollen, huge waves rose, and it was almost impossible to row. To top it all off, it started snowing...

They had not yet reached Lake Le Barge when the ground was covered with a shroud of snow, which would not melt away until six months later. It became more difficult to approach the shore, which was already covered with ice. At the mouth of the river, at its confluence with Lake Le Barge, at least a hundred ships of the Argonauts, delayed by the storm, took refuge. For several days now, a fierce north wind with snow had been blowing from end to end of the large lake. For three mornings in a row, Liverpool and his companions fought with the wind and foaming waves driven to the shore, which overwhelmed the boat, covering it with an icy crust... And all three days, driven to despair, they were forced to ingloriously retreat from the battlefield and seek shelter at the mouth of the river. On the fourth day, more than three hundred boats had already accumulated there, and all two thousand Argonauts were well aware that as soon as the storm subsided, the lake would freeze.

The sky was clear, and in the flickering light of the cold stars they could make out the vague outlines of mountains on the shore. At eleven o'clock they heard a dull, rolling roar ahead. The ice floes slowed down. The blocks collided with each other, cracked and broke. A huge block, rearing up, ran into the ice floe to which the boat was soldered, split the boat in half and, sliding, took one half with it. The other half did not sink, it stayed on the old ice floe, but for a moment they saw black water nearby. The river stopped. Half an hour later she gathered her strength and moved again. The movement lasted no more than an hour, then the ice closed again. Having gathered its strength, the river once again threw off its shackles and rushed forward again. They saw lights on the shore; The river has finally stopped - now for six months. On the shore in Dawson, curious people gathered to look at the ice cover, and from the darkness the Little Boy’s battle song flew to them:

Like the Argonauts of old,
My dear one left home,
We swim, thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump,
Behind the Golden Fleece

And once they got to the long-awaited Dawson, the gold miners realized that they were too late - most of the gold-bearing streams had already been occupied by local residents a year earlier.

But that's a completely different story.

Jack London was among those who did not extract gold from the Yukon land. But the theme of the north, the theme of the gold rush, brought him literary fame and income throughout his creative life - from the collection of short stories “Son of the Wolf” in 1900 to “Born in the Night”, which was published in 1913.

Continuation of the topic

  • Photos from the University of Washington Library collection:

Distance from home: 42 km.

Mackenzie is a temporary location that is available for expeditions until June 14. Once at the location, you need to complete 2 mini-tasks. Find 8 deposits and cut down 6 of them. You can find them using Detectors that are created at the local Research Center. They need to be installed on location. After 15 minutes, the Detector's arrow will indicate in which direction the deposit is located, and by the color of the light on the Detector you can determine how far away (red means far, yellow means medium, green means close). By installing another Detector, you can find out more precisely the location of the deposit at the intersection of the directions of the Detector arrows. Next, install another Detector at the expected location of the deposit. If the area is highlighted, it means you have found a deposit. By clicking on a plot, you can build a Geological Station on it. After 25 minutes, the Geological Station can be turned into a deposit.

Blackberry - Expedition

Temporary location, entry to which is possible until April 10 inclusive. At midnight from 14/10/2019 to 04/11/2019, the location will disappear, regardless of when you first visit it.

Travel equipment:

Key building:

Tent, no need to build.

Location quests:

Complete 2 micro-goals;
Complete 6 quests.


1. Baked potato

Prepare Baked Potatoes at Blackberry location (5).
We find potatoes in hiding places at the location, then bake them in Cauldrons.

2. Surprise

Find and open all Secret Boxes in the Blackberry location (5).
Reward: Gift box. Goes to Home Depot, tab: Other.


Quests are temporary and open after entering the location. Completing tasks is directly related to completing the location.

The buildings

Fermentation plant:

Can be produced:

Mobile laboratory:

Can be produced:

Hop barrel:

Construction stages:


Can be produced:

Energy consumption:

To completely cut down a location requires about 24,000 energy. However, at the location you can get various energy drinks for a total amount of about 10,000 energy and about 100 complete collections of Horns.


Microgoal reward: Surprise:

Reward for Micro Goal Baked Potato:

Reward for 35% clearing:

Reward for 70% clearing:

Reward for complete clearing:

Location map:

This map will help you in your search.

Key building:

Research Center, No need to build.


Location quests:

Complete 2 micro-goals:
1. Find 8 deposits;
2. Cut down 6 deposits.

The buildings:


A device for detecting deposits of useful resources. Created at the Research Station.
Detector activation:

Geological station:

Construction stages:


1. Countless treasures: discover all 8 deposits of useful resources.
Reward: Gift box. Goes to Home Depot, tab: Other.
2. Fossil deposits: break all 6 deposits of useful resources.
Reward: Gift box. Goes to Home Depot, tab: Other.

Deposits of useful resources.

There are 6 deposits in the location (2 clay deposits, 2 iron ore, 2 coal) and 2 Mackenzie treasure chests. First, you need to find them using the Detector, then build a Geological Station on the site of the deposits, after which you can break up the deposit and extract useful resources.
1. Create a detector.
2. We expose the detector to the location and activate it.
3. Search time is 15 minutes, after which the detector stops spinning and the arrow points in the direction of the deposits. Pay attention to the color of the light bulb on the detector:
red - deposit is far away
green - the deposit is close
4. To clarify the location of the deposits, we create another detector, set it up and activate it.
5. After finishing the work of the second detector, we look for the intersection of the detector arrows. This is where the deposit will be.
6. To finally clarify the location of the field, we create and place another detector at the intersection point of the arrows. If, after finishing its work, the area under the detector is illuminated, it means that you have found the exact location of the deposits.
7. We are building a Geological Station over the deposit.
8. The station operates for 25 minutes, after which it can be turned into a deposit.
9. Spent detectors are scattered into useful objects.
A new Detector can be created only after the previous one has worked and after the Geological Station has completed its work. Also, you cannot create Detectors after discovering all the deposits and treasures. The waiting time for the Detectors and the Geological Station can be skipped for 15 and 25 emeralds, respectively.

Reward: Prize for completely clearing the location

McKenzie Treasure Factory

Can be produced:

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