How to pass the game stalker dead city. Unknown locations of the game "Stalker"

The game Stalker Call of Pripyat did not go unnoticed by gamers and many have long marked this game as their favorite, and this is not because it was developed by domestic manufacturers, but precisely because there is everything here to make the gameplay as comfortable and interesting as possible . These are the Stalkers, who greet you warmly after a grueling hike in the camp, and a generous reward for your help, and of course the main mystery of the game: why did the helicopters crash?

Call of Pripyat mod Dead City

A lot of good mods have been developed for all parts of the Stalker, each of them deserves attention in its own way. One of the most famous mods on Call of Pripyat - Dead City mod in a special account for the players. And this is well deserved, since the mod presents a lot of new and interesting things that were not in the original ZP.

What is the difference between the Dead City?

So, what's new we see in the Dead City? Firstly, the starting equipment has already been changed and we will see many additional items in the inventory. Has undergone changes in graphics with the plot. The monsters have acquired a fresher color, and the sounds from the shots have become more realistic. The process of the game itself does not cause so many crashes and bugs, which only serves the player's benefit. New factions have been added, and most notably, new weather conditions. Everyone remembers that there were few of them in the ZP: a thunderstorm with rain, sunshine or overcast, but now in the Dead City, new weather has been added, like Horror Time, Detente and more. The Zone now has summer time of the year.

Dead city and its passage

Passage of the Dead City in principle, it does not differ much from the original and there will not be a radically new plot here. The mod is full of additions, but the plot remains the same. Because the Call of Pripyat Dead City, the passage will seem familiar and simple to us. Complicate our lives will be new monsters, which will be more. Our weapons will not be bored for a long time: they will have to shoot back often. But if earlier you were annoyed that the armor did not want to be removed from the corpses, now you can grab not only the weapon of the deceased, but also his uniform. The Dead City is also teeming with new anomalies, which are located in the most unexpected places. It is worth noting that there are quite a few versions of MG and each of them corrects the errors of the previous ones and adds something of their own. Do not forget about the locations that were added not only from the Call of Pripyat, but also from the Shadow of Chernobyl, that is, there are plenty of places where to wander.

What will the player do in the Dead City? In addition to the bloody fight against mutants, you won’t get away from your main task, and you will have to deal with helicopters. But since a huge number of new quests have been added to the gameplay, you can take your time with the main mission. Fortunately, the authorities do not push with the main task.
In general, we arm ourselves to the teeth and go to explore the abandoned places of the Zone, in which, in addition to monsters, you can stumble upon new caches.

Folk Solyanka is a modification where you need to keep a lot of details in your head, information for various quests. This article contains tips for quests that are included in the "Last Day and the Dead City" quest line (Guide based: RayTwitty. Added: Admin (Spaa-team)) 1. At the entrance we are met by the "Last Day" squad led by Spiteful. We speak with him, learn about the locals and orders.
2. Moving a little away from the place of appearance, we receive an SMS from a certain Perfumer. We find it by the label in the PDA and speak. We get a tip on Sanya Tyumensky.
3. By the mark on the map we find the farm and Sanya. He offers to raid the base of bandits and collect ammunition. We go and meet Sani's people, after which we clean up the bandits with them near the pumping station. In the PDA you can find a list of what needs to be collected.
4. There are more than enough things at the base of the bandits, look carefully. We collect the necessary things and drag to Sanya. After that, move away from the camp of stalkers, you will receive an SMS from the Perfumer, about the "good" controller who needs to be protected.
5. We go to the Black Farm, we clean up the enemies and find them not far from the farm, near the tent of the controller named Norman.
6. We talk with him, find out how you can get out of the city, get a map with a cache and other marks.
7. We contact the bandit Fainting, he appoints a meeting place - at the foot of the Black Farm, at ZIL. We come to the truck, wait until the bandit comes up and talk. He agrees to help and gives a chip that will allow him to penetrate the outer perimeter of the defense.
8. We go to the house shown on the map from Norman. In the attic we find a crossbow, we become a sniper gun. We watch how the stalkers are shot, after which a person in a green scientific suit appears from the side of the monument. Let's liquidate it.
9. After that, we run from the house, go beyond the outer perimeter, there is a series of SMS messages, from which we learn that a detachment was sent after the "fugitive" and a temporary teleport-transition was opened in the direction of the ATP. We find the transition on the map and run as fast as we can there, because we have only two minutes before the passage closes.
10. We reach the transition and get to the ATP. As expected, we are not welcomed in the best way. After cleaning up the enemies, we receive an SMS from Norman, with the coordinates of the cache at Agroprom.
11. We go to Agroprom. With the help of the Positioner, we find a cache, and in it is a device, thanks to which we get as many as four transitions.
12. On the advice of Norman, stock up on the necessary ammunition, go to the Dead City. There we find the Perfumer and find out that the Swamp Doctor was captured by the bandits. After the SMS communication between the Perfumer and Duda, we speak with the Perfumer again.
13. We are heading to the school building, we go in from the side of the sports ground. There is a sentry near the entrance, we talk to him and he lets us through.
14. On the second floor we find Duda and talk to him. Then we have two options: 1) give the money and talk calmly with the Doctor; 2) refuse to give a bribe, quickly find the Doctor and give him the Maskhalat and the Anomalous M-16. Everything must be done quickly, because in half a minute, the "Last Day" will become enemies.
15. After the release of the Doctor, we leave the school, destroy all enemies. A series of SMS messages arrive, from which we learn that the protection of the internal perimeter is disabled.
16. We go to the square, to the building "Glory to Labor". There we find a room, and in it Lightning. We talk to her via SMS, after which Lightning disappears. An SMS comes from the Perfumer.
17. We are heading to the headquarters, to the building "Glory to the CPSU". Behind the statue of Lenin we find a note from Iskra. We speak with the Perfumer.
18. With the help of the Positioner we find the entrance to the line of the Dead City. Walking through the tunnel, we receive an SMS and go to Zaton...

February 8, 2015

None of the domestic computer games provides gamers with as much creative freedom in terms of changing the project itself as "Stalker". It is unlikely that you will see so many modifications to any other game, and this is what makes this stealth shooter stand out. There are already several dozen modifications to it, each of which can add both new weapons and entire locations with hundreds of different quests, new heroes and storylines. "Dead City" is one of the most famous modifications to date, which includes absolutely everything a gamer can dream of - new locations, new characters, a huge number of unique tasks, reworked textures and much more. The result is an independent project, only based on the base of the original game. "Stalker: Dead City" is a creation that deserves special attention. And after researching a huge number of new powerful guns, you should definitely take up quests, which will be discussed later.

FN-2000 and Gauss laser

The first task that you will receive if you play "Stalker: Dead City", but which was not in the original version of the game, is to find the FN-2000 device, which will greatly help the stalkers. In addition, Beard, who gives you this task, at the same time asks you to bring him a gauss laser. The most important thing you will need here is a sniper rifle. It all starts in a zone called Radar - there you will have to face two not very strong opponents who can be easily defeated. Then you have to pass through the psi-zone, the result of which will be a fight with a powerful zombie. After the victory, go to the warehouse - along the way you will come across an ambush of mercenaries, whom you will need to shoot with a sniper - other types of weapons will be more difficult and more costly. From their bodies, you can just pick up a gauss laser for the Beard. Enter the military warehouse, look for lone guards and shoot them. In the end, you will be able to remove the FN-2000 from the body of one of them, with which you should return back. This is how the first quest in the game "Stalker: Dead City" will end. But there are many more interesting and exciting tasks ahead of you.

Platinum Flash

Quite interesting is the quest in the game "Stalker: Dead City", the purpose of which is the Platinum Flash. Sultan will ask you to get this art, so go to the Radar again - there is a zone with a large number of Electrodeaths on a miniature forest location. The battle will be dangerous, but the reward for it will be a serious consolation for you. And here you have a question - the art is really cool, is it worth giving it to the Sultan? If you complete the quest and give the Flash to the indicated character, you will receive a Famas prototype in return. Novice players may think that this is a good exchange, but in fact, art is generated only when taking the quest, and you will not find it in the game anymore, but the prototype can be found at any time on the map, so decide for yourself. If you keep the art for yourself, then you will have an unfinished task, and if you give it away, you will lose a rare item, so the choice is yours. The game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat - Dead City" will constantly offer you such difficult decisions, so get ready for the fact that you will need to be responsible for the consequences of the choice.

Heart of the Controller

The next task in the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat - Dead City" you will receive at the location of Zaton near Scar - he will ask you to find the Controller's Heart. This is not very difficult to do - you need to go to the Radar and find a hermit there. He will give you a small task, which you can do in no time. Well, the reward will be exactly the same art that Scar asked you for. However, do not rush to take the loot to this character - you can first go to Pechkin and exchange the Controller's Heart for a Minigun. After that, deal with Pechkin and take the art from him. Now you are the owner of a powerful weapon, and you can finally give the art to Scar to get the long-awaited reward. But again, remember what impact your decisions have on the development of events in the game "Stalker: Dead City" - 2 or 3 wrong moves, and the ending may not be so happy.

Noah's first quest

Noah can offer you 2 tasks in the game "Stalker: Dead City" that you should definitely complete, as the reward for them will be very impressive. The first quest is much more difficult, but at the same time you will receive not only a reward, but also a powerful weapon. So, Noah will inform you that he needs a pocket computer of one of the most famous leaders of the Tesak mercenaries. You can find him at the processing station, but it's best not to approach the leader and eliminate him from a long distance. Take a powerful sniper rifle and kill Cleaver first, probably not even so that he doesn’t inflict a lot of damage on you, but to save ammo for him, since you can then take Firestorm, his rare weapons, from him. But this is all only after you eliminate the rest of the mercenaries who were next to Tesak. Only after you make sure that everyone is dead, go to collect items - from the Cleaver you first of all need to pick up a pocket computer, which you need to carry on the quest, as well as a rare gun. In the game "Stalker: Dead City", the passage can take you quite a lot of time, since finding the right battle tactics with each opponent is not so easy. Well, if you do not know exactly where your target is, you will have to wander around the zones for a long time to find it.

Noah's second quest

As mentioned earlier, Noah gives you two consecutive quests, but the second one is much less interesting. But it is worth noting that in the game "Stalker: Dead City" the passage of all tasks can give you a lot of pleasure. Only in some you will have an alternative choice, the opportunity to get some rare guns or art, and in others - only a reward for a completed task. This quest belongs to the second type - Noah informs you that it is necessary to eliminate one stalker who is hiding on a burnt farm. Go there and kill him - that's the whole quest. The game "Stalker: Dead City" does not always give you complex branching tasks with various outcomes and a large number of alternatives, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to complete not the most difficult assignments.

First quest from the military

At the Radar location, you will receive many quests in this game - there will be the elimination of zombies, and shooting from the assault of mercenaries, and a stalker-photographer. "Dead City" is a modification that adds various locations, but at the same time, many tasks are issued on the Radar. And when you first go to this location, you will meet a group of military men who will take you to the house of their commander. He needs an antidote for the Horntail. Head along the road, shooting at random opponents, until you find an old Niva, which stands not far from an abandoned tank. It will contain the necessary antidote. Return to the house where the soldiers are staying and give them your find - in return you will receive Via's detector. But it doesn't end there. "Stalker: Dead City" is a mod in which the creators have tried to make as many long chains of quests as possible that will allow you to get the most out of the process.

The second quest from the military

It turns out that the military lost their sergeant Bunin somewhere on the territory of this location - you need to go in search of him. The passage of the game "Stalker: Dead City" is a series of similar tasks - in the process of passing one, you can start three more, and so on. So if you get a few more tasks in the process of searching for Bunin - do not worry and continue to systematically move towards the goal. But it’s worth saying right away that you will have to clear the path to Bunin with something large-caliber and rapid-fire - at least the M-14. When you find Bunin, he will tell you to kill the chimera in the forest - and do this, just for such a thing you will need a good quick-firing gun.

Additional quest from Bunin and return

However, finishing with Bunin is not so easy - he needs to cope with some more tasks. In one of them, he will ask for your help - you need to defeat Burer. Naturally, this cannot be done with firearms, so you will have to prepare for a serious fight. Use a cleaver - this is the most effective melee weapon in the fight against this creature. After the victory, you will receive the Beads, as well as complete this chain of quests. First, return to Bunin to say goodbye, and then go to the soldiers to report that their sergeant is all right.

Bandits' first quest

During the game, you will have to face a group of bandits who will need your services. Go to their leader the Emperor - he will give you the first task. In accordance with the instructions given to you, go in search of a special zombie with a powerful gun. This weapon does not have a very long range, so your best bet is to use a sniper rifle. From the body of the enemy, you need to pick up a pocket computer and take it to the Emperor.

Bandits' best quest

The emperor can give you about five crosses in total, but the most interesting one is the last one. You will need to go to the Sultan (don't be afraid, if you don't want to give him the same Flash that you got at the very beginning, you don't have to do this) and take the exoskeleton from him. You do not need to wear it - take it to the Emperor, and in return you will get a nanosuit - this is one of the best types of armor in the game, the advantage of which is impenetrable glass - it does not crack even when the suit has received a large amount of damage, as is the case with other armor .

None of the domestic computer games provides gamers with as much creative freedom in terms of changing the project itself as "Stalker". It is unlikely that you will see so many modifications to any other game, and this is what makes this stealth shooter stand out. There are already several dozen modifications to it, each of which can add both new weapons and entire locations with hundreds of different quests, new heroes and storylines. "Dead City" is one of the most famous modifications to date, which includes absolutely everything a gamer can dream of - new locations, new characters, a huge number of unique tasks, reworked textures and much more. The result is an independent project, only based on the base of the original game. "Stalker: Dead City" is a creation that deserves special attention. And after researching a huge number of new powerful guns, you should definitely take up quests, which will be discussed later.

FN-2000 and Gauss laser

The first task that you will receive if you play "Stalker: Dead City", but which was not in the original version of the game, is to find the FN-2000 device, which will greatly help the stalkers. In addition, Beard, who gives you this task, at the same time asks you to bring him a gauss laser. The most important thing you will need here is a sniper rifle. It all starts in a zone called Radar - there you will have to face two not very strong opponents who can be easily defeated. Then you have to pass through the psi-zone, the result of which will be a fight with a powerful zombie. After the victory, go to the warehouse - along the way you will come across an ambush of mercenaries, whom you will need to shoot with a sniper - other types of weapons will be more difficult and more costly. From their bodies, you can just pick up a gauss laser for the Beard. Enter the military warehouse, look for lone guards and shoot them. In from the body of one of them you can remove the FN-2000, with which you should return back. This is how the first quest in the game "Stalker: Dead City" will end. But there are many more interesting and exciting tasks ahead of you.

Platinum Flash

Quite interesting is the quest in the game "Stalker: Dead City", the purpose of which is the Platinum Flash. Sultan will ask you to get this art, so go to the Radar again - there is a zone with a large number of Electrodeaths on a miniature forest location. The battle will be dangerous, but the reward for it will be a serious consolation for you. And here you have a question - the art is really cool, is it worth giving it to the Sultan? If you complete the quest and give the Flash to the indicated character, you will receive a Famas prototype in return. Novice players may think that this is a good exchange, but in fact, art is generated only when taking the quest, and you will not find it in the game anymore, but the prototype can be found at any time on the map, so decide for yourself. If you keep the art for yourself, then you will have an unfinished task, and if you give it away, you will lose a rare item, so the choice is yours. The game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat - Dead City" will constantly offer you such difficult decisions, so get ready for the fact that you will need to be responsible for the consequences of the choice.

Heart of the Controller

The next task in the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat - Dead City" you will receive at the location of Zaton near Scar - he will ask you to find the Controller's Heart. This is not very difficult to do - you need to go to the Radar and find a hermit there. He will give you a small task, which you can do in no time. Well, the reward will be exactly the same art that Scar asked you for. However, do not rush to take the loot to this character - you can first go to Pechkin and exchange the Controller's Heart for a Minigun. After that, deal with Pechkin and take the art from him. Now you are the owner of a powerful weapon, and you can finally give the art to Scar to get the long-awaited reward. But again, remember what impact your decisions have on the development of events in the game "Stalker: Dead City" - 2 or 3 wrong moves, and the ending may not be so happy.

Noah's first quest

Noah can offer you 2 tasks in the game "Stalker: Dead City" that you should definitely complete, as the reward for them will be very impressive. The first quest is much more difficult, but at the same time you will receive not only a reward, but also a powerful weapon. So, Noah will inform you that he needs a pocket computer of one of the most famous leaders of the Tesak mercenaries. You can find him at the processing station, but it's best not to approach the leader and eliminate him from a long distance. Take a powerful sniper rifle and kill Cleaver first, probably not even so that he doesn’t inflict a lot of damage on you, but to save ammo for him, since you can then take Firestorm, his rare weapons, from him. But this is all only after you eliminate the rest of the mercenaries who were next to Tesak. Only after you make sure that everyone is dead, go to collect items - from the Cleaver you first of all need to pick up a pocket computer, which you need to carry on the quest, as well as a rare gun. In the game "Stalker: Dead City", the passage can take you quite a lot of time, since finding the right battle tactics with each opponent is not so easy. Well, if you do not know exactly where your target is, you will have to wander around the zones for a long time to find it.

Noah's second quest

As mentioned earlier, Noah gives you two consecutive quests, but the second one is much less interesting. But it is worth noting that in the game "Stalker: Dead City" the passage of all tasks can give you a lot of pleasure. Only in some you will have an alternative choice, the opportunity to get some rare guns or art, and in others - only a reward for a completed task. This quest belongs to the second type - Noah informs you that it is necessary to eliminate one stalker who is hiding on a burnt farm. Go there and kill him - that's the whole quest. The game "Stalker: Dead City" does not always give you complex branching tasks with various outcomes and a large number of alternatives, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to complete not the most difficult assignments.

First quest from the military

At the Radar location, you will receive many quests in this game - there will be the elimination of zombies, and shooting from the assault of mercenaries, and a stalker-photographer. "Dead City" is a modification that adds various locations, but at the same time, many tasks are issued on the Radar. And when you first go to this location, you will meet a group of military men who will take you to the house of their commander. He needs an antidote for the Horntail. Head along the road, shooting at random opponents, until you find an old Niva, which stands not far from an abandoned tank. It will contain the necessary antidote. Return to the house where the soldiers are staying and give them your find - in return you will receive Via's detector. But it doesn't end there. "Stalker: Dead City" is a mod in which the creators have tried to make as many long chains of quests as possible that will allow you to get the most out of the process.

The second quest from the military

It turns out that the military lost their sergeant Bunin somewhere on the territory of this location - you need to go in search of him. The passage of the game "Stalker: Dead City" is a series of similar tasks - in the process of passing one, you can start three more, and so on. So if you get a few more tasks in the process of searching for Bunin - do not worry and continue to systematically move towards the goal. But it’s worth saying right away that you will have to clear the path to Bunin with something large-caliber and rapid-fire - at least the M-14. When you find Bunin, he will tell you to kill the chimera in the forest - and do this, just for such a thing you will need a good quick-firing gun.

Additional quest from Bunin and return

However, finishing with Bunin is not so easy - he needs to cope with some more tasks. In one of them, he will ask for your help - you need to defeat Burer. Naturally, this cannot be done with firearms, so you will have to prepare for a serious fight. Use a cleaver - this is the most effective melee weapon in the fight against this creature. After the victory, you will receive the Beads, as well as complete this chain of quests. First, return to Bunin to say goodbye, and then go to the soldiers to report that their sergeant is all right.

Bandits' first quest

During the game, you will have to face a group of bandits who will need your services. Go to their leader the Emperor - he will give you the first task. In accordance with the instructions given to you, go in search of a special zombie with a powerful gun. This weapon does not have a very long range, so your best bet is to use a sniper rifle. From the body of the enemy, you need to pick up a pocket computer and take it to the Emperor.

Bandits' best quest

The emperor can give you about five crosses in total, but the most interesting one is the last one. You will need to go to the Sultan (don't be afraid, if you don't want to give him the same Flash that you got at the very beginning, you don't have to do this) and take the exoskeleton from him. You do not need to wear it - take it to the Emperor, and in return you will get a nanosuit - this is one of the best types of armor in the game, the advantage of which is impenetrable glass - it does not crack even when the suit has received a large amount of damage, as is the case with other armor .

Among the most popular and exciting computer games is the famous project of Ukrainian developers "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". Despite the fact that the project was released more than 10 years ago, it still attracts attention. This success was facilitated by the atmosphere of hopelessness and inevitability, fear and despair, which pervades the entire world of the game.

The popularity of the project was also brought by the rich history of the exclusion zone, which keeps many secrets. The location in the game "Stalker: Dead City" has always attracted special attention to itself, which, unfortunately, was not implemented in the final version of the project. Desperate users bit by bit collected information about this mysterious place. Their efforts were not in vain - now everyone can visit this capital of despondency and hopelessness.


References to the Dead City are present throughout the game. On the global map available to us from the PDA of the protagonist, you can see the outlines of this location. It was supposed to be located west of the Wild Territory, directly above the scientists' bunker on Amber Lake. At the army warehouses at the crossroads, every stalker can see an interesting inscription-pointer - the Dead City literally lured guests to itself.

Looking back at the early builds of the game, you can see that the town was connected to several locations:

  • from the south, it was possible to get into the territory along the path leading from Lake Yantar;
  • the road in the north led to the swamps - the territory that became a haven for the Doctor - a friend of the protagonist;
  • in the east, the location was connected to the army warehouses.

According to the plot, Strelok (Marked) had to escape from this place through the cut-out location K02deadmil, which was specially adapted for passage by transport and led back to the army warehouses.

On the streets of the city

Enthusiasts, referring to the early builds of the game, as well as the game archives, managed to recreate the original appearance of the area. It was no coincidence that she got her name - every stalker who visited the Dead City understood this.

Hundreds of bloodthirsty zombies roam the streets, in which the need to kill wakes up from time to time, which makes them more violent and dangerous. A small pack of blind dogs led by a pseudo-dog is in charge in the suburbs, and a break has settled in a small house outside the city limits - one of the most dangerous and intelligent creatures in the zone.

One of the main attractions of the town is the Kooptorg building, which is also the base of a group of mercenaries. An equally important object is School No. 1, which has become a haven for bandits. A special place is occupied by an extensive sewer network, with the help of which any stalker can cross the Dead City unnoticed.

Role in history

The main character was supposed to get to this location after discovering a cache at the Agroprom Research Institute. Not finding the Doctor in the secret hideout, Marked goes in search of him. It was possible to get into the town only through army warehouses, and immediately after crossing the outpost, the hero was ambushed by mercenaries.

In the dungeon, the protagonist had to meet the Doctor, find out the reason for his amnesia and understand who he really is. By coincidence, at this time, the Cooptorg was supposed to be attacked by the military, and the main character, taking advantage of the general turmoil, could escape and continue his journey through the exclusion zone.

Hiding in the sewers, the stalker had to leave the Dead City. The passage of the location would not take much time. However, those who decide to stay would find a lot of new and interesting things here. And most importantly, they would get a portion of unforgettable impressions.

Place in other projects

Anyone can wander through the streets of the Dead City. The location has been added to many game modifications. It can also be downloaded as a separate assembly and populated with the help of cheat codes at will. The triquel "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" did not bypass the territory either. The Dead City in the modification is presented simultaneously with several other locations. In addition, a number of gameplay innovations have been added here.

The main feature of the Call of Pripyat mod is the introduction of a large number of various weapons - from pistols to hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. The fauna of the original game was enriched with new mutants - a kink, a cat, a librarian (a monster from the Metro 2033 project) and several types of zombies.

Search further!

The game "Stalker" will continue to amaze us with its secrets. The Dead City tells us just one of the secret stories of the exclusion zone. Who knows how many more secrets you can hide. Keep looking further and explore this alien but interesting world.

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