How to make a refund, correct a check, or cancel an erroneous check? Is it possible to delete a correction check? How to erase a check.

Many of us have encountered such a problem as turning on the engine icon (Check engine...), the appearance of which frightens car drivers. We offer you the 5 most common reasons why the check engine light comes on on the dashboard.

The engine warning light usually appears without warning. The reason for the appearance of the Check engine cannot be immediately understood. Even if the car has auto diagnostics (for example, in cars such as ,), which scans all car systems for errors and, if any, displays a decryption on the information panel, the reasons for the appearance of the check engine light will not be decrypted.

For most drivers, the appearance of this warning icon on the dashboard means the need to urgently go to an auto repair shop to diagnose and eliminate the reason why the "Check Engine" warning sign appeared. But in fact, in most cases, when the “Check” indication appears, it is possible, and in some cases, perhaps, to eliminate the cause yourself without a trip to a car service center, which will save you money.

1. Replace the oxygen sensor (lambda probe)

The oxygen sensor in your car is part of the exhaust system that monitors how much oxygen is not burned in the engine's combustion chamber. This sensor helps control the vehicle's fuel consumption. A malfunctioning oxygen sensor (lambda probe) means that the car computer is receiving incorrect data, which can significantly increase fuel consumption and reduce engine power. Most cars have 2 to 4 oxygen sensors. If you have a home car error scanner, then by connecting it to the car, you can easily find out which sensor needs to be replaced.

For what reason does the oxygen sensor in a car become unusable? Over time, the sensor becomes covered with a layer of used engine oil (oil soot), which reduces the accuracy of reading sensor readings for regulating the gasoline mixture and distributing the optimal fuel. A malfunction of the oxygen sensor in a car leads not only to, but also to an increased content of harmful CO2 substances in the exhaust.

What to do: If you do not replace a faulty car oxygen sensor, this can lead to your car's catalyst failing (it may burst), which will result in expensive repairs. The cost of new catalysts is very high due to the precious alloys they contain. On some cars, there are several catalysts, the cost of which can reach up to 90,000 rubles. So don't delay replacing the sensor. Although replacing the sensor and its cost is not very small, it is not commensurate with the cost of the exhaust gas catalyst system. You can also save on replacement costs by doing it yourself. Many car manuals have detailed instructions on how to replace the oxygen sensor yourself. If you know where the oxygen sensor is located, then it will not be difficult for you to disconnect the faulty lambda probe and replace it with a new one. Remember that you cannot delay replacing this important element!

2. Check the fuel filler cap

Many drivers, in most cases, when the “check engine” indication appears, will think about serious problems in the car’s engine, but will not even think to check the tightness of the fuel system, which may be compromised due to a defect or an insufficiently tightened fuel tank cap. This is a very common reason for the appearance of the "Check" engine icon.

Reason for the error: Leakage of the fuel system due to the passage of air through the fuel tank filler cap will increase the vehicle's fuel consumption, to which the vehicle's diagnostic system will generate an engine error by turning on the "Check engine" indication on the vehicle's instrument panel.

What to do: If, when the “Check” indication appears, your car has not lost power, and there are no audible signs of engine damage (engine knocking, humming, creaking, etc.), then first check the gas tank for leaks. Your gas cap may be cracked or not tightened enough. If the cap was not tightened enough, then after tightening it all the way, continue driving the car for a while to see if the engine error disappears. To prevent a check engine light from appearing for this reason, check your fuel filler cap regularly. Remember that the cover must be replaced with a new one periodically!

3. Car exhaust catalyst

An automobile catalyst helps a car make engine exhaust gases more environmentally friendly. It converts carbon monoxide and other harmful substances into harmless compounds. If your exhaust catalyst has become unusable, you will notice it not only when the engine icon (check) appears, but also long before that, when the car’s power drops by half. For example, when you press the gas pedal, the car will not have good acceleration dynamics as before.

What can cause a car catalyst to fail: If you regularly service your car in accordance with the car company's maintenance regulations, then the catalyst should not fail. The main reason for catalyst failure is untimely replacement of a faulty oxygen sensor, as well as non-regular replacement of spark plugs when their expiration date expires. When the oxygen sensor or spark plugs are faulty, the conversion of carbon monoxide in the catalyst into harmless chemical elements stops, which leads to overheating of the catalyst, which can therefore fail.

What to do: If your catalyst has become unusable, then you cannot drive a car, since the engine will not work correctly, warning about this by an indication on the dashboard with an engine icon (check). Also, your fuel consumption will be greatly increased, and there will be no engine thrust. Although replacing a catalyst is a very expensive repair, there is no escape from repairs. Although there is an alternative to replacing the catalyst with a flame arrester, this is not a 100 percent option. Unfortunately, if you are not an experienced auto mechanic, you will not be able to replace a faulty exhaust gas catalyst yourself. In any case, you will have to contact a car repair shop. Remember that timely replacement of oxygen sensors and spark plugs protects your catalyst from damage!

4. Replace the mass air flow sensor

The mass air flow sensor regulates how much air needs to be added to the gasoline mixture for optimal ignition of the fuel. The sensor constantly reports data to the car's computer about the amount of oxygen supplied. A faulty mass air flow sensor increases fuel consumption, increases CO2 levels in the exhaust gas, and reduces engine power and smoothness. Also, if the sensor is faulty, poor acceleration dynamics are observed. In cold weather, a car with a faulty sensor has difficulty starting.

What are the reasons for the failure of the mass air flow sensor: Most sensor failures occur due to improper installation of the air filter during its scheduled replacement. Also, if you do not regularly change the air filter, as required by the vehicle maintenance regulations recommended by the manufacturer, the mass air flow sensor may fail.

What to do: Theoretically, you can drive for a long time with a broken mass air flow sensor (several weeks or months). But you will notice that the longer you drive, the more your fuel consumption increases. Replacing the sensor in a car service is not that expensive, since the work itself does not take much time and is quite simple. The main costs are related to the cost of the sensor, which for some car models can be 11,000-14,000 rubles if it is an original sensor or up to 6,000 rubles if it is an analogue substitute. Replacing the sensor yourself is very simple. But due to the low cost of replacing the sensor, you can entrust this work to a mechanic at a car service center. Remember that you need to regularly change the air filter, observing the vehicle maintenance regulations!

5. Replacement of spark plugs and high-voltage wires

Spark plugs in a car are the main components for igniting the fuel mixture. If the spark plugs are faulty, the spark will not be supplied correctly to ignite the gasoline mixture. Faulty spark plugs often result in a lack of spark or an incorrect spark interval, which results in the engine not running properly. If the spark plugs do not work properly during acceleration, especially from a standstill, you may feel slight jolts.

What are the reasons for spark plug failure: Most spark plugs in vehicles built before 1996 need to be replaced every 25,000-30,000 kilometers. In newer cars, spark plugs last more than 150,000 km. However, these scheduled spark plug replacement intervals may be reduced by various factors related to fuel quality and driving style.

What to do: If your spark plugs have not been changed for a long time, or you feel failures in the engine operation associated with ignition, then you must immediately replace them with new ones without delay. Do not try to save money by untimely replacement of spark plugs, since the cost of spark plugs is not very expensive, as well as the work of replacing them. By replacing old spark plugs, you will improve engine performance and reduce your vehicle's fuel consumption. Changing spark plugs yourself is quite easy. Basically, they are easily accessible under the hood of the car. You need a regular spark plug wrench to remove the spark plugs from the engine. It is also advisable to monitor the condition of high-voltage wires, since over time they can become unusable and allow electricity to pass through, which is transferred to the spark plugs, which will reduce the strength of the spark. Remember that regularly replacing spark plugs, in accordance with your car’s maintenance schedule, protects your exhaust catalyst from breakdowns and also improves engine performance!

The online cash register has already transmitted information about the completed transaction to the tax authorities, and the data has been recorded on the fiscal drive. Therefore, the cashier needs to cancel the operation with a new check; it will essentially be returnable. It is necessary to indicate the calculation attribute “receipt return”. This fiscal document must contain the same data as the primary one, including the incorrect form of “electronic” payment, as well as its fiscal attribute. This allows you to undo an invalid operation. After which the cashier will be able to issue a new correct check with the “receipt” calculation sign. In this case, the buyer must receive both documents: return and corrected. However, there is no need to ask for an old, erroneous check back. In an interview with the General Ledger, a Federal Tax Service specialist explained that the correction check can only contain calculation signs of “receipt” and “expense”. Content:

  • Correction check.

Correction check. how to avoid a fine


How is this formalized in terms of documentation, etc. We will try to answer these and many other questions related to errors made using new cash registers. For ease of understanding the topic, all subsections are written in table form in question-and-answer form.

Read also the article: → “The procedure for individual entrepreneurs to switch to online cash registers.” Erroneously punched checks and errors Table “When a receipt return check is issued”: Question Answer What are the names of return transactions issued on the same day, what version of the check is used? Such transactions are called return transactions and are issued using a return check. When can a refund be made to the buyer? The return of cash to the buyer is carried out until the end of the cashier’s shift, that is, until the so-called summary Z-report is completed.

Is it possible to delete a correction check?


It is important to remember that such a check will not exempt you from the fine under Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amount in the “original” check is more than needed. Now let’s assume that the cashier entered an amount greater than what was actually received, and realized this after the customer left. As a result, the actual revenue turned out to be less than that reflected in the fiscal data. As a result, the balance in the cash drawer turned out to be less than the balance recorded in the accounts, that is, a shortage appeared.

What to do if the cash register is broken or cashier errors are detected. That is, we are talking about situations when calculations made earlier are adjusted, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 4.3 of the law on cash registers. For example, a situation where the cashier forgot to punch a check and the sale remained unaccounted for, or when a check was issued for the wrong amount.
Then you should generate another regular check with the “receipt” calculation sign for the correct amount. Accordingly, the “original” check with an error should be taken away from the buyer, and in return a new check with the correct amount should be issued. Thus, the fiscal data operator, and then the tax authorities, will receive correct data on revenue, and correction checks will not be needed.


Is it possible to break through a correction check for the last shift? There is a lot of controversy surrounding the question of whether it is possible to break through a correction check for the last shift. Simply put, is it possible today to adjust the revenue received yesterday, the day before yesterday or even earlier. The reason for the discussion is paragraph 4 of Article 4.3 of the Law on CCP.

It says that the correction check is issued after the generation of the report on the opening of the shift, but not later than the generation of the report on the closure of the shift. From a literal reading of this norm, the conclusion suggests itself that it is impossible to create a correction check for the last shift.

How to cancel a check at an online cash register?

We have collected recommendations from tax authorities and legislative norms on this matter in this material. What error can there be in a fiscal receipt? There are not many mistakes that a cashier can make when making a purchase. These include, in particular:

  • incorrect indication of the payment form in the check: “cash” instead of “electronic” or vice versa;
  • incorrect price of goods;
  • incorrect quantity of goods.

Tax authorities believe that it is necessary to correct such errors immediately after they are discovered.

Sometimes this is what a correction check is for. 54 of the Federal Law provides for this possibility, but does not provide a clear algorithm for action in this regard. After all, in addition to a correction check, there is also a cash receipt for a refund. Moreover, the correction check itself can be punched, for example, on July 10, 2017 or another day.

Instructions for correcting an erroneously punched receipt at an online cash register

Table “How does the process of processing a return at an online cash register work?”: Question Answer What determines the processing of a cashier’s return? Direct dependence on updated CCP models. That is, there is a special button that allows you to programmatically perform a refund either as a “cashier” or as an “administrator” (by entering a certain password). How else can you issue a refund without using checks? It is possible to issue an act in form KM-3 for the return of funds.

Such BSO (strict reporting forms) when using previous cash registers (before January 1, 2017) were a mandatory document; now this is not a mandatory procedure for returns. An important point: however, it is better to do this act, it is important to fully justify the reason for the return. What other operations are necessary for a complete and correct return? - KM-3, - explanatory note, - complete package of documents for the Z-report.

Answers to questions about online cash registers in 2017: when is a correction check needed?

What is the responsibility (amount of fines) for violating the use of online cash registers? The change in the law on cash register technology has led to the fact that previously existing fines for not using cash registers when selling goods and services have been supplemented with a new list. Read also the article: → “All about the transition to online cash registers in 2017.” Table “Amount of administrative liability for non-use of online cash registers”: Type of violation Amount of fine or type of punishment in accordance with 54-FZ Official (or official) Organization or individual entrepreneur 1) Cashless transactions after 07/01/2017 The fine should be from 25% to 50% from cashless sales (but not less than 10 thousand).

rubles) 10,000, where X is the amount of the cashless transaction. The fine should range from 75% to 100% of the cashless sale (but not less than 30 thousand.

What to do if the cash register is broken or cashier errors are detected

For more information about canceling entries at an online cash register using a correction check, read the article “When is a correction check used at online cash registers?” In addition, online cash registers have a payment feature called “receipt return.” With its help, you can adjust calculations at the online cash register in the presence of the client.
If you find that you have issued an incorrect check to a buyer who deposited money at the cash register, then you need to issue a new check for the same amount as in the erroneous check, but with the calculation sign “return of receipt”. On such a check the fiscal sign of the primary check with an error will be indicated. That is, you are, as it were, canceling a bad check. Then a new check is punched out for the correct amount and issued to the buyer. Results Cancellation of an online cash register receipt is possible only until it is punched and entered into the fiscal memory of the cash register. After this, the online cash register receipt can only be corrected using a correction check.
Cashier: - funds are returned to the card, in accordance with Central Bank Directives No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013 - KM-3, - explanatory note, - complete package of documents for the Z-report. Next, all documents are sent to the accounting department of this organization or individual entrepreneur. Using a correction check The rules for using cash registers with a fiscal drive require, among all the information regarding errors and the execution of return checks, the execution of correction checks.

We will analyze the possible causes of the problem and suggest ways to resolve it. Note that the appearance of the icon immediately after turning the key and starting the engine does not necessarily indicate a problem: if after a few seconds the Check engine goes out, this means that the system is conducting self-diagnosis.

The check engine icon appears: reasons

  • Tank cap. The notification often appears when the seal is broken: if you have not closed the fuel tank cap tightly, you will probably see a corresponding icon.
  • Fuel quality. You have to deal with low-quality fuel everywhere, and it is not always possible to fill the tank with really high-quality gasoline. If the icon appears immediately after refueling the car, to resolve the problem you will have to drain the old fuel and fill in new fuel.
  • It is recommended to refuel only at reliable services.
  • Oil. Often the Check engine error indicates problems with the oil. The simplest situation: the lubricant has simply run out, which can be checked using a level. Sometimes the deficiency is caused by problems that appear as a result of a violation of the tightness of the structure (see if there are any cracks). The “symptom” is the appearance of extraneous noise.
  • Gasoline pump. If the pump is excessively noisy, it can be assumed that the root cause of the failure is its failure or incorrect position.
  • Injectors. The injectors must be cleaned periodically; otherwise, they cease to cope with their tasks. The “symptoms” here are known to almost every experienced motorist: weak engine thrust, increased fuel consumption, “floating” speed, strange jerks when accelerating sharply.
  • Electrical and electronics. Sometimes high-voltage wires or coils become unusable, which can cause the icon to appear. Sometimes the ECU “glitches” or an excessive number of errors accumulate in the control unit’s memory. Try resetting the negative terminal from the battery so that the lamp goes out and the clock resets to zero.
  • Spark plug. Check engine can often be seen when the spark plugs are faulty, the condition of which must be checked; If problems are found, damaged elements must be replaced. To analyze, you need to unscrew the elements and assess their condition by eye. The fact is that it is the spark plugs that can begin to pass current, which is due to the presence of deposits on the electrodes. The resulting plaque contains metals. Another option is that the distance between the electrodes is too large (more than 1.3 millimeters).
  • Cleanliness sensors. Many modern cars are equipped with special cleanliness sensors that assess the condition of engine oil, gasoline and other substances involved in the operation of the car. If the indicators exceed the permissible norm, the check engine icon invariably lights up, and to resolve the situation, you need to replace the filters or the fluids themselves. This item partially overlaps with the “fuel quality” item.
  • Oxygen sensor. The lambda probe (the strict name for the oxygen sensor) monitors the amount of oxygen remaining in the combustion chamber. If the sensor is faulty, gasoline consumption may increase significantly and engine power may decrease. The vast majority of cars have several such sensors - from two to four.
  • Mass air flow sensor. It often breaks due to the incorrect position of the air filter or the obsolescence of the latter. The consequence of the problem is an increase in fuel consumption.
  • Catalyst. It often fails due to irregular maintenance. The problem can arise from a malfunction of the lambda probe (the oxygen sensor described above), and due to problems with the spark plugs - all this leads to overheating of an element not designed for such loads.
  • Self-analysis: continuation of the study

    Another method of analysis is to find a correspondence between the issued designation and a specific technical problem. However, it is impossible to provide universal instructions here: the correspondence of the flashing frequency to a specific type of problem varies depending on the specific vehicle. Accordingly, you will always have to check the official technical documentation (sometimes it can be found on the Internet).
    You can also use conventional equipment: you can connect a laptop to a modern car after installing special software on it. You can synchronize devices using a cable that connects to the machine's ECU. Often, specialists even use computers to program the machine: they enter commands, thereby correcting the error, but this can only be done with a certain competence.
    Another option is to use a smartphone on which you can download an ECU communication and analytics application. To synchronize the car and phone, you need to connect a special Bluetooth adapter to the electronic unit, which allows you to read the device information. Do not forget that each vehicle has its own error codes, and they can only be interpreted by using all kinds of technical reference books.
    If the problem has still not been identified, it is recommended to measure the pressure level in the fuel system. This can be done using a pressure gauge. The normal level is usually three atmospheres, but this figure may vary from one machine to another. A low level usually indicates a breakdown of the fuel pump or dirty injectors. In the first case, the pressure is constantly low, in the second, it drops when the engine starts.
    In conclusion, it is recommended to analyze the condition of high-voltage wires. You can hardly do anything here “by eye”: you will have to use a tester that switches to ohmmeter mode. The minimum value is 0.5 Mohm. If you see that this parameter is lower, you will have to replace the wire.

    The check engine light is on: is it safe to drive?

    If you independently analyzed the condition of the machine using the above information, but did not find a problem, the only option to resolve the problem is to contact a specialist. However, this raises the question of whether it is possible to go to the service by car without any risks. We will give certain tips, but let’s make a reservation right away: they are not universal, since each car has its own characteristics. We present only the most general and widespread principles:

    • No changes are felt. If you do not feel any changes in the operation of the machine, but Check Engine stays on, the car can be used; If the icon blinks, you can't.
    • The car suddenly changed its behavior. If you feel obvious changes: problems with speed, vibration, a strange smell, etc., then you should not use the machine.
    • Other indicators. If you see other indicators appear: coolant light, overheating, oil can light, catalyst icon, then it’s clearly not worth continuing to drive.
    • Emergency mode. If the engine has become “weaker” and the speed does not rise above a certain value, then if the icon is constantly lit, you can drive, but if it blinks, you cannot drive.

    Precautionary measures

    If you decide to go to a car service station, you must take precautions. There are not so many of them:

    • The maximum speed is 60 kilometers per hour.
    • Maximum revolutions - 2500 per minute.
    • Turn off the air conditioning, multimedia system and all equipment that may in any way load the engine.
    • Drive smoothly: without harshness when starting or braking.

    How to manually reset a check engine error

    If you managed to figure out the situation yourself and fixed the problem, but the error does not go away, you will have to turn it off manually. In order to remove the icon, you need to perform a simple reset: warm up the power unit to operating temperature, remove the plus terminal from the battery for 15 minutes, and then return it back. Next, you need to start the car by turning the key to the last position before starting the internal combustion engine from the starter and leave it in this position for about a minute. This algorithm of actions is the simplest answer to the question of how to remove the check engine error manually.
    We hope you found this article helpful and wish you good luck!

The most undesirable and, for many, frightening light on the dashboard of a Ford Focus 2, and almost all modern cars, is the Check Engine. Check the engine. Not only is there no specificity in this signal, most drivers panic and almost use a tow truck to get to a diagnostic service station. How to resolve the Check Engine error and what it could mean is of interest to many.

Check engine, what is it?

If the Check Engine icon lights up on the panel, there is no need to panic.

Yes, the error can be caused death convulsion engine, but this would have to preceded by a whole chain of faults, signals about failures and errors. There is no smoke without fire, so any a malfunction in the operation or settings of the engine systems may be accompanied by a lit Check Engine icon.

There is no need to panic, but there is no need to brush the problem aside either. Initially, on older cars, an orange pictogram depicting a motor indicated a malfunction in the power system, usually problems with the carburetor. But as the design of engines becomes more complex and the number of control electronics increases, the reason that caused the error may be anything- from a broken high-voltage wire to ground, to poor quality gasoline.

Determining the cause of the Check Engine error

The second generation Ford Focus is packed with sensors and electronics, and the cause of the error may be the failure of one of the sensors or a change in its operating conditions.

It is almost impossible to solve the problem using scientific poking. If we're lucky, without an accurate diagnosis we can guess that it's time change spark plugs, replace them and the lamp will go out. But it can also burn because insufficient level of antifreeze in the tank, a loose fuel tank cap or a lack of contact on one of the million sensors in the cabin, engine or body. Guessing the problem circuit is huge luck.


To accurately determine the reasons for the Check Engine message, you will have to use a special diagnostic computer that connects to CAN bus car and reads all information from the electronic control unit about errors.

After scanning the system, the computer will display a list of errors (and there will definitely be some), using this list a specially trained diagnostician determines the most likely one the reason for the appearance of Check Engine.

Fault codes are indicated by a letter and a set of numbers, for example, P1139 Water in Fuel Indicator Circuit, which means water has entered the power system. Or P202A Reductant Tank Heater Control Circuit/Open- depressurization or lack of contacts on the cooling system sensors. The Check Engine will only go off when the actual problem has been corrected.

What causes Check Engine most often?

However, diagnostic centers are rarely found in the field or on long journeys. And the activation of the Check Engine indicator often has more banal causes:

  1. Operating fluid levels. As a rule, the pictogram lights up due to low oil level. To make sure of this, just open the hood and check it and, if necessary, top up. The lamp will go off, but not immediately, but after 8-12 minutes. This behavior of the lamp can be observed in the absence of problems in engine operation and normal fuel consumption.
  2. The most common cause of Jackie Chan fires is low engine oil levels.
  3. Next come the spark plugs and explosive wires.
  4. Over high mileage, the fuel filter in the fuel pump becomes clogged.
  5. Clogged injectors need cleaning.
  6. Inside of the catalyst. We are preparing for replacement.

If the ignition coil breaks down, fuel consumption increases - it needs to be replaced.

How to reset errors and get rid of Check Engine

The most correct and reliable way to remove the check engine icon from the panel is to eliminate the malfunction, but to do this you need to go through a full diagnostic on a computer and study the error codes. Resetting the negative terminal the battery will only temporarily turn off the light, and a malfunction can lead to more expensive repairs. Therefore, if it was not possible to eliminate the error in the garage, it is better to use the services of at least a diagnostic center, where they will most likely indicate problems with the engine. Good luck to everyone on the road and let the Check Engine light on the dashboard light up as little as possible!

Watch an interesting video on this topic:

It should be noted: in addition to the specified recommendation of the Federal Tax Service, there are a number of other generally accepted (established in the practice of interaction between the Tax Service and trading enterprises) principles that the taxpayer should follow in the event of technical problems with the cash register. Thus, if a cash register breaks down, when the cash register cannot, in principle, be used to punch checks, it is recommended to immediately stop trading. And if it continues, then the seller’s actions in this case will be considered an intentional refusal to use cash register equipment in accordance with the law, which can lead to unpleasant penalties. The exception is situations where the cessation of trade is essentially extremely undesirable for objective reasons. Alternatively, due to the fact that it can lead to certain negative socio-economic consequences.

Correction check. how to avoid a fine

At the same time, even if the tax authorities are not interested in such documents during the next tax audit, the store is nevertheless recommended, on its own initiative, to inform the Federal Tax Service about their availability. And if the tax authorities, in principle, did not pay attention to the fact that the store generated a correction check, it is recommended to notify the Federal Tax Service about this as well.

It’s even better to inform the Federal Tax Service about the fact of accepting funds without using a cash register even before the correction check is punched at the online cash register (especially if it turns out that it is not possible to quickly generate such a check). Summary So, in the operation of a store equipped with an online cash register, two common scenarios can be observed:
  1. When the cash register breaks down and there is no way to reflect the revenue on it.

In this case, the store should generally focus on the trade cessation scenario.

How to cancel a check at an online cash register?

In the absence of these documents and the return operation was carried out (an incorrectly filed declaration), the client replenished the state budget when checking the Federal Tax Service (IP 300 rubles, now 10,000 rubles for an LLC from 30,000 rubles) All these problems are like a cobweb for replenishing the budget and the best way to get around this (not use these functions of the cash register) It's great that we are all here today. They find this message useful: Master X Master X What is the correction? In an open shift, you can return the check to the ahuliard! OFD eats this exactly at MGM. From all of this: We pin the check to a blank sheet - the seller writes why and how... (the buyer was scared or in a dispute of zeros or the number he stumbled upon) - signature on the check and scanned, in color = send to mail from the Federal Tax Service - this is their (h) job - they receive their salary from our taxes!!! -Punish? For what? They find this message useful: promah SergeyD Ifns do not need any checks, just like the Federal Tax Service.

Instructions for correcting an erroneously punched receipt at an online cash register


X - the size of the cashless transaction 2) Repeated non-use of the cash register within one year, including if the amount of cashless payments amounted to 1 million rubles. (after 07/01/2017) Disqualification from one year to two years Suspension of activities for up to three months (90 days) 3) Cash register does not comply with new requirements, registration rules were violated after 07/01/2017 Fine in the amount of 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles . Fine: - for individual entrepreneurs - 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles. - for a legal entity - 5 - 10 thousand.

rub. 4) Violation of the deadline for submitting documents and data at the request of the tax office (Federal Tax Service) Similar to point 3 5) Failure to issue a check or other BSO (strict reporting form) in printed form / failure to send data electronically at the request of the buyer Warning and a fine of 2 thousand rubles . Warning and fine: - for individual entrepreneurs - 2 thousand rubles; - for a legal entity - 10 thousand.


Correction check (page 1)

Table “Creating a correction check for the previous shift”: Question Answer Situation: the cashier issued a check for an amount greater/less than what he actually received, and this happened in the previous shift. What should I do? This question concerns post-shift adjustments.
According to the provisions of paragraph 4 of Article 4.3 of the Law on Cash Register, the correction check must be entered after the shift opening report, but before the shift closing report is generated. Thus, adjustment of revenue, according to a literal reading of the law, cannot be carried out after the cash register shift is closed.
Supporters of this interpretation of the law say that a correction check can only be created for the current shift.

What to do if the cash register is broken or cashier errors are detected

Then you should generate another regular check with the “receipt” calculation sign for the correct amount. Accordingly, the “original” check with an error should be taken away from the buyer, and in return a new check with the correct amount should be issued.

Thus, the fiscal data operator, and then the tax authorities, will receive correct data on revenue, and correction checks will not be needed. Is it possible to break through a correction check for the last shift? There is a lot of controversy surrounding the question of whether it is possible to break through a correction check for the last shift.

Simply put, is it possible today to adjust the revenue received yesterday, the day before yesterday or even earlier. The reason for the discussion is paragraph 4 of Article 4.3 of the Law on CCP.
It says that the correction check is issued after the generation of the report on the opening of the shift, but not later than the generation of the report on the closure of the shift. From a literal reading of this norm, the conclusion suggests itself that it is impossible to create a correction check for the last shift.


Author Topic: What is a “correction check” (Read 8844 times) 0 Users and 2 Guests viewing this topic. Legal In private comments, officials from the Federal Tax Service, developers of cash register equipment and other interested parties agree that correction checks should be punched if the cashier made a mistake in the amount of the “original” check, or did not issue it at all.

Then the amount of actual revenue will differ from the indicator, which, using the online cash register, will go to the OFD, and then to the tax office. To avoid discrepancies, the cashier must punch out the correction check and thereby “adjust” the fiscal data to the actual revenue.

This is, in fact, what the correction check is intended for. Errors in the amount of the “original” check can be of two types.

The first is when the cashier indicated a value less than necessary. The second is when the cashier indicated a value greater than necessary.

Is it possible to delete a correction check?

What is the responsibility (amount of fines) for violating the use of online cash registers? The change in the law on cash register technology has led to the fact that previously existing fines for not using cash registers when selling goods and services have been supplemented with a new list. Read also the article: → “All about the transition to online cash registers in 2017.”
Table “Amount of administrative liability for non-use of online cash registers”: Type of violation Amount of fine or type of punishment in accordance with 54-FZ Official (or official) Organization or individual entrepreneur 1) Cashless transactions after 07/01/2017 The fine should be from 25% to 50% from a cashless sale (but not less than 10 thousand rubles) 10,000, where X is the amount of a cashless transaction The fine should range from 75% to 100% of a cashless sale (but not less than 30 thousand.
Cashier: - funds are returned to the card, in accordance with Central Bank Directives No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013 - KM-3, - explanatory note, - complete package of documents for the Z-report. Next, all documents are sent to the accounting department of this organization or individual entrepreneur.

Using a correction check The rules for using cash registers with a fiscal drive require, among all the information regarding errors and the execution of return checks, the execution of correction checks. Read also the article: → “Use of fiscal data operators in the operation of online cash registers.”

Table “Using check-correction”: Question Answer In what cases is check-correction used? Check correction is used in situations where: - the cashier made a mistake and violation (and wants to correct it), - in case of technical malfunctions of new online cash registers, due to which the equipment malfunctioned.

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