How I plan to spend my weekend in English. English topic “My Day off”

Sample topic My Day Off will help you write a story about your day off in English. My Day Off topic with translation can be used as a basis for writing an essay about a day off. Subject my day off ideal for graduate students, the rest will have to skip a few sentences where we are talking about preparing for exams. Do you need a story in English about a day off with translation? Hooray! You found it!

Level: Intermediate.

It will be useful for students in grades 9-11.


Unfortunately being a student means that I don’t have much free time apart from holidays. Sunday is the only real day off that I have from studying. Every evening I have a lot of homework to do and even on Sundays I spend most of the afternoon and evening preparing for my classes in the following week. And this year is a separate talk. I have no free time even on Sundays. I have really realized that the last year at school is not an easy thing. The teachers give much homework in every subject and I have additional practice in English and Chemistry. Besides, I spend much time preparing for my final examinations. There is practically no time for television or friends. But I’d like to tell you how I spend my free time when I have it.

For most of my friends, their first priority is to sleep longer than they normally do. But it’s not about me. I don’t like to sleep more than 9 hours, because then I feel even more tired. If it is summer or spring I prefer to go in for sports in the morning in the fresh air, for example, to go for jogging (running) or to play tennis. In winter I like to go skating and skiing. In deep autumn I prefer to stay at home.

I have four wonderful friends and there is a some kind of tradition among us: once a month we all meet together and talk about everything that crosses our minds. It is an excellent opportunity to have a really good chat and a relaxing time.

I don’t have a concrete hobby, which I would devote all my free time. I like to do everything a little. My mother is a perfect dressmaker and she taught me to sew. So from time to time I enrich my wardrobe with modern dresses, skirts and trousers, that I make myself, of course. I also enjoy cooking, especially desserts, ice-cream, cakes, pies, but in fact, I can cook almost every kind of food.

I’m also very fond of reading. I cannot imagine my life without a good book. There are various genres of literature (detectives, thrillers, comics, science fiction, memoirs), and I prefer to read classical novels by Russian and foreign writers. I like to read novels by F. Dostoevsky, S. Turgenev, A. Chekhov. Among the foreign writers, I prefer Jack London, George Sand, Charlotte Bronte. I also like to read detectives but only by Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle. In my opinion, modern detectives are full of platitude and there is a complete absence of fascinating plot.

Well, sometimes I spend my free time with my classmates and our attached teacher. That is usually an unforgettable time! Two times we went camping and spent some wonderful days in the fresh air, near a lake, in the forest full of mosquitoes. We didn’t mind spending some days without parents and did everything we wanted. We lived in comfortable houses. We prepared all the food ourselves and didn’t allow our teacher to interfere with that process.

In the evenings, after supper, we gathered in the billiards room and played there. Then, very late, we made a fire and sat there until the morning light. We talked about various things, remembered interesting events in our lives, told funny and horror stories, sang songs and played different games around the fire. But everything good and pleasant always finishes sometime and soon we had to go home.

Well, it is true, that your free time depends on your interests and hobbies. People who want to achieve something in life, to get a perfect education will spend their free days reading or visiting some exhibitions, concerts to enrich their inner world and broaden horizons. Others, less caring about their future life will spend their free time with friends and going to dance every night. But I think, that here should be the golden mean and I belong to it.


Unfortunately, being a student means not having much free time except on holidays. Sunday is the only day free from school. I have homework to do every evening, and even on Sundays I spend most of the afternoon and evening preparing for next week's classes. And this year is a separate story. I don't have free time even on Sundays. I really learned that senior year in school is not easy. Teachers assign a lot of homework in each subject, and I have extra classes in English and chemistry. In addition, I spend a lot of time studying for my final exams. I have practically no time to watch TV or meet with friends. But I would like to tell you how I spend my free time when I have it.

For most of my friends, their first priority for the weekend is to sleep longer than usual. But this is not about me. I don't like sleeping more than 9 hours because then I feel even more tired. In summer or spring, I prefer to exercise in the morning in the fresh air, such as jogging or playing tennis. In winter I like to go to the skating rink or skiing. In late autumn I prefer to stay at home.

I have four wonderful friends, and we have a special tradition: once a month we meet and talk about everything that comes to mind. This is a great opportunity to have a pleasant conversation and relax.

I don't have a specific hobby to which I would devote all my free time. I like to do a little bit of everything. My mother is an excellent dressmaker and she taught me to sew. So, from time to time, I enrich my wardrobe with modern dresses, skirts and trousers, which, of course, I sew myself. I also love to cook, especially desserts, ice cream, cakes, pies, but in fact, I can cook almost everything.

I also really love reading. I can't imagine my life without a good book. There are various genres of literature (detectives, thrillers, comics, science fiction, memoirs), but I prefer to read classic novels by Russian and foreign writers. I like to read novels by F. Dostoevsky, S. Turgenev, A. Chekhov. Among foreign writers I prefer Jack London, George Sand, Charlotte Bronte. I also like to read detective stories, but only by Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle. In my opinion, modern detective stories are full of banality and completely lack the urgency of the storyline.

Well, sometimes I spend my free time with my classmates and class teacher. It's always an unforgettable time! We went camping twice and spent several wonderful days outdoors near a lake in a forest full of mosquitoes. We didn't mind spending a few days without our parents and doing whatever we wanted. We lived in comfortable houses. We prepared all the food ourselves and did not allow our teacher to interfere in this process.

In the evenings after dinner we gathered in the billiard room and played there. Then, very late, we made a fire and sat around it until dawn. We talked about different topics, recalled interesting events from our lives, told funny or scary stories, sang songs and played various games around the fire. But all good things always come to an end, and soon we had to return home.

Well, it is true that your free time depends on your interests and hobbies. People who want to achieve something in life, get an excellent education, will spend their free days reading or visiting exhibitions, concerts to enrich their inner world and expand their horizons. Others, less concerned about their future, will spend their free time with friends, dancing the night away. But I think there should be a golden mean here, and I belong to it.

Petukhova Anya. Language center Success, Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, Russia
Essay in English with translation (topic in English)

How I spend my weekends

I usually spend my weekends with my friends. We go to the cinema or walk in the park, sometimes we go to the swimming pool where we swim and dive. We also enjoy shopping. Best of al I like toy shops. I buy teddy bears, dolls, balloons

Me and my friends like taking photos. I have got a big collection of photographs.

Another interesting thing for weekend are parties. We dance, play party games, eat tasty food.

Weekends are fun!

I usually spend my weekends with my friends. We go to the cinema or walk in the park, sometimes we go to the pool where we swim and dive. We also love shopping. More than anything in the world I love toys. I buy teddy bears, dolls, balloons.

Me and my friends love taking photos. I have a large collection of photographs.

Another fun weekend activity is parties. We dance, play different games, eat delicious food.

Weekends are fun!

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I go to school five days a week, so I have two days off — Saturday and Sunday (I'm lucky, because some other pupils have the only one day off). During the week I am very busy, so I like to have a rest on weekend.

I am not an early riser and it is a rare Saturday or Sunday when I get up before 9 o"clock. I enjoy staying in bed, when 1 don"t have to hurry anywhere. We have late breakfast at 10 and watch TV.

Usually we have something tasty: meat salad, fried potatoes, chicken, cake or pie. If the weather is fine, I usually do not stay indoors, I and my dog ​​go outside. Often we go to the park and play there. If the weather is rainy and gloomy, I stay at home and watch TV, listen to the music, read, the books.

After dinner we go visit our grandparents or relatives, or just simply take a nap. Sometimes when my friends call me we go roller — blading near the Opera theater

I like roller - blading very much, I think it is a lot of fun. In the evenings I like to watch video and music programs. There is a big armchair in my room right beside the lamp with blue shade. If it is cold I like to sit there with cup of coffee and read.

Sometimes I do something special on weekends: go to an art exhibition, to the theatre, to the concert. I always go to bed late on Sundays, and Monday morning is the nastiest thing through all the week.

I like weekends very much, because I can rest and gain some energy for the next week.

Text translation: My Day off - My day off (2)

I go to school five times a week, so I have two days off - Saturday and Sunday. I was lucky because other students only have one day off. I'm very busy during the week, so I like to relax on the weekends.

I'm not an early riser, so it's very rare that I get up before nine on a Saturday or Sunday. I like to lounge in bed if I don't have to rush anywhere. We have breakfast late, at 10 o'clock, and watch TV.

Usually at the weekend we eat something delicious: meat salad, fried potatoes, chicken, cake or pie. If the weather is good, I don't stay at home, me and my dog ​​go outside. We often go to the park and play there. If the weather is rainy and gloomy, I stay at home, watch TV, listen to music, read books.

After lunch we go visit our grandparents or relatives, or just take a nap. Sometimes when my friends call me, we go roller skating to the opera house.

I really like roller skating, I think it's a lot of fun. In the evenings I like to watch videos and music programs. In my room there is a large chair right next to a lamp with a blue shade. If it's cold outside, I like to sit in this chair with a cup of coffee and read.

Sometimes I do something special on the weekends, visit art exhibitions, go to the theater or a concert. I always go to bed late on Sunday, and Monday morning is the worst morning of the week.

I really love weekends because I can relax and gain energy for the next week.

1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral exam. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

My Day Off (4)

Most people in our country work five days a week but students and pupils have always worked six days a week. Recently, some schools have shifted to five-day studies, but it mostly concerns the primary school. I"m in the eleventh form, so I have to go to school six days a week. Sunday is my only day off.
I like Sunday very much. On the one hand you needn"t hurry anywhere and you may go wherever you like after your week"s work. On this day I wake up later than usual. There is always some interesting program on Sunday morning on TV, so I watch it before we have breakfast. For breakfast we usually have some special dish on Sunday, a cake or buns and everyone has two cups of tea instead of one. On the other hand, I have to wash up on Sunday because I cannot say that I will be late for school.
I phone my friends and we discuss our plans for the weekend. Sometimes we go to the cinema. We have been to most museums and picture galleries in the city, but there is still a lot to see. Last Sunday, for example, we went to the Botanical Garden. There were a lot of brightly colored flowers in the open air and we saw some rare tropical plants. They were in greenhouses as our climate is too cold for them. It was very pleasant to spend time there.
When the weather is fine, it is good to go to the country. We look for a nice place in the forest or on the bank of a river. We take some food and have a snack there in the open air. We play different games, swim and lie in the sun. In winter we often go skiing on the hills near the city. We make a snowman and play snowballs. Once or twice a week my friends and I go to the skating rink.
When the weather is bad, I stay at home and occasionally my friends come to my place. They bring over some new board games and use play or just talk.
In the evening all the members of our family get together. We have our supper, make plans for a new week, watch TV or read books. From time to time we receive guests or go for a walk. I enjoy my days off very much.
By the manner people use their leisure we can tell their character. For most people work is a necessity: they go to an office or a factory to earn their living. But in their free time they do what they really like. Some people are passive during their leisure hours. They relax watching TV or reading a book. Others are active: they dig their gardens or go in for sports.

My day off (4)

Most people in our country work five days a week, but students and schoolchildren have always worked six days a week. Only recently have some schools started teaching only five days a week, but this mainly applies to primary schools. I'm in eleventh grade, so I have to go to school six days a week. Sunday is my only day off.
I really love Sunday. There is no need to rush anywhere, after all everyday affairs you can go wherever you want. On this day I wake up later than usual. There is always some interesting program on TV on Sunday morning, so I watch it before breakfast. On Sunday we have some special dish, cake or scones for breakfast, and everyone drinks two cups of tea instead of one. On the other hand, on Sunday I have to wash the dishes because I can't say that I'm late for school.
I call my friends and we discuss plans for the weekend. Sometimes we go to the cinema. We've been to most of the city's museums and art galleries, and there's still a lot to see. For example, last Sunday we went to the Botanical Garden. There were many bright colors in the open air; We also saw rare tropical plants. They were in greenhouses because our climate is too cold for them. We had a very pleasant time.
When the weather is good, it's nice to go out of town. We look for a beautiful place in the forest or on the river bank. We take food with us and have a snack in the fresh air. We play different games, swim and sunbathe. In winter we often go skiing on the hills near the city. We make a snowman and play snowballs. Once or twice a week my friends and I go to the skating rink.
When the weather is bad, I stay at home and my friends come to see me from time to time. They bring new board games and we play or just talk.
In the evening our whole family gets together. We have dinner, make plans for the new week, watch TV or read. From time to time we receive guests or go for a walk. I really love weekends.
By how a person uses his leisure time, we can determine his character. For most people, work is a necessity: they go to an office or factory to earn a living. But in their free time they can do what they really like. Some people prefer passive relaxation. They relax by watching TV or reading a book. Others relax actively: they dig in the garden or play sports.

Topical Vocabulary:

board games - board games
to come to smb's place - to come to someone
day off - day off
to dig in smb's garden - dig in the garden
have a rest - to rest
leisure - leisure
to lie in the sun - sunbathe
to make a snowman - make a snowman
to make plans - plan
to play snowballs - play snowballs
to earn smb's living - earn a living
to go for a walk - go for a walk
to go to the country - go out of town
to receive guests - to receive guests
to relax - relax
skating-rink - skating rink
to spend time - spend time
to wash up - wash the dishes

Answer the questions
1. What do you like to do at weekends?
2. What are you going to do this weekend?
3. How do you usually spend Sunday mornings?
4. What do you do in fine weather?
5. What do you do on Sundays in winter?
6. How do you spend your time if the weather is bad?
7. What does your family do in the evening on Sundays?
8. How many days off do you usually have?
9. What can we tell about a person by the way he/she uses his/her leisure time?
10. Find all the adverbs used in the text to express frequency. Write them out in a scale from always (100%) to never (0%).
11. Translate the underlined expressions. Work in pairs. Make 3 new sentences with each expression. Use these expressions in the text about your day off.

My weekend

Every person whether adult or a teenager cannot work all the time and needs to have a rest. Usually all the people have a little rest during their weekends. I am not an exception. I really enjoy relaxing and having fun with my friends. Starting from Wednesday I begin to look forward to the weekends.
My weekends usually start on Friday afternoon. I come back from school, throw my bag into the corner and go to meet my friends. I haven’t seen them for five days, so I missed them very much.
On Friday we usually go to the city centre. We go to a pizzeria or a café, and then we go to the cinema and watch there a new film. We usually like to watch comedies. But sometimes we go bowling. I like bowling very much and I especially live those colorful bowling shoes and when I score points by bowling strikes.
On Saturday mornings and afternoons I usually help my mother about the house. My mother usually cooks and I clean our flat. I dust, vacuum the carpets, water the plants and wash the clothes.
Saturday evenings I like to spend in a company of my best friend Helen. We can go for a walk in the park or stay at home. We like playing table games such as Monopoly or scrabble. Also we like watching films. Sometimes we can organize a pajama-party with some other friends.
On Sunday I usually sleep till midday. I can play computer games, surf the Internet or look through the fresh press. Then I get ready for the coming Monday. I do my home tasks, pack my bag, and iron my clothes. The rest of the day I spend with my family. It has become our tradition to have family dinner on Sundays.
So, I have enough emotions after the weekend to spend the working week energetically.

List of words Totopic on the topic "My weekend" in English :

adult- adult
exception- exception
to look forward- look forward
go bowling- go bowling
bowling shoes– bowling shoes
score points– score points
striking– knock out all the pins with one blow
dust- wipe off dust
vacuum the carpets– vacuum carpets
scrabble– Scrabble, a board word game
pajama-party- pajama party
surf the Internet- “climb” the Internet
look through- view
iron- iron

Grammar that will be useful for the topic “My weekend” in English: Present Simple. You can read the necessary topics on English grammar at this link.

These questions will be useful to you if you want to create a topic (topic) in English on the topic“My weekend”:

1. Are you glad when weekends come?
2. When do you usually start your weekends?
3. What do you usually do on Friday evening?
4. What do you usually do on Saturday?
5. What do you usually do on Sunday?

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