How to switch language on Apple keyboard. Switch language keyboard layout on MacBook

One of the first actions that a user wants to perform on his brand new MacBook is switching the English language to Russian. Out of habit, he presses the buttons he used on Windows, but gets no results. Traditional Ctrl+Shift and Alt+Shift do not work. In fact, everything is simple: Mac OS differs from Windows in both “hot” keys and commands. There is nothing difficult about working with a MacBook, you just need to get used to it and remember the main points.

Notice the Command (cmd) button located next to the space bar. With its help, you can perform many actions, including changing the layout.

  • 1st method. Find the Command button and press Command+Spacebar.
  • 2nd method. Press Ctrl+spacebar.
  • 3rd method. Click on the checkbox in the menu bar.

If the switching does not occur, check whether the keyboard is in working condition. If the other commands are executed, then technically everything is fine, but some adjustments are required. Let's see them through.

Setting up language change

  • Find the apple icon at the top left and click on it. Select “System Settings” from the drop-down list.
  • In the window that appears, we see the “Language and Region” shortcut, click.
  • A window appears where in the “Preferred languages” item there is a list of options that can be switched using keyboard commands.
  • If Russian (or other required) language is not there, you need to click on the “plus” and add it.
  • If you set Russian as the default language, all Mac OS interface elements will be displayed in it. But in order for this function to take effect, you must restart the computer.
  • We check whether the hot keys work: Cmd+space and Ctrl+space.

The language switches the second time. What to do?

The hotkeys are configured and working, but the layout switches from one to another only on the second try. Why does this happen?

This feature appeared after the release of Mac OS Sierra and consists of a hotkey conflict. The fact is that it was after updating to this version of the OS that the famous voice assistant Siri appeared. And Siri is called by the combination Cmd+space. So it turns out that the system does not understand on the first try what you want from it.

It's easy to fix this problem; just go to the assistant settings and change the combination of buttons to call it. The data for other applications changes in the same way, if suddenly they also coincide.

Change Siri settings. Step-by-step instruction

  • Click on Apple, then on the “System Preferences” menu item.
  • In the window that appears, select Siri.
  • In the “Keyboard shortcut” line, set an option that will be convenient to use to call the voice assistant.

Changing hotkey combinations

This feature will be very appealing to those who switched to a MacBook, but at the same time want to maintain old habits. For example, change the layout the way he is used to. Follow the following step-by-step instructions.

  • Click on the apple icon at the top left and select “System Settings”.
  • In the new window we find the “Keyboard” shortcut, in which we see several tabs at the top.
  • Open the “Keyboard Shortcuts” tab and select “Input Sources” in the menu column on the left.
  • A field appears in which you need to click on the current option and type the desired combination on the keyboard. For example, Ctrl+Shift, and you won't have to remember anything new.

Changing the layout using the Punto Switcher app

The Punto Switcher application from Yandex is perhaps the most convenient way to change the layout on a MacBook. The fact is that it makes changes automatically and you don’t have to click anywhere at all. What is the principle of operation of this application?

Let's say you want to type the word "cars", but your current setting is English. You type and the strange word vfibys comes out. Punto Switcher sees that an error has occurred and switches you to Russian and translates the word. That's all!

  • If you don't need the voice assistant feature, turn it off by unchecking the "Enable Siri" box.
  • If you hold Cmd while switching the layout, a list of available languages ​​will appear from which you can select the one you need at the moment.

That's all you need to know about switching keyboard layouts on a MacBook. If you found this article useful, leave your comments!

Despite the fact that MAC OS X has come a long way in terms of improvement, it still has some inconveniences, for example, few people know how to switch the language on a MacBook.

This is due to the fact that there is no shortcut for changing the keyboard layout in this OS, so most new users are faced with the problem of not knowing how to change the language on a MacBook. But in fact, changing the layout is quite simple.

Changing the layout

So, you can change the layout by simultaneously pressing the space bar and the Cmd key. But the problem may be that this combination will already be assigned to the search string call. Therefore, before switching the language on the keyboard on your MacBook, you need to go to “System Preferences”, then select “Keyboard” and there select “Keyboard shortcuts” for Spotlight.

In order to learn how to change the language on a MacBook on the keyboard, you need to carefully follow the following instructions.

You need to go to the “Keyboard” and “Input Sources” item, where you will need to activate the same layout combinations to change it.

Moreover, before changing the language on the keyboard on a MacBook, you need to understand the fundamental difference between choosing the next and previous input source option. In the case when you use the combination of the “Space” and “Cmd” keys, the layout will return to the previous one, and when you press it again, it will again become the same as it was before. Switching will occur exclusively between 2 languages.

For those people who need more than two languages, you need to use the shortcut “Space” + “Option” + “Cmd”. Therefore, before changing the language on your MacBook, it is best to swap the key combinations for greater convenience. But if you don't use them that often, you can leave everything as is.

Russian layout

How to change the language on a MacBook to Russian? If you have not added the Russian layout, you can do this manually in the “System Settings” menu, then go to “Keyboard”, then “Input Source”. Here you need to find the Russian layout, it will be called “Russian-PC”.

If necessary, in the same menu you can delete unused layouts or add new ones. In general, experts recommend installing “YouType”. After this, the active layout will always be displayed near your mouse cursor.

5 070 Tags:

Switching keyboard layouts in Mac OS X works differently than in Windows. This sometimes confuses new users. In fact, the layout is switched with a simple keyboard shortcut.

Changing the keyboard layout in Mac OS X is very easy. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut:

Cmd + Space

This combination switches the layout to the previous one. That is, if you, for example, have three layouts: USA, Russian and French and you switched from USA to Russian, then pressing Cmd + Space will take you back to the US layout. And to switch to the next one (switch one by one across all layouts), use the key combination:

Cmd + Opt + Space


Sometimes, depending on the default system settings, a combination is used to change the keyboard layout in MacOS:

Ctrl + Space

Changing the keyboard shortcut to switch layouts

If the default combinations do not suit you, then you can set new ones in the settings. To do this, open System Settings and select Keyboard.

The keyboard settings window will open. Go to the tab Keyboard shortcut and select Input Sources from the list on the left. Now, to set a new combination, double-click to the right of the line “Select previous source...”, and then press the combination you want to use to change the keyboard layout.

Many people are interested in how to set multiple keyboard languages ​​available at the same time on Mac OS X. The Test Language module allows you to change the language in menus and tooltips, as well as configure wildcards for dates, units of change, time, and other notations. , which are used in a particular country. Don't know how to switch the language on your MacBook for typing? Thanks to this module you can also load alternative English or even make different variations on

Working with the module

First, click on the System Preference icon or click on the Apple icon in the top left corner, and then click on the System Preferences button. After that - “View” - “Language and text”.

Select from the list the languages ​​you want to make available for your keyboard layout. Speaking about how to change the language on a MacBook, it should be noted that you can select several options for later use. If you are setting multiple items, click the Show Input Menu in Menu Bar button to make all selections available when you click the checkbox icon in the menu bar located at the top of the screen. For example, if it is currently displayed you can click on it and select a different keyboard language from the drop-down menu.

If you want the foreign keyboard to be available at all times, go to System Preferences and click the Accounts button, then select Sign-in Options. Click the Lock button and enter your password in and then select “Show input menu in login window.” When you log out and log back in, a drop-down menu with your selected keyboard layouts will appear on the screen next to your account name and password field.

Many people are interested in how to switch the language on a MacBook because adding additional input options allows you to use documents or emails that contain characters that are not included in the standard English keyboard. Remember that Mac OS allows users to install additional input languages ​​and switch between them while editing documents. As mentioned above, you can add alternative input options to your Mac from the System Preferences app. In addition to the method of saving settings, there is a simple option for changing the language, which will be performed during one working session.

on a MacBook, adding a new one while working?

Open the Apple menu and click System Preferences. Select Language & Text from the View menu. Go to the Input Sources tab and select the additional input languages ​​you need to use.

How to switch the language on a MacBook from those already installed?

Click the checkbox in the top right corner of the screen. Select the desired input language from those available in the menu. Close it and continue working. As you can see, any does not represent. You can switch languages ​​as needed.

Users who have just joined macOS have quite a lot of questions regarding its use, especially if they have only worked with Windows OS before. One of the primary tasks that a beginner may encounter is changing the language in the Apple operating system. It is exactly how to do this that will be discussed in our article today.

First of all, we note that by changing the language, users can often mean one of two completely different tasks. The first relates to changing the layout, that is, the direct text input language, the second – to the interface, more precisely, its localization. Each of these options will be discussed in detail below.

Option 1: Changing the input language (layout)

Most domestic users have to use at least two language layouts on their computer - Russian and English. Switching between them, provided that macOS already has more than one language activated, is quite simple.

In addition, if two or more input languages ​​are already activated in macOS, you can switch between them using the mouse, literally in two clicks. To do this, find the flag icon on the taskbar (it will correspond to the country whose language is currently active in the system) and click on it, and then in the small pop-up window, left-click the mouse or trackpad to select the required language.

Which of the two methods we have outlined to choose to change the layout is up to you to decide. The first is faster and more convenient, but requires memorizing the combination, the second is intuitive, but takes more time. Troubleshooting possible problems (and this is possible on some OS versions) will be discussed in the last part of this section.

Changing the key combination
Some users prefer to use key combinations other than those installed by default in macOS to change the language layout. You can change them in just a few clicks.

  1. Open the OS menu and go to "System settings".
  2. In the menu that appears, click on the item "Keyboard".
  3. In the new window, move to the tab "Keyboard shortcut".
  4. In the left side menu, click on the item "Input Sources".
  5. Select the default shortcut by pressing LMB and enter (press on the keyboard) a new combination there.

    Note: When setting up a new key combination, be careful not to use the one that is already used in macOS to call any command or perform certain actions.

  6. This is how you can easily and effortlessly change the key combination to quickly switch language layouts. By the way, you can swap hotkeys in the same way "COMMAND+SPACE" And "COMMAND+OPTION+SPACE". For those who often use three or more languages, this switching option will be much more convenient.

Adding a new input language
It happens that the required language is not initially available in MaxOS, in which case you need to add it manually. This is done in the system parameters.

Solving Common Problems
As we said above, sometimes in the Apple operating system there are problems with changing the layout using hot keys. This manifests itself as follows: the language may not be switched the first time or not switched at all. The reason for this is quite simple: in older versions of MacOS the combination "CMD+SPACE" was responsible for calling the Spotlight menu; in the new ones, the voice assistant Siri is called up in the same way.

If you don’t want to change the key combination used to switch the language, and you don’t need Spotlight or Siri, you just need to disable this combination for them. If the presence of an assistant in the operating system is important for you, you will have to change the standard combination for switching the language. We have already written about how to do this above, but here we will briefly talk about deactivating the combination for calling “helpers”.

Deactivating the menu call Spotlight

Option 2: Change the operating system language

Above, we talked in detail about switching the language in macOS, or rather, about changing the language layout. Next we will talk about how you can change the interface language of the operating system as a whole.

Note: As an example, the macOS with the default language set to English will be shown below.

  1. Bring up the Apple menu and click on the item "System Preferences" ("System Settings").
  2. Next, in the options menu that opens, click on the icon with the caption "Language & Region" ("Language and Region").
  3. To add the required language, click on the button in the form of a small plus sign.
  4. From the list that appears, select one or more languages ​​that you want to use in the future within the OS (specifically its interface). Click on its name and press the button "Add" ("Add")

    Note: The list of languages ​​available for use will be separated by a line. Above it are languages ​​that are fully supported by macOS - the entire system interface, menus, messages, sites, applications will be displayed in them. Below the line are languages ​​with incomplete support - these may apply to compatible programs, their menus and the messages they display. Some websites may work with them, but not the entire system.

  5. To change the primary macOS language, simply drag it to the top of the list.

    Note: In cases where the system does not support the language that was selected as the primary one, the next one in the list will be used instead.

    As you can see from the image above, along with the movement of the selected language to the first position in the list of preferred ones, the language of the entire system also changed.

  6. Changing the interface language in macOS, as it turns out, is even easier than changing the language layout. And there are much fewer problems; they can only arise when a language unsupported by the operating system is installed as the main one, but this defect will be corrected automatically.


In this article, we looked in detail at two options for switching languages ​​in macOS. The first involves changing the layout (input language), the second - the interface, menu and all other elements of the operating system and programs installed in it. We hope this material was useful to you.

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