Healing the body with the power of the mind (Pranic healing and martial arts). Stages of Pillar Practice

The famous masters of the 19th century Song Shizhong and Guo Yunshen called the starting point of Xingyiquan Santishi (the position of the pillar in Xingyiquan)

The Importance of Pillar Practice for Martial Arts

Sun Baoyin wrote in his book Xingyiquan:

“Before you learn to hit, first train the post. A thousand ways come from santisha.”

Sun Lutang spoke about his student Qi Gongbo:

“Qi Gongbo practiced santishi for three years, so his inner strength was concentrated, form and thought were united into one. If you touch it, the efforts of the whole body are immediately coordinated, and it instantly produces a strong “explosion” of force; his hands fly up like arrows - like a tiger rushes at a lamb and it runs in fear ... "

According to Sun Jianyun, Sun Lutang's daughter,

“Qi Gongbo has not practiced anything other than santishi for 3 years. Every day he came to training and stood in this position, without being asked to teach him anything else. Eventually, he became his father's best student in Xingyiquan."

Such attention is paid to pillar practice not only in Xingyiquan. In Taijiquan, pillar practice refers to auxiliary training. They work on “pillar standing” and standing in the main 8 methods (Peng, Lu, Ji, An, Cai, Le, Zhou, Kao). Master Wang Peishen wrote about this in detail in the book “Taijiquan de jian shenhe ji ji zuo yong.”

Wang Xiangzhai, the founder of the Dachengquan style, called the practice of the pillar “the main practice.”

“In Ba Guazhang, “pillar standing” is not one of the most important training methods, but is used as an auxiliary practice when training the rotation of the palms while walking in a circle until “building a frame” is achieved. For this reason, little time is devoted to it, but it should not be overlooked."
wrote Sha Guozheng.

However, Baguazhang also uses another pillar practice - "moving pillar" (movable bottom, fixed top), which is the main practice.

The pillar is practiced in all Chinese martial arts, in some it is used as an auxiliary practice, in others it is the main one. It is used to cultivate energy and harden the spirit, to develop the internal strength necessary in the art of fisting.

Three components of the “pillar”

I.Body regulation

Body regulation is the adoption of the correct position during pillar practice, which is a prerequisite for the free circulation of energy and blood throughout the meridian system. When taking the wrong position

“If the energy is not moving, then the thought is not concentrated, which leads to the random dissipation of energy.”

One of the main requirements in “regulating the body” is the concept of sung (relaxation). Sun means relaxation of the body, expressed in the natural relaxation of muscles, tendons, connective tissues, joints and all internal organs, bringing them into a state of non-tension. When this is achieved, the practitioner will feel comfortable in this position, which must be maintained until the end of the “pillar” practice. If jin originates in the feet, is controlled by the lower back and is expressed in the hands; that tension, on the contrary, originates in the hands and spreads throughout the body. Therefore, during the practice of the pillar, and not only the pillar, but also martial arts in general, the position of the hand is given great importance. And the position of the palm relative to the body affects the distribution of energy within it. This can be seen in the example of santishi - photos 1, 2, which depict Sun Lutang. His daughter Sun Jianyun comments:

“Santishi’s position, which is mentioned in my father’s book (Xingyiquan xue), was changed by my father when he was already 60 years old. In the book version, the fingers of the front hand point straight out (see Photo 1). When he was over 60 years old, he changed the position of the hand in front (the position of the hands in general changed - B.V.'s note): the fingers were directed upward and the wrist became bent. At this time, his book had already been published, and I assume that he was photographed in a new position so that I could teach people the latest position. He said: “I was wrong in demonstrating the first position.” He felt that if the hand is straight and the fingers are directed outward, the energy comes out of the hand. This will be good for combat, but bad for cultivating energy. If energy is cultivated, it must be stored in the body. When the hand is raised up, the energy remains in it and returns to the body."

A. Classification of pillars in martial arts
(using the example of the styles of the Inner Family of martial arts)

Master Kang Geu in the book “Zhongguo Wushu Shiyong Quanshu” gives a classification of “pillars”:

  • A) "Standing Pillar"(zhanzhuang) – trains the integrity of the form and collects energy. The "standing pillar" is used in all martial arts, it in turn is divided into:
    • a) Pole with “single weight” - when most of the weight is distributed on one of the legs.
    • b) Pole with “double weight” - the weight is evenly distributed between the legs.

    Master Song Shizhong describes it this way:

“In the art of Xingyiquan, the art of Tao and martial art are distinguished. Santishi is divided into single and double weight racks. When training in martial arts, they use a pose with double weight, when the center of gravity is located between the legs. The whole body has power, pure and muddy are inseparable, xiantian and houtian are indistinguishable. They use the will of Houtian to guide the breath qi and accumulate it in the dantian, strengthening it like an iron stone. The whole body stands immersed down, like Taishan Mountain, and is not afraid of a kick or a punch. When practicing the art of Tao, a single-weight position is used in santishi. In front - full, behind - empty, the center of gravity is on the back leg, the front leg can be empty or full. At the center [heart] no force is applied. First you need to empty your heart, thinking connects with the dantian. ".

  • b) "Moving Pillar"(xingzhuang) - directs energy to the legs, making movements easy and the legs lower quickly. Fixed top and movable bottom - practiced in Ba Guazhang and Xingyiquan. In Ba Guazhang it is the main practice and is called “Inner Work” (Neigong).
  • V) "Breaking Pillar"(Zazhuang) – collects Jin and fills the feet, trains the power of Jin release; sends the jing ordered in the “standing column” out. Pillar beating is only practiced in Xingyiquan.

These techniques emphasize controlling energy through thought, moving the body through energy, and releasing force through the body. Thought, energy, jin and form (xing) - if they are collected, then they are all collected into one; if one is thrown out, all are thrown out.

B. Three degrees of difficulty in performing the “pillar”

According to the degree of complexity, the “pillar” can be divided into three types: high, medium and low.

A high stance involves slight bending of the knees, which does not require much effort. In this stance, it is easiest to enter the state between wakefulness and sleep, in which “Inner Practice” is carried out.

In the middle stance, the knees bend at an angle of about 130 degrees, which is usually used after achieving certain results in the high stance.

A low stance requires you to bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees. This position is used only when the result of working in the first two is achieved. The low stance can serve as a test to determine the depth of the “Inner Practice”. By the duration of stay in it, you can determine at what stage the practitioner is. When the practitioner is at the stage of “transforming the spirit (shen) into emptiness (xu), the time spent in this stance “disappears”, and the person can remain in a low position as long as he wishes. This cannot be accomplished with muscle strength alone.

B. The position of the practitioner’s body relative to the cardinal directions

A person is under constant influence of the earth's magnetic field, so it is very important to orient the body relative to the cardinal directions.

The most favorable direction of the body, if there are no health problems, is the position “facing south, back to north.” If there are deviations in the body, the direction may change. The position of the body, oriented in the north-south direction, coincides with the direction of the Earth's field lines. As a result, the magnetism of the human biological field increases, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the whole organism and the results of exercise.

D. Choosing a time to study

The time for practicing the “pillar” is selected depending on the task at hand:
23-01 hours - the time of energy circulation along the gallbladder meridian, the period of strengthening the Primordial Yang
05 – 07 hours is the time of energy circulation along the meridian of the large intestine, the period of strengthening the True Yang.
11 - 13 hours - the time of energy circulation along the heart meridian, the period of strengthening the Primordial Yin
17 - 19 hours - the time of energy circulation along the kidney meridian, the period of strengthening True Yin.

This time is chosen if you will practice the “pillar” separately from other classes. If you include it in your training process, it is best to practice it after warming up and stretching, before performing the main part.

II.Regulation of breathing

Regulating breathing means regulating it with the help of consciousness. Regulated breathing stimulates the True Energy of a person, harmonizes the circulation of energy and blood, massages internal organs, promotes relaxation of the body, merging of thought and energy, and immersion of the brain in a state of peace. All this makes “Regulation of Breathing” an important component of “internal practice”. The “pillar” practice uses natural and reverse breathing. Natural breathing is normal diaphragmatic breathing, in which, simultaneously with inhalation, the stomach gradually swells, protrudes, and with exhalation, it gradually contracts.

Reverse breathing - simultaneously with inhalation, the stomach smoothly tucks inward, and with exhalation it gradually protrudes.

Before the stage of “converting semen (jing) into energy”, it is recommended to use natural breathing, and after this stage you can practice as you please. Breathing should be even, slow, deep and, above all, natural and unnoticeable. Diaphragmatic breathing helps collect energy in the Tan Tien. “Regulation of breathing” should occur naturally; artificial forcing will only push the goal further away.

III. Regulation of consciousness

By regulating consciousness we mean training it. During practice, you need to calm down, fully concentrate on the exercise, eliminate extraneous thoughts, immersing yourself in a state of high degree of peace, “emptiness,” relaxation, joy and comfort. The regulation of consciousness includes “concentration of thought,” which means a certain degree of concentration on points of one’s own body and movement of thoughts along the meridians. And if we remember that thought leads energy, then in fact “regulation of consciousness” means regulation of energy or Cultivation of energy.

Stages of Pillar Practice

According to Taoists, the practice of the “pillar” can be divided into five stages:

1. Transformation of the embryo (gu) into a seed (jing)

This is the building of the foundation or “laying the foundation of the Tan Tien” on which the feeling of energy begins to appear and the seed grows.

Ma Chuanxu said this about it:

“The thought becomes important. Thought leads energy, and energy leads force. You need to develop the Dan Tien energy in order to use it - and only then can it be called “internal practice.”

2. Conversion of seed (jing) into energy or circulation of energy along the Small Heavenly Circle

When the transformation of the seed into energy is completed, the energy can circulate freely along the Ren-Du meridians (anterior-median and posterior-median meridians).

This is how master Wang Peisheng in his book “Shiyun and Gong” describes the Small Heavenly Circle:

“Inhale – bring Qi from the Dantian to the point Huiyin in the perineum and then through the “gates” Weiliu (tailbone), Jiaji (between the shoulder blades), Yuzhen (on the back of the head) to point Baihui (at the crown).
Exhale – lower Qi from point Baihui along the anterior-median meridian and return it to the lower Dantian.”

Here is the opinion of Master Ma Chuanxu:

“The Small Heavenly Circle opens naturally, not intentionally, when your internal practice reaches this level.”

3. Transformation of energy (qi) into spirit (shen) - or circulation of energy along the Great Heavenly Circle

“When the transformation of energy into spirit is completed, the energy can circulate freely throughout all the meridians of the body. Wherever you focus your attention, a sense of energy will appear in that place and you will feel alive and clear.”
(Wang Peisheng)

Typically, the practice of the Great Heavenly Circle is described as “connecting the five centers.” The “five centers” are the Laogong points in the centers of the palms, the Yongquan points in the centers of the feet, and the Baihui point on the top of the head. The training takes place in the following sequence

  • Guarding with the Dan Tien Thought
  • Following thought to Comrade Yongquan
  • Following thought to Comrade Laogong
  • Following thought to Comrade Baihui
  • The confluence of 5 centers into the Dan Tien

“The Great Heavenly Circle must be opened so that the energy can reach the hands. It takes time, first you need to use your thought to direct the energy into your hands.”
(Ma Chuanxu)

4. Transformation of spirit (shen) into emptiness (xu)

Achieving Emptiness is the goal of the Internal Practice of most highly developed types of Qigong, thus all Qigong schools strive to achieve Emptiness.

“Emptiness (Nothingness) is a state in which the ability to move energy without conscious effort appears. The energy will behave like mercury: as soon as you strike with your hand, the energy will immediately flow out of the Dan Tian, ​​pass through the hand and reach the wrist. The hand will feel very heavy to the opponent.”
(Ma Chuanxu)

This is how master Wang Peisheng describes “The Practice of Transforming Spirit into Emptiness”:

“Allow the Qi to circulate in the great celestial circle, enter a state in which a feeling of Qi is achieved throughout the body.
Don't think about anything, not even about entering Nothing. Remember the proverb: “All desires are false, the truth is only in the absence of desires.”

And here is a description of the sensations in the “Nothing” state:

“When entering the Void state, a white light and a colored spot the size of a button usually appears before the eyes. The white light and the colored spot will disappear after entering the state of Nothingness. The body seems to disappear."

5. Transformation of emptiness (xu) into Tao

There is no description of this stage in the sources; one can only guess what it is. Here is how Chen Gu'an wrote about this stage:

“As for the concrete embodiment, since I have no example before me, my brush and ink cannot give form to content.”


This article was written to show practical benefits for people who are passionate about martial arts. To be able to evaluate their classes and the quality of teaching of “would-be teachers” who teach the “pillar” haphazardly, or even completely omit teaching this important element in the practice of martial arts.

Let's try to look at martial arts from the point of view of an ordinary person. He receives information about martial arts mainly from two sources: cinema and sports. I’ll say right away about cinema: the main goal of screen battles is entertainment and showiness (not to be confused with efficiency), and therefore what we see on the screen is far from real life. In life, everything is not so beautiful and spectacular.

Combat sports are closer to life. Everything there is real, not staged, but the rules and restrictions exclude traumatic and life-threatening elements from the fighter’s technique. Even in so-called “fights without rules” there are a lot of rules. Few people have seen the use of real “killer” systems designed to incapacitate or kill a person as quickly as possible. Everything here is shrouded in mystery, which gives rise to many rumors and legends, often far from reality. An even greater secret is the knowledge that allows a person to go beyond the limits of his physical capabilities.

It follows from this that a person’s idea of ​​martial arts is far from complete, and not always correct.

For those who have set themselves a goal - sports achievements, everything is simple. Any sports martial arts school will do. It is more difficult for those whose goal is self-defense. Many people think that learning self-defense is easy. It is enough to enroll in some martial arts school and study for a couple or three months. Is it so?

First you need to choose from two directions: sports and applied. Both options have their pros and cons, so we will consider each separately.

Sport. The main disadvantage of this direction has already been mentioned earlier - the exclusion of dangerous elements from technology. Nobody wants to get hurt. Therefore, the athlete will not be ready for “wrong” actions and will not be able to use them himself. Also, in a street fight there are no protective devices, a referee and timely medical care. Those with combat and sports experience know: a good athlete goes into the ring without fear, the worst that can happen to him is that he gets injured and the fight is stopped. But if in front of you is a person with a knife or armed with a firearm, everything is completely different. But! Everything an athlete uses, he uses with maximum efficiency. Working at full capacity. And most importantly, in battle he does exactly the same as in training. This gives him confidence in his own actions. And often, the actions of a good athlete are so effective that “on the street” this is quite enough for him, as long as the situation is similar to what was worked out in the gym.

Applied direction. If a person comes to such a school, they will tell him that this is just right for the “street”. Indeed, technology has no limitations, all possible methods of influence are considered, there are no rules. But! Nobody wants to get hurt. You can’t work in training like you would in a fight, breaking your hands and gouging out your eyes. You have to work slowly or simulate. Therefore, many acquired skills cannot be tested before a combat situation arises, and this will not increase confidence in combat.

It turns out that everything is very difficult and there are objective problems. And further. Many martial arts have roots in the distant past or are descendants of ancient fighting systems. Then, as they say, times were different. And mentality, tasks, and values. It used to be a great honor to die “for a just cause.” Now such a prospect will make few people happy. In the old days, in frequent wars, the main task was to kill more of your enemies, flaunting danger was considered courage. All equipment is to destroy the enemy. Defense was considered cowardice. Full-length attack...

Is this justified today? Nowadays it is not profitable to kill. Justice may not understand that you were “only defending yourself” and you will have to go to jail for many years. Is it wise to kill a neighbor or friend who is too violent when drunk?

The value of life has increased many times, priorities have changed and martial art must meet today's requirements.

Let's consider real conditions and tasks for modern martial art, the goal of which is survival and solving certain problems in everyday life.

First of all, this is not a sport. There are no weight categories. The number and "quality" of opponents is not limited. A combat situation can arise at any moment and the ability to correctly assess the situation is very important. And the most important thing. Our task is not to determine who is stronger, not to win, but to remain alive and unharmed and at the same time maintain clarity of thinking.

Secondly. Strength, speed and endurance, so revered in sports and of decisive importance, are relative concepts “on the street”. Illness, fatigue, weather conditions, uncomfortable clothing, etc. can significantly affect these indicators. But the technology must work in any conditions. So what remains?

  • Body weight.
  • Laws of physics and mechanics. The human body is also a mechanical structure, and is subject to the same laws (gravity, inertia...)

And that is not all. A person is limitedly dangerous, limitedly protected, limitedly strong and limitedly stable. Any. Regardless of strength and weight. This can be easily proven using the same laws of physics and mechanics: A blow to the head with a hand is dangerous at the moment only at the point of probable impact. If I am not at this point, then I am out of danger. The one committing aggression must sacrifice defense, diverting attention and strength to strike or grab. At the moment of a real blow, he can only hit, since the forces of inertia and gravity act on him. A person can “work with force” only with support, and the design of the human body has different force capabilities in different directions and points of application. The body structure has a limited support area, two stable and two unstable directions. All this needs to be used. In a timely manner, bypassing strengths and influencing weaknesses.

Another law. To avoid forceful confrontation, you need to know that you can perform any actions with a person (hit, throw...) only when he is not in control of the situation. In sports, this is decided by superiority in strength, speed, endurance and tactics (unpredictability). If forceful confrontation is not beneficial to us, then of the above methods only the last one will do.

When there are no prohibitions and restrictions, the following additional conditions for loss of control can be calculated:

    a) loss of visual perception
    b) pain and fear
    c) psychological instability
    d) physical instability
    d) moment of attack.

The design of the human body has many vulnerable spots that do not require much force to hit (eyes, throat, groin...). Why then do combat systems develop very strong and fast strikes? Why break bricks and boards? Okay - with your feet, but with your head?

It's simple - no one will allow themselves to be injured with impunity. And it turns out: my actions oppose the actions of the enemy and vice versa. What if there is no confrontation?

Taking into account all of the above, we will compile a list of requirements for martial art and training methods:

  • Readiness to a combat situation at any time.
    Psychological readiness.
  • Versatility of technology, simplicity. Mastering a complex system will take a very long time, and a combat situation could arise as early as tomorrow.
  • Efficiency in any situation, under any conditions.
  • Actions in training must correspond to the combat situation as much as possible, but without compromising your health (you can, of course, constantly conduct real battles in full contact, but at the same time lose your health before learning how to protect it).

Features of technology and methods of training Russian P.B.

Readiness. First of all, you need to get rid of rigidity and learn to fit in. All technology is built on this and, since everything obeys the same laws, it is possible to fit not only into an aggressive enemy, but also into the current situation, and in a broader sense, into real life today.

Psychological readiness for battle is no less important than physical readiness. A lot of attention is paid to this.

First of all. The enemy is perceived not as a person, but as a mechanical structure (in this case, his threats do not put pressure on the psyche).

An impact is the impact of a certain force along a certain vector at a certain speed. A combat situation is just a mechanism of a complex design.

Bo secondly. The basis of the technique is non-resistance. It doesn't matter how strong the enemy is because no one is going to stand up to him. I don't care if I can take the hit. I don't resist. A sane person cannot help but be concerned by the fact that a real fight is very dangerous; any missed blow could be the last. Therefore, the main task is to make this process as safe as possible. To achieve this, protection comes first. It is much more important to survive than to win.

Any impact is not perceived directly, but is passed through, smoothed out, and absorbed.

Third. Fear of a real combat situation arises because its outcome cannot be predicted. And a person is afraid of what he does not know. This means that you need to make a combat situation as familiar and habitual as possible, to be prepared for the worst options, because There should be no hopeless situations at all. What happens in the worst case? They will beat you. One or more opponents, with or without weapons. If you make this a habitual occurrence and learn to survive in such a situation, fear will recede.

And yet we must not forget that hand-to-hand combat is the very last argument when the rest have already been exhausted.

The versatility of the technique greatly simplifies training and liberates you in battle. For example. The technique of releasing grips and defending against strikes is based on the same principles. The same action can be a defense and a counterattack. All elements have a common basis, therefore, by studying, say, special acrobatics, defense techniques are improved and vice versa. The technology does not depend on whether the enemy is armed or unarmed. It shouldn’t depend at all on what the enemy is like, how he stands, how he moves. Because there are a lot of options. And if in sports you know more or less what to expect from your opponent, you can conduct reconnaissance, determine his strengths and weaknesses, but “on the street” there is neither time nor opportunity for this.

In addition, all movements are natural and as simple as possible, and they require little time to master.

As mentioned earlier: there should be no hopeless situations, so the technology adapts to any conditions. The basis of the fundamentals of the technique is the absence of static support. This allows you to feel confident both on slippery surfaces and in difficult conditions of limited space. And the “sticky body” technique is effective when visibility is limited, etc.

And further. How much does a fragile girl need to train to defeat a man with the build and training of M. Tyson.

What can an ordinary person who has a family and earns money to support it contrast with a professional athlete who trains for days and holds several fights a day? Does it make sense to compete with him in strength, speed and endurance? By acting according to his rules, you don’t leave yourself a single chance. In sports, the weaker cannot defeat the stronger, since the purpose of sport is to determine who is stronger, and everything is built on this. In the “street version”, it is mainly the stronger ones who attack and you need to be able to save your life in such a battle. But our task is not to win, but to survive. All means are good for this. You can survive in such a battle only by acting on time, since any fighter is limited in strength, speed, and stability.

“On time” cannot be calculated and analyzed. It cannot be said that you need to work, say, during a strike, or at different levels, or....hit or throw...etc. This is primarily a feeling of the moment. You have to be unpredictable even to yourself.

Slow work is very important, since all movements must be conscious during the training period. The situation changes instantly, and only a conscious movement can be changed in any phase, redirected or not brought to its logical conclusion.

Every real martial art should give the fighter the opportunity to constantly test his knowledge. For a boxer, this is a competition. The athlete trains, competes, draws conclusions and trains further, taking into account the identified errors. For warriors, in the old days, wars were the same test. Having survived, the fighter also drew conclusions.

You can be confident in your actions only when combat is a common occurrence, frequent and everyday. A common thing. The best thing a person does what he does daily and constantly. And then he is calm.

You cannot reach Ueshiba’s state of peace and tranquility without going through combat experience, as is offered in our Aikido schools. Ueshiba himself fought and trained all his life, mastered many other styles and came to the “state of the world” with extensive combat experience. 3a the basis of the technique must be elements that can be checked repeatedly. And “killer” techniques can be used or not used at one’s own discretion or depending on the severity of the situation.

In peacetime conditions, if one’s own life and health matter, “killer” skills cannot be tested. In special forces this was done on “dolls”, on corpses... We do not have such an opportunity, and it is not practical. This means that before a combat situation arises, a fighter whose technique is built on elements that cannot be practiced in reality will not be 100% confident in the effectiveness of his actions, and this is dangerous. The student takes an active creative part in his own learning.

Martial arts. This is, first of all, creativity, and not a blind repetition of techniques invented by someone. Art! A photocopy cannot be art. As a result, having achieved mastery, everyone creates their own style.

I repeat once again - hand-to-hand combat is very dangerous. A process whose main purpose is to harm, injure, maim or kill through physical force cannot be non-hazardous. But nevertheless, you want to be able to protect yourself and your family. This skill can be useful to everyone, otherwise life is an insidious thing and, although it seems so measured and calm, sometimes it presents very unpleasant surprises. And at such moments (there are many examples) a person thinks: “Why didn’t I manage to do anything, why didn’t I learn anything?!” There is such Eastern wisdom: “If a sword can be useful once in a life, you should always wear it.”

This means that martial art has a place in everyday life. So what to do? What is the right thing to do, given all of the above?

We believe that martial arts should be studied safely for good health and, what is very important, this should not affect the quality of the knowledge gained. The main task is to safely gain real combat experience. And it's possible...

There is a huge difference between an athlete and a warrior. How are they different from each other? It is much easier to say what they have in common, because in everything else they are different. General, in part, goals: both a warrior and an athlete, like any man, wants to be brave, improve his body, be able to protect himself, his loved ones, and become a master of the level to which he is capable of reaching. The first is to become physically strong and master martial arts; the second is to gain power over your body by performing various exercises and complexes.

The differences are much stronger in nature. If you take an athlete, then his relationship with martial art, in most cases, ends when he leaves the gym. He becomes an ordinary person who sometimes trains in the gym. For a warrior, this is a way of life. A warrior is the next stage of human development. This is a person who wants to be strong in all his manifestations, wants to gain power not only over his body, but also over himself and his destiny. A warrior needs, first of all, inner strength. Physical training for him is one of the significant opportunities to strengthen his fortitude and improve his skills. Martial arts for a warrior (training, fights) are situations where all his personal qualities and abilities can be tested, honed to perfection, and then used to achieve his goals.

Path of the Warrior

First task for those who decided to become a Warrior, gain inner strength. Inner strength presupposes that a person wants to be an individual, wants to maintain peace and self-control in any, even the most extreme, situation. When others lose their heads, he is able to think, take responsibility, manage, act clearly, i.e. overcome current circumstances, foresee consequences. Inner strength involves achieving absolute fearlessness in the face of danger, since fear paralyzes the will. Fearlessness - no emotions, maximum mobilization of all your internal resources in order to find the right solution and implement it in the best possible way.

The second task is to evaluate the lifestyle what does a person spend his time and energy on, since the Path of the Warrior is the Path of Honor. Does he live with dignity or is he losing his dignity? Is his Soul pure, is there a fire burning in it, or does he periodically feel sick? A warrior needs a fire to burn inside, a soul to be pure, and not to be ashamed of his life. It is very important for a warrior with whom and how he communicates, so that these are not just comrades (they gathered for training, then went their separate ways), but a spiritual brotherhood, friends who could go with him through life. So that at any moment, at the first request or without it, they could come to help if there is a need for it.

The third task is to understand what techniques and training to use. Physical exercise alone is not enough. The warrior understands that there is a Soul, that the world is energy. And he tries to understand how to open the secrets of the energy of his Soul, how to awaken super-sensitivity, super-strength, how to manage his energy. He seeks this through self-hypnosis and meditation - this is one of his main and very powerful tools.

Science spends enormous amounts of effort and money on training modern athletes. However, none of the athletes can do what some, rarely seen, masters of martial arts do: their abilities allow them to make their body invulnerable even to edged weapons, if necessary, reduce the weight of their body, etc. All this is impossible without purposeful work with energy in meditation.

Everything is important for a warrior. And the preparation of a warrior begins with what he believes in. Most people underestimate the power of persuasion. And it works quite simply. The Bible also says: “To each according to his faith.” What a person thinks about can be divided into 2 large areas: what he thinks about the outside world and about himself. Knowledge about the world around us can be very different. Ultimately, they add up to the overall picture and lead to the main conclusions: the world is beautiful (and people, a particular person, have a future) or the world is terrible (and there is no future). If the world is beautiful, then, despite all the cataclysms and difficulties, it moves from a primitive society to an increasingly more perfect one (people become smarter). If a person believes in good things, he has a chance to enjoy the protection of the forces of Light and receive great pleasure from life. When a person has an optimistic outlook on life, the state of his Soul automatically becomes joyful. Otherwise, it is quite suppressed: if a person believes in bad things, he cannot be strong, cannot enjoy life, his goals are aimed at revenge, with all the ensuing karmic consequences.

The first is knowledge about the world: Either the world is bad, or it is normal and everyone can find their place in it. Knowledge about the world determines the range of opportunities available to a person. And, ideally, looking at this world, a strong person can achieve a state of omnipotence - he believes that everything is possible, there are millions of roads in front of him, any goal is achievable, but one must pay a price for it. And he himself decides whether he is ready to go towards the goal for two days or three months, and maybe his whole life. The state of omnipotence is when a person understands where he initially is (opportunities, conditions), that each goal has its own price and any result depends on the quality and quantity of effort expended. This is what the Warrior believes. With a sad outlook on life, a person locks himself in a cage, there is no way out for him in life, he cannot change jobs, change his habits and negative beliefs. He is doomed to remain practically unchanged and, in fact, not to live, rushing upward, but to run in circles, being in the same situations, states, experiences, conversations, and spending his life monotonously.

To achieve the state of a warrior, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of your perception of the world around you, in order to ultimately come to love for this world. Admire the possibilities that exist for every person who has found the appropriate view of the world - to live, love, develop, create. The first difference is that the Warrior has found his Path and his system of spiritual knowledge.

The second is what a person thinks about himself. There are a variety of options here. The saddest thing is insignificance, when a person does not believe in himself and believes that anyone is capable of achieving something in life, but not him, and he can only walk below the grass or take revenge on all humanity for his insignificance. This is a person with low self-esteem who believes that life has failed, he is bad, weak and does not deserve anything good. A warrior is a person who has no illusions about life and himself. He understands perfectly well: no matter how high he rises, there will always be someone stronger and smarter than him. No matter how low he falls, there will always be many who are weaker than him. Therefore, for him, the Path itself, the upward movement, is of primary value, and the rewards on this Path indicate that he is acting correctly. He follows his Path with dignity: he does not agree to make deals with his conscience, he calculates and does everything correctly, and this is confirmed by life.

Part of a warrior's training is sports. When an athlete wants his every movement during a fight to be not only rhythmically correct, but also to be a splash, an explosion, a release of energy at the right moment, he thinks about how to achieve this, how it corresponds to his nature. You can’t do this without using internal techniques. With the help of such techniques, the athlete achieves, for example, maximum relaxation, which is the key to the possibility of maximum energy release at the right moment. When a person thinks about this, everything he does takes on a new quality. For example, it is known that when a person falls from a height, his perception suddenly slows down and the pictures, when approaching the ground, slowly collide with the person. This is an altered state of consciousness that allows you to see even the fastest blow, as if in slow motion, and think through the best options. A warrior, through meditation, can master such complex states of consciousness. If an athlete does not master the technique of meditation, he will never be able to control such a state consciously.

Where is the best place to start? Achieving any significant goal requires the seriousness of intentions and efforts that a person expends. Therefore, if an athlete wants to become a Warrior, he needs to be patient and find the knowledge system that will help him become a Warrior. One of the simple options is to find an appropriate spiritual esoteric school, where there are systematic ideas about the world, the formation of self-esteem, goal setting, the opportunity to master the techniques of self-hypnosis and meditation, which will help improve psycho-emotional and energetic preparation. The second option is to independently seek the strongest answers to vital questions, realizing the value of beliefs that make a person strong, psychologically invulnerable (he has his own answer to every question) or weak (he is easily enraged). You need to find attitudes yourself, from books and magazines, in order to take them into your arsenal (for example: who am I, why do I live, how to relate to what).

Third, If a person is trying to improve on his own, then he needs start learning the basics of meditation, those. learn to relax as much as possible.

Introduction to Meditation

Before talking about meditation, you need to understand that the Warrior’s Path can be different - there is a dark path, there is a light one. In one case, a person draws his strength from hatred, in another, he turns to God and cultivates all positive values ​​in himself. Many necessary issues are not related to choosing the Path: discipline, the ability to calculate your steps, physical training to master internal techniques. They are subject to other laws. But a decent part of the questions is related to meditation: communication with the Soul, with Higher powers, with the Subtle World. Therefore, before starting to meditate, a person must decide which path he wants to take.

If this is the path of Light, it is the path of creation, love, defense of justice, bringing peace and harmony into this life, attitude towards the world with trust in the Higher powers. In this case, a person is looking for exactly what fills his heart with joy, what lights a flame in his chest. This flame serves him as a source of enormous inner strength. If a person takes a dark path, the goal of which is power, destruction, violence, then he looks for dark sources of power. In this case, representatives of dark hierarchies will help him and strengthen the opposite qualities - hatred, the art of deception, dependence, etc.

The Center for Human Development is a positive organization. Everything that relates to the path of Light corresponds to it. Naturally, a person who has chosen this path, when he enters a state of meditation, will be helped by the forces of Light in the Subtle World.

There is a huge variety of meditation techniques; this topic is as complex as cybernetics in its richness, various details and concepts. Human consciousness is one of the most complex works of the Soul that exist in this world. How human consciousness and intelligence works is still, by and large, not clear, although many billions of dollars in the world are spent every year to understand this. There are many meditation techniques, but you should always start simple. The first steps are very simple, but the end results can be incredible.

Meditation is a special state, in this state you can do a lot of interesting things. Entry into this state is almost standard (in different schools) - the same basics and techniques. The bottom line is that a person’s physical body is very strongly connected with the centers of his consciousness and the state of meditation is maximum peace, the maximum possible relaxation of the physical body and calming the consciousness (desires, emotions, stopping the flow of thoughts). In most cases, when a person does something, he does not have time to think through everything, track everything, he does what he feels and considers right. In meditation, he stops these automatic subconscious flows in order to perceive his inner world and consciously manage everything that happens there.

So, to the basics: first - entrance to meditation. It is described quite well in autogenic training. To practice meditation, it is advisable to sit comfortably; there are many options: some can do it in the “lotus” position, some can’t do it in a chair, etc. You can experiment and find the most comfortable position. Meditation is based on self-control, i.e. a person silently pronounces the necessary command in order to achieve the desired result.

Basic commands:
1. “muscles are heavy.” The goal is for heaviness to appear, all the muscles to relax and sag.
2. “warm body”, i.e. warmth appears. And, with a good option, the relaxation is so complete that the contours of the arms, legs, and their perception begin to blur a little and, almost, become blurred. When entering meditation, a person feels more of his own energy, the Soul, than the physical body.
3. “the belly is warm.” The stomach is responsible for emotions and, with each command, general relaxation and calming of the mind increases. This is clearly recorded by the relaxation of the abdominal muscles and a change in sensations in the head.
4. “calm heart.” The goal is to create pleasant sensations in your heart that spread throughout your body.
5. “breathing is freed.” The goal is for lightness, joy to appear in the chest and a general state of comfort and pleasure to increase.
6. “The face is relaxed, the forehead is pleasantly cool,” completely calms the brain and nervous system. The reaction also occurs throughout the body.
After the face has relaxed, the next command introduces a person to the first state of meditation- “thoughtlessness, silence, silence.” The task, by periodically repeating this command less and less often, is to keep the feeling of thoughtlessness in your head.

All that is required of a person is to observe what will happen and not interfere with the consciousness itself energetically growing and opening. By maintaining a state of thoughtlessness, a person gets the opportunity to observe how energy is born in him. First, pressure appears in certain places of the head, then increased pressure; pleasant sensations flow from top to bottom along the spine, penetrating into every cell and throughout the body. Tingling sensations, streams of energy begin to flow and the person perceives how strength is pouring into him. It is advisable, of course, to strengthen this state by imagining how an increasingly bright light enters inside a person (white, fiery). If we imagine dark energies, then this is the connection of dark forces. White light is fire, if the Higher powers are not against it, it gives a person the corresponding strength.

As a rule, mastering commands to enter meditation takes several weeks or months in order to get full sensations, and thoughtlessness must be included in regular practice. And if a person decides to practice on his own, then for more than one month, this is more than enough for an initial acquaintance with meditation.

Then there are details, of which there are a great many. For example, to reveal one’s abilities, the connection with Spiritual laws is taken into account here (a person has the right, from the point of view of Higher powers, to receive these abilities, etc.). This includes reprogramming one’s own consciousness (replacing undesirable qualities and attitudes), and purposeful work in the Subtle World (healing, astral battles), and much more, described in various books.

To enter meditation, it is optimal to practice one command 2–3 times a day for 1–2 minutes, if it is worked deeply. In general, entering meditation lasts 5 – 10 minutes. To begin with, approximately twice as much: 10 – 20 minutes and 3 – 5 minutes throughout the day – thoughtlessness. Having grasped this state, its energetic power, the next step is to develop the ability to connect this state to your real everyday life.

Meditation is mainly associated with controlling consciousness with the help of images; it does not require maximum volitional efforts.

Self-hypnosis. This is a separate technique from meditation. Self-hypnosis does not imply that you need to relax deeply. These are clearly formulated logical commands: what we remove from ourselves, what we reveal. This is one of the main tools for reprogramming yourself at the energy level. Its essence is very simple. Everything a person believes in, everything he has is what he once tested. His habits and characteristics are programs recorded in his consciousness. Self-hypnosis is the ability to change them quite quickly, the ability to rebuild oneself energetically. You need to learn to formulate the right commands for yourself: what I want to get rid of, I destroy (let’s say, fear), and what I want to get, I strengthen (let’s say, courage or fearlessness). The task is to say these commands to yourself with maximum effort of will so that ultimately you can feel: here is fear - it disappears, here is courage - it is born inside me.

Besides this, there is also rituals– special actions when a person turns to the Higher powers and, on the basis of the relevant laws, receives abilities, awards, connections to powerful sources of energy or is freed from karmic barriers and much more.

Are esoteric techniques applicable in real life? Thoughtlessness in its purest form is a state that is necessary in meditation. In life, when we open our eyes, this state turns into contemplation. Contemplating, we see, hear, understand everything, but at the same time we maintain the same deep peace and growth of energy as in thoughtlessness. In specific situations, when an instant and optimal reaction is needed, a state of thoughtlessness helps to feel and understand what the Soul is prompting and instantly implement the information received.

And in order to understand something, a person needs a mind. It must be polished, sharp, allowing a person to enter the necessary information into his consciousness, to imagine it all, incl. how meditation techniques work. In a specific situation, in real conditions, as a rule, there is no time to think and the reaction must be instantaneous. Here, in many ways, you need to be able to listen to yourself and, based on intuition and developed skills, react instantly. Thus, with the help of the mind, we have the opportunity to simulate any real situation and instantly find the optimal way out of it, understand how certain tactical and strategic tasks are solved under changing circumstances. In other words, the mind is needed in order to write down the program.

Dynamic Meditation

Next technique – dynamic meditation. Its essence is that when we have completely calmed down (thoughtlessness: emotions, desires rest), a person has the opportunity to awaken in his Soul what he could not awaken in himself before (when emotions were tense, thoughts were running). Thus, a person, being in a state of thoughtlessness, can take the next step in meditation. He gives his Soul commands that he wants to be carried out and watches as fearlessness, fire in the heart, dignity, whatever is born. With the help of two main tools: an image (a person imagines what he wants, how he wants) and a mental command that reflects the meaning of what he wants (logical programs go through other information channels of consciousness), you can model yourself.

Here it is important to clearly understand how to build yourself, how a person wants to see himself (strong, happy, perfect in all manifestations), and to tune himself to a specific situation. For an athlete, this may be a specific fight. It is in this duel with a specific opponent or in a duel in general (here there are some peculiarities), a person requires such and such a state and he learns to evoke it.

Thus, in meditation, two main tools are used to control ourselves: an image (we imagine what we want) and a spoken word, a thought (what we want from ourselves). There are a lot of technical difficulties in the operation of these tools. This is due to the fact that, in essence, our consciousness is a much more advanced computer than one can imagine, even taking into account the most modern scientific and technical achievements.

The root cause of everything that a person has at the moment (desires, emotions, thoughts, habits, advantages, problems) is the information recorded in the consciousness. When a person is born, he cannot walk or write. All this is recorded in his consciousness using the same mechanisms. If he listens, sees and says: “I want,” this is entered with a “+” sign. This means that he needs and consciousness will fulfill this desire. If: “I don’t want,” this or that negative reaction is formed, which will cause rejection of the corresponding object. Therefore, when we imagine something and want it to be a command, then we need to put willpower into the image or word: “I want.” If you simply observe, this is another program for consciousness: “We observe,” that is, we do not recognize and do not change anything in ourselves. When we add volitional efforts, the internal mood is “I want.” And the more we want, the more powerful energy we generate. This command is perceived as a guide to action.

For example, if we imagine ourselves in the image of some interesting person and want this to be perceived by our consciousness as a command, then it is important to imagine everything in detail: how the eyes should shine, facial expression, posture, sensations inside (the spiritual heart is burning , the whole body is overflowing with energy), etc. In this case, consciousness automatically deciphers the image created by a person. If a person thought about this in advance, then consciousness understands what he wants in detail (what is behind this look, gesture, facial expression). Deciphering an image collected from many commands, consciousness strives to implement it practically and for this purpose, sends commands to all centers participating in this, so that the body is relaxed, the spirit is calmed, the fire in the chest burns, so that the person is in the flows of Light, etc. d.

A separate conversation about how to build yourself, starting with the primary skills of self-management. Let's say a person tries to remain calm before a fight or before some tense, significant situation, by suppressing negative emotions and unnecessary distracting thoughts. Starting from a small or very significant victory and ending with the fact that a person feels that he is soaring, flying, enjoying delight in the situation that he needs. If this is a duel, then a person forms in his mind the state of a master - I see, hear, understand everything, with my eyes closed I know who is where, I feel it with my skin. This is a large, lengthy program of work, but the road will be mastered by those who walk.

The essence of dynamic meditation is to build a logical sequence for yourself: how, starting from who I am at the moment, with all my advantages and disadvantages, step by step, through many stages, to reach my ideal. Moreover, the ideal will constantly improve and, since development is endless, this process can last a person’s entire life and even more than one. Therefore, in order to become stronger, smarter, etc., you need to see how it can be (form many steps) and learn to induce the corresponding states.

A person must clearly, in detail, imagine what he wants, get used to the role of the image whose qualities and abilities he wants to possess. For example, when a person thinks: “I will lose,” he is already, to some extent, dooming himself to defeat. If a person imagines himself only as a physical body that runs on the ground by itself, he cuts off the flow of energy from himself. It’s a completely different matter when a person sees himself as the center of consciousness, influence, and power, protected by God. He imagines how streams of Light descend on him from above from the heavens, enter through the crown, along the spine, fill the chest, and directly enter each chakra. Here, it is advisable to know the energetic structure of a person; the more a person knows it, the better he can use it all. To begin with, we can imagine the main flows: the first – when Light (fire) enters through the crown, along the spine and onto the chest, the second – a wide flow with a diameter of 1-1.5 m descends from above and enters through the skin into every cell of a person.

How much a person is open to God, the Light Forces, how much he believes and through his efforts of will attracts Light (fire) depends on how much stronger he becomes. From the point of view of the Higher Powers, everything is very simple: if you doubt it, it means it’s unclear whether to give you energy. A lot depends on the person’s mood. If a person, when faced with a problem, asks his Soul and Higher Powers for strength and energy to overcome and fight, then he receives them. And if he perceives an unpleasant situation (for example, a missed blow in a duel) as a reason to give up, then the help to him weakens, because he has made a decision - it’s time to give up.

A person’s thought, his mood is a direct program for energy sources. They increase their momentum (and the fight ends when it should end) or stop creating and supplying energy after each failure. Therefore, in dynamic meditation at the energy level, it is desirable that a person, going out on the tatami or walking through life, imagines himself becoming better, stronger, more beautiful and how streams of strength and energy flow into him at great speed. It is important that he evokes in himself the feeling that energy is playing in his body in powerful streams, moving in him. By evoking in himself a feeling of energetic growth, imagining this and directing all the forces of his Soul for this, a person feels that he is becoming stronger, faster, that his perception is becoming more refined (he sees further and much more, hears better, reacts faster). These are programs that you need to instill in yourself, evoking appropriate images.

Regarding the qualities and conditions of a person, before his eyes there should be image - ideal(what I want to be). One of the collective commands, when all the best for a person is fused together: “I am the Warrior of Light.” At the same time, a person must understand that he is fighting in order to become stronger, because God loves strong, worthy people and everyone is obliged to become stronger, to bring love, justice, Light into this world, to learn to give joy to people and protect them. Accordingly, a person must understand that he is fighting against injustice, arrogance and other manifestations of evil. This image, the understanding of what a Warrior of Light should be, will constantly develop.

Logical commands– the words that will accompany the images (“I am calm”, “I am relaxed”, “I am a source of Light”, etc.) will run in parallel. Here you need to think through everything and learn to give these commands to yourself step by step. A person must work with each command until he gets the desired result: the necessary internal state has become stable, has become a habit, appropriate programs have been created at the subconscious level, control centers maintain the person’s state in the mode that he needs. To do this, you need to periodically repeat the command (once an hour, half an hour), during the entire time you work with it. This direct commands– how I want to look, what qualities are displayed in my gaze, etc., and the closer a person comes to real mechanisms, to an understanding of what is inherent in the nature of his Soul, the more efficiently they work.

Besides this, there is association teams. Each person has their own individual characteristics. For some, direct commands work 100%, for others it is better to work with associative ones. For example, if a person wants to find peace, then he does not imagine himself as calm, but as an ideally calm ocean (huge, powerful, which contains strength, but it lies dormant, waiting for its time when the storm strikes). When he needs to be calm, he is absolutely calm. If another state is needed, then the person looks for other associations. The point is that what a person imagines himself to be or what he associates himself with is what he becomes. When he imagines himself to be who he wants to be, he attracts to himself the corresponding patronage in the Subtle World, awakens in the Soul those sources of energy that will allow him to increase the necessary state.

The Ultimate Goal of Dynamic Meditation- thinking about who I want to be, inducing the appropriate states in myself and entering a mode where a person is constantly growing. Because behind one peak reached there is another and, each time imagining oneself more perfect and stronger, a person grows constantly, no matter how long he lives.

M.Yu. Blinking

Founder of scientific and practical
systems "Human Development"

All psychotechniques (PT), from the point of view of combat use, can be considered as an auxiliary mechanism for acquiring certain qualities that help a person survive before the fight, during the fight and after it.

It should be noted that the use of PT in martial arts is, as a rule, a short-term one-time factor. A factor that contributes to victory over the enemy immediately after its use.

Even the process of mastering PT can teach you a lot. In addition, as a result of these exercises, most people, as a rule, increased the speed of movements, the speed of thinking, the accuracy of assessing the situation...

Auxiliary exercises for the development and consolidation of a person’s increased abilities in the use of psychotechnics are divided into three sections:

  1. Achieving increased abilities using methods of intensive cleansing of the body from muscle and mental blocks (“electric shock method”).
  2. Achieving increased abilities without the use of intensive methods of cleansing the body of muscle and mental blocks. In this case, cleansing the body of muscle and mental blocks is carried out using intra-body wave energy processes (“method of low-frequency body vibrations”).
  3. Achieving increased abilities through ascetic procedures (fasting, concentration of intention, intense physical activity).

The most effective is step 1.

The use of psychotechniques in martial arts is such a multifaceted topic that even at the very beginning, it can occupy your attention for a long time. Therefore, I will limit myself to a brief description of some of the basic techniques used in martial arts in relation to their impact on human mental functions

Exercise 1. “Anaerobic respiration”

Anaerobic, that is, oxygen-free respiration provides an oxygen-free pathway for the flow of redox reactions in the human body.

The instructor performing the exercises is in a state of minimal oxygen supply and performs intense physical exercises. By focusing on the breathing process, the instructor, over a fairly long period of time, achieves “switching on” the ability to “simulate” inhalation and exhalation without stopping physical exercise. The exercise gradually becomes more difficult.

Over time, the transition to a “second wind”, similar to the same transition among long-distance runners, occurs faster and faster. It is noted that the unexpected use of anaerobic respiration techniques in a fight blocks the protective and motor functions of the enemy’s body. The exercise is useful as an effective method of defense when using choking techniques.

Exercise 2. “Technique for using the “white spot” in the field of perception of information through the visual sensory channel (VSC)”

The “white spot” (BP) is the sphere in the right and left eyes of a person in which, under certain conditions, he does not distinguish between a visual image. Certain conditions are considered: a) monocular vision; b) concentration of gaze on any object outside the BP.

The instructor performing the exercises is located at a distance of half a meter from the table, on which two dark objects with a diameter of one centimeter lie, at a distance of twenty to thirty centimeters from each other along the front. The instructor performing the exercises closes one eye and focuses his attention on one object closest to him. By moving the body back and forth, left and right without taking your eyes off the selected object, the instructor determines the area where the second object will disappear from the field of visual perception. Do the same with the other eye. The exercise gradually becomes more difficult. At the limit, the instructor must not only develop the skill of instantly turning off the visual perception of an object the size of a man in the BP sphere, but also invert this phenomenon to the enemy’s visual system of perception of the world. The BP is used on real terrain for camouflage and movement unnoticed by the enemy, as well as in a fight for unnoticed movements and strikes. In martial arts, the use of BP leads to the fact that the opponent may not even see the blow being dealt to him.

To reinforce learning, you can use painful methods, preferably electric shocks.

Exercise 3. “Technique for using “white noise” in the field of perception of information through the auditory sensory channel (AS)”

“White noise” (WH) are two frequencies in the auditory sensory frequency range that are not perceived by the human consciousness. At these frequencies, the person’s subconscious is encoded with the subsequent manifestation of the effect of post-hypnotic “suggestion” (“the person thinks that the actions and intentions he performs are his own initiative”).

The instructor performing the exercises turns on the sound signal generator and gradually changes the frequency of the emitted sound, making sure that at a certain frequency he does not hear the signal. The instructor performing the exercises must remember the frequency of this sound signal, and in the future avoid sounds that are close in frequency to this signal.

In martial arts, the BS technique is used to suppress the enemy’s ability to carry out active defensive measures and to directly influence the enemy’s subconscious by enumerating sound signals of different frequencies (“pronouncing a set of command words determined by the frequency components; failure to carry out one of the commands is a sign of finding the enemy’s BS zone”) .

Exercise 4. “Vibration combat”

Vibration combat (VB) is the ability to consciously use vibrations or fibrillations of the body for specific, that is, poorly identified by the enemy’s consciousness (“impairment of mental functions”) movement in space and for delivering high-speed blows to the enemy. Vibration in nature: spontaneous "tremor of the body from rage, from fear, from cold, from sexual tension. The speed of vibration is from 5 to 12 body changes per second, depending on the state of consciousness functions. At high speeds (more than 14 pulsations by the body) it begins "fight of invisibility". An opponent who is unable to move at such speeds, as a rule, loses the fight. An example of an analogue of vibrational movement. If you compress an ordinary spring and release it, it will begin to jump. And its movements will become more frequent and smaller over time. Scheme the movement of the spring in this case is the pattern of spontaneous vibration movement.

This ability is trained with special exercises to master the motor body wave (DTV, see below) and is based on a certain posture of a person. The instructor performing the exercises stands in a certain position: the body weight is transferred to the balls of the feet, the knees are bent, the abdominal muscles are very tense, the torso is tilted forward almost to an angle of 45 degrees with the plane of the ground.

After this, with short, sharp movements, he sways in one place from foot to foot. The instructor should feel an increasing trembling in his body, depending on the strength of the tension of the abdominal muscles, the speed of transferring the body weight from one leg to another and the bending of the knee joints. When a state of stable body trembling is reached, the instructor makes a long jump forward and immediately slows down the movement without changing posture. His legs will begin to take quick, elastic steps. This is partially controlled, or semi-spontaneous, vibration. The instructor gradually changes the frequency of body vibrations by tensing the abdominal muscles and bending the knee joints.

VB technology provides the opportunity to:

  • increase the frequency of body vibrations to the maximum permissible for muscle changes;
  • move in vibrations in any direction;
  • “fall out” from the enemy’s sphere of perception;
  • inflict high-speed blows on the enemy ahead of his action. The high-speed attack technique is indispensable when using the elements of “swinging the pendulum,” that is, in close combat, using firearms. WB is the basis of N.I. Kudryashov’s Hyperborean system “Topot”. In the limit of VB, the SRD technique can be used - changing the rhythm of movement.

Analogue: one of the ways a snake has a suggestive effect on a victim is the SRD method, that is, changing the rhythm of movement from very slow to very fast. In the intelligence of the Russian General Staff until 1917, this method was given considerable attention. DRS is actively used in the World Bank.

Exercise 5. “Differentiated breathing”

Differentiated breathing is the ability of the body to contract and tense the muscles of the chest and the whole body so that one lung inhales and the other exhales at the same time. This ability is trained by special exercises of the yoga system. Due to the complexity of the initial base, this exercise is not considered in this work. The use of DD causes motor stupor of the enemy.

Exercise 6. Remote manipulation in the auditory frequency range"

Distant manipulation in the auditory frequency range (DM-A) is manipulation, that is, control of the enemy’s intentions and actions at a distance using a directed sharp sound into a certain area of ​​his body and the space surrounding him.

The instructor performing the exercises stands in a certain position: the body weight is transferred to the balls of the feet, the knees are bent, the abdominal muscles are very tense, the torso is tilted forward almost to an angle of 45 degrees with the plane of the ground (the “WB principle”).

Smoothly increasing the tension of the abdominal muscles, the instructor directs the mental sound to his feet and mentally “pushing” the sound from the ground, in a wave he directs it up the body, to the lungs, larynx, mouth and further towards the partner moving towards him, using his body as "waveguide".

The training instructor on the quality of the flow of the motor body wave (DTV, see below) lets the instructor know with his voice about his mistakes and corrects his body movements. After performing the required action, the instructor receives information about the result of the impact from the partner, and develops the skill of accurately concentrating sound in certain places of the body and space around the partner (potential enemy). Such places are indicated to him by the training instructor or the SDS expert.

The skill of precise concentration of sound is practiced by changing the tension of the abdominal muscles, the position of the body, its parts, the position of the larynx, mouth, tongue, lips and by measuring the wavelength of the sound with the distance to the partner (potential enemy). Under certain conditions associated with excessive alertness, fear, relaxation after sleep, and so on, a person, as a rule, not only flinches from an unexpected, even quiet sound, but with greater power can be subject to serious trauma to the psyche and body. A precisely directed and concentrated sound shakes the enemy's body, and can even paralyze his movements. Tongue clicking, uterine sounds, and paralyzing screams in martial arts are all examples of the use of DM-A.

Remote manipulation in the auditory frequency range (DM-A) in the limit may look like:

NSSV is a directed standing sound wave in the auditory sensory canal. Analog: a loud voice (voice of God), a standing wave in a body of water or in an electronic or fiber-optic waveguide. In this technique, the human body is used like the soundboard of a guitar, as a waveguide that enhances or weakens the intensity and direction of the combination of rhythms of the existence of organs in the auditory frequency range and, using a certain position of the body in space, directs it in the desired direction to the desired distance. Shocks the human psyche.

SZ - hidden sound.

Silent reproduction of high frequency and low frequency frequencies, actively influencing the psyche and subsequent actions and intentions of the enemy. Differentiated sound (DS) is the use of a double echo effect. Analogue in nature: double echo from rocks. A special technique that allows you to mobilize various resonant combinations of the rhythms of the existence of organs in the auditory frequency range. Using the law “The angle of incidence of the energy flow is equal to the angle of its reflection,” as well as using differently inclined planes available in the surrounding space, the technique of using remote sensing makes it possible to create two or more sound waves with a phase shift. Their intersection in the place where the enemy is located can create zones of different levels of sound pressure on the eardrums and causes various negative phenomena in the psyche.

It makes sense to mention a few more “sound techniques”:

VHF - high frequency sound.

Analogue: the fabulous whistle of the Nightingale the Robber, a high-frequency uterine cry. An unexpected EHF can paralyze a person’s body and psyche.

ZLF - low frequency sound.

Analogue: Tibetan mantras, creaky voices from the inside. GNP can put a person into an altered state of consciousness (ASC) and paralyze the body’s protective functions.

Exercise 7. "Distant coordinate manipulation

Remote coordinate manipulation (DM-K) is manipulation by changing the functions of the human vestibular apparatus. As a military equipment, DM-K is produced after establishing rapport with the enemy.

Rapport is the establishment at a distance of a stable connection with the enemy’s body at the physical, physiological, sensory, mental and energy levels of his life. Rapport or joining is complete control of the enemy’s state. The connection is made using special mental and somatic techniques.

The instructor performing the exercises stands in a certain position: the body weight is transferred to the balls of the feet, the knees are bent, the abdominal muscles are very tense, the torso is tilted forward almost to an angle of 45 degrees with the plane of the ground (the “WB principle”). By smoothly changing the tension of the body muscles, the instructor mentally projects the slightest change in his body onto his partner (potential opponent). The training instructor of the SDS on the quality of the flow of the motor body wave (DTV, see further) lets the instructor know with his voice about his mistakes and corrects the movements of his body, mainly the speed of its changes. After performing the required action, the instructor receives information about the result of the impact from the partner, and develops the skill of accurately projecting a mental change onto the partner (potential enemy).

When using DM-K, the enemy may lose support under his feet and awkwardly fall to the side. The skill of precise concentration of thought is practiced using the exercise “Telehypnotic suppression of personality at a distance and directly in combat (TGSHGG).

Under certain conditions associated with excessive emotionality and forceful properties of movement, with a clearly formed intention of movement, with fear, and so on, a person, as a rule, can not only lose balance, but with sufficient development of DM-K can be subject to serious mental trauma.

A precisely directed and concentrated thought can paralyze an opponent's movements.

The exercise gradually becomes more difficult.

To develop this skill, first of all, those who already have relevant experience gather. As a rule, these people are “magicians”, “manipulators”, gamblers.

To reinforce learning, use painful methods, preferably electric shocks. Components of DM-K:

DM-ER - energy-disruptive distant manipulation.

Point impact on the “subtle” rhythms of the energy-informational image of the human body after joining it. Analogue: controlling a person at a distance with fingers, in Indian - castes and mudras - in the ninju-tsu system. Control is carried out by linear movements of the head and hands. When using DM-ER, the enemy’s body usually bends sharply in one of the parts of the body, and he himself loses orientation in space.

DM-OV - remote manipulation using the effect of slowing down and stopping time.

A little theory. Time is a flow of events. Control of the flow of events is carried out with the help of a bodily wave and by slowing down its development in the body. Slowing down and stopping the rhythm of the body's vital functions is known to many martial arts specialists. Analogue: high-speed movements, when a person’s actions seem to be slow, as well as exercises of the Tai Chi Chuan system with slowing down the rhythm of movements using a motor body wave. When using DM-OV, the enemy usually freezes in place in an awkward position.

Exercise 8. Remote manipulation by changing the spatio-temporal connections of the surrounding space

Remote manipulation by changing the spatio-temporal connections of the surrounding space (DM-PV) - is used after establishing rapport with the enemy and is used as a mechanism for controlling his behavioral reactions. The instructor performing the exercises stands in a certain position: the body weight is transferred to the balls of the feet, the knees are bent, the abdominal muscles are very tense, the torso is tilted forward almost to an angle of 45 degrees with the plane of the ground (the “WB principle”). The gaze is unfocused and motionless.

Smoothly changing the tension of the body muscles in a spiral and twisting in a spiral in one direction or the other, the instructor mentally projects the change in his body in a spiral onto a partner (potential opponent). The training instructor of the SDC on the quality of the flow of the spiral motor body wave (DTV, see below) lets the fighter know with his voice about his mistakes and corrects the movements of his body, mainly the smoothness of changes in his body. After performing the required action, the instructor receives information about the result of the impact from the partner, and develops the skill of accurately projecting mental accompaniment of the spiral change in the body onto the partner (potential enemy).

The brain of a combatant in this state is somewhat reminiscent of a “heavy” liquid crystal structure, more often than not, liquid metal. In the limit, DM-PV is produced using spiral-twisted movements of the head or with the help of a corresponding mental message.

For the instructor to sufficiently understand the required state of consciousness, it is useful to watch a film: a snake forces the victim to crawl into its mouth, partially changing the state of its vital activity, blocking defensive reactions and using its spiral motor functions for specified purposes.

When using DM-PV, the enemy performs complex flips and somersaults. The skill of precise concentration of thought is practiced using the exercise “Telehypnotic suppression of personality at a distance and directly in combat (TGPL).” The exercise gradually becomes more difficult.

To develop this skill, first of all, those who already have relevant experience gather ("godfathers" people, "Capricorn" people). To consolidate the training, use painful methods, best of all with electric discharges.

Exercise 9. Motor Body Wave (BW) MW is a way of connecting changes in Li (Chinese - physical movement) and Qi (Chinese - internal energy).

The instructor performing the exercises stands in a certain position: the body weight is transferred to the balls of the feet, the knees are bent, the abdominal muscles are toned, the “back of an angry cat” is formed, the torso is slightly tilted forward. The gaze is concentrated and motionless. The instructor begins to imitate the movements of a person in water. A little theory. At the first stages of studying DTV, a person’s movements really resemble his movements in water. Subsequently, the speed of movements increases to the level of vibration combat (VB) and “invisible combat” due to a consistent increase in the speed of contraction of the body muscles.

The training instructor of the SDC on the quality of the flow of the spiral motor body wave (SMB) lets the instructor know about his mistakes with his voice and corrects the movements of his body, mainly the undulation of changes in his body. DTV implies mastering the correct posture - otherwise, at high speeds of body movement, displacement of the vertebrae and ruptures of its tissues, as well as spontaneous fibrillations, are possible. The general principle of posture is the absence of right angles between different parts of the body. The laws of physics state that force is not transmitted at right angles, so a body wave uses only smooth transitions between all parts of the body. DTV is the optimal way to transfer force from the support to the impact surface.

To reinforce learning, use painful methods, preferably electric shocks.

A motor body wave (MBW) in the limit can look like: km - “swing of a pendulum”.

km is the execution of high-speed optimal movements from side to side - hence the comparison with a pendulum in a clock - and all the accompanying psycho-energetic techniques that help evade bullets fired from small arms. Analogue: a) “swinging of the pendulum” when the spine rotates along a figure-of-eight trajectory in the horizontal plane; b) spring technique (PT), that is, high-speed transfers of body weight from foot to foot, leading to the swinging of first the torso, and then the whole body in space; c) three-dimensional ancient Slavic “pendulum”, performed using the melody of an internal chant. PT - spring technique.

Analogue: “swinging the pendulum,” that is, making optimal high-speed movements to evade bullets fired from small arms. When using PT, clearly perceptible “vortices” appear in the legs, which help a person overcome the impact of significant accelerations on his body. Used in KM and in VB.

Exercise 10. “Telehypnotic suppression of personality at a distance and directly in combat (TGPL)”

The principle is based on extreme concentration of thought. The instructor performing the exercises is in a closed room with minimal access to light in front of a solid wall painted gray. By concentrating and unfocusing his gaze, the instructor for quite a long time achieves the “switching on” of the ability to “see” events outside the walls and room. Subsequently, the instructor focuses his attention on the required object and mentally forces it to perform the necessary actions, after which he lets the training instructor know his intention with his voice and receives information about the result. The exercise gradually becomes more difficult. When waging a protracted "guerrilla" war in the mountains and on rough terrain, the ability to force the enemy to "prove himself" was an indispensable skill. To develop this skill, those who already had relevant experience gathered, first of all. The more people gathered in such a special unit, the more effective the result was. To reinforce learning, use painful methods, preferably electric shocks.

Exercise 11. "Eliminating unnecessary movements"

Elimination of unnecessary movements (ULM) is a unique technique that can transform human movements into high-speed ones, that is, practically, set the mode of so-called “computer or robotic movement.” The ULD technique is directly related to the technique of mastering the motor body wave (MBW). “Computer movement” is a term that maximally describes the meaning of movements in vibration combat (VB) or in the combat of trembling bodies, which is an applied form of studying high-speed and super-power body movements. A little theory. Getting used to a certain movement allows you to do it in the most effective way. Including in a vibration fight or in any fight. The instructor performing the exercises stands in a certain position: the body weight is transferred to the balls of the feet, the knees are bent, the abdominal muscles are very tense, the torso is tilted forward almost to an angle of 45 degrees with the plane of the ground (the “WB principle”). The gaze is focused and motionless. Start of the exercise. Smoothly changing the tension of the body muscles in a spiral and twisting in a spiral in one direction or the other, the instructor directs a blow with his hand in a spiral towards a partner standing out of reach (potential opponent).

At some arbitrary point in time, the instructor begins to slowly straighten his knees and, at the mental command “Forward!” quickly throws several punches towards the partner. The SDS training instructor records the time using a stopwatch, that is, counts the number of blows in 10 seconds.

Continue the exercise. The instructor performs the same exercise, but in a slightly different way. He begins its execution by bending the knee joint, that is, in particular, by transferring the center of gravity of the body to the ball of the leg that is closer to the partner, twisting down in a spiral so as to begin to accelerate the movement of the arm corresponding to the position of the leg. Together with the bend of the knee joint, at the initial moment of this movement, slightly lower the elbow of the arm closest to your partner slightly downward, position your arm from the elbow to the hand parallel to the floor. After this, the instructor sharply straightens the body by extending the knee and throws the hand forward to the place where you need to hit. This is the first phase of the exercise.

But already at this stage, the SDS training instructor can catch and record with a stopwatch an increase in the speed of movement of the fighter’s hand while continuously performing, for example, 10 strikes. The hand will begin to “slide” in space, using the hitherto unknown power of its harmonious change in space. Now about the second phase of the exercise.

At that moment in time, when the hand has already “rushed” towards the partner and has almost reached the surface of his body, the instructor bends the knee joint again. That is, in the process of starting and returning the movement, he must plan to bend the knee joint twice in this short period of time. These two initial bends need to be synchronized with the forward and backward movement of the arm. Unsynchronize, that is, spend some time trying to achieve unity in the execution of these two separate movements, united by a common result. A “flying” hand forward and a bending knee, ensuring its return back and subsequent forward movement - this is the secret to improving the quality of the first movement from the field of “computer movement”.

After the second bending, the instructor’s body returns to its original position and is again ready for the first phase. The hand is next to the body, the elbow is slightly lowered down. The training instructor SDS gives the command to continue the exercise and, based on the quality of the flow of the spiral motor body wave (SMB), lets the instructor know about his mistakes with his voice and corrects the movements of his body, mainly the undulation and synchronicity of changes in his body.

After some time, the instructor should clearly feel the wave in his body (DTV). Its basic principle: one part of the body moves down, the other moves forward. Or one part of the body moves up, the other moves back. The training instructor uses a stopwatch to time how many times the instructor can perform a given movement in 10 seconds using the new recommendation. This is one of the trajectories of the so-called “computer movement”, that is, the most effective movement of the body in space. Movement based on motor body wave (MBW). The exercise gradually becomes more difficult.

To develop this skill, first of all, those who already have relevant experience in high-speed movements gather (people who are “fast on their feet”, “fast on their hands”).

To consolidate the skill of double knee bending, use painful methods, preferably electric shocks. In the limit, the exercise might look like:

BB - rotating space.

With the help of a motor body wave and targeted rotation of the body, a fighter can mentally spin energy funnels around his body into which the enemy or his weapon falls. In a fight, it is used to capture the enemy's attention and draw his body into a vulnerable zone.

Theoretical aspects of methods of using psychotechnologies in martial arts

Listing of methods for using some psychotechniques in kb martial arts - complex effects.

Complex influence takes into account the whole variety of psychotechnical and somatic procedures in martial arts and allows us to introduce the term “virtual influence” when using it. Virtuality is a term that explains the essence, appearance of phenomena. LA - local analgesia, that is, partial pain relief. LA is achieved by special training of mental functions to shift the focus of a person’s attention from the painful area beyond its boundaries with the presentation of corresponding dynamic and static images. LA techniques are used during interrogations. NV - Sticky look."

NV is used to introduce a person into a trance state, that is, into a state when the person’s focus of attention is directed inward. In this state, a person can be very vulnerable to forceful physical impact. NLP - neuro-linguistic programming. NLP is the trainable ability, within a short period of time, to determine the strategy of the enemy’s use of his sensory channels of Perception of Information and to enter control commands into his subconscious. With the help of NLP, it becomes possible to control the behavior of a hypnotized person using sound or some other commands. OBM - Stopping the internal monologue.

Analogue: Indian and Zen techniques for stopping the internal monologue, research by K. Castaneda. Used to telepathically read information about the enemy's intentions and actions and to actively prevent his attacking movements and intentions.

RV - defocusing of attention.

It is used to distract attention from a moving limb with the help of a body moving in a certain, optimal, wave manner. For example, if the body moves in a wave in one direction, then the subsequent movement of the hand to the other guard may not be identified by the opponent’s consciousness (BP) and he may miss the blow.

RORZ - resonance, reflection, expansion of sound.

Analogue: R. Steiner's developments on eurythmy, that is, on the ability of a body moving in a certain way to produce characteristic sounds. For example, a hand moving quickly may make a whistling sound; In the Indian tradition, the concept of “humming kundalini” is known, that is, the human body, under certain conditions, can make a buzzing sound. RORZ consists of three phases.

All of them have practical significance for martial arts. The phase of resonating internal organs to a chosen rhythm or sound can be achieved using the “sounding of organs” technique (based on the book “Secrets of a Healthy Spine” by N. Andreeva). The reflection phase suggests that the body, like the soundboard of a guitar, is tuned and ready to reflect sound with any part of it. This phase is trained in a cave with powerful acoustics. The expansion phase is characterized by sound “flowing” from the ears or from any part of the body, which can be directed in any direction. Techniques NZ, NSZV, ZVCh, ZNC and others like them become more effective with the help of RORZ. SP - sensory pressure.

Active influence in the sensory channels of smell and taste. Special units have developed methods for suppressing human mental functions using shock shock. SP is most effective at the level of pre-disorders in the human psyche (potential level of risk with unfavorable prognostic signs - pre-pathologies) and at the pre-nosological level (mental maladaptation, mild pathology). “The taste of blood”, “the smell of death” - these are the main imagery developed in the secret laboratories of the military-industrial complex. SP is used in vibration combat “Stomp”, when, with the help of simple and complex procedures and technical actions on the eyes, nose, mouth, throat, ears, and so on, the enemy’s attention is drawn to problems with his own health. The techniques have a general name: “Sensory Channel Jamming.” SRD - change in breathing rhythm.

Analogue: one of the ways to record a person’s state as a “prey” or “hunter” is to track the frequency of his breathing. If breathing is frequent, then the person is most likely in a “victim” state, and vice versa. Frequent breathing activates metabolic processes and changes the state of the body's biochemical balance towards an altered state of consciousness. SRD is an intermediate technique that can indirectly identify the effect on a combatant’s body. TL - body armor.

Analogue: the “iron shirt” technique in the eastern tradition of qi-gong. TL is based on special training of mental functions and is described by the mechanism of local synchronization of a multi-level impulse in response to an external shock physical impact. The peak of DTV, as a mechanism for concentrating the physical, physiological, sensory, mental energy capabilities of a person, "s TL technique is directed to the place where the enemy strikes. In this case, the blow as a traumatic factor is not felt, but is felt as an energetic impact that can be used in as an intensive “resource feed” for the body.

TLNP - bodily neuro-linguistic programming.

There is a sequence of body movements that can block a person's motor functions. Analogue: “body language” is known from an ancient Indian source by the author Bhagarata, from the books of A. Pease, from practical recommendations for special forces employees. In the eastern school of "Mantis" there are known sets of movements that can block the motor functions of an opponent. In martial arts it is used as a set of characteristic movements that block the dynamics of the enemy, up to the stupor of his motor functions. TNK - technique of sticking limbs.

Analogue: in sex, the bodies of partners can literally “stick” to each other, and then each partner easily perceives any change in the other’s body and easily adapts to it, and also controls it. In martial arts, TNK is used when the opponents' bodies are in close contact for effective proactive and defensive actions, as well as for training relevant mental skills.

TOD - reverse breathing technique.

Analogue: diaphragmatic “breathing” of a baby during intrauterine development. “Inhalation” or inhalation of food by the fetus is carried out by moving the diaphragm, creating rarefaction in the corresponding cavities of the baby’s body. “Exhalation” ensures the removal of toxins from the baby’s body. It is used to twist funnels or solitons in space, affecting the dynamics of the enemy and leading him to errors in actions and intentions. TUK - technique of lengthening limbs. Analogue: it is noted that some blows reach the enemy from a distance from which it is almost impossible to reach him - this is the spontaneous use of the TUK. TUK is based on the ability to move in spiral-twisted trajectories of a motor body wave (MBW) and on shifting the center of gravity of the body down to the support.

TSP - shuffling sole technique.

Analogue: animals are intuitively frightened by the sharp shuffling movement of a person with their sole on the ground. HTSP is associated with the concept of “white noise” (WH).

SHV - a sigh of shock."

Analogue: the first, shocking breath for the body, of a newborn baby. ShV is used to relieve muscle tension in the human torso and to allow air to enter the internal space of the lungs. ShV is necessary for further pressure of the intrapulmonary space by compression of the surrounding muscles and ribs and to create excess pressure in the intrapulmonary space for a more intense process of oxidative reactions. ShV significantly adds strength to the combatant and even helps to create a wave of force on the enemy.

EC - energy centers.

Analogue: Indian chakras and Chinese energy centers - for example, manipura or, in Chinese, dan-tian. In the Hyperborean tradition, seven centers are considered: 1 - level of the coccyx (stability), 2 - level of the pubis (sexual energies), 3 - level of the navel (center of power), 4 - level of the heart (center of love), 5 - level of the throat (center of emotions) , 6 - forehead level (intelligence center), 7 - crown level (highest energy center). At the level of the solar plexus there is a specific biocomputer that controls all energy centers; in the same place the center of the plexus of nervous communications of the human body is located. In martial arts, the 3rd and 6th energy centers are mainly used: the center of force-movement and the center of manipulation of human consciousness. In breathing and sound techniques, the 1st center is used. The 5th center is used for special adjustments for subsequent communication with space. The 2nd center is used to replenish the body with energy. For example, female harems were always kept so that the ruler could gain energy from specially trained women and use it for practical purposes, including combat purposes. When working with energy centers for combat purposes, you can create an energy situation that promotes victory without physical combat. Thus, the leader of any pack suppresses the initiative of a possible enemy in advance, without a fight, if he cannot overcome the psychological and energy barriers.

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