What is the significance for our country. International relations of Russia and CIS countries

Russia is our Motherland, the country where we were born, where our ancestors lived and where, most likely, your children will live. Love for the Motherland is a natural feeling of every normal person, a citizen of this country. Love for the motherland is first of all brought up in every person as love for a mother, love for one's home, love for a city, a locality where the early years of life pass, as love for our country, for its people, culture, customs. All this causes a desire to contribute to the fact that our country has become more beautiful, and life in it is better.

These human needs determine his morality. Morality can also be defined as the desire to find ways and ensure the preservation of humanity as a species on Earth, reducing the influence of factors on life activity that contribute to human self-destruction.

To love your Motherland and be a patriot of your country, you need to know well what our state represents and what its place in the world community is.

Currently, Russia is one of the largest countries in the world with a long history and rich cultural traditions. In terms of its territory, Russia ranks first in the world, it is located in eastern Europe and northern Asia and has an area of ​​17.1 million km 2 (for comparison: China - 9.3 million km 2, Canada and the USA - 9.2 million km 2).

Rice. 1. Comparative area chart of the four largest countries in the world

On the territory of our country, you can find almost all landscapes of the temperate zone of the Earth - from the polar deserts to the subtropics.

Russia is one of the richest countries in the world, which has the most important strategic resources: a large and educated population (more than 140 million inhabitants), advanced technologies. The most important among them are nuclear technologies, which make it possible to create not only the most powerful nuclear weapons, but also unique power plants (from giant blocks of nuclear power plants to miniature nuclear installations on space objects). Of great importance are rocket and space technologies, which are advanced in the world in order to ensure the security of the country and the exploration of outer space. Russia is not inferior in the world in terms of the level of development of aviation technologies.

The most modern metallurgical and chemical technologies have been created and are operating in Russia to provide nuclear power, rocket science and aviation.

Russia has large deposits of minerals (up to 40% of the world's reserves), vast territory and a huge reserve of untouched ecosystems. Russia ranks first in the world in terms of undeveloped land. They are located in more than half of its territory. These are the most important economic, "tourist" and environmental resources of our country. In Russia, of course, there is everything necessary to become one of the most developed countries on Earth.

Russia's place in the world community is determined by its location in relation to other states, military and political alliances, sources of raw materials, markets for products, world trade routes. It can be profitable and unprofitable and depends on many factors, external and internal conditions and on the policy pursued by the Government of the Russian Federation within the country and in relation to other states.

The Russian Federation (Russia) was proclaimed as an independent sovereign state on June 12, 1991. On this day, the “Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR” was adopted. This day is the day of the formation of the Russian Federation (Russia).

According to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, our country is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government.

At present, despite the difficult international situation and internal difficulties, Russia, due to its significant economic, scientific, technical and military potential, its unique strategic position on the Eurasian continent, objectively continues to play an important role in world processes.

In the future, Russia's broad integration into the world economy, the expansion of cooperation with international economic and financial institutions are increasingly indicated. Objectively, the commonality of interests of Russia and the interests of other states on many issues of international security, including countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, preventing and resolving regional conflicts, combating international terrorism and drug trafficking, solving acute environmental problems of a global nature, including the problem of ensuring nuclear and radiation security.

At present, the most important aspect that determines Russia's foreign policy approaches to cooperation and establishing ties with other countries of the world is equal and mutually beneficial relations.

Russia is a Eurasian state. Therefore, it not only maintains ties with other European countries, but also cooperates with them, being an equal member of many European organizations. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is considered the most significant among European political and economic organizations. The goals and objectives of the OSCE are to maintain peace and security in Europe. Another important organization is the European Union (EU). Our country is not yet a member of the European Union due to a number of circumstances, but its cooperation with the EU states, especially with Germany, Italy and France, is constantly expanding. This organization is the main economic partner of Russia.

The United Nations and the UN Security Council are considered as the central element that ensures Russia's global stability. Russia understands that the reduction of the role of the UN Security Council and the transition to the use of armed forces on the basis of national decisions means that in the future this will contribute to creating a threat to Russia's interests.

It is very important for Russia to participate in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Historical facts

    The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was established in late 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gradually, it included almost all the states - the former Soviet republics (except for the Baltic countries).

Relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) are the most important direction of Russia's foreign policy.

The main goals and objectives of the CIS are the development of political, military, economic and cultural cooperation between the states that emerged on the site of the former USSR.

For our country, participation in the CIS is of fundamental importance. Russia seeks to maintain its influence in these states and considers ensuring the security and inviolability of the borders of the CIS countries as a priority of its military planning. Close cooperation with these countries is also important because more than 20 million Russian and Russian-speaking people live outside of Russia in the CIS countries.

Russia is constantly expanding cooperation with the United States in the political and economic spheres and supports efforts to combat international terrorism within the framework of the antiterrorist coalition. In relations with the United States, Russia is guided by the need for strict observance of international law and its own national interests. Our country proceeds from the fact that, despite individual differences in views on regional problems, a compromise solution must be found on the basis of respect for the norms of international law and mutual respect for national interests.

In conclusion, we note that Russia is one of the richest countries in the world and has every opportunity to become one of the leading world powers, but this will largely depend on the behavior and attitude of the young rising generation of Russia towards the present and future of their country. The younger generation needs to learn to respect and responsibly treat all the wealth of Russia, its history, traditions and culture, to preserve and increase it.

Every person - a citizen of Russia must protect and increase its national heritage, must deeply understand what the national interests of the state are, and do everything in his power to preserve them.

The Russians need a dynamic collective mind and a high level of responsibility for the well-being and security of their country - the Russian Federation. This is especially true for the younger generation.


  1. What is our Motherland - Russia in the world community?
  2. On what basis is a person's love for the Motherland formed?
  3. What countries and organizations in the world does Russia successfully cooperate with?
  4. What is the importance of cooperation with the CIS countries for our country?


Briefly explain the role and significance of the young generation of Russian citizens for the development of our country.

What is the significance of the Pacific Ocean for our country? What sectors of the economy are associated with the maritime border and the development of sea resources?

The seas of the Pacific Ocean are of great transport importance. Thanks to the fishing industry, the food industry occupies the second place in the list of specialization industries in the Far East. Oil and gas production on Sakhalin is of great importance. Servicing the vast maritime frontier requires the development of shipbuilding and ship repair.

How do the seas of the Far East differ from the Arctic seas of Russia?

They are generally deeper, warmer, better than os-voena.

The seas of the Far East stretched out in a chain from north to south. Do their nature and conditions of economic use change depending on the geographical location? Give examples.

The law of latitudinal zoning manifests itself not only on land, but also in the ocean. The heat supply and nature of the seas change from north to south. You can notice this even by listing the characteristic representatives of the animal world. For example, the Bering Sea in the northern parts is similar to the Barents Sea, it is typical of bird colonies and pinnipeds rookeries. You will not see this in the Sea of ​​Japan, where heat-loving ancho-whiskers, tuna, sea cucumbers, oysters, and scallops are mined.

The seas of the Pacific Ocean are bordered by numerous islands. Name them and show them on the map.

There is only one large island in the Pacific Ocean adjacent to Russia - Sakhalin. Among the small islands, archipelagos stand out: the Commander Islands, the Shantar Islands, the Kuril Islands, as well as the island located east of Kamchatka. Karanginsky.

What seafood of the Pacific seas, which are the objects of fisheries, do you know?

The main riches of the seas of the Pacific Ocean are listed in the paragraph for each sea. Of commercial importance are salmon (this is the so-called red fish - pink salmon, chum salmon, chinook, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, char), herring, saury, flounder, pollock, cod, the famous Kamchatka crabs with a claw span of about a meter, shrimp, oysters, scallops, squid, iodine-rich seaweed.

Emphasize the products you know, go to the fish store and pay attention to the manufacturers of fish products.

The sea coast is a recreational area. Which part of which sea, according to its natural features, is most favorable for recreation? Propose ways for the development of the Far East as a recreational area. material from the site

The best area for recreation is the bay of Peter the Great from Nakhodka to the southern border of Russia. This is the warmest place in the Far East, where you can swim almost all summer. Only the port facilities of Nakhodka and Vladivostok break the virgin seascape with sandy beaches and rocky shores. The recreational resources of this area are still little used, since for a long time this area was closed to the public as a military facility. After the discovery, the area could become an analogue of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in the Far East. The monsoon rains and typhoons, frequent fogs in the first half of summer complicate matters. However, even in Florida, hurricanes often occur, and large areas are simply swampy, nevertheless this is one of the most attractive resort areas in the world.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • The sea coast is a recreational area. Which part of which sea, according to its natural features, is the most favorable for recreation?
  • How do the seas of the Far East differ from the Arctic seas of Russia
  • What is the difference between the seas of the Far East and the Arctic seas of Russia
  • animals of the seas of the far east
  • Pacific Far East

The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is a regional international organization. On December 8, 1991, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine signed the Agreement on its establishment.

On December 21, 1991, in Alma-Ata, the heads of eleven states signed the Protocol to this Agreement. It states that the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine form the Commonwealth of Independent States on an equal footing. Georgia became a member of the CIS in 1993 and withdrew from it on August 18, 2009.

On January 22, 1993, the Charter of the Commonwealth was adopted. It was not signed by Turkmenistan and Ukraine, which thus de jure are not member states, but are considered member states of the CIS.

In accordance with the Charter, the main objectives of the Commonwealth are:

– implementation of cooperation in the political, economic, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other fields;

- comprehensive and balanced economic and social development of the Member States within the framework of the common economic space, interstate cooperation and integration;

- Ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law and OSCE documents;

- cooperation among member states in ensuring international peace and security;

– assistance to citizens of the member states in free communication, contacts and movement in the Commonwealth;

– mutual legal assistance and cooperation in other areas of legal relations;

- peaceful settlement of disputes and conflicts between the states of the Commonwealth.

The working language of the CIS is Russian.

The Commonwealth of Independent States is the largest regional integration association in the post-Soviet space, an authoritative platform for equal dialogue and deepening interaction between the participating States, as well as a platform for the formation of more advanced integration associations in the Eurasian region, such as the Eurasian Economic Union and the Treaty Organization on collective security.

Important documents that define the main areas of cooperation within the Commonwealth are the Concept for the Further Development of the CIS and the Plan of Main Measures for its Implementation, adopted on October 5, 2007. Their main task is to increase the practical benefits of integration cooperation. In order to adapt the CIS to modern realities, work is currently underway to update the Concept and develop a new Plan. The corresponding decision was made at a meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State in Sochi on October 11, 2017.

On October 10, 2008, the Regulations on the Presidency of the Commonwealth of Independent States were approved, which fixed the principle of the country's end-to-end chairmanship during the year in the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government, the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Economic Council, the Commission on Economic Affairs and the Council of Permanent Plenipotentiaries on the basis of rotation in the order of the Russian alphabet of the names of states.

From January 1, 2019, the functions of the chairman country in the CIS are carried out by Turkmenistan. The co-chairs are the Republic of Tajikistan (previous chairmanship) and the Republic of Uzbekistan (next chairmanship). Among the priorities stated in the Concept of the Turkmen Chairmanship are the preservation and strengthening of historically established ties in the Commonwealth space, ensuring security and stability at the regional and interregional levels, building up interaction between the Commonwealth member states in the trade and economic sphere, as well as social, military, political and cultural humanitarian areas, strengthening political and diplomatic cooperation within the Commonwealth.

Joint work within the CIS is carried out through the statutory bodies: the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government, the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Council of Defense Ministers, the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops, the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and the Economic Court, as well as through the system of sectoral cooperation bodies. Decision-making in the CIS is carried out on the basis of consensus, while the participating states independently determine the degree of their involvement in certain areas of cooperation.

The only permanent executive, administrative and coordinating body of the CIS is the Executive Committee with headquarters in Minsk and a branch in Moscow. The Chairman of the Executive Committee - the Executive Secretary of the CIS is approved by the Council of Heads of State of the Commonwealth for a three-year term. Since January 1, 2008 this post has been held by Sergei Nikolaevich Lebedev. According to the Regulations on the CIS Executive Committee, the Chairman can have 4 deputies (currently 3 positions are occupied). The structure of the CIS Executive Committee includes the Office of the Chairman, the Administration, as well as 7 departments in charge of various areas of interaction within the CIS.

There are 66 sectoral cooperation bodies in the CIS, within the framework of which joint activities are carried out in such areas as the economy and social development, culture, education, the fight against organized crime and terrorism, etc.

A network of basic organizations of the CIS countries (77) has been created, mainly engaged in the training and advanced training of personnel in various industries.

Since March 1994, the CIS has had observer status at the UN General Assembly. A similar status was granted to the Commonwealth by UNCTAD (April 19, 1994). Every two years, within the framework of the session of the UN General Assembly, a resolution on cooperation between the UN and the CIS is adopted. On November 26, 2018, another resolution on this issue was adopted, introduced by the Tajik chairmanship of the CIS.

The CIS Executive Committee maintains relations with the executive structures of more than 20 international organizations, with 15 of which cooperation agreements have been concluded (UN Office on Drugs and Crime, UN Office in Geneva, secretariats of UNCTAD, UNECE, UNAIDS, CSTO, SCO, General Secretariat of the Latin American Integration Association, IOM Administration, Eurasian Economic Commission, etc.).

Particular importance within the CIS is attached to the development of common positions on current world problems and their promotion in the international arena in order to increase the authority of the Organization. An effective mechanism for foreign policy coordination is the adoption of joint statements by the heads of state and foreign ministers of the CIS. In 2018-2019 (as of June 2019) a statement was signed by the heads of the CIS member states on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948, a statement by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the CIS member states on preventing the erosion of the principle of non-intervention in internal affairs of sovereign states and the appeal of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the CIS member states on the need to preserve and properly care for military graves and military monuments of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The texts of the joint statements are distributed to the UN, the OSCE and other international organizations.

In the trade and economic direction, within the framework of the Free Trade Zone Agreement of October 18, 2011, work continues to open markets and create equal conditions for the economic activities of economic entities of the Commonwealth member states, steps are being taken to stimulate mutual trade, harmonize the norms and standards of the CIS and the Eurasian Economic Union, removing barriers to the movement of goods and services.

On May 31, 2019, a meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of Government was held in Ashgabat. During the meeting, special attention was paid to the issues of giving the economies of the Commonwealth countries an innovative character, combating counterfeit products, protecting intellectual property rights, and developing modern mechanisms for customs regulation of the movement of goods. Relevant international agreements in these areas were signed, and a decision was made to develop a draft Interstate Program for Innovative Cooperation for the period up to 2030.

One of the sought-after areas of cooperation within the Commonwealth of Independent States remains interaction on the law enforcement track. The CIS member states consider the fight against terrorism and extremism, organized crime, drug trafficking and their precursors, corruption, cyber threats, money laundering, as one of the most important tasks to ensure the stable development of our countries. Serious attention is paid to interaction between the states of the Commonwealth in ensuring the security of our external borders. The intensity of multilateral cooperation between law enforcement agencies is growing, not only in combating crime, but also in preventing it.

The potential of the relevant bodies of sectoral cooperation of the Commonwealth of Independent States is actively used: the Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services, the Council of Ministers of the Interior, the Council of Commanders of the Border Troops, the Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units, the Coordinating Council of Prosecutors General of the CIS Member States, as well as the CIS Anti-Terrorist Center, including its branch for the Central Asian region in Bishkek, and the Bureau for Coordinating the Fight against Organized Crime and Other Dangerous Types of Crime on the Territory of the CIS Member States.

An important place in the interaction of the Russian Federation with the Commonwealth countries is given to the annual meetings of the secretaries of the security councils of the CIS member states, which have been held since 2013. Such events, which have already become regular, are one of the popular platforms for exchanging views and developing joint actions on acute problems related to ensuring security and countering terrorism.

The legal framework in the law enforcement sphere continues to develop. International agreements concluded by the CIS member states regulate almost all the main areas of combating crime.

In order to give consistency and consistency to this activity, the competent authorities of the Commonwealth states develop and approve targeted medium-term programs. In 2018, the Council of CIS Heads of State approved the Interstate Program of Joint Measures to Combat Crime for 2019-2023, which for the first time brought together five specialized programs.

The CIS member states began to cooperate more actively in countering the spread of extremist ideas using information technology. For these purposes, in 2018, the Agreement on Cooperation of the CIS Member States in the fight against crimes in this area was signed.

An important component in countering criminal acts is the training of highly qualified personnel. To achieve this goal, more than ten educational institutions of the CIS member states (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) have been given the status of basic organizations of the Commonwealth, in which several thousand law enforcement officers are trained in various areas every year.

Military cooperation is actively developing within the framework of the Commonwealth, the foundation of which is the activity of the CIS Council of Defense Ministers and its working bodies. The main efforts are concentrated on the implementation of the Concept of military cooperation of the CIS member states until 2020 and other fundamental documents that determine the relations of countries in the military sphere. At a meeting of the CIS Council of Defense Ministers in Anapa on June 5, 2019, the Conceptual Approaches to the Development of Military Cooperation between the CIS Member States for the period up to 2025 were approved, which will form the basis of the updated Concept.

At present, a number of joint military systems of the CIS countries (air defense, control and assessment of radiation, chemical and biological conditions, a joint communication and automation system, etc.) are functioning. The key element of interaction is the holding of joint events. The content of military cooperation is largely determined by the nature of the mutual interests of the Commonwealth states, and is constantly enriched and supplemented.

Cooperation in the CIS space in the cultural and humanitarian sphere is actively developing. At the meeting of the Council of Heads of State (CHS) of the CIS in Kazan on August 26, 2005, an Agreement on humanitarian cooperation of the CIS member states was concluded, which covers the issues of science, culture, education, information, tourism, sports, including the principles and forms of interaction in these areas on perspective.

At the meeting of the CIS CHS in Minsk on November 28, 2006, the Agreement on the Establishment of the Council for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States (CHC) was signed. The Council is working to coordinate the activities of the CIS in the humanitarian sphere.

At the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS on May 25, 2006 in Dushanbe, an Agreement was signed on the establishment of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States (IFHC). Its members are Azerbaijan (since June 2008), Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova (since July 2014), Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

With the support of the SGS and the IFES, major cultural and social events are held, joint publishing, youth and educational projects are being implemented.

The practice of announcing thematic years in the humanitarian sphere in the Commonwealth has proved itself positively. At a meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State on October 11, 2017 in Sochi, a decision was made to declare 2019 the Year of the Book, 2020 the Year of the 75th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. At a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS on September 28, 2018 in Dushanbe, a decision was made to declare 2021 the Year of Architecture and Urban Planning in the CIS.

An important mechanism for strengthening interaction is the annual forums of creative and scientific intelligentsia of the CIS member states. XIV Forum was held on May 15-16, 2019 in Ashgabat.

In the cultural sphere, there are agreements between the CIS member states: on cooperation in the field of culture (May 15, 1992); on cooperation in the field of cinematography (February 10, 1995); on cooperation in the field of book publishing, book distribution and printing (April 16, 2004).

On May 26, 1995, the Agreement on the Establishment of the Council for Cultural Cooperation of the CIS Member States was signed.

Work continues within the framework of the Interstate program "Cultural Capitals of the Commonwealth". At the meeting of the CIS CHS on October 11, 2017 in Sochi, a decision was approved “On the implementation of the Interstate Program “Cultural Capitals of the Commonwealth” in 2018 in the Republic of Armenia (Goris), in 2019 - in the Republic of Belarus (Brest), in 2020 - in the Republic of Kazakhstan (Shymkent)". At a meeting of the CIS CHS on September 28, 2018 (Dushanbe), a decision was made to implement the interstate program in 2021 in Tajikistan, declaring Dushanbe the Cultural Capital of the Commonwealth in 2021.

In scientific and technical cooperation, a special role is given to the development of interaction in the field of innovation. This area of ​​work is coordinated by the Interstate Council for Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, which began its practical activities in 2010. On May 19, 2011, the Council for Cooperation in the Field of Fundamental Science of the CIS Member States was established.

The implementation of the Interstate Program for Innovative Cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period up to 2020 continues.

The agreement on cooperation in the field of education dated May 15, 1992 determined the vector for the development of multilateral cooperation in this area, emphasizing in particular the desire of the signatory states to implement a coordinated educational policy. In 1997, as a tool for implementing the agreements reached, the sectoral Council for cooperation in the field of education of the CIS member states was established.

The agreement on the formation of a single (common) educational space of the Commonwealth was signed in Moscow on January 17, 1997. It provides for the creation of a mechanism for coordinating activities in the field of education, training and certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel; development of the necessary legal framework for cooperation in the field of education, establishing requirements for documents on education and a mechanism for mutual recognition of the equivalence of diplomas, academic degrees and titles.

An important element of interaction in the field of education is the institution of basic organizations for the training of specialists in various fields. In total, as of April 1, 2019, 76 basic organizations operate within the CIS in various fields and areas of cooperation, including 31 basic organizations in the humanitarian sphere.

A promising project on the educational track was the creation of the CIS Network University (NU) initiated by PFUR in 2008 in the form of a consortium of leading universities of the Commonwealth countries.

An important role in the formation of a single information space in the Commonwealth is played by the sectoral bodies of the CIS - the Council of Heads of Information Agencies, the Council of Heads of State and Public Television and Radio Organizations of the CIS Member States, the Interstate Council for Cooperation in the Field of Periodicals, Book Publishing, Book Distribution and Printing, the Interstate Council for Scientific and technical information.

A significant role in the information field of the Commonwealth is played by the work of the Mir Interstate Television and Radio Company (MTRK Mir). At the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS on September 28, 2012 in Yalta, the Concept of the Mir 24 information TV channel was approved, which from January 1, 2013 switched from test mode to full-length broadcasting.

At the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS on November 25, 2005 in Moscow, the Agreement of the CIS member states on cooperation in the field of youth work was signed. The Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS member states has been established and is functioning. As part of the CIS CGP meeting on June 1, 2018 in Dushanbe, the International Youth Project “100 Ideas for the CIS” was adopted, which is aimed at expanding youth participation in integration processes.

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What is the significance of the Day of Russia for the citizens of the country, for you personally? None. Andrei Rutsinsky, chief federal inspector in the Tyumen region - Russia Day is still considered one of the youngest public holidays, although in fact it was established almost two decades ago - on June 12, 1992. This date marks the beginning of democratic transformations in our country, uniting all those who sincerely love their country and dream of seeing it prosperous. For me and, I think, for the majority of my fellow citizens, the future of Russia is inextricably linked with the ideas of modernization initiated by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and aimed at solving long-standing problems in various spheres of public life and government. Russia Day is a holiday embodying the triumph of the national spirit and the inextricable link between the centuries-old traditions of Russian statehood. we can rightfully be proud of the glorious history of our Motherland, do everything in our power to remain worthy of our great ancestors. --- Gennady Korepanov, - The Russian state has a thousand-year history. During this time, enormous wealth has been accumulated in culture, art, architecture, education, healthcare and other areas of human activity. Among the outstanding people who have made a huge contribution to the development of human civilization, a significant number of our compatriots. Our country occupies a special geopolitical position. Having the largest territory, colossal natural resources, Russia is both a European and an Asian country with all the ensuing consequences. Russia has been assigned a special role in recent years as a stabilizing force for maintaining peace on earth. In this regard, the Russians must do everything to make Russia once again become a powerful and authoritative state - so that we, being anywhere in the world, feel protected and respected by the people. --- Victor Rein, Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma: - We, Russians, live in a distinctive, multinational country with a majestic, somewhat tragic history. I am convinced that every sane person has a sense of patriotism, a desire to see both their small homeland prosperous and our common great Motherland - Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that Russia is a powerful and prosperous country, a Motherland that its citizens are proud of. It should be remembered that state sovereignty is proclaimed not only for the sake of the state itself, but for the sake of improving the lives of citizens, residents of Russia. The main goal of a sovereign state is the success, prosperity and well-being of citizens. I perceive the Day of Russia primarily as a celebration of the unity of fellow citizens, because nationwide unity is the main component of the success of any nation. The Day of Russia is also a celebration of the realization of the fact that we all live in a great country. --- Viktor Burtny, deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma: – I won't be mistaken if I say that in every state of the world there is a national holiday dedicated to the birth of the country, its state sovereignty. Russia is a country with a great thousand-year history, and it is important that the connection of times is by no means lost, but, on the contrary, is preserved in state symbols, holidays, in the memory of the people. Modern Russia has preserved the ancient coat of arms, the flag, which has a history spanning centuries. The anthem's melody is unchanged. The Banner of Victory, a symbol of the heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic War, is kept intact. The holiday is also a reminder that any citizen of Russia, a patriot strives to make his Fatherland prosperous, powerful, worthy of his great history - this work is a huge unifying factor for our multinational country.

Andrey Rutsinsky,
chief federal inspector in the Tyumen region

- Russia Day is still considered one of the youngest public holidays, although in fact it was established almost two decades ago - on June 12, 1992. This date marks the beginning of democratic transformations in our country, uniting all those who sincerely love their country and dream of seeing it prosperous. For me and, I think, for the majority of my fellow citizens, the future of Russia is inextricably linked with the ideas of modernization initiated by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and aimed at solving long-standing problems in various spheres of public life and government.

Russia Day is a holiday embodying the triumph of the national spirit and the inextricable link between the centuries-old traditions of Russian statehood. we can rightfully be proud of the glorious history of our Motherland, do everything in our power to remain worthy of our great ancestors.

Gennady Korepanov,
Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma:

– The Russian state has a thousand-year history. During this time, enormous wealth has been accumulated in culture, art, architecture, education, healthcare and other areas of human activity.

Among the outstanding people who have made a huge contribution to the development of human civilization, a significant number of our compatriots. Our country occupies a special geopolitical position. Having the largest territory, colossal natural resources, Russia is both a European and an Asian country with all the ensuing consequences.

Russia has been assigned a special role in recent years as a stabilizing force for maintaining peace on earth. In this regard, the Russians must do everything to make Russia once again become a powerful and authoritative state - so that we, being anywhere in the world, feel protected and respected by the people.

Victor Rein,
Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma:

– We, Russians, live in an original, multinational country with a majestic, somewhat tragic history.

I am convinced that every sane person has a sense of patriotism, a desire to see both their small homeland prosperous and our common great Motherland - Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that Russia is a powerful and prosperous country, a Motherland that its citizens are proud of. It should be remembered that state sovereignty is proclaimed not only for the sake of the state itself, but for the sake of improving the lives of citizens, residents of Russia.

Report on the topic:

"Cooperation between Russia and CIS countries"

For many years, Russia has been successfully cooperating with most countries of the East, the EU, America and the Caribbean. But, as experts note, only half the way to a full and comprehensive partnership between our country and the countries of the world has been passed. Why? Not only because the Russian legal framework is still imperfect to regulate many important issues, but also because, as the ex-Ambassador of Great Britain to the Russian Federation, Sir Roderick Line (Roderic Lyne): “Anyone who deals with Russia, be it a diplomat, a businessman or a politician, must start by understanding it. Russia has its own history, traditions and way of doing things.”The priority of our country this year, according to economists, is not only to develop and establish new ties, but also to strengthen existing ones ...

Germany - give Bavarian businessmen!

One of the most important trade partners of Russia is Germany. For example, our country has been successfully cooperating with Bavaria for 16 years. Many Bavarian enterprises open their branches in Moscow, and our entrepreneurs successfully work in Germany. One of the recent achievements in relations between the two countries is a plan to build a Russian business center in the city of Unterschleissheim.In the future, expansion of cooperation in such sectors as industry, energy conservation, healthcare, agriculture; improvement of urban infrastructure, construction, traffic control systems. And of course, the establishment of closer ties in the field of science and technology development.Another important innovation, as the first deputy mayor of Moscow notes , “creation of an economic advisory bureau in Zelenograd, where every month for five days a German representative conducts consultations for Russian entrepreneurs who want to find a business partner in Germany. In response, the Zelenograd Economic Advisory Office was established in Unterschleissheim, which helps to establish contacts with foreign partners.”

China - Unite to Protect and Explore Space

Another zone of long-term and intensive cooperation is China. To date, more than a hundred interstate and intergovernmental agreements have been concluded, which cover almost all areas of bilateral cooperation. A large-scale solid legal basis has been laid down for Russian-Chinese cooperation. Politicians note the importance of communication with China both for defense, trade and space purposes. The possibility of branching into oil pipeline Eastern Siberia - the Pacific Ocean, as well as the proposal of Kazakhstan to create a transport corridor - Kazakhstan - Russia.

British Center in Rostov-on-Don

Not so long ago, the British introduced new projects in the regions of Russia, such as, for example, a retraining center for officers with the support of the British government or a Russian-British consulting center.“Today, the Rostov retraining center has 4,400 graduates on its account, and in general, 15,000 people graduated from our courses in several cities. They studied tax law, finance, information technology, business management, and English. 70-80% of them quickly got a new job. This is a great example of interaction between the two countries,” says British Ambassador to the Russian Federation Sir Roderick Line.With the help of the British side, a Russian-British consulting center was opened in Rostov, which was engaged in the employment of local miners. Now he is a private company owned by Russians.

Chile, , Venezuela, - help as much as we can

Recently, the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev met with the President of Chile Michelle Bachelet (Michelle Bachelet). The heads of the two countries discussed joint projects in the field of energy, mining and agriculture.Some Russian companies are ready for long-term cooperation in the construction of a hydroelectric power station in Chile. The project includes extensive deliveries of Russian aviation and helicopter equipment, passenger and cargo ships to the Chilean market, as well as the participation of our country in the modernization of the bus and trolleybus fleets of Chilean cities.Relations are developing more and more effectively with Cuba and Brazil in the field of energy projects, non-ferrous metallurgy, and tourism. By the way, all these countries have a visa-free regime with Russia…

To Africa - technical resources and good personnel

Over the past few years, cooperation between South Africa and Russia has been more than fruitful. There is an intensive exchange of visits of businessmen from South Africa and Russia. Several Russian companies, in particular RENOVA and RUSAL, operate in the South African energy market. Norilsk Nickel recently entered into an agreement with South Africa's African Rainbow Minerals to invest $445 million in the development of the Nkomati mine, resulting in an almost fourfold increase in nickel production from the mine's ore.

Currently, work is underway on more intensive cooperation in the field of training highly qualified personnel, which the South African economy is in dire need of.

Bilateral tourism

Tourism plays a very important role in business cooperation between Russia and other countries. Russian tourists bring good profits to the economies of other countries: only one visited in 2008, 370 thousand of ours, but the flow of tourists to Russia is still unstable. Foreigners are not satisfied with many things here:there is no infrastructure, hotels do not correspond to their real statuses, it is dangerous to walk the streets at night, and so on.

WITH – development of scientific technologies

The main area of ​​cooperation between Russia and - space industry. American astronauts are still traveling into orbit on Russian Soyuz spacecraft, and scientists from both countries are jointly racking their brains to create the latest advances in progress ...

As Russian politicians note, the search for new opportunities and partners for cooperation is one of the priority areas of the economy for the next year, but the effective development of existing ties and friendly relations is no less important. Don't have a hundred rubles, as they say...

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