How to switch to English in Skyrim. How to make English in Skyrim console

One of the most frequently asked questions on gaming forums regarding the game Skyrim are those related to language problems and changing the language in the Russian version. Despite full Russian localization (as well as other officially supported languages) and almost complete translation of related content, including amateur mods, players may still need English. The most common situation when a player needs an English-language keyboard layout is for gaming moments for which you need to use a console. The console is necessary for entering passwords or codes and is extremely useful in some cases.

Although the technical level of Skyrim (without undue modesty) can be rated at 10 out of 10, fatal bugs can still occur in the game, after which further passage is simply impossible.

For example, a bug may occur during the first battle with the main villain of the game, the supreme dragon Alduin. The dragon simply refuses to take damage, which is why you naturally won’t be able to complete the quest. Some character key to the story may also die (perhaps even the one who gave you the task), after which unfulfilled tasks will “hang” on your list of tasks for an indefinitely long time.

Cheats in such cases will help you kill or resurrect the character you need, as well as get a quest item.

If you just want to try on the role of one of the northern gods of Skyrim, pumping up all your skills and abilities to the limit, as well as getting the best weapons and armor, you should use the console, writing codes for leveling up or even invulnerability, transforming the gameplay beyond recognition.

Owners of the Russian-language version of the game may encounter a problem when, when entering the code into the console, hieroglyphs or squares appear instead of text symbols, since the console only supports letters of the English alphabet.

So how to make English in the Skyrim console?

There are two ways to solve this problem. One of them concerns changing files in the game itself. To do this, you need to find a file called "Skyrim.ini". You can find it this way:
From:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Skyrim.

This file stores all game settings, where you can change absolutely any values ​​and indicators in the game.

Open the file with any text editor, such as Notepad. In it you should find a line with the text sLanguage=RUSSIAN. After finding this line, write a new command under it - sConsole=ENGLISH, then restart the game. Now English letters are written in the console, and the problem is solved.

If the first option did not work or the user did not want to dig into the game files, there is an alternative option.

In order for the console to work correctly, you need to change the default language in the operating system. The procedure should be as follows:

  • go to the menu
  • go to the "Control Panel";
  • then select "Regional and Language";
  • further "Keyboard languages";
  • then “Change keyboard” and finally “Default input language”.
  • Here you need to select English as the default language and restart your PC.
After this, the language problem will be resolved, and you will no longer be bothered by the question of how to make English in the Skyrim console.

So, today we will talk to you about how to change the language in Skyrim. The point is that there are several options for the development of events. We are talking about why exactly you are planning this shift. Today we will discuss all possible and available layouts. Let's get started.

Game process

So, the first reason why players begin to think about how to change the language in Skyrim is to customize the game and its interface “for themselves.” After all, this game is an incredible world, and its passage and exploration mostly require us to listen to and understand the dialogues. If you don't know the language, big problems can arise. Let's try to solve the problem.

Skyrim's default language is English. And the versions, both official and pirated, mostly run on it. Not the best option for those who do not understand “foreign language”. So many players have to rack their brains over changing settings. Surprisingly, Skyrim does not have a Russian interface by default. This means we need to look for a way out.

How to change the language to Russian in Skyrim? It is enough to download the Russian patch or the Russian version of the toy. Install it and enjoy your goals achieved. Now that you can play safely, another question may arise. Namely: in the Skyrim console?" Let's try to figure out what's what!

When and why

Well, the first step is to understand what we are dealing with. The console in the game is used to use various cheats and “secrets”. More precisely, for a slightly unfair game. True, it can quite often save the player from buggy tasks that have not yet been “fixed”.

So, for example, you called up the console, found the combination you need, start typing it, and instead you see Russian letters. Then the question arises: “How to change the language in Skyrim?”, which torments many players. Why? The problem is that pressing the hotkeys to change the language on the computer will not change the setting in the game. So you have to think and guess how you can use the console. In fact, there are two ways out. We will talk about them now.


So, the first option is perhaps the most obvious and simple. You need to change the system language, or rather, the default keyboard layout. Since you can’t do this during the game, you need to “crank out” all the manipulations before launching. With all this, the interface can be left alone.

How to change the language in Skyrim? Go to Control Panel and from there click on "Region and Language". Ready? Great, let's move on. Now you should look at the "languages ​​and keyboards" section. The only thing left to do is select English and confirm the actions. True, to do this you need to click on “change keyboard” and pay special attention to the “default” item. Now you can safely save and launch the game. Call the console and check if our method worked. Happened? Then you can always use it. But sometimes this can cause some inconvenience. So let's try to learn another method.

Long search

It's time to use our brains to answer how to change the language to English in Skyrim without constantly "playing" with the keyboard layout settings. After all, over time, especially if you often repeat these actions, our first method can begin to be very annoying. But there is a wonderful way out! You just need to find the game settings file and change it a little.

The first step is to go to where the game system files are stored. They are usually installed on drive C in the Users section. From there you need to go to “my documents” and to my games. Do you see the "Skyrim" folder? Come in there. Now look for Skyrim.ini. Open it with notepad. Look what it says there. Find the line sLanguage. Under it, write sConsole=ENGLISH and save the changes. That's all. Now you know how to change the console language to English in Skyrim!

Often, Skyrim players, especially beginners, have problems changing the language. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this matter. There are several ways to change the language in this game. They are equally simple, but which one is better and more convenient is up to the player to decide.

How to change the language in Skyrim - method No. 1

This method involves using the console. With its help, you can enter all the necessary codes that can help cope with many gaming problems.

The control panel allows you to use different game modes and come into contact with different heroes. You can also participate and exit quests. The console allows you to control some other functions of the game. In general, almost all game processes go through it.

But all codes must be entered in English only. Quite often it happens that the code is printed in Russian characters, and standard keyboard shortcuts for changing the language do not work. This confuses many Skyrim players.

In this case, using the same console, you can fix problems with entering codes. To do this, you need to start editing the file that is responsible for game configurations. It can be found in the following path:

  • on drive C, go to the “Users” folder, then open the subfolder with your username;
  • in this directory, find the name “Documents”, and in it the folder “My Games”;
  • after going to it, visit another one - with the name “Skyrim”, in this folder there is a file whose name is Skyrim.ini, you need to open it;
  • in it you need to find the line sLanguage=RUSSIAN; under no circumstances should it be erased, since in this case entering commands in the game will not be available at all;
  • immediately after it you need to enter another function: sConsole=ENGLISH and restart the game.

After the reboot, you can safely enter all the necessary commands.

How to change the language in Skyrim: method No. 2

This method involves changing the layout in Windows. All you need to do is follow the following instructions:

  • go to the Start menu;
  • go to the control panel;
  • find the item “Language and Regional Standards”;
  • in it find the sub-item “Keyboard languages”;
  • find the option to change the keyboard;
  • follow the link “Default input language”;
  • choose English as your primary language;
  • click on the “Ok” button;
  • restart your computer.

After this, you can enter all commands normally in the game, and no language problems should arise anymore.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an RPG game set in the province of Tamriel called Skyrim.

The plot takes place around the Dragonborn or Dovahkiin, who is summoned to a feast to kill the dragon Alduin, who is disturbing the peace of the inhabitants of the province. The game has excellent graphics, music, interesting quests, but there are some problems with it.

Many of them are related to languages. This mainly applies to those who use the console, since such problems are quite rare on a computer. Skyrim has long been completely translated into Russian, both in settings and in dialogues and even inscriptions, and, basically, the default language is also Russian. In general, it would not interfere if there were no codes.

Using console commands, you can greatly influence the game, from the fact that you can get valuable resources, gold and weapons, to changing the game itself and even disabling some functions. It is also better to enter the character's name in English letters to avoid problems with translation. They can be used in the main version and in all add-ons and third-party quests of Skyrim.

Therefore, the question: how to change the language in the Skyrim console is now quite relevant.

With their help you can even become a Skyrim god

In order to change the language in the console, you need to find the game folder. You need to look for it where the game was installed; by default, it is loaded along the path C;\Users\My Games\ Skyrim. The folder will contain a file called Skyrim.ini, it stores all Skyrim configurations, data about graphics, add-ons and currently needed languages. The file is divided into several sections in square brackets, but you only need now, it will be one of the first.

There you need to find the line s:Language=RUSSIAN. To change the dialogue language, you need to replace RUSSIAN with ENGLISH. But if you are satisfied with the Russian language in the dialogues, then there is no need to touch this line. To set English as the default language, the steps must be slightly different.

Under the above line you need to enter s:Console=ENGLISH. After this, there should be no problems with entering Latin letters.

There is also a second option on how to change the language in the Skyrim console. It is intended for those for whom the first method did not help and for those new to games who do not want to fix files because they might do something wrong. Usually, if the game is not at fault, the problem lies with the computer itself.

That is, Russian, not English, is selected as the default language in the computer settings, and after starting the computer, it is the Russian layout that is used, and the English one is turned on only using a keyboard shortcut or through the screen.

To fix the problem in this case, you need to open Start and find the control panel there, then you need to look for languages ​​and keyboard / Change keyboard / Default input language.

To set English as the default language, you just need to select it and confirm the settings. After this, the game will launch in English and there will be no more problems with input.

Skyrim English when entering cheats or setting English language in the console

Go to C:\Users\<имя_пользователя>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim and open the Skyrim.ini file. After the lines:


add (not replace) the following line


Now in the console you will have English instead of Russian.

Note. If after adding this line the language in the Skyrim console remains the same or you cannot find the Skyrim.ini file (start folder or not) then remove the line sConsole=ENGLISH (if added) and set the default English language in the operating system (how to do this read in the comments on the first page).

To set the English language in the console you need to:

Add the line sConsole=ENGLISH

Set English as the default language in your operating system

How to do it

If you cannot change the input language using sConsole=ENGLISH, then you need to set the default language to English.

To do this, do the following (for Windows 7):

1. Go to “Start”

2. "Control Panel"

3. "Language and Regional Standards"

4. go to the “Languages ​​and keyboards” tab

We go into Skyrim and enter the cheat codes. Everything should work.

Setting English as default language for Win XP:

1. Go to “Start”

2. “Run…”

3. Enter control international

4. Go to the “Languages” tab

Let's go into Skyrim and check. Should work.

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