What are the rules of politeness? Game exercises "rules of polite communication"

Being polite is a matter of etiquette, respect, being attentive to people, their feelings, culture and values. It doesn't seem difficult, but many people don't know this etiquette. While some people have no interest in politeness, you're probably wondering how you can improve your etiquette behavior. At the very least, you can learn how to avoid being treated rudely or boorishly. Being polite and knowing the rules of etiquette is a good way to make new friends.

Politeness in behavior.

Be polite, rule one ⇒ Be gentle rather than challenging or assertive. This does not mean that you need to act like a meek doe, as if this is a quiet, trivial matter. This means doing it without putting pressure on the people around you or making them feel like they are being pushed into a corner.

* For example, if you're having a conversation, it's one thing to ask a question about a topic or offer your opinion, but it's another to act rudely if someone has made you feel uncomfortable (verbally or non-verbally) about that topic.

* Even if you try to help by offering to pay for lunch or wash the dishes, do not be persistent. If a person refuses and says: “Thank you, I can handle it myself,” you can answer: “Please, I would be happy to help.” If they still say no, so be it.

Be polite, rule two ⇒ When in doubt, watch others. How do they greet each other? What do they do with their coats? What topics do they discuss? Different relationships require different standards, and these standards often determine what is polite and what is not.

* Relationships involving work, dinner, holidays, weddings or funerals will require a different relationship approach, a different tone, than relationships with a group of friends.

Be polite, rule three ⇒ Be polite. Always be aware that you could meet this person again in a different environment and would not want to evoke negative memories that would give a bad disposition. If someone annoys you or even speaks in an insulting manner, do not respond as an argument either. Suggest "Let's disagree" and change the subject, politely continue the discussion, or simply walk away from the conversation.

Be polite, rule four ⇒ Start a conversation by asking questions about some other person. Try not to talk about yourself too much, if they want to know (or are polite) they ask. Be confident and charming. Don't be arrogant and boorish. Look, be interested and listen to the answers.

* Don't look over your shoulder at a person when they are talking, or your eyes linger on the new guest who has just entered. This means being distracted or uninterested in what your date is saying is not important or interesting enough to you to pay attention.

Be polite, rule five ⇒ Give a firm handshake and make eye contact when you do this. You can practice this a little so you don't slap people's hands or hurt them. This will make them feel awkward. Be especially careful when shaking hands with women who have rings on their hands. Excessive pressure can be very painful.

* Remember also that many "old school" people (especially if the location is in Europe) consider it inappropriate to offer your hand to shake hands with a lady or an older gentleman, of course, if you are a gentleman, or an older lady if you are a lady. Always greet the other person first, but wait for them to offer your hands. But also, if you are an older person or lady, be aware that if you don't offer your hand, that person may feel rejected because he or she wants to shake your hand. Usually this situation occupies the other person who moves towards you to shake hands. Be careful.

* Don't approach someone with your hand already outstretched. That is, don't be persistent. If you want someone to know you are moving towards them, make eye contact or a smile, maybe opening your arm slightly (bent at the elbow) to make a welcoming gesture.

Be polite, rule six ⇒ Know proper dining etiquette. Place the napkin on your lap, and don't add anything to the table that wasn't there when you got there (cell phone, glasses, jewelry). Place your wallet between your legs, under your chair. Women should not wear makeup at the table. It comes off as rude and shows a lack of sophistication. If you want to fix your makeup or check if there is something in your teeth, go to the toilet.

Be polite, rule seventh ⇒ Smile and laugh to show your amusement, but not loudly. Loudness indicates arrogance or insecurity. Your charming politeness makes the other person feel good. Keep this goal in mind, to be attentive to people's needs and their opinions. Do not make offensive statements towards any ethnic, political or religious group under any circumstances.

Be polite, rule eight ⇒ Be graceful and show elegance, conduct yourself smoothly, with a sense of calm. People will notice your subtle charm and this will help you greatly.

Be polite, rule nine ⇒ Please remember that etiquette and manners vary depending on the cultural region in which you are located. Be sure to learn local customs when traveling!

It is always a pleasure to communicate with a well-mannered, cultured, educated, polite person! A lot depends on our ability to behave in relation to other people in life, and often we do not understand this or underestimate it. The circle of friends and acquaintances, reputation in the team, success in business, harmony in personal life - well-being in any of these areas, you see, largely depends on how we communicate and behave with other people.

Being polite is actually not always easy. Many of those around us or even strangers do not really like us or frankly do not sympathize with us; troubles in our personal lives, fatigue, and stress often prevent us from behaving with restraint and adequately. But one of the most important qualities of a successful modern person is self-control and politeness. That is why it is so important that our children learn this from early childhood. A polite child will always be preferred to a rude and boorish one, even and especially when he grows up. And you need to strike while the iron is hot, that is, it is necessary to teach children the rules of politeness from an early age.

Rules of polite behavior and communication for children

The most universal rule, probably, may be the one known to everyone: do to others as you want others to do to you. But children do not always consciously want to be greeted or to have the slightest attention paid to them. However, this is indispensable in developing politeness.

Perhaps we should start by explaining to the child what politeness is, how polite children are and why it is better and even very important to be polite. Then gradually move on to practice and begin to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life. A very convenient help for parents are the rules of politeness for children in pictures, the rules of politeness for children in verse and many other publications, which today will not be difficult to find and buy.

It is hardly possible to clearly and point by point set out all the rules of polite behavior, because in almost every life situation or small episode you can behave in a certain way. But the starting point can be the study, understanding and use of the so-called magic words, words of politeness: “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “permit”, “please”, “be kind” " and so on. But they can be used in completely different situations. For example, people ask for an apology not only when they act badly, incorrectly, cause inconvenience to someone, or feel guilty. The word “excuse me” can be both a request (for example, when trying to move forward in a large crowd of people or wanting to ask something) and a way to attract attention (for example, joining other people in conversation).

Using verbal politeness tools will become increasingly better as the child's life experience increases: the more he meets and interacts with other children and adults, the more he can practice.

Words of gratitude deserve special attention. You need to thank not only for the gifts or surprises provided, and this should be done even in cases where the gift was not to your liking. You need to respond with words of gratitude to a compliment addressed to you, to a service or assistance provided. By the way, helping others is also a sign of politeness.

It is possible to be un/polite without even using these special words. The child needs to be explained that it is unacceptable to call names, ridicule or invent nicknames for other people, focus on their shortcomings, or express out loud one’s dissatisfaction or anger. Instead, you need to pay others compliments and express praise, celebrate virtues and good qualities, be able to listen and be interested in the personal affairs of others. For example, after answering a question asked of a child about how he is doing, it would be polite to ask his interlocutor about the same.

Even without saying a word (and often children do not want to respond to greetings or farewells), you can behave politely or rudely. A sincere smile in response can replace words that are sometimes so difficult to say. The same smile in the appropriate situation can be completely inappropriate and indicate poor upbringing.

A polite child must know and understand that others need to be respected (especially adults and even more so teachers), that one cannot think only about oneself and one’s comfort, that interrupting unless absolutely necessary or shouting, talking loudly in public places is ugly, just like as well as picking your nose or biting your nails.

There are many other rules of politeness, among which are some more basic ones:

  • Always say hello first and return the greeting.
  • Smile, be in a good mood.
  • Don't interrupt when others are talking.
  • When entering a closed door, knock.
  • When leaving a closed door, hold it with your hand.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with your palms.
  • If you yawn or hiccup during a conversation with your interlocutor, you need to apologize.
  • Ask permission if you are unsure about something.
  • Use the word “may”: may I ask you? let me ask? allow me to pass?
  • Don't show that you're not interested.
  • Don't argue, avoid conflicts.
  • Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness.
  • Remember: a polite person will never deliberately offend another or create trouble for him.

There are many rules of politeness for children and adults. But a child raised in a cultured, educated family will feel many of them intuitively, even without special emphasis on them from adults.

How to raise a polite child: rules for parents

Probably, many parents will agree that children learn bad things faster and easier than good things. Once you send your child to kindergarten or take a walk in the yard near “bad” company, the child’s culture of behavior and communication already has something to work on.

Meanwhile, the truth is also that no matter how we raise our children, they will still be like their parents. This means that raising a child, teaching him polite communication and behavior does not make any sense if we ourselves act differently. Whether we like it or not, whether we notice it or not, children always copy their mothers and fathers, although not always to the same extent.

So the rules of politeness exist not only and not so much for children, but primarily for parents. And the most important thing, the most important of them, is to be the best example for the child!

You can repeat to your child a thousand times that starting arguments and swearing is ugly and undignified, but once you have a row in a store with a man who pushed you, the child will take exactly this behavior as a model. Learn to control your thoughts, emotions and actions in any situation and maintain good behavior, regardless of the situation. And, by the way, you need to start with communication with the child: use polite words when addressing him, have the patience to listen to the end and not interrupt, be able to ask for forgiveness and be sincerely grateful.

Trying to instill in your child the rules of good manners, follow the recommendations that will help you achieve the desired goal and not get the opposite result:

  1. From the first days of your communication with your baby, build a warm, kindred, trusting relationship. Then you will be an authority for the child, he will listen to your instructions, and will turn to you for help and advice.
  2. Start teaching politeness from an early age: even non-speaking children understand everything perfectly well!
  3. Use a game form of learning: role-playing games, reading thematic literature, discussing images or life situations.
  4. Do not impose rules of politeness on children. Don't force them to act or say a certain way, don't scold them for "wrong" behavior or yell at them.
  5. Provide a choice to do one way or another, but at the same time explain the advantages of one tactic and the disadvantages and consequences of another.
  6. Explain why you should do this and not another.
  7. Don't proofread, scold, or lecture in front of other people.
  8. Don't be ashamed of your child's behavior or shame yourself. Focus on what should have been done, criticize the behavior, but in no case the child.
  9. Always take into account the characteristics of the baby’s character and temperament, his mood and well-being. The personality of your child and his experiences should be above the rules established in society.
  10. Praise for politeness and culture. Celebrate how pleased you are.

Teaching children politeness should be unobtrusive, harmonious, and bring mutual pleasure. In this process, not only the child, but also the adult improves. Polite people find it easier to find a common language, and this is so important!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Summary of extracurricular activities on the topic: Etiquette

Our children know the rules of behavior well, they can always say how a rule interprets this or that behavior, but they do not always follow these rules themselves. The teacher’s task is to lead children to understand that they must act not only according to the rule, but also in the spirit of the rule. During the conversation, children should understand how the student’s politeness, accuracy and neatness are manifested.

Rules of politeness

Be polite. Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

Always be friendly: say hello when you meet; thank you for your help and care; When leaving, don't forget to say goodbye.

Give up your seat to the elderly, sick and tired on a tram, trolleybus, bus, train carriage, or on a street bench; try to do it not for show; don't wait to be asked to give up your seat.

Help someone who has fallen to stand up. Help the old, the weak, the blind cross the road. And do it cordially, from the heart, kindly, without frowning.

Never be late for anything. Always arrive at the appointed time, minute by minute - take care of other people's time.

Don't make you worry about yourself. When you leave home, tell me where you went when you return. And don't be late.

Do not be fancy. Your whim can ruin the mood of others and cause them anxiety.

Rules of polite conversation

Politeness is more than just “hello,” “thank you,” and “please.”

A polite person tries to express his thoughts in such a way that everything is clear to his interlocutor.

Do not rush. Speech that is too fast is difficult to understand, and it looks funny.

Don't speak too slowly, otherwise your interlocutor will fall asleep from boredom.

Don't talk for too long, try to convey the main idea of ​​your message. If the interlocutor is interested, he will ask you to tell about the details.

Before you say anything, mentally formulate what exactly you want to convey to the listener. Pronounce your words clearly and distinctly; an interlocutor with “porridge in his mouth” terribly annoys those around him.

Practical activities: exercises that help you learn to speak clearly and distinctly.

Pure twisters and tongue twisters:

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Karl stole corals from Clara,

And Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.

Cuckoo bought a hood.

How funny he is in the hood!

Next, children can prepare short dramatizations (based on short stories and poems) that will help them more clearly see the problems associated with people's impoliteness. You can stage, for example, poems such as “Lyubochka”, “In the Theater” by A. Barto, “Song about Politeness” by S. Marshak, “One Rhyme” by S. Mikhalkov, etc.

It is important that children see that politeness is manifested not only in the ability to say “magic” words, but also in the tone in which they are said, in the gestures and facial expressions with which they are accompanied, in the ability to listen and hear others. Children must learn that politeness shows a person’s attitude towards other people: his goodwill, respect, friendliness. A polite person will not cause trouble or offense to another, he is always ready to provide help or service, and does it willingly.

The work can be completed by solving the crossword puzzle “If you are polite.”

Horizontally: 3. A fun exercise to develop diction. 4. “Dear...! Dear...! We all must take care of her!” 5. For all the good things they have done for you, you need to say... 7. The request must be accompanied by the word... 10. A synonym for the word “courtesy”.

Vertically : 1. This greeting means “I wish you health.” 2. Optimistic morning greeting “...morning.” 6. The boy’s notebooks are in excellent order. He's all attention at school. This...! 8. Synonym for the word “conversation”. 9. What is pleasant for both an elephant and even a small snail?

Answers. Horizontal: 3. Tongue twister. 4. Speech. 5. Thank you. 7. Please. 10. Politeness. Vertical: 1. Hello. 2. Good. 6. Education. 8. Conversation. 9. Smile.


Target: Formation in children of knowledge about the rules of polite communication and polite communication skills.


1. Teach children to communicate politely with peers and adults.

2. Develop creativity.

3. Cultivate politeness and courtesy in children.

Form: game exercises

Equipment: sheets with the meanings of the word "politeness", with situations, with

rules of polite communication.

Completed: teacher of the first qualification category Komarov A.V.

Progress of the event.

Introduction. Hello guys! Listen carefully to the poem that I will read to you now, and please tell me what we will talk about.

Good afternoon - they told you

Good afternoon – you answered.

How two strings are connected - warmth and kindness.

Hello - you tell the person,

Hello! – he will smile in response.

And he probably won’t go to the pharmacy,

And you will be healthy for many years.

Why do we say “thank you”?

For everything they do for us

And you couldn't remember:

Who did they tell? How many times?

What do you think we will talk about in our lesson today? (children's answers)

Today we will not just talk about politeness, but we will learn polite communication.

Main part. First, let's find out what “politeness” is? What does it mean to be polite? Let's try to derive a rule? (children's answers)

Now let's compare your answer options with the definition that the dictionary offers us and compare with our conclusion.

Politeness – Old Russian “vezha” - knowledgeable, courteous.This is observance of the rules of decency. This is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you. Ignorance - the opposite meaning - rude, does not observe the rules of decency.

A polite person means one who observes the rules of decency, is well-mannered and courteous (information on the board).

In the everyday life of a polite person, a well-mannered person, there are always words that we call “magic”. With the help of these words, you can even restore a good mood to a sad and offended person and lift your spirits.

Game "Polite words"

Now we will find out whether our guys know polite words, words used in greetings. You need to finish the rhyme together and correctly.

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When you meet, say hello...(Good morning)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...(Good afternoon).

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word...(Thank you).

When they scold you for pranks,

We say “Sorry...(Please).

If you can't eat anymore

Let's tell mom...(Thank you).

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye...(Goodbye).

Much love to all of you

I wish you strong...(health).

If the sun goes down,

There's gold in the trees,

We talk when we meet

To everyone I know(Good evening)

I met my neighbor Vitya,

The meeting was sad:

He's like a torpedo on me

Came from around the corner

But imagine: in vain from Vitya

I was waiting for the words(Sorry)

It will be easier for us to travel and easier to walk,

Whenever they wish(Bon Voyage)

Politeness is not just “magic” words. Politeness is also the rules of decency, the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy communicating with you.

Let's imagine a situation where you go to visit each other for a birthday. Give advice to someone who comes to visit (children's answers).

Now listen carefully to the poem.

If you came to see your friends,

Don't say hello to anyone.

Words: “please”, “thank you”

Do not tell anybody.

Turn away and ask questions

Don't answer anyone's questions.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker

Why do you think this poem is called “Reverse Advice”?

(Children answer that you need to do everything the other way around: say hello when you arrive, say the words “please”, “thank you”, answer if you are asked about something).

How polite words help I greet them, I say

How polite words help Please forgive me

I always get guests

If you don't know the person's name, please forgive me or

the one you are contacting is best. Please, tell me.

start a sentence with words

Game "Polite or Impolite." I name the situation, and you determine whether the actions in it were polite or not.

Say hello when you meet... (politely).

Push without apologizing... (impolite).

Help you get up, pick up a fallen thing... (politely).

Do not stand up when addressing the teacher... (impolite).

Get a ticket on the tram... (politely).

Don't give up your seat to an elderly person... (impolite).

Mom sent you to a neighbor to borrow some flour. How will you do this?

You want to invite your friends to your birthday party. How will you do this?

You came to the store to buy notebooks. How do you contact the seller?

Your friends invited you to the cinema, but you can’t go with them because you haven’t done your homework. How will you respond to their offer?

Analysis of situations and drawing up rules of politeness.

After work, mom cooked dinner, washed the dishes and went to wash the clothes. Dad went to the garden to water the cucumbers. And Petya sat comfortably on the sofa and began to watch his favorite program “In the Animal World.”


Marina was given a large set of markers for her birthday. The next day she proudly showed her gift to the girls at school. “I won’t give them to anyone while they are new,” she told her friends.


Kolya ran into the classroom and shouted:

Hello, Gray!

I just hit fat Svetka with my briefcase. It was funny when she fell into a puddle!


One day Vova went to the theater. On the tram he sat near the window and looked at the streets with interest. Suddenly a woman with a small child entered the tram. Vova looked at them and turned back to the window.


Natasha has many friends in her class. They often meet, walk, play, and do homework together. Natasha and her friends are never bored.


Two passers-by were walking down the street. One is 62 years old and the other is 8 years old. The first one had several items in his hands: 1 briefcase, 3 books and 1 large package. One of the books fell.

“Your book fell,” the boy shouted, catching up with the passerby.

“Really,” he was surprised.

Of course,” the boy explained, “you had 5 things, but there are 4 left.”

“I see that you know subtraction and addition well,” said the passerby, with difficulty picking up the fallen book, “however, there are rules that you have not yet learned.

What are these rules? What should the boy do?

What other rules of politeness could you add? (Children's answers)

Summarizing. This is where our event ends. What stood out to you the most? What new have you learned? What rules of polite communication do you remember?

Politeness – Old Russian “vezha” - knowledgeable, courteous. This is observance of the rules of decency. This is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

Ignorance - reverse meaning - rude, does not observe the rules of decency.

Polite man - observing the rules of decency, well-mannered and courteous.

Find answers to situations. Connect with lines.

How polite words help I greet them, I say

find friends for them “come in, please”

How polite words help Hello, let's go with you

put up if I offended a friend and be friends.

I want to make peace, I can say

How polite words help I'm sorry, please

be hospitable when

I always get guests

If you don't know the person's name, please forgive me or

to whom you are addressing, it is best to be kind,

start a sentence with words


A polite person constantly thinks about the people around him.

Be polite to your comrades.

A polite person will not cause trouble to another person or offend him with an offensive nickname.

A polite person is attentive to people.

A polite person does not quarrel with friends, works and plays in harmony.

Etiquette is a word of French origin, meaning a manner of behavior, rules of politeness, good upbringing, courtesy that must be observed in society, at work, at school, university, at the table and even on the street.

The rules of etiquette are unwritten, mandatory, that is, it is a manner of behavior accepted “by default” and observed by people as a kind of standard that is not subject to discussion. A well-mannered person must not only know and adhere to the norms of etiquette, but also understand their significance for life and society. After all, good manners are a reflection of a person’s inner world, an indicator of his intellectual level and moral principles. You have more opportunities to develop, establish contacts, create good relationships with people around you and, therefore, achieve your goals.

Politeness from the cradle

Politeness is always and everywhere highly valued. In large cities and metropolitan areas, politeness turns into a rare and valuable gift, not available to everyone. Rudeness and bad manners are becoming the norm, and this does not surprise anyone. Therefore, it is very important to cultivate the seeds of etiquette in the heart of a child from an early age, along with his first word and deed. Very often, parents, without knowing it, adopt the experience of their friends or the older generation. This is not entirely correct.

Every person is different, including your child. He will not understand the authoritarian and demanding attitude towards himself. Adults need to be patient and persevering in order to instill in their children politeness and courtesy. Do not force or put pressure on your child under any circumstances. Ask, be polite, and the child will happily fulfill all your requests. When talking to him, repeat the magic words “thank you” and “please” as often as possible. But the rules of politeness for children are not limited to just these words. Gradually teach him to say hello, say goodbye, and apologize. Encourage him to read, followed by a discussion of the actions of the characters in the book. Explain how to behave with people and how not to. And most importantly - always and everywhere be polite yourself. After all, a child copies the behavior of his parents and, seeing an example of etiquette before his eyes, he will try to follow it.

Etiquette from school

Having received the basic concepts of good and evil, the child moves to the next level - school, where throughout the entire educational process he is taught the basic rules of etiquette.

Being a second home, the school sets itself the same good goals as parents. However, the rules of politeness in school should not consist only of moralizing lectures and instructive conversations.

For a deep and detailed mastery of all the canons of etiquette, teachers should conduct classes dedicated to lessons and politeness, in the form of:

  • seminars and trainings where conversations are held on the “answer-question” principle, various situations are discussed, lines of behavior are played out, situations are modeled;
  • games in which participants are divided into several groups and play out life situations related to etiquette standards.

Such original methods, as a rule, are effective and efficient; they help to identify the level of politeness of each student, teach children mutual understanding, and norms of behavior in a particular situation. Schoolchildren easily and quietly learn the rules of politeness and the examples set by senior mentors, becoming more open and sociable.

You need to say hello correctly

Correct and skillful greeting is one of the immutable norms of etiquette. You need to greet people in a welcoming, friendly manner, smiling openly. The rules of politeness when meeting people are as follows: try to look them straight in the eye, speak clearly and clearly, and the tone of your address should be soft and courteous. The greeting is usually accompanied by the words: “Hello” (address to friends and close acquaintances), “Hello” (universal address), “Good morning (day, evening)” (depending on the time of day).

What not to do

The rules of etiquette have their own “veto”, that is, prohibited actions that can expose you

  • You should not address a person with the exclamation “Hello!”, “Hey, you!”
  • Having seen an acquaintance, you should not desperately make your way across the room to him, causing inconvenience to the rest of those present.
  • When meeting acquaintances in a theater or restaurant, you should give them a slight nod as a sign of greeting, and not shout to the whole neighborhood.
  • If you meet an acquaintance on the street, do not detain him for a long time; it is better to arrange the next meeting or telephone call.
  • It is not recommended to pat a stranger on the shoulder when greeting him.

Who greets whom?

Who should say hello first? The basic rules of politeness in this case boil down to the following. The first one to say hello:

  • man with woman;
  • subordinate with boss:
  • junior (by age, rank, position) with senior;
  • entered the premises;
  • walking with the standing one.

In any case, polite and well-mannered people are the first to say hello.

Address as a formula of etiquette

The rules of politeness also affected the forms of people addressing each other. There are three forms of appeal:

There are no clear rules on how to switch from “you” to “you”; this is established by the interlocutors themselves, or is present in the form of address by ill-mannered people who are accustomed to saying “you” to everyone indiscriminately.

Table etiquette norms

The rules have been in place for many years and centuries. They are the same for one and all, be it a builder or a president.

The first and immutable rule is that you must not spread or place your elbows on the table. It is forbidden to slurp and talk with your mouth full, especially on a romantic date.

You should sit upright, without leaning on the table or chair of the guest sitting next to you. It is considered indecent to drum your fingers on the table, desperately gesticulate, throw up a napkin or cutlery, take food from someone else’s plate, or talk loudly.

The rules of politeness and etiquette that should be observed at the table also prohibit blowing on hot food, leaning over the table, talking on the phone, singing, whistling, putting on makeup and putting on powder. The man pays attention to the woman sitting to his right: he entertains her with conversations, puts snacks on her plate, refills her drinks.

General rules of politeness

In addition to generally accepted norms of etiquette regarding greetings, address, cultural rules

at the table, there is a general rule of politeness, the observance of which speaks of you as a well-mannered person who monitors his manners and behavior.

  • Don't fuss, do everything calmly and measuredly.
  • Try to speak quietly, clearly, clearly, without muttering, obscene expressions or swearing.
  • It is not recommended to scratch yourself in public, pick your nose, or wear lipstick.
  • Control your emotions, be cool, and put your words into graceful forms and expressions.
  • Don't laugh too loudly or at people passing by.
  • Don't yawn with your mouth wide open.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Apologize, say hello, use “thank you” and “please.”
  • Watch your appearance.
  • Don't discuss people in their absence.
  • Address strangers in a polite and courteous manner.

Smile is the main rule of etiquette

A smile is a powerful weapon for any person, capable of changing everything and everyone. It's like a ray of sunshine in cloudy weather, a drop of water in the desert, a piece of warmth in frosty weather. Her Majesty “Politeness”, rules of behavior and etiquette - all these norms boil down to one, simplest piece of advice - smile. A smile is not only a tribute to politeness, it is a lever of happiness, a recipe for success and good mood.

One smile can soften the heart, attract attention, and defuse the situation. In many businesses, smiling is a job requirement, and for good reason: it contributes to an excellent work process. Smile and you will gain a reputation as a well-mannered and cultured person!

The rules of politeness may vary according to nationality, but they boil down to one thing: excellent manners and excellent upbringing will always be “in fashion”, and no one can refuse or cancel them.

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Managing financial flows in the modern market is difficult and responsible. Specialists in the field of economic activities of enterprises...

Calvinism history of the beginning of the reformation and the emergence of Calvinism
Calvinism history of the beginning of the reformation and the emergence of Calvinism

Philosophy: Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M.: Gardariki. Edited by A.A. Ivina. 2004. CALVINISM Protestant creed, founder...